Archive for category Fullerton politics
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA on November 6, 2016
I remember the campaign of 2012 very well. It seems in retrospect that many Fullertonians voted against their own interests that year.
Sixty one percent of the people who cast a ballot, voted to make all of W. Coyote Hills a park and a nature preserve for the benefit of Fullerton residents and all our surrounding communities as well. I believe W. Coyote Hills was the biggest and most important issue for a majority of Fullertonians that year.
Yet, I will give you the results of the top four vote getters in that election and they are in order of finishing as follows:
Bruce Whitaker
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Jan Flory and
Travis Kiger.
As you know the top three all won council seats.
What does the top four vote getters in 2012 have in common?
They all were very much in favor of the Chevron development plans!
61% were in favor of a park but the top four voter getters were against the park.
It seems to me that we kind of shot ourselves in the foot four years ago.
Well now we have another chance to make a difference. Now we have a chance to change the very misguided direction of our current council and tell all of them that we love our current city and not the concrete jungle that the current council is in favor of creating.
I will not ask any of you to vote for any particular candidates. I am not going to change many minds at this late date as to which challengers are the best in my opinion. We have all thought about each of the challengers and have basically made up our own minds. I respect that process and I respect your decisions. After all we all have our favorites.
However, I will ask each and every one of you to take notice of the facts I presented about the year 2012 and the continued overdevelopment approved over and over again by our current council.
Knowing all this information I ask that you consider not voting for the incumbents, Jennifer Fitzgerald and Bruce Whitaker. I also ask you do not vote for their very close allies, namely Larry Bennett and Susan Gapinski.
This leave you with seven candidates (Roberta Reid has dropped out of the race), from which to choose three new council members.
I respectfully ask that each and every one of you, considers making your selection from those seven candidates that are neither incumbents or their associates.
Please let us tell the established politicians in this city that we want our collective voices to be finally heard. Tell them when 61% vote to make W. Coyote Hills a park, that it is not acceptable for the current council to ignore a large majority of us and go forward with the plans we the people just resoundingly rejected.
There are so many things to love and appreciate about our city and its citizens. Please do not let the politicians destroy it!
Thank you and please go out to vote this Tuesday, if you have not voted by absentee ballot yet.
Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson
Fitzgerald appointee Gretchen Cox’s 5 million dollar smile of malevolent pleasure
Posted by Joe Imbriano in brea dam, Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, The Brea dam scam on October 17, 2016
Watch what goes on here when the long-time Fullerton Parks and Recreation commissioner Mr. Barry Levinson tries to expose a $5,000,000 shortfall to the taxpayers on a bad contract with American Golf. Well they all, including council candidate Jesus Silva, ignored it all. In my opinion, he has no business on the council based on his past and present conduct as a park and rec commissioner.

Jesus Silva is just another brick in the Fullerton establishment’s wall.
It is disgusting how Mr. Levinson is treated by Karen Lang McNabb. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are covering up a massive amount of lost revenue to the city that could be so properly utilized in our city.
Just minutes into this video reveal some real insight into the Fitzgerald apparatus at work. It comes at around the 3 minute and 10 second mark where Gretchen Cox, the Fitzgerald appointee and sycophant appears to engage in a little santoria while chomping on her time release aspartame chew up on the dais taking pleasure in shutting down the only one on the commission doing their job fighting for the taxpayers. This smug attitude towards those exposing corruption is typical with Fitzgerald and her operatives. That is why we need to throw Fitzgerald out.
Jesus Silva, who had repeatedly been exposed to this information at subsequent meetings and in written notice, abstained from a vote to shut Barry down. That amounts to aiding and abetting those hiding this massive 5 million dollar cover up. Shame on Jesus Silva who is nothing more than a coward and another political operative in my opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, this issue is still being buried by the entire City Council as well-ALL OF THEM. Even Bruce Whitaker, who appointed Barry Levinson refused to even respond to his own appointee in writing on this issue. Bruce Whitaker eventually fired Barry Levinson from his position on the Park and Rec commission. That is what Barry gets for doing his job, Shame on Bruce Whitaker who is nothing more than a coward and another political operative in my opinion.

Bruce fired Barry Levinson for doing his job and then went on to defame Mr Levinson in the Fullerton Observer.
What does that tell you about our city government? It tells me that change is in the air.November is right around the corner, just like my campaign signs ladies and gentlemen, Help me throw these people out on election day. Vote for Joe Imbriano 4 Fullerton City Council
Beloved Polly’s Pies could still close to make way for massive highrise Section 8 housing project
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 11, 2016
The battle is not over regarding this property. The Register article only shows that this article that blew the lid off of this dirty deal has swayed the owners into perhaps doing what is right for the community instead of ruining Raymond Hills.
Build it and they will come ladies and gentlemen and believe they will come. Low income housing is headed to Raymond Hills. Mayor Fitzgerald says development plans don’t exist for this location but yet a public hearing regarding rezoning this location to do just that made the paper.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 6, 2016

Barry Levinson
As I explained in detail in part one, there is a pattern at City Hall to hide vital information concerning agenda items that come before the Fullerton City Council. Many, if not most
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics on October 5, 2016
Sean Paden’s Faraday cage
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Bruce Whitaker, Forced irradiation of school children, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, sean paden on October 3, 2016
Can you imagine if chainlink fences and wrapping the warning message of hundreds of scientists in tin foil would actually protect your children at school from the harms of the classroom microwave exposure from the school district’s technology programs? Can you imagine if chain link fences and wrapping the message of Joe Imbriano in tin foil who unequivocally states that the forced wireless radiation exposure at school is irreparably harming children’s health and their reproductive systems would actually protect them ? Ladies and gentlemen, the only way to protect children from the harms of microwave radiation at school is to remove the wireless systems, remove your children, or send them to school in a faraday cage.
I would like to introduce you to what Sean Paden has created to protect your children.
Well, now we know that there is at least one political operative in town who thinks this contraption solves the problems facing our children.
Burying his head in the sand and encouraging others to join him only enables the agendas to proceed with even more relative ease. It is tragic while at the same time yet amazing to see who has turned their backs on the children in this town. You know the entire school boards, the entire city council and of course, now, Sean Paden who has done that for years is now acting as a sort of pied piper to encourage others to do the same as he now ventures into his latest gig as a wanna be nouveau artist. Without any further ado, an analysis of his work is below.

Sean Paden’s statement of fact-a tin foil campaign sign in his front yard making fun of those warning of the imminent harm to children in Fullerton Schools
This custom sign was designed for the Imbriano4Fullerton campaign courtesy of one of many of Fullerton’s obscure political operatives. The symbolism is rich, brimming with a plethora of melodic tones carrying a broad frequency range of light, sound, and microwaves which continue emanating from its reflective metallic surface to the empty resonant cavities of those who work diligently to maintain the status quo.
The esoteric nature of such rare art, reminiscent of the materials seen in the faked moon landing footage, conjures up images of rapture and Agenda 21 as it is surrounded by a motif of prison yard fencing,
This masterpiece carefully positioned and back dropped by a dead vine brings forth the rich aromas found in a state of perpetual conformity with the school district’s wireless technology programs.
Emblematic of the sculptor’s obvious deeply rooted cognitive dissonance is the symbol of the fruit of the artist’s labor. The severely languished, dead and twisted, crooked vine that is interwoven with the prison yard fencing epitomizes the creator of this masterpiece’s love affair with servitude and bondage to authority itself without regard to the fact that the very act of doing just that always results in the demise of the servile. Clear cut at the roots, losing all connection to its origins and purpose, the life after leaves little more than an example of how the harvest of those given over to becoming intertwined with the matrix always leads to a unique form of petrified pagan immortality.
An inscription embossed into the rear of this work reads “a classroom wireless exposure induced clear end to one’s own lineage and genealogy in exchange for undying allegiance to Fullerton’s educational and municipal status quo establishment”.
Yes, this is truly a testament to those who appreciate such a dark satirical motif deeply driven right into the depths of water rationing violations taking place on a public easement.
The dark irony of all of this is that the sculptor of this piece of Orwellian architecture runs his make shift art gallery right next to the local High School where the children are daily falling victim to the very agenda that the object of this artist’s misguided derision is aimed at.
And all of this while Rome continues to burn ladies and gentlemen, all of this while chuckling in the company of infantile fools as some of the most serious issues of our time are staring humanity in the face.
For those of you who wish to submit your work for next week’s contest, the deadline is this Friday. Special thanks to the following judges who unanimously approved this week’s submission.
The health of the children is no joke folks. Like I have said all along, it is never too late to do the right thing.
The insubordination of establishment operative Kevin Pendergraft
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on September 28, 2016
We all know that Bruce Whitaker’s planning commissioner appointee Kevin Pendergraft endorsed Jennifer Fitzgerald in 2012.
Official Bad Acts By Fullerton Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald Should No Longer Be Ignored By The Fullerton Public
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on September 21, 2016
Official Bad Acts By Fullerton Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald Should No Longer Be Ignored By The Fullerton Public. (Why are so many of the main issues and solutions ignored by all council members; Bruce Whitaker, Greg Sebourn, Doug Chaffee, Jan Flory and of course our Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald?) By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson
September 20th, 2016, there was another eventful meeting of the Fullerton City Council. Once again Mayor Fitzgerald exhibited behavior that proves she is unfit to represent us. She lost her cool simply because another council member rightly asked that the questions and concerns about a grant application for funds to buy open land in West Coyote Hills be answered by city staff.

Jennifer Fitzgerald became Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates only after her election to the council
Mayor Fitzgerald obviously would be much more comfortable in a non-democratic venue where she was never held to account at official government meetings. The public mentioned twice that the language on the Fullerton City Council Agenda states that it wants the public to participate in the decision making of city business and welcomes questions from that same public. Yet Mayor Fitzgerald when asked if any of those public questions would be responded to got upset and angry.
Let us review the behavior of Mayor Fitzgerald in the last few months as follows:
First she states that she along with unelected City Manager Joe Felz felt the need to fix the rules of behavior by the public at city council meeting with her new rules of civility to include giving the city the right to remove anyone from the council chambers for the “heinous crime” of “polite clapping”.
Then she states more than once that there was no truth that the city was in favor of putting up apartments in the shopping center currently inhabited by Polly’s Pies. Yet at a recent previous Planning Committee meeting the city proposed and recommended a Revised DCCSP plan that including expanding the zoning for 6 retail/commercial properties including the one where Polly’s Pies is located to allow for mixed-use development. Mixed-use development means putting small retail shops on a ground floor of a multi-story apartment or condo development. This would have given the current landowner the right without any future city zoning approval to add hundreds of apartments and remove most if not all of the current retail shops.
Beloved Polly’s Pies could still close to make way for massive highrise Section 8 housing project
Finally, she gets angry because she is asked to actually respond herself or have a city staff member respond to legitimate questions by the public.
It is clear from the statements above, that Mayor Fitzgerald has problems with the following:
The public’s right to know,
The public’s right to participate,
The public’s right to politely clap and
The public’s right to know when the city is trying to make it easier for large-scale high-rise development by way of a zoning change for six major retail/commercial properties.
In conclusion, Mayor Fitzgerald showed a lack of interest in participatory democracy.
P.S. It is so sad that once again the disagreements between Whitaker and Fitzgerald missed the most important points. Namely,that the 4 to 5 million dollars of on-gong net revenue loss over a 20 year period (starting in 2010) related to agreements covering the Fullerton Golf Course, which I disclosed in writing in detail to the entire council in the beginning of the year has been buried by them. It was buried without the Mayor or the person who appointed me, Council member Whitaker asking me one single solitary question on this extremely important issue. I am a trained auditor with over 25 years auditing experience with
It was buried without the Mayor or the person who appointed me, Council member Whitaker asking me one single solitary question on this extremely important issue. I am a trained auditor with over 25 years auditing experience with a MBA with Honors from Boston University. But Bruce is very good at bringing up relatively smaller points with the help of certain of his supporters and then losing 4 to 1.

Bruce playing ball with uncle Joe
He spoke out because the grant application was not part of the package of information. But the real problem, which would make a difference going forward, he ignored. That was the fact that both grant application items needed to be approved last night or so the city said, or the grant deadline would be missed. What needed to be said by Whitaker or anyone else is the following: Why do you bring us agenda items at the very last minute?

Happy days are here again… for some
They should always be brought to the city council at least three weeks before any deadlines. This would allow for the ability to get more information and then bring it back for a vote at the next council meeting.
But the city I believe does this purposely, to not allow for such additional scrutiny. Just another example that proves how very corrupt is the Fullerton City Government. I have to assume that all members of the city council are fine with these items being on the agenda at the 11th hour because they all knew the facts as disclosed at the council meeting but refused to address this very real problem.
Reading The Below Comments By Sean Paden And Fullerton Council Member Bruce Whitaker Provides Insight As To Their True Identities. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on September 13, 2016

Barry Levinson
Well I decided to provide some facts for Sean Paden on the Stop SCAG Facebook Page, where he posts frequently. After some back and forth between us, those comments were miraculously removed from that Facebook page. I decided to repost them on that Facebook page and here below as follows:
Barry Levinson
“Bruce Whitaker ignored my 4 to 5 million well documented proof that over a 20-year period starting in 2010 the city with the approval of the city council started wasting this much in net revenue because of the contract and bond issue both dealing with the Fullerton Golf Course. Yet you still support him when instead he chooses to be outraged over one or two 400-dollar city hotel bills. As I write this the loss of net revenue continues and Bruce Whitaker along with all the other council members have done their best to bury my findings.
You know I am a trained auditor by profession. Bruce Whitaker is either a coward or fraud or both. I have absolutely no respect for him. I tried for well over a year to get Bruce to do the right thing privately but he continued to refuse and make the lamest of excuses why people like myself had to bear the brunt of sticking our necks out against the establishment while our so-called leader hid in the shadows. I am so, so tired of getting messages from Linda Whitaker accusing me of stealing David Curlee’s work. I have always readily admitted that I used much of David’s research, (i.e. posting the original city documents) to arrive at my analysis but this issue was totally missed and/or ignored by the both of you.
I was the only one with both the courage and the skill to report on it and every single council member including the person who appointed me, Bruce Whitaker ignored what I handed to them in great detail. A complete failure to live up to their fiduciary responsibilities. What a huge scandal?”
Sean Paden
“Barry he didn’t ignore you. He had at least one very lengthy meeting with Mr Curlee about the issue. If you have more requests send them to me and I’ll forward It to him.”
Barry Levinson
“Sean you are such a total phony. Council member Bruce Whitaker had a meeting with David Curlee but not with the person, namely me, his appointee to the Parks and Recreation Committee, who did the total analysis. Bruce Whitaker did not mention the results of that analysis at any city council meetings. He did not return my calls nor my emails? Bruce Whitaker never had the decency to contact me to discuss these very serious findings of either incompetence, malfeasance or much worse. I cannot believe you think that fellow Fullertonians are that gullible to accept such a lame response.”
I guess Sean Paden decided that the facts did not make our 6 year council member look particularly good. Now why again did Bruce Whitaker ignore an ongoing 4 to 5 million dollar issue from his own appointee?
Is it because he represents the people of Fullerton so very well? No. Is it because he takes his fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers of Fullerton so very seriously? No.
Could it be that Bruce Whitaker is a fraud or maybe a coward or both? Yes, for it is hard to look at all the evidence and come to any other conclusion. Please say no to four more years of Bruce Whitaker’s pontificating on our Council stage when he knows the cause is lost and the only purpose for his comments is for show for his supporters. That Fullertonians is why after 6 years as our Council member, the only thing Bruce Whitaker has delivered is a phony 8A redistricting map, coronating Fitzgerald as our Mayor and the game changer FIREWORKS! Do you really think that the people of Fullerton will miss him when he is not re-elected? NO!
I forgot, Whitaker also voted for Ma’Ayn Johnson, a S.C.A.G planning employee to sit on our Planning Committee. Yet on the Facebook page, “Stop S.C.A.G.” Sean conveniently fails to disclose that fact about Council member Bruce Whitaker. He had 16 other candidates for the position and he picks a S.C.A.G. planner. How does Bruce Whitaker explain this? He can’t explain it. How does Sean Paden have the disingenuousness to fully support the Stop SCAG Facebook page but fail to condemn this appointment voted for by Council member Bruce Whitaker? Why are you Sean hiding such an important fact from the Facebook page visitors?
Sean, I guess, does not like to deal with certain critical facts. I guess supporting his guy, Bruce Whitaker right or wrong is more important then making it known who on our city council is for S.C.A.G. Those for S.C.A.G. would be our entire council who unaninously appointed a S.C.A.G. planning employee to our Planning Commission. Another fact, is that it was no one other than Mayor Fitzgerald who put forth the name of Ma’Ayn Johnson for Planning Commissioner. Why is Sean Paden supporting Council Member Bruce Whitaker who helped put her on our Planning Committee? Why is Sean Paden giving Bruce Whitaker a complete pass on this issue? When will Bruce Whitaker explain to the Fullerton public his support for S.C.A.G. and therefore for Agenda 21? We need people loyal to both their convictions and the people who elected them based on those expressed convictions. Bruce Whitaker by voting for Ma’Ayn Johnson clearly violated those convictions and at the same time turned his back on the vast majority of his constituents.
Yes Sean and other Bruce Whitaker surrogates will trash me all over the social media and beyond for my above comments. But for what….for stating the facts and telling the truth. I am pointing out the very apparent hypocrisy of Bruce Whitaker and his surrogates, in this case Sean Paden.
Please now read what Bruce Whitaker told the Fullerton Observer for its July 2016 issue, which was published approximately 5 weeks after Whitaker removed me from my post without any advance warning that he had any problem with my service to the community and without any reason for my dismissal.
In removing me, he did not even thank me for 5 and one half years of honest and hard working service as his appointee to the Park and Recreation Committee. Is this the way a statesman handles the removal of an appointee? Well here is what he said in the Fullerton Observer to this question.
“The Observer asked Councilmember Whitaker for his reason for removing his appointed commissioner. He, (meaning Bruce Whitaker) sent the following response.” “”Faced with an imminent employee action which would have likely generated substantial cost to the City, to avoid that action, I opted to remove the commission member.””
What employee is he referring to and what action might that employee take that would cost the city substantial money? Why is he making these statements to the Fullerton Observer, while not saying anything to me. Bruce Whitaker’s statement to the Fullerton Observer is not the action of a honorable human being let alone a statesman, to purposely attempt to ruin the reputation of an honest activist citizen, like myself.
In other words in my humble opinion, this was just pure character assassination by our so-called esteemed Council member Bruce Whitaker. To this day, the only feedback from Bruce Whitaker was only praise about my work on the Park and Recreation Committee as well as my many public comments at Fullerton City Council meetings. His call to inform me he was removing me only included the remark that he had been considering removing me for the last 3 or 4 months. Funny how that statement by him is not in sync with his comments to the Fullerton Observer above. I believe the truth is that as far as Mr. Whitaker was concerned, I served the community much too well. So not only does he remove me without giving me any explanation, he then is compelled to strongly insinuate that I did something wrong.
If you have anything of substance Council member Whitaker, you put all your cards on the table. You gave absolutely no facts while trashing my reputation, which members of this city government now have done multiple times. Bruce Whitaker not only crossed a political line, but he crossed a line of simple human decency. Simply stated, these are not the actions of a man of integrity and honesty. For that alone, he does not deserve another four years as our council member. This is the same man who has called for transparency in city government. Bruce Whitaker, a real leader leads by example. All the above, clearly demonstrates that you are something much less.
Here are some quotes about the subject of telling the truth as follows:
Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Thomas Jefferson
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
Winston Churchill
In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.
Elvis Presley
I report, you decide.
Barry Levinson
In My Continuing Series Concerning Our Upcoming November Fullerton City Election, I Lay Out Some Of The Parameters Fullertonians Should Consider Before Voting For The Next 3 Council Members.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 27, 2016

Barry Levinson
In This Context, I Also Discuss The Major Issues That Faced Fullertonians In My Last Run For City Council And How Those That Were Elected Did Not Meet The Needs Of Our Citizens. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on July 21, 2016

Barry Levinson
1. At just before 11AM I went to the City of Fullerton website to open the video of the meeting. IT WAS NOT THERE. NOT ONLY WAS THE VIDEO NOT THERE, BUT THE AGENDA WAS NOT ON THE WEBSITE EITHER.
It Is Now Crystal Clear: The Modus Operandi Of Council Member Bruce Whitaker.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics on June 27, 2016
I know to some this message will be very painful, to some infuriating, and to others music to their ears as fodder for political talking points and hit pieces. Believe me, it pains me to have had to have come to this. For four years I have painfully watched all of this and other disturbing developments unfold that at first I couldn’t believe, that I then didn’t want to believe and then finally that I could no longer ignore. I must admit that when I first entered the political scene years back, I had the utmost respect for Bruce Whitaker and had admired his demeanor and his positions. That respect is long gone.
Many may not fully understand my motivations for writing this article, many will accuse me of attacking one of our own. Bruce is nowhere near one of our own as you will soon see. Others may be rejoicing at the apparent division. Ladies and gentlemen, my modus operandi has always been to tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may because the truth will stand on its own.

The Nelson line up for the fall season
Instead of Bruce doing everything in his power to tip the balance on the council and expose his boss Nelson’s sacred cow Fitzgerald WHO HAPPENS TO BE THE DECIDING VOTE EVERY TIME, he goes along to get along, ignores vital issues, remains totally silent on others, and pontificates only when it makes no difference when it is far too late when his vote means nothing. This has allowed Fitzgerald to be the deciding vote that screws Fullerton over every time. Bruce’s silence and absence of resistance and opposition to the fact that we have a lobbyist as our mayor is mind boggling unless you understand how the game is played. He plays it safe with the bosses, pontificates when it is too little too late, means nothing, has no impact, and ensures that the agendas move along with a semblance of conservative opposition. He has and continues to allow her to remain on the council in spite of her built in conflict of interest, her horrible voting record, and then votes to give her the mayor title on the ballot. WATCH WHO ENDORSES BRUCE AND JENNIFER WHO HAVE OPPOSITE VOTING RECORDS. IT WILL SHOW YOU HOW PHONY AND RIGGED THIS WHOLE THING IS. Enough insanity folks.
You see going along to get along has resulted in Fullerton being so far gone that it will not be recognizable very, very soon. Our problems as a community are huge and the solutions require a major sea change in politics. Fullerton is awash in red ink, greed, corruption and cronyism. Fullerton is full of busted up roads, screwed up zoning, massive development, out of control traffic, a corrupt police department, out of control spending and of course politicians that keep all this going. We need to end the status quo, remove the status quo’s henchmen and women and expose those who ostensibly come in peace, seem to be on our side and betray us in clever ways that only those who are really paying attention would ever notice.
When there was a major fiscal issue brought to Councilman Bruce Whitaker by his appointee to the Park and Recreation Committee, Mr. Levinson, Bruce Whitaker was totally silent. He never uttered a word in his capacity as a city councilman about the 4 to 5 million dollars being squandered by the city of Fullerton on the Fullerton Golf Course contract over 20 years as shown by Mr. Levinson in great detail. Mr. Whitaker totally ignored Mr. Levinson on this critical issue.
Equally disturbing, on another occasion, Fullerton Park and Recreation commissioner Barry Levinson was totally unaware that the Summit House Restaurant 25-year extension was to be incorrectly brought before the city council because Joe Felz decided to bypass the Parks and Recreation Department first even though the Summit House sits on Fullerton publicly owned parkland. It still had 16 years left on its sweetheart lease and they wanted to sneak through another 25 year extension behind everyone’s back.

This land is your land this land is my land
Councilmember Whitaker had at least 72-hour advance knowledge that this was on the city council agenda as a CONSENT ITEM and yet according to Mr. Levinson, Mr. Whitaker never contacted him and apprised him of this situation. Why not? Why the silence? Why did Bruce Whitaker not immediately discuss this critical issue with his appointee on the Park and Recreation Commission, Barry Levinson?

Barry Levinson
As Mr. Levinson and I were in attendance at that meeting, Barry pointed out at that council meeting that it was totally improper for the city to fail to bring this agenda item to the Park and Recreation Committee first and even more unconscionable that it was then put on the city council agenda as a CONSENT ITEM. No one vetted this agenda item but the city nevertheless the city wanted to very quietly and surreptitiously pass it without any discussion. Even after Mr. Levinson stopped this in its tracks, Mr. Whitaker, who appointed Mr. Levinson remained totally silent on the issue. Apparently Council member Whitaker does not want to disturb the establishment order in Fullerton. This attempted hijacking of public property was directed back to the Park and Recreation Committee for first consideration. Mr. Levinson learned later from Hugo Curiel, Director of Parks and Recreation at a subsequent Parks and Recreation Committee meeting that the owner of the Summit House rescinded his request for the 25-year extension that would have taken the lease arrangement through 2060.

back room deal gone bad thanks to Barry
Barry, the one honest committee member was the lone voice who pulled the consent item on the city council agenda and pointed out the obvious before it was about to be approved 5 to 0 by a phony, corrupt city council without any discussion. Once again the city council and of course the city manager was attempting to do a huge financial favor for one of its special interest friends while at the same time screwing the Fullerton public. Did I mention that the Summit House was built with Fullerton Redevelopment money? Redevelopment was supposed to be used to fix “blighted areas”. Since when is parkland on one of the prettiest vistas in all of Northern Orange County next to million dollar neighborhoods considered blighted?
As Barry Levinson continued to do his job as a commissioner speaking out on various issues that directly and adversely affect the community at large, and doing so as an appointee of Bruce Whitaker , the climate at these public meetings got so bad that Mr. Levinson was shut down and not allowed to conclude his remarks after speaking only a few minutes during the communications period of the meeting. This is the part of the meeting on the agenda for Commissioners to speak on any item or topic that falls within the purview of the Park and Recreation Commission and Department.

going along to get along-Fitzgerald appointee Cox
In response to this egregious behavior, Mr. Levinson contacted formally in writing all council members including Mr. Whitaker and again Mr. Whitaker chose to remain totally silent. Bruce not only failed to defend Mr. Levinson’s doing his job, his right to speak in an open meeting, and carrying out his duties as Bruce’s appointee, he totally ignored him once again.
On June 23, 2016 Mr. Whitaker offered up some insight into his failure to ask for an investigation into what I believe to be a criminal attempt to get Mr. Levinson charged with a bogus misdemeanor crime in order to have him removed from his position as the Chair of The Park and Recreation Commission. “On an objective City Council, I could have obtained a majority vote to launch an outside investigation. No chance to do so in this case where perhaps a majority participated in the collusive effort to remove him.”
First it does not explain the fact that according to Commissioner Levinson that on two separate occasions that Councilman Whitaker told Barry that if anybody from the public requests of the council an investigation into this incident, that Bruce would so attempt to get it agendized. Three different Fullerton citizens including Mr. Levinson and myself did just that yet Bruce to this day remains silent on this issue.
Second, Bruce boasts of supporting Barry when most on the council were in Bruce’s words “collusively trying to remove him from the committee”. Ironically, it was Bruce Whitaker himself who, without any advanced warning to Mr. Levinson, did the exact same thing without giving a single solitary reason for his unusual move in terminating Mr. Levinson from the Park and Recreation Commission.
Lastly, Bruce has stated above and on many other occasions that his refusal to bring something important forward at council is due to the lack of votes Bruce has on the council. If that is the reason for his silence why does he always pontificate on specific agenda items which are before the council that really should be voted down when he knows it will be passed by his fellow council members?
I will answer my own question. It is because we can count on Bruce only when there is an issue guaranteed to pass in the council to then and only then speak out and feign courage as the lonely voice of reason. You rarely speak out in front of an issue to change the outcome for the better but rather speak only after the bad outcome is assured. Leadership demands speaking out often to rally support and affect change? You are more like a funeral director, talking about what could have been after the fight or the body has already been lost. How pathetic and more importantly deceitful that this has been Bruce’s modus operandi for 6 years!

Bruce voted to make this woman mayor as he never goes after Nelson’s sacred cow and Pringle lobbyist up on the dais Fitzgerald
Six years and what are his accomplishments…. voting to appoint Jennifer Fitzgerald as Mayor in an election year no less so her name will appear on the ballot as MAYOR making her defeat much more difficult…voting for a totally phony districting Map for Fullerton, Map 8A, which basically destroys downtown as a separate neighborhood and fireworks.
What are just a few of your incredible failures?
Never demanding or much less asking Jennifer Fitzgerald to disclose her client list from Curt Pringle and Associates, a very large lobbyist and public relations firm with ties to many Southern California government entities. This list is necessary for her to disclose for it is the only way to ensure that she does not have a conflict of interest while representing the people of Fullerton. I have formally asked for this in writing and verbally during public comment periods which Bruce has done no such thing.
Voting to appoint Jennifer Fitzgerald Mayor of Fullerton in her compromised position as V.P of Curt Pringle and Associates with no transparency on her part.
Voting to appoint Ma’Ayn Johnson to the Planning Commission when she has a built-in conflict of interest as a senior planner for the unelected Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). She recently stated that the population growth of Fullerton is inevitable and we need to plan for it. The facts are that significant growth is only inevitable if the Planning Commission and the City Council continue to vote for zoning changes that allow for high-rise development in a city with little open land except for West Coyote Hills. She and her allies on SCAG push for this high-rise Agenda 21 Growth consistently making her biased as a commissioner. Bruce has refused to agendize her removal from the planning commission and remains silent on this issue.
Never asking for an investigation into an apparent criminal conspiracy lead by the FPD and the City council against Mr. Levinson. His poor excuse for being silent was that he did not have the votes. Question: Why does he normally pontificate on the loosing end of so, so many agenda items? Why even show up for work with that attitude?
Refusing to agendize an investigation by Michael Genacco into the attempted framing of Barry Levinson even after several residents including myself had specifically publicly asked him to do so. This was a prime example of how a concerted effort by city officials could have led to falsely imprisoning of innocent men.
Totally ignoring Mr. Levinson’s very detailed and well supported analysis of how the City of Fullerton is in the process of wasting 4 to 5 million dollars over a 20-year period starting in December 2010 by their actions to voluntarily change their agreement with American Golf Corporation to run the Fullerton Golf Course. At the same time Bruce was pushing for an audit committee on the council he was continuing to ignore his own appointee Barry Levinson on the Park and Rec commission who is an internal auditor by profession! Bruce wants an audit committee and ignores this?
Voting to disenfranchise the people of downtown Fullerton with a vote for Map 8A.
When Bruce had the votes to make a difference after the recall election he chose to put his political capital into legalizing Safe and Sane Fireworks at the direction of Shawn Nelson. By doing so he squandered a golden opportunity to make real changes in Fullerton.
Failure to respond to my request to make a motion to agendize a change in selling city of Fullerton property from the current closed door, sole source negotiations to mandating every sale must be done on an open and competitive basis.
Failure to give any reasons for his dismissal of Mr. Levinson from the Park and Recreation Committee nor any warning whatsoever that he was dissatisfied with Mr. Levinson’s performance.
No wonder the City of Fullerton government continues to be such a total mess. No one on that council has the integrity and courage to consistently do the right thing. Without character or courage on the dais we the people of Fullerton are at the mercy of a very broken city government.
Mr. Whitaker has a ton of explaining to do to both Mr. Levinson and to the good people of Fullerton. It is so sad to realize that Mr. Whitaker has been the consummate politician when we the people of Fullerton desperately needed a statesmen and a leader which he so cleverly portends to be when in my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth.
Leaders lead, leaders rally the troops, leaders sound the alarm, leaders warn others of impending situations that are harmful to the community.
I guess the bar has been so low for so long in this town that Bruce actually believes he is what he claims to be. You know that a great voting record means nothing when Bruce is making sure that it will continue to mean nothing by giving corruption a pass, maintaining the establishment balance of power on the dais all the while aiding and abetting the re-election of Fitzgerald.
November will be very interesting to say the least folks especially if Fullerton really opens her eyes. Time will tell and don’t accept any wooden nickels in the meantime ladies and gentlemen. There are far too many in the political mix in this town that need to turned in to the counterfeit office.
Fullerton Planning Commission (Larry Bennett, Peter Gambino, Silber and Dunlap) Once Again Sides with the Special Interests and Ignores the Communities of Sunny Hills Estates and Old Sunny Hills. By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson
I was disappointed but not surprised that the Planning Committee voted for the 32-unit development by Melia Homes on a scant 3.3 acres. One committee member had the audacity to state that the traffic in and around the Laguna Road Elementary School was not the developer’s problem (but it most definitely should be the city of Fullerton’s problem along with the Fullerton School District).

Fitzgerald appointee and sock puppet Larry Bennett
By voting for the zoning change the developer is requesting, you are allowing him to make the traffic problems worse. Therefore, the serious traffic congestion at the beginning and end of each day at Laguna Road School is in fact in part the developer’s problem. The commissioners are making that property much more valuable to the landowner by voting for the zoning change from office/medical space to attached housing, yet giving him a pass on the added traffic congestion and added parking problems the developer will create for the surrounding neighborhood. It seems that as commissioners you are not thinking clearly and certainly ignoring the very legitimate concerns of the community.

Seaborne appointee Gambino that voted to ruin Fullerton with the yes vote on the DCCSP

It is most definitely the city’s responsibility and obligation to make a decision that does not harm any of the residents. This commissioner along with the other 3 voting for its approval, have abdicated that role. This project will exacerbate the traffic congestion and the potential for additional accidents in and around the Laguna Road School.

Big developer puppet Silber who hates cars and loves high density with a yes vote on the disastrous DCCSP
Yes it is also a FSD issue but the last time I looked it is in and within the City of Fullerton. The next traffic injury or death is on the four-committee members, who voted for this (Peter Gambino, Larry Bennett, Silber and Dunlap). It should be noted that this very important vote was made with 2 of the 7-committee members not in attendance, namely Kevin Pendergraft and Ma‘Ayn Johnson.

Agenda 21 SCAG operative Ma’yaan Johnson voted yes for the DCCSP was a no show on this mess
A committee concerned about doing the right thing would have at least postponed the vote until they could get all of the committee members to actually meet their obligation and duty to represent the good people of Fullerton. The way this city conducts business is both indefensible and deplorable.

Bruce’s repeated no show appointee Pendergraft who missed the vote on the DCCSP and missed the vote on this spot zone change-two huge decisions and he decides to stay home-fire this guy and appoint Barry

The “Boss” Joe Felz
P.S. There was not one bit of evidence asked for by the committee or given by Melia Homes that demonstrated that a smaller single-family development was not financially feasible on that 3.3-acre site. The public did speak to a new single-family development across from Laguna Road School of 7 houses on about 3 acres of land. That is obviously financially viable but we are to believe the sales BS of Melia Homes that they need a minimum of 32 homes on 3.3 acres to be financially viable, only a short few hundred feet away. For all the degrees and education represented on this Planning Commission, they sure seem to lack of whole bunch of common sense and objectivity.
Here is the description of the other project from the City of Fullerton.
The project is a residential development that proposes seven single family detached houses on a 2.97 acre lot, with a gross density of 2.57 dwelling units per acre. The lots will range in size from 17,620 square feet to 20,879 square feet. Vehicular access to the houses would be from Laguna Road via gated private drive that would be constructed
September 16, 2014
City of Fullerton – Initial Study Checklist
The City of Fullerton Government Continues It’s March To Make Its Deals with Specific Special Interests At Both The June 21 Council Meeting And The June 22 Planning Committee Meeting. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton Community events, Fullerton politics, Highway Robbery, Who's who in Fullerton politics on June 18, 2016

Barry Levinson
First before I talk about the 1st two agenda items on the June 21, 2016 council meeting, I must bring to your attention Item No. 2 under Closed Session. (Item No. 2 – Conference with Real Property Negotiator – Per Government Code Section 54956.8.) It lists two pieces of property. One property, Meridian Health Club is located at 1535 Deerpark Drive and the other property is located at 1747 West Commonwealth Ave near the Grace Ministries International Building. The parties besides the city are the Meridian Club and Grace Ministries International.

The city-owned land occupied by the Meridian Sports Club, seen here, has been identified as property the city would be willing to sell.
Why is the city once again in sole source negotiations on two pieces of property? In order to sell any parcel of property the best way to maximize its market value is to put it up for sale to the public at large. Similar to the comments by Joe Felz at a recent Library Board meeting, where he recommended we sell the Hunt Library to Grace Ministries with a sole source bid, here we have the same shenanigans by our city.

This building at Grace Ministries in Fullerton looks more like a bank than a church. That’s because that is precisely what it is. MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY GO IN AND NEVER COME BACK TO THE COMMUNITY JUST LIKE CITY HALL.
This is not in the best financial interest of the people of Fullerton. Would any council member or Mr. Felz enter into a sole source negotiation to sell their residence or would they put it on the open market to attract the best possible price. Yes, Mr. Felz or Ms. Fitzgerald can offer there home for a less than market price because it is their house. The properties in question are not owned by Mr. Felz or Ms. Fitzgerald but are owned by the people of Fullerton. It is the City Manager’s and the City Council’s fiduciary duty to maximize the sales price for any piece of city property. To do otherwise would be committing malfeasance in my opinion.

Jennifer Fitzgerald, Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates running around masquerading as our mayor-
Both Mr. Imbriano and myself talked about this troubling situation. Mr. Imbriano asked that they agendize a change on how the city sells “excess” city property. Of course all five council members and our city manager ignored our pleas for fiscal and fiduciary sanity.
Then we go on to the main event, regular business and we have before us an “exclusive negotiating agreement with Pelican Community, Inc. for 12 months with 2 optional 45-day extensions to come up with a concept/basic designs for the Fox Block including a 200 space parking structure and an office building of unknown size and height. The particulars of the Fox Theatre including how much additional work is required and an estimated reopening date were not provided during the agenda item discussion. Leland Wilson, the President of the Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation (FHTF) non-profit group spoke but provided no information on the status of the Fox Theatre Renovation. Ten years plus and counting and we hear about plans for a parking structure and a major new office building to be built next to the Fox Theatre only. Please go to the FHTF website at to see how little information there is about the status and future of the Fox Theatre in Fullerton.

Is the Fox running the henhouse over at the Fox keeping the rats nests ready for the wrecking ball as he excercises the public?
There is one more point I need to make concerning this exclusive agreement. Mr. Hamm the owner of Pelican Properties, Inc. stated that he thought an office building should be a major part of his concept for the Fox Block. Yet at the Planning Committee meeting recently the city staff and some commissioners such as Larry Bennett where stating that the reason they want to change the zoning of the property on Bastanchury, formerly the Fullerton Internal Medicine Clinic to townhomes is because there is no demand for office space in Fullerton. So on the one hand the city argues to change zoning from office/medical space because of lack of demand for an office/medical building but a mile south on Harbor and Chapman, we entered into an exclusive arrangement with one developer to build us more office space. Either there is or is not demand for office space in Fullerton.

Jennifer Fitzgeralds sock puppet, and Bankhead, Jones and Mckinley’s sycophant establishment hack Larry Bennett
Council Agenda Item No. 2 is no better. City of Fullerton puts on the ballet the right to open up to 9 marijuana dispensaries along with the legalization of the commercial manufacture and distribution in our city. Of course the city wants this to make money as it requests a whopping 15% tax with the ability to raise it to 20%. It is not enough that a previous council has destroyed our once family oriented downtown with numerous bars and nightclubs that every weekend attracts thousands of people throughout Southern California including some undesirable types.
One city study estimated it costs the taxpayers a net 1 million dollars a year for this financial and social fiasco. I spoke of these past follies by our city government and asked them not to place this measure on our November ballet. Mayor Fitzgerald got cold feet and quickly made a motion to continue this item until after the election. The staff’s presentation ignored the health and moral concerns of making pot legally readily available in Fullerton. I suspect that Ms. Haluza was directed by her boss to ignore the moral and health implications of this issue. If that was the case, what does that tell you about our City Manager, Joe Felz?
There is another very important point that I must make concerning this agenda item. Question: If legalizing the sale and manufacture of marijuana in Fullerton is such a good idea, then why all the restrictions on both the placement and number of establishments? Why is it necessary to place a 15% tax on marijuana sales with the city option to raise it to 20%?
It seems that once again it is all about generating additional tax revenue to make up the huge shortfall created by our city council and their very generous raises to police 6% a year and fire 9% over two years. It is kind of funny/ironic to think that the city wanted to bring marijuana to Fullerton to help pay for the very generous police raises. These things can only happen in Fullerton. Question: Why did Joe Felz and Mayor Fitzgerald bring this very controversial and unnecessary agenda item forward at this time, if it had zero support? (The final vote was 5 to 0 to continue the item until after the November elections. I believe Mayor Fitzgerald had the authority to keep this from being on the agenda. Obviously, this was a trial balloon by Felz and Fitzgerald, which they originally hoped would pass but got cold feet when they saw the amount of opposition.
Fullerton City Hall needs a housecleaning in November.
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