- height of the Great Pyramid without capstone; 139 metres
- height of the North Tower WTC 1; 417 m (139m x 3)
- height of the Chephren pyramid; 136 metres
- height of South Tower WTC 2; 415 metres (136m x 3)
Posted by Joe Imbriano in 5g, afm, Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, cell tower dangers, coronavirus, covid, forced sterilization, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Government sponsored terrorism, joe imbriano, radiation biology, radiation experiments on school children, Schools that kill, THE FIRMAMENT, THE FLAT EARTH, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on April 21, 2021
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children, forced sterilization, forced sterilization of school children, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on January 12, 2020
Dale Goddard under the direction of Raul Reis terminated the long running Salt and Light Ministry over the presentation at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs in the video below. They also got You Tube to ban it as well.
Raul Reis needs to grow a spine and open his eyes instead of being wheeled on and off the stage like some circus clown after they take everyone’s money.
calvary chapel chino hiils, calvary chapel golden springs, jack hibbsm raul reis
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Government sponsored terrorism, The twighlight's last gleaming, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on November 4, 2019
Desert sky, dream beneath the desert sky.
The rivers run but soon run dry.
We need new dreams tonight.
Desert rose, dreamed I saw a desert rose
Dress torn in ribbons and bows
Like a siren she calls (to me).
Sleep comes like a drug in God’s country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God’s country
Set me alight, we’ll punch a hole right through the night.
Every day the dreamers die to see what’s on the other side.
She is liberty, and she comes to rescue me.
Hope, faith, her vanity
The greatest gift is gold.
Sleep comes like a drug in God’s country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God’s country
Naked flame, she stands with a naked flame
I stand with the sons of Cain
Burned by the fire of love
Burned by the fire of love.
“I wanna feel sunlight on my face.
I see the dust-cloud
Disappear without a trace.
I wanna take shelter
From the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name.”
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way on February 21, 2019
All bombs were window dressing for the resonant frequency weapon that was used. There were no airplanes. The towers were built to recieve and the the day they were designed was the day they were destined to come down. You cannot have tens of millions of tons of debris vanish into thin air unless molecular dissassocition took place which it clearly did. The problem is they will do this again to a few cities and blame russia or china to get the US into WW3, draft all the alpha males, ship them off to die, and bring in the foreign troops. That is the plan. The cyclonic torsion field energy of the hurricane that was off the coast that morning was tapped and directed right to the 2 terminals of the battery called the twin towers. Thats right there was a massive hurricane right off the coast parked during the event. tesla technology has nothing to do with the rolling wifi survelance cancer cars but rather weaponry that is about to be used again to dustify anything they want and blame anyone they want for it.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The Way on December 24, 2018
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Highway Robbery, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way on January 22, 2018
Today the riverbed encampments that have been home to upwards of 1000 homeless men, women and children have reached the end of the line. All of these people need the forgiveness and the power of Jesus Christ to truly set them free from their addictions to heroin, alcohol, methamphetamine, and prescription drugs. Some need mental health care, some just need a small amout of financial help to get them back on their feet. Some are in dire need of medical and dental care. We know the government ruins everything they get involved in and that is by design. The government is secular and godless. The church of Jesus Christ has been commissioned to restore and renew the world. It has been bestowed with the responsibility by Jesus Christ himself to care for the sick, set the prisoners of addiction free, to restore lives, to care for the widows, the oppressed, the fatherless and the poor. Well the evictions have begun and the homeless have nowhere to go for help or do they?
“The Grace Korean Church office, which supports the administration of the Korean Church of Grace, is located in the Vision Center of the Church. The basic tasks of the church are basic administrative and financial affairs and various events. Above all, we want to provide kind and sincere service to the Saints and all those who visit us. “
Grace Ministries sits on 26 pristine acres in Fullerton. They have plenty of room to house the homeless.
They have plenty of money too.
They spent $30,000,000 on its 2500 seat “vision center.”
They even stole our library from us the residents by rigging a dirt cheap lease of the Fullerton Hunt Library and parking lot bringing the compound up to almost 30 acres.
Money money everywhere at Grace Ministries International and not a bed, a shower or a meal to be found because there was no room for them at the inn.
“We go into the world as missionaries. We are passionately convicted that as Christ-followers who bear his name, we are to participate with God’s work in the world and to pass along to others what God has given us.”
EV has plenty of room to house the homeless.
They recently spent close to $20,000,000 to build a parking structure that sits empty 6 1/2 days and 7 nights a week that is big enough for 550 parking spaces which is almost 200,000 square feet. It is well lit and provides excellent access to the sanctuary that EV Free recently spent $5,000,000 to remodel which seats around 1000.
They also own multiple apartment buildings and the shopping center across the street. They currently are spending another $1,200,0000 on more rennovations.
It even has a gymnasium complete with showers and a large kitchen. It could house and feed many people in need. EV Free takes in about $26,000 a day tax free and spends every dime of it.
Money money everywhere At EV Free Fullerton and not a bed, a shower or a meal to be found because there was no room for them at the inn.
“We are a mix of ages and ethnicities at different places on our spiritual journeys, a community of faith committed to pursue God together, build community by connecting and serving in meaningful ways, and unleash compassion both locally and globally.”
Eastside Christian Church spent $56,000,000 to aquire and rennovate the 20 acre site in Anaheim. This is a centrally located property and could house many of the displaced residents from the river encampment.
There is plenty of room and plenty of parking for everyone.
Eastside takes in about $39,000 per day tax free and spends every dime of it.
Money money everywhere At Eastside and not a bed, a shower or a meal to be found because there was no room for them at the inn.
31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The Way on November 22, 2017
Barry Levinson
Well, tomorrow will be another Thanksgiving Day to celebrate and enjoy. At my stage of life, there have been many such days. But now considered a senior citizen by most with a 12-year-old son, it makes me want to reflect on this very special day of national celebration.
May I suggest if you have not done so in a while or maybe ever to tell your children how very special they are, how much they are loved and how much hope and faith you as parents have in them.
Wishing family and friends a happy, healthy and blessed Thanksgiving Day.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, The Way on October 11, 2017
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Hugh Hefner, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on September 28, 2017
Elvis Presley was the King of Rock and Roll, Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, BB King was the King of the Blues. Time Magazine called Hugh Hefner Hefner the “prophet of pop hedonism”
Why is the news media idolizing somebody who lived a life of filth? Because the news media is run by filth. That is why. Hugh lived in moral and physical squalor with animal feces and animal urine all over his carpets with nightly orgies in his den of debauchery. Literally his life became one of being just engrossed and filled both physically, intellectually, mentally, spiritually and morally with utter filth. Just look at the shell of a man he was.
Here is the dark truth about Hugh Hefner, child pornography, and Playboy. Hugh Hefner exploited children. One famous incident involving Playboy press was a magazine titled Sugar and Spice where a 10 year old Brook Shields was featured naked several times. Hugh Hefner died a free man, when he should have died in a jail cell for the crime of printing child pornography and the sexual exploitation of children.
Is it “extremely likely” the Playboy founder was silenced before he could name Hollywood elite pedophiles?
Was Hugh Hefner was suicided, with the death scene later arranged to resemble a natural death?
Leaving behind a legacy of sexual immorality, adultery, infidelity, debauchery and abject filth spanning decades, Hugh Hefner finally has met his maker. The world is a much better place now that he has been sent into eternity where his unrepentant soul will spend eternity in damnation for corrupting the minds of millions. So many, because of him, will never ever know or be able to see the true beauty, the true loving kindness and the true magic of a woman. They will instead see women through the tainted filthy lenses he has mass marketed and placed over the minds and eyes that can only now see women as mere sex objects and objects of pleasure.
Hugh ushered in the destruction of the divinely ordained institution of marriage and the fires of hell that have received Hugh Hefner could not burn hotter than they are burning today.
shameless high priest of darkness Hugh Hefner
Millions of children have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of divorce due to the fires of immorality and lust Hugh Hefner ignited with his putrification of the first amendment. Millions of men abandoned their families because of the seeds of satan that were sown by this putrid creep. Millions of children have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of poverty resulting from divorce from his Illuminati undertakings. Millions of women have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of domestic abuse, poverty and divorce because of this decrepid lunatic’s warped mind.
How many millions of men, women and children have turned to drugs and alcohol because of the destruction of their homelife that this douchebag glorified. Hugh Hefner turned his life over to satan over 50 years ago. Born to Christian parents, he abandoned the teachings of the Bible and proceeded to make millions leading millions away from its teachings. Like satan, Hugh Hefner corrupted young beautiful women which would in turn corrupt more and more young beautiful women that would ultimately corrupt the young and old men.
Mom and dad have not withstood this onslaught aided and abetted by the disgusting pedophiles that run the major media outlets. Scores of their henchmen and henchwomen glamorize his lewd and sacreligious accomplishments. Many of the media outlets today are immortalizing this human I will do no such thing.
Tens of millions men, women and children have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of venerial disease that resulted in this filthy disgusting pig’s publishing company.
This my friends is The True Legacy of Hugh Hefner
Turning the sacred institution of marriage and replacing it with nightly orgies, this degenerate piece of trash opened the floodgates to adultery, divorce, poverty for millions of children and venerial disease.
This vile, disgusting, pathetic, demonic, satanic operative is finally dead and has been thrown head first into the lake of fire. He has finally been received by the powers of hell whom he has so faithfully served for over 50 years. No other man has proudly, and shamelessly done more damage to the moral fabric of a culture, a society, or civilization than Hugh Hefner has. He never once repented of his evil deeds, rather only mocking wholesome living and God’s plan for the family. So long you disgusting pig who lived in a filthy home full of animal feces and venerial disease.
Ironically, on the same day this vile disgusting pig of a man Hugh Hefner breathed his last, the Federal government announced that number of Americans diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis reached a record high in 2016 for the second year in a row, with more than 2 million cases reported and particularly high rates in his home state California, according to federal data.
The advent on the 1950’s brought a life in America that was an ideal one for wholesome families and raising happy and healthy children. This disgusting animal took it upon himself to poison the soil where the American dream had been planted after the war and was blossoming all over this blessed land from sea to shining sea. During this era, mothers stayed home, raised their children and families attended church, played together, ate together and prayed together. Hugh Hefner made it a practice to invite high level political and industry elite to his parties where the dirt would amass, the blackmail would ensue and the noose was cinched around all the corrupt necks so they would never turn on each other. Empires, dynasties, fortunes and political future were birthed in lavish orgies while families were splintered and children cried themselves to sleep for want of their departed parents that abandoned their paternal obligations.
The judicial, legislative and even religious foundations of our nation began to sink in the mire this degenerate bastard poured into the streets, onto the magazine racks and into the homes an onto the coffee tables of America. No longer was a woman treated with the great honor, dignity and respect that had long since accompanied her beauty. It was the beginning of the end of the age of innocence and decency for a culture and its children were no match for its advent. Today, our families are mere fragments of what our ancestors took for granted.
Anyone who bids Hugh Hefner to rest in peace, may I submit to you, that it is an absolute impossibility. There is no eternal rest for the wicked, only eternal torment.
May we return to what God has ordained and through our lives may we work to make it happen one person at a time. May we never succumb to the satanic pressure to conform to the whims and edicts of lucifer, nor his mindset or even his minions like Hugh Hefner did his entire earthly life. For what good doth it profit a man if gaineth the whole world and loseth his soul? Hugh Hefner has found out the hard way folks. Learn from the error of his ways, and not the ways of his error.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in NASA, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on August 23, 2017
There is a greater damnation for the hireling preacher especially for the mega church hirelings like Eastside’s Gene Appel.
Hireling dispensationalist, Eastside’s Gene Appel looks on and smiles as he keeps the NASA 666 fraud going with the thousands of Eastside’s sheep. He also strongly supported the immoral eugenics program of California’s forced vaccination law SB 277, the most draconian in the nation. He is also complicit in going along with the forced irradiation in schools that is sterilizing children.
One of the most preeminent versus in all of the Bible making the case for God and His creating our world, aside from Genesis 1:1 is Psalm 19.
Here is the King James Version:
Have you ever seen the sky in total darkness at night? If you have then this verse makes perfect sense. Most throughout history did every night of their lives and their eyes did not lie nor deceive them. They saw the Glory of God and His handywork-THE FIRMAMENT. No longer can we as lighting and tv screens dominate our nocturnal viewing habits.
The Bible clearly refers to the earth being a circle not a sphere and of course having a solid structure above it supporting waters ABOVE IT. Genesis 1:6 refers to the firmament. Look the Bible is clear and the Hebrew is succinctly clear: The word RAQIA IS THE EXACT HEBREW WORD IN GENESIS 1 verse 6 AND IN PSALM 19
רָקִיעַ noun masculineGenesis 1:6 extended surface, (solid)
2 the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse);Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 (“” הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָרDaniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי רGenesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1 (suffix reference to ׳י).
This is a Scriptural fact on cosmology. It represents a firm and impassable barrier between the world of man (below) and the abode of God (above).
“Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that [be] above the heavens.”
(Psalms 148:4 KJV)
Gene Appel has gone on record supporting the New Living Translation second edition and ascribing high credibility to it.
Look what the New Living Translation second edition has done to Psalm 19!
First,the NLT 2nd edition switches the world declare for proclaim. “Declare: is used in informal situations which God speaking to all of us really is. ‘Proclaim’ is used more for government declarations. Notice the subtle interchange that precedes the massive deception that follows. The NLT 2nd edition removes the word “firmament” and substitutes it for the word “skies.”
This is heresy breaking the legs of the Truth of The Bible. The Hebrew in Psalm 19 and Genesis 1 is clear
. רָקִיעַ noun masculineGenesis 1:6 extended surface, (solid) expanse (as if beaten out; compare Job 37:18); — absolute ׳רEzekiel 1:22 +, construct ׳רְ Genesis 1:14 +; — ᵐ5 στερέωμα, ᵑ9firmamentum, compare Syriac below √above; —
(flat) expanse (as if of ice, compare כְּעֵין הַקֶּרַח), as base, support (WklAltor. Forsch. iv. 347) Ezekiel 1:22,23,25(gloss ? compare Co Toy), Ezekiel 1:26 (supporting ׳י‘s throne). Hence (CoEzekiel 1:22)
the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse); Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 (“” הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָר Daniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי ר Genesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1 (suffix reference to ׳י).
Once again, The Bible clearly refers to the earth being a circle not a sphere and of course having a solid structure above it supporting waters ABOVE IT. Genesis 1:6 refers to the firmament. Even the pastors are in on this scam. Look the Bible is clear and the Hebrew is succinctly clear: The word RAQIA IS THE EXACT WORD IN GENESIS 1 verse 6. YOU ARE BEING LIED TO BY EVERYONE INVOLVED INCLUDING YOUR PASTOR.
רָקִיעַ noun masculineGenesis 1:6 extended surface, (solid)
2 the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse);Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 (“” הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָרDaniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי רGenesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1 (suffix reference to ׳י).
This is a Scriptural fact on cosmology. It represents a firm and impassable barrier between the world of man (below) and the abode of God (above). Star Trek, and all the fake moon landings are part of the deception. It is much easier to make people believe in evolution if they are told that the earth is some random spinning ball flying through space at 5000 miles an hour that coalesced from a bunch of cooling molten mass from an explosion trillions of years ago than to make people believe in atheism if they live in a magnificent closed system in that we are daily reminded that the “HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD AND THE FIRMAMENT SHOWETH HIS HANDYWORK”.
The Bible clearly states that we live in a closed system. So if the greatest lie ever told is that there is no God. If The greatest tool ever invented to convince people of this lie is the theory of evolution. If The greatest purveyors of this lie is the public school system and their agents. If The greatest protection afforded this lie comes from the government through its controlled academia and scientific community. It ought not be aided and abetted by the church. That is exactly what people like Gene are doing with their support for such heresy. The greatest responsibility to counter this massive deception lies with the church and church leaders. The greatest weapon we have in fighting this war for the souls and minds of the masses is The Bible. The hirleing preachers are aiding and abetting the destruction of the Truth of The Bible by publicly, knowingly, willingly, and proudly declaring his support for a false and dangerous translation of The Bible that aids an abets the advancement of the secular humanist atheistic agenda called the religion of science.
If the children knew THEY were in a closed system, the next question they would ask is WHO PUT THEM THERE? God did.
The Bible is either wrong or NASA is wrong. Either The Bible is a lie or NASA is a lie. The Bible clearly states the earth is flat covered by a dome. NASA claims the earth is round and revolves around the sun. From ancient civilizations to modern times we are told that the earth is flat with a dome Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonians, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, Poets, Philosophers, Historians and modern evidences tell us that the earth is flat. So why does everyone believe what NASA tells us? Which one is it? You decide whether or not The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..
The government has had a monopoly over the media, press and academia for decades. Couple that with the 13 years of compulsory education mandated to indoctrinate every man woman and child in the US and you have little room for debate or do we? The Universities and the academic intellencia take it up on a logarithmic scale and yet the only photos of the earth from so called space or satellites are ALL ARTIST RENDERINGS OR COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES. Your eyes and your basic instincts tell us the sun and the moon are the same size, located very close to us as the naked eye cannot see a moon crater 40 miles across 238,000 miles away, that the oceans cannot stay on a 1000 mile per hour spinning ball and that the 75,000 miles of circulatory system did not get into our bodies by accident. Yet we submit our bodies and minds to those who deny that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
It is the school district personnel who teach just that. These are the ones who cement the lies after, through endless rote repetition, they ram the fables deep into the impressionable minds of the children. Do they know what they are part of? How can it be that reasonable, logical people that supposedly are the critical thinkers take part in such a vile endeavor, that is the teaching of the lie of evolution? What are these people thinking? They are not. They are walking lockstep with the machine that turns out children who do not know or believe in God and who can no longer think and interpret what is right in front of their eyes even though The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
The school district personnel are all in on it, every last one of them. Where are all the so called moral giants, or the so called christian teachers and staff? Why are they silent? Where is their fiece vocal opposition to these flat out lies? Yes they are all part of a regressive, massive dehumanization and sterilization agenda, drugging the children with vision destroying technology,
Yes they are all part of a regressive, massive, reproductive organ destroying wireless classroom technology forced irradiation program that is turning them into satanic video game addicts, teaching them the lies of evolution, the lie that there is no God, that wireless is harmless and that vaccines are safe and not part of a eugenics agenda. Does it logically follow that the school district personnel are not the most dangerous and evil people alive right now because of what they are doing to all the children? Yes you heard me the same ones doing this are the ones who hide that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..
They sit back and remain silent on the brain damaging sterilization by the forced microwave exposure in the classrooms, refusing to warn parents, accept information and warn the students. They are silent on the perversion being foisted on our children, they are silent on the forced vaccinations that are now part of school entry requirements. They are silent on the lies of evolution, silent on the dehumanization of children they are taking part in and silent on everything that matters except when it comes to their paltry paychecks. Go look out in front of the high schools in Fullerton right now and you will see these overpaid lackeys pissed off about the fact the $125,000 a year is not enough for 6 1/2 hour workdays for less than half the year as they lock the children out of class for tutoring and college letter of recommendation writing.
Yes of course That is when they speak up while they all ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
Firmament does not refer to empty air, a blue sky or a level of the atmosphere, it refers to a physical structure. It refers to the dome that covers the earth, and stated as such in some Bible translations. Yes it is the dome that no rocket ship or 33rd degree mason phony astronaut con job clown has ever passed through with a fake spaceship that really just crashed down in the ocean right after it launched.
The firmament sheweth His handy work. Why hide the dome from us? Why discredit the first chapter of The Bible? Because the total bull crap of evolution folds like a bad hand when people that have been so dumbed down to believe it in the first place realize that a dome over us means that someone put it there and put us under it. Thank the school district personell for all this moral relativism, political correctness, joke science and of course the 65 shots in your children’s bloodstreams and the wireless device in their laps. How long are all you parents and school district sycophants and lackeys going to go along with all of this or are you too going to ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
And yes, there are the doctors, with their academic arrogance, who think the man in the sky is some sort of a joke. In Fullerton look no further than the most outspoken enemies of God in town who mock God, and whose wife publicly calls for ending prayer at public meetings while they both push for the forced irradiation of school children all over California. Just look how and where all that education got those two who publicly ignore and protest that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
I guess the the toxic drugs, toxic treatments and eugenicist shots, are right there behind all of them to help guide the way. Look what these closed minded automaton school district and medical establishment thugs have done to you, your friends, your parents and are now doing to an entire generation of children as these get their body, soul, health and spirit sucked to hell by the well coordinated orchestration of all of the aforementioned on their watch with their blessing.
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. -The words of Jesus Christ.
Actually It applies to all of them, especially to the nurses and social workers that are putting all these children on medication when what they really need is the knowledge that God made them and God loves them. No such luck at school where they are taught starting in kindergarten that they can have two dads, two moms, that they came from animals, rocks, monkeys and muck and became what they are as a result of some cosmic accident with their faces glued to screens all day and night while they ignore, forget or simply cannot fathom that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
I challenge all of you to consider what has been the norm in our brainwashed society and open your eyes to the ancient wisdom so timelessly established in God’s word that to this very day, remains under attack from some of the most evil people in all of human history who subvert the fact that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
How can a student of the Bible, or even a seminary graduate, believe and even instruct the flock that science has proven The Bible to be in error? How do you ignore chapter 1 when your entire business model is built around the contents of this book? Yes even the dumbed down phony pastors and the pickpocket preachers in the phony churches that go along with all of this for a few measly bucks just so they can sleep in everyday and ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
You will never hear a sermon on Genesis 1 that tells the truth about what we actually live on or one that exposes:
If they can con everyone into believing that there is no God, that we all came from rocks, that we are all animals, that there is no purpose to any of this, then I can assure you ladies and gentlemen, they will treat us like rocks and animals. Sadly with the forced vaccinations, the satanic media, the disgusting fake toxic food, the booze, pills, dope, porn, the wireless emissions beaming through our walls, forced into the laps of children at school, the dosed water, the sprayed skies and the outright lies of the educational and medical system that ARE IN DIAMETRIC OPPOSITION to the Word of God, we are already in dire straights in need of a massive and abrupt about face. The second biggest lie ever told is right here before your eyes. Please open them before you end up spending eternity in darkness. The Bible is true, the earth is flat and anyone who tells you otherwise is simply a victim of an educational system that is designed to promulgate regression disguised as intellectual prowess flanked by foolishness that remains bound up in the child that they can never admit they still are. Take 25 minutes and judge for yourself. The lies have it ladies and gentlemen, and they also have your children all by the throat. It is time to break the grip. The day has finally arrived. The choice is yours.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Hidden in plain view, The Way on August 18, 2017
Forget his wide path watered down doctrine building the house on sand. This issue discussed in this article eclipses any and all of that. Without legs, nothing can stand. What I point out is how what he supports breaks the legs of the Bible.
Gene Appel Eastside Christian Fellowship Fullerton, California
This man is a so called Christian pastor making a statement about a translation of the Bible. This is his full time job and he is paid tens of thousands of dollars a month to be some sort of oracle to 7000 sheep that empty their wallets every weekend. He clearly states that New Living Translation second edition is recommended to all Christians. This man knows the various translations of The Bible in existence. It is what he does for a living. He has made his position known. This man also knows exactly what he is doing. He is part of the system.
Gene Appel
The greatest lie ever told is that there is no God. The greatest tool ever invented to convince people of this lie is the theory of evolution. The greatest purveyors of this lie is the public school system and their agents. The greatest protection afforded this lie comes from the government through its controlled academia and scientific community. It ought not be aided and abetted by the church but it is. The greatest responsibility to counter this massive deception lies with the church and church leaders. The greatest weapon we have in fighting this war for the souls and minds of the masses is The Bible. The greatest deception operation on earth is NASA working with the media and the churches.
There is a greater damnation for the hireling preacher. Is Gene Appel a hireling? Some would argue that he is.
One of the most preeminent versus in all of the Bible making the case for God and His creating our world, aside from Genesis 1:1 is Psalm 19.
Here is the King James Version:
Have you ever seen the sky in total darkness at night? If you have then this verse makes perfect sense. Most throughout history did every night of their lives and their eyes did not lie nor deceive them. They saw the Glory of God and His handywork-THE FIRMAMENT. No longer can we as lighting and tv screens dominate our nocturnal viewing habits.
The Bible clearly refers to the earth being a circle not a sphere and of course having a solid structure above it supporting waters ABOVE IT. Genesis 1:6 refers to the firmament. Look the Bible is clear and the Hebrew is succinctly clear: The word RAQIA IS THE EXACT HEBREW WORD IN GENESIS 1 verse 6 AND IN PSALM 19
רָקִיעַ noun masculineGenesis 1:6 extended surface, (solid)
2 the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse);Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 (“” הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָרDaniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי רGenesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1 (suffix reference to ׳י).
This is a Scriptural fact on cosmology. It represents a firm and impassable barrier between the world of man (below) and the abode of God (above).
“Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that [be] above the heavens.”
(Psalms 148:4 KJV)
Gene Appel has gone on record supporting the New Living Translation second edition and ascribing high credibility to it.
Look what the New Living Translation second edition has done to Psalm 19!
First,the NLT 2nd edition switches the world declare for proclaim. “Declare: is used in informal situations which God speaking to all of us really is. ‘Proclaim’ is used more for government declarations. Notice the subtle interchange that precedes the massive deception that follows. The NLT 2nd edition removes the word “firmament” and substitutes it for the word “skies.”
This is heresy breaking the legs of the Truth of The Bible. The Hebrew in Psalm 19 and Genesis 1 is clear
. רָקִיעַ noun masculineGenesis 1:6 extended surface, (solid) expanse (as if beaten out; compare Job 37:18); — absolute ׳רEzekiel 1:22 +, construct ׳רְ Genesis 1:14 +; — ᵐ5 στερέωμα, ᵑ9firmamentum, compare Syriac below √above; —
(flat) expanse (as if of ice, compare כְּעֵין הַקֶּרַח), as base, support (WklAltor. Forsch. iv. 347) Ezekiel 1:22,23,25(gloss ? compare Co Toy), Ezekiel 1:26 (supporting ׳י‘s throne). Hence (CoEzekiel 1:22)
the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse); Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 (“” הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָר Daniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי ר Genesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1 (suffix reference to ׳י).
Once again, The Bible clearly refers to the earth being a circle not a sphere and of course having a solid structure above it supporting waters ABOVE IT. Genesis 1:6 refers to the firmament. Even the pastors are in on this scam. Look the Bible is clear and the Hebrew is succinctly clear: The word RAQIA IS THE EXACT WORD IN GENESIS 1 verse 6. YOU ARE BEING LIED TO BY EVERYONE INVOLVED INCLUDING YOUR PASTOR.
רָקִיעַ noun masculineGenesis 1:6 extended surface, (solid)
2 the vault of heaven, or ‘firmament,’ regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting ‘waters’ above it, Genesis 1:6,7 (3 t. in verse);Genesis 1:8 (called שָׁמַיַם; all P), Psalm 19:2 (“” הַשָּׁמַיַם), ׳זֹהַר הָרDaniel 12:3; also ׳ר הַשָּׁמִיִם Genesis 1:14,15,17, ׳הַשּׁ ׳עַלמְּֿנֵי רGenesis 1:20 (all P). **רְקִיעַ עֻזּוֺ Psalm 150:1 (suffix reference to ׳י).
This is a Scriptural fact on cosmology. It represents a firm and impassable barrier between the world of man (below) and the abode of God (above). Star Trek, and all the fake moon landings are part of the deception. It is much easier to make people believe in evolution if they are told that the earth is some random spinning ball flying through space at 5000 miles an hour that coalesced from a bunch of cooling molten mass from an explosion trillions of years ago than to make people believe in atheism if they live in a magnificent closed system in that we are daily reminded that the “HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD AND THE FIRMAMENT SHOWETH HIS HANDYWORK”.
The Bible clearly states that we live in a closed system. So if the greatest lie ever told is that there is no God. If The greatest tool ever invented to convince people of this lie is the theory of evolution. If The greatest purveyors of this lie is the public school system and their agents. If The greatest protection afforded this lie comes from the government through its controlled academia and scientific community. It ought not be aided and abetted by the church. That is exactly what people like Gene are doing with their support for such heresy. The greatest responsibility to counter this massive deception lies with the church and church leaders. The greatest weapon we have in fighting this war for the souls and minds of the masses is The Bible. Gene Appel is aiding and abetting the destruction of the Truth of The Bible by publicly, knowingly, willingly, and proudly declaring his support for a false and dangerous translation of The Bible that aids an abets the advancement of the secular humanist atheistic agenda called the religion of science.
If the children knew THEY were in a closed system, the next question they would ask is WHO PUT THEM THERE? God did.
The Bible is either wrong or NASA is wrong. Either The Bible is a lie or NASA is a lie. The Bible clearly states the earth is flat covered by a dome. NASA claims the earth is round and revolves around the sun. From ancient civilizations to modern times we are told that the earth is flat with a dome Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonians, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, Poets, Philosophers, Historians and modern evidences tell us that the earth is flat. So why does everyone believe what NASA tells us? Which one is it? You decide whether or not The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..
The government has had a monopoly over the media, press and academia for decades. Couple that with the 13 years of compulsory education mandated to indoctrinate every man woman and child in the US and you have little room for debate or do we? The Universities and the academic intellencia take it up on a logarithmic scale and yet the only photos of the earth from so called space or satellites are ALL ARTIST RENDERINGS OR COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES. Your eyes and your basic instincts tell us the sun and the moon are the same size, located very close to us as the naked eye cannot see a moon crater 40 miles across 238,000 miles away, that the oceans cannot stay on a 1000 mile per hour spinning ball and that the 75,000 miles of circulatory system did not get into our bodies by accident. Yet we submit our bodies and minds to those who deny that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
It is the school district personnel who teach just that. These are the ones who cement the lies after, through endless rote repetition, they ram the fables deep into the impressionable minds of the children. Do they know what they are part of? How can it be that reasonable, logical people that supposedly are the critical thinkers take part in such a vile endeavor, that is the teaching of the lie of evolution? What are these people thinking? They are not. They are walking lockstep with the machine that turns out children who do not know or believe in God and who can no longer think and interpret what is right in front of their eyes even though The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
The school district personnel are all in on it, every last one of them. Where are all the so called moral giants, or the so called christian teachers and staff? Why are they silent? Where is their fiece vocal opposition to these flat out lies? Yes they are all part of a regressive, massive dehumanization and sterilization agenda, drugging the children with vision destroying technology,
Yes they are all part of a regressive, massive, reproductive organ destroying wireless classroom technology forced irradiation program that is turning them into satanic video game addicts, teaching them the lies of evolution, the lie that there is no God, that wireless is harmless and that vaccines are safe and not part of a eugenics agenda. Does it logically follow that the school district personnel are not the most dangerous and evil people alive right now because of what they are doing to all the children? Yes you heard me the same ones doing this are the ones who hide that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..
They sit back and remain silent on the brain damaging sterilization by the forced microwave exposure in the classrooms, refusing to warn parents, accept information and warn the students. They are silent on the perversion being foisted on our children, they are silent on the forced vaccinations that are now part of school entry requirements. They are silent on the lies of evolution, silent on the dehumanization of children they are taking part in and silent on everything that matters except when it comes to their paltry paychecks. Go look out in front of the high schools in Fullerton right now and you will see these overpaid lackeys pissed off about the fact the $125,000 a year is not enough for 6 1/2 hour workdays for less than half the year as they lock the children out of class for tutoring and college letter of recommendation writing.
Yes of course That is when they speak up while they all ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
Firmament does not refer to empty air, a blue sky or a level of the atmosphere, it refers to a physical structure. It refers to the dome that covers the earth, and stated as such in some Bible translations. Yes it is the dome that no rocket ship or 33rd degree mason phony astronaut con job clown has ever passed through with a fake spaceship that really just crashed down in the ocean right after it launched.
The firmament sheweth His handy work. Why hide the dome from us? Why discredit the first chapter of The Bible? Because the total bull crap of evolution folds like a bad hand when people that have been so dumbed down to believe it in the first place realize that a dome over us means that someone put it there and put us under it. Thank the school district personell for all this moral relativism, political correctness, joke science and of course the 65 shots in your children’s bloodstreams and the wireless device in their laps. How long are all you parents and school district sycophants and lackeys going to go along with all of this or are you too going to ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
And yes, there are the doctors, with their academic arrogance, who think the man in the sky is some sort of a joke. In Fullerton look no further than the most outspoken enemies of God in town who mock God, and whose wife publicly calls for ending prayer at public meetings while they both push for the forced irradiation of school children all over California. Just look how and where all that education got those two who publicly ignore and protest that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
I guess the the toxic drugs, toxic treatments and eugenicist shots, are right there behind all of them to help guide the way. Look what these closed minded automaton school district and medical establishment thugs have done to you, your friends, your parents and are now doing to an entire generation of children as these get their body, soul, health and spirit sucked to hell by the well coordinated orchestration of all of the aforementioned on their watch with their blessing.
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. -The words of Jesus Christ.
Actually It applies to all of them, especially to the nurses and social workers that are putting all these children on medication when what they really need is the knowledge that God made them and God loves them. No such luck at school where they are taught starting in kindergarten that they can have two dads, two moms, that they came from animals, rocks, monkeys and muck and became what they are as a result of some cosmic accident with their faces glued to screens all day and night while they ignore, forget or simply cannot fathom that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
I challenge all of you to consider what has been the norm in our brainwashed society and open your eyes to the ancient wisdom so timelessly established in God’s word that to this very day, remains under attack from some of the most evil people in all of human history who subvert the fact that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
How can a student of the Bible, or even a seminary graduate, believe and even instruct the flock that science has proven The Bible to be in error? How do you ignore chapter 1 when your entire business model is built around the contents of this book? Yes even the dumbed down phony pastors and the pickpocket preachers in the phony churches that go along with all of this for a few measly bucks just so they can sleep in everyday and ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.
You will never hear a sermon on Genesis 1 that tells the truth about what we actually live on or one that exposes:
If they can con everyone into believing that there is no God, that we all came from rocks, that we are all animals, that there is no purpose to any of this, then I can assure you ladies and gentlemen, they will treat us like rocks and animals. Sadly with the forced vaccinations, the satanic media, the disgusting fake toxic food, the booze, pills, dope, porn, the wireless emissions beaming through our walls, forced into the laps of children at school, the dosed water, the sprayed skies and the outright lies of the educational and medical system that ARE IN DIAMETRIC OPPOSITION to the Word of God, we are already in dire straights in need of a massive and abrupt about face. The second biggest lie ever told is right here before your eyes. Please open them before you end up spending eternity in darkness. The Bible is true, the earth is flat and anyone who tells you otherwise is simply a victim of an educational system that is designed to promulgate regression disguised as intellectual prowess flanked by foolishness that remains bound up in the child that they can never admit they still are. Take 25 minutes and judge for yourself. The lies have it ladies and gentlemen, and they also have your children all by the throat. It is time to break the grip. The day has finally arrived. The choice is yours.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The Way on May 29, 2017
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The Way on April 16, 2017
When you were young, you were always expecting to hear what a good little boy or girl you were from those who loved you. You probably, like most grew up believing that you were a good person. Like anything else, it is all relative. When you were young, or even today as you have grown older, you probably never gave much thought to the fact that your eyes and ears work only because your heart is pumping an iron rich solution through 75,000 miles of circulatory system. Like anything else, it is all relative. You focus on the plate or the screen and not the superhighway inside.
The frame of reference is key here. When we consider how we have all been wonderfully and fearfully made by Almighty God, and created in His image, it truly is all relative. You see, when we compare our good deeds to The One who created us, it is all as if they were filthy rags. Our righteousness, good works, or our perceptions of being good people are so far from the truth that it is frightening.
God is Holy, and we as a man, woman or child are sinful, and wicked, everyone last one of us, all of us, no exceptions. The human race has such a proclivity to do evil? People are good? I am a good person? The frame of reference is key. Can you imagine going into a critical care ICU unit to visit a sick child after working in the sewer? How about a computer chip factory clean room after playing soccer in the mud. We have no idea just how tarnished and unclean we really are. Look at our thoughts, what we watch on TV or the internet. Look at what we allow to happen to the unborn, to children, and to the elderly. Look what we do to our bodies, what we say or do to others, or worse what we don’t do for our fellow man or woman. We as a race are born selfish, and vile, going astray from the minute we left the womb. Obviously, some of us are more evil than others but we all have the same problem, sin. If you think this doesn’t apply to you think again.
Because we will live forever after we die, all of us deserve eternal judgement for how selfish and evil we have lived our lives. Once again don’t kid yourself. Think of the things we have done to others, refused to do to help others, taken part in, watched or even orchestrated. If you think you don’t need to repent and be forgiven, then there is no hope for you. You will die in your sin and you will be judged. ETERNITY AWAITS.
A sinless man named Jesus Christ was born of a virgin in a feed trough in fulfillment of the ancient promises and prophecies of The Bible. Jesus lived among our ancestors and was fully God and fully man. He lived a sinless life told it like it was, and like no other, he changed the world. He was crucified, he died and was buried.
His death on that cross took all of the sin of man past present and future, so much so that the sun went dark for three hours while he bled out on that cross. When he gave up his spirit, when He said it was finished, there was a great earthquake, graves were opened and there were dead people coming back to life and walking in the streets. But that wasn’t the end of it. The atonement for the sins of the world was just completed and made available to any who would believe in Him and accept it. The end of man’s futile attempts to bridge the gap between God and man had finally been completed.
On the third day, in fulfillment of the Scriptures, just like He promised, he rose from the dead and left the tomb empty. He conquered death, paid for your sins, and rules and lives forevermore. Sin’s grip will be broken by His power if you truly seek it. The grave is no longer the end of the line but a mere curtain to pass through once we are appointed to death. Fear not man, ladies and gentlemen, but rather fear The One who can cast your soul into hell and who holds the keys of life and death in His hands. He is the only way to God, don’t believe the lies. Salvation is free, you just have to accept it. You must repent, turn from your wicked ways and believe in Jesus and His shed blood that cleanses from sin. You don’t need to go to confession, you don’t need to ride your bike around for a year with a white shirt, you don’t have to shave your head and live in the side of a mountain, you don’t have to go to some temple, building, or church and listen to people try to separate you from your wallet.
Folks, put your money back in your wallet, Bibles are at the 99 cent store. If you want to give your money away, give it to people who really need it, not to these corporation phony churches that do nothing but steal from everyone, never tell the truth and let the evil wax greater and greater while the country goes to hell in a hand basket and they keep putting everyone to sleep. WAKE UP AND GET RIGHT WITH GOD NOW! HE WILL OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. YOU WILL FINALLY KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE ALIVE AND FREE FROM THE GUILT AND SHAME. SIN WILL NO LONGER HAVE YOU UNDER ITS POWER.
I urge all of us to take our hearts and minds put them on His table. Our hearts and minds need to be changed and given to Him to be renewed and transformed so we can see instead of being blinded by the prince of the power of the air. Look inward, face what we all are, accept what is freely given, and give freely to others what no one could ever afford to pay for-The Truth , the good news of THE FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS-THE SHED BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN AND ETERNAL LIFE IN HIM.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children, Hidden in plain view, The Way on March 5, 2017
There is an old saying that goes something like “what you don’t know can’t hurt you”. There is another adage that goes along the lines of “what you can’t see can’t hurt you”.
We at the Fullerton Informer beg to differ and will strive to provide you with ample opportunity to really begin to question what you may never have pondered questioning before. Welcome my friends. It is our personal desire for all of you who visit here to enter and ride along with an open mind. Enjoy the view, come back soon and most importantly tell a loved one or a friend. Join the dialogue and comment. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to throw your two cents in. In return we will tackle the issues, raise eyebrows, and step on a few toes. Ultimately at the end of the day, the light of day will shine on the issues for all to make informed decisions and form opinions based on a balanced approach.
I personally guarantee that the information presented here and the unconventional perspectives that we at The Fullerton Informer will dare to bring to light will make you think twice and in doing so will make us all the wiser as we walk the long and winding road. May access to truth never be in short supply in our hometown or in your neighborhood wherever you may be.
While it is true that what you don’t know CAN hurt you and what you can’t see WILL hurt you if you are not paying attention, just remember that the truth will stand on its own and the truth will truly set you free. Seek it at all costs…….
—Joe Imbriano
March 5 , 2013
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way on February 25, 2017
bruce whitake, dick jones, doug chafee, Fullerton city council, fullertons sex offender ordinace repeal, Greg Sebourn, jennifer fitzgerald, Jesus Silva, Jim Touchstone, JOE IMBRIANO
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