Posts Tagged The DCCSP

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

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Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

 A key witness in the Las Vegas shooting massacre has killed himself and his disabled daughter in a horrific murder-suicide shortly after the FBI raided his home.John Beilman was wanted for questioning by federal agents in connection with a communications device discovered in suspected shooter Stephen Paddock’s hotel room.

Investigators searched Beilman’s Fairport home the day before he shot his severely disabled daughter and himself, according to sources close to the investigation.Agents executed a search warrant and raided Beilman’s Williamsburg Drive home the day before he took his daughter, Nicole, into the backyard and shot her and then himself in the back of the head with a 12-gauge shotgun.John Beilman’s 27-year-old daughter, Nicole, had Rett Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder.Nicole Beilman relied upon a wheelchair and was dependent on her parents for care.

According to this report, upon the FBI searching the Mandalay Bay Hotel room used by CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock, a cell phone charger was discovered that had no accompanying phone—with SVR technology experts noting that this type of charger is used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 Non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA forces.

The company making this unique lithium battery, this report details, is Ultralife Corporation, based in Newark, New York, that specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon—and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman.Listing himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional”, this report continues, John Beilman was employed by Ultralife Corporation between 2007-2012 where he worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military—thereafter his leaving to become a top engineer at the General Motors research facility located in Rochester New York.

Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, this report notes, this past Tuesday (3 October), the FBI raided the home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant—and that caused Beilman, less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Wednesday (4 October), to wheel out his severely disabled daughter Nicole into his home’s backyard where she was executed, with Beilman then killing himself too—and that was followed 48 hours later (6 October) by the Pentagon awarding Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at over $49 million.

The CIA, this report further notes, has long been known to eliminate witnesses to their “murder sacrifice” “false flag” operations—and that includes the hundreds of witnesses mysteriously killed following the 9/11 “Tower Sacrifice”, and the, likewise, hundreds of witnesses mysteriously dying following the “King Sacrifice” murder of President John F. Kennedy—and that London’s Sunday Times reported the “the odds against these witnesses being dead by February 1967, were one hundred thousand trillion to one.”The FBI claim they didn’t protect, or at the very least put under 24-hour surveillance, John Beilman following their raid on his home, due to American domestic intelligence experiencing a manpower shortage in their Las Vegas massacre investigation.

According to D&C, John Beilman committed the murder-suicide shortly after 5:20 a.m., Fairport police say.Fairport police said Beilman’s wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter.

Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a “goodbye note” to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive.A neighbor of Beilman reported that he saw two police cars near the home the day before the killings. Farina said this week that police had not responded to any calls at the home.The FBI and federal prosecutors declined to comment.

A federal magistrate judge would have approved a search of the home. However, approval of a search does not ensure a crime was committed; instead, it is a search for evidence of a crime.Records of federal searches are often filed under seal, and there was no public record available Friday of the search of the Fairport home.


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Fullerton’s puppets and their masters Tony Bushala, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bruce Whitaker, and Greg Sebourn: just another reason why trusting or believing them is a fools errand.

When your word means almost nothing, it can be repurchased for really cheap. Jennifer Fitzgerald’s sure has and for a measly $850 a month. After publicly proclaiming that she would not take her stipend as a council member back in 2012, with no public announcement she has officially began drawing a paycheck from the city again since March 11, 2017.  

Why this turn of events? Well it sure looks like Pringle might be cutting her loose from her cush gig as VP of Pringle and Associates. So potentially there goes that income stream.  Curt Pringle’s plan to have an insider on our council to ram through the DCCSP was thwarted by Barry Levinson and others. Why no public statement with all the pomp and circumstance announcing she is back on the dole like when she declined her stipend as a council member is anyone’s guess but for this Biola grad that has all the people up on the hill and the EV Free crowd hoodwinked, there is meaning in her actions. I guess her free public service is over but then again we always knew it was never free in the first place. Fitzgerald has cost this city dearly with her horrendous voting record on massive raises and expenditures as our roads and infrastructure remains in ruin.

Fitzgerald dropping her head in shame as Barry Levinson exposes the council ‘s unanimous vote that amounted to protecting pedophiles with the repeal of the Fullerton law that Barry helped write.

Well it looks like she won’t be pulling down the $165,000 salary as a county supervisor either with the dagger coming from Ed Royce endorsing the worthless forced vaccinator and forced irradiator Young Kim for supervisor. Looks like Fitzpringle won’t be getting her county benefits, the county pension and it looks like the gig with Pringle is soon to be off the table as well.  Not that long ago, she was actually looking at the possibility of making $350,000 to $400,000 a year as both a county supervisor and a VP at Pringle and Associates. Well that was all contingent upon her delivering the goods as a council member involving massive development projects that would have destroyed Fullerton forever.

So no County Supervisor and possibly no more VP at Pringle’s office. Why has all this befallen our council member? Is it because she was unable to put the screws to the residents and get the tens of thousands of high rise apartment units built for her bosses and her developer friends? Is it because she has become a public relations nightmare for Curt Pringle? Is it because she has drawn too much attention with her connections to the biggest influence peddler in Orange County and so much so that the light of day was finally shone on these dastardly plans to turn the area in and around downtown Fullerton into downtown LA? Perhaps.

Fitzpringle up on the dais drinking aspartame, brominated vegetable oil, ester of wood rosen.,…… and all from a BPA lined can that lets some of that aluminum get into the solution

You will remember back in 2012, if you were paying attention, that the free pass given by Tony Bushala and with the assistance and support of Tony Bushala’s close friend Shawn Nelson, she was elected to the Fullerton City Council. Within a few months she was appointed to the Vice President position at Curt Pringle and Associates. Tony Bushala, whose family owns close to 40 million dollars in properties in Fullerton had just finished purchasing the election in 2012 by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to install his boys Kiger, Whitaker, and Sebourn on the city council.

Tony’s tools he bankrolled to get elected in 2012 along with Fitzgerald who was given a pass.

Adding Fitzgerald gave the developers 4 votes and the entire council stacked the planning commission with stool pigeon plants that passed the DCCSP.   

Gambino, Silber, Johnson, Shanfield, Han and Alvarez all voted to pass the DCCSP

Bushala’s handpicked bag man, Bruce Whitaker,

made sure his plant on the planning commission purposely missed the vote.

The insubordination of establishment operative Kevin Pendergraft

With all of Tony Bushala’s plants on the council such as Travis Kiger, Bruce Whitaker, and Greg Sebourn, Fullerton would have been poised for massive development as people were distracted by the attention being diverted to the police department’s misdeeds. It was the perfect cover. Bushala ran his blog for another year NEVER ONCE MENTIONING THE DCCSP. He then shut his blog down in early 2013 and opened back up after the 2016 election and to this day has NEVER MENTIONED THE DCCSP.

Behind the scenes, the DCCSP was passed by the planning commission and being gift wrapped and cooked to order by Bushala’s plants working with City staff and developers to rezone a plethora of commercial properties and turn them into ten story high rise housing buildings on hundreds of acres of arterial street frontage and in and around downtown Fullerton. This would have turned Fullerton into a gestapo run gridlocked version of Manhattan blended with the Bronx.



Well fortunately, it looks like the DCCSP is totally dead now because Bushala is turning on Fitgzerald after 5 long years of sitting and waiting for his development payday that never came. The DCCSP would have made his SOCO walk development earnings look like a box car bet on a 5 dollar crap table.  Now after 5 long years after he remained totally silent on everything this woman did to pull Fullerton further down the fiscal drain and try to turn it into a high rise hell hole, Tony has turned his tools and phonies against her. Mind you he never exposed her for what she was before she was elected in 2012, never exposed her during her nearly disastrous 4 year tenure on the council from 2012 to 2016 and then still remained silent protecting her during the entire 2016 election cycle so she could get re elected.

Remember when Fitzgerald vowed publicly not to accept her council member stipend because she stated that there is nothing that says public servants should receive renumeration? Well, as of March 11, 2017, she began drawing her $850 a month for her work on the council. So now she is going to cost the taxpayers of Fullerton around $40,000 over the next four years.

Well at least we saved Fullerton from the developers and we saved $40,000 from 2012 to 2016 but it is too bad she was allowed to give away tens of millions of dollars in police, fire and city employee raises, benefit increases as well the approvals of pork projects while hundreds of miles of streets are in ruin.

Well we know her word means nothing and we also know that Fullerton is safe from the massive development agenda for now because of the light of day people like Barry Levinson shed on the dirty deeds of Fullerton’s political creeps. More to come as we wait for Fitzpringle to finally become Fitzgerald again.

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Let’s Take A Closer Look At The Friends For Fullerton’s Future Website Part II. By Barry Levinson


Barry Levinson

In my opinion, it is very clear that the FFFF blog exists for one and only one purpose.    It was to help ensure that Tony Bushala made millions off of his Fullerton commercial properties.   The easiest way to make that happen was for the city to come up with a way to get all major high-rise, high-density buildings virtually approved in advanced throughout all the major roads within the city.   That vehicle was the Downtown Core and Corridor Special Plan (DCCSP). For the key to the DCCSP was to allow the City Manager who at that time was none other than Joe Felz total approval authority for all DCCSP projects.

ex city manager Felz

Step One is that Bushala does everything in his power to get his people elected to the Fullerton City Council.   That explains in my opinion his support for Bruce Whitaker, Greg Sebourn and Travis Kiger.  Then he abruptly shuts down the FFFF shortly after the 2012 election.  His Tony’s Phonies helps him to continue to lead an effort to misdirect the public with other issues while remaining quiet about the DCCSP.

Kiger, Whitaker, Sebourn, and Fitzpringle are Tony’s tools 



Tony’s Phonies were very active in their opposition against College Town but the much bigger nightmare, which would have been the DCCSP they were eerily quiet about.  On the surface that dichotomy makes no sense at all.   But I believe the answer is very simple Fullertonians.

Tony Bushala was primed to make millions if DCCSP passed but I believe he had little or no financial interest in College Town.   Therefore Tony’s Phonies spoke out against College Town often but were quiet as a church mouse as it related to the DCCSP, which would have created high-rise nightmares off all major roads within Fullerton with only Joe Felz, the city manager an unelected bureaucrat needed to approve all of the projects.  If the DCCSP passed, there would be No Planning Commission recommendation needed, there would be No City Council vote needed for these very many projects but most importantly the people of Fullerton would have absolutely no say in any of these many major developments in our city going forward.

The crony, phony money would have flowed into city coffers and into the pockets of special interest developers and property owners such as Tony Bushala, all at the great expense of the quality of life for existing Fullerton citizens.  All they needed was the one-time passage of the DCCSP.   The biggest boondoggle ever created by our Fullerton City Government in its entire history.

Bushala spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for the recall so he could buy the council majority


Now you have a good idea why the FFFF, the City Council and those consultants representing developers hate me so very much.  For the time being at least, I spoiled their multi-million dollar scheme for both the developers and the city via the Park and Recreation Dwelling Fees for the tune of $11,700 for building each and every residential unit regardless of their size.   This is one of the major reasons why the city has been pushing so darn hard for high-rise high-density development.

In Fullerton Government all you have to do to understand the machinations of the power players is to…FOLLOW THE MONEY!

Once you do follow the money you realize like I have that nobody on the city council, nor their puppeteers have clean hands.

I report, you decide!

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The beginning of the end of development insider Karen Halluza’s career with the City of Fullerton

A little over four years ago, Barry Levinson attended a city council meeting and exposed the most corrupt development scheme in Fullerton’s entire history, THE DCCSP. The plan was to pass a blanket zoning change to 13 huge areas of the city encompassing over 100 acres of major arterial thoroughfare frontage and allow for the UNELECTED city manager instead of the elected city council and their appointed planning commissioners to have the final say on development. This would have resulted in the approval of tens of thousands of up to 10 story high density high rise housing units ruining Fullerton for ever and there would be nothing we could have done to stop it.

No need for a planner when there are no plans. Replace her with someone who can fix the roads!

The plan was crooked as hell and the morons on the planning commission approved it and served it up to the council to try to ram it through on a hot summer night in the library room with no live feed when no one was looking. The cold feet that the council had got a warm up from Barry Levinson. Yes Barry was looking, and he sure wasn’t taking this sitting down.

Well watch Barry 2 years later still fighting these dolts as Joe Felz had the gall, audacity and nerve to try to bring back this crooked development plan in pieces  instead of in one giant scam.

Watch Karen Halluza’s shifty eyes as she realizes it is truly now the beginning of the end of her career with the City of Fullerton as the community development director because without this revised plan being hatched, the developers will NEVER GET WHAT THEY WANT and her services are no longer needed.

Watch Barry tell the truth about this  dirty deal and watch the behavior of all the players on the planning commission with the exception of Bennett and Dunlap who didn’t vote for the DCCSP as they were not on the commission at the time. Pay close attention to the worst one of them all-Karen Halluza, the city’s handsomely paid community development director whose sole purpose was to turn Fullerton into a high density hell hole. A picture is worth a thousand words folks.

For Karen Halluza, we will only spare a few, good riddance.

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