There were 117,854 stabbings in the USA in 2020.  16,425 murders….yet none of these incidents make the news and are plastered on every news site across North America.

Why? Because they do not fit the agenda.  Most of these murders and stabbings are black on black crime and that does not fit the Democrat Communist Agenda.

The elite create all these false flags and hoaxes because they have to control the narrative and push an agenda.  They can’t have real families of real victims going off script live on air. Families of real dead people ask too many questions.
Right now they are pushing the “Domestic Terrorist” with all these hoaxes so they can justify bringing in their police state with high tech digital surveillance etc.
How many people do you know are named NOAH?  Probably none.  Noah is a biblical name.
The fact that this guy is known as NOAH X should be a red flag .  Also whenever they bring in the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan…it’s a hoax.  This Noah Green (NOAHX) was a memBer of the Nation of Islam which was created by the CIA.
NOAHX is an Anagram for HOAX. You have HOAX in the world NOAHX.  They needed to add that X in there
These Freemason love a play on words and they love to mock.

Take a look here at what NOAH X is.  NEW ORDER.
In 2019, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 16,425. This was a 0.3 percent increase from the 2018 estimate, a 3.4 percent increase from the 2015 figure, and an 11.6 percent increase from the number in 2010.

“Noah X”: Capitol Stabber Identified As Indiana Man Who Followed Nation Of Islam

teaser image

“One thing I’m assured everyone can lean on is faith in the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan…”

Louis Farrakhan


Number of aggravated assaults in the United States in 2019, by weapon used
Weapon used Number of assaults
Other weapon 200,826
Firearm 186,078
Personal weapons 169,384
Knife or cutting instrument 117,854
Oct. 1, 2020


  1. #1 by juansonling on April 7, 2021 - 4:21 pm

    you can see the demon posession eyes in that dudes photo where it had the “new order” on the back

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