Archive for October, 2016
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, FULLERTON PRAVDA, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 31, 2016

Barry Levinson
Yesterday, the Orange County Register endorsed Bruce Whitaker for Fullerton City Council.
Here in part are the comments about Bruce Whitaker from the editorial: “While there are several good options among the 12 candidates seeking three City Council seats in Fullerton, Councilman Bruce Whitaker is undoubtedly our favorite choice due to his steadfast defense of free markets and property rights and his important role as fiscal watchdog for the city.”
After getting up from falling off my chair, I read the last part of the OC Register’s quote about Bruce Whitaker again as follows: …”and his important role as fiscal watchdog for the city.”
I guess the OC Register editorial board has been asleep at the wheel for the last year. Their crack investigative team must be ignorant of many of Whitaker’s recent votes. Because just like Council member Whitaker, the OC Register is ignoring a 4 to 5 million dollar finding related to our Fullerton City Golf Course, they are ignoring his vote to appoint an Agenda 21 supporting S.C.A.G. employee to our Planning Committee (S.C.A.G. is the largest unelected, taxpayer funded, bureaucratic governmental agency in the entire country), and lastly they are ignoring Whitaker’s keeping silent on a agenda item brought by the city to our city council to extend a lease with the Summit House Restaurant on Fullerton parkland with the exact same terms through October 2061. Wow and after all this the OC Register states that Bruce Whitaker is fulfilling his “important role as fiscal watchdog for the city”. But I guess the Register is counting on Bruce Whitaker to allow the developers to have pretty much free rein from our Fullerton City Council, lead by Bruce Whitaker, Jennifer Fitzgerald and Sue Gapinski.
The same OC Register endorsed Whitaker’s newly anointed protégé, Sue Gapinski, who in answering an important interview question concerning Fullerton said to Fullerton Observer’s Jesse La Tour that she has no idea how to solve the problem but will listen to the people of Fullerton.
I feel so much better that a candidate that came out of nowhere, has no real platform and states she has no idea how to solve a Fullerton problem, and gets the nod of the OC Register.

Jennifer Fitzgerald became Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates only after her election to the council
Finally endorsing big government and FPOA (Fullerton Police Officers Association) union backed Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald is indeed the biggest joke of all. She too, ignored my 4 to 5 million dollar finding. She too voted to appoint the SCAG senior planner to the planning commission as well. In my opinion she has a built in conflict of interest, as she is Vice President of Curt Pringle and Associates, a lobbyist and public relations firm that has many, many developer clients and deals directly with local cities all the time. She makes her employment situation that much worse by refusing to provide the good people of Fullerton a complete list of all Curt Pringle and Associates’ clients.
The only thing I can say is that the OC Register should have stayed in bankruptcy and closed its doors forever. They in large part have voluntarily given up any claim to accurately report the local news here in Fullerton and elsewhere throughout Orange County. These endorsements are more proof of the irrelevance of the current OC Register paper.
Barry Levinson
A day late and a dollar short: How Chevron got the goldmine and Fullerton got the shaft
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Coyote Hills, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 31, 2016
Can’t say I didn’t tell you so.
You know this whole Coyote Hills things really stinks to high heaven. Come to think of it, something is really rotten in the state of Denmark. So let me ask all of you some questions. For those of you on the Coyote Hills mailing list, have you received one iota of information on the platforms of the candidates like they always send out? Have you been invited to the altar call for the trip to San Francisco to get the EPA involved? How about a liitle rendevous with the Army Corps of Engineers to discuss the riparian access sign off issues? Is the answer a resounding NO? So what the heck is going on?
The election is 8 days away, and with last Friday night’s blues, the judge just told you all to stick it and the police and fire unions are running the mail carriers till midnight jamming your mailboxes full of hit pieces designed to put the developers all into striking position. If you haven’t figured it out yet, old time favorites like Royce, The Register, Nelson, Nordell and the NIMBY types like Robert Jensen are all running cover for all of these people. It is how the corrupt game is played in dirty Fullerton politics.
Yes sure, as a matter of fact, you Coyote Hills people probably thought all along that you could trust the city right? You thought that through this process that they would keep their word and help you fill out the forms the correct way right? Are you kidding me? Well there is nothing like putting all your political capital into a commodity with an expiration date that has already past and that is exactly what the Friends of Coyote Hills has done.
Don’t get me wrong folks. Police union hack Benedict Arnold Chaffee turned on all of you and voted to stick it to all of us
and sold you all out while you thought the union hack Flory would turn out to be another Socks Silva and boy did you get conned as she turned on all of you and voted to stick it to all of us
Then there was the Nelson Royce plant Whitaker who believes property rights mean the owner should be able to do whatever their hearts desire with their property and if he had it his way, there would be no zoning at all who turned on all of you and voted to stick it to all of us.
Ah yes you can always count on a land surveyor like Greg who emerged from Tony B’s backyard a changed man as he turned on all of you and voted to stick it to all of us.
You can always trust the Curt Pringle VP, developer lobbyist, Jennifer Fitzgerald to show up to a ground breaking to a church parking structure and get the entire church to wash police cars as she gets you all sit out the biggest heist in Fullerton’s history as she turned on all of you and voted to stick it to all of us.
The Fullerton City council turned a rattle snake infested, rat farm, full of owls, mice, lice, fire ants, un remediated polluted soil, and uncapped oil and gas wells on a fault line into a casino ladies and gentlemen and they are playing with your money. They did it when they rezoned the property from oil and gas to residential and with the help of the judicial system, now they want you to buy it back with money we don’t have, at a price we cannot afford and all after they practically gave it away.
Yes Chevron got the gold mine and Fullerton gets the shaft ladies and gentlemen. Of course putting your life savings into a commodity with an expiration date isn’t bad enough, and then you take it one step further and put what has been salvaged into the hands of an elected judge who campaign was probably bankrolled by the same players the players on the council play with.
Man alive folks, you sit back and let the pied piper walk this whole thing right off the cliff while you all wait for the sun to come out at 3 am and elect the same leaders or their con men that put us here.
Fullerton, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me three times and you deserve all the shame you can handle. You elect Whitaker or Fitzgerald or anyone they are paired up with or endorse and I will tell you that you will get the leaders you deserve.
Someone better get this bull by the horns before Curt Pringle sicks Jennifer Fitzgerald on them there hills and puts in high rise housing all the way to the County Line or before Shawn Neslon sicks Whitaker on them there hills to build the largest homeless shelter west of the Mississippi.
I don’t know what else to say since the shaft just got deeper and it will get much deeper for all of us because of those of you who keep sending the same corrupt leaders and their caddies back to dais every four years. Ladies and gentlemen don’t blame me because I tried to warn you. You still have a choice.
Joe Imbriano 4 Fullerton City Council
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker on October 28, 2016

- Bruce Whitaker voted to place Ma’Ayn Johnson, a S.C.A.G senior planner to our Fullerton Planning Committee. S.C.A.G, the Southern California Association of Governments, has been pushing for high-rise, high-density development and the elimination of the automobile as agents of the United Nations Agenda 21 for decades. S.C.A.G is the largest unelected, taxpayer funded, governmental agency in the country and so-called limited government, Bruce Whitaker voted for her to be on our Fullerton Planning Commission
Question: Why did Bruce Whitaker support a S.C.A.G. employee and Agenda 21 advocate, which goes against everything he has been pontificating to his loyal supporters for years and years? May I remind Bruce Whitaker that the American colonies went to war with Britain because of Taxation Without Representation? Yet Bruce Whitaker votes for Ma’Ayn Johnson, when there were 16 other qualified candidates for that very same position.
- Bruce Whitaker voted to make Jennifer Fitzgerald our Mayor almost guaranteeing her to be reelected with the help of the title Mayor on the ballot.
- Bruce Whitaker voted for the absolute worst redistricting map, which I call the high-density, high-rise developers and downtown nightclub owners’ map. It is the only map presented to the council that basically disenfranchises the good people who live in and around the downtown area of Fullerton. Rather than being in primarily one district, Popoff’s map divides our downtown residents into five small pieces attached to other neighborhoods throughout Fullerton. This is taxation without adequate representation. Jeremy Popoff, the owner of the Downtown Fullerton Slidebar and a $1,500 contributor to Bruce Whitaker’s past campaigns, wrote this map. Is this a coincidence or not?
- Bruce Whitaker refused to respond verbally or in writing to my extremely well documented analysis of a 4 to 5 million-dollar finding concerning the Fullerton Golf Course. I am a trained auditor with an MBA and work experience with Ernst and Young, a worldwide CPA firm as well as 12 years as an Internal auditor at the Corporate Headquarters of Northrop Grumman Corporation. A total of over 30 years of accounting and auditing experience ignored by the Council member who appointed me to the Parks and Recreation Committee not once but twice.
Yet to my astonishment, a short time after he chose not to deal with my very large, extremely well documenting and supported finding, he asks for the establishment of an Audit Committee for our City. Of course his motion got no support and it died immediately. Was this by design? Was Bruce Whitaker being a hypocrite? I will let the readers make up their own minds.
I do know this for sure. Bruce Whitaker has a lot of explaining to do but unfortunately for him he is way more than a day late and a dollar short!
Bruce Whitaker: Image vs. Reality
The carefully cultivated image of a man who cares about the people he represents, who believes in transparency in government, who believes in his fiduciary responsibility to the people.
We have now come to learn that the image is so, so different than reality. Anyone objective enough to absorb the facts presented here and elsewhere, now knows that the reality falls far short from the carefully cultivated image.
The very unprofessional and very discourteous way he handled the termination of me from the P and R committee and the fact that he ignored a 4 to 5 million-dollar problem brought to his attention by the same appointee, myself among many other things, shows him lacking in the basics, necessary to continue to represent the people of Fullerton. What happened to his pledge to carry out his fiduciary responsibility to the people of Fullerton?
We the people of Fullerton want to know why you voted for the most corrupt redistricting map available, Map 8A not once but twice and voted to make Jennifer Fitzgerald Mayor?

Bruce voted to make this woman mayor as he never goes after Nelson’s sacred cow and Pringle lobbyist up on the dais Fitzgerald
There is absolutely no good reason why Council member Whitaker ignored the Fullerton Golf Course issue. But the reason he removed me is simple. I was apparently getting in the way of the city doing its corrupt, phony deals. I am referring to deals such as the DCCSP, College Town, the Summit House lease extension, and the Revised DCCSP (which would have also removed Polly’s Pies from its current long-time address and basically removed one of the few shopping centers in the eastern part of Fullerton). The Agenda item to extend an existing Summit House Restaurant lease deal, which already could extend to the year 2041 was another back room deal by our city council. The Summit House not the city already controlled options with the exact same terms to the year 2041. In other words the Summit House was in the driver seat until the year 2041 or 26 years from the date of this agenda item. But the Summit House wanted more and our totally inept or corrupt city council and city manager (you take your pick for it has to be one or the other), wanted to give them two additional 10-year lease extensions with the exact same terms all the way to October 2061.
This meant that the city intentionally bypassed the Park and Recreation Committee for this important agenda issue. I was the only speaker to point out how the city manager and the city council wrongly bypassed the Park and Recreation Committee. Based on my bringing this failure by the city to the attention of all that night, it resulted in it supposedly going back to our committee. Guess what, a little over a month later I learned that the agenda item was withdrawn by the Summit House Restaurant owner.

Hugo Curiel -I bet the Summit House item was deferred to prevent disclosure of the cushy lease arrangement Parkinson has with the City.

Mr. Parkinson this land is your land this land is my land
Question: Would any reasonable businessman accept extending a lease with the same current terms for the next 46 years? Why didn’t Bruce Whitaker inform me as his appointee to the Park and Recreation Committee that this agenda item had been wrongly bypassed by the city?

Free dinners for life for the complicit lackeys, well almost.
Was Bruce Whitaker part of this plan to bypass the P and R Committee? If not, why did he not contact me when he received his council member agenda package. The agenda package clearly stated that the lease extension was recommended by the Park and Recreation Department and not the Park and Recreation Committee, which is the normal procedure.
A few will claim that this is just a personal vendetta against the good council member because he removed me from my volunteer position at the Parks and Recreation Committee.
This is not personal but it is very painful to me and more importantly to many others who believed and trusted Bruce Whitaker to represent us honestly based on his many years of his pontificating fiscally conservative values and limited government solutions. He let all of us down. He had such a golden opportunity to make a real difference in our City and instead over the past year he decided to place politics and his own ambition in front of the needs of the people he swore to represent.
He told me about a year ago that he was planning to run for Shawn Nelson’s OC Supervisory seat when it became available, which will be no later than when term limits apply for Nelson in 2018. It would seem all his poor and unexplainable decisions might have been based on his selfish political ambitions instead of standing up for the good people of Fullerton. This turning his back on his most loyal supporters can’t and should not be rewarded with his reelection. He chose his future political career outside of Fullerton over us. You have let us down big time Council member Bruce Whitaker and hopefully now you will have to pay a political price for your bad, very selfish and self-serving choices.
It’s about time….the Danny Hughes leadership era is at last coming to an end
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Dan Hughes on October 27, 2016
Special exclusive to The Fullerton Informer by one of our readers, anonymous of course.
It’s about time….with all the newly hired officers leaving in mass and the more seasoned officers running for employment at neighboring police departments…the wreckage caused by the Danny Hughes leadership era is at last coming to an end. Apparently Disney does not conduct pre-employment background checks or Dan Hughes is just the perfect size for the duck suit. But don’t worry, Dan Hughes is not going away that quickly. His 2-week notice letter states he will be retained by the City Manager as a Fullerton reserve police officer.
Why would a new Chief allow the old dysfunctional leader to hang around and continue to spread his poison? Why would his new employer allow him to continue working at the Fullerton police department…Now drawing 3 pay checks.. one pension from PERS one from the City of Fullerton and one from Disney?
Hi all-
It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that after 33 years of service at the police department, I will be retiring effective November 11th. I have informed the city manager and he will be choosing an external interim chief until a wider search and testing process can be completed. I will become a reserve officer in order to complete a few projects I have committed to. I have accepted a position as the Vice President of Security and Emergency Services at the Disneyland Resort and am excited about this new journey in my life.
There are no words I could use to adequately express how grateful and honored I am of serving as your police chief for the past five years. We have endured many challenges during this time but I believe those challenges made us better and I truly believe the best days for our department are still to come. The future of our department is exciting because there are such strong managers and supervisors prepared to lead our department. I could not be more impressed with our sworn and professional personnel that are committed to excellence and are loyal to serving our community with the highest level of integrity, character, and compassion.
You should be very proud of what we have been able to accomplish these past five years. We developed a strategic plan of embracing community policing methods and improving and developing strong trusting relationships within our community. We began utilizing a more academic approach to analyzing crime trends and partnering with our community to decrease crime and increase community relations. We created the Directed Enforcement Team to address quality of life issues and to provide more opportunities for investigative development for our personnel. We created the county’s first full time Homeless Liaison Officer Program and partnered with Coast to Coast, O.C. Mental Health, CSP, and other non-profit organizations to deal with this tragic social problem that local law enforcement has been asked to resolve. We have enhanced our presence and relationship with the schools as we partnered with Team Kids and GRIP to demonstrate a sense of caring for the future generation of our community. We have enhanced our relationship with the community we serve by improving how we communicate with one another. We increased department tours, held open houses, increased citizen academies, created a Chief’s community advisory committee, increased our presence at community events, partnered with O.C. United with the Love Fullerton events, initiated Annual Reports and Employee Recognition Ceremonies, created a social media team, initiated the departments first Legacy Album project which is projected to be completed in the next few months, and helped launch Behind the Badge OC so we could profile the many wonderful programs and people we have at our department and share information with our community that most news organizations are not interested in covering.
There were also many visible changes made within our department. The Traffic Bureau, Records Bureau, and the CSI offices all received significant renovations. We created the Wall of Honor and Wall of Service to memorialize those that have served honorably before us and to challenge each of us to emulate their actions. We transitioned our patrol cars to Ford Explorers and changed the police logo and added a blue lives matter flag on each vehicle. We memorialized five of our police vehicles by placing the names of the five officers whose deaths are attributed to them being a police officer. We provided every officer a Taser and soon each officer will be equipped with a tourniquet kit and Naloxone (Narcan). We were the first department in Orange County to deploy every officer with a Body Camera. We redesigned our web page, approved a new policy manual, created the Peer Support Program, and purchased a new Prism system to improve training. We also created challenge coins and worked with the Legislature to permanently honor two of our fallen officers by dedicating freeway signs in their name. A strategic staffing study was completed and later approved by city council to increase the number of sworn officers from 143 tom 160 in the coming years.
I will retire with many fond memories but what I will miss the most is the incredible people I have had the opportunity to work with. Each day I have come to work I have prayed for the protection of our personnel and the transformation of our city. I will continue to do so and will make myself available if I can ever be assistance to you.
I am excited for the future of our department and thank you for the amazing privilege of serving as your police chief.
With much appreciation, gratitude and respect-
Agenda 21 supporting Fullerton City Council Candidates
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 22, 2016
Fullerton City Council Candidates & Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is a three-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations.
At risk from Agenda 21:
•Private Property ownership
•Single-Family homes
•Private car ownership and individual travel choices
•Privately owned farms
The Agenda 21/regionalism plan openly targets private property. For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land:
Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.
Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.
Two Means of Agenda 21 Implementation in Fullerton
SCAG (So. California Assoc. of Governments) — This organization contains the writings of known socialist,
Brundtland, all throughout their reports and philosophies.
APA (American Planning Association) — This organizations’ entire curriculum, programs, and procedures
are taken straight from the U.N.
Fullerton City Council Candidates 2016
Jennifer Fitzgerald – incumbent, has consistently voted for the out-of-control development that has created more traffic congestion on deteriorating streets making Fullerton unlivable, voted to appoint AGENDA 21 OPERATIVE, SCAG employee Ma’Ayn Johnson to Fullerton Planning Commission. Ms. Fitzgerald is an employee of Curt Pringle & Associates, SCAG is their client.
Larry Bennett — endorsed and appointed to Fullerton Planning Commission by Jennifer Fitzgerald. Larry ignores the problem with the AGENDA 21 OPERATIVE Ma’ Ayan Johnson on the planning commission as he sits there and ignores my requests for her to resign.
Bruce Whitaker — incumbent, voted to appoint AGENDA 21 OPERATIVE SCAG employee Ma’Ayn Johnson as one of his “top choices” to Fullerton Planning Commission, voted to appoint Jennifer Fitzgerald as Fullerton Mayor, has consistently stood by while out-of-control development continues as he called off his appointee to the planning commission during the vote on the DCCSP and ignores my repeated requests to have Ma’Ayn Johnson removed from the planning commission.
Are you tired of appealing to appointed and elected officials that will not listen? I am.
Vote These Agenda 21 operatives Out.
Here are the rest of the candidates who have done nothing but dodge the issue and circle the wagons around the guilty.
Jesus Silva-
Supports high density housing and is totally clueless and COMPLETELY SILENT ON AGENDA 21 for his entire life
Jonathan Mansoori
Throws progressive buzzwords around like corn seeds on an Iowa farm in the springtime, says a lot that means almost nothing, is for sustainable development and is for Agenda 21. He is the Agenda 21 plant in this race.
Are you tired of appealing to candidates that are either clueless, cowards or even worse?
Do note Vote for candidates who are silent, clueless or worse when it comes to Agenda 21.
Joe Imbriano
A proven fighter against Agenda 21 on all fronts
Google Joe Imbriano Agenda 21 and you will see thousands of entries.
I have repeatedly fought Agenda 21 for years at the council meetings and school board meetings as all of these council members and candidates have and continue to ignore it all-THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!
I need your vote. The only way to get me elected is to vote for one candidate and not three. It makes the vote count as three votes.
Joe Imbriano is the only No on Agenda 21 candidate!
It takes money and votes to kick and keep these people out.
Joe Imbriano for Fullerton City Council
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 17, 2016
Fitzgerald appointee Gretchen Cox’s 5 million dollar smile of malevolent pleasure
Posted by Joe Imbriano in brea dam, Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, The Brea dam scam on October 17, 2016
Watch what goes on here when the long-time Fullerton Parks and Recreation commissioner Mr. Barry Levinson tries to expose a $5,000,000 shortfall to the taxpayers on a bad contract with American Golf. Well they all, including council candidate Jesus Silva, ignored it all. In my opinion, he has no business on the council based on his past and present conduct as a park and rec commissioner.

Jesus Silva is just another brick in the Fullerton establishment’s wall.
It is disgusting how Mr. Levinson is treated by Karen Lang McNabb. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are covering up a massive amount of lost revenue to the city that could be so properly utilized in our city.
Just minutes into this video reveal some real insight into the Fitzgerald apparatus at work. It comes at around the 3 minute and 10 second mark where Gretchen Cox, the Fitzgerald appointee and sycophant appears to engage in a little santoria while chomping on her time release aspartame chew up on the dais taking pleasure in shutting down the only one on the commission doing their job fighting for the taxpayers. This smug attitude towards those exposing corruption is typical with Fitzgerald and her operatives. That is why we need to throw Fitzgerald out.
Jesus Silva, who had repeatedly been exposed to this information at subsequent meetings and in written notice, abstained from a vote to shut Barry down. That amounts to aiding and abetting those hiding this massive 5 million dollar cover up. Shame on Jesus Silva who is nothing more than a coward and another political operative in my opinion.
Ladies and gentlemen, this issue is still being buried by the entire City Council as well-ALL OF THEM. Even Bruce Whitaker, who appointed Barry Levinson refused to even respond to his own appointee in writing on this issue. Bruce Whitaker eventually fired Barry Levinson from his position on the Park and Rec commission. That is what Barry gets for doing his job, Shame on Bruce Whitaker who is nothing more than a coward and another political operative in my opinion.

Bruce fired Barry Levinson for doing his job and then went on to defame Mr Levinson in the Fullerton Observer.
What does that tell you about our city government? It tells me that change is in the air.November is right around the corner, just like my campaign signs ladies and gentlemen, Help me throw these people out on election day. Vote for Joe Imbriano 4 Fullerton City Council
Beloved Polly’s Pies could still close to make way for massive highrise Section 8 housing project
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 11, 2016
The battle is not over regarding this property. The Register article only shows that this article that blew the lid off of this dirty deal has swayed the owners into perhaps doing what is right for the community instead of ruining Raymond Hills.
Build it and they will come ladies and gentlemen and believe they will come. Low income housing is headed to Raymond Hills. Mayor Fitzgerald says development plans don’t exist for this location but yet a public hearing regarding rezoning this location to do just that made the paper.
Shawn Nelson on S.C.A.G.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21 on October 10, 2016
Step right up and get your Shawn Nelson endorsement. You know the one Bruce Whitaker and Jennifer Fitzgerald wrap themselves in as they both voted to install a SCAG employee Mayan Johnson to the Fullerton planning commission that after repeated requests of mine, they refuse to remove.
Mind you this was a candidate forum that they conveniently tried to not invite me too.
Nelson refers to SCAG as “esoteric” Listen to this Agenda 21 Orwellian double speak SCAG operative- County Supervisor Shawn Nelson and listen carefully as he talks out of both sides of his mouth. This is our County Supervisor ladies and gentlemen whose wife runs the local Republican Women Federated Group in Fullerton.
This is a video I did after the events of the day of October 1st. This is our County Supervisor ladies and gentlemen whose wife runs the local Republican Women Federated Group in Fullerton as I discuss below. This Fullerton RWF group has courted Fitzgerald and now Bennett as they prepare to build out Fullerton to the hilt unless we throw them out. Fullerton has been hijacked and everyone is being put to sleep by these phony coffee clutch groups.
Is Joe Imbriano actually introducing the next President of The United States?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on October 7, 2016
As they dress Hilary Clinton’s double up to look more and more like Ellen Degeneres, the stage is already set.
This baby killing pushing, gun grabbing, forced vaccinating, Orwellian, Fabian socialist on steroids that will do anything for money and more demonic power. So why do they glorify this degenerate and ram her down everyone’s throat just because she is what, a woman? Is this the best woman for the job out of the 150 million plus women in the US? Can we at least get one with a functioning pineal gland and a conscience?
She is washed out spritually, she is washed out morally, she is washed out mentally, and obviously she is washed out physically. This is the final act in her handlers’ Machiavellian performance. Hilary Clinton is almost done ladies and gentlemen, but not until they can use her one final time to wrap it all up and lock it all down. The legacy of the Clinton crime family spans decades and through their demonic influence on legislative enactment we have been bequeathed with the likes of the Telecom Act of 1996 that is directly responsible for the forced microwave irradiation of every man, woman and child in The United States. Bill Clinton’s Hepatitis vaccine mandate for newborns was just designed to protect the pedophiles. It is all relative to Bill, a sexual predator who could never keep his hands of the merchandise.
Her reward for Bill Clinton’s sorcery in destroying more of American’s wealth than the great depression did by repealing Glass-Steagall and his complicity in the eugenics agendas not limited to being involved with the radiation biology programs he furthered along with the stroke of the presidential pen with his signing of the 1996 Telecom Act is this one last flash in the pan for a family steeped in utter shame and moral bankruptcy. After this, it will be over for the Clinton’s except maybe for penicillin refills.
Once, Hilary is installed by the gatekeepers, coronated by the media and swallered by the dumb down masses, the veil will be lifted off of her decrepit state of being. She is unfit to even ride public transportation by herself, or even ride a bike much less run the United States. Yes once she is elected, she will be wheeled off and renditioned to a location uncertain and treated for all that incurably ails this degenerate, treasonous, vile, liar. That is the price to be paid when evil people allow themselves to be emptied so all that remains is relegation to an infamous political and spiritual vacuum.
This is the man that will be installed into the Masonically laid out District of Criminals’ Capital AKA the “Whitehouse”
Ladies and gentlemen, Tim Kaine is the caped crusader for the mental illness revolution. This is designed to get us all diagnosed with mental illness, rope and tie us all up in the Murphy Bills, clamp down on us with Parens Patriae, and ram through an unprecedented scientific form of gun control to disarm us all and to convert us all into the largest heap of chattel property in human history slated for a total eugenics gulag.
Yes Tim Kaine is actually the stealth President and will be installed in the White house to continue to carry on the orders of the British Crown: the protected perpetuity of the central banking systems, the continued Jesuit Inquistion comprised of bombing innocent people back to the stone age, domestic eugenics such as baby killing, and of course a charted course of ever expanding gun grabbing while the government amasses billions of rounds of ammunition, and tens of thousands of armored bullet proof kiosks yielding an ever expanding domestic police state designed all for cramming us all into the Agenda 21 reservation of the surveillance forced vaccination scientific kill grid matrix of the compact city high rise housing model where the water is dosed, the cell towers beam through the walls and the scientifically crafted blue glue flicker rate manipulated idiot boxes that they call smart TV’s tell you all how to think as they tell you Hillary is the best woman for the job, what drugs to ingest, what pills to pop, what injections to pump into your children, what fake slop to eat, what to get drunk on, and who or what to mate with. Don’t worry, Kaine is a man for all walks, all lifestyles, all socio-economic strata, all seasons and all religions except for those that follow the Bible.
Tim Kaine is the embodiment of the ultimate hybridization of Bush’s CIA directed foreign policy, Rumsfeld’s uncanny fervor for war, William Kristol’s ability to lay out the chessboard, Obama’s radical social ecology, Cheney’s love affair with the ever expanding military industrial complex’s grip on the subjugates of The British Crown in all of its dark splendor, with the flavor and effervescence of Harvey Milk will be back dropped by a complete lack of the intentional ineptness from the likes of Hilary during her stint shaming the office she clutched with her disgusting claws.
Jesuit Trained, this Vatican warlock will turn the tables on morality as he openly vows to end traditional marriage even in his own church.
Married into the Department of Education, this military industrial complex illuminati operative of the crown will further the forced irradiation and sterilization of every school child in America with the forced wireless programs in all the schools while bolstering the forced vaccination agendas that are a pre requisite for school entry. This military industrial complex operative will turn the tables on economics, foreign policy, domestic tranquility and basic human rights while they wheel the corrupt, treasonous Clinton witch back to the barn for safekeeping.
Stronger together just like the Fasci-bound together and held together by brute force
The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin ladies and gentlemen.
If my suspicions are correct, what this man will bring out of the closet with him will make the current Manchurian Candidate, Barry Soetoro illuminati Barrak Hussein Obamination look like Mother Theresa serving communion.
Folks this is the one who they will install to oversee the death of the dollar as the Global reserve currency status while false flags abroad and domestically will end the second amendment, suspend the Constitution and turn life in America as we know it into an early 1980’s nightmare from the streets of Argentina combined with what is currently happening in Venequela.
The five year currency boost is almost over and a sack of beans will soon be required to obtain a sack of rice. Millions of Americans are crammed into compact cities where they have the ability to produce neither in addition to the fact that they are surrounded by meat eaters by the millions on all four sides.
You really think Mussolini with red hair is actually going to be allowed to reside at Pennsylvania Avenue? You know what? I could very well be wrong about this whole damn thing.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 6, 2016

Barry Levinson
As I explained in detail in part one, there is a pattern at City Hall to hide vital information concerning agenda items that come before the Fullerton City Council. Many, if not most
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics on October 5, 2016
Sean Paden’s Faraday cage
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Bruce Whitaker, Forced irradiation of school children, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, sean paden on October 3, 2016
Can you imagine if chainlink fences and wrapping the warning message of hundreds of scientists in tin foil would actually protect your children at school from the harms of the classroom microwave exposure from the school district’s technology programs? Can you imagine if chain link fences and wrapping the message of Joe Imbriano in tin foil who unequivocally states that the forced wireless radiation exposure at school is irreparably harming children’s health and their reproductive systems would actually protect them ? Ladies and gentlemen, the only way to protect children from the harms of microwave radiation at school is to remove the wireless systems, remove your children, or send them to school in a faraday cage.
I would like to introduce you to what Sean Paden has created to protect your children.
Well, now we know that there is at least one political operative in town who thinks this contraption solves the problems facing our children.
Burying his head in the sand and encouraging others to join him only enables the agendas to proceed with even more relative ease. It is tragic while at the same time yet amazing to see who has turned their backs on the children in this town. You know the entire school boards, the entire city council and of course, now, Sean Paden who has done that for years is now acting as a sort of pied piper to encourage others to do the same as he now ventures into his latest gig as a wanna be nouveau artist. Without any further ado, an analysis of his work is below.

Sean Paden’s statement of fact-a tin foil campaign sign in his front yard making fun of those warning of the imminent harm to children in Fullerton Schools
This custom sign was designed for the Imbriano4Fullerton campaign courtesy of one of many of Fullerton’s obscure political operatives. The symbolism is rich, brimming with a plethora of melodic tones carrying a broad frequency range of light, sound, and microwaves which continue emanating from its reflective metallic surface to the empty resonant cavities of those who work diligently to maintain the status quo.
The esoteric nature of such rare art, reminiscent of the materials seen in the faked moon landing footage, conjures up images of rapture and Agenda 21 as it is surrounded by a motif of prison yard fencing,
This masterpiece carefully positioned and back dropped by a dead vine brings forth the rich aromas found in a state of perpetual conformity with the school district’s wireless technology programs.
Emblematic of the sculptor’s obvious deeply rooted cognitive dissonance is the symbol of the fruit of the artist’s labor. The severely languished, dead and twisted, crooked vine that is interwoven with the prison yard fencing epitomizes the creator of this masterpiece’s love affair with servitude and bondage to authority itself without regard to the fact that the very act of doing just that always results in the demise of the servile. Clear cut at the roots, losing all connection to its origins and purpose, the life after leaves little more than an example of how the harvest of those given over to becoming intertwined with the matrix always leads to a unique form of petrified pagan immortality.
An inscription embossed into the rear of this work reads “a classroom wireless exposure induced clear end to one’s own lineage and genealogy in exchange for undying allegiance to Fullerton’s educational and municipal status quo establishment”.
Yes, this is truly a testament to those who appreciate such a dark satirical motif deeply driven right into the depths of water rationing violations taking place on a public easement.
The dark irony of all of this is that the sculptor of this piece of Orwellian architecture runs his make shift art gallery right next to the local High School where the children are daily falling victim to the very agenda that the object of this artist’s misguided derision is aimed at.
And all of this while Rome continues to burn ladies and gentlemen, all of this while chuckling in the company of infantile fools as some of the most serious issues of our time are staring humanity in the face.
For those of you who wish to submit your work for next week’s contest, the deadline is this Friday. Special thanks to the following judges who unanimously approved this week’s submission.
The health of the children is no joke folks. Like I have said all along, it is never too late to do the right thing.
Joe Imbriano: The uncut Fullerton Observer interview with Jesse Letour
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 3, 2016
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on October 2, 2016

The displeasure of the phony conservative establishment towards Joe Imbriano
Ladies and gentlemen, for years Sharon Kennedy has mischaracterized my statements and continues to refuse to print any of my public comments at the hundreds of city council and school board meetings over the years.
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