No Show Jan Flory and Vector Control’s Resolution 423-The beginning of the aerial assault on Orange County California
Posted by Joe Imbriano in AERIAL POISONING on April 21, 2016
Today is the scheduled official vote on whether to transfer the power to spray all of us from the Vector control board appointees to the Vector Control manager Rick Howard.
“Agenda for the 833rd Meeting, April 21, 2016 Page – 2
9. Adopt Resolution No. 423 Authorizing the District Manager Authority to Implement Aerial Spraying for Adult Mosquito Control (Adulticiding) Within a Specified Area to Suppress a Mosquito-borne Disease Outbreak Threatening Human Health When Surveillance Records Indicate a Need for Immediate Action is Required: (Exhibit B, C)
Recommendation The District Manager recommends that the board of trustees adopt Resolution No. 423 authorizing the District Manager to implement aerial adulticiding spraying to suppress a mosquito-borne disease outbreak in a specified area when surveillance records indicate a need for immediate action.”
Transfering the power from the board to the District Manager is an illegal power grab and he should not be given this authority to DECLARE an emergency at ANY TIME by the Trustees because Vector Control has not even attempted to legitimitely implement the proper steps to declare an emergency.
Boots on the ground are where this battle is won. That involves educating the public BEFORE any emergency is declared. The department has a $40,000 budget for public education and outreach for the 3 million residents but yet has a over a million dollars set aside to spray us. This makes no sense.
There is no public notice regarding spraying and it even looks like they still have plans in place to notify the public AFTER they declare an emergency to spray.
Please attend and voice your opposition to this unconscionable power grab and threat to the OC. The meeting is at 2pm today
If Rick Howard determines, he will have the authority to spray millions of people against their will . Rick Howard could allow planes to spray any pesticide he deems necessary, as frequently as he deems necessary, in whatever concentration he deems necessary, in what ever location he deems necessary, and at what altitude he deems necessary. Yes you heard me folks. Recently Jan Flory and a majority of this board voted against supporting a Senate Bill that would have required advance notification to the residents. According to their own statements, they estimate that half of the breeding grounds for mosquitoes in the OC are located on residential properties yet they have a paltry $40,000 allocated to reach the residents?
The common sense approach to this problem is outreach and education. The most effective way to end the threat is boots on the ground and information in the hands of the people. Everyone needs to dump all freestanding water on their properties and tell their neighbors. With their behavior at the last meeting, it appears they want no notices going out and the spraying to take place in the dark-literally.
The disease has killed 8 people here in the past year but the majority of the victims had severely compromised immune systems already. Out of the millions of residents who were bitten by mosquitoes last year, 99.997% survived which means most never even knew they had it. This is a non issue and is clearly a pretext to just another component of a eugenics agenda.
2015 Reported West Nile Virus Infections in Orange County out of 3 million residents (Infections by Type) |
Gender |
Age Group |
Disease Type |
Total |
Male |
Female |
<18 |
18 – 49 |
50 – 64 |
≥ 65 |
West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease |
71 |
47 |
24 |
12 |
35 |
24 |
West Nile Fever |
21 |
13 |
8 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
9 |
Asymptomatic |
5 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Classification Pending |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Total Infections |
97 |
63 |
34 |
1 |
15 |
47 |
34 |
Total Deaths |
8 |
Jared Dever, a spokesman for Vector Control, the agency responsible for fighting disease-carrying pests, has said aerial spraying would be a last resort. But yet they tell us that other techniques are ineffective such as spraying pesticides from trucks in unpopulated areas such as the Bolsa Chica Wetlands, spraying pesticides into street gutters and down manholes and placing mosquito-eating fish in abandoned swimming pools. So obviously they will spray the entire OC.
Spraying would happen at night over targeted neighborhoods using a chemical called Duet. Its active ingredients are Sumithrin and Prallethrin. The World Health Organization says Prallethrin is “very toxic” to bees and fish but of “low toxicity” to birds; it has found no evidence it is carcinogenic to mammals.
WE DO NOT want them to adopt resolution No. 423. Jan Flory is up for election in November.
For the first time in ORANGE COUNTY’S 100 PLUS YEAR HISTORY, VECTOR CONTROL wants to spray 53,000 acres of Orange County with a pesticide called “Duet dual action adulticide” and put the power into the hands of one unelected man. The manager of Vector Control. Last year, they almost did it WITHOUT mass mailing, WITHOUT your permission, WITHOUT your knowledge and WITHOUT your input.
Here is the FIRST area being targeted for the poisons to be sprayed on ALL THE HOMELESS and everyone else.
Despite 3 million people living otherwise what are considered far from normal healthy lives, a few dead birds and a mere 8 cases of mostly immunocompromised people succumbing to West Nile on top of their chronic illness, WEST NILE IS NON LIFE THREATENING.4
If they can pass this today, the public health authorities will determine IN SECRET, BEHIND OUR BACKS that it will be time to spray all of you at 300 feet while you sleep with what they call safe levels of pesticide whose components are highly toxic to insects and some animals. They also tell us that the poison breaks down into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight?
Bullshit-Pyrethroids which are an active ingredient in “Duet adulticide” are modified to increase their stability in sunlight. Prallethrin which is a pyrethroid is found in Duet. Then they add the synergists like Piperonyl butoxide which are designed to deal a heavy blow to the target’s immune system to ensure efficacious delivery of the poison.
Are you kidding me? Oh sure it will all vanish when the children wake up and go outside but not before it blankets the homeless, avoids all the storm drains where the mosquitoes breed and creeps into all the homes and breathed by all of you when you are sleeping.
Look at the ingredients here Duet product label. Petroleum products don’t breakdown at sunrise especially on soft porus surfaces. Folks I am not attempting to downplay the dangers of contracting any disease. I am merely here to point out that Orange County Vector Control has made a decision that impacts millions of people and you know nothing about it and how this plays into a much larger problem than most of you realize.
Look public health is no joke folks but it doesnt trump the rights of millions of people when it comes to setting a precedent to spray us with whatever chemical concoction these unelected people decide on during a secret 10am Monday morning meeting with no formal written notice, or our consent and only 6 days to go. They just did this with the vaccines a few weeks ago with SB277.
Looks like Fullerton’s Vector Control Trustee Jan Flory’s absence on 3-19-15, her refusal to respond to my emails and her hand in the August proceedings has her jumping right out of the frying pan and into the fire.
She is batting 1000 ramming dangerous microwave radiation emitting cell towers right next to schools and homes and now she has her dirty claws into forcibly exposing everyone to petrochemical poisons through nightime spraying operations, going along with opposing formal written notices to the residents, no consent of the people, no public discussion on the matter all the while refusing to respond to my emails.
There is no WEST NILE emergency here but there is a public health crisis of epic proportions that has nothing to do with mosquitoes. We have a massive epidemic of people who constantly eat complete crap, get way too much wireless exposure occupationally, at school, at home,those who stay up all night playing video games, who don’t get enough sleep, take way too many pills and poisonous medications, drugs, drink too much alcohol, drink too many toxic energy drinks, eat too much toxic meat, don’t get enough exercise, watch too much TV, drink too much toxic diet joke and aspartame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose laden beverages, don’t get enough sunlight, don’t get enough fresh air, and don’t drink enough water so of course they are going to get sick. DON’T SPRAY ALL THE HEALTHY PEOPLE BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE WANT TO ABUSE THEMSELVES and are afraid of mosquitoes. West Nile is harmless to normal healthy people with flu like symptoms at worst.
Of course there is also a vulnerable subset of the population who are immuno compromised for other reasons and have poor immune systems. For those people- STAY INDOORS AT DUSK AND CLOSE YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS. This is just another manufactured crisis like the Disney measles fraud where no one died and now they have the right to forcibly vaccinate all 20 million children with whatever they damn well please. Now they forcibly spray you all with this crap.
They claim the problem is a mosquito born zoonotic virus illness called West Nile Virus. Look folks, disease has been around for a long time but not the ones that jump species. For a virus to possibly go directly from avian or simian to human, was an extremely rare event up until recently. These are bio weapons pure and simple and have their origins in laboratories all around the world that US tax dollars are funding.,%20Bioterrorism%20and%20the%20Media.html
This has been released to set the precedent for the very thing we are witnessing here-FORCED AERIAL CHEMICAL POISONING OF THE POPULATION, THE POTENTIAL FOR FORCED VACCINATION AND INTENTIONALLY INDUCED ILLNESS BY THOSE WHO ARE NO STRANGERS TO BIO TERRORISM-THE US GOVERNMENT. The solution is to spray entire affected areas from aircraft at low levels. So what in the world are they going to spray and what the heck is really in this stuff?
Oral exposure to allethrin could affect fertility and may contribute to deregulation of cell cycle in the male reproductive tract.In the epididymides and testes, damage to tubular architecture, congestion, degeneration of epithelial cell lining, intestinal edema, and presence of dead or degenerating spermatids were observed in a dose dependent manner
Exposure to allethrin-based mosquito coil smoke could lead to oxidative stress and compromise germ cell production.
there are tons more……
Phenothrin aka Sumithrin
and Petroleum distillates
Folks I could fill pages of what this crap does but I wont here. The point is that this kind of draconian solution to a non problem needs to involve the people being affected. This is just another form of medical tyranny being carried out by people who blindly follow orders and believe everything that the so called government and industry experts tell them.
We now live in a town where your children are being forcibly irradiated by the wireless systems in the schools, where we are being forcibly irradiated in our homes by the microwave towers, where your children are being forcibly vaccinated, where your entire family is being forcibly poisoned with the municipal water supplies and now you will all be forcibly poisoned in the air by the coming wave of aerial spraying at 300 feet.
Folks believe me, there will be more spraying as long as you all remain stupid enough to accept all of this. This is just the beginning. Like I have stated publicly before, we live in a scientifically designed kill grid where shut off the water so you cant grow food, cram everyone in high rise tilt ups while the US is 95% rural open space.
vaccines and forced sterilization
wireless and forced sterilization
geoengineering and the drought
If our ancestors could only hear us now-ONE IF BY LAND, TWO IF BY SEA, THREE IF BY AIR AND FOUR IF AT YOUR FEET. You can dismiss all this as nonsense and you can say that all of these things are necessary all you want. One thing is certain folks, these things are all AGENDA 21 Trojan Horses that are and will be used against us by those at the highest levels who wish us harm. They simply use the low level rubber stamp hacks and the compartmentalized research apparatus to carry out eugenics with no one even questioning and it always starts in the neighborhoods south of the tracks. It will spread northward. GET INVOLVED AND OPEN YOUR EYES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.
Call your local police department, if you live in a spray area, and REPORT THIS CRIME that Vector Control of OC plans to commit! California Penal Code 375. (a) It shall be unlawful to throw, drop, pour, deposit, release, discharge or expose, or to attempt to throw, drop, pour,
deposit, release, discharge or expose in, upon or about any theater,
restaurant, place of business, place of amusement or any place of
public assemblage, any liquid, gaseous or solid substance or matter
of any kind which is injurious to person or property, or is nauseous,
sickening, irritating or offensive to any of the senses.
The Wireless Holocaust
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Forced Microwave Irradiation of Children In School
Are you part of this holocaust?
If you are advancing the promotion of “Best Practices” or school policies that even call for “minimizing”, “low EMF” or “turning off” wireless devices/routers when not being used, you are effectively promoting the irradiation of children. You are harming children.
- Essentially, you are responsible for setting in motion/causing disease and premature death in children.
- Essentially, you are responsible for setting in motion the sterilization of children.
- Essentially, you are usurping parental rights by promoting adoption of a known health hazard in their child’s school environment without their informed consent.
- Essentially, you are supporting the use of pulse modulated wireless microwave radiation, a known military weapon in a child’s school environment.
- Essentially, you are supporting the introduction of a Class 2B(according to experts, microwaves should be a Class 1 Carcinogen) into a forced exposure environment.
- Essentially, you are actively involved in aiding and abetting school boarm members, administrators and staff who are breaking the law, reference CA State Education Code 32060 – 32066; CA Education Code section 51101 (d) (7); possible violation of CA Ed Code 52060(g), 52062 on the adoption of an LCAP and 52063.
- Essentially, you are advancing a practice that incurs liability for school districts, personnel and board members.
- Essentially, you are undermining the work of others that understand the only answer is to remove wireless radiation completely from the educational setting.
- Essentially, you are conveying the message that “some” amount of radiation exposure is permissible. We all know that is not the case.
Honest and truthful practices and policies reflect the reality of microwave radiation exposure and that necessitates that it be completely removed from the school environment. Anything less, supports yielding our children’s health and well being to outside interests.
Are you part of this holocaust?
Lock upwards of 35 children in a room full of them in use all day and see what happens especially when the antenna is on their reproductive organs.
Check out the academic prowess of this civic minded Troy teacher standing up for her paycheck.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children? on April 19, 2016
Listen to her turn her back on the children after she is done telling Joe Imbriano to leave the sidewalk as we are warning the parents and students of the documented harms of forced classroom wireless microwave exposure.
We have been out on the sidewalks in front of Troy High School for 3 years now. The only time the teachers show up has been to line their pockets. Well this morning, they were out bright and early dressed in red. Today, however, was a milestone. This teacher actually told us to leave the area because we WERE A DISTRACTION FROM THEIR PROTEST.
This Troy teacher appears to have no concern for her students’ health, safety and welfare muchless a clue about free speech, The First Amendment, or the right to privacy on a public sidewalk. I hope this woman isn’t teaching civics. At any rate, the teachers have repeatedly lined the streets when it comes to lining their pockets but what do they do when it comes to protecting students against forced microwave exposure with the district’s proposed technology program?
This one told us to leave a public sidewalk and accused me of invading her privacy out in public on a public sidewalk as she called scientific findings that prove wireless radiation causes cancer our beliefs.
The Fullerton Joint Union High School District has been awash in this information for over 3 years.
When will the teachers stand up for the students?
Please come to the city council meeting tomorrow night and tell Jan Flory not to spray Fullerton with pesticide from the air
Posted by Joe Imbriano in AERIAL POISONING on April 18, 2016
Jan Flory is a member of the OC Vector Control Board which is scheduled to vote Wednesday on authorization for aerial spraying of Orange County with insecticide. Please come to the city council meeting Tuesday April 19th and fill out a speaker slip to speak during the public comment period at 630pm and tell her how you feel.
“Agenda for the 833rd Meeting, April 21, 2016 Page – 2
9. Adopt Resolution No. 423 Authorizing the District Manager Authority to Implement Aerial Spraying for Adult Mosquito Control (Adulticiding) Within a Specified Area to Suppress a Mosquito-borne Disease Outbreak Threatening Human Health When Surveillance Records Indicate a Need for Immediate Action is Required: (Exhibit B, C)
Recommendation The District Manager recommends that the board of trustees adopt Resolution No. 423 authorizing the District Manager to implement aerial adulticiding spraying to suppress a mosquito-borne disease outbreak in a specified area when surveillance records indicate a need for immediate action.”
WE DO NOT want them to adopt resolution No. 423. SPEAK TOMORROW AT YOUR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO EXPRESS THIS GRAVE CONCERN! Jan Flory is up for election in November.
For the first time in ORANGE COUNTY’S 100 PLUS YEAR HISTORY, VECTOR CONTROL wants to spray 53,000 acres of Orange County with a pesticide called “Duet dual action adulticide” and put the power into the hands of one unelected man. The manager of Vector Control. Last year, they almost did it WITHOUT mass mailing, WITHOUT your permission, WITHOUT your knowledge and WITHOUT your input.
Joe Imbriano on The Richman Park Cell Tower
Posted by Joe Imbriano in cell tower dangers, Forced irradiation of school children on April 18, 2016
Brazen or brainless: who appointed S.C.A.G. operative Mayan Johnson to the Fullerton Planning Commission?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21 on April 16, 2016
So what city officials would appoint an employee of SCAG to its planning commission out of 17 applicants who were all highly qualified? You may be unpleasantly surprised.
This is how massive development moves at lightning speed. This woman works for a private corporation (SCAG) that appears to be in direct conflict with her position on the planning commission.
How could she have been chosen out of 17 applicants and then approved in 5-0 vote? Everyone there knew where she worked, it was discussed she worked for SCAG.
SCAG (Southern CA Assn. of Governments) is the largest regional government in the US covering 6 counties and 191 cities. SCAG has a $540 Billion plan to remake SoCal in the next 2 decades and operates in Near Darkness. Educate yourselves in order to protect your freedoms. PLEASE ADD ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS, EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEARN ABOUT REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS. Stop SCAG is dedicated to educating the public about Unelected, Unconstitutional Regional Governments.
Contact them at or at Twitter @STOPSCAG or Facebook
Here is the text of a speech given by Grindall from his you tube channel earlier this year, a recent visitor to our council meeting.
“First and foremost SCAG is a corporation, and because SCAG is a corporation I do not consent to any of your mandates, edicts, or demands. You need to show me the contract I signed as a willing consenting adult before we can even have a conversation.
Secondly, SCAG is not constitutional. Nowhere in the constitution does it talk about JPA’s. It’s a made up term to steal government away from people at the local level.
There is nothing good about regional government. When you take 191 cities and put them altogether into 1 body which is what SCAG is, you have created a massive government.
There is not one big government in history that has ended well for the people.
This whole SCAG regional transportation process proves why regionalism is terrible for this country.
An associate of mine and I discussed sitting down and reading the thousands of pages that are in the Scag Regional Transportation Plan and the EIR document. Making notes and eventually publishing a report refuting the plan. The whole idea of reading the documents and publishing the report are not even possible given the time constraints. Secondly, even if we were able to get the report complete we would then have to go to 191 elected representatives in 191 different cities and try to convince them to side with us on the vote. 191 people. And we only have a couple months to do all of this.
We advocate for localism and local government. If the same thing were happening in a local city we would only have to convince 3 people to agree with us on the plan. That’s 3 vs. 191.
That example that I just read is the very reason why this regionalism has to stop. It completely shuts we the people out of the process.
Now lets get into what this plan is based on. This entire plan is based on sustainability. Now when you ask one of these planners what sustainability is they are likely to say something along the lines of making development that fits the current need while preserving the ability for future generations to meet their own needs…
What the hell that does even mean? Seriously half the time you ask a planner what sustainability is they usually use the word sustainability in their answer which tells me they don’t even know
what it means. I have spent 4 years trying to figure out what sustainability actually is and I have the answer.
Sustainability is rationing. It’s being forced to use less of everything. Less water, they go that covered. Less energy, they are attempting that with renewables. Renewable energy is a giant crony capitalist scam where the government picks winners and losers and props up failed industry via cap and trade. Less food, that’s being worked on by the United Nations
Less mobility, I can’t believe you guys think we are so stupid that people are actually going to believe that going from a car to a bus or a bike is somehow getting around quicker. Seriously you people are insane.
Less freedom. Freedom is choice and you are destroying our choices with this plan. Let’s talk about those choices
You are acting like you are doing us a favor by providing us with bike lanes, buses and trains that most people want nothing to do with.
However this is a all huge scam. Last year the state attempted to cut our gasoline in half by 50% The bill was called SB350. The bill passed but the gasoline language was taken out of the bill. We have confirmation that the state will be trying to pass that again this year in 2016.
So yes the state of California is trying to get us out of our cars.
We are seeing all this planing right now because you know that the main option that everyone wants to use is going to be eliminated. So stop with this garbage that you are doing us a favor. This is a tyrannical big government that is waging war against us. You’re not doing anybody any favors!
Lastly, I want to address this lie about the millennials, how my generation wants to walk and bike everywhere and live in little shoebox apartments.
First off, my generation is glued to their phones so they are completely disengaged. As a result they aren’t coming to these meetings and demanding this. I have yet to see it in my time doing this.
Secondly, we are told that the millennials want to spend lots of money to live in small apartments.
How is that going to happen? We were screwed by the older generations when they told us that we must go to college. Not only is a college degree worthless now but it has put all the young people in debt so there isn’t going to be spending $400,000 on a so called luxury apartment.
The truth is every single city is increasing the number of housing units and we have a president that has opened up the borders and is bringing in illegal aliens and refugees from the different wars that are going on. Those people need a place to live if they are going to be here.”
Brazen or brainless: who appointed S.C.A.G. operative Mayan Johnson to the Fullerton Planning Commission?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, The DCCSP on April 15, 2016
So what city officials would appoint an employee of SCAG to its planning commission? You may be unpleasantly surprised. ALL FIVE OF THEM DID!!!
This is how massive development moves at lightning speed. This woman works for a private corporation (SCAG) that appears to be in direct conflict with her position on the planning commission.
How could she have been chosen out of 17 applicants and then approved in 5-0 vote? Everyone there knew where she worked, it was discussed she worked for SCAG.
SCAG (Southern CA Assn. of Governments) is the largest regional government in the US covering 6 counties and 191 cities. SCAG has a $540 Billion plan to remake SoCal in the next 2 decades and operates in Near Darkness. Educate yourselves in order to protect your freedoms. PLEASE ADD ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS, EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEARN ABOUT REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS. Stop SCAG is dedicated to educating the public about Unelected, Unconstitutional Regional Governments.
Contact them at or at Twitter @STOPSCAG or Facebook
Here is the text of a speech given by Grindall from his you tube channel earlier this year, a recent visitor to our council meeting.
“First and foremost SCAG is a corporation, and because SCAG is a corporation I do not consent to any of your mandates, edicts, or demands. You need to show me the contract I signed as a willing consenting adult before we can even have a conversation.
Secondly, SCAG is not constitutional. Nowhere in the constitution does it talk about JPA’s. It’s a made up term to steal government away from people at the local level.
There is nothing good about regional government. When you take 191 cities and put them altogether into 1 body which is what SCAG is, you have created a massive government.
There is not one big government in history that has ended well for the people.
This whole SCAG regional transportation process proves why regionalism is terrible for this country.
An associate of mine and I discussed sitting down and reading the thousands of pages that are in the Scag Regional Transportation Plan and the EIR document. Making notes and eventually publishing a report refuting the plan. The whole idea of reading the documents and publishing the report are not even possible given the time constraints. Secondly, even if we were able to get the report complete we would then have to go to 191 elected representatives in 191 different cities and try to convince them to side with us on the vote. 191 people. And we only have a couple months to do all of this.
We advocate for localism and local government. If the same thing were happening in a local city we would only have to convince 3 people to agree with us on the plan. That’s 3 vs. 191.
That example that I just read is the very reason why this regionalism has to stop. It completely shuts we the people out of the process.
Now lets get into what this plan is based on. This entire plan is based on sustainability. Now when you ask one of these planners what sustainability is they are likely to say something along the lines of making development that fits the current need while preserving the ability for future generations to meet their own needs…
What the hell that does even mean? Seriously half the time you ask a planner what sustainability is they usually use the word sustainability in their answer which tells me they don’t even know
what it means. I have spent 4 years trying to figure out what sustainability actually is and I have the answer.
Sustainability is rationing. It’s being forced to use less of everything. Less water, they go that covered. Less energy, they are attempting that with renewables. Renewable energy is a giant crony capitalist scam where the government picks winners and losers and props up failed industry via cap and trade. Less food, that’s being worked on by the United Nations
Less mobility, I can’t believe you guys think we are so stupid that people are actually going to believe that going from a car to a bus or a bike is somehow getting around quicker. Seriously you people are insane.
Less freedom. Freedom is choice and you are destroying our choices with this plan. Let’s talk about those choices
You are acting like you are doing us a favor by providing us with bike lanes, buses and trains that most people want nothing to do with.
However this is a all huge scam. Last year the state attempted to cut our gasoline in half by 50% The bill was called SB350. The bill passed but the gasoline language was taken out of the bill. We have confirmation that the state will be trying to pass that again this year in 2016.
So yes the state of California is trying to get us out of our cars.
We are seeing all this planing right now because you know that the main option that everyone wants to use is going to be eliminated. So stop with this garbage that you are doing us a favor. This is a tyrannical big government that is waging war against us. You’re not doing anybody any favors!
Lastly, I want to address this lie about the millennials, how my generation wants to walk and bike everywhere and live in little shoebox apartments.
First off, my generation is glued to their phones so they are completely disengaged. As a result they aren’t coming to these meetings and demanding this. I have yet to see it in my time doing this.
Secondly, we are told that the millennials want to spend lots of money to live in small apartments.
How is that going to happen? We were screwed by the older generations when they told us that we must go to college. Not only is a college degree worthless now but it has put all the young people in debt so there isn’t going to be spending $400,000 on a so called luxury apartment.
The truth is every single city is increasing the number of housing units and we have a president that has opened up the borders and is bringing in illegal aliens and refugees from the different wars that are going on. Those people need a place to live if they are going to be here.”
Formal complaint against the City of Fullerton for several official actions taken during the last two Park and Recreation Committee meetings
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on April 13, 2016
Please note that I have attached a complaint letter, which includes the 2 page analysis that I handed out to every Park and Recreation Committee member, to Park and Recreation Director Hugo Curiel, to Debbie Baker, Secretary, who initially puts together the Park and Recreation Committee minutes and to members of the audience at the March 14, 2016 Park and Recreation Committee meeting.
I would appreciate a response by Tuesday, April 19th before 12 pm.
Barry Levinson
Fullerton Park and Recreation Committee Member and
Concerned Fullerton Citizen
To: Fullerton City Clerk, Lucinda Williams,
Fullerton City Attorney Dick Jones of
Jones and Mayer Law Firm
Fullerton City Manager, Joe Felz
Fullerton Park and Recreation Director Hugo Curiel
Fullerton Police Chief, Dan Hughes
Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald
Council member Bruce Whitaker
The purpose of this letter is to notify all of the above that this is a formal complaint against the City of Fullerton for several official actions taken during the last two Park and Recreation Committee meetings, held April 11, 2016 and March 14, 2016, respectively. In the below referenced items, I believe there have been Brown Act violations as well as a violation of my civil liberties under my First Amendment Right to free speech.
Item No. 1: Before the Park and Recreation Committee and the City Attorney took it upon themselves to throw out the normal rules followed for decades and not allow me to continue speaking, I made this specific point. It was that I requested in the February 8, 2016 Park and Recreation meeting the following as it is written in the minutes and I quote, “Commissioner Levinson asked that staff clarify the numbers presented by Manager Loya last month regarding her presentation to Council on November, 2010.” I believe this comment in particular was the motivation to inappropriately shut me down.
This documented request by me in the minutes must still be answered in writing with complete supporting documentation for all the numbers. The city must hire an outside, totally independent auditor (not a person or firm that the city has used previously) to step-by-step deal with the errors in Ms. Loya’s 11/2/2010 council presentation. For your added convenience my detailed analysis is attached to this letter as Attachment No. 1.
Item No. 2: April 11, 2016, an incredibly sad day for the citizens of Fullerton and a new low for the conduct of the Parks and Recreation Committee, which any honorable city would take immediate steps to correct. First, the complete failure of Deputy City Attorney, Ivy Tsai to not interject herself to correct the grave error made by Chair Lang-McNabb and exacerbated by all but one of the other committee members going along with her motion to end my right to speak as commissioner is something that I would never believe would take place in any publicly held government meeting. To not uphold the normal rules of allowing a commissioner the right to speak during the one part of the meeting that is specifically designed to allow each committee member to speak about anything regarding the Park and Recreation Department was either a grave error in judgment and common decency or part of a planned attempt to shut off any dissenting voices even from a committee member. It is only since the beginning of this year that the city of Fullerton decided (not this committee) to have a Deputy or Assistant City Attorney present at our meetings. I believe we never had them in the past and it is not clear why this was changed for this committee. Nevertheless, any City Attorney’s function at a committee or council meeting is to ensure that the committee members follow the proper rules. I am asserting that Chair Mc-Nabb (appointed by Council member Doug Chaffee) did not have the authority to stop me from speaking at that juncture in the meeting.
Please note that I was addressing the committee during the Commissioners Communications segment of the meeting and the precise purpose of that segment has always been to give each and every committee member the right to speak about any and all Park and Recreation department issues. But Chair Lang-McNabb thought otherwise, rudely interrupted me and put a motion on the floor to close the meeting. At no time during this debacle in common decency and the rights of free speech by a commissioner did the Deputy City Attorney interject herself.
I had 4 or 5 different topics to discuss, which if I were allowed to complete my remarks would have lasted no more than an additional 10 to 12 minutes. I was interrupted in the middle of my first topic. The meeting at this point had lasted approximately 90 minutes from its starting time of 6:30 pm to approximately 8:00 pm. To infer that I was wasting the time of my fellow commissioners by Chair person Karen Lang-McNabb to stay another few minutes is ridiculous on its face and shows the contempt and arrogance of Ms. Lang-McNabb’s running of the meeting. If you do not have at least 2 hours to give to the community each month for the purpose of participating in the Park and Recreation Committee meeting, I humbly suggest a committee member should resign rather than vote to cut off the one committee member who was not worried about staying a little while longer conducting the people’s business.
Karen Lang-McNabb’s action to cut me off from speaking further was in direct violation of the rules of conduct for this committee meeting and was also a violation of my 1st Amendment right of free speech. Her laughable reason for stopping my comments were these, “This is not on the agenda”. As I already stated and what Chair person Mc-Nabb already knows is that at this point in the committee meeting under Commissioners Communications, it is the commissioners who decides what they want to talk about.
Our city government should absolutely know that there are not two sets of rules, one for everybody else and one for themselves wherein they can do anything they please at any time.
Item No. 3: I believe a Brown Act violation occurred at the March 14, 2016 Park and Recreation meeting related to Agenda Item No. 7, entitled Brea Dam Recreation Area. It was Received and Filed without the Park and Recreation Department giving any verbal presentation or even one comment by Park and Recreation management or staff. How can you conduct regular city business and then refuse to discuss the Agenda item at all. Then have the Chair and Ms. Cox state that we have answered all of my questions and concerns. This in my humble opinion is a flagrant violation of the public’s trust that Regular city business put on any city agenda must be addressed. I also believe this was a Brown Act violation as well.
Item No. 4: During the 3/14/2016 Park and Recreation Committee meeting I went over for the benefit of all attending my detailed analysis. At the end of my presentation, I handed out copies to each and every committee member present, to Director Curiel, to members of the audience and to Debbie Baker, the Park and Recreation employee responsible for the minutes of the meeting. I made it quite clear to everyone that I wanted the entire presentation and supporting document, which was a total of 2 pages included in the official minutes. Not one committee member or the Deputy City Attorney Barlow objected. So when I received my packet for the April meeting I was very chagrined to see that not only was it not included at all in the minutes but also there was absolutely no reference to my presentation. I called City Clerk Lucinda Williams on Friday leaving her a detailed message about this problem the city had created for itself and I told her that I would press for its correction in the official minutes. I specifically asked her to call me as soon as possible, which would have been early Monday morning. Ms. Williams who in the past has always responded to my voice messages very promptly never did call me back. However, she obviously informed people at city hall as one of the first things done at the next meeting was to do a mea culpa that this complete lack of reference to the most significant item that happened in the March meeting was “accidentally left out entirely from the official minutes. To make matters worse, the Department refused to put my presentation in the minutes as I had requested without any objection and when I questioned that decision once again the Deputy City Attorney Ivy Tsai rather than deal with the specific facts gave a general answer that what is placed in the minutes is up to the department.
This scenario starting by me as a sincere and straight forward attempt to get the Park and Recreation Department to address serious and large dollar errors I had found in Ms. Loya’s 11/2/2010 council presentation representing her department and her still including variations of the same errors in her 01/11/2016 presentation before the Parks and Recreation Committee. It has now evolved in what any objective clear thinking individual must conclude is an orchestrated cover-up. The amount of time the Park and Recreation Department and Committee has used to not answer simple questions continues to get bigger and bigger. The Chair Lang-McNabb and the newly seated and appointed by Mayor Fitzgerald, Gretchen Cox have complained that what I have requested has not only been answered but more than once. This is categorically not true. Again a few simple direct answers could either answer my very legitimate questions or demonstrate that Ms. Loya’s presentation was flawed and resulted in the city council on 11/2/2010 entering into a Management Agreement that was indeed not a better financial deal by $133,480 a year as presented to council by Ms. Loya but a deal that was entered into by then Acting City Manager Joe Felz to the financial detriment of $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 in net revenue loss over a 20 year period starting in 2010.
As part of this complaint, I am asking for written apologies from Ivy Tsai, Karen Lang-McNabb and Gretchen Cox for their involvement in taking away my right to speak at the 4/11/2016 Park and Recreation Committee Meeting. I am also requesting a written apology from Director Hugo Curiel for his failure to include my Fullerton Golf Course Analysis in total as I requested without any objections noted by any of the commissioners, department members or from Assistant City Attorney Kimberly Hall Barlow. I am also requesting that these gross errors do not persist at future Park and Recreation Committee meetings.
My requests are simple and can be easily met if the city of Fullerton chooses to do the right things going forward.
Barry Levinson
Fullerton Park and Recreation Committee Member
MS LOYA’S 11/2/2010 COUNCIL PRESENTATION | CORRECTING MS. LOYA’S PRESENTATION | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FY 2011 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LEASE | MANAGEMENT | M. A. – USING CORRECT AMOUNTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AGREEMENT (M.A.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GROSS REVENUE | $2,230,000 | $2,230,000 | $2,230,000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LESS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OPERATING COSTS | $1,140,000 | $1,140,000 | $1,140,000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CITY LEASE REVENUE | $420,000 | – | – |
AM. GOLF M. FEE | – | $500,000 | $670,000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RZEDB DEBT | – | $36,520 | $203,323 | *Average cost to city for principal & | Interest rebate. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest over 20 years of the bond
Including 45% federal interest rebate. |
NET REVENUE | $670,000 | Ameri-can | $553,480 | CITY | $216,677 | Actual Average City Revenue earned | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Golf | under Management Agreement. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Average yearly loss for city by changing from former Lease agreement to Management agreement ($420,000 – $216,677) = $203,323 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Overstatement of average net revenues under the Management agreement = $553,400 less $216,667 = $336,332. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alice Loya claimed on 11/2/10 before council that the Management Agreement would net an additional $133,480 dollars to the city while in fact it lost $203,323 dollars. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
* Total series A Principal $2,705,000/20 years = $135,250 + (total series A interest $2,475,381/20 years = $123,769 x .55 = $68,073) = $203,323. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Therefore, Ms. Loya’s presentation to the council that this change from a lease agreement to a management agreement, would over the course of the bond bring in more revenue to the city was in fact not correct. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Over the course of the 20-year life of the RZED Bond, the city will loose conservatively at least 4,000,000 dollars in net revenue and at the same time it takes on liabilities that did not exist under the former lease agreement. |
Please also note that under the lease agreement city revenues would have increased based on the increased gross revenues from the golf course, which was already up over 13% from FY 2011 to FY 2014/2015 as reported by Ms. Loya in January, making this an even worse deal than the numbers above show. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Finally, the amount Ms. Loya presented to the committee in January 2016 for the Management fee for FY 2014/2015 of $587,000 is understated by $103,302, as the correct amount is actually $690,000 ($670,000 in base year, (not the $500,000 reported by Ms. Loya) times three one percent annual increases per the contract terms.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The RZED Bond Debt amount per Ms. Loya is also grossly understated. The correct amount is (100K principal + ($185,550 int. X .55 = $102,053) = $202,053 and not $107,000 as Ms. Loya reported to this committee in January 2016. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Conclusion: The numbers as presented by Alice Loya to council on 11/2/2010 and on 01/11/2016 to the Park and Recreation Committee misrepresent the financial benefits of the Management Agreement over the former lease agreement. This resulted in the council approving a Management Agreement that will cost taxpayers 4 to 5 million dollars in lost net revenue over 20 years.
Fullerton Golf Course Management Agreement 12/01/10, Page 12 of 23
reports of claims activities on a schedule and in a format reasonably acceptable to the City. City understands and agrees that with respect to all policies of insurance required under this Article 4 (whether such policies are maintained by City or by AGC), the portion of any losses, damages, and expenses paid with respect to such claims which is subject to a deductible amount or a self- insurance or a self-assumption amount shall be the sole responsibility of City. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, City desires to assume responsibility for handling of claims, the parties may amend this provision as provided in Section 11.8, subject to (i) the approval of the applicable insurance companies, and (ii) the reasonable approval of AGC.
In addition to the costs and expenses to be reimbursed to AGC pursuant to this Agreement, City shall pay AGC the Management Fee computed and payable as follows:
5.1 Management Fee. In consideration of AGC’s services during the Operating Period, City shall pay to AGC a “Management Fee.” For the first twelve (12) months of the term of this Agreement, the Management Fee shall equal Six Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($670,000) per annum (i.e., Fifty Five Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Three Dollars and Thirty Three Cents ($55,833.33) per month). The Management Fee shall increase on each anniversary of the Effective Date (until termination of this Agreement) by one percent (1%) of the Management Fee in effect immediately prior to the applicable increase. The Management Fee shall be paid to AGC, in equal monthly installments, in accordance with Section 5.2 of this Agreement.
5.2 Payment Schedule. If the Commencement Date does not fall on the first day of the month, then the Management Fee for the first partial month of the Operating Period shall be the pro-rata portion of the Management Fee and such amount shall be payable on the Commencement Date. Commencing with the first full month of the Operating Period, City shall pay AGC the Management Fee monthly in advance on the first day of the month to which it pertains.
6.1 Bank Accounts. City shall establish bank accounts for the Facility at a banking institution or institutions reasonably selected by City, (which banking institution or institutions shall have branches located in close proximity to the Facility), such accounts to be in City’s name (the “City Accounts”). AGC shall also establish bank accounts for the Facility at a banking institution or institutions reasonably approved by City, (which banking institution or institutions shall have branches located in close proximity to the Facility), such accounts to be in City’s name (the “Facility Accounts”). AGC will deposit into the City Accounts all monies received by AGC from the operation of the Facility. City shall deposit all funds required to be furnished by City as working funds under Section 6.3 of this Agreement into the Facility Accounts, and AGC will disburse those monies from the Facility Accounts only for the purposes set forth in Section 6.2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing, AGC shall be entitled to maintain funds in reasonable amounts in “cash register banks” or in petty cash funds at the Facility.
Repackaging the destruction of Fullerton with the new and improved DCCSP proposal tonight at Fullerton City Hall
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, Hidden in plain view, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, The DCCSP, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 13, 2016
JOE FELZ IS INTRODUCING TO FULLERTON: the study session on the new DCCSP
Just recently, we the people beat back the horrific College Town plan back for the time being. College town calls for closing the 57 Freeway exits and onramps to Nutwood, closing Nutwood to through traffic, wiping out thriving business that serve southeast Fullerton, adding 12000 more cars a day,4300 high density housing units and the creation of a “parking management district” that is not defined and will bring parking meters to all of Fullerton. THIS THING WAS CHUMP CHANGE COMPARED TO WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED WITH THIS SO CALLED NEW AND IMPROVED DCCSP.
How Awful and Corrupt is the Fullerton Downtown Core and Corridor Special Project?
Please let me count the ways as follows: by Barry Levinson
1- It is an undemocratic power grab by one unelected bureaucrat, City Manager Joe (I want to be king)Felz.
2- It turns the power to vote on individual development projects from the city council with the requirement to allow public comments prior to any vote, to one unelected man, City Manager Joe (I want to be emperor) Felz.
3- No honest elected city council majority would ever consider giving away their power to decide on numerous future development projects throughout much of the city to an unelected bureaucrat, City Manager Joe (I want to be a dictator) Felz.
4- If you think traffic is bad now wait until you add another 50,000-100,000 or more residents with no additional roads or lanes to existing roads. If you do not believe me than look at the million-dollar plan documents. The only traffic improvement called for in the plan is adding one or two roundabouts on Wilshire Avenue.
5- Who do you think might benefit from this project if passed?
May I suggest to you that Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald (who is also the Vice President of Curt Pringle and Associates)
and her boss along with a host of developers who will be knocking at our City Manager’s door?
If Ms. Fitzgerald does not recuse herself from this vote when it comes up, I think rather than recalling her we should just run her out of town.
6- I of course have not yet mentioned the concern as to where the needed water will come from for the 100,000 additional residents.
It would seem that the City of Fullerton motto must be that no matter how bad the times are for you and me, there is never a bad time to get more money (tax money) for themselves.
After all 80% of every dime in tax money that represents the General Fund, does not go for our streets or our decaying sewers and water system.
It goes to our friends at city hall for their salaries and benefits. We get the crumbs that are remaining. Yet for Joe Felz and his merry men and women of Fullerton Forest they are eager to take even more from the poor citizens of Fullerton to make sure their stomachs are full and their retirements are merry and pay for it by selling Fullerton off to the developers.
You are here to serve the RESIDENTS of Fullerton. You are here for us, not the other way around. Many of you just do not get it. I mean how can you logically even consider bringing this thing back for consideration?
This plan should have NEVER advanced and, if you had any common sense or were here for the benefit of the People, you would know that. You work for us. Either do your job or resign. Never lecture us, again, or put us in a position where we have to fight you for our own rights to live in a healthy community.
We all know this scam would net the city hundreds of millions in developer fees to keep the out of control pensions and salaries’ gravy train on the tracks and not a peep about the park lands this money will be used for because that is not where it will go. We could have bought Coyote Hills years ago and furnished the darn thing with the endless revenue stream that is now not even ENOUGH TO MEET PAYROLL! Stop participating in planning activities that will destroy our homes and lives here in Fullerton.
Homeowners be damned, Fullerton must grow! So saith our overlord, Ms. Ma’Ayn Johnson.
“We are going to keep growing” — Yes, and destroy resident’s property values and quality of life. Is that what the QB means?
What an Agenda 21 tool, as if you can never pack so many people in so that you have created an overcrowded environment and why when according the census bureau, 95% of the United States is rural open space.
The CT Plan: “it looks good on paper” WHAT? I guess if you don’t mind unbearable gridlock and total degradation of communities.
Devalued properties
Significantly adverse impact to air quality, traffic, pedestrian deaths, cyclist deaths and people dying in the ambulances stuck in traffic that this will create.
Agenda 21-pack em, stack em, and of course stick it to the taxpayers and the residents. Does she even have a clue what a WiFi prison like this will do the inhabitants? I highly doubt it. Does she have a clue what this will do to the residents? I don’t think she gives a damn, regardless of her phony diatribes. She is an AGENDA 21 S.C.A.G operative and needs to be removed from her position.
Does Ma’Ayn Johnson and the rest of the planning commission understand that cramming massive amounts of people into high density, polluted, congested, unnatural, scientific kill grids where they will be forcibly microwaved and sterilized with ubiquitous wireless infrastructure,
forcibly vaccinated with toxins, sterilants, and cancer viruses,
drugged with dosed chemically laced water,
force fed GMO foods with no room to grow their own, sprayed from above with aerosolized metallic nanoparticles,
pesticides from the vector control district,
and having piezo electric geoengineering compounds rain down on them
while their brains are turned to mush by the TV screens everywhere
is playing right into the hands of the demonic social engineers that are hell bent on depopulation WHILE 95 PERCENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS ALREADY RURAL OPEN SPACE?
and this is what they want for your backyard-
Perhaps Ms. Johnson and the rest for the commission does or perhaps this is truly an indictment of just how dangerous our higher education system really is to our society. If for just that reason alone one can conclude that this repackaged DCCSP is a horrible plan. ANYONE THAT GOES ALONG WITH THIS WITH THIS UNDEMOCRATIC POWER GRAB BY JOE FELZ AND THIS DESTRUCTION OF FULLERTON NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FROM THEIR POSITIONS
We warned you that this project would be back, and you know what? So WILL WE.
Stay vigilant Fullerton.
The Fullerton Green Scene This Weekend-don’t miss it.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on April 12, 2016
This weekend, at the Fullerton arboretum is the wonderful Fullerton Green Scene event. If you have a green thumb or maybe want to develop one, this event is a a must attend.
There are free seminars, vendors from all over So Cal who have everything from natives, tropicals, rare plants, herbs, rare fruit trees, patio furniture, earthworm farms or anything else related to the great outdoors in your front or backyard.
You can see just what the climate Fullerton has been blessed with is capable of producing by looking at the amazing mature specimens at The Arboretum. Many of the varieties of trees in the arboretum will be available for sale. There is no better way to improve your health than by beginning to grow some of your own food. For the children, it has unfortunately become a lost art and it ought not be so, so come on out, bring the family, support the local grass roots economy and enjoy this awesome event.
The First Amendment under attack in Fullerton
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, The First Amendment under attack in Fullerton on April 11, 2016
So the taxpayers appear to be getting the proverbial 5 million dollar shaft by some aspartame gum chewing rubber stamp hack that calls public comments “Tirades” and interferes with the people’s business by moving to receive and file the Brea Dam issue without any discussion whatsoever.
Caught On Video Tape A Horrific, Senseless Crime. Let Us Compare and Contrast It to The Horrific and Senseless Crime Committed Over Four and A Half Years Ago, The Kelly Thomas Brutal Beating Death Carried Out With The Involvement and Participation Of 6 Fullerton Police Officers.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism on April 11, 2016
Caught On Video Tape A Horrific, Senseless Crime. Let Us Compare and Contrast It to The Horrific and Senseless Crime Committed Over Four and A Half Years Ago, The Kelly Thomas Brutal Beating Death Carried Out With The Involvement and Participation Of 6 Fullerton Police Officers. by Barry Levinson
Will Buena Park High School Principal Jim Coombs do the right thing?
The more students on the free lunch program a school has, the more money the school gets for wireless technology. Buena Park High School students are in harms way. Jim Coombs has sat through three years of our monthly presentations at the FJUHSD Trustee board meetings on the dangers that forced classroom wireless microwave radiation poses to the unsuspecting students and staff. Here is a recent video from April 5th, 2016 where Diane Hickey presented in usual fashion, with facts backed by scientific evidence. Mr. Coombs was in attendance and in general, is one of the few principals that regularly pays attention to the speakers.
Buena Park High School and wireless chromebooks |
Real Activists come to town
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 6, 2016
They say you can’t fight city hall? The hell you can’t. LAST NIGHT REAL ACTIVISTS CAME TO TOWN AND BOY DID THEY RIP FLORY AND FITZGERALD TO SHREDS with their lap dog Chaffee.
It can be said that best laid plans of mice and men, combined with some good old fashioned corruption yields a terrible mess. Well folks, here we are.
Melia Homes Townhouse Proposal at the March Planning Commission Meeting. This is what all 6* Planning Commissioners ignored while speaking at the end of the Planning Commission meeting on March 14, 2016 as follows:
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 1, 2016
By Barry Levinson
Melia Homes Townhouse Proposal at the March Planning Commission Meeting.
This is what all 6* Planning Commissioners ignored while speaking at the end of the Planning Commission meeting on March 14, 2016 as follows:
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