Archive for category Agenda 21

Will Milo’s coming to Fullerton bring more of this?

I think there needs to be a very large law enforcement presence on Tuesday. I also think those of you who live adjacent to the college better prepare for some potential unrest. There is a very good possibility of it happening. Be prepared to secure your property and protect your families.



This video outlining the deep state agenda with Las Vegas and radiation biology is back up here.

It was taken down as a result from censorship from Google from another channel b


Published on Oct 22, 2017

The Fullerton Informer:…



 Pinned by grindall61
I have known Joe for the last couple of years and haven’t promoted his work enough. This is someone with a serious amount of knowledge and we all need to subscribe to his channel and watch his work.

John Straumietis 



And people still think the cops are here to protect us. As you can see, cops can be intimidated, silenced and forced to do whatever is necessary to push the agenda of the elite. Cops are now here to throw you in jail if you oppose the ideology of our corrupt government. If they come for you, you can level the playing field by being armed.


FINALLY! A normal citizen coming out with the bare truth!!


With the 5G rollout we’ll be microwaved more than ever too!

Systemic Divide 


Science Proves It's flat. FlatEARTHER 

Great video, well said….


The CIA Phoenix Program is relevant to Vegas.

Erik Hanger 

Yeah I never liked Florencent of bulbs even when they came out people like them because they’re so cheap but I thought I was crazy because I was the only one that felt like this gave us such a ugly cheap feeling like being an old dirty cheap dentist office or Hospital. I always like Amber type color light bulb or just at the regular older light bulbs they give off like a warm feeling with those fluorescent light bulbs I like the ones in Joe Versus the Volcano they just suck the life out of you


Level One – Private Mercenary Kill Teams (Xe?) CIA and other Intelligence agencies with authorization from MGM owner, Sheldon A, and Trump Level Two – Multi-level Active Shooter drill (real-time) FBI Fusion Centers and DHS coordinate with Casinos to have multi-locations attacked Level Three – Local Police respond in confusion, Active Shooter Drill goes live under Level One Level Four – The citizens used as props under a drill, are used to offer up to carry out a real attack, real shelter in place drills on a massive scale, detain thousands with people having to personally verify your identity before being released, confiscating electronic equipment from a large number and deleting evidence. Sandy Hook, The Navy Yard Drill Shooting, Jared Lee Loughner shooting in AZ , The Hunger Games UCSB Shooting in CA, The San Bernardino Drill Shooting, Aurora Batman shooting, etc… all were 9/11 level events.


Yes yes yes and thanks for this video

Hoplite Warrior 

It’s odd that the police scanner I own,which is a very good scanner at that,never received a notification when the shootings happened @ the Mandalay bay and the other places where shots were fired from. My scanner wasn’t allowed to even pick up the channel for the Las Vegas police department during the whole process nor could it find any other channel that would also normally find if the Las Vegas police department blocked people from hearing what they were saying and reporting the whole time. When the riots happened in Ferguson, close to where I live and any other riots that happened long after that one,I was notified and listened to everything. The Deep State/Shadow Government are culprits in many of these incidents. Soros,Rothschilds,Obamas,etc had best be delt with or we will always continue to have problems in America and the safety of ourselves,Constitution/ammendment rights and our Republic. What a time to be alive in America and I pray the SHTF soon so my children and those who think and believe the same as I are still able bodied to fight the fight that desperately needs to happen. We desperately need to fight these evil entities now so that by the time I’m an old man,I can actually relax knowing we have rid America of this Anti-American excrement. Si Vis Pacem,Para Bellum!


I’m a new sub. Thank you for sharing this

Jonny Stugotts 

Sorry grind all61 , no one dead no one hurt. No actual proof of anyone dead . No tears no emts working on anyone, on n on . Anyways, be well.

Victor Bangle 

This was a STAGED FAKE SCI OP and you people are dumb as rocks. Idiots.

michael x 

you are correct about everything you said


US is turning in to a police state by the NWO Zionist NEO-Cons.


Good video. America First.

Wetonia Houlihan 

He received more environmental radiation standing there talking about it than any of those airport screenings etc put off…. lol

Rob Lee 

Vegas shooting is nothing but deception and big cover-up for something they probably that themselves👈💥

cas adaps 



Joe is on FIRE!! Good job . This is a good guy. He came to my City of Glendale when the GUSD was voting on putting on WiFi in the Glendale School Classrooms.

Thystaff Thywill 

Las Vegas was a hoax, a fema drill with crisis actors. They’ve been doing this for years.

Nina Long 

Wow. You have done your research.

Erik Hanger 

Everyone needs to trust in Trump and Putin Putin is actually been saying this s*** for years of what our government is up to and what they’re trying to do to us he has been saying this s*** for years Russia has spies everywhere and Russia has a shitload of spies in here who do you think geard us to vote for Trump


you are so on point about everything

Rob Lee 

Las Vegas was all a big cover-up so that we take our minds off the real important things like them wanting to fit Kris the population in this country wake up America before it’s too late👈👺👎👎 they want to ban guns in this arm Americans in this country so that that way we can be at the mercy of our enemies which they will be no mercy they’re going to try to wipe us out one by one or all of us and one place once they do that they’ll take away our rights and do away with the Constitution God bless us all

Louis Bonasera 



Big oil will not go away until we get away from them, eugenics has always been their goal. Their means only justify their ends and everything else Joe said, I could not agree with more…


Campos was the second gunman


Well put. This is scary stuff…. Thanks


Lawsuits are the biggest loss for casinos not cheaters at blackjack. Paddock sued cosmo over his leg. Campos got shot in the leg.

Angie Fernandes 

White people and their machine gunz are not a good combination

marcia reflects 

people do not want to know… hurts their minds to go against the mind control… I am surrounded by people who get mad or just check out if you try to tell them…. not sure what it will take to break the mind control… maybe if we get that promised emp attack and lose all electricity….. blessings come in disguise…

Will Mason 

Excellent presentation

alex morgan 

Good thing I live in the southern United States because after watching this video I can see why a lot of people would rather vote conservative than liberal. It’s all about our rights and freedoms and people need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

Jorae Goswellen 

Yes! The deep state….. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

Jorae Goswellen 

I believe like you …. It’s all staged! They want us unarmed…they want a NWO and a communist agenda21/2030 agenda so they want billions killed by any means necessary! Look up the 2030 map’s that’s your truth of our future… Controlled and slave’s …an AI / transhuman planet this is why they are pushing all these satanic agenda’s! People need to wake up or loss your freedom …. Never give up your gun’s as if you do you will be toast!!!!!


I hope more people wake up to this demonic beast system we are currently living in.

Sheryl St. Germain 

I just about gagged at that FBI operative “Spook” standing over Sheriff Lombardo’s shoulder in Las Vegas, forcing that Sheriff to read from a script that they were going to send Paddock’s brain to have it analyzed. That Sheriff must have been threated with his retirement and the death of his family, because he was choking up.


They are hoping to normalize and legalize pedophila, and they know that is a very sore subject for most people.


I heard a theory that the top floors are owned by the Saudis, but the Saudis weren’t using them that weekend. I also heard a theory that the planes that Paddock owned could have been used in child trafficking. One YT user was able to look up part of his flight log, and that the plane landed in Nebraska which is the home of the Franklin scandal.

Rebekahz Place 



Why would you do a video out on the street? The federal government has no authority over the 2nd amendment and there is no way they would get the support from all the states required.


wow first person that has same theory as me, what if he found out something he wasn’t supposed to. IDK but its all BS

The Deadsky 

Article 1 Section 8 of the constitution lists the specific powers of congress to act on. Nowhere does it state that they have the authority to legislate and pass laws to infringe on any constitutional right. They only have that power when we allow them that power.


Just do a quick study up of electrification of rural areas in America and the increase of cancer and other problems. World government have nearly mastered human experimentation… now it is time for full implementation.


The “Deep State”….. Every member of congress must sign a pledge of allegiance to Israel or the RNC and DNC wont fund their re-elections or organize their fund raisers.. In Texas, if you want to receive Hurricane Harvey Funds, you must swear never to Boycott Israel.. Its #11 on the Funds Agreement Form.. Israel determines who gets Relief Funds in America.. Israel determines who gets to be an American Congressman (power of the purse..) THE DEEP STATE IS ISRAEL… Zionists own us, rule us and send our children to their deaths in the name of protecting Israel.. Nothing will change as long as people lack the courage to call out reality. …Its called the “Synagogue of Satan” for a reason…


The higher the body count the more political leverage they can achieve. Las Vegas was done by the same ‘people’ that did 9/11.

Jami Ross 

Yes it and there’s no real investigation being done here!


A man that knew too much placed his own life in jeopardy……

Truman 300 

I work on the strip in the casino business. Mr. Paddock was a high roller at many casinos. He was also known as a quite man! Does not sound like the type of guy to go on a shooting spree!!! Yeah! I’m pissed!!! In my hometown!!! We are being told LIES!!!… Your 2nd amendment explanation was spot On!!! May God bless you all!

Sheryl St. Germain 

The definition of a legal conspiracy in Black’s Legal Dictionary, and Miriam Webster, is “Two or More Gathered together in and act, collusion of deceit or fraud.” If it only takes two people, then there are probably more conspiracies going on around you than you ever dreamed. The SHADOW Government comes up with people who understand deceit and fraud, especially by them and then say we wear “tin foil hats” which is an Ad hominem attack.

Sheryl St. Germain 

Another theory on Paddock, name indicates fencing in animals for blood slaughter at “The Harvest” music festival, He could have wracked up gambling debts, and they set him in one of their stage craft and play dramas, and helped him get out of town to another country with a clean state, after he worked his gambling debts off in the stage play.

Sheryl St. Germain 

Eventually, they are going to want everyone to go down and get a brain scan, so that they can shoot more radiation in, on you head, and then give you more brain problems, and tumors, so they can get you sick and take even more of your life away. We will all need brain scans, because you never know who might be crazy.

Bristol Girl 

great information

Henry Homes 

hear, here!!

Sheryl St. Germain 

I am very appreciate that someone is finally warning the public what is going on.

Sheryl St. Germain 

This is why home schooling is so popular, and I don’t mean the cult mother in the Pioneer dress that doesn’t let her child associate with other children. I mean online schools, and where parents and co ops take their children on more learning experience field trips. You stage shootings at schools, we will take our classes online.

Ty Bradford 

Definitely going in top favorites and shared Well said!!!!!

Mario Cooke 

for ten years I’ve been waiting for average Joes like this guy to start speaking truths like I have taken so much flak saying.

Mario Cooke 

high executives of Mandalay Bay sold 190 million in stock last month, after the shooting they are in a position to buy back their stock at great discount




Whoever own Mandalay Bay had everything to do with the shooting……..


Killing us softly with their waves, Killing me Softly. This morning I had Chemtrails in my coffee, Chemtrails in my coffee, you’re all so vein, you probably thought the song was about you.


I dont believe Paddock did all the killing by himself,if any at all,they ( whoever they are ) shoot at the people and then shot paddock to make it look like a murder suicide.Paddock is just a witness,two ISIS member or maybe two member of some other organization other than ISIS agree to shoot Paddock after the plans had been carried out and afterward shoot Paddock to make it look like a murder suicide….


Check and balance my man !!!

Nicolas Shane 

They are all doomed. Don’t give the bad guys any hope LOL. The house of cards are in free fall in Hollywood all this toxic mess is finally floating to the surface. Don’t worry folks your not gonna lose your country!! Team USA

John Yates 

It means there will be more work in NV for security and now I can move out of commiefornia move to Reno it rocks

Jonathan Reed 

Maybe Mandalay Bay management kept that corner empty because they feared police shooting back at the hotel. But there isn’t any evidence that this room is where the shots came from.


Sure was.

21st Century Heretic 

Hollywood = jewish. David Coleman aka Common core = Jewish. Marxism = Jewish. Vegas = Jewish. War or christians = Jewish. Cutting on baby boys= Jewish. Cutting on baby girls = Arab, half brother of the jew. Biggest advocates for gun control and hate speech laws = Jews. Perpetrators of the worst mass murders against white christians 100 years ago (bolshevik) = Jewish. Fractional reserve banking, 9/11, wars for israel, ect. Almost all media= Jewish.

21st Century Heretic 

Hollywood = jewish. David Coleman aka Common core = Jewish. Marxism = Jewish. Vegas = Jewish. War or christians = Jewish. Cutting on baby boys= Jewish. Cutting on baby girls = Arab, half brother of the jew. Biggest advocates for gun control and hate speech laws = Jews. Perpetrators of the worst mass murders against white christians 100 years ago (bolshevik) = Jewish. Fractional reserve banking, 9/11, wars for israel, ect. Almost all media= Jewish.

21st Century Heretic 

Hollywood = jewish. David Coleman aka Common core = Jewish. Marxism = Jewish. Vegas = Jewish. War or christians = Jewish. Cutting on baby boys= Jewish. Cutting on baby girls = Arab, half brother of the jew. Biggest advocates for gun control and hate speech laws = Jews. Perpetrators of the worst mass murders against white christians 100 years ago (bolshevik) = Jewish. Fractional reserve banking, 9/11, wars for israel, ect. Almost all media= Jewish.

21st Century Heretic 

Hollywood = jewish. David Coleman aka Common core = Jewish. Marxism = Jewish. Vegas = Jewish. War or christians = Jewish. Cutting on baby boys= Jewish. Cutting on baby girls = Arab, half brother of the jew. Biggest advocates for gun control and hate speech laws = Jews. Perpetrators of the worst mass murders against white christians 100 years ago (bolshevik) = Jewish. Fractional reserve banking, 9/11, wars for israel, ect. Almost all media= Jewish.

AmericaDied 1913 

If the NFL cared about anything real, they would take a knee to this crap.


legalized propaganda

Raya Porter 

Great video but this is unlistenable due to the stupid cars passing by sorry

Nick Stango 

In all reality when you think about it they don’t even need to have anyone in that room, could’ve been drone type of technology. I don’t mean aircraft, I just mean frequency/remote controlled weaponry inside the room.But I’m sure there were multiple people in those rooms, just pointing out that they have the tech. to do otherwise. Great video though.

Rebekahz Place 

The moment my child’s school says they are putting those body scanners in the school. I’m pulling him out and we’ll be home-schooled from now on. When these schools go on lock down. No one is allowed to get in or out to pick up their kid. Putting a bunch of people in large facilities like schools, universities, concerts, etc. that don’t allow guns and then enforcing a lock down will have families separated and imprisoned… Our fate will be sealed…

Jimmy Hagar 

We are going to keep getting regulations put on us and all this shit until we get together and take it back force is the only answer these motherfucking scum need to pay

Piano Lady 

Nothing authorities are telling us about the Mandalay Massacre rings true … none of it … and why was someone doing so much drilling in that room … what were they drilling … possibly the real shooters did escape to another floor … maybe they even got out through the heating/cooling ducts … it did take police over an hour to enter the room.

Cheryl Ling 傅璟玲 

excellent break down , check this out

Samuel Mbengu 

It’s weird, since 2,996 people got killed in 9/11, most of them from the WTC.


This is not just awake, he is fully awake.

Trumpet Of God 


Clyde Burton 

They are already doing the weapons of microwaves on us.Im telling you.Its not a plan they are already doing it!

Karen Omodt 

Route 91 Concert Promoter is a member of CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). Live Nation changes colors from orangish brown to purple. George Soros PURPLE REVOLUTION??? Why?

Georgia Henderson 

Outstanding synopses.


Uh “socialist sanders” from Vermont which is a pro gun state??? Dude you need to do some homework!! He is a favored by the NRA!! This can be found thru BASIC RESEARCH!!!

Useless Eater 

Excellent video. My only disagreement is I have is that we (and the other Countries) have Nukes. Nobody has em.


You watch too much Alex Jones.
Hide replies

Karen Omodt 

K3ithp …I watch zero Alex Jones. It’s called pulling your head out of the unicorn utopia and do some research! Btw. The internet has a wealth of knowledge…little unicorn follower.

21st Century Heretic 

(((Alex Jones))) lol


Liked this informative video up to the ending . . . how about God helps those who help themselves ??? or Jesus, we love you dearly but you are being to slow so we’ll have to trust in your help coming through but start this out on our own !!!

Nick Rotellini 

Video of helicopter shooting, check it out


Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

This article is from

Key Witness in Las Vegas Shooting Kills Self and Daughter Following FBI Raid

 A key witness in the Las Vegas shooting massacre has killed himself and his disabled daughter in a horrific murder-suicide shortly after the FBI raided his home.John Beilman was wanted for questioning by federal agents in connection with a communications device discovered in suspected shooter Stephen Paddock’s hotel room.

Investigators searched Beilman’s Fairport home the day before he shot his severely disabled daughter and himself, according to sources close to the investigation.Agents executed a search warrant and raided Beilman’s Williamsburg Drive home the day before he took his daughter, Nicole, into the backyard and shot her and then himself in the back of the head with a 12-gauge shotgun.John Beilman’s 27-year-old daughter, Nicole, had Rett Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder.Nicole Beilman relied upon a wheelchair and was dependent on her parents for care.

According to this report, upon the FBI searching the Mandalay Bay Hotel room used by CIA gun runner Stephen Paddock, a cell phone charger was discovered that had no accompanying phone—with SVR technology experts noting that this type of charger is used to charge a CP502520 3.0V 600mAh Li-MnO2 Non-rechargeable Thin Cell Battery used in various communication devices by both US Special Forces and CIA forces.

The company making this unique lithium battery, this report details, is Ultralife Corporation, based in Newark, New York, that specializes in military communications systems for the Pentagon—and whose lead engineer for this particular communication systems development was John Beilman.Listing himself as a “product design and manufacturing professional”, this report continues, John Beilman was employed by Ultralife Corporation between 2007-2012 where he worked on various top-secret communications systems for the US military—thereafter his leaving to become a top engineer at the General Motors research facility located in Rochester New York.

Fearing that Ultralife Corporation had been secretly funneling their US military communications systems to the CIA, this report notes, this past Tuesday (3 October), the FBI raided the home of John Beilman under a secret US Federal Court warrant—and that caused Beilman, less than 12 hours later, during the early morning hours of Wednesday (4 October), to wheel out his severely disabled daughter Nicole into his home’s backyard where she was executed, with Beilman then killing himself too—and that was followed 48 hours later (6 October) by the Pentagon awarding Ultralife Corporation new contracts valued at over $49 million.

The CIA, this report further notes, has long been known to eliminate witnesses to their “murder sacrifice” “false flag” operations—and that includes the hundreds of witnesses mysteriously killed following the 9/11 “Tower Sacrifice”, and the, likewise, hundreds of witnesses mysteriously dying following the “King Sacrifice” murder of President John F. Kennedy—and that London’s Sunday Times reported the “the odds against these witnesses being dead by February 1967, were one hundred thousand trillion to one.”The FBI claim they didn’t protect, or at the very least put under 24-hour surveillance, John Beilman following their raid on his home, due to American domestic intelligence experiencing a manpower shortage in their Las Vegas massacre investigation.

According to D&C, John Beilman committed the murder-suicide shortly after 5:20 a.m., Fairport police say.Fairport police said Beilman’s wife, Donna Beilman, was inside the home and did not hear the shots that took the life of her husband and daughter.

Fairport Police Chief Samuel Farina said John Beilman left behind a “goodbye note” to his wife that indicated the circumstances of the shooting but not a motive.A neighbor of Beilman reported that he saw two police cars near the home the day before the killings. Farina said this week that police had not responded to any calls at the home.The FBI and federal prosecutors declined to comment.

A federal magistrate judge would have approved a search of the home. However, approval of a search does not ensure a crime was committed; instead, it is a search for evidence of a crime.Records of federal searches are often filed under seal, and there was no public record available Friday of the search of the Fairport home.


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The radical slave, statist, leftist agenda at Troy High School

The worst thing you could ever do is cherry pick the creme of the crop, mind control them, corrupt them and turn them against their ancestors and fellow man.

This school has no balance whether it comes to its curriculum or its publications. Troy is the definition of the system ladies and gentlemen. It’s agents blindly serve the system as they train the children to serve the system. It then sends them on their way with a false sense of intellectualism and genuine authoritarian arrogance that are forever inclined to maintain the protection of the system.

Tyranny seeks only those who will blindly follow and serve the system regardless of the warnings.

Read the rest of this entry »

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According to the official dispatch audio of the officers on scene one sees the shots coming from half way up the Mandalay Bay. Now the 32 floor is at the top just below the Four Seasons. That is not halfway up. Another officer reports an active shooter inside the fair grounds. Another officer reports shots were coming from gate 7, another officer reports shots were coming from the 50th floor. Another officer reports muzzle flashes were coming from one of the middle floor in the west end north tower towards the center, over the casino. The officers report fully automatic fire. Another officer reports flashes coming from a third of the way up center tower of Mandalay Bay, the center tower, another report of shots coming from the 15th floor of Mandalay Bay. Multiple witness also confirmed multiple shooters. Mandalay Bay security also reported shots coming from the 29th floor. Another officer confirms two shooters one on the 29th and one on the 32nd floor.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Remember back in 1988 when Shanghai Hepatitis A Cases exceeded 300,000 WITH ONLY 11 Deaths Reported in a 2-Month Epidemic That ‘Shocked’ China?

11 deaths per 300,000 cases? We have 16 deaths in 400 cases? China was and is a communist country and back then, squalor was the norm for many impoverished peasants and city dwellers.

What kind of superbug has been released into the San Diego and Los Angeles homeless population to set the stage for forced vaccination laws?

What lab did this strain come from? Why did it skip Orange County? Who is behind the staging of this act of murder?




‘We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,’ said Epicyte San Diego president Mitch Hein.



When there is smoke ladies and gentlemen, there is fire. What is going on with the Hepatitis outbreak in San Diego? It is a staged outbreak that has been contrived to drive a vaccination agenda. It is working like a charm and tens of thousands have already taken the shots in the past few weeks.

We have been through this before. Remember THE DISNEYLAND MEASLES OUTBREAK  WHICH WAS STAGED  in order to pass a forced vaccination law SB 277? 


Hepatitis can be spread like wildfire via the food or water supply and they know it. Of course this disease can be serious but most people who get the disease never even know it because they never manifest symptoms. Hepatitis A is a mild, self limiting disease, resolving on its own with no treatment in 4-8 weeks in most cases.


SB277, the forced vaccination law for children was birthed from the staged Disneyland Measles outbreak. As of yet they still have not managed to find a way to get the adults into the matrix with forced vaccinations until now. If you will notice, the coverage of this San Diego Hepatitis outbreak has been really vague and spotty with the same tag lines being repeated for months and no real details being released. All we hear is that the epidemic is expanding and people are dying.

This particular staged outbreak involves the 1B hepatitis strain. This genotype is rarely seen in the Americas but circulates in North Africa and the Middle East. This is just more evidence that this whole thing is staged.  It appears to have been released into and ignited in the homeless populations.  San Diego first, Los Angeles and now Salt Lake City. I believe it was probably initiated through intentionally contaminated donated water, food or even from intentionally contaminated vaccinations they have been given. We are being told nothing definitive as to when and where it actually began which is just what you expect from a staged outbreak.

This staged San Diego outbreak is the deadliest in decades. Let’s talk about the Hepatitis outbreaks that have taken place in the United States.  Prior to this there were numerous outbreaks over the last 20 years. If you will notice,  unlike this staged outbreak, these prior outbreaks were all linked to a source, had susbstantial numbers of infections and almost no deaths.

The most widespread hepatitis A outbreak in the US was the 2003 United States hepatitis outbreak  that afflicted at least 640 people (killing four) in northeastern Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania in late 2003 The outbreak was blamed on tainted green onions at a restaurant in Monaca, Pennsylvania.

Each year, approximately 180,000 hepatitis A infections occur each year in the United States resulting in approximately 100 deaths. This is a 0.00055 death rate

The Staged San Diego Outbreak involves 421 cases that have resulted in 16 deaths. Authorities have admitted to vaccinating more than 21,000 people this far. This is a 0.038  death rate.

This staged outbreak is far more deadly as it has a death rate of 3.8% How is it possible to have a death rate running at 6,900 percent over what we would expect? This staged epidemic is setting the stage for mass forced vaccinations.


THIS STAGED OUTBREAK IN SAN DIEGO HAS NOT BEEN TRACED TO A  SPECIFIC CAUSE OR LOCATION AND IT HAS BEEN GOING FOR 5 MONTHS NOW. The list of those recommended to receive the Hep A and B vaccine has now been expanded to include the following occupational groups: fire; emergency; law enforcement personnel; food handlers; health care personnel and professionals; service workers working directly with the homeless population; individuals working directly in substance abuse treatment programs; and public transit workers. This list will soon be expanded and the word recommended will soon be replaced with “mandated”.

The push is on for vaccinations folks. The goal is to get everyone vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B even though most  infections in young children are asymptomatic, is so mild that 90% of kids who get hepatitis A never even know it an most adults never know it either. Even the National Institutes of Health states that: “Most people who have Hepatitis A get well on their own after a few weeks.”

Normally, Hepatitis A rarely presents itself inducing life-threatening situations. Usually, By the time symptoms appear, the disease is no longer infectious. Unlike hepatitis B, Type A hepatitis disappears completely after acute infection, and does not contribute to chronic liver disease or to cirrhosis. It is important to note that after the patient recovers, he has lifetime immunity. True immunity.

Hepatitis A can be caused by both hepatitis B and hepatitis C vaccines! This fact is found in a disclaimer that GlaxoSmithKlein makes about Havrix, that it can’t cure the hepatitis caused by these other 2 vaccines as stated   by the manufacturer on p 1545 of the 2002 PDRa possible side effect of Havrix is hepatitis! 

Now look what is being recommended on a wide scale basis. It is a combination vaccine that allegedly offers protection from both Hepatitis A and B called  TWINRIX .

I am sure that another combo vaccine will emerge soon to be a more  effective sterilant. After all, every vaccine on the market has the license to do just that-sterilize you.

The Hepatitis vaccine along with all the other vaccines  have “……… not been evaluated for its carcinogenic potential, mutagenic potential, or potential for impairment of fertility.”  This statement is printed on every vaccine insert in the country in section 13 of the vaccine insert.

One component of this combo vaccine is the Hepatitis B surface antigen. The Pre-S Protein-Containing Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigens combined with adjuvants make up the vaccine.  We know that co-incubation of human spermatozoa with hepatitis B virus S protein, causes a significant loss of sperm mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), which reduces the sperm’s motility, and resulted in sperm death and diminished fertility.

Twinrix is the vaccine that is used to prevent Hepatitis A and and B.  It is given in a series of 3 injections- 1 dose followed by  2 more doses at 1 month and 6 months. It can also be given in 4 doses, with the initial dose followed by doses at 7 days, 21 to 30 days, and 12 months.

We know that in order to sterilize anyone, such as was done with the Tetanus shots in Kenya, multiple doses were required 6 months apart.

We must call them out on this in order to stave off a massive staged epidemic just as we did when we called them out on their attempts to stage a St Louis Encenphalitis outbreak in Orange County as a justification to do aerial spraying. 

Ladies and gentlemen, what I believe we are witnessing here is the beginning of a sterilzation agenda aimed not only at children but also adults. It will be a matter of time before this vaccine becomes a condition of employment to anyone who works with food, water, or even the public.

Legislative enactment will swiftly follow this staged epidemic just as it did with the Disneyland staged measles outbreak. Forced vaccinations are coming only for those who refuse. Most people will roll up their sleeves willingly as they have already done with their children. The time is now to prepare, get informed and get ready to stand your ground. The line in the sand has been drawn. Can we make this any clearer?

Joe Imbriano 9-18-17

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Weather warfare over Fullerton California

 Joe Imbriano discussing geoengineering operations, the microwaving of chemtrail aerosol dispersions over Orange County using cell tower infrastructure and various phased array radar installations which superheat the metallic nanocompounds which ended up blocking the convergence of Monsoonal moisture from the south east of California and a cut off low from the north that should have produced significant rainfall over Southern California. As you can see no rain today.


A nation that does not protect its children has no future-An open letter to Josh Newman and Sharon Quirk Silva regarding SB 649

Re:  SB 649 (Hueso):  Wireless Telecommunications Facilities As Amended — OPPOSE

The National Association For Children and Safe Technology (NACST) works to educate the public and support public health policy to protect the safety, health, and well being of children and youth from radio frequency / microwave (RF/MW) radiation exposure originating from wireless technology and infrastructure.   NACST opposes CA SB649 legislation based on health and agricultural science, with human and animal physical injuries and impairments, violation of federal and state laws, and violation of the powers of local government.

This is what will be on the power poles, and street light poles all over Fullerton, including the ones in your front and back yards.


It is essential that you vote NO on CA SB649 Wireless telecommunications facilities.  This bill is an unnecessary taking of public funds and property values, alongside losses of public health and safety, and human and agricultural productivity.  California has strong interest in protecting its economic base and residents’ and visitors’ freedom from physical injury and impairment.  The 4G/5G Distributed Antenna System (DAS) would result in scientifically established hazardous radiation exposure with often immediate and therefore provable adverse effects, particularly immediate neurological and cardiologic effects.

CA SB649 involves telecoms installing powerful microwave radiation antennae, misleadingly called “small cells” to conceal their radiation power and concentration, on light poles and utility poles in the public right of way for 5G.  Poles may be only 15-20 feet from homes and offices.  Thousands of these antennae and large power supplies would be placed on residential blocks and farms, deploying radio frequency / microwave (RF/MW) radiation penetrating homes and bodies 24/7/365 forever.

Pulse-modulated RF/MW radiation, particularly this close to homes, offices and farm animals, is a “hazard”, as acknowledged by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  (IEEE) and FCC in 1991 in the guideline-setting process.

Although proponents claim a financial bonanza from DAS 5G deployment, there is no evidence to support it. In fact, the Russians refused 5G as badly engineered (as also US engineers have admitted) and instead provided fiber optics, which works much better, to all homes and apartments in large cities. Furthermore, cell phones are a mature industry:  everyone who wants a cell phone already has one, including California’s children and youth.


Health and agricultural science, and physical injury/impairments to human, animals, insects:

The Chair of the original FCC guideline Committee himself (John Osepchuk) acknowledges >20,000 scientific studies, with immediate, short-term and/or long-term adverse effects from RF/MW radiation.


5G RF/MW radiation has a 20-inch wave that penetrates the body deeply and is particularly harmful to babies and children. Four wavelengths, each 2-4 inches, are optimally absorbed by the human brain, heart, liver, thyroid, kidneys, and reproductive organs, impairing their functions. Effects include headaches, insomnia, tinnitus, heart arrhythmia, suppressed melatonin production (essential for sleep, productivity and the immune system), DNA damage and much more. The final ten simultaneous wavelengths of 1/10 to 1⁄2 inch target the eyes, ears and skin, and fall within the resonance of pollinating insects’ antennae, producing bee colony collapse.  The U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Toxicology Program’s 16-year, $25 million study concluded in 2016 that cell phone RF/MW radiation causes cancer of the brain (glioma) and the heart (schwannoma).  5G radiation is even worse.


Incredibly, no monitoring of actual radiation emissions from 5G antennae in homes or public places is intended.  The relevant FCC guideline was based in fraud from the start and has not been updated since 1996 to reflect current scientific knowledge.  It does not protect against biological harm, and is based on a false absorption model of a doll head filled with water!  It utterly fails to protect children whose brains are still developing and whose skulls are thinner than an adult skull. Studies show RF/MW radiation even less potent than 5G is harmful to every human, animal, insect and plant.


Proponents misrepresent the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) as preempting all state and local regulation of wireless facilities.  State and local governances are preempted only from regulating the “placement, construction, and modification” of wireless facilities based on their “environmental effects”. Preemption includes neither health effects nor health science.  Nor is regulation of operations preempted on any basis. State and local governments remain authorized and obligated to regulate every activity not preempted by TCA, and on every basis not preempted.


Violation of federal laws:

Allowance of any 5G wireless facilities would not only violate TCA, it would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Federal Fair Housing Act. These laws guarantee equal access for all, but 5G would make public places and federal housing, not to mention all housing, uninhabitable for already injured, impaired and/or electromagnetically sensitive (EMS) persons.  California says it requires compliance with ADA, but given 5G’s multiple simultaneous wavelengths, its intensities, and its 15-degree, near-maser (direct-energy weapon) arc of radiation concentration, compliance is impossible.


Massive industry liability shift to the State of California:

In the July 19, 2017 letter from attorney Harry Lehmann to Jennifer Galehouse, Deputy Chief Consultant, Assembly Appropriations Committee,  Lehmann makes the point that SB 649 is an Appropriations matter.  Furthermore, the letter documents incorrect data given by the Telecom industry in testimony and analysis of the shifting of the massive Industry liability to the State of California.  Please see Mr.  Lehmann’s letter here:


The State of California must protect health, safety, agriculture and its own economy.  CA SB649 would sacrifice it all, with resulting chronic health problems and loss of productivity by some degree to all Californians, right where they live and work, and the permanent loss of agricultural pollinators.

 Time is running out for all Californians and demands that you, as our elected officials, oppose SB 649.




Diane Hickey, California resident, Co-founder

National Association For Children and Safe Technology


[i] Sept. 2013 letter to FCC requesting reassessment of radio frequency exposure limits and policies


Martin Blank, Ph.D, Spokesperson, EMF Scientist Appeal

Mary Beth Brangan, Co-director, Ecological Options

Susan Clarke, Founder, Environmental Health Advocacy League (ENHALE)

Carolyn Coleman, Executive Director, League of California Cities

Devra Davis, Ph.D., Founder and President, Environmental Health Trust

Josh Del Sol, Director, Take Back Your Power

Victoria Dunkley, MD

Lennart Hardell, MD, Ph.D.

Zen Honeycutt, Founder, Moms Across America

Toril Jelter, MD

Olle Johansson, Ph.D.

Harry Lehmann

Ellen Marks, Director, California Brain Tumor Association

Joel Moscowitz, Ph.D., Center For Family and Community Health, UC Berkeley

Kevin Mottus

Martin Pall, Ph.D.

Ron Powell, Ph.D.

Cindy Russell, MD

Zonya Townsend, President, California Nurses For Ethical Standards

Scientists For Wired Technology

Center For Electrosmog Prevention

Southern Californians Against Smart Meters (SCASM)

Wireless Radiation Alert Network

Consumers For Safer Cellphones
Empower Family California

Electromagnetic Safety Alliance

Center for Safer Wireless

California Department of Public Health

Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director and State Public Health Officer

Mark Starr, Deputy Director, Center for Environmental Health

Ali Bay, Deputy Director, Office of Public Affairs

Steve Woods, Division Chief, Division of Food, Drug & Radiation Safety

California Department of Food and Agriculture

Karen Ross, Secretary

Jim Houston, Undersecretary

Annette Jones, Director, Division of Animal Health and Food Safety Services

California Environmental Protection Agency

Linda Adams, Acting Secretary

Deborah Raphael, Director, Department of Toxic Substances Control

George Alexeeff, PhD, Acting Director, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

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Is Fitzgerald’s usefulness to Curt Pringle gone despite her best efforts to turn Downtown Fullerton into Downtown LA?

With the DCCSP and the mini DCCSP they wanted to build massive high density housing in and around the Downtown area as well as expand the Downtown area. The DCCSP, if passed, would have allowed for up to ten story buildings all throughout the major thoroughfares in Fullerton.

Jennifer Fitzgerald was given a walk up right on to the city council by people including Tony Bushala who is a long time associate of Shawn Nelson. Right after she was elected, she was given the very lucrative Vice President position at Curt Pringle and Associates.

Curt Pringle and Associates is in the business of selling influence and getting large projects developed. On their website they highlight not what they know but who they know. Meet Curt Pringle, Jennifer’s Boss for now.

The claim to fame of Curt Pringle and Associates is their connections. Fitzgerald is Nelson’s darling and an ardent pro development vote every time. With Bushala’s boys Seaborn, Whitaker and Kiger, plus Fitzgerald, there would have been 4 votes guaranteed for the DCCSP.

Bushala’s boys Seaborn, Whitaker and Kiger, plus Nelson’s darling Fitzgerald stacked the planning commission so the DCCSP would pass and it did. They even doubled down and put a SCAG senior planner on the commission just for good measure.

Well thanks to Barry Levinson and others, it never got passed the council. Thanks to Barry Levinson the revised version never got off the ground either.

Well, the DCCSP is dead for now, the mini DCCSP is also dead for now, and College Town on is ice, The Polly’s shopping center project is off the table, and The Sunrise Village development has been head off at the pass Is the handwriting on the wall? Is Fitzgerald’s usefulness to Curt Pringle gone despite her best efforts to try to turn Downtown Fullerton into an Agenda 21 version of Downtown LA?

Thank you Barry Levinson for exposing the corrupt scheme and laying bare the achilles heel of dirty Fullerton Politics.  It is very healthy for Fullertonians to know who all the power players are and what their real hidden agendas may be. The animus against us is directly a result of our doing just that. We are exposing the strings to and from all the power players in our city including Tony Bushala.   

We are exposing the power players who are the reason our city is in such awful shape. For doing what is right by the citizens has never been at the top of our city council’s agenda. As is the case always, just follow the money. We did and found that Bushala over the years bankrolled Whitaker, Kiger and Sebourn’s campaigns to the tune of upwards of six figures between the three of them. Bushala, the founder of the SOCO walk high density apartment development, was notably silent on the massive development plan called the DCCSP and so were his hired hands Kiger, Whitaker and Sebourn. Well the DCCSP is dead for now.

Is Fitzpringle done? Perhaps. Was Bushala’s involvement in getting Newman elected an attempt to influence state legislation that would bypass local control over certain zoning changes? We believe so. Nothing else makes any sense to us.

Did Tony Bushala and Jack Dean give us Josh Newman?

Was Bushala’s involvement in getting Newman elected an attempt to influence state legislation that would bring high speed rail to downtown Fullerton? You know right to the train station whose lease Bushala controls along with his many parcels in the area that can be turned into giant SOCO walk monstrosity ten story high rise apartments as he opens pot clinics and bars to serve all the patrons he could be wharehousing if he can get his peeps into the places where they can pull the strings? We know the local strings have been exposed and almost cut at this point.

Right after the recall election, Shawn Nelson who is Bushala’s buddy became Jennifer Fitzgerald’s mentor.

Tony Bushala totally gave her a pass throughout the entire 2012 campaign, and remained silent during the 2016 campaign. The negative comments now about her by The FFFF crowd after she has been elected to another 4 year term are some of the most Machiavellian style subterfuge I have ever seen in my life. It is all overseen and orchestrated by one of Fullerton’s major pupeteers, Tony Bushala.

If Jennifer Fitzgerald is washed out and the residents have woken up to the secret plans to turn Fullerton into downtown LA, ending the local officials ability to ram massive development through, then it would make sense to try to influence it at the state level. Bills like SB35 would make certain local zoning a thing of the past and must be fought with just as much might as the local power players trying to ruin our city for their own interests. We will keep exposing them, fighting them and keep you posted folks.


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The beginning of the end of development insider Karen Halluza’s career with the City of Fullerton

A little over four years ago, Barry Levinson attended a city council meeting and exposed the most corrupt development scheme in Fullerton’s entire history, THE DCCSP. The plan was to pass a blanket zoning change to 13 huge areas of the city encompassing over 100 acres of major arterial thoroughfare frontage and allow for the UNELECTED city manager instead of the elected city council and their appointed planning commissioners to have the final say on development. This would have resulted in the approval of tens of thousands of up to 10 story high density high rise housing units ruining Fullerton for ever and there would be nothing we could have done to stop it.

No need for a planner when there are no plans. Replace her with someone who can fix the roads!

The plan was crooked as hell and the morons on the planning commission approved it and served it up to the council to try to ram it through on a hot summer night in the library room with no live feed when no one was looking. The cold feet that the council had got a warm up from Barry Levinson. Yes Barry was looking, and he sure wasn’t taking this sitting down.

Well watch Barry 2 years later still fighting these dolts as Joe Felz had the gall, audacity and nerve to try to bring back this crooked development plan in pieces  instead of in one giant scam.

Watch Karen Halluza’s shifty eyes as she realizes it is truly now the beginning of the end of her career with the City of Fullerton as the community development director because without this revised plan being hatched, the developers will NEVER GET WHAT THEY WANT and her services are no longer needed.

Watch Barry tell the truth about this  dirty deal and watch the behavior of all the players on the planning commission with the exception of Bennett and Dunlap who didn’t vote for the DCCSP as they were not on the commission at the time. Pay close attention to the worst one of them all-Karen Halluza, the city’s handsomely paid community development director whose sole purpose was to turn Fullerton into a high density hell hole. A picture is worth a thousand words folks.

For Karen Halluza, we will only spare a few, good riddance.

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The Story of Paul Irish and The FPD-just another example that proves the so-called-reformation of the FPD was nothing more than an orchestrated PR plan headed by former police chief DAN HUGHES-by Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson


In early March 2015, Fullerton Police Corporal Paul Irish, a twenty plus year veteran, drug recognition expert with an unblemished record of service was terminated.   What did he do that so upset FPD brass lead by Police Chief Danny Hughes that necessitated such severe action?

FPD’s ex chief Dan Hughes

Did he commit some heinous crime such as rape, murder or kidnapping?  NO!    Did he use excessive force against a member of the public?  NO!  Did he commit any other felony or even an alleged misdemeanor crime?  NO!  What got Corporal Paul Irish fired from the FPD?

He conducted an Ethics training course in early September 2014 without specifically telling his bosses that would be the topic of the training.  In other words he basically got fired for teaching ethics to members of the FPD.

I could see how that topic would be taboo by a department run by the likes of one Danny Hughes.  He even had the audacity to state in general terms that he was aware of past ethical breaches in the FPD.  Only in the FPD or in the “Twilight Zone” could such an action take place. (Please remember that the Twilight Zone was fiction but the firing of Paul Irish was and still is reality.)

I guess real ethics and integrity teaching by a FPD officer could not and would not be tolerated by Danny Hughes.


Dan Hughes stated to a City Council member that he hates Barry Levinson and unsucessfully tried to frame Barry Levinson.

Any punishments short of dismissal were not severe enough for our former upstanding police chief.  For Danny Hughes that great reformer of the FPD needed to send an internal message to all Fullerton Police Officers and staff that teaching ethics in the department and how the FPD has sometimes fallen short on that subject would result in swift termination.

The swiftness of the FPD action was startling.  The very next day after the ethics training, Corporal Paul Irish was placed on administrative leave.  Then four months later he received a letter from the FPD informing him that they intended to terminate his City employment and only a month after that was he indeed officially terminated from the FPD.


The Fullerton Police Department rarely acts so quickly in handing out such severe punishment.  But above all else, it is apparent that the one thing Police Chief Danny Hughes can’t tolerate is ethics training and the suggestion that the FPD falls short in that area.

Ethics? … Christian ethics?

What is wrong with you Corporal Paul Irish?  Why haven’t you got with the Public Relations Program that the newly reformed FPD under Police Chief Danny Hughes has no ethics problems and has absolutely no corruption?  After all Acting Police Chief Dan Hughes proclaimed that to a local newspaper during an interview in January 2012.


Not even those responsible for the brutal death of Kelly Thomas were put on administrative leave as quickly as Corporal Paul Irish.


Clearly a RICO investigation by the FBI is warranted and there needs to be a takeover by the US Marshalls of our Fullerton Police Force in order to clean house and get our city police department back on the right course.


As far as the Paul Irish situation is concerned, an honest and fair city council would overrule that termination order and give Corporal Paul Irish, a twenty-year veteran his job back. For to do anything less would be a travesty of justice and just one more clear solid piece of evidence of how corrupt and dirty our FPD and our City of Fullerton still are to this very day!



The Five Alarm soda run at Stater Brothers and our Fullerton Firefighter heroes



Fullerton just went through a budget study session and what was evidently clear to me from it all is that the Fire department in Fullerton is run and manned by professionals, professional salary and benefit negotiators. Well the cat is out of the bag that Fullerton is headed for insolvency in a matter of a few years unless we get a handle on expenses.

These heroes are gonna stick it to all of us at tax time because the only way to keep their gravy train on the tracks is to destroy everyone else’s standard of living. Yes folks, huge tax increases are coming. The need for four fire personnel on each rig on each call is questionable. What is not questionable is the multi million dollar overtime scam the Fullerton Fire department has successfully kept rolling along.

Look before you attack me for being anti public safety, remember volunteer fire departments exist all throughout the country and if they dig their heels in deep enough and double down, like they did last week at the Council meeting, we will probably end up with one anyway.

 71 Fullerton Fire department employees are pulling in almost 19 million dollars a year out of our general fund-your tax money-all spent on the Fullerton Fire department folks.

You tell me if purchasing ten 2 liter bottles of carbonated water, laced with artificial colors, brominated vegetable oil, ester of wood rosen, high fructose corn syrup, potassium sorbate, phosphoric acid, sodium benzoate and acesulfame potassium is worth hauling around these 4 million dollar rigs, parking them in the red zone, while obstructing views, blocking the road, almost causing accidents, mentally disturbing the public and of course, worst of all, taking these units out of service for over a half hour? This is an abuse of public property, public employee compensation, time and a general hazard to the public. Most of all this is totally unnecessary.

If you condone the egregious behavior by these public servants, there is little hope for you and none for this community. We are going broke fast folks. I am sure these heroes will drink to that.

1 Comment

I Thought It Important To Reprint A Post On NextDoor By Carol Edmonston, One Of The Leaders Of Citizens For Responsible Development – Fullerton And The Responses It Garnered As Well. Question: Why Did Carol Edmonston Attempt So Very Quickly To Discredit The Very Important Posts About the Very Real Possibility Of Large High-density, High-rise Developments Going Into Sunrise Village? By Barry Levinson

Question:  Why Did Carol Edmonston Attempt So Very Quickly To Discredit The Very Important Posts About the Very Real Possibility Of Large High-density, High-rise Developments Going Into Sunrise Village? By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

UPDATE: High Density Residential proposal

Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 1d ago



“From Carol Edmondston:

Dear Neighbors,

There has been an unsubstantiated rumor about a high density residential proposal for Sunrise Village Center (Euclid and Rosecrans). I contacted the City Development office this morning and spoke with Director Karen Haluza, who confirmed there are NO PLANS for any residential building. The site is NOT part of a Focus Area where there would be any discussion concerning a zone change from Commercial to Residential. There is NO framework to change the existing zone. It will remain Commercial. However, that does not mean a developer is prohibited from inquiring or engaging in any dialogue with the City, as Watt Communities (a division of Watt Residential) has recently done. At this time, there is NO need to worry about any future residential development at Sunrise Village Center.

Senna Nursery site on Bastanchury: There is no update news about any development at this time.

Old St. Jude Medical Heritage site: Oakmont Senior Living is currently in the process of putting together a proposal for the old St. Jude Medical Heritage site on Bastanchury and Morelia. The proposal is for a full service Assisted Living facility, which is different than Capriana, the luxury Retirement Community they built in Brea. Oakmont has also built numerous facilities throughout CA. Final plans have not yet been submitted, but several of us did meet with their VP of Development and Director of Development to share our concerns about any development at that location. We feel an Assisted Living facility is an appropriate choice for that site and hope to work closely with their team to ensure the building does not overpower the neighborhood. They are aware of our concerns. Because this proposal is commercial and in alignment with the current zone (no zone change request), they are not obligated to hold any Community meetings prior to presenting their proposal to the Planning Commission and City Council (which will be months down the road). It is our intent to stay in contact with Oakmont as their proposal moves along. They appear to be sensitive to the concerns of the neighbors and hopefully this will become a win/win project for all of us. We will keep you posted about the specific details as things move along.

Your neighbor,
Carol Edmonston”

Christie, Gizmo, Lisa, and 22 others thanked Carol


Marlene Halvorson from Fern Drive · 1d ago

Oh my goodness Carol, thank you for the information. I am concerned about all of the sights you spoke of, ……(and more). I feel some relief after reading your update. Have you heard anything on the Commonwealth Row project ?
1501 and 1525 Commonwealth – West Commonwealth and Orchard. Heather Allen is the Planning Consultant. I sent her an email two weeks ago…… haven’t heard back…




Kathy Collett from Coyote Hills · 1d ago

Thank You so much for checking on this…..sure wish we could get a TJ there..


Debby and Marlene thanked Kathy


Bob Blanton from Las Palmas Hermosa · 1d ago

Thank you, Carol. I (We) appreciate you keeping us updated via this app. You are putting it to good use.


Debby and Marlene thanked Bob


Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 1d ago

Marlene…If you have any concerns or questions you can contact Karen Haluza at 714.738.3347


Marlene thanked Carol


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1d ago

With all due respect to Carol I must disagree with her conclusion about the Sunrise Village Shopping Center. I spoke with several employees including the assistant bank manager of Banc of California. I was told that a developer bought the bank property and wanted to put a mixed use high-density development in that entire shopping center and that is why they would not renew the bank’s lease. This person was told that leases are not being renewed throughout the shopping center for the purpose of developing the property for high-rise, high-density residential units. The information about developer interest in converting the shopping center to a high-rise, high-density mixed use residential unit area is very similar to what they tried to do to Polly’s Shopping Center. It is real and should not be discounted at all. Therefore, Carol just because the city states there is no official action in place to do this does not mean that it is not in the works and that conversations between the developers and the city have not taken place already! Since the city has done this before and has pushed for even more of these mixed-use centers just last year trying to convert 6 major properties from Commercial;/retail centers to mixed-use, should make everyone concerned about the real intentions of our City leaders including our City Council members. If we want to keep Sunrise Village as purely a shopping area it is IMPERATIVE FOR US TO LET THE CITY COUNCIL KNOW IN PERSON THAT WE ARE AGAINST ANY MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT FOR THAT CENTER AND WE WILL STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!

Edited 1d ago


Marlene, Angie, and Donna thanked you


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1d ago

When I mentioned this at the last City Council meeting, no one on the dais indicated that my remarks were off the mark!! In fact they ignored my comments entirely!


Margret and Marlene thanked you


Charly Choo from Coyote Hills · 1d ago

If there was an ownership change wouldn’t it be public record?


Marlene thanked Charly


Donna Powers from Grissom Park · 22h ago

I did some digging Appears that Barry Levinson is correct……check out this site…

Edited 22h ago


Marlene and Dayna thanked Donna


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 6h ago

Here is another post concerning the corruption of the FPD and the plans to do high-density, high-rise development in Sunny Hills.…


Marlene thanked you


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 5h ago

Carol I would ask respectfully that the next time you update the community on such an important topic such as the fate of the Sunrise Village Shopping Center you speak to those with contrary information first. In this case Joe Imbriano or myself before coming to what I believe is a false conclusion. You have a lot of people depending on you and it is incumbent that you do more research before you shoot down other people’s important messages. Yes there is probably nothing official with regard to the zoning change or plans for Sunrise Village Shopping Center, but what I have learned from businesses at the site, my knowledge of how this city works behind the scenes in secrecy and finally my understanding of business finances gives me great confidence that the city would love to convert that shopping center into a mixed use high-rise nightmare to collect $11,700 per residential unit in fees/taxes since the city is in very bad financial shape. When leaders of Fullerton City Government have been caught numerous times in misstatements, misinformation campaigns and outright lies… to accept their verbal assurances is extremely dangerous in my humble opinion. I do appreciate your going back to Ms. Haluza but to expect honesty and transparency from a Fullerton City department head is unrealistic.

Edited 4h ago


Marlene, Angie, and Corvette thanked you


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 4h ago

Thanks for your response, Jenn but my purpose was not to shoot anyone down. Those that take leadership positions have a great responsibility to be as accurate as possible. Carol’s stating that there is an “unsubstantiated rumor” (she failed to identify the source) to describe the reporting of Joe Imbriano and myself, was not only not accurate but was not fair or objective! She accepted the word of a government bureaucrat over the information and evidence of people like myself without contacting either of us. I pride myself in being honest and accurate in my reporting. When I make a mistake, I am the first to correct it in writing. But the well-being of our neighborhood is of paramount importance to me as it should be of everyone on this website.




Carol Edmonston from Sunnyhills · 3h ago

Thank you Jenn for the note of support. I agree with your comments and feel Barry has crossed a line of having respectful dialogue when it comes to using this site. I was about to send an update to everyone after having additional contact with the City and personally visiting two businesses at Sunrise Village yesterday afternoon (update below). My sole purpose and intent in sending emails to our extended neighborhood is to kept everyone informed and up to date with issues related to high density residential proposals in the greater Sunny Hills area, and NOT expound my personal views related to my perceptions and opinions of how City Development, Planning Commission and City Council operate. That’s not to say I am without opinions. I have had numerous occasions in dealing with those entities related to the Melia Homes proposal on Bastanchury/Morelia, and other proposals, when I’ve left meetings feeling frustrated by their lack of vision to see how those projects would have a negative impact in our neighborhoods – from density, aesthetics and parking. 

As far as Barry’s latest post, let me say to him – Barry…there was no need for you publicly post that second note in such a condescending way. You come across as ‘holier than thou.’ As a courtesy, I took the liberty of copying you the note I sent to Karen Haluza yesterday. If you wished you respond to that personal note, the decent thing to do would have been to send me a personal note. You and Joe certainly have strong feelings about City related issues, and it’s your right to share them with others. But I certainly would hope that if it’s your intent to have something positive come out of whatever issue you’re speaking about, you take extra time to check in with your inner guidance and ask if the words and sentiments you wish to express are in alignment with the positive outcome you’d like to see happen. As for me, you’ve made your point very clear and hope you will respect my wishes not to have this dialogue continue on this public app. 

In an effort to provide neighbors with accurate information after reading Barry’s first NextDoor response, I personally went over to the shopping center yesterday, and spoke with the three remaining bank employees and then to staff at the pet groomers (near the old CVS). Afterwards, I sent the following email to Karen Haluza and copied the note to all City Council members and BCC to Barry. Karen’s response is also included below. I hope this update will help clarify any confusion. I also want to add that it’s my understanding (from the pet groomers) that the entire commercial site is owned by three different owners. The pet groomers mentioned there are three sections and three owners. Perhaps it would be in our best interests to find out who the owners are and attempt to dialogue with them. As for future updates, I will continue to post them. If anyone would rather receive update via private email notices instead of reading the posts on this site, send me a private message. Thank you, Carol
Thrusday, April 20 

After our conversation yesterday, when I asked for clarification about the rumored ‘possible’ high density (mixed use) development at Euclid/Rosecrans, I felt confident your response accurately reflected an intention that the City of Fullerton had no plans to approve any developer’s request to secure a zone change to build residential units on that site. You also clearly stated that a developer does have  the right to TRY and secure approval from the City.  And when I repeated your statement, you clearly restated that a requested zone change would not be indicated for that location, as it’s not in a Focus Area.  I therefore sent a note to the large mailing list of those living in the greater Sunny Hills area. 

However, I was very surprised to have received the two responses from neighbors who feel the information given to me was not 100% accurate. I would greatly appreciate if you would clarify and respond to the concerns raised, as any misleading information is what ultimately brings out the ire in people,  and I genuinely hope this is not the case.  

Many thanks.. Carol 
Hi  Carol,
Thank you for contacting me for additional clarification.  As we discussed, and as you accurately wrote in your e-mail, the Sunrise Plaza Shopping Center is designated as Commercial in the City’s General Plan (The Fullerton Plan – 2012) and is zoned GC – General Commercial.  The General Plan does not identify the property as being in a Focus Area, which means that it was not identified as a site anticipated for any zone change or General Plan amendment that would allow for residential or mixed-use development.  The only inquiry I have had on the property was from a representative of Watt Companies who said they were interested in developing townhouses on a portion of the site.  I explained to them that there were no current policies identifying the site as a candidate for a zone change to allow residential development, but that all property owners have the right to apply for such land use changes.  To date we have not received such an application and I have not been contacted by the property owner or any other members of the public, save yourself.  I can’t speak to the intent of the property owner as it regards their current tenant leases because we are not notified of these types of private property transactions, but I would encourage those who see any maintenance concerns due to vacant buildings to contact Code Enforcement.   I checked recent building permits for the property and there have been no requests for demolition permits.  Thank you also for letting people know that they can contact me directly.  We are always happy to share any information that we have and I hope that this helps to provide you with further confirmation of the property’s current status.
Best regards, Karen


Marlene thanked Carol


Charly Choo from Coyote Hills · 47m ago

I believe ownership is a partnership of Packo Investments and HK Investments. There may be more “owners” which is typical in privately owned real estate. The plaza has undergone a exterior renovation pretty recently and is listing rental rates at relatively attractive rates. Keep in mind it is difficult to fill a anchor space like the old cvs and bank space is costly to convert to a more standard retail use.



Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 43m ago

Carol I do not have any need or desire to argue with you. I set the record straight and if that offends you I can’t do anything about it. It is too bad that you do not hold yourself to the same standards you expect from others. Your making the vague statement that the information about Sunrise Village is “an unsubstantiated rumor” was not a particularly nice way to get your message across; for I believe you had to know Joe and I were the ones who posted the information about Sunrise Village

So you believe I owed you a personal note after you failed to either identify Joe and/or myself as the source of the accurate information you labeled as unsubstantiated rumors about Sunrise Village. You yourself failed to call/contact either of us personally or publicly for that matter before posting misinformation to scores of people. If anything you owe your readers an apology.

Edited 1m ago




Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 2d ago

It is interesting that once the public learned the truth and Carol again asks for clarification from Ms. Haluza, then she has additional information for us. Ms. Haluza should have mentioned the interest of Watt Properties to develop townhouses when first asked by Carol Edmonston. What else may Ms. Haluza know that is not being disclosed to the public? What discussions/understandings did Watt Properties have with former City Manager, Joe Felz? With our Fullerton City Government it is all about the money. Follow the money trail and you will get your answers.

Edited 2d ago


Marlene thanked you


Corvette Brandon from Lakeview · 13h ago

I’m just a resident here, but it seems we have some folks on this thread that seem more connected or professionally involved than others. Sure would be nice to know who the players are in this discussion and what their angle is.


Barbara and Marlene thanked Corvette


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 12h ago

My angle Corvette is to provide the facts and to hold our city government accountable. Crony phony capitalism from outside developers is alive and well in the City Fullerton at the great expense of our quality of life.


Marlene and Corvette thanked you


Angie Spencer from Fern Drive · 11h ago

Corvette, I’ve lived in Fullerton since 1977. I am not connected or professional involved politically. What I see is a city council that is taking away our quality of life for a quick buck to balance … View more


Marlene and Corvette thanked Angie


Marlene Halvorson from Fern Drive · 3h ago

Just found documents on the rural overlay we have on Stephens and nearby streets. It dictates specifically how large a lot can be, and what design structure is acceptable and unacceptable. Unfortunately, we were a little late in getting the rural overlay, and we have unacceptable houses that were built on our street. I am in the middle of two unacceptable architecturally designed houses – one on each side of me. Ugg My house was built in 1921. Everyone should look into this quickly. Look up Pico rural overlay on the city website. 
We must fight to retain (although it be too late for some areas) our once fine city. Development and Council just want

I’m so sad for our city

Edited 2h ago


Angie thanked Marlene


Barry Levinson from Lakeview · 1h ago

Angie you are so right. Let me add one more big negative concerning high density development. When converting retail/commercial space to primarily high density residential space you are hurting our budget long term. Studies clearly show that on a net basis commercial/retail is better for our financial health. The city has already admitted that we are dreadfully low on commercial/retail space approximately only 6% of our buildings. Yet they push to make this problem worse, much worse. In other words our council is selling us down the river. We have one of the worst run cities in all of California. When people like me attempt to turn things around they get rid of us. I say shame on you Mayor Bruce Whitaker who fired me for doing my job on the Park and Recreation Committee for almost 6 years. For all of your information Bruce Whitaker was supported and endorsed by Fullertonians for Responsible Development. What is there angle?

Edited 17m ago


Marlene and Angie thanked you


Sunset on Sunrise Village: 600-800 high density wood framed death trap housing units coming to Sunny Hills

Sources to the Fullerton Informer have confirmed that the Sunrise Village Shopping center in Sunny Hills has been slated for development.  The location of the proposed development lies on corner of Euclid and Rosecrans and is on the southeast leg of the fault. This property is in direct proximity to not one, but two dangerous fault lines.


The Sunny hills branch of the Banc of California is set to close soon along with the rest of the businesses in the center. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse for Fullerton, the thought of destroying another shopping center is before us once again. The job killing machine backed by the hacks in the chamber of commerce are running roughshod all over Fullerton and it has taken aim at the corner of Euclid and Rosecrans.

Don’t let the corsage fool you.

I have never seen a chamber of commerce so hell bent on running businesses out of town by bulldozing commercial properties. Well they tried the same crap in Raymond hills running the Polly’s shopping center into the ground making secret deals with developers last year but we blew the lid off of that and stopped it all the while CITY OFFICIALS DENIED IT WAS EVEN HAPPENING.

Beloved Polly’s Pies could still close to make way for massive highrise Section 8 housing project

They are not turning water into wine Ladies and gentlemen, they are turning the vital commercial property into housing and lots of it. Look around. Jobs are leaving Fullerton. Our commercial real estate inventory is dwindling fast and what is replacing them unlike single family homes, will have a half life.

You see when commercial property is turned into this, the jobs leave forever.

Over time these projects will become projects literally. They will become housing projects as the rents will always end up needing to be subsidized and we all know what happens when the voucher programs are expanded. The crime rate increases commensurately with the subsidies. You don’t do this to a middle class bedroom community.

10-15-or 20 years from now?

So you may ask yourself why is it that Fullerton cannot attract businesses and yet other neighboring cities can? It is simply because the long-term leases are not available due to the backroom deals with City officials,  the investors and the property owners. Why are we selling off and bulldozing commercial property left and right?  Maybe you ought to ask these people who continue to support candidates who engage in backroom deals and policies that are destroying Fullerton.

Curt Pringle developer operative Jennifer Fitzgerald has plenty to be ashamed of folks

Developer shill Bruce Whitaker

Planning commissioner Bennett

Establishment political operative Robyn Nordell with her pal Nelson-the gift that keeps on giving Fullerton the wrong leadership

Developer’s friend Greg Seaborn

This is their legacy to you and your children


The reason these commercial properties are being run into the ground is because the deals have already been made with city officials. Yes folks the die has already been cast.

No one in their right mind would risk evicting their tenants unless they knew the payload was on its way. These kinds of business decisions in an honestly run city are risky at best. Think about this. If you knew you had to overcome all kinds of obstacles at the municipal level to rezone your commercial property into an apartment complex such as hearings, noticings, EIR’s, commission meetings, approvals, plan checks, zoning, and of course the City Council, then would you risk kicking out out your tenants? Would you cut off your income stream completely or purchase a property not knowing if your plans for zone changes would not be guaranteed?

Well if you knew it was a foregone conclusion that you were going to get what you want from City officials, of course, you directly pass the craps table and parlay the whole thing on the rigged roulette wheel. That my friends is what is going on in Fullerton. Our city government is corrupt as hell and so is our press. Look who they backed in our last election.

Sunset on the Sunrise Village

More unemployment, more traffic, more pollution, more ruined roads, more everything except what Fullerton residents need most, jobs and shopping centers.

The wrecking ball will be very busy at this corner.


Lots of room here to build them stack em and packem high density housing units right next to an earthquake fault.

How many units can they stick on top of this Ms. Halluza?

The fact of the matter is that there is an active earthquake fault very close to where they are going to build 5 STORY WOOD FRAME UNITS.

Get ready to do battle with the phony and corrupt leaders you recently elected, with their rubber stamp appointees to the various commissions as well as the city employees whose salaries you are floating to exercise all of us through their endless line of insincere dog and pony shows. The developers are coming to Sunny Hills and with a vengeance folks.

They are going to turn this corner into

Remember when a shopping center is gone, it is gone for good along with all of the convenience it offered and the jobs it provided.  Get involved and let the city officials know that they have no right to rezone any more commercial property mixed use residential or residential until they find the hundred million dollars that is missing that should have gone into fixing our roads and do something about the traffic.


And don’t blame me, I tried to warn you.




The plan

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.


Those who will see it will be thought of as insane

We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.


We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring
suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing
the changes as they occur.

We will always stand above the relative field of their experience
for we know the secrets of the absolute.

We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and
secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while
pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle
ways so they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in
food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will
promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will
feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths,
they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell, Connect ED, E-rate, and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast –

From all this, their children will be born dead or deformed, and we will conceal
this information.


The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them,
in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they
can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images
and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to
push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and
will grow accustomed to them and will never know
their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood
of their children and convince them its for their help.

Fast and Furious, fast tracking SB 277, forced sterilization and the death of Paul Walker

We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will
target their children with what children love most, sweet


When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals
that will kill their mind and steal their future.

When their ability to learn has been affected,
we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other
diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they
come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

We will focus their attention toward money and material goods
so they many never connect with their inner self.

We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.
If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology
into their lives.

We will use fear as our weapon.

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.
We will own both sides.

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan.

They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure
always, for it is the way.

We will make them kill each other when it suits us.

We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.

We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding

A picture of the universe as we know it.

We will foment animosity between them through our factions.

When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule,
or death, whichever suits us best.

Darkness dawning on the 65th. Sex Ed Silva is back.

We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.

Out-Heroding Herod-Are these blood sisters and brothers in the baby parts business?

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their
conflicts we emerge as their rulers. They will be busy killing each other.

They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long
as we see fit. 

We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they
cannot see us.

We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger
though images and sounds.

We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.

The Wireless Holocaust

The tools will be provided by their labor.

We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one.
This they must never know!

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork

They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always
think they are not equal.

Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.

We will take over their land, resources, and wealth to exercise total
control over them.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little
freedom they will have. 

We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever,
keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a
different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment
in our favor.

When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for
they are less than that.

They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them
eternal life


but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us.

The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe
false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of
these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.
They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work, they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles,
but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive
the light and travel the stars.

They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind
will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus
on it until it’s too late.

Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they
are our slaves.

When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them.
This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion.

When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin.

Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established
from time immemorial.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall
have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has
fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down
and no person shall give us shelter.

This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present
and future lives, for this reality, will transcend many generations and life

This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from
heaven to earth came.

This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER
be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release
the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths
from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.

, , , , ,


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