Posts Tagged high density housing


Barry Levinson

I believe a shopping center such as Sunrise Village that has its size and location to be primed to be an extremely financially successful shopping center.

It only goes in the tank in large part because either the owners either do not care or even worse want to get rid of tenants and then make a financial killing selling off the property for residential construction.
This is where an honest and concerned city hall should be protecting the vital interests of its citizens.  Now I believe in capitalism but when the city leaders and developers conspire to make something happen, that is not capitalism but rather phony, crooked, crony capitalism.  To make something like this happen, like in the past requires zoning changes.   Zoning changes should only be approved on a case by case basis not like the DCCSP the city tried to pass two years ago and only when it is for the benefit of the overall community.   Is this fair to the land owner?   Absolutely.  The property they bought had a value in large part based on the zoning of that property.   No one in the city owes that property owner a super large payday based on behind the scenes deals between the city and the developers.
Since studies show that a healthy balance between residential and commercial property makes the best financial base for any city, continuing to lower an already low (6%) retail/commercial base makes no economic sense for our city and taxpayers.  But I believe the city is corrupt and they want the one-time short-term up front money of $11,700 per any size residential unit to fill the city coffers at the expense of the financial health of the city for many years to come.
  There are people like Jennifer Fitzgerald who represent developers through her company Curt Pringle and Associates.
Others such as Greg Sebourn (surveyor) have businesses that can benefit from development
and then we have Mayor Bruce Whitaker who over the years has been heavily sponsored by campaign contributions from the development/building industry.
Personal benefit is never a good reason to vote for any development project.  Let me repeat that…personal gain or benefit is not a good reason for any council member to vote for any project.
I hope my explanation helps my neighbors understand what we the good people are dealing with here in Fullerton.

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