Archive for category Agenda 21


The Democrats have a two-thirds super majority in both chambers of the California Legislature now after Republican Assemblywoman Ling Ling Chang lost her bid to advance to the state Senate. I was no fan of the hacks Royce was pimping but how fast, how low and how treasonous can you get in 6 months with her replacement Newman? Let us see. And this goes for all of you in Fullerton who were chummy with this clown. Well this isn’t funny anymore folks and this guy needs to be thrown out of office along with his female counter part in the Assembly, sicko Sex Ed Silva.

Darkness dawning on the 65th. Sex Ed Silva is back.

Forget the fact that he REFUSED TO TAKE A POSITION ON SB 18, THE MOST ANTI FAMILY, DANGEROUS, PARENTAL RIGHT DESTROYING BILL EVER PRESENTED IN THE HISTORY OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Let’s take a look at how he makes it possible to wreck California by going along with the psychotic, immoral thugs that the stupid people of this once great state keep electing.

The con job Newman’s handlers pulled off that produced Newman’s victory gives Democrats control of two-thirds of the 40 seats in the Senate.  This is enough for them to approve tax increases, suspend legislative rules, pass emergency legislation or overturn the governor’s vetoes without any support from Republicans.

Newman voted for Senate Bill 54, which unofficially has been called a “sanctuary state” bill. It bars state and local law enforcement agencies from using their resources, including money, facility, property, equipment or personnel, to help with immigration enforcement.

They would be prohibited from asking about immigration status. They would be prohibited from giving federal immigration authorities access to interview a person in custody or assisting them in immigration enforcement.

This massive burden is one of the main reasons California’s schools and infrastructure are in a total state of disrepair. Newman works for the illegals, not the taxpayers.

Illegal aliens cost California at least $30  billion every single year—this includes their contribution in terms of taxes

These estimates are likely very low, since they don’t include any intangible costs associated with crime or increased systemic strain, they low-ball remittance estimates, and the number of illegal aliens in California is realistically at least double the numbers used.

According to the Pew Reseach, the rate of Illegal Alien Males in the workforce is 12 percent higher that U.S. born males and it is all by design.  An illegal immigrant male residing in the United States is more likely to be gainfully employed than a male who is a legal immigrant or U.S. born citizen, according to a senior demographer at the Pew Research Center think tank. 

This is is a deliberate and Systematic Discrimination of All Natural born American citizens in favor of Illegal Alien Hispanics and a Deliberate Persecution particularly toward White Native born Americans.  At a time of economic crisis and high unemployment.

Illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that’s a death toll of 4,745 per year. Annualy more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent. The non-violent crime grouping of larceny, fraud, and burglary totaled seven percent, and on the list goes — equaling 100 percent of illegal aliens who have been through the criminal justice system and inflicted thousands to millions in cost per alien on the system, for issues having nothing to do with their illegal entry into the country. 

In a 2007 Government Accountability Office study of 55,322 illegal aliens, analysts discovered that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about eight arrests per illegal alien: 70 percent had between two and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about 15,000) had 11 or more arrests. Drug or immigration offenses accounted for 45 percent of all offenses, and approximately 12 percent (over 6,600 illegal aliens) were arrested for violent offenses such as murder, robbery, assault, and sex-related crimes.

FBI crime studies also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity that revealed these statistics:

  • 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

  • One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.

  • Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.


Newman voted for Senate Bill 6 in a 28-11 vote that creates a $12 million legal defense fund for immigrants who are facing deportation.


Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, praises Josh the bear full of bullcrap Newman as Newman toes the party line with the planned destruction of Kalifornia.

What are you afraid of Mister Kevin de Leon? Yo no like the gabachos?

Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de LeonD-Los Angeles, WHO IS IN THE PROCESS OF DESTROYING CALIFORNIA with his radical illegal alien invasion agenda and economic destruction policies welcomed Newman to the Senate and said a tireless campaign team helped Democrats succeed in conservative Orange County.

Nice scarf sweetie? Is that you Senor Kevin de Leon?


“Senator-elect Newman was obviously a highly effective candidate, and I know he will be a great elected leader for his constituents,” de Leon said in a statement. Yes this bear is full of bull crap as he votes for the largest tax increase in State History.


Thanks to Newman, barely reaching the minimum necessary number of votes, Governor Jerry Brown and the Democratic Legislature were able to pass the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, also known as SB1.

Newman’s look of sincerity

The new fees and increased taxes will amount to $52.4 billion over 10 years with barely 2 percent making its way to road repair. The vast majority of funding will go towards BACK FILLING AREAS IN THE STATE BUDGET THAT ARE BEING EXPANDED FOR ILLEGALS, Agenda 21 road to nowhere transportation projects and of course pension back fill.

You sick of looking at this guys mug?


political hack defined

Yes all this while they rob us blind with the highest taxes in the nation, the worst schools in the nation, the highest crime in the nation, the worst roads in the nation, the biggest welfare population in the nation,

the most illegals in the nation and the worst leaders in the nation.

What’s next Josh, free college for them, free medical care for them, free dental care for them, free food for them, free housing for them, free fertility treatments for them, free car insurance for them, free bus passes and train passes for them, free drinks for them, free massage parlor visits for them, free sex changes for them? Where does it end? I know where it is about to begin.






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Joe Imbriano calling out the FPD’s corruption regarding the Joe Felz event-Dan Hughes involvement in not getting a breathalyzer for a driver who smelled of booze and was involved in a hit and run


Barry Levinson, the driving force of Fullerton’s sex offender ordinance discusses the despicable behavior of The Fullerton City Council in repealing Fullertons sex offender ordinance.

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Empty suit Bruce Whitaker and his 5 million dollar empty seat on the Parks and Rec Commission.

You will know a tree by its fruit ladies and gentlemen. The charade continues for four more years as Bruce Whitaker has successfully conned the residents of Fullerton in the last election. The political games he played recruiting vote splitting plants insured Fitzgerald’s re election and the continued demise of Fullerton. The facts speak for themselves about Bruce Whitaker and they are undeniable.


Well for now, let us deal with a very pressing issue that trumps the $300 hotel bills that Bruce’s sycophants keep bringing up. Lets not look at the elephant in the room but rather the ocean liner in the parking lot. Lets look at the Brea Dam issue and the contract with American Golf.


Barry Levinson was Bruce Whitaker’s appointee to the Fullerton Park and Recreation Commission for almost 5 years. Barry never missed a meeting, always asked good questions and took his volunteer position very seriously.

If you will remember Barry had hand delivered his detailed analysis of a 5 million dollar shortfall to the taxpayers with the Brea Dam -American Golf contract to the Park and Recreation Commissioners.

He also emailed and delivered these findings to the City Council, including the Council member who appointed him, Bruce Whitaker.

Bruce Whitaker (left)

So what does Bruce Whitaker do? He ignores the information and then subsequently removes Barry Levinson from the Park and Recreation Commission back in May of 2016.

Ladies and gentlemen, the seat on the commission was not filled until 2 weeks ago. Since then, Fullerton taxpayers have lost almost $250,000 and Bruce Whitaker has left the position on the Park and Recreation Commission vacant. Can someone provide a reason for this?

I can. It is my opinion that Bruce Whitaker fired Barry Levinson to cover this up and has kept the seat on the commission empty to keep the issue from being raised. Bruce Whitaker has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this ongoing fleecing of the taxpayers. Bruce has refused to respond to what Barry presented in writing and to this day REFUSES TO GIVE AN ANSWER AS TO WHY HE REMOVED BARRY FROM HIS POSITION. Bruce has not once agendized this issue, brought it up at council meetings or discussed this matter in any social media outlet. He has been and remains silent on the issue the was raised by HIS OWN APPOINTEE TO THE VERY COMMISSION whose purview it falls under. What does Bruce do? He fires his appointee and leaves the position unfilled for almost a year! I believe that Bruce is actively engaged in a cover up of a taxpayer ripoff  ladies and gentlemen and his behavior fully affirms this. 

What kind of fiscal conservative is Bruce Whitaker? Ladies and gentlemen, draw your own conclusions. My opinion is Bruce is a fraud.

What kind of fiscal conservative would ignore such a massive finding?

What kind of fiscal conservative would fire his own appointee to the commission who did his job better than all the rest of them combined?

What kind of taxpayers choice is Bruce Whitaker letting the multi million dollar taxpayer ripoff continue?


What kind of limited government advocate behaves like Bruce Whitaker? Just  like the lobbyist he voted to make mayor for the ballot.


What kind of advocate for open and transparent government is Bruce Whitaker?  He is just like one that these two phonies support.


What kind of reformer is Bruce Whitaker? The same kind as his supporter Shawn Nelson. This phony tried to put a hundred grand in real estate commissions into his pals pocket while trying to ram a homeless shelter in next to an elementary school. He and Bruce are well connected.


What kind of fiscal conservative Bruce Whitaker Ignoring a 5 million dollar taxpayer ripoff?

What kind of conservative?

The same kind that put an Agenda 21 SCAG senior planner on our planning commission while our traffic and roads rival that of Los Angeles.

What kind of conservative? One that spent over 30 minutes at the last council meeting splitting hairs over a $32,000 grant and spent less than a minute repealing the law that protected Fullerton children from sex offenders.







It is amazing how a realtor named Michelle Lynch is so deathly afraid of this information getting out to the residents in Fullerton. Is it because she does not want to admit what this is doing to children and perhaps her own?

She accuses me of using the app as a soap box, for political purposes and then every time wireless dangers are discussed, the post gets taken down by her.

To make matters worse, she encourages others to block future posts by of course, me.

Michelle Lynch, Raymond Hills LEAD
Good morning, all. I’d like to remind you of the option to “Mute” a particular neighbor if you find their posts to be bothersome, inappropriate or not in line with your views. Rather than deactivating your account or becoming agitated, go to their profile page, next to “Send Private Message” there’s a button with 3 dots. Click on that and it gives you the option to mute them. They will no longer show up in your feed. Have a wonderful Friday!



It is time to protect our neighborhoods. This is important.

Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 17h ago

When it rains, it pours. Two days ago I sent an update asking folks to request their legislators co-sponsor MA bills on EMFs (please still do that). Then we learned something big is up at the Federal level. Below is an email I am sending to my contacts, please feel free to use any of it if it might help with your efforts too…

Most of you may know it’s more my style to present information on wireless radiation and let folks
decide what to do with it. Today, however, it takes me out of my comfort zone but I need to ask for your explicit help in our democratic process –realizing it may take you out of your comfort zone too.

The FCC and industry are fast-tracking legislation that would take authority away from our municipalities in deciding whether or not we want the infrastructure needed for 5G and
the Internet of Things. They did this back in 1997 too when they circumvented safety testing on cell phone technology then got the Telecommunications Act passed. That left our local authorities powerless as the industry put cell towers near homes, schools, hospitals, churches and senior housing. Many have become very ill, with no recourse.

Now the FCC and industry are trying to push through two bills in D.C. that will put small but extremely hazardous cell antennas in our neighborhoods on all utility poles right outside our homes, schools, offices, everywhere! The 5G signal will carry huge doses of data faster, but not very far so the industry wants to install millions and millions of these small cell antennas to carry the data from pole to pole. 5G will also use 3G and 4G technology so existing towers won’t come down; 5G will add to the electrosmog. These small cell antennas will pulse biologically hazardous microwave radiation at us 24/7 at close range, in some cases right outside your window.

The way the Telecom Act is written today, industry is supposed to submit an application to city officials to put in antennas, and these new bills are trying to override this control measure for local authorities. Why is the FCC and industry in such a rush? The U.S. National Toxicology Program is in the middle of reporting out findings from a $25M multi-year study that has already found this radiation causes DNA damage, brain and heart tumors. More findings will come out in 2017.

Setting aside the agenda behind wireless, the industry leaders are not concerned with public health, they just want to be first to market. As soon as the NTP findings came out, they pushed to get approval to use the 5G spectrum. The Cellular Telephone Industry Association (CTIA-The Wireless Association) did its own big cancer study in the 1990s which showed the same findings, but they didn’t inform the public. Instead, they crafted the Telecom Act and pushed cell phones and infrastructure on an unsuspecting public. Then they introduced wi-fi which exposes us even further indoors, and now they plan to roll out the Internet of Things and blanket our neighborhoods in radiation.

Please, don’t take my word on all of this, when you have time I encourage you to investigate on your own (thank you, Katie Singer, author of Invisible Silent Spring, and others for this great resource on these two bills, and thank you world scientists for the EMF Scientists web site which presents the facts on wireless radiation).

But for today, we need your voice (and every adult’s in your house) in two ways:

1. Call your U.S. Senators’ office with the following message; you can read it to the person who answers the phone, or leave it in voice mail. Phone numbers are given at the end of this email:

My name is ______ from (city/state) and I am calling to ask the Senator to Vote NO on MOBILE Now Act S.19 and DIGIT Act S.88 to stop 5G infrastructure and rollout of the Internet of Things. The National Toxicology Program has found the electromagnetic radiation used by wireless technology causes DNA damage, and brain and heart tumors. Non-industry funded studies all over the world report other short-and long-term biological effects, ranging from infertility, Alzheimer’s and autism to digital addiction, insomnia, headaches, skin rashes, learning disabilities, behavioral issues, depression, anxiety and more. Please VOTE NO on the MOBILE Now Act S.19 and DIGIT Act S.88. Please insist on public hearings, and send a clear message to industry that they need to work with non-industry funded scientists to develop biologically safe technology. Thank you.

2. Email your U.S. Senators with the following message; email links are given below:

Subject: Please Vote NO on MOBILE Now Act S.19 and DIGIT Act S.88

The National Toxicology Program has found the electromagnetic field (EMF) of radiation emitted by wireless technology causes DNA damage, and brain and heart tumors. Non-industry funded studies all over the world report other short-and long-term biological effects, ranging from infertility, Alzheimer’s and autism to digital addiction, insomnia, headaches, nausea, nose/ear bleeds, skin rashes, cognitive impairment, learning disabilities, behavioral issues, depression, anxiety and more. Children, fetuses, the elderly and those with known health compromises are especially vulnerable. See

If this subject is new to you, you will likely have questions as we have all rapidly adopted wireless technology into our lives. Please read this high-level three-page overview titled, “EMF Points of Confusion vs. Fact” at

The FCC and industry are trying to fast-track these bills which will take away local authority from communities to decide whether they want toxic 5G/Internet of Things infrastructure installed at the street-level on poles right outside homes, schools, and offices. Please insist on public hearings, and send a clear message to industry that they need to work with non-industry funded scientists to develop biologically safe technology. Retired Microsoft Canada President Frank Clegg assures us they can, if given a nudge. See

Please VOTE NO on the MOBILE Now Act S.19 and DIGIT Act S.88. Thank you.

This is how the system works. They log your call, then print out your email for the legislator. Multiple calls and emails get their attention. If there is no activity, or very little, the industry wins.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I hope you will take another ten minutes to call and send an email to your legislators before your head hits the pillow tonight. The Senate will vote on this any day now, and most do not even know wireless is hazardous yet. They’ve only heard the benefits from persuasive industry lobbyists.

Thank you for the courage to use your voice in a way that might really make a difference in our world! Pass this on to your friends and family all over the country as this affects us all.





Feinstein, Dianne – (D – CA) (202) 224-3841 Contact:…

Harris, Kamala D. – (D – CA) (202) 224-3553 Contact:…




Shelli, Diane, Shelly, and 1 other thanked you

Debbie Tetley has no photo
Debbie Tetley from Raymond Hills · 16h ago


When it rains, we are at 200% of average snow pack. Hire back those gardeners. Green, weedless lawns all around!!! : )

Edited 16h ago

Debbie Tetley has no photo
Debbie Tetley from Raymond Hills · 16h ago


Sorry for the off topic Joe, but you mentioned rain and pour. : )

Edited 15h ago

Diane Hickey has no photo
Diane Hickey from Raymond Hills · 6h ago


Relative to your post, please see min 4:55 for further explanation of 5G and placement of DAS, wireless antennas in our neighborhoods, and impacts to our health. This legislation will “streamline” the process for cell tower siting, gut the 1996 TAC in order to do so.…

Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 5h ago

223 scientists from 39 countries all disagree with Roman Schulze, Mark Shapiro and even Erik Wehn who calls himself a scientist who all say this is all safe. You can sue Schulze, Shapiro and Wehn if you get sick from this stuff because they have held themselves out as experts claiming this is all safe. It is not folks. To make matters worse, our city council, all of five of them, have ignored this for four years along with Sharon Quirk Silva and Young Kim in the Assembly and now it is coming down to the wire.It is bad enough what is going on in the schools that is being ignored. 223 scientists from 39 countries are all wrong? Microwaves are a weapon and it is time to grow up and face reality. We are all under attack..

Diane thanked you
Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 5h ago

Greg Sebourn, Bruce Whitaker, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jan Flory, Doug Chaffee and even Jesus Silva have spent years ignoring this issue. They have chosen to ignore their duty and responsibility to protect the residents of Fullerton. Now the local control is about to be removed from the very ones that REFUSED to excercise it when they had the chance. Young Kim even voted for AB 57 ignoring tens of thousands of pages of research and testimony that was presented at the hearings by my colleagues. Her approval of AB 57 has this all coming to fruition that much closer to reality.

By the way, this is not a political discussion. This is a discussion about health and safety as it relates to our community.

Diane thanked you
Matt Karaffa from Downtown Fullerton · 5h ago


Oh fun, this again. Since there’s no point in arguing with someone so incapable of rational thought, I’ll just leave this here:

You’re wrong, this is a waste of time, and you’re wrong. Anyone thinking there’s something worth pursuing here, you’re wrong, too. Have a good day!

jim and Jon thanked Matt
Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 4h ago


Matt Karaffa versus 229 scientists from 29 countries and Matt Karaffa works for a company that makes wireless devices

Diane thanked you
Diane Hickey has no photo
Diane Hickey from Raymond Hills · 3h ago



Photo from Diane Hickey
jim mack has no photo
jim mack from Rolling Hills · 2h ago


You are coming out for regulations and against big industry. The party you support isn’t supporting you, but they are thankful for your vote.

Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 2h ago


Jim I am coming out for citizen input to stop the roll out of microwave systems on all the light poles and power poles, on schools, and government buildings. Both sides of the political aisle have sold us down the river. This is not a partisan or political issue. This is an issue of public health.

Picture of John R. Hogerhuis
John R. Hogerhuis from Raymond Hills · 2h ago


I hear they’re making suits in tinfoil now. Perhaps that is a self-help avenue to explore?

Matt thanked John R.
Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 2h ago

They better make 229 of them, one for each scientist that has come out against this and get ready to ship them to 39 countries real fast. John, have you considered the health of the hundreds of CKE employees that are FORCED to wear wireless headsets all day that are the equivalent of a cell phone being in use all day glued to their head? Are you responsible for that in some way with your role at CKE? How about the wireless transmitters in proximity to their abdomen that the employees at CKE are forced to wear all day?

I find it disturbing that those that make their living off of proliferating these dangerous devices are the ones who step right up and attack the messenger. It must be some sort of catharsis or something.

Desiree St has no photo
Desiree St from Raymond Hills · 1h ago


I contacted our senators about this. Thank you.

Diane thanked Desiree
Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 1h ago


Thank you Desiree

Matt Karaffa from Downtown Fullerton · 1h ago

Hmm, maybe we should notify the rest of the scientists (Thousands – 229) that they’re all wrong. We’ll tell them our local crackpot with an insane website filled with absurd conspiracy theories said so.

Also, no, I don’t work for a company that makes wireless devices, so your insinuation that I’m some sort of corporate shill is hilarious, and kind of creepy, to be honest. What are you doing, stalking me on the internet? As far as I know, we’ve never met, and I’ve never discussed my employment status with you.

Diane Hickey has no photo
Diane Hickey from Raymond Hills · 55m ago

Matt Karaffa,

Why is it that every time information about the bio hazards of wireless radiation are posted to NextDoor, you appear on the post refuting it? You refute not only the hundreds of EMF scientists but decades of science?

I find that odd and “kind of creepy.” Because of that pattern, you appear desperate to silence this message.

The fact is that people are getting sick from these exposures, I know some of them and, as wireless devices proliferate, this population of sick is increasing.

Why don’t you contact the scientists and begin to understand what they do?

Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 52m ago

Matt, please feel free to contact the scientists yourself. Have a conversation with them and maybe you will learn something that your employer forbids you to discuss. Matt you work for a company called Marvell Technologies who makes wireless devices, and your comments on The Fullerton Informer show up under their IP address when you post them. You are a staunch supporter of wireless technology based on your comments on my site and this forum.

Matt Karaffa from Downtown Fullerton · 51m ago


“Matt you work for a company called Marvell Technologies who makes wireless devices”

Oh, really? You’re doing a poor job stalking me. Work harder, creep.

jim thanked Matt
jim mack has no photo
jim mack from Rolling Hills · 46m ago


We can measure the energy present in various wavelengths of radiation, and accurately predict their effects on tissue. We can predict exactly at what millisecond a molecule of water will evaporate based on the change in temperature from any particular energy source.

It is that science that is refuting your ‘information’

Matt thanked jim
jim mack has no photo
jim mack from Rolling Hills · 41m ago


Cranks can make great money pushing their theories. No one is willing to pay actual scientists to fight this misinformation; it’s up to a few volunteers to defend science on their own time/dime.

Matt thanked jim
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 35m ago

Matt, Google reveals…

I do not know why you pop up like a jack in the box calling me all kinds of names as soon as I hit your proverbial nerve with the word wireless. You have doubled down multiple times insisting wireless is safe. You are at odds with decades of research and thousands of scientific studies. The 5G rollout will utilize even higher frequencies which have NEVER BEEN TESTED for their affects on human health. How can you call me insane when forcibly exposing entire populations when this being the case actually defines insanity? It is actually criminal.There are people in this community that are very threatened by this information because they are employed in fields that are directly connected to it. That is not a valid justification to harm everyone else in the process by trying to detract from message here. We need to be protected from the industry that is proceeding full speed ahead. It is already fully deployed in the schools despite the years we have sounded the alarm and the same people that defended that show up here to defend this. I don’t have an explanation for that behavior.

Diane Hickey has no photo
Diane Hickey from Raymond Hills · 32m ago


Really? How would they be making money? There is no fortune to be made by these scientists in telling the truth. In fact, the price for them is high.

CTIA owns the conversation. Maybe you should ask to get compensated, wireless is the largest market in the world. They have plenty of resources, shills to pay someone like you, a ‘volunteer.’

Meanwhile, people continue to be harmed.

Matt Karaffa from Downtown Fullerton · 29m ago

That’s funny, that’s far from up-to-date. The fact that your first avenue of attacking me is assuming I have some financial stake in this is hilarious, though, and telling as to your way of thinking.

You just keep thinking that you’re not gullible for believing stupid conspiracy theories, and that the rest of the world is too dumb or evil to get behind you, and only you, the guy that thinks the earth is flat, is the only one who can save us from all the scary scientists that are part of a global conspiracy to do something… that you haven’t specified… that will make The Illuminati control the world… because that’s totally a real thing… You’re not crazy at all!

Diane Hickey has no photo
Diane Hickey from Raymond Hills · 28m ago


EMF & developing children:

Photo from Diane Hickey
Diane Hickey has no photo
Diane Hickey from Raymond Hills · 21m ago


For all you guys out there, RF-radiation & ED:…

jim mack has no photo
jim mack from Rolling Hills · 21m ago

But there are many different forms of wireless radiation, and a lot of the literature you quote just uses that blanket term. Even humans give off wireless radiation! The real question is about what wavelength and at what distance, and that’s where some of the literature you point us to deliberately puts everything all in one box.

I agree that modern science doesn’t know everything, and that there should be higher standards of testing in general before testing on humans starts, especially children! I just think this is a pretty well examined area, and using the word wireless to describe both WIFI routers, industrial power transformers, microwaves, and laser beams misleads more than it reveals.

Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · 15m ago


Jim, here is an industry crank turned crank in your vernacular…

jim mack has no photo
jim mack from Rolling Hills · 12m ago


Where do all you science listeners sit on human accelerated global warming?

jim mack has no photo
jim mack from Rolling Hills · 6m ago

Joe, that guy has lied about so many things it’s hard to take him seriously. I’d say he’s permanently tarnished:…

He has been pro agent orange, pro chlorine, pro tobacco, pro cell phone, and it seems like this might be blackmail/revenge when he couldn’t get any more money.

Your heart is in the right place, Joe, even though I disagree with you.

Picture of Joe Imbriano
Joe Imbriano from Raymond Hills · Just now


He has played both sides of the fence but that is exactly why both sides need to be looked at. Here is another article and Hardell’s work is cited. He is a lot cleaner.…


Dr George Carlo: The Wireless Industry is Committing Scientific Fraud


Ray Grasse’s article on “Wheels of Change” in the Oct./Nov. issue of Mountain Astrologer notes that the decade following 9/11 witnessed a restructuring of the US economy. The US military was also re-structured to establish smaller military bases in more locations. The US forced other nations to increase radio frequency exposure limits to accommodate US radar, surveillance, and weaponry.
Read the rest of this entry »


Darkness dawning on the 65th. Sex Ed Silva is back.

Abortion has killed upwards of between 60 to 100 million children since that fateful decision at the hands of the black robe donning  high priests of darkness was handed down  on January 22 some forty some odd years ago. Here is Sex Ed Silva at the divisive feminist rally where the right to kill the unborn was one of the major focal points of the rally.











It should come as no surprise that she would be in attendance. After all. this woman has made it her mission in life to make sure that the blood never stops running down the drains of the sinks in the abortion mill killing fields. Make no mistake about Sharon Quirk Silva ladies and gentlemen. She has sold her soul to Planned Parenthood and sold it cheap. Her platforms every time she ran for office,was almost always abortion. Listen as she cleverly promises to keep the baby killers in business and the supply lines going for the body parts industry. MAKE NO MISTAKE FOLKS, THERE IS NO PROBLEM WITH WOMEN HAVING ACCESS TO GOOD MEDICAL CARE. THE UNITED STATES HAS UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. She can call it access to women’s health or whatever she wants because it is all about taking the right away from the unborn baby and trying to demonically turn it into a right for the mother to murder the unborn baby.


At one point in the video she states “wow, what did he say”, referring to this …..

Anthony Rendon “….we are gonna make sure women have access to health care….and reproductive rights…”


Cristina Garcia-“….standing shoulder to shoulder fighting for the right for women to control their bodies.”

Yes and of course pro illegal immigration is lumped in with the code words for baby killing as Sex Ed Silva proudly looks on.

.. so that the dreamers get their American dream

You see with Sex Ed Silva, murdering your unborn child is a fundamental right, denying that child its fundamental rights while they labor to bring more illegals into this country while pushing for American citizens to be murdered in the womb. These people are sick and evil.

Meanwhile Sex Ed Silva says she is gonna fight for women and empower women.

“We are gonna do everything we can to fight to make sure that women have access to great health care ”


Out-Heroding Herod-Are these blood sisters and brothers in the baby parts business?


Sex Ed Silva smiles and cheers for the statements of Anthony Rendon

“You are the leaders for equality….”




Sex Ed Silva smiles and cheers for the statements of Anthony Rendon

“You are the leaders for justice”




Sex Ed Sharon smiles at the statements of Anthony Rendon

You are the leaders for opportunity…





Sex Ed Silva looks on….. and on……

“You are what this fight is all about…..”


If you cant handle looking at these pictures then there is obviously something wrong with you not doing something to stop this from happening to several thousand children a day here in the United States with churches on every corner that say or do NOTHING about this


images (35)




Planned Parenthoods Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva


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Nextdoor feed on Joe Imbriano has declared Candidacy for the 39th Congressional District

Joe Imbriano has declared Candidacy for the 39th Congressional District

I am running for the seat that has been vacated by ED Royce. It is time for a real change and more of the same isn’t going to work anymore folks. It is time to drain the swamp.

Edited 4d ago · 36 neighborhoods in Recommendations
 · 113 Replies

Mike George·4d ago

I realized that you were a little off Joe but I had no idea. Flat earth? I was beginning to think that flat earthers were hoax. Wow. This should be fun.

John R. Hogerhuis·4d ago

Don’t waste your time / money.

Robert Vasquez·4d ago

John’s back!

John R. Hogerhuis·4d ago

Is this a good time to announce my candidacy too Robert? I’m sure I’ll get more votes than contrails/wifi guy. Probably even in a Republican Primary.

Matt Karaffa·4d ago

Thanks for the laugh!

Robert Vasquez·4d ago

lol…Give them HELL John! No prisoners! Dont let them touch my wifi! I dont know John, im sure the flat earth society will be funding our neighbor big time.

Joe Imbriano·4d ago

NASA needs to be defunded. It is an abject fraud. Space X just lost a billion dollar spy satellite last week? How do you let a private company lose a billion dollar spy satellite into the ocean? NASA over its lifetime, adjusted for inflation, has spent upwards of 4 trillion dollars for faked moon landings and computer generated images that are laughable to this day. Sure it employs people that are compartmentalized but in terms of what they have accomplished, it is a black budget black hole that has funnelled trillions of dollars into black ops projects that most people have no clue exist. That amounts to nearly 1/3 of our national debt. Can you imagine the infrastructure we would have? Obviously, up until this point, the majority of people like these crappy schools, crumbling roads, and sky high taxes and believe the science fiction they are being fed by the schools and the media. Of course this aluminum foil paper mache jalopy went hundreds of thousands of miles through space. You can keep it all going or change things and it is your choice. That is why we have elections. There 251,000 voters in the 39th. Each and every one of you has a brain and a vote that counts.

Joe Imbriano·4d ago

Michael is this your post on my FB page

Michele Garden·4d ago

Joe, I thought you were irrational and lacking of critical thinking skills when I argued against your Wi-Fi craziness several years ago, but now I think you are certifiably ready for the looney bin with your “earth is flat” nonsense. How anyone could ever take you seriously is beyond comprehension,

Kurt Rasmusson·4d ago

Joe will single-handedly drain the swamp by pushing the evil swamp monsters off the edges of this flat planet! Anyone else notice the disparaging comments about the local Korean churches in the linked articles on the FB post? Very classy, Joe. This may end up costing you the election! I’m afraid many of us may have to resume our search for a flat-earth conspiracy theorist to represent our district who is not also racist… we must draw the line somewhere!!

Joe Imbriano·4d ago

Racist hardly. My wife is Korean. I stand behind my statement about the Korean Churches.

Michael Romero·4d ago

bruh I’m like reading through your blog and it’s like crazy after non-stop crazy. “NASA is nothing more than a masonic, occult and deeply satanic deception operation. It was founded by and run by Satanic devil worshiping occultists and black magicians.” btw I noticed you locked down your site a bit, maybe specifically by IP or whatever.. it’s all good though because I saved an entire site mirror just in case this thing somehow disappears off the internet tomorrow. 😀

George Vazquez·4d ago

LOL this should be getting shared somewhere on the internet getting liked and upvoted a million times. The lulz are strong in this one. Faked moon landings…flat earth….good stuff.

John R. Hogerhuis·4d ago

Believing in conspiracy theories is not unique. What makes our Wifi Guy special is believing nearly ALL of them.

Robin Ballon·4d ago

Well I’m happy about your announcement of candidacy! This election cycle is going to be a ton of fun!

Jack Clark·4d ago

Michael Romero claims to be a Christian! Nice choice of words you like to use trolling others Facebook page. You are entitled to your opinions but to speak like that shows your pure immaturity. Grow up

George Vazquez·4d ago

Yeah. The real issue here is Michael romero. Not the guy running for office that thinks NASA is a hoax and should be defunded

Michael Romero·4d ago

hey who said Christian’s are perfect ? 😀 I most certainly am not lol have a sense of humor about ya bruv

Joe Imbriano·4d ago

NASA should be totally defunded.

Mark Shapiro·4d ago

Run Joe, Run. You will fit right in with the Conspiracy Theorist-in-Chief, although I would venture to guess that even the “Stable Genius” doesn’t think that the earth is flat!

Pete Novakoff·3d ago

Are you kidding me!!

Jan Friel·3d ago

Can’t get elected in Fullerton. Let’s try the US Congress!!!!!!!! Don’t think so.

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Ed Royce has spent 25 years in office and what has he given us at the local level? The people he has backed and installed in elected office for the last three decades have mismanaged everything as they have ruined our schools and our city.

Arnel Dino·3d ago

With all the candidates in this race to replace Royce…I now know who I am not voting for. Good Luck…NOT!

Robert Vasquez·3d ago

Im looking forward to the debates! We should all attend and afterwards have a bruskie at the local bar.

Michael Romero·3d ago

I’m down for drinks after debates 😃

Jennifer Lee·3d ago

I actually do believe NASA is a fraud. Most of it anyway.

Mark Shapiro·3d ago

Jennifer several of my former students have worked at JPL a NASA facility for decades. I can assure you that there’s nothing fraudulent about the missions that they have devoted their professional lives to. It’s truly sad that you and Joe believe such nonsense.

George Vazquez·3d ago

Yes nasa is a fraud. Now next time you go anywhere let’s see you try to get there without using GPS

Jennifer Lee·3d ago

No I don’t believe everything is on the up and up there.

Jennifer Lee·3d ago

Maybe not most of it, maybe half of it.

Matt Karaffa·3d ago

Care to share any specifics of your suspicions, Jennifer?

Jennifer Lee·3d ago

Nothing except I love a good conspiracy theory. I think the same way about the Government. I do believe millions go into operations kept secret from us. Maybe fraud is too strong a word.

Robert Vasquez·3d ago

I was fortunate to take a tour of JPL way back in the 80’s, many thanks to all the engineers, physicists, astronomers who worked on voyager. Im not a fan of many government programs but these guys rock!

Michael Romero·Edited 3d ago

Tell those frauds at JPL that the earth is flat! 😀 (j/k haha)

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Robert, I have been to JPL, Kennedy, Nellis, and the Smithsonian. I have seen that jalopy that they allege flew through space and it looks like the same kind of archaic junk as my old 65 Chrysler New Yorker. I know people who have spent decades in their cubicles. Some of them are finally daring to question when years ago they were petrified to even consider questioning with their children in college, with their wives at home and their mortgages outstanding with the retirement hanging in the balance. No longer are we limited to get our information from government controlled schools, government controlled TV, government controlled radio and government controlled scientists. Those sources are no longer exclusive as they once were. We are now living in a time where we have a very narrow window that is closing as we speak, where the internet has provided the opportunity for people to investigate and study any and all things for themselves. Instead of the government and its minions telling you what to think, you now have the freedom to access almost everything, question everything and come to your own conclusions. Many people are doing that right now. It is a magical time to be alive and truly exciting. The curtain has been drawn and the veil has been lifted. That is why there is and has been such a move to dope, drug, irradiate, poison and vaccinate everyone. What did Bertrand Russell say? “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so. ” This is what the government has done to our parents and even many of you and your children. As your citizen representative in the US House of Representatives, I will fight for your rights to have control over yours and your children’s bodies, brains health care choices, and future, one which has been usurped by a power structure that no one knew how to or dared challenge in the past. Every now and then people do snap out of it. 2018 will be the year.

Michele Garden·3d ago

“I will fight for your rights to have control over yours and your children’s bodies, brains health care choices, and future” I am so glad that Joe will fight for keeping abortion legal…on the one in a billion chance that he should win. At least we agree on that, Joe!

Joe Imbriano·Edited 3d ago

Michelle you as a devout atheist support the murdering of unborn children because you believe they are a mere evolutionary accident. I wholeheartedly will support a total ban on ALL abortions. Abortion is another lie from the pit of hell bolstered and furthered by the lies of the educational system’s secular humanism indoctrination from which you garner your paycheck. It has wiped 35 million people off of the face of the United States. It is an ongoing holocaust which I will vehemently work to end. Abortion is eugenics and no eugenics programs will continue on my watch when I am elected.

Michael Romero·3d ago

“As your citizen representative in the US House of Representatives” bruh never will this ever happen…. “when I am elected” fat f’n chance bub

Michele Garden·Edited 3h ago

It’s actually spelled devout. Yes, I am indeed a devout atheist and quite proud of my status. I’m so glad you remember me, dear Joe! Those were fun times, huh!

Joe Imbriano·Edited 3d ago

As you know I am a free speech advocate. I respect peoples opinions and don’t mind people using the fword even though it is no appropriate, people calling me mentally ill, that is your opinion, but then as soon as we start getting down to some real facts that have to do with the issues on the office being sought, I get this- some of you can dish it out but you cant take it. That is why I am running for office. Hello Joe, A message you posted was reported by another Nextdoor member as violating Nextdoor’s Community Guideline: Be Helpful, not Hurtful: Discrimination. This report may simply indicate that another member has misinterpreted either your message or the Guidelines. Your neighborhood Leads have been asked to review whether your message complies with the Guidelines. Messages that violate the Guidelines will be removed.

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Look at this hippocrisy with the teachers unions that are ok collecting their retirement off of the backs of ruined children while they remain silent on the technology addictions they force on the children in the classrooms that they start out in kindergarten. This is absolutely disgusting.

Michael Romero·Edited 3d ago

what if I told you that you were constantly surrounded by the largest magnet you could imagine, as well as it’s magnetic waves? do you know the earth is a magnet, joe? we have a north and a south pole, and if you were to visualize the magnetic waves created by these two massive poles, they extend out into space. the comparatively tiny magnetic waves emitted by the WIFI in our children’s laptops / chromebooks / ipads has nothing on the force we are constantly surrounded by simply as residents of this planet. Take PHYS 222 at Fullerton College and maybe you will actually learn something and stop spouting this crap and making yourself look so crazy

Joe Imbriano·Edited 3d ago

Michael it is a well documented fact that biological systems are affected by magnetic fields. Magnetic fields occur naturally which are healthy and necessary to sustain life. Others are created by human activities and some can be used for healing and others have deleterious effects on biological systems. They have been studied at great legnth over the last 100 years. It is widely known that frequency, power level and pulse modulation are all key components of how they affect biological systems. I have degrees in Chemistry and Biological Sciences. I have been through the physics. You appear to have a very limited understanding of how specific frequencies affect tissue differently. They have managed to get the whole thing down to a science. Physics alone does not cross the cubicle into effects on living tissue. Magenetobiology is at odds with over simplified physics from experimental observation. Microwave emissions are a weapon, and the frequency that is used in cell phones can destroy rat ovarian reserves. The frequency used in WiFi and iPads in schools have been shown to affect the part of the human egg that controls the zona reaction.…ical-Effects-of-EMF1.pdf

Jennifer Lee·3d ago

I do agree people could be nicer on this post. Unless somebody is out hurting other people or animals I I think they deserve to be treated respectfully.

Michael Romero·3d ago

it’s kinda funny now that I think about it because any visualization I would attempt to show you would highlight the inherent SPHERICAL PROPERTY OF THE EARTH, where as you, Joe, are a flat earther. lol. you will NEVER represent our district in congress. omfg make the world think our district is dim

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Michael are you capable of communicating without the use of profanity? The only proof you have that the earth is a globe is NASA. Did you know that EVERY single picture of the earth from space is an ANIMATION as is most all of the pictures we spent 5 trillion dollars on?

Michael Romero·3d ago

Actually I have a friend who has this hobby where he launches weather balloons into the sky. He attaches gps and cameras to them. The gps is used to recover the balloons when they come back down and the camera takes photos when the weather balloon reaches a specific altitude. He has shown me photos taken by his weather balloon when it’s high up in the stratosphere and the photos clearly highlight the curvature of the earth. Do you think the NASA conspiracy extends to my friends weather balloon camera ?

Michael Romero·3d ago

Here’s a nice little album

Michael Romero·3d ago

here’s a nice vid of someone else’s weather balloon with a GoPro… nice and round earth 😀

Joe Imbriano·Edited 3d ago

Michael thank you for refraining from using profanity. The video was shot by camera that used a fish eye lense as the concavity clearly fluctuates. The comments on the vid are really good. It proves nothing. The point made is that I believe NASA is a fraud and needs to be defunded. Can we move on to say a topic like climate change?

Michael Romero·3d ago

Lol no we are not moving on – your belief that the earth is flat is all it takes to disqualify you. Get used to this coming up in any upcoming debates

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Michael the fact that I bring this to the forefront of any political discussion proves I am not afraid of my position. I welcome open discussion on this issue. By the way, according to what they teach over at the college, you should not be able to see any curvature below 60 miles. If you do the math you will see that the video shot depicted a balloon that attained 1/3 of that altitude.

Robert Vasquez·3d ago

whew! this is exhausting. Its the Romero & Imbriano show! bada bing!

Mark Shapiro·3d ago

Trying to reason with Joe is a lot like talking to a wall, except the wall makes more sense.

John R. Hogerhuis·3d ago

Imagine the power of our government to maintain a worldwide conspiracy to keep people believing the world is round. Maintaining fictional books on spaceflight, keeping all those college professors, engineers, scientists on the same page by manufacturing reams of illusory data on orbital flights, etc. Their conspiracy now extends to private operations like Space X. I’m so proud of the US Government for such impressive function! That’s a first class operation that can maintain a conspiracy like that.

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Shapiro is the physics professor that has taken it upon himself to be the science guru for the community. He has gone on record over and over stating that wireless devices in schools and cell towers in neighborhoods next to your homes are safe, that weather modification doesn’t exist and dangerous led street lights are safe. There are about five of you engaged throwing eggs with another 500 watching. This has been a great discussion and we have covered more issues publicly in 5 hours than Ed Royce did in his whole 25 years.

Michael Romero·3d ago

maybe you should pay attention to what a physics professor is telling you and stop visiting whatever nutjob conspiracy site that’s feeding you this garbage

Michael Romero·3d ago

is the moon flat as well, joe? 😀 how about the sun? what about the other planets we can see with telescopes? explain how the flat earth was formed when dust particles gathered together to somehow form perfectly flat masses as opposed to clumping together in a spherical shape

Michael Romero·3d ago

wow just looked up Professor Shapiro! A PhD from UPENN! Still not convincing enough for Joe Imbriano, though. Credentials apparently mean nothing here, folks.

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Shapiros statements on wireless, cell towers and led lighting are at odds with hundreds of scientists, researchers and public health researchers in other fields. Credentials mean alot but are trumped by objectivity.

George Vazquez·3d ago

How do you feel about vaccinations Joe

Joe Imbriano·3d ago

Robert Vasquez·3d ago

since we’re talking about rf energy and wireless transmissions check this out from Ca Dep Public Health. I know Joe is familiar with this doc.

Brian Right·2d ago


Joe Imbriano·6h ago

Congress needs to act. NASA needs to be defunded. It is an abject fraud. The trillions they have stolen and funnelled into black ops needs to stop. Our infrastructure is in ruin compared to what it should be. We are a first rate nation that has been looted. Undeniable proof NASA faked all the photography from the moon:

Matt Karaffa·6h ago

Hilarious. Maybe if you keep shouting you can get some rubes to follow you, but you’re not fooling anyone with at least a pair of neurons to rub together.

Joe Imbriano·6h ago

“Thus, based on the above examples, this study concludes that the Apollo 15 photographic record does NOT depict real lunarscapes with distant backgrounds located more than a kilometre away from the camera.” “These pictures were, without doubt, taken in a studio set – up to 300 metres in size. A complex panorama mimicking the lunarscape shows degrees of movement, such as horizontal and vertical changes to give an impression of imaginary distance to the objects and perspective.” Dr Oleg Oleynik Just a little bit about the author who wrote the paper on the fraud of the Lunar Landings About the Author From 1984 to 1993 Dr Oleg Oleynik graduated from the Physics and Technology Department (Phystech) of the Kharkov State University. He obtained a Master’s degree in physics in physical metallurgy. From 1993 to 1999 Oleynik was a senior engineer, scientific assistant, postgraduate student, and a Soros postgraduate student. In 1999 Oleg successfully graduated from the Phystech postgraduate school, obtained his Ph.D.c specializing in experimental nuclear physics and the physics of charged particle beams at the Physics and Technology Department of the Kharkov State University. This was followed by a preliminary defense of the thesis, with a positive review by D.S. V.T. Lazurik. After 1999 Oleg left the Phystech department to pursue an independent career. From 1999 to 2012 Oleg Oleynik organized non-state research on humanism on the Web, founded a School, a College, and a University with academic degrees.

George Vazquez·6h ago

Do you buy your tin foil from Costco? I imagine it’s better to buy in bulk and save money.

Brian Right·5h ago

So now the earth is flat and we didn’t go to the moon? Not the person I want in charge of anything. Thank you!

John R. Hogerhuis·5h ago

This is a bad parody of conspiracy theorists. Blocking this thread…

Matt Karaffa·5h ago

If only it were a parody! It’s still funny how clueless he is, though.

Mike George·4h ago

Hey Joe. You know that you can verify and measure the curvature of the earth yourself using tools you already have right? If you place a stick straight up and measure the shadow at noon and then drive a whole day and do the same thing again you can actually calculate for yourself the circumference of the earth based on the difference in the length of the shadow and how far you drove. If you are interested in truth you should at least check it out for yourself since its not hard.

Mark Shapiro·1h ago

The first thing Joe is going to do when he gets to Congress is introduce a bill repealing the laws of physics!

Mark Shapiro·1h ago

And Joe you can do the following experiment to actually measure the curvature of the earth. All you will need is A location where you can clearly view a sunrise or sunset over the ocean A friend to help you measure the height of your eyes while laying down and while standing. A measuring tape or meter stick A stopwatch Pen and paper to record times and heights Go to a place where you can easily view the sunset or sunrise over the ocean. Be sure to check local weather reports to know the time of day to expect the sunrise or set. If viewing a sunset, make your first measurement lying down on the ground and your second measurement while standing. If viewing a sunrise, do the opposite. From now on I will explain only the directions for the sunset, please make the necessary adjustments for the sunrise experiment. Before the sunset, get a friend to measure the height of your eyes while you are lying down and still able to see the horizon where you expect the sunset. Prepare a stopwatch to begin counting. Wait for the sunset. When the last bit of sun has disappeared, start the stop watch and quickly get up and stand in a position that is directly above where your eyes were when you were laying down. You should be able to see the Sun set again. Stop the stopwatch when you see the last bit of sun disappear again. Have your friend measure the height to your eyes in the standing position. Calculate the circumference of the Earth using the following two equations: Distance to the horizon D = sqrt(2 * height of your eyes * Radius of the Earth) To see where this equation came from go to : [sqrt(2Rh1) – sqrt(2Rh2)]/[2pi * R] = s/S , Where R = The radius of the Earth h1 and h2= the height of your eyes during the two measurements (h1 should be the bigger of the two heights) s=the number of seconds between sun sets S=the number of seconds in one day, which is equal to 60 seconds*60 minutes*24 hours. This equation is a proportion that assumes the Earth rotates once in 24 hours so that the difference between the distances to the horizon over the whole circumference of the Earth is equal to the ratio of the time between your measurements and a whole day. For example, if you measured 6 seconds in between the sunset when you were laying down with your eyes at a height of 10 cm off of the ground and the sunset when you were standing up at a height of 2m, then you would have to solve the two above equations for the radius of the Earth in terms of h1 and h2 (which are .10 m and 2 m) and the number of seconds in between sunsets: Of course this requires you to accept the fact that the earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. I’m not sure if Joe believes in a rotating flat earth or a non-rotating flat earth. In a rotating flat earth there still would be a non-zero Coriolis effect, which can be observed by firing a round from a long-range artillery piece.

Michael Romero·1h ago

please post the results of your experiment, Joe. I’m extremely curious how you’ll choose to explain them away.

Joe Imbriano·1h ago

Shapiro, I have provided objective concrete evidence of NASA’s fakery so what do you make of analytical work of the fake NASA photography previously cited by me of a Ph.D.c specializing in experimental nuclear physics and the physics of charged particle beams at the Physics and Technology Department of the Kharkov State University? I would like you to address that. His conclusion is that the footage was filmed in a studio on a movie set.

Joe Imbriano·1h ago

Liars can figure and figures can lie Mike. What do you think of the fake NASA photography and the trillions of dollars that have been siphoned off and directed into black ops as your children are getting irrdiated at school right now under harmful pink flourescent lighting with the tinted windows closed and the door shut with 35 iPads and the industrial strenght access points microwaving the students and teachers?

George Vazquez·1h ago


George Vazquez·1h ago

No those facts you showed me are fake. But hey let me believe these crazy claims from some crackpot and not second guess them.

Michael Romero·1h ago

I’ve already explained that you should probably go through the Physics of Electricity and Magnetism covered in PHYS-222 at Fullerton College as that would help you comprehend why there is actually no issue with WIFI. Also, the Ph.Dc (candidate) you’re basing your entire argument on…. why is the only thing I find when looking up his name / credentials a big array of conspiracy theory posts. Was his PhD in bullshit ? 😀

George Vazquez·1h ago

Is that even a legitimate university or is it the equivalent of a Devry or Phoenix university of some eastern European country.

Michael Romero·55m ago

meanwhile, in this very thread, we have an actual professor of physics with a PhD from UPENN, an Ivy league school recognized worldwide. That’s not good enough for ol’ Joe. Maybe if his degree was also from a questionable school in the Ukraine he would be more convincing 😀 Hey Joe, if you were to flip the flat-earth upside-down… what would you find? What’s on the bottom? Is the bottom perfectly flat as well, making this a rectangular earth?

Joe Imbriano·52m ago

What does the Bible say Mike?

George Vazquez·48m ago

The Bible says you shouldn’t sit anywhere that a woman has that’s on her period.

Mark Shapiro·42m ago

Joe, there are a number of satellites in orbit above the earth including the ones that we depend on for our GPS devices. Please explain how these satellites are able to stay in orbit if the earth is flat. Also please explain how GPS devices are able to work on a flat earth.

George Vazquez·41m ago

Or how we have seasons in different parts of the world and different amounts of sunlight

George Vazquez·40m ago

Maybe Joe uses FPS. Flat Positioning System

Michael Romero·37m ago

Proverbs 18:2 “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” 😀

Joe Imbriano·35m ago

Shapiro the Coriolis effect has been debunked. More equations from NASA and of course all the universities play right into it because the government controls exactly what you teach the kids or should I say these impressionable young adults could have been force-fed a steady diet of liberal socialist secular humanist propaganda since they walked into a kindergarten classroom with the globe on the teacher’s desk. Shapiro is the ultimate part of the system it’s his whole life his whole identity the core of his existence. It’s really sad and scary at the same time because the assurances of safety that have repeatedly come out of his mouth and in print jeopardize this communities health and safety

George Vazquez·34m ago

Lol.. This guy.

George Vazquez·33m ago

I suppose Shapiro also controls the fact that South America and Australia are getting more sunlight hours then us here? Damn you Shapiro. Damn you!!!!!!! SHAPIIIIROOOOOOOOOOOO

Mike George·33m ago

Why would the NASA budget be a tool for stealing money to fund illegal stuff? The defense budget for 2015 was $598 Billion. The budget for NASA was $18.4 Billion. Are we supposed to believe that the $18 Billion is a super double secret slush fund for stuff too secret to take out of the $598 Billion? You know that the Iraq was that Bush Jr started costs the US over $1 Trillion right? The estimated size of the US government’s black budget is supposed to be around $50 Billion. The NASA budget doesn’t even come close to covering the black budget. How is it supposed to hide it from us?

Joe Imbriano·Edited 21m ago

Mike I agree with you. As I have stated in my article on Ed Royce, that the military industrial complex needs to be reigned in. I have written extensively on how 911 was an inside job. This post is about NASA and over their tenure, adjusted for inflation , trillions have been spent. Rumsfeld admitted days before 9 11 that trillions were missing from the pentagon and of course it was the accounting department at the pentagon that was hit by either a missile or a bomb on 911. Government accounting is really incredibly nefarious.

Joe Imbriano·10m ago

Shapiro had a question about satellites. There exists undeniable evidence the Earth is flat. There were what should have been impossible Radio Transmissions In 1915. All communications are terrestrial or land based, The earth is covered by a dome, probably a metallic substance perhaps transparent aluminum. Transmissions are bounced off of the dome that was energized during the atmospheric detonation of Hydrogen bombs during operation fishbowl. This video is a good primer.

Michael Romero·9m ago

Now there’s a dome ?

Joe Imbriano·6m ago

Mike what does the Bible say.

George Vazquez·6m ago

I wish I could share this thread with my friends

George Vazquez·4m ago

Joe the Bible also says you should never shave your facial hair.

Mark Shapiro·3m ago

Joe, no the Coriolis effect has not been debunked. Do you even know what the Coriolis effect is? Hint it is not a force, it is an effect, albeit a very small one, that results from the rotation of the earth. If a shell is fired from a long range gun, the kind that were on battleships and cruisers many years ago, while the shell in the air the earth is rotating under it. So if you aim the gun directly at a target that is far away, the shell will appear to deflect from the target by a few tens of yards (the exact amount depends on both direction and latitude) and miss the target. Before the age of computers naval gunnery tables contained corrections to account for this effect. For example, at 30 deg N. latitude, a range of 30,000 yds, and the gun aimed at 90 deg true, the shell will appear to deflect about 75 yds to the right (actually the target has moved 75 yds to the left owing to the rotation of the earth.) In the 1920s the Navy was troubled by the fact that during gunnery practice in the southern hemisphere they missed the targets much more frequently than in the northern hemisphere. The problem was that the sign of the Coriolis effect is opposite in the southern hemisphere, and the gunnery tables in use did not take that into account. No Joe the laws of physics haven’t been repealed!


Who Killed Paul Walker?



#SB 18

SB 18- is the most dangerous bill ever to come off the printer in the State Capital and it was written by the most dangerous man in the history of the California State Legislature, Dr. Richard Pan. He is the Author of SB 277, California’s forced vaccination law.


The cat’s meow of the eugenics movement Richard Pan

Read the rest of this entry »

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Why is this so?  The simple answer is because our Fullerton City Government is corrupt.



  • That Is Why They All Voted For Redistricting Map 8a
  • The originator of that map, Jeremy Popoff, the owner of the Slidebar, has been a large contributor to both Mayor Fitzgerald’s and Council member Whitaker’s political campaigns.  I believe $1,500 to Bruce Whitaker and $1,250 to Jennifer Fitzgerald
  • popov

    “Our own worst enemies? ” He wrote it not me

  • bruce-1

    The largest Trojan Horse in Fullerton history

  • popov-2
  • That Is Why They All Voted to appoint Ma’Ayn Johnson, who is a  S.C.A.G. senior planner and employee To The Fullerton Planning Commission.

  • S.C.A.G. is the Largest Un elected, Taxpayer Funded Government Agency In The Country, and Has Been Pushing United Nations Agenda 21 Goals For High-Rise, High-Density Housing Along With The Eventual Elimination Of The Automobile For Decades.
  • hqdefault-1

    Agenda 21, SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet Fitzgerald

    Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler Sebourn


  • chaffee

    Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler Chaffee


  • bruce

    Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler bag of hot air Whitaker



    Agenda 21 SCAG friendly operative and Pringle puppet enabler Flory

  • That Is Why No One Ever Contacted Me To or responded to my 4 To 5 Million Dollar Finding on the shortfall the American golf contract Which I Presented In Writing In Great Detail To All Of Them.

  • This Finding Is an Ongoing Problem encompassing The Period From 2010 To 2030.

  • This Means That They Intentionally Are Ignoring Taking Steps To Save You The Taxpayer A Significant Portion Of The 4 To 5 Million Dollars.  They Obviously Do Not Take Their Fiduciary Responsibilities Very Seriously Because They Continue To Allow Our Tax Dollars To Bleed Down the Drain.
  • download-31-300x141
  • That Is Why No One Heeded The Calls For An Independent Gennaco Investigation Of What I Believed To Be The Criminal Conspiracy That Tried Falsely To Put Me In Jail 2 Years Ago.
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  • That Is Why When The Council Is Presented An Agenda Item That Is Severely Lacking In Basic Information In Which To Make A Decision, Nothing Gets Resolved For The Future.
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  • That Is Why 2 Years Ago The Fullerton Planning Committee Voted 5 To 0 To Recommend The Original And Very Broad, Downtown Core And Corridor Special Plan To Our Fullerton City Council.

  • That Is Why When Others And I Vehemently Argued Against This Undemocratic Boondoggle They Did Not Vote It Down Causing It To Be Dead And Buried, As One Larry Bennett Keeps On Repeating Fallaciously.  No They Postponed It To A Date Uncertain, Where At Any Time It Can Be Resurrected And Brought Right Back To The Council For Its Approval!


You see the council is playing a game.  In one of the examples above, the game player was Bruce Whitaker bemoaning that he will not vote for a Grant application without the Grant application available to review.  We found out that it not only was not provided for review but that it did not even exist yet.  That however, is not the cause of the problem Fullertonians that is a symptom.  Does Bruce Whitaker ask for or provide a solution for the problem he so noted, so that agenda items will never again be presented without the necessary basic information to make a decision?



games people play when they dress up for work

 Surely that is exactly what an honest council member would certainly do.  Bruce Whitaker did not have to come up with a solution because Zonya Townsend, his current appointee to the Library Board of Trustees and myself his former Parks and Recreation Committee member, for almost 6 years gave him the solution on a silver platter at the very next Fullerton Council meeting.



Normally one would expect an honest council member, who wants to make a positive difference to not only point out the symptom but also offer solutions.  Like I said above, we handed him an easy and very effective solution and what did we get from Whitaker but more silence.  He huffs and he puffs and he lets the problems persist, he actually allows them to continue to flourish.  Yet he thought he got exactly what he wanted from all of this and that was to make political points with the electorate.  That is exactly what he got until I uncovered his less than honorable game.


More than a year ago, I mentioned that I believed that if anyone chose 5 people at random from the street or from the telephone directory, those five people would be an improvement, probably a huge improvement over the current people on our Fullerton City Council


At the time I was saying that partially in jest.  Now I truly believe that the odds of improving our governance by using such a haphazard and random method would in fact be very great indeed.

Why do I believe this?  Simply because I do not think it is possible to do worse than our current group of selfish, special interest devoted council members.

Why do I continue to point out these incredible inconsistencies with our Council members?  I believe that if enough people knew the truth that we could start to have good government again here in the very corrupt city of Fullerton.

The phony elite politicians and their media supporters mocked the idea that any Republican let alone Donald Trump could defeat Hillary Clinton.  In newspaper and mainstream TV “News” Shows they laughed at the idea of Trump becoming our 45th President.

Well one day real soon our current disingenuous council members will be handed the same stunning defeat, maybe as soon as 2018.

I report, you decide.

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

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Agenda 21 supporting Fullerton City Council Candidates

Fullerton City Council Candidates & Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is a three-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations.

At risk from Agenda 21:

•Private Property ownership

•Single-Family homes

•Private car ownership and individual travel choices

•Privately owned farms

The Agenda 21/regionalism plan openly targets private property.  For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land:

Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.

Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.

Two Means of Agenda 21 Implementation in Fullerton

SCAG (So. California Assoc. of Governments) — This organization contains the writings of known socialist,

Brundtland, all throughout their reports and philosophies.

APA  (American Planning Association)  —  This organizations’ entire curriculum, programs, and procedures

are taken straight from the U.N.


Fullerton City Council Candidates 2016

Jennifer Fitzgerald  – incumbent, has consistently voted for the out-of-control development that has created more traffic congestion on deteriorating streets making Fullerton unlivable, voted to appoint AGENDA 21 OPERATIVE,  SCAG employee Ma’Ayn Johnson to Fullerton Planning Commission.  Ms.  Fitzgerald is an employee of Curt Pringle & Associates, SCAG is their client.


Larry Bennett  —  endorsed and appointed to Fullerton Planning Commission  by Jennifer Fitzgerald. Larry ignores the problem with the AGENDA 21 OPERATIVE Ma’ Ayan Johnson on the planning commission as he sits there and ignores my requests for her to resign.


Bruce Whitaker —  incumbent, voted to appoint AGENDA 21 OPERATIVE SCAG employee Ma’Ayn Johnson as one of his “top choices” to Fullerton Planning Commission, voted to appoint Jennifer Fitzgerald as Fullerton Mayor, has consistently stood by while out-of-control development continues as he called off his appointee to the planning commission during the vote on the DCCSP and ignores my repeated requests to have Ma’Ayn Johnson removed from the planning commission.


Are you tired of appealing to appointed and elected officials that will not listen? I am. 

Vote  These Agenda 21 operatives  Out.

Here are the rest of the candidates who have done nothing but dodge the issue and circle the wagons around the guilty.

Jesus Silva-  

Supports high density housing and is totally clueless and COMPLETELY SILENT ON AGENDA 21 for his entire life


Jonathan Mansoori 

Throws progressive buzzwords around like corn seeds on an Iowa farm in the springtime, says a lot that means almost nothing, is for sustainable development and is for Agenda 21. He is the Agenda 21 plant in this race.




Are you tired of appealing to candidates that are either clueless, cowards or even worse? 

Do note Vote for candidates who are silent, clueless or worse when it comes to Agenda 21.

Joe Imbriano

A proven fighter against Agenda 21 on all fronts


Google Joe Imbriano Agenda 21 and you will see thousands of entries.

I have repeatedly fought Agenda 21 for years at the council meetings and school board meetings as all of these council members and candidates have and continue to ignore it all-THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

I need your vote. The only way to get me elected is to vote for one candidate and not three. It makes the vote count as three votes.


Joe Imbriano is the only No on Agenda 21 candidate!

It takes money and votes to kick and keep these people out.





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Shawn Nelson on S.C.A.G.

Step right up and get your Shawn Nelson endorsement. You know the one Bruce Whitaker  and Jennifer Fitzgerald wrap themselves in as they both voted to install a SCAG employee Mayan Johnson to the Fullerton planning commission that after repeated requests of mine, they refuse to remove.

Mind you this was a candidate forum that they conveniently tried to not invite me too.

Nelson refers to SCAG as “esoteric” Listen to this Agenda 21 Orwellian double speak SCAG operative- County Supervisor Shawn Nelson and listen carefully as he talks out of both sides of his mouth. This is our County Supervisor ladies and gentlemen whose wife runs the local Republican Women Federated Group in Fullerton.

This is a video I did after the events of the day of October 1st. This is our County Supervisor ladies and gentlemen whose wife runs the local Republican Women Federated Group in Fullerton as I discuss below. This Fullerton RWF group has courted Fitzgerald and now Bennett as they prepare to build out Fullerton to the hilt unless we throw them out. Fullerton has been hijacked and everyone is being put to sleep by these phony coffee clutch groups.


Another high density project passed by the sellouts on the planning commission

Yes another 1000 people are going to be crammed right on top of the old chevy dealer.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Is Matt Leslie an Agenda 21 denying, Population reduction supporter and radical environmentalist?

Meet Matt Leslie who wants you to stop having children and leave the earth to the animals, taking us back to the time of the Dinosaurs before people were here.


He is a card carrying Green Party big wheel in Fullerton.

Matt, along with his sidekick, card carrying Green Party member Jane Rands, have some very interesting things to say or not to say about Joe Imbriano and our community.

 Matthew Leslie “They aren’t everyone’s dream (single family homes)…, but I do enjoy mine (no BBQ). I think there should be a place for apartments, rental or not, but if people really have a problem with this much building, I suggest that we decide what makes a livable, healthy community. Also, stop having children.”

 Matt Leslie:  Who is “we” that should decide a “livable, healthy community”?  Is that you and is your definition of this to limit or deny people the right to have children?  Or, do you think that elected officials have the right to make these decisions for people, based on their personal definition of “livable” and “healthy”?  First of all, you have taken a position that points to children as being a problem.  Really?  On what basis do you assert this conclusion to “stop having children”?
Per the WSJ, citing The National Center for Health Statistics:  “The general fertility rate fell in 2015 to tie the lowest level on record. Fertility, defined as the number of live births per 1,000 women ages 15-44, has never been lower than the rate recorded last year and in 2013.

Clearly, the facts and stats do not support your assertions, which begs the question on why you are identifying children as a problem.  Many understand the U.N. document, Agenda 21, to require a 95% reduction in global population.  Do you agree with reducing the world population by 95%, Matt?

Before you point to children as the problem and tell people to stop having children, perhaps you should understand the facts and history.  Above all, you should have respect for the reproductive rights of others.

You are, plainly, anti-children and that is your prerogative.  Imposing your personal choice on others by telling them to “stop having children” is totalitarian and denying others their rights.  No one has this right.

Matt likes to make a mockery out of my articles exposing the facts that moon landings were totally faked and that the shape of the earth is not some spinning ball that the water never flies off of. He likes to make fun of what the school districts are doing to the children with wireless radiation while his sidekick just sits back, ignores it all, pokes fun at it, denies it all and sits back lets it all happen while she focuses on bike lanes and the cactus in Coyote Hills. Matt also likes to make fun of my articles on the other facets of Agenda 21 like Geoengineering and forced vaccinations. Matt is an Agenda 21 and eugenics denier as well. Perhaps that is because he supports eugenics and population reduction policies like the Green political party he shills for in Fullerton does.


Fullerton’s Greenest of the Greenies Matt Leslie


Matthew Leslie I don’t understand why someone needs to cite a global conspiracy to explain developers making money.”

I believe the dark underbelly of this team of leftist radical environmentalists needs to be exposed . The issues I have raised such as the geoengineered drought, the proliferation of microwave systems and wireless infrastructure sitings are well within the purview of the City Council and in terms of public health and welfare, are very significant. Matt and Jane have remained silent for years on these issues and have reared their heads lately making fun of these issues. Leaders lead and don’t just carry their little safe political football issues. Obviously, these are not leaders folks.

Unfortunately, their green solutions comprise ignoring the plight of the children while expanding government and increasing taxes. The truth of the matter is, Matt Leslie and Jane Rands would be willing to give the government unlimited power as long as the government gives them what they want and is run by a bunch of left-wing environmental loonies. They want their version of socialism, you know the one that works for them.

The greenies are only upset with government if it is not following the policies that they want, but could care less about protecting individual freedoms, They put the misdiagnosed health of the planet on top of the rights of people. they put their ideology, radical environmentalism, and their type socialism in front of the individuals’ rights or freedoms. That is what the greenies are really all about.

For years Matt has mocked the undeniable fact that microwaves are harmful. His partner in Green, Jane Rands, a repeat contender for The Fullerton City Council has COMPLETELY ignored this and other serious issues while refusing to respond to multiple pieces of correspondence she had been sent relating to the issues of wireless infrastructure sitings as well as the other disasters taking place in the environment, like geo engineering and the microwaving of children and wildlife. Jane has been so dedicated to peripheral municipal issues over the years and yet drives her car right past the biggest and most serious issues of our time. This is inexcusable, in my opinion. She is no different than the rest of the corrupt politicians running our city.

What is more deplorable for both of them is that they keep trying to make fun of these issues that we are exposing. Matt and Jane continue, along with the rest of Fullerton’s phony establishment sycophant denier’s club in town, to keep trying desperately try to pigeon hole me into a conspiracy theorist while the children along with the rest of our community undeniably remain in harm’s way.

Jane Rands and Matt Leslie have been in attendance at countless meetings where scientific studies and evidence have been presented and entered into the public record right in front of them by myself and others, including research concluding wireless microwave radiation in the schools is part of a sterilization agenda and that cell towers cause cancer. Jane will not be running for office again for a long time as the fifth time at failure would probably be the last. Maybe she and Matt will finally listen to the voters. But will they listed to the evidence or the truth? Perhaps their worldview is incompatible with ours? You know the kind that likes to get married and have a family?

Jane’s direct connection to the Fullerton Observer even further implicates her in this disaster as they too have a hand in covering up these agendas aimed at humanity like geoengineering, disarming all of us,  forced wireless exposure, water fluoridation, and forced vaccinations.

Now I believe it becomes evidently clear why Matt Leslie and Jane Rands have, for years and years, totally ignored these and other issues facing our community including the dire situation of the Fullerton school children with respect to the forced classroom microwave exposure, the autism connection and the agenda to reduce the population as evidenced by my articles on the subject.

It is no secret that Matt Leslie is the Fullerton contact for the Green Party.

Well, here are truths on the Green Party that members in good standing, Mr. Leslie and Ms. Rands, apparently both hold to be self evident.

The origins of the Green Party are steeped deeply in Eugenics and Euthanasia. The Green Party’s origins lie with the document ‘Blue Print for Survival‘; signatory (among others) Julian Huxley, eugenicist (selective human breeding), member of the British Eugenics Society, Fellow of the Royal Society.

The Blueprint was signed by over thirty of the leading scientists of the day—including Sir Julian Huxley, Sir Frank Fraser Darling, Sir Peter Medawar, and Sir Peter Scott

The Green Party was originally formed as PEOPLE, or the Ecology Party, in Coventry in 1973, with the first edition of Manifesto for a Sustainable Society as the party’s statement of philosophy and policies. This document was inspired by Blueprint for Survival, published by The Ecologist (then edited by Edward Goldsmith). The party changed its name to become the Green Party in the 1980s

Julian Huxley and euthanasia:
….on this pro-euthanasia board was: Sidney Goldstein who sat on the American Birth Control League’s National Council and later was on Planned Parenthood’s Board of Directors. Another member was Frank H. Hankins who was a managing editor for Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger’s newsletter called the Birth Control Review. Hankins was also an American Eugenics Society member. Another more famous name who was sat on the advisory board of this pro-euthanasia panel, was Julian Huxley, who was a later recipient of a Planned Parenthood award.

Aldous Huxley (who wrote ‘Brave New World’ and brother of Julian Huxley) is linked to the ‘teens and toddlers sustainability replication programme’ (eugenics education programme) now in UK schools.

Julian Huxley and Prince Philip have both been with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) launched at the Royal Society for the Arts (and hence of the John Adam St Gang also known as the Committee of 300, or the Olympians

The Green Party and Euthanasia
The Green Party in Tasmania has twice tried to legislate for voluntary euthanasia.
Nick McKim is leader of the Tasmanian Greens Party, the world’s first Green party…..Nick was also the first member of any Australian parliament to introduce marriage equality legislation to Parliament, and has twice attempted to legislate for voluntary euthanasia. [11]

Greens Leader Bob Brown says he will again try to overturn a ban that prevents the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory passing laws allowing euthanasia.

The Victorian Green Party is now looking for the law reform commission to legislate for euthanasia (April 2015)
A Greens bid to get Victoria’s Law Reform Commission to examine euthanasia has been delayed. Party leaders in the state’s upper house agreed to not vote on the motion after it looked like it would fail. But the Greens say a vote will be held in May on whether the commission should report on euthanasia laws.
New Zealand Herald: Beware the policy of the dangerous Greens ‘the Green Party in Germany has similar policies’ (December 2011)

The Green Party in Canada tables resolution on euthanasia, March 2009 [15]

Previous legislation in the Northern Territory regarding euthanasia laws:

The Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) was a controversial law legalising euthanasia, passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory of Australia in 1995, but effectively nullified in 1997 by the Federal Parliament. Dr Philip Nitschke, the first doctor in the world to administer legal, voluntary euthanasia, founded Exit International in response to the overturning of the Act.
While voluntary euthanasia had previously been condoned officially in the Netherlands and the US state of Oregon, the act was the first time that a legislative assembly passed a law explicitly legalising euthanasia.

The leader of the Green Party in Canada, Elizabeth May, has called for population reduction.


Jane and Matt are both card carrying green party members who categorically deny the dangers of microwave radiation posed to our children in our schools. Both Matt and Jane are also GEO ENGINEERING deniers as well. Now Matt comes forward with his telling position about how people need to stop having children.

Since when is it up to Matt to decide if there too many children? Should the government control the number of children people have?

Has Matt ever flown across the United States are realized that 95 percent of the US is rural open space and that we will never run out of land?

Fullerton does not need Agenda 21 denying, population reduction pushing radical left wing environmentalists on its Council unless of course, you agree with them.

I certainly cannot come to terms with such a truly dangerous ideology.



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