Here is further information regarding an article we previously published on our website. The California Supreme Court did loosen some Jessica’s Law Rules on where sex offenders can live. For more information please see . For further information regarding the City of Fullerton municipal code, please contact the City of Fullerton at 714-738-6350.
Archive for category Fullerton politics
Let’s take a closer look at the Friends For Fullerton’s Future Website by Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on May 27, 2017

FFFF Founder Tony Bushala

FFFF Site Administrator Travis Kiger
If the FFFF website was run by objective straight-forward people they would know that they only had to look into a mirror to find some of the people responsible for the construction disaster, known as the City of Fullerton Hillcrest Park to Lion’s Field Stairs. For you blame Ms. Cox for her phony, contrived and orchestrated statements.
Yet who put Ms. Cox in the position of Park and Recreation Committee member? That person was none other than Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald. And what Council member among others has this website given a pass over the last 5 years? I believe that would be the same aforementioned Ms. Fitzgerald. So FFFF, look no further than into a mirror to place some blame for those hideously constructed stairs.
I believe that would be the same aforementioned Ms. Fitzgerald. So FFFF, look no further than into a mirror to place some blame for those hideously constructed stairs.
It is so obvious to see that this website is exactly the carbon copy of the political careers of Bruce Whitaker and Greg Sebourn who they so often tout.
They acknowledge problems, wring their hands over the issues and then do absolutely nothing to solve the problems. Giving Greg Sebourn credit for stating the obvious after the many problems with the stairs were exposed by the public is so, so ridiculous.
Sebourn failed to bring forth a motion to agendize an internal investigation over whom within the city approved the shoddy and very substandard construction and then Sebourn did not bring a motion to sue the contractor responsible for all the derelict construction. This demonstrates clearly that he is only good at grandstanding. The same could easily and correctly be said about Appointed Mayor Bruce Whitaker who touts limited fiscally conservative government. But did he make either of the above motions as Mayor…of course not. For it is so obvious that neither have the integrity or the courage to do the right thing for the people of Fullerton. However, they are all too often ready to take credit for statements they make that never do the good people of Fullerton any darn good. What a pair they make on that dais!
Questions for those responsible for the Friends for Fullerton’s Future as follows:
- Please explain as libertarians your censorship and your lack of candor about your moderation and canceling comments that you obviously do not want to be posted to your website?
- Please also explain why this web page waited until literally the day after the 2016 election to go back on the Internet. I guess the outcome of the 2016 election for a so-called political reform website was not important enough to restart it prior to rather than immediately after the 2016 elections.
I believe you owe it to your readership to answer the above two questions.
One last comment concerning the name of the website. Friends for Fullerton’s Future can’t be a more vague and nebulous title. Unless you believe that the end of days is quickly approaching, or a meteorite will destroy the entire planet very soon, or if the entire world will cease to exist due to a nuclear annihilation, the future is a given. But it is a very appropriate title for your website because it says nothing, means nothing and your website accomplishes nothing; no solutions, no improvements just grandstanding and allowing undisclosed bloggers to defame good people like myself.
What I am concerned about is the quality of the future we will leave to our children and grandchildren and the honesty and integrity of those we call our leaders including those that work at Fullerton City Hall.

Barry Levinson
There is absolutely no doubt that the biggest financial calamity facing California taxpayers created by our elected officials is the public pension unfunded liabilities followed by the public employee retiree health care unfunded liabilities.
Yet I have been making the point for some time now that as citizens we can’t ignore all the other falsehoods, misinformation and out and out lies given to us by our California elected and appointed officials at all levels of the government and expect to make real headway with pensions.
Why do I say this? It is rather simple really. How do you expect to get an honest handle on pension costs, when we allow our elected and appointed officials to mislead us on just about every important issue facing us today. You want objectivity, transparency, and honesty concerning pensions while letting our officials literally skate on almost everything else. Either we hold all of them accountable and that means they start being honest with us on everything or we throw all of them out and get elected officials who finally have our interests at the forefront of if not everything, at least most official actions they take as our duly elected representatives.
The fact that citizens who only address the big money issue of pensions and actually give cover to those who mislead and lie to us on so much else makes those citizens part of the entire problem and not part of the solution. You can not be honest with pensions and dishonest with everything else and expect a better outcome for both the taxpayers and the citizens of this once great state of California. There is nothing good to come out of supporting your crooked politician because he/she throws us a bone once in a blue moon. Unfortunately, the bone usually is hollow as well. It is usually political grandstanding and not real. So highlighting nothing other than skyrocketing pension costs will not get us where we need to be….which is for once getting a more honest, transparent government led by elected officials with equal parts integrity and courage.
So when will you pension writers start to call out the phonies who say they are for pension reform while lying to us on so many other very important issues and at the same time accomplishing little or nothing in the pension arena either.
A good start in the City of Fullerton would be to ask for the resignations of all Fullerton City Council members,
and Silva
for their repealing a very good law based on false information and assumptions.
It was Fullerton Ordinance 3149, the Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act. Now formerly convicted child rapists, molesters, etc. can live right next door to any school, park, pre-school and day-care center in Fullerton thanks to each and every council member going along with a deceitful false premise provided by none other than Fullerton City Attorney, James Touchstone. That false premise was that the Fullerton ordinance covered all sex offenders when in fact it explicitly stated that it dealt specifically with only child sex offenders. The fact is that in no California court has the residency restriction of just child sex offenders every been adjudicated or challenged. The question then remains why would all five council members take action to benefit pedophiles while at the same time making it less safe for our children?

City attorney Dick Jones
It is a question that we the citizens of Fullerton deserve a complete and honest answer to! But I can guarantee that will never happen and that is precisely why they all need to be thrown out of office.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Greg Sebourn, Jesus Silva, Pedophile protectors on the Fullerton City Council on May 18, 2017
receive and file issue |
Well it is obvious Mayor Whitaker that you should have known that the Milliman actuarial consultant was in attendance at the May 15, 2017 Fullerton City Council meeting because it was highlighted as the first sentence under Agenda Item No. 5 as follows: “John Botsford of Milliman, the City’s consulting actuary, will present the City’s updated actuarial analysis of Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liabilities.” Your claim that you had no idea that the consultant was present for the council meeting is ludicrous and ridiculous on its face.
You are telling us that you didn’t even read the agenda as Mayor when in fact it is your responsibility along with the City Manager to put out the Agenda itself. What are we the good people of Fullerton to make of your statement that you did not even read the Fullerton City Council Agenda prior to your leading the city council meeting? You are either totally incompetent or not being truthful with us. There are no other legitimate explanations for your behavior and statements. Shouldn’t you, Mr. so-called Fiscal Conservative, be aware of the costs to the taxpayer to bring that high priced consultant back again after you would have probably spent a few thousand taxpayer dollars to bring him down here for the May 15th meeting already?

Greg Sebourn made the motion to send the consultant packing

When Doug Chaffee is the only voice of reason on the council, you know we are in trouble
Why would you vote to postpone an agenda item that had already cost the city possibly thousands of dollars for this May 15th meeting, which required only the council’s action to Receive and File the item? In other words really no substantial action at all! Why would Greg Sebourn make a motion to postpone a Receive and File item to the next meeting and all of you very quickly concur with him?

Jesus Silva pondering the facts
In all cases when a motion to postpone an agenda item is being considered it should be necessary at the absolute minimum for that council member making that motion to explain why it is necessary to postpone the agenda item, especially at the very last moment as was the case here. The way this was handled was totally derelict by all of you. It demonstrated that you did not care about the great inconvenience you were willing to put the consultant and those Fullerton residents that were at the meeting or at home staying up to that late hour to hear this agenda item. We say shame on all of you for trying to avoid an agendized issue that obviously was embarrassing for all of you. Once again your action shows your complete disregard for the public.
Mayor Whitaker, you even added insult to injury by trying to skip public comments on this issue. How many times have you been mayor, Mr. Whitaker? We believe this is at least your third time. You keep on digging a bigger and bigger hole for yourself and it would take a Houdini like effort to now dig yourself out of this in our opinion.
You claim you quickly reversed the decision? No the city employee had to correct you and point out that it would be a great burden for this person to come down from the Bay Area and present at a later date. Not to mention your silence on the increased cost to the taxpayer by the councils original vote to postpone the item. He was there I assume based on your requested date and time. You have embarrassed yourself with this action and people who are paying attention will have plenty to discuss between now and the next election about your failings and we intend to lead those discussions.
The people of Fullerton more and more know the games you play. It is becoming a more and more common event for you and your fellow council members to mislead and or not to provide proper information on the important subjects we are dealing with.
We are also confused why David Curlee, Josh Ferguson and Tony Bushala, all present at the meeting had nothing to say on this item? They are people that highlight financial issues and they were all completely silent on a 35 million dollar unfunded liability. David Curlee and yourself have made it a point to discuss the propriety of $300/$400 a night city employee hotel bills in the recent past, yet now not a peep from either of you on a 35 million dollar unfunded Fullerton liability that will be have to come from us the taxpayers.
Finally, Greg Sebourn states that he will put on the agenda a discussion on having the city attempt to get a refund from the staircase contractor for obvious shoddy and substandard workmanship. Yet Sebourn never actually made a motion to get this on the agenda for the next meeting or for any meeting for that matter. Was this just political grandstanding by Sebourn? Why as Mayor and self proclaimed fiscal conservative, Mayor Whitaker did you not make that motion yourself?
How does it feel to remain silent on false claims about our Ordinance 3149, the Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act and then based on those false statements repeal a very good law. When will you or any member on the Fullerton City Council dais acknowledge what we have proved that City Attorney James Touchstone provided false information to justify his recommendation to repeal the Fullerton Ordinance? You stated that your votes are all appropriate. You call basing your vote on a previously proven misstatement of fact appropriate voting? You know with regard to that, you don’t have a leg to stand on. Mayor Whitaker, the guilt and the shame of your facial expressions when Diane and we were discussing this issue was so very telling. You voted along with all of your colleagues to repeal a Fullerton law based on a faulty presentation that helped to keep our children safe from pedophiles. You have repeatedly ignored the proof and evidence we showed all of you that the justification for your actions was based on falsehoods about the status and the language of Ordinance NO; 3149. Once again we say shame on all of you. It is hard to imagine a more damning set of circumstances that you now own concerning your action to intentionally lesson the safety of our children based on information you all knew was false. Shame on all of you.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Fullerton politics on May 10, 2017
This is an indictment of the FSD leadership under Dr. Pletka. Please note that after both Joe and myself spoke at the FSD Board meeting directing our comments to Dr. Pletka, he as well as the Board of Trustee members, and the other management team members present would not address our concerns as part of the official meeting and did not even have the courtesy of telling us that they would be contacting us to deal with this shortly. The arrogance of our school district leaders is very frightening and it is totally unacceptable. But Board of Trustee Member CHRIS THOMPSON did say on the record that I was full of crap after I spoke and that he would be joyous to prove me wrong. What is your problem Mr. Thompson? An apparent loose cannon about to go off at any moment.
P.S. A note to all my readers that I am considering all options to hold Dr. Pletka, Chris Thompson and the entire FSD accountable for all the above.
I would like to first give credit to Barry Levinson for showing extreme patience in dealing with the FSD staff as they literally thumbed their noses at the facts that they have been REPEATEDLY provided. The city council stood down as the city attorney lied to them and repealed a solid law that protected children AND THE SCHOOL DISTRICT RAISED THE STAKES AND DOUBLED DOWN AS THEY PUT OUT A SECOND TEXT TO ALL PARENTS THAT IS, EGREGIOUSLY ERRONEOUS, TO SAY THE LEAST.
Further Information Regarding Repeal of City of Fullerton Municipal Code Regarding Restrictions imposed on Sex Offenders Related to Residency and Location
” California loosens Jessica’s Law rules on where sex offenders can live”
Steven Sugarman, son of Fullerton School District Board President Hilda Sugarman and the son of the president of the St. Jude Heritage Medical Association, Fullerton Doctor Michael Sugarman was fired on January 23, 2017 from his CEO position of the Banc of California. WE HAVE ALSO LEARNED THAT HE IS ALSO BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE SEC FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES HE CONDUCTED AT THE BANK. BY BARRY LEVINSON
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA on April 29, 2017

Barry Levinson
One of the activities being investigated accorded to the Los Angeles Times is an alleged serious conflict of interest deal between Banc of California and a new soccer stadium wherein the bank pays the owners $100 million for the naming rights to the stadium over 15 years. A new stadium and a new league that has yet to play one game gets this amount of money seem very suspicious on the surface.
The Los Angeles Times did dig deeper and apparently so did the SEC because the part owner of this new Major League Soccer franchise is none other that Jason Sugarman, Steven Sugarman’s brother. This appears to be an extremely serious conflict of interest that a stadium that has not yet been built and a team and a league that has not yet played even one game would garner such a huge some of money upfront. Naming rights for even established teams and leagues for football, basketball or baseball stadiums has been controversial in the past. The reason is that it is hard to financially quantify the benefit for any corporation to spend 10’s of millions of dollars on naming rights.
The article goes on to state that there are other deals that supposedly the SEC is looking into concerning the bank but does expound on those other deals.
Below is the April 29,2017 article reprinted from the Los Angeles Times by James Rufus Koren as follows:

Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, Greg Sebourn on April 27, 2017

Barry Levinson

Early May Day action-Jonathan Paik’s planned illegal immigration invasion of the Fullerton School District and the deliberate stand down of the Fullerton Republican Women Federated
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA on April 26, 2017
When an email warning came out from the Fullerton Republican Women Federated group early last week warning of “Fullerton School Board Meeting on Sanctuary School Protection Resolution”, it urged its members to attend and speak.
In attendance at the FSD board meeting were the FWF members including its president, along with Pat Shuff and Susie Gapinksi. What did these women have to say as the contentious meeting dragged on with recurrent outbursts from the radical left wing pro-illegal immigrant Sanctuary District operatives? Nothing. At one point the leftist hecklers got so out of hand that a pro nation of laws speaker had his time cut short by Hilda. What did the so called conservative republican women in attendance do? Nothing.

Nothing but a coffee clutch folks and flowers are in order.
Barry Levinson and I were in attendance to decry the outrageous actions of the Board as they relate to the repeal of the Fullerton Sex offender ordinance and the deliberate misinformation that was put out by the district.

This pro-illegal alien supporter got very upset when I called out the pedophile protectors.
So Barry and I had to remind the FSD board of Trustees that their error needs to be corrected.
One hour into the meeting Mr. Sanctuary City salesmen Jonathan Paik was given upwards of what seemed like 10 or 15 minutes by the meeting timer, FSD’s notorious force irradiator Susan Cross Hume

Hume counts the seconds to shut me up and gives the Sanctuary City operative as much time as he wanted.
Hilda Sugarman sat back and let him pitch his bullshit and talk out of both sides of his mouth. Paik oozed with pride over the fact that so many illegal aliens are already here in Fullerton. So much so that he WANTS MORE.
This Korean national operative who is in love with Korean illegal aliens wants The Fullerton School district to adopt a SANCTUARY DISTRICT POLICY that will encourage more illegal aliens to fill the already overcrowded classrooms. He wants the district to adopt a radical resolution that will put the word out that Fullerton is THE PLACE FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THEIR CHILDREN.

Hilda Sugarman’s dystopic vision of wireless iPads: Every single child will have one 24/7
Radical, bleeding heart liberal, FSD board establishment member Hilda Sugarman, forced irradiator, mother of a recently fired Banc of California Ceo, project inkwell signator, forced vaccinator, and wife of the president of the St Jude Heritage Medical group on multiple occasions, violated board meeting protocal and gave the illegal alien activist over 11 minutes of speaking time at the FSD board meeting to push his radical Korean illegal alien agenda while attempting to refuse to allow Joe Imbriano to speak at all on the issue. She talked to the audience like we were five years old. What a creep.
Yes folks, the Korean resource center has sent its operatives to Fullerton to overrun our schools with illegal aliens while the local establishment phony conservative group puts out a call and not one of them bothers to defend the school district from the creeps that want to put the word out on the street that it is time for Fullerton to be invaded and to raid the local treasury. This clown wants the magnet turned on full blast so Fullerton gets on the world wide map for a pro illegal alien city and school district.
The Korean resource center wants to take your tax money to pay to push your children out of your schools that your tax money pays to run, and fill them with illegal aliens and to provide them free medical care, provide them free dental care, provide them free housing, provide them free food , free clothing, free school supplies, and free legal services all to illegal aliens and all with your tax money.
There were others from the Hispanic community as well pushing for super citizen status for the illegals and the suspension of the rule of law in Fullerton but I want to focus on this guy because he is the agitator for the race baiting KRC.
This Korean national political operative, Jonathan Paik is a representative of The Korean resource center. The KRC is a radical pro illegal alien anti American group whose stated goal is to give turn lawbreakers into super citizens and make you pay for all of it. They help register illegal aliens to vote and push a very radical leftist, extreme liberal agenda. The Korean illegal alien population is growing by leaps and bounds and Jonathan loves it. He wants to make sure the word gets out on the streets that Fullerton is the place for illegal aliens to set up shop and that The Fullerton School District is on the map as a SANCTUARY DISTRICT. Can you imagine the flood of illegal aliens moving to Fullerton as a result of such a proclamation? Imagine it.
So what do we make of the conservative group, The Fullerton Republican Women Federated, that remained silent as public comments went on and on while the radical leftist hecklers mocked, jeered and interrupted the speakers who believe in a nation of laws? Well this is the same group that supports all the phonies in town and the fact that they sat this one out is no surprise. They are either corrupt or cowards. They repeatedly court the corrupt police department including one of their favorites, Dan Hughes and the corrupt phony Republican leaders that make sure these agendas move right along. Just look at Dan Hughes pal above telling all the illegals they absolutely have nothing to worry about. Nice going.
When I caught up with the FPD information officer in the parking lot later in the evening, he contradicted himself once more and left me even more concerned for my safety as it relates to the rule of law and illegals in Fullerton. In the meantime, I want you all to meet your new neighbor, Jonathan Paik. I want you all to enjoy the 40 children in the classrooms with the doors closed as your children are immersed in foreign languages, and our Nationalism gets destroyed by race baiting liberals on the school board, in the teachers union all while the self-important cowards and phonies look on.
This school board member wants to fill Fullerton’s classrooms to the brim with illegals, have school taught in Spanish and have all district correspondence and publications produced in Spanish and make us pay for the free breakfast, lunch, dinner, day care and all the rest of the handouts ready to be handed out to the new super citizens.

This woman wants to make sure people with fake ID’s are walking around school campuses all the time as they drop off their children with fake ID’s. birth certificates and any other form of fake identification. That is the agenda.

What is so concerning is how we can just sit back and let a handful of extreme liberals organize while the phony conservatives stand down and most people just sit back and dump their kids off at schools that are already full of students with fake identities and adults with fake identities dropping them off and walking around the campus. There is no way anyone is safe while this goes on. This folks, is insane. We will allow no such enterprise to expand its operations in our hometown. You have my word on that.
There is no way anyone is safe whild this goes on. This folks, is insane. We will allow no such enterprise to expand its operations in our hometown. You have my word on that.
I Thought It Important To Reprint A Post On NextDoor By Carol Edmonston, One Of The Leaders Of Citizens For Responsible Development – Fullerton And The Responses It Garnered As Well. Question: Why Did Carol Edmonston Attempt So Very Quickly To Discredit The Very Important Posts About the Very Real Possibility Of Large High-density, High-rise Developments Going Into Sunrise Village? By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA on April 24, 2017
Question: Why Did Carol Edmonston Attempt So Very Quickly To Discredit The Very Important Posts About the Very Real Possibility Of Large High-density, High-rise Developments Going Into Sunrise Village? By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson
UPDATE: High Density Residential proposal
Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 1d ago
“From Carol Edmondston:
Dear Neighbors,
There has been an unsubstantiated rumor about a high density residential proposal for Sunrise Village Center (Euclid and Rosecrans). I contacted the City Development office this morning and spoke with Director Karen Haluza, who confirmed there are NO PLANS for any residential building. The site is NOT part of a Focus Area where there would be any discussion concerning a zone change from Commercial to Residential. There is NO framework to change the existing zone. It will remain Commercial. However, that does not mean a developer is prohibited from inquiring or engaging in any dialogue with the City, as Watt Communities (a division of Watt Residential) has recently done. At this time, there is NO need to worry about any future residential development at Sunrise Village Center.
Senna Nursery site on Bastanchury: There is no update news about any development at this time.
Old St. Jude Medical Heritage site: Oakmont Senior Living is currently in the process of putting together a proposal for the old St. Jude Medical Heritage site on Bastanchury and Morelia. The proposal is for a full service Assisted Living facility, which is different than Capriana, the luxury Retirement Community they built in Brea. Oakmont has also built numerous facilities throughout CA. Final plans have not yet been submitted, but several of us did meet with their VP of Development and Director of Development to share our concerns about any development at that location. We feel an Assisted Living facility is an appropriate choice for that site and hope to work closely with their team to ensure the building does not overpower the neighborhood. They are aware of our concerns. Because this proposal is commercial and in alignment with the current zone (no zone change request), they are not obligated to hold any Community meetings prior to presenting their proposal to the Planning Commission and City Council (which will be months down the road). It is our intent to stay in contact with Oakmont as their proposal moves along. They appear to be sensitive to the concerns of the neighbors and hopefully this will become a win/win project for all of us. We will keep you posted about the specific details as things move along.
Your neighbor,
Carol Edmonston”
Christie, Gizmo, Lisa, and 22 others thanked Carol
Marlene Halvorson from Fern Drive · 1d ago
Oh my goodness Carol, thank you for the information. I am concerned about all of the sights you spoke of, ……(and more). I feel some relief after reading your update. Have you heard anything on the Commonwealth Row project ? 1501 and 1525 Commonwealth – West Commonwealth and Orchard. Heather Allen is the Planning Consultant. I sent her an email two weeks ago…… haven’t heard back… THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK AND INFORMATION.
Kathy Collett from Coyote Hills · 1d ago
Thank You so much for checking on this…..sure wish we could get a TJ there..
Debby and Marlene thanked Kathy
Bob Blanton from Las Palmas Hermosa · 1d ago
Thank you, Carol. I (We) appreciate you keeping us updated via this app. You are putting it to good use.
Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 1d ago
Marlene…If you have any concerns or questions you can contact Karen Haluza at 714.738.3347
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1d ago
With all due respect to Carol I must disagree with her conclusion about the Sunrise Village Shopping Center. I spoke with several employees including the assistant bank manager of Banc of California. I was told that a developer bought the bank property and wanted to put a mixed use high-density development in that entire shopping center and that is why they would not renew the bank’s lease. This person was told that leases are not being renewed throughout the shopping center for the purpose of developing the property for high-rise, high-density residential units. The information about developer interest in converting the shopping center to a high-rise, high-density mixed use residential unit area is very similar to what they tried to do to Polly’s Shopping Center. It is real and should not be discounted at all. Therefore, Carol just because the city states there is no official action in place to do this does not mean that it is not in the works and that conversations between the developers and the city have not taken place already! Since the city has done this before and has pushed for even more of these mixed-use centers just last year trying to convert 6 major properties from Commercial;/retail centers to mixed-use, should make everyone concerned about the real intentions of our City leaders including our City Council members. If we want to keep Sunrise Village as purely a shopping area it is IMPERATIVE FOR US TO LET THE CITY COUNCIL KNOW IN PERSON THAT WE ARE AGAINST ANY MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT FOR THAT CENTER AND WE WILL STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!
Edited 1d ago
Marlene, Angie, and Donna thanked you
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1d ago
When I mentioned this at the last City Council meeting, no one on the dais indicated that my remarks were off the mark!! In fact they ignored my comments entirely!
Margret and Marlene thanked you
Charly Choo from Coyote Hills · 1d ago
If there was an ownership change wouldn’t it be public record?
Donna Powers from Grissom Park · 22h ago
I did some digging Appears that Barry Levinson is correct……check out this site…
Edited 22h ago
Marlene and Dayna thanked Donna
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 6h ago
Here is another post concerning the corruption of the FPD and the plans to do high-density, high-rise development in Sunny Hills.…
Marlene thanked you
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 5h ago
Carol I would ask respectfully that the next time you update the community on such an important topic such as the fate of the Sunrise Village Shopping Center you speak to those with contrary information first. In this case Joe Imbriano or myself before coming to what I believe is a false conclusion. You have a lot of people depending on you and it is incumbent that you do more research before you shoot down other people’s important messages. Yes there is probably nothing official with regard to the zoning change or plans for Sunrise Village Shopping Center, but what I have learned from businesses at the site, my knowledge of how this city works behind the scenes in secrecy and finally my understanding of business finances gives me great confidence that the city would love to convert that shopping center into a mixed use high-rise nightmare to collect $11,700 per residential unit in fees/taxes since the city is in very bad financial shape. When leaders of Fullerton City Government have been caught numerous times in misstatements, misinformation campaigns and outright lies… to accept their verbal assurances is extremely dangerous in my humble opinion. I do appreciate your going back to Ms. Haluza but to expect honesty and transparency from a Fullerton City department head is unrealistic.
Edited 4h ago
Marlene, Angie, and Corvette thanked you
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 4h ago
Thanks for your response, Jenn but my purpose was not to shoot anyone down. Those that take leadership positions have a great responsibility to be as accurate as possible. Carol’s stating that there is an “unsubstantiated rumor” (she failed to identify the source) to describe the reporting of Joe Imbriano and myself, was not only not accurate but was not fair or objective! She accepted the word of a government bureaucrat over the information and evidence of people like myself without contacting either of us. I pride myself in being honest and accurate in my reporting. When I make a mistake, I am the first to correct it in writing. But the well-being of our neighborhood is of paramount importance to me as it should be of everyone on this website.
Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 3h ago
Thank you Jenn for the note of support. I agree with your comments and feel Barry has crossed a line of having respectful dialogue when it comes to using this site. I was about to send an update to everyone after having additional contact with the City and personally visiting two businesses at Sunrise Village yesterday afternoon (update below). My sole purpose and intent in sending emails to our extended neighborhood is to kept everyone informed and up to date with issues related to high density residential proposals in the greater Sunny Hills area, and NOT expound my personal views related to my perceptions and opinions of how City Development, Planning Commission and City Council operate. That’s not to say I am without opinions. I have had numerous occasions in dealing with those entities related to the Melia Homes proposal on Bastanchury/Morelia, and other proposals, when I’ve left meetings feeling frustrated by their lack of vision to see how those projects would have a negative impact in our neighborhoods – from density, aesthetics and parking. As far as Barry’s latest post, let me say to him – Barry…there was no need for you publicly post that second note in such a condescending way. You come across as ‘holier than thou.’ As a courtesy, I took the liberty of copying you the note I sent to Karen Haluza yesterday. If you wished you respond to that personal note, the decent thing to do would have been to send me a personal note. You and Joe certainly have strong feelings about City related issues, and it’s your right to share them with others. But I certainly would hope that if it’s your intent to have something positive come out of whatever issue you’re speaking about, you take extra time to check in with your inner guidance and ask if the words and sentiments you wish to express are in alignment with the positive outcome you’d like to see happen. As for me, you’ve made your point very clear and hope you will respect my wishes not to have this dialogue continue on this public app. FOR ALL OTHERS: UPDATE ABOUT SUNRISE VILLAGE CENTER- In an effort to provide neighbors with accurate information after reading Barry’s first NextDoor response, I personally went over to the shopping center yesterday, and spoke with the three remaining bank employees and then to staff at the pet groomers (near the old CVS). Afterwards, I sent the following email to Karen Haluza and copied the note to all City Council members and BCC to Barry. Karen’s response is also included below. I hope this update will help clarify any confusion. I also want to add that it’s my understanding (from the pet groomers) that the entire commercial site is owned by three different owners. The pet groomers mentioned there are three sections and three owners. Perhaps it would be in our best interests to find out who the owners are and attempt to dialogue with them. As for future updates, I will continue to post them. If anyone would rather receive update via private email notices instead of reading the posts on this site, send me a private message. Thank you, Carol ———————————————————————————— Thrusday, April 20 Karen, After our conversation yesterday, when I asked for clarification about the rumored ‘possible’ high density (mixed use) development at Euclid/Rosecrans, I felt confident your response accurately reflected an intention that the City of Fullerton had no plans to approve any developer’s request to secure a zone change to build residential units on that site. You also clearly stated that a developer does have the right to TRY and secure approval from the City. And when I repeated your statement, you clearly restated that a requested zone change would not be indicated for that location, as it’s not in a Focus Area. I therefore sent a note to the large mailing list of those living in the greater Sunny Hills area. However, I was very surprised to have received the two responses from neighbors who feel the information given to me was not 100% accurate. I would greatly appreciate if you would clarify and respond to the concerns raised, as any misleading information is what ultimately brings out the ire in people, and I genuinely hope this is not the case. Many thanks.. Carol ————————————— Hi Carol, Thank you for contacting me for additional clarification. As we discussed, and as you accurately wrote in your e-mail, the Sunrise Plaza Shopping Center is designated as Commercial in the City’s General Plan (The Fullerton Plan – 2012) and is zoned GC – General Commercial. The General Plan does not identify the property as being in a Focus Area, which means that it was not identified as a site anticipated for any zone change or General Plan amendment that would allow for residential or mixed-use development. The only inquiry I have had on the property was from a representative of Watt Companies who said they were interested in developing townhouses on a portion of the site. I explained to them that there were no current policies identifying the site as a candidate for a zone change to allow residential development, but that all property owners have the right to apply for such land use changes. To date we have not received such an application and I have not been contacted by the property owner or any other members of the public, save yourself. I can’t speak to the intent of the property owner as it regards their current tenant leases because we are not notified of these types of private property transactions, but I would encourage those who see any maintenance concerns due to vacant buildings to contact Code Enforcement. I checked recent building permits for the property and there have been no requests for demolition permits. Thank you also for letting people know that they can contact me directly. We are always happy to share any information that we have and I hope that this helps to provide you with further confirmation of the property’s current status. Best regards, Karen
Charly Choo from Coyote Hills · 47m ago
I believe ownership is a partnership of Packo Investments and HK Investments. There may be more “owners” which is typical in privately owned real estate. The plaza has undergone a exterior renovation pretty recently and is listing rental rates at relatively attractive rates. Keep in mind it is difficult to fill a anchor space like the old cvs and bank space is costly to convert to a more standard retail use.
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 43m ago
Carol I do not have any need or desire to argue with you. I set the record straight and if that offends you I can’t do anything about it. It is too bad that you do not hold yourself to the same standards you expect from others. Your making the vague statement that the information about Sunrise Village is “an unsubstantiated rumor” was not a particularly nice way to get your message across; for I believe you had to know Joe and I were the ones who posted the information about Sunrise Village So you believe I owed you a personal note after you failed to either identify Joe and/or myself as the source of the accurate information you labeled as unsubstantiated rumors about Sunrise Village. You yourself failed to call/contact either of us personally or publicly for that matter before posting misinformation to scores of people. If anything you owe your readers an apology.
Edited 1m ago
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 2d ago
It is interesting that once the public learned the truth and Carol again asks for clarification from Ms. Haluza, then she has additional information for us. Ms. Haluza should have mentioned the interest of Watt Properties to develop townhouses when first asked by Carol Edmonston. What else may Ms. Haluza know that is not being disclosed to the public? What discussions/understandings did Watt Properties have with former City Manager, Joe Felz? With our Fullerton City Government it is all about the money. Follow the money trail and you will get your answers.
Edited 2d ago
Marlene thanked you
Corvette Brandon from Lakeview · 13h ago
I’m just a resident here, but it seems we have some folks on this thread that seem more connected or professionally involved than others. Sure would be nice to know who the players are in this discussion and what their angle is.
Barbara and Marlene thanked Corvette
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 12h ago
My angle Corvette is to provide the facts and to hold our city government accountable. Crony phony capitalism from outside developers is alive and well in the City Fullerton at the great expense of our quality of life.
Marlene and Corvette thanked you
Angie Spencer from Fern Drive · 11h ago
Corvette, I’ve lived in Fullerton since 1977. I am not connected or professional involved politically. What I see is a city council that is taking away our quality of life for a quick buck to balance … View more
Marlene and Corvette thanked Angie
Marlene Halvorson from Fern Drive · 3h ago
Just found documents on the rural overlay we have on Stephens and nearby streets. It dictates specifically how large a lot can be, and what design structure is acceptable and unacceptable. Unfortunately, we were a little late in getting the rural overlay, and we have unacceptable houses that were built on our street. I am in the middle of two unacceptable architecturally designed houses – one on each side of me. Ugg My house was built in 1921. Everyone should look into this quickly. Look up Pico rural overlay on the city website. We must fight to retain (although it be too late for some areas) our once fine city. Development and Council just want I’m so sad for our city
Edited 2h ago
Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1h ago
Angie you are so right. Let me add one more big negative concerning high density development. When converting retail/commercial space to primarily high density residential space you are hurting our budget long term. Studies clearly show that on a net basis commercial/retail is better for our financial health. The city has already admitted that we are dreadfully low on commercial/retail space approximately only 6% of our buildings. Yet they push to make this problem worse, much worse. In other words our council is selling us down the river. We have one of the worst run cities in all of California. When people like me attempt to turn things around they get rid of us. I say shame on you Mayor Bruce Whitaker who fired me for doing my job on the Park and Recreation Committee for almost 6 years. For all of your information Bruce Whitaker was supported and endorsed by Fullertonians for Responsible Development. What is there angle?
Edited 17m ago
Barry Levinson calls out the self-serving, disingenuous, deceitful and deplorabe Fullerton City Council
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Doug Chafee, Fullerton politics, Greg Sebourn, Jesus Silva on March 22, 2017
Fullertonians are simply tired and disgusted with the self-serving, disingenuous political games that are played out at our council meetings. Just since the beginning of this year alone, this council has disgraced itself and shown that all too often your votes do not support the very people that you are charged to represent. Here is a partial list of your recent deceitful and deplorable actions.
- We witnessed the false claims of our Mayor Bruce Whitaker who brought back settled business in the form of changing our election schedule. This will result in allowing Greg Sebourn to run for re-election in 2018 in the third district after serving his full four-year term. Mayor Bruce Whitaker placed this back on the agenda resulting in disenfranchising the second district from 2018 to 2020, while at the very same time giving the third district not one but two representatives, Greg Sebourn or a challenger and Jesus Silva. This action of Mayor Bruce Whitaker results in undermining the whole purpose for the district elections.
- The Council continues to ignore the will of the people by approving Agenda 21 high-density buildings. The city council votes to change zoning requirements and ignore our General Plan to allow developers free rein in our city.
Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald’s actions are the most troubling, as she was heavily involved in creating our latest General Plan. Questions for Council member Fitzgerald: Why do think it is proper to ignore our General Plan and the vast majority of the public? Does it have to do with your VP position with Curt Pringle and Associates?
- Finally the City Attorney’s arguments to repeal Ordinance 3149, our former child sex offender residency restriction law, misrepresented important facts and mislead the public about the legal status of that ordinance. The council’s unanimous decision to turn its backs on our children because a convicted child sex offender not even living in Southern California filed seventeen lawsuits throughout the state is shameful. Our city council did not want to spend the relatively few dollars defending a very good law. The residency restrictions only applied to child sex offenders not all sex offenders, which has not been adjudicated by any California court. There was simply no justifiably good reason to repeal it at this time.
Barry Levinson calls out the self-serving, disingenuous, deceitful and deplorabe Fullerton City Council
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Doug Chafee, Fullerton politics, Greg Sebourn, Jesus Silva, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on March 22, 2017
Fullertonians are simply tired and disgusted with the self-serving, disingenuous political games that are played out at our council meetings. Just since the beginning of this year alone, this council has disgraced itself and shown that all too often your votes do not support the very people that you are charged to represent. Here is a partial list of your recent deceitful and deplorable actions.
- We witnessed the false claims of our Mayor Bruce Whitaker who brought back settled business in the form of changing our election schedule. This will result in allowing Greg Sebourn to run for re-election in 2018 in the third district after serving his full four-year term. Mayor Bruce Whitaker placed this back on the agenda resulting in disenfranchising the second district from 2018 to 2020, while at the very same time giving the third district not one but two representatives, Greg Sebourn or a challenger and Jesus Silva. This action of Mayor Bruce Whitaker results in undermining the whole purpose for the district elections.
- The Council continues to ignore the will of the people by approving Agenda 21 high-density buildings. The city council votes to change zoning requirements and ignore our General Plan to allow developers free rein in our city.
Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald’s actions are the most troubling, as she was heavily involved in creating our latest General Plan. Questions for Council member Fitzgerald: Why do think it is proper to ignore our General Plan and the vast majority of the public? Does it have to do with your VP position with Curt Pringle and Associates?
- Finally the City Attorney’s arguments to repeal Ordinance 3149, our former child sex offender residency restriction law, misrepresented important facts and mislead the public about the legal status of that ordinance. The council’s unanimous decision to turn its backs on our children because a convicted child sex offender not even living in Southern California filed seventeen lawsuits throughout the state is shameful. Our city council did not want to spend the relatively few dollars defending a very good law. The residency restrictions only applied to child sex offenders not all sex offenders, which has not been adjudicated by any California court. There was simply no justifiably good reason to repeal it at this time.
Mr. Renick, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors property
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on March 20, 2017
Wouldn’t it be nice for Mr. Renick, to bulldoze the Grand Inn so his family could expand operations selling his overpriced Cadillac cars and overpowered Subarus to the masses? Gee, I wonder how much traffic his business causes Fullerton? No matter what your opinion of the Grand Inn may be, or whether you even have an opinion, or are clueless about this whole thing, pay close attention. The City of Fullerton can ruin your business if they or someone city officials are beholden to want you gone. At any rate, the process already at work is highly suspect at best and perhaps totally corrupt at worst.

I wonder how many accidents have been caused by those 300 horsepower street racing cars operated by his customers that he showcases on that corner of Euclid and Orangethorpe avenues back dropped by the homeless, potholes, graffiti, alongside the plethora of the unlicensed drivers sharing our third world roads. Yes, never you mind that you can’t do more than 35 mph on any given day and almost any given time in Fullerton due to the choking traffic and roads in ruin floated by the very politicians he has repeatedly supported over the years. Anyone who has been paying attention will attest to the open air candidate advertising platform he willingly provides for his handpicked favorites. The sad part is, those politicians are the ones who further the demise of Fullerton.

Of course, it is his first amendment right to do so and this article, of course, is ours. I digress.
Well, who needs one of these Cadillacs or Subarus when then the infrastructure is in ruin while the traffic rivals LA because a 20-year-old Nissan will do as it does for most look around. I guess it feels good for some to sit in traffic $80,000 in debt with a bunch of gadgets that no one needs, no one understands how to operate and the potholes make virtually impossible to push the buttons correctly on.

Well its David versus Goliath. I believe that, in spite of what Mr. James Renick claims publicly, he wants the Grand Inn shut down. Is it really just so he can expand his families ventures? Maybe it should be the dealership that should be closed down and moved to a location that is more conducive to a retail car lot and service facility. Does the current zoning even allow for such an operation to be crammed into a busy corner? Why is our now dethroned ex-city manager Joe Felz working as a consultant for Renick Cadillac?

Is Joe Felz now working behind the scenes to help Renick navigate the process of taking the Grand Inn and turning it into a GM lemon factory?
Well with the full force of the law, the bravado of The corrupt Fullerton police department,

FPD’s Dan Hughes
and the machinations of local politicians, we just may see the Grand Inn get shut down.

Ashamed of the words spoken as she is forced to listen to the proletariat, Fitzpringle needs to return the favor for the free advertising.
The Renick family is a staunch pro-establishment clan. Their undying support for the politicians that have trashed this town can be witnessed first hand every time there is an election. Any political sign on their property always supports the status quo RINO hacks like in the last election-Larry Bennet and Fitzpringle.
Perhaps the benefactors will be the Renicks as they would be able to, after decades, expand their operations. The hearings have been underway and the process is in full swing ladies and gentlemen.
Most of the crimes occur in the parking lot, and perhaps that is where the FPD likes to pull the people over into. Are these people guests at the hotel? Almost 80 percent of the allegedly reported criminal activity occurred in the PARKING LOT and by individuals not registered as guests of this hotel. Is this business being targeted for confiscation by the city or its neighbor Renick Cadillac or does this business deserve to be shut down?

I believe there is as always, more to the story, as I allude to in my appearance at the hearing last year.
Below is commentary from the Grand Inn owners
“In 2003, Rennick, our adjacent neighbor on both sides wrot a letter to the City asking it to use public nuisance to close us down. The City used many police hours, resources and taxpayers’ money to investigate Grand Inn. Two long years of investigation and many man hours later, the City dropped the case when they couldn’t find reasons to shut the Grand Inn down.
Starting 2012, the City suddenly started to increase police patrols at our property, sometimes up to 8 times a day to harass our guests. Without any reason, the police officers even suggested to our guests to not stay with us. Many of our guests complained to us about the police behaviors and suggested that we talk to the police department. We asked the police chief why we are receiving this unfair treatment from the officers. The police chief not only did not listen to our story, or try to work with us on a solution, but instead told us that we had great problems and dismissed our inquiries with suggestions of us moving out. We asked the police chief at that time for police reports so we can see what problems we have, we did not receive any police reports for two years! The City Manager then met with us and told us the same story and gave us the same suggestions to sell our property. We told them that we did not wish to sell our property as our team never did anything to hurt anyone and have been constructively working in this City for 12 plus years. Shortly after the meeting with the City officials, we actually received offer letters from a real-estate development company. We’ve never heard of them, or talked to them before, but they readily provided us with signed offers, asking us to counter-sign and sell our property. This company told us that they’ve already talked to the City and that all we have to do is sign to sell our property.
We asked multiple times for the police reports. After two years, we received only 20 cases that covered the time period between (2011-2014) 3 years period. Within these 20 cases, there were extremely ridiculous ones, such as a taxi driver pulling over at our property and called the police, because the person refused to pay his taxi fare. After Dec 2014, we received a notice of violation. The City used many police hours, taxpayer money and inspected our entire property. The City entered every single room and did not find any problems. We received approval from the City’s Code Inspection in May of 2015.
We waited for 2 years to receive 20 cases in a 3 year period. After not being able to pin us on the 20 cases, we suddenly received 103 cases within a short one year period (2015 to current). Within these 103 cases, nearly 78% of the cases are not even our guests! In April of 2016, we received notice of public nuisance hearing. Before this, we heard many rumors within the City about Grand Inn. Some rumors include sex trafficking and prostitution. After looking into the police report, we discovered that the prostitute was actually arrested in the Marriott! The sex trafficking case was Huntington Beach Police’s investigation. Our staff after assisting the police officers to look at videotapes for 1.5 hours couldn’t find any problems. There are no standards for the hearing. The City refuses to make the hearing fair and impartial. The whole process was setup for us to fail.
We are a group of minorities. Within these 12 plus years, twice we received harassment from the City we so trusted in and supported. There are some in this City that choose to use their authority and unjust methods to suppress the weak and the rights of minorities. Our government’s job should be to protect those under their care and not to harm them. Today, we absolutely cannot accept this injustice. Support justice and future of all small businesses in this community! We sincerely welcome our neighbors and friends to come and visit us. We will be happy to let you know more about the truth! Please help us and appear at Fullerton City Hall on June 22, 2016 at 4:30pm to express your opinion concerning the Grand Inn! We sincerely thank you for your attention and hope you will help us support Justice! May God Bless each family and business of this city! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us”
@: e: |w: | fb:“
More to come on this on April 24, 2017 from 9am to 4:30pm at Fullerton City Hall. Please attend the hearing.
Empty suit Bruce Whitaker and his 5 million dollar empty seat on the Parks and Rec Commission.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton politics on February 10, 2017
You will know a tree by its fruit ladies and gentlemen. The charade continues for four more years as Bruce Whitaker has successfully conned the residents of Fullerton in the last election. The political games he played recruiting vote splitting plants insured Fitzgerald’s re election and the continued demise of Fullerton. The facts speak for themselves about Bruce Whitaker and they are undeniable.
Well for now, let us deal with a very pressing issue that trumps the $300 hotel bills that Bruce’s sycophants keep bringing up. Lets not look at the elephant in the room but rather the ocean liner in the parking lot. Lets look at the Brea Dam issue and the contract with American Golf.
Barry Levinson was Bruce Whitaker’s appointee to the Fullerton Park and Recreation Commission for almost 5 years. Barry never missed a meeting, always asked good questions and took his volunteer position very seriously.
If you will remember Barry had hand delivered his detailed analysis of a 5 million dollar shortfall to the taxpayers with the Brea Dam -American Golf contract to the Park and Recreation Commissioners.
He also emailed and delivered these findings to the City Council, including the Council member who appointed him, Bruce Whitaker.

Bruce Whitaker (left)
So what does Bruce Whitaker do? He ignores the information and then subsequently removes Barry Levinson from the Park and Recreation Commission back in May of 2016.
Ladies and gentlemen, the seat on the commission was not filled until 2 weeks ago. Since then, Fullerton taxpayers have lost almost $250,000 and Bruce Whitaker has left the position on the Park and Recreation Commission vacant. Can someone provide a reason for this?
I can. It is my opinion that Bruce Whitaker fired Barry Levinson to cover this up and has kept the seat on the commission empty to keep the issue from being raised. Bruce Whitaker has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this ongoing fleecing of the taxpayers. Bruce has refused to respond to what Barry presented in writing and to this day REFUSES TO GIVE AN ANSWER AS TO WHY HE REMOVED BARRY FROM HIS POSITION. Bruce has not once agendized this issue, brought it up at council meetings or discussed this matter in any social media outlet. He has been and remains silent on the issue the was raised by HIS OWN APPOINTEE TO THE VERY COMMISSION whose purview it falls under. What does Bruce do? He fires his appointee and leaves the position unfilled for almost a year! I believe that Bruce is actively engaged in a cover up of a taxpayer ripoff ladies and gentlemen and his behavior fully affirms this.
What kind of fiscal conservative is Bruce Whitaker? Ladies and gentlemen, draw your own conclusions. My opinion is Bruce is a fraud.
What kind of fiscal conservative would ignore such a massive finding?
What kind of fiscal conservative would fire his own appointee to the commission who did his job better than all the rest of them combined?
What kind of taxpayers choice is Bruce Whitaker letting the multi million dollar taxpayer ripoff continue?
What kind of limited government advocate behaves like Bruce Whitaker? Just like the lobbyist he voted to make mayor for the ballot.
What kind of advocate for open and transparent government is Bruce Whitaker? He is just like one that these two phonies support.
What kind of reformer is Bruce Whitaker? The same kind as his supporter Shawn Nelson. This phony tried to put a hundred grand in real estate commissions into his pals pocket while trying to ram a homeless shelter in next to an elementary school. He and Bruce are well connected.
What kind of fiscal conservative Bruce Whitaker Ignoring a 5 million dollar taxpayer ripoff?
What kind of conservative?
The same kind that put an Agenda 21 SCAG senior planner on our planning commission while our traffic and roads rival that of Los Angeles.
What kind of conservative? One that spent over 30 minutes at the last council meeting splitting hairs over a $32,000 grant and spent less than a minute repealing the law that protected Fullerton children from sex offenders.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on January 14, 2017

Barry Levinson
The members of our Fullerton City Council all play their fake roles.
The sterilization agenda continues with LED lighting, fertility under attack and humanity under seige
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children, Fullerton politics on December 12, 2016
The only thing more dangerous than a corrupt and stupid leader is several more of them lumped all together up on the same dais with their juvenile sycophant deniers in the audience nodding their heads. Fullerton defined.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on November 17, 2016
Why is this so? The simple answer is because our Fullerton City Government is corrupt.
- That Is Why They All Voted For Redistricting Map 8a
- The originator of that map, Jeremy Popoff, the owner of the Slidebar, has been a large contributor to both Mayor Fitzgerald’s and Council member Whitaker’s political campaigns. I believe $1,500 to Bruce Whitaker and $1,250 to Jennifer Fitzgerald
“Our own worst enemies? ” He wrote it not me
The largest Trojan Horse in Fullerton history
- That Is Why They All Voted to appoint Ma’Ayn Johnson, who is a S.C.A.G. senior planner and employee To The Fullerton Planning Commission.
- S.C.A.G. is the Largest Un elected, Taxpayer Funded Government Agency In The Country, and Has Been Pushing United Nations Agenda 21 Goals For High-Rise, High-Density Housing Along With The Eventual Elimination Of The Automobile For Decades.
Agenda 21, SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet Fitzgerald
Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler Sebourn
Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler Chaffee
Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler bag of hot air Whitaker
Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler Flory
- That Is Why No One Ever Contacted Me To or responded to my 4 To 5 Million Dollar Finding on the shortfall the American golf contract Which I Presented In Writing In Great Detail To All Of Them.
- This Finding Is an Ongoing Problem encompassing The Period From 2010 To 2030.
- This Means That They Intentionally Are Ignoring Taking Steps To Save You The Taxpayer A Significant Portion Of The 4 To 5 Million Dollars. They Obviously Do Not Take Their Fiduciary Responsibilities Very Seriously Because They Continue To Allow Our Tax Dollars To Bleed Down the Drain.
- That Is Why No One Heeded The Calls For An Independent Gennaco Investigation Of What I Believed To Be The Criminal Conspiracy That Tried Falsely To Put Me In Jail 2 Years Ago.
- That Is Why When The Council Is Presented An Agenda Item That Is Severely Lacking In Basic Information In Which To Make A Decision, Nothing Gets Resolved For The Future.
- That Is Why 2 Years Ago The Fullerton Planning Committee Voted 5 To 0 To Recommend The Original And Very Broad, Downtown Core And Corridor Special Plan To Our Fullerton City Council.
- That Is Why When Others And I Vehemently Argued Against This Undemocratic Boondoggle They Did Not Vote It Down Causing It To Be Dead And Buried, As One Larry Bennett Keeps On Repeating Fallaciously. No They Postponed It To A Date Uncertain, Where At Any Time It Can Be Resurrected And Brought Right Back To The Council For Its Approval!
You see the council is playing a game. In one of the examples above, the game player was Bruce Whitaker bemoaning that he will not vote for a Grant application without the Grant application available to review. We found out that it not only was not provided for review but that it did not even exist yet. That however, is not the cause of the problem Fullertonians that is a symptom. Does Bruce Whitaker ask for or provide a solution for the problem he so noted, so that agenda items will never again be presented without the necessary basic information to make a decision?

games people play when they dress up for work
Surely that is exactly what an honest council member would certainly do. Bruce Whitaker did not have to come up with a solution because Zonya Townsend, his current appointee to the Library Board of Trustees and myself his former Parks and Recreation Committee member, for almost 6 years gave him the solution on a silver platter at the very next Fullerton Council meeting.
Normally one would expect an honest council member, who wants to make a positive difference to not only point out the symptom but also offer solutions. Like I said above, we handed him an easy and very effective solution and what did we get from Whitaker but more silence. He huffs and he puffs and he lets the problems persist, he actually allows them to continue to flourish. Yet he thought he got exactly what he wanted from all of this and that was to make political points with the electorate. That is exactly what he got until I uncovered his less than honorable game.
More than a year ago, I mentioned that I believed that if anyone chose 5 people at random from the street or from the telephone directory, those five people would be an improvement, probably a huge improvement over the current people on our Fullerton City Council
At the time I was saying that partially in jest. Now I truly believe that the odds of improving our governance by using such a haphazard and random method would in fact be very great indeed.
Why do I believe this? Simply because I do not think it is possible to do worse than our current group of selfish, special interest devoted council members.
Why do I continue to point out these incredible inconsistencies with our Council members? I believe that if enough people knew the truth that we could start to have good government again here in the very corrupt city of Fullerton.
The phony elite politicians and their media supporters mocked the idea that any Republican let alone Donald Trump could defeat Hillary Clinton. In newspaper and mainstream TV “News” Shows they laughed at the idea of Trump becoming our 45th President.
Well one day real soon our current disingenuous council members will be handed the same stunning defeat, maybe as soon as 2018.
I report, you decide.

Barry Levinson
Barry Levinson
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