Archive for category Dan Hughes
Fullerton Police Officers receiving Grand Jury Subpoenas for the alleged Joe Felz Dui coverup
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Hidden in plain view, Joe Felz, Paul Irish, The twighlight's last gleaming on July 9, 2018
Is Tony Rackaukus yanking everyone’s chain again? I have done all I can on this one. The chips will now fall where they may and the charges will be felonies if they are actually brought. The one year clock has run on misdemeanor obstruction of justice charges, and because the power structure all doubled down and tried to bury this, the only thing left on the table if they find reasonable evidence which I believe exists will be to charge the officers and command staff with FELONY OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IF THE GRAND JURY decides TO BRING THEM UP ON CHARGES.
Former Fullerton Police Chief Danny Hughes And Current Vice President Of Security At Disneyland, Former FPD Trainer And Current FPD Corporal Steven Rubio, FPD Sergeant Kevin Craig And Disneyland Executives…Are You All Kidding Me? by BARRY LEVINSON
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes on March 1, 2018
Just look at the picture above of Kelly Thomas in the hospital right after he was beaten so badly by a gang of Fullerton police officers that his face is unrecognizable.
Yet FPD Trainer, Corporal Steven Rubio and Sergeant Kevin Craig testified that all the actions of the FPD that night violated no FPD policies or procedures. Are you kidding me?
Yet Danny Hughes claimed to have reformed the FPD. Are you kidding me?
Yet Disney Corporation still employs Danny Hughes as VP of Security even though I called their Security Department after he was hired to document the actions of Danny Hughes as the Fullerton Police Chief. Specifically, I reported to them how he tried to frame me in my humble opinion as Police Chief with the supposed victim failing to state that I did what I was accused of and with the City’s own videotape clearly exonerating me of any wrongdoing from day one as well. But that did not stop Danny Hughes from recommending that the DA file charges against me. Are you kidding me?
I also told Disney how his actions in the Joe Felz DUI case very well might result in obstruction of justice charges being filed against him by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.
I asked them to investigate those actions and then reconsider his very high level position with Disney. Of course Disney would not give me anything in writing. I then checked back with the same security department employee about a month later to be told that apparently the investigation/case had been closed. Are you kidding me? I personally will not return to any Disney property until Dan Hughes is no longer a Disney employee. It is not a boycott but it is that I just would not feel safe doing so.
This is one more incredible act in my opinion, of total vengeance and vindictiveness towards me by Danny Hughes. Police Chief Danny Hughes took the unprecedented step of handing out dozens of copies of the completed police report (dozens of pages long) on my case to anyone in attendance at the Fullerton council meeting after the DA just concluded that he would not file any charges against me for lack of evidence. He actually picked up a very large pile from his waist to his chin stacked full of those reports and proactively asked if anyone would like a copy as he was handing them out like Halloween candy. As far as I know this was the first and last time anything like that was ever done by the FPD and by the FPD Police Chief no less. Are you kidding me?
The claim by Bruce Whitaker at a Fullerton City Council meeting that Danny Hughes told him that he hates Levinson makes a whole lot of sense in conjunction with the actions Danny Hughes took towards me.
Compare the action of a Police Chief handing out an FPD Police Report requesting I be charged with a crime that had already been dismissed due to lack evidence to proceed by the OC DA with the difficulty of getting any information about FPD officers. It is just one more example in my opinion of disgraceful behavior by Danny Hughes in the performance of his duties as police chief.
What a guy!
Cop friendly OCDA let’s a big fish off the hook as an even bigger one should have already been on the deck by now
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, The Fullerton Police Deapartment, The twighlight's last gleaming on February 27, 2018
Miguel “Sonny” Siliceo is no longer employed with the Fullerton Police Department.
Dan (one of the untouchables) Hughes is no longer employed with the Fullerton Police Department or is he?
Today, the DA did one Miguel Siliceo a huge favor by allowing this ex Fullerton cop who was charged with felony falsification of a police report by a police officer to plea his felony down to a mere misdemeanor battery charge. Of course Sonny accepted. So instead of a felony on his record, you know what this ex cop deserves for trying to frame an innocent person by falsifying a police report, he gets some petty battery charge where he will do no time to speak of. He may end up doing a weekend or so. He should have been put away for years for violating the trust he played so loosely with.
According to court documents, Siliceo was out on patrol July 9, 2015, when he hauled a suspect into custody and reported that the suspect “charged at Siliceo’s partner during the arrest of another suspect”. Just like when the FPD tried to frame Veth Mam a few years ago.
The OCDA’s Office brought charges against the man Siliceo hauled in consisting of one misdemeanor count of resisting arrest. This is how it always goes where the cops can write a fake report and its up to you to get a lawyer and fight the rap. Well this guy did and the prosecutors were forced to review body camera footage from Siliceo and other officers at the scene. They found that the footage did not match what was in Siliceo’s arrest report. Prosecutors had no choice but to drop charges against the man and file felony criminal charges against officer Siliceo which the DA conveniently let him get out of.
Speaking of the OCDA and its crooked dealings with letting cops literally get away with murder, when are ex FPD Chief Dan Hughes and ex FPD Sargeant Jeffrey Corbett going to be facing charges of obstruction of justice from their alleged involvement in the Joe Felz DUI/Hit and Run election night 2016 cover-up? And since it has been over a year, when will felony obstruction of justice charges be filed against them? We are waiting.
The Dan Hughes mafia is shrinking and will hopefully be completely disbanded. We will keep you posted.
Fullerton is headed for bankruptcy
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Government sponsored terrorism, Pat Mckinley on February 1, 2018
I never thought I would see the day that I would see a Fullerton Police Chief as bad as Pat Mckinley, you know the bedroom community commando who hired all the misfits that murdered Kelly Thomas. Pat Mckinley was the former LAPD officer that condoned the use of nunchucks to break protestors arms.
Well, we lived to see that day with Dan Hughes. Dan Hughes along with Pat Mckinley need to be excoriated and exposed for what they have truly done to Fullerton and its finances. Here they are in together outside the house of horrors and the den of thieves at the Fullerton Police department.
If you will all remember the grisly murder of Kelly Thomas. He was brutally beaten to death by several Fullerton Police Officers that Pat Mckinley hired and trained. Yes Pat Mckinley hired them all and trained them all. One of the officers had only one eye and was on a disability pension when Mckinley hired him. His name is Jay Cicinelli.
“I … hit him 20 times in the face with the Taser,” former Cpl. Jay Cicinelli can be heard telling other officers in the audio tape from a recorder from another officer on the scene.
Cicinelli later can be heard explaining: “I ran out … we ran out of options, so I got the end of my Taser and I probably … I just start smashing his face to hell. He’s on something, dude.”
Because of former Fullerton police chief Dan Hughes’s statements and actions where he terminated the officers and simultaneously also stated that NO department policies were violated during the beating death of Kelly Thomas, Dan Hughes set the stage for arguably, one of the most solid wrongful termination lawsuits in municipal history.
Dan Hughes department’s chief training officer also doubled down and confirmed that no policies were violated during the murder under oath at the trial. This training officer was then given the award of supervisor of the year by the FPOA. Truly sickening indeed.
So I guess the statements of these animals were within policy as well as their actions. Well we can thank Pat Mckinley personally and Dan Hughes for his decades in the department for for producing and fostering such a breed of ruthless and lawless scum.

One eyed “I smashed his face to hell.” Cicinelli , on the left with “see these fists.. they are about to fuck you up.” Ramos on the right
Since when are police officers supposed to threaten to inflict grave bodily harm, carry it out, brag about it, get away with murder and then sue for their jobs back? Only in corrupt Fullerton where the city government is corrupt as all hell folks. Yes with the help of a crooked DA who personally for the first time in a decade personally took and set the case up to fail as he stacked the jury, and threw the case and with the help of a satanic attorney that defended the actions of these animals, the fiscal left right hook is now coming at the Fullerton taxpayers as we speak. Right on schedule, the lawsuits from Joe Wolfe and Jay Cicinelli are in closed session discussion with more pig at the trough public employee labor negotiatons as they continue to rip off the taxpayers. Roads in ruin while the pigs never leave the trough folks even after they kill someone and get away with it.
The Kelly Thomas lawsuit has already cost the City of Fullerton at least 10 Million dollars. These wrongful termination lawsuits, when settled could cost upwards of 50 Million dollars or perhaps more. Even more are in the works. There are additional lawsuits that are in the hundreds of millions of dollars that the city is faced with. There are many police officers that are jumping ship and getting out while they can. The rest are crowding the trough conning the corrupt city council into signing onto more public employee taxpayer thievery while our roads fall apart under the weight of the insane traffic and the ten story buildings that they are going to try and get away with putting everywhere. Last meeting the crooks on the council gave another 12 million to the cops while the roads are total shit folks. Yes ladies and gentlemen, they all know the municipal bankruptcy is coming. They have known its been coming for years. Fullerton has unfunded pension and benefit liabilities in the hundreds of millions in addition to the lawsuits. They are all making their plans, jumping ship, spiking their pensions as the crooks on the council get ready to sell you parcel taxes, bond scams, and tax increases, yes their plans to screw us over as hard and as fast as they can folks. The question is what are you all going to do about it.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, Fullerton politics, Joe Felz on June 1, 2017
I recently was thinking about the similarities and differences comparing the Tiger Wood’s DUI arrest a few days ago and the free cab service home provided thanks to the FPD and Danny Hughes for Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz back in the wee morning hours of November 9, 2016.

Former City Manager Joe Felz

Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes. Don’t let the cross fool you.
If only the same never seen DUI arrest protocol referred to by Danny Hughes was in place for the police department handling the Tiger Woods DUI arrest and booking, there could have been a different result for Mr. Woods.
Obviously, the police department dealing with Tiger Woods had not yet gone through a similar extensive and complete reformation as had already been accomplished by Danny Hughes in Fullerton. For Danny Hughes thank goodness had already completely reformed the FPD.
For if that reformed minded DUI arrest protocol was in place for Tiger Woods, he too could have gotten to speak to the police chief and that chief of police could have explained the protocol to Tiger, thereby negating any reason to arrest Mr. Woods. Yes if only Danny Hughes was in charge, Mr. Woods would not have had to be subjected to a very, very bad mug shot at police headquarters. Yes, if only Danny Hughes was in charge of the Tiger Woods case, Mr. Woods would have found himself taken directly from the DUI scene to his sprawling mansion to be tucked into bed like the proverbial bug in a rug!
Tiger Woods is known for starting and supporting various charities by giving millions of his own dollars, while Joe Felz as City Manager gave away millions of our tax dollars not his money for bigger and bigger safety raises and benefits. Yet with all his celebrity and his 100’s of million dollars of net worth, Tiger Woods had to face the laws just like any other citizen but FOD (Friend of Dan) Joe Felz is not held to account by the FPD.
We the entire Fullerton public were so darn fortunate that Dan Hughes ran the FPD ship (kind of like Jack Sparrow in the most recent Pirates of the Caribbean film) for so many years. In fact we were so darn fortunate that it is still paying the good people of Fullerton dividends.
Yes and if Tiger Woods had his little car problem in Fullerton, he too would have been assured that everything should be done following normal procedures, which was the alleged comment by Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald to Danny Hughes in their phone conversation shortly after the early morning accident. I guess the Mayor also was a big fan of strictly following the FPD DUI arrest protocol. Thank God that our former Police Chief and our former Mayor were seeing eye to eye on this case. For I am absolutely sure that under the exact same set of events that Joe Imbriano or Barry Levinson would have received the exact same treatment as did Joe Felz. Does the good news relating to our Fullerton City Government ever end Fullertonians? I guess the answer to that is no unless we the people stop similar charades and/or farces like the one that took place concerning Joe Felz on the morning of November 9, 2016 going forward.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Hidden in plain view, Joe Felz on April 6, 2017

Barry Levinson

Hello Ms. Schroeder:
It’s about time….the Danny Hughes leadership era is at last coming to an end
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes on October 27, 2016
Special exclusive to The Fullerton Informer by one of our readers, anonymous of course.
It’s about time….with all the newly hired officers leaving in mass and the more seasoned officers running for employment at neighboring police departments…the wreckage caused by the Danny Hughes leadership era is at last coming to an end. Apparently Disney does not conduct pre-employment background checks or Dan Hughes is just the perfect size for the duck suit. But don’t worry, Dan Hughes is not going away that quickly. His 2-week notice letter states he will be retained by the City Manager as a Fullerton reserve police officer.
Why would a new Chief allow the old dysfunctional leader to hang around and continue to spread his poison? Why would his new employer allow him to continue working at the Fullerton police department…Now drawing 3 pay checks.. one pension from PERS one from the City of Fullerton and one from Disney?
Hi all-
It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that after 33 years of service at the police department, I will be retiring effective November 11th. I have informed the city manager and he will be choosing an external interim chief until a wider search and testing process can be completed. I will become a reserve officer in order to complete a few projects I have committed to. I have accepted a position as the Vice President of Security and Emergency Services at the Disneyland Resort and am excited about this new journey in my life.
There are no words I could use to adequately express how grateful and honored I am of serving as your police chief for the past five years. We have endured many challenges during this time but I believe those challenges made us better and I truly believe the best days for our department are still to come. The future of our department is exciting because there are such strong managers and supervisors prepared to lead our department. I could not be more impressed with our sworn and professional personnel that are committed to excellence and are loyal to serving our community with the highest level of integrity, character, and compassion.
You should be very proud of what we have been able to accomplish these past five years. We developed a strategic plan of embracing community policing methods and improving and developing strong trusting relationships within our community. We began utilizing a more academic approach to analyzing crime trends and partnering with our community to decrease crime and increase community relations. We created the Directed Enforcement Team to address quality of life issues and to provide more opportunities for investigative development for our personnel. We created the county’s first full time Homeless Liaison Officer Program and partnered with Coast to Coast, O.C. Mental Health, CSP, and other non-profit organizations to deal with this tragic social problem that local law enforcement has been asked to resolve. We have enhanced our presence and relationship with the schools as we partnered with Team Kids and GRIP to demonstrate a sense of caring for the future generation of our community. We have enhanced our relationship with the community we serve by improving how we communicate with one another. We increased department tours, held open houses, increased citizen academies, created a Chief’s community advisory committee, increased our presence at community events, partnered with O.C. United with the Love Fullerton events, initiated Annual Reports and Employee Recognition Ceremonies, created a social media team, initiated the departments first Legacy Album project which is projected to be completed in the next few months, and helped launch Behind the Badge OC so we could profile the many wonderful programs and people we have at our department and share information with our community that most news organizations are not interested in covering.
There were also many visible changes made within our department. The Traffic Bureau, Records Bureau, and the CSI offices all received significant renovations. We created the Wall of Honor and Wall of Service to memorialize those that have served honorably before us and to challenge each of us to emulate their actions. We transitioned our patrol cars to Ford Explorers and changed the police logo and added a blue lives matter flag on each vehicle. We memorialized five of our police vehicles by placing the names of the five officers whose deaths are attributed to them being a police officer. We provided every officer a Taser and soon each officer will be equipped with a tourniquet kit and Naloxone (Narcan). We were the first department in Orange County to deploy every officer with a Body Camera. We redesigned our web page, approved a new policy manual, created the Peer Support Program, and purchased a new Prism system to improve training. We also created challenge coins and worked with the Legislature to permanently honor two of our fallen officers by dedicating freeway signs in their name. A strategic staffing study was completed and later approved by city council to increase the number of sworn officers from 143 tom 160 in the coming years.
I will retire with many fond memories but what I will miss the most is the incredible people I have had the opportunity to work with. Each day I have come to work I have prayed for the protection of our personnel and the transformation of our city. I will continue to do so and will make myself available if I can ever be assistance to you.
I am excited for the future of our department and thank you for the amazing privilege of serving as your police chief.
With much appreciation, gratitude and respect-
Another Eventful Night at the Fullerton City Council Meeting. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes, Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism on November 10, 2015
Another Eventful Night at the Fullerton City Council Meeting. By Barry Levinson
It seems that the Police Officer’s Bill of Rights (POBOR) is precluding an honest discussion about the OIR report leaked last summer. For the fourth council meeting in a row, I tried to get some elected or appointed city official to speak on the leaked OIR report entitled the “Internal Affairs Investigative Report Into the In-custody Death of Kelly Thomas” by Michael Gennaco and Stephen Walsh dated April 2012.
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