The Purpose Of Education #JoeImbriano

  1. #1 by Anonymous on April 28, 2021 - 1:13 pm

    Shameful… it was in the days of Noah… Noah’s time they were messing up genetics. These evil scumbags hate the Creator and want to destroy his creation. Christian’s ignore most of the book anyway….they don’t pay attention to what is clean and unclean, the holy and profane and they wonder why they are sickly. Scripture tells you not to eat pork, shellfish etc along with no eating too much honey/ sugar. Scripture tells you not to go into debt….how many pay attention. COVID19 has a 99.7% survival rate . These vaccines/ gene therapy full of aborted fetal tissue, cancer causing substance, toxic heavy metals and it changes your genetic code forever etc. You can’t poison your way to better health. The true bio weapon is in the vaccine. My body my choice….I guess that only applies if you want to murder your baby in the womb. Its the flu….and the flu kills weak people every year. Just because someone claims to follow the Creator doesn’t make it so. Where is your faith! Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

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