Recall Raul Valdivia- Fullerton Rangers Board of Directors President

Petitioning Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald and 1 other

Recall Raul Valdivia- Fullerton Rangers Board of Directors President

Since at least 2012, the Fullerton Rangers Youth Soccer Club has been overseen by Club President, Raul Valdivia.  Under his watch, the Fullerton Rangers have been involved in an embezzlement scandal, had nearly $200,000 stolen from the organization, have not kept current with city requirements, and illegally operated a profitable business.  As more details emerge, it seems as though many parents are losing faith in the people that govern the organization.

By signing this petition, the members of the Fullerton Rangers Youth Soccer Club recognize the need to overhaul the Fullerton Rangers Board of Directors and ultimately desire to see to it that Raul Valdivia step down/resign immediately as acting Club President.  In addition to supporting a recall of Raul Validivia, signing this petition also should act as a vote of no-confidence for Raul Valdivia and others that serve on the Board.


In a public meeting held on January 27, 2016, members of the Board stated that they would rewriting the By-laws and making them current.  This is frightening as this new set of by-laws are being written by the very people that members of the organization are losing confidence in.  The Board has already shown it has an inherent interest in appointing certain people to board positions, as was evidenced during introductions at the public meeting.  At least two people were appointed to the Board, by the Board, within the past 90 days.


At this same meeting it was stated by some Board members that they were aware that using a for-profit LLC, named Rangers Academy, LLC, was illegal.  Yet despite knowing this, the LLC is still active and continues to do business. A search on California’s Secretary of State website shows that the LLC is active as of February 1, 2016 and that it is registered at a location in Orange, CA.

Entity Number:
entitiy number 201209410306
Date Filed: 03/14/2012
Status: ACTIVE
Entity Address:
Entity City, State, Zip:
Agent for Service of Process:

A separate search for the same LLC shows that Club President, Raul Valdivia, is quite possibly the President of aforementioned LLC.

Raul Valdivia | Rangers Academy LLC |
View Raul Valdivia’s business profile as President at Rangers Academy LLC and see work history, affiliations and more.

Rangers Academy LLC

369 S. Acacia Ave.
Fullerton , California 92831
United States

Raul Valdivia is aware that operating a for-profit LLC is illegal when used in conjunction with a non-profit organization like the Fullerton Rangers Youth Soccer Club.  However, by leaving the LLC open and in good-standing with the State of California, it seems as though he is putting his personal interest ahead of the club’s.  For this reason alone, he should be recalled and resign as Club President.


At a City Council meeting on October 3, 2012, Raul Valdivia came up against other local soccer clubs that were looking to use fields and facilities that were maintained by the City of Fullerton.  Raul Valdivia countered that the Blue Stars, A.C. Fullerton, and soccer league known as Orange County Community Youth Soccer League (OCCYSL) should not be able to use Fullerton fields, specifically Richman Park, citing that the organizations did not meet City of Fullerton minimum standards.  These standards included residential requirements that 80% members live in Fullerton and that the clubs were not non-profit organizations.

From that October 3, 2012 meeting, as cited on FullertonFactCheck.comFresh Faces Protest at City Council Meeting, by Jennifer Karmarkar;Fullerton Rangers board member Raul Valdivia countered that OCCYSL does not meet requirements to be a partner group with the city, including being recreational based, being non-profit and having 80 percent of its members reside in Fullerton.
“By their own admission, they have less than 40 percent residents,” he argued.

More recently, in a letter from the City of Fullerton addressed to the Fullerton Rangers dated December 23, 2015, it is noted that among other issues, the Fullerton Rangers are below the 80% resident threshold.  This is strikingly alarming as the recreation side is over 90%** resident rate.  So to fall below the 80% threshold, the competitive side has go to be closer to 50%** residency.  This may pose a problem for the city.  We will find out after a scheduled meeting on February 2, 2016 between city officials and representatives from the Fullerton Rangers.

**When pressed for this information, current members of the Board of Directors will not give exact percentages.

Also, similar to the Blue Stars, A.C. Fullerton and OCCYSL, the Fullerton Rangers now admit to running a profitable LLC, another violation of the city’s requirements.  The arguments that Raul Valdivia used to argue the other leagues desire to use Fullerton fields can now be used against him as well.




In the interests of transparency and the exposition of the truth-The Kelly Thomas trial and process depositions must be made public



california public records act request
2 messages

The Fullerton Informer <> Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:04 AM
To: “Lucinda M. Williams” <>, Mea Klein <>
 Pursuant to my rights under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), I ask to obtain a copy of the following items, which I understand to be held by your agency:

1) All transcripts in the possession of Dana Fox from the depositions of all of the Fullerton Police officers and FPD  and city employees during the Kelly Thomas murder trial and civil processes.

I ask for a determination on this request within 10 days of your receipt of it, and an even prompter reply if you can make that determination without having to review the record[s] in question.

If you determine that any or all or the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, I ask you to note whether, as is normally the case under the Act, the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information.

If you determine that some but not all of the information is exempt from disclosure and that you intend to withhold it, I ask that you redact it for the time being and make the rest available as requested.

In any event, please provide a signed notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any or all of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.

If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at     714  or at ###########. Please notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $100 before you duplicate the records so that I may decide which records I want copied.


The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork

The Bible is either wrong or NASA is wrong. Either The Bible is a lie or NASA is a lie. The Bible clearly states the earth is flat covered by a dome. NASA claims the earth is round and revolves around the sun.  From ancient civilizations to modern times we are told that the earth is flat with a dome Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonians, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, Poets, Philosophers, Historians and modern evidences tell us that the earth is flat. So why does everyone believe what NASA tells us? Which one is it? You decide whether or not The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..


The government has had a monopoly over the media,

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Allegations Surrounding the Handling and Administration Of Brea Dam Leased Property

An Update On The Allegations Surrounding the Handling and Administration Of Brea Dam Leased Property By The City Of Fullerton From The Army Corps Of Engineers.  By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

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The Hand of Pletka and the Future of FSD Students’ Fertility






Figure 1 Electromagnetic field application method for experimental animals.



Figure 1 Electromagnetic field application method for experimental Fullerton students.



Note the location of THE WIFI ANTENNA

So here we have an experimental study on exposing rats for 15 minutes a day for 15 days and counting the number of ovarian follicles that remain after irradiation. You know how tough rats are and yet the results are horrifying. What is this doing to our children?

So here we have a forced experiment being conducted on Fullerton School District students who are forcible exposed several hours a day 5 days a week 180 days a year.

Exposure device for the rats

An exposure device with a special antenna was used for generating the EMF (5 W peak output power and 1.04 mW/cm2 power density), and the exposure emission was maintained at 900 MHz with a pulse repetition frequency of 217 Hz

Large image of Figure 2.

Figure 2 Electromagnetic field application device.

 Exposure device for the students

An exposure device with a special antenna placed on students zippers was used for generating the EMF (1 W peak output power and .50 mW/cm2 power density), and the exposure emission was maintained at 2.4 GHz and 5.o GHz  with a pulse repetition frequency of 217 Hz for 365 days a year for hours at school and at home on the abdomen.


 The specific energy absorption rate (SAR) varied from .074 W/kg to 1.19 W/kg for the entire body.

Here are the numbers from the forced experiment on the Fullerton students


Here are the numbers from the experiment on the rats.

An exposure device with a special antenna was used for generating the EMF (5 W peak output power and 1.04 mW/cm2 power density), and the exposure emission was maintained at 900 MHz with a pulse repetition frequency of 217 Hz 

The specific energy absorption rate (SAR) varied from 0.018 W/kg to 4 W/kg for the entire body.



Table 1Comparison of the mean number of follicles in the experimental and control groups.
Experimental group (n = 8) Control group (n = 8) pa
Right ovarian PF average 34.00 ± 10.20 78.50 ± 25.98 <0.001
Left ovarian PF average 36.00 ± 10.53 71.75 ± 29.66 0.011
Total ovarian PF average 70.00 ± 19.03 150.25 ± 49.53 0.002

Quantitative data are presented as mean ± standard deviation values.

PF = primordial follicle.

aIndependent t test.




At the very least, you would think the government and industry would have gone to great lengths replicating animal experiments in the United States to determine if the classroom application of this technology is safe. No such thing folks. Oh there are military studies from decades ago  that clearly state that microwaves are dangerous and after all,  microwave radiation is a weapon. No only school district sycophants, school boards that ignore the evidence and local media like the Fullerton Observer that withhold information presented at both elementary and high school board meetings that the public has a right to know while the children remain in harms way being aided and abetted by their very own parents that drive by our banners on the sidewalk and throw the fliers on their windshields in the trash.


Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell, Connect ED, E-rate, and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast –



530b9430ef2d794e7600098e_Artemis_Logo_On_Black-e1413594731313 (1)


images-20images-8 (2)


Tell me who in their right mind would ignore thousands of studies and citations warning against forcing wireless into a classroom? The Hand of Pletka continues to do just that.






The Geoengineered Berlin wall and the Bermuda Triangle off the west coast-the death of El Nino off of the California coast


The 2015- 2016  epic El Nino weather event yielded no sizeable amount of rain folks- and here we are in November of 2016 and the same thing-bone dry -this is how they do it-

As the Register publishes the weather forecast in cartoon format and tells you all to fill sandbags for the rains that will never come, City Councils are taking away your ability to grow your own food by enacting draconian water restrictions while ignoring the tic tac toe game in the sky AND THE FACT THAT ALL THE WATER IS STILL UNDER THR GROUND. Fullerton’ s going to one day a week watering on Tuesday night while ignoring the information they have been presented unless we stop them.


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Breaking news SB 277 alert: Now, on the heels of The OC Board of Education, The Fullerton Board of Trustees education unanimously votes to petition the State Legislature to align the PBE filing date with the SB 277 effective date.


Victory for parental rights in Fullerton

In the second landmark decision on SB 277 as a result of this groups actions and efforts,

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The Brea Dam issue may be new to some of you, but not to the Parks and Recreation commission in Fullerton, and especially not to Scott Stanford.


Is there a massive financial scandal brewing involving the property? Here is another SO CALLED CONSERVATIVE Scott Stanford parks and rec appointee from Foolerton’s decaying establishment who is just outright mad at Mr Imbriano, Mr Curleee, and anyone else who shines the light of day on issues. He personally asked me to post this so watch him in action. Just another city hall establishment sycophant who claims to be conservative. 

Contrary to Mr Stanford, there is nothing PETTY about ramming dangerous cell towers into neighborhoods right next to peoples homes and right next to schools, framing and attempting to incarcerate citizen activists and a fellow commissioner, the disgusting, dilapidated, grafiitti riddled neglected unsanitary disgusting park bathrooms, busted drinking fountains, busted concrete, gopher hole laden dead parks, dead trees, treacherous decaying playground equipment, the dirty, attempted secret giveaway of the most valueable piece of real estate in the park and rec department, and of course the serious allegations of misuse of public funds at the Brea dam.

Of course Stanford states that he “has nothing vested in his position except for seeing the city run in a good way” Well this is not political, this is not a game, this is push back from awake citizens that want to see the city run in good way. We are not going away so maybe, like he has been tempted to do in the past, he should resign. If he doesn’t like the way this issue is being covered, and the fact that questions are being asked about our money, our parks and our representatives then get the heck off the commission so we can have someone else step up and join the lone voice of reason and logic, Mr Levinson.

So who is this guy? Well he votes for cell towers next to schools and homes without contracts and detailed information ignoring safety and health concerns just like the others with the exception of Barry Levinson.

Who the heck appointed this guy? Well of course he was an at large appointee so the entire council can take credit. Stanford was involved, by his own admission in the golf course giveaway back when the ball started rolling down the proverbial hill that David Curlee’s website just put on the map.

Yes  it is full of questions and the only answer this guy seems to have is crickets and innuendo.  Par for the course when the lights are on and nobody’s home at city hall. Is Stanford just another RINO? Perhaps but that doesn’t matter because he is just an adviser to council. Fortunately for the taxpayers, because of a possible Brown Act violation and the voice of reason and due diligence, commissioner Levinson, the issue will be back at the table at the next meeting with a more detailed accounting in hopes of answering the serious allegations Mr. Curlee has made against the city of Fullerton. We will keep you posted.





Troy High School teachers abruptly close door to students

Submitted By a Concerned Troy Parent

Troy High School teachers abruptly close doors to students and make the parents sign off on it.

Are the students caught in the middle of a contract dispute between the teachers’ union and FJUHSD?

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Tony Yang’s playing the race card and the class card while upping the ante in the forced vaccination battle-Is he the nation’s most qualified enemy of medical freedom?

California’s rich, white unvaccinated kindergartners-the CNN headline today

MAYBE BECAUSE IN THE PHILLIPS CASE, the plaintiff families tried unsuccessfully to get the court to consider whether vaccines cause the public more harm than good and they do and maybe that is just one of many things these folks know. Well let’s introduce someone who has undoubtedly influenced vaccine legislation FROM BEHIND THE SCENES and has now crossed the line into the dark light in a big way by being a lackey for CNN.


I want California’s rich white unvaccinated kindergartners’ parents to meet wanna be rich Asian, brainwashed and forced vaccination, government pharma operative- Tony Yang. 

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California’s geo-engineered drought

Right now the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing, according to SOME TOTALLY FULL OF CRAP NASA scientist. ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS? LOOK AT THIS INFORMATION BELOW


drought_2 (2)

Jay Famiglietti, NASA/JPL-Caltech and University of California, Irvine

ALL OF THE WATER IS STILL UNDER THE GROUND FOLKS!!!!!!! Read the rest of this entry »


Troy’s gifted students speak on wireless part 2

What happened to the post on the PTSA and the wireless issue at Troy?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano I am a parent and a PTSA member and this is probably the biggest deal that will ever face these students at this school and impact their futures. What is with the censorship? Why not allow for an open and free debate on this issue in the interest of applying critical thinking skills.

Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee Did you not read your own comments? Every single person who saw it felt that it was really really really dumb, so I guess someone took it down.

Like · Reply · 7 · 2 hrs
Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden One of the four admins deleted it.

Sree Kariyadan

Sree Kariyadan sorry, a correlation was shown between exposure to your articles and a rise in cancer and infertility in readers. It was probably from the Evil Magic ™ waves or the dumbness just affected everyone’s health

Like · Reply · 24 · 2 hrs · Edited
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu I for one hate censoring too, everytime a good shitpost come around, it always gets removed before I can immortalize it completely in screenshots unsure emoticon

Like · Reply · 12 · 2 hrs
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Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry they are immortalized right here pal-scroll to the bottom past all of the decades of science and legal mumbo jumbo, appeals to the UN , and the resolution from The CMA…/

This will be the 3rd communication to this…
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu i was talking about the comments lol

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu wait jk


Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano They are there at the bottom

Jerry Shu


Jerry Shu


Like · Reply · 4 · 2 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu you can’t see replies though frown emoticon

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry tell all your fellow students to comment on the blog article and the comments downt get erased. No censoring takes place on the website.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu nice try guy not giving the website more hits

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu it gets plenty on its own. You guys up for an honest and open debate on this issue, you know dealing with facts not shooting from the hip kind of stuff?

John Ho

John Ho I know for a fact wifi has seriously impacted my midichlorian count.

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano So where are the parents and the teachers on this issue? Why are they trotting all you students off to play games and ignoring all of this? Fair questions.

John Ho

John Ho I haven’t attended Troy for 20 years…but I know if the wifi from Troy keeps on disrupting my midichlorian count that in short order I will lose the ability to touch the Force, Joe.

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs · Edited
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano John Ho too many video games for you pal

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
John Ho

John Ho Joe Imbriano It’s the wifi. Disrupting my midichlorians bro.

Joachim Jang

Joachim Jang Joe Imbriano, if you are confused about the abundance of alumni and current students of Troy (relative to parents and teachers) on a Facebook group self-described as “Open to all alumni or current students of Troy High School in Fullerton, California,” I’m afraid you have made a wrong turn along the way.

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Joachim Jang The demand was sent to the administration, the board and the PTSA-only responses are from students?

Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh maybe because your problems are too insignificant for them to deal with?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh these are the problems of the Troy student body and staff, not Mr Imbriano.

Joachim Jang

Joachim Jang I hope you can understand that discourse within a public forum is far easier to set in motion than an official statement from within the ranks of a bureaucratic organization.

With that said, I can hazard to say that the administration, board, and PTSA have much better things to do with their time – after all, it’s safe to say that the majority of us students and alumni are participating in this just for the roast fest.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano There are no staff, PTSA or administration participating in this roast fest, just you kids. Where are they?

Baunnee Martinez

Baunnee Martinez not on Facebook that’s for sure

Like · Reply · 7 · 1 hr
John Ho

John Ho My preliminary studies indicate wifi midichlorian disruption affects parents and teachers 3.4042 times as much as the average high school junior. Perhaps cognitive difficulties, a byproduct of midichlorian disruption, would explain their lack of engagement on such a vital issue. Wifi causes midichlorian disruption which prevents those in charge from fixing said wifi which causes even more cognitive difficulties and on and on it goes. It’s an absolutely vicious cycle.

Benjamin McCann

Benjamin McCann Joe, your cause is ridiculous, your source data shaky. Your proposal would completely disrupt the program because you believe that the students are being irradiated at school. What about at home? Or at starbucks? A bunch of cars come with wifi now, are you railing at them? Please take your pseudoscience and choke on it. There are many causes that need champions. Wifi irradiation is not one of them, especially at one of the few high schools that you can still get a decent education at.

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Amy Ting

Amy Ting Joe Imbriano Someone else has said this before, but this group is for Troy ALUMNI and CURRENT STUDENTS. You wouldn’t find the Troy parents and teachers you so desire to dispute with.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Amy Ting But Amy this issue is about the students

Jerry Shu


Amy Ting
Amy Ting Joe Imbriano Yes, but you keep complaining that the parents and teachers aren’t responding.
We’re not (necessarily) defending on behalf of teachers and parents, we’re the only voice available because you seem to fail to realize the audience you are presenting to. The parents and teachers you look for are not here.

Joe Imbriano

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Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh Guessing from your posts and your constant attacks at Troy, I’m going to guess that you and/or your child came to Troy and left as failures (perhaps it’s your family heritage/tradition). Now, you are sitting at home, no legitimate job, drunk, doing tons of drugs, and have nothing better to do than to argue with high school kids on the internet. Go get a life. If not, you are proof that either God or billions of years of evolution have failed.

Like · Reply · 7 · 1 hr · Edited
Sree Kariyadan
Joe Imbriano

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Laura Hu
Laura Hu Well, now that I finished finals and have a bit of free time…. I’m trying super hard not to be vulgar but honestly this pisses me off.
At this point I’m inclined to think that Joe is just a really huge troll, but unfortunately, years of Facebook posts seem to preclude my theory.
What kind of “open and free debate” are you looking for? As far as I could read from the last post, there was no debate or discussion on the issue; you didn’t even bother trying to understand what others were saying. You keep saying “look at the science, not at me”, but quite frankly all I see is pseudo science and anecdotes. You keep referring to the papers written by people from prestigious colleges, but honestly? In my experience, people at Ivies and other colleges of similar caliber (Cal, MIT, etc) can be pretty damn ignorant too.But the thing that bothers me the most is that you have the audacity to attack not only us as students, but also our teachers who work their asses off to provide us with an education like no other. I resent that you portray these teachers as “brainwashers”, that you seem to think that we are “brainwashed” when we don’t agree with you… when our teachers have done everything they can to provide us with literature of all kinds and allowed us to form our opinions. I’ve never been force fed political/religious propaganda by my teachers, but I sure as hell am seeing a lot of propaganda from you. If this isn’t the definition of critical thinking, then I’d like to tell you to tell me what is. What’s your definition of critical thinking, Joe? For us to acknowledge your conspiracy theories as facts, and for us to unquestioningly accept your futile appeal to authority? News flash: simply believing differently from the mainstream isn’t “critical thinking”. Did you even try to understand articles that disagreed with you or did you ignore them in the infantile “You don’t agree with me so I’m not listening” way?

It seems as if you have a personal vendetta against Troy. Why? Because Oracle didn’t publish your poorly written piece in a student publication? Because we err on the side of politically liberal? Perhaps… because your child didn’t do as well as you hoped, academically, here? Regarding your “grade ripoff page”: We are hardly the only high school with grade deflation (which, by the way, doesn’t hurt our college admission chances nearly as much as you seem to think since the adcoms look at you in relation to the rest of your school), and AFAIK, no one had an addy problem while I was there. Was I sleep deprived? Probably. But given the chance, I’d do it all over again because I don’t think I’d have learned so much in 4 years anywhere else, and I definitely wouldn’t have had as caring teachers elsewhere. Sleep deprivation was my choice, not one forced on me by my teachers. If anything, our teachers and counselors constantly encouraged us to take less classes for the sake of personal health. Maybe our stress culture is a problem that should be acknowledged, but to blame it on our teachers and the grading system is short sighted and ridiculous. You don’t even try to understand our culture, our motivations, our teachers’ actions, yet you portray yourself as an authority on them and criticize them. What makes you think you are entitled to a discussion with us on how to shape our community that you haven’t even tried to understand beyond what fits your twisted narrative?

Like · Reply · 16 · 1 hr · Edited
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Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano You are defending the staff and they cannot even defend themselves? Did you read the source documents in the demand letter?

Laura Hu

Laura Hu so like is your end goal to provoke them into responding so you can get them fired or something

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Laura Hu

Laura Hu that’s nice.

Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Laura Hu

Laura Hu like emoticon

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Laura-perhaps you should contact this person at Columbia on the wireless issue-his work is cited in the source documents-he is light years ahead of you in terms of his education-

MARTIN BLANK earned PhDs in physical chemistry (1957) from Columbia University…
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano perhaps in stead of a starbucks trip, you could spring for his book on WiFi and emf dangers…/dp/1609805097

Keys, wallet, cell phone . . . ready to go! Cell…
Patrick Oh
Patrick Oh Joe Imbriano
My 2nd Point.
Lets say you’re a kid (students/alumni) at home and you parents (admin) are out. A burglar tries to vandalize your home. Would you not try to defend it? Secondly, your parents are our, they have no way of defending it. So can you stop with the BS about why we are defending Troy and why admin isn’t

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh I am not a burglar and as a matter of fact, the PTSA is breaking in and bringing in an intruder-forced microwave exposure. Your school has been doing just fine with textbooks and wired computers

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Laura you’re awesome

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang Joe, the guy you quote as your source earned his phD in 1957…he would be roughly 33 at that time which means he’s around 91 years old. Now I don’t want to be condoning ageism, but you should keep in mind that this guy has retired for a reason…

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu Laura go ahead and speak with Dr Martin Blank at Columbia about the dangers of wireless. That is the school you attend as an undergrad correct? He has a PHD. I dont

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang Joe, she can’t do that because he’s retired.. -.-

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Joe based on your history, you are a huge proponent of free individual thought and anti brainwazhing, so then why would you ask for our teachers and staff to speak on our behalf? Should we not speak out with our own mouths?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kevin Wang he is not dead

Laura Hu

Laura Hu tbh i’ve said all i wanted to, i’m not particularly concerned about the dangers of wifi since i’ve resigned myself to an early death by wifi as a cs major. i’m more concerned about the fact that someone wants to slander my school and teachers without basis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Laura Hu's photo.
Like · Reply · 4 · 58 mins · Edited
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu You can speak all you want but the staff and PTSA are making health decisions for the students with this issue.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu And we can make the decisions to accept these necessary risks for the improvement of society and technology. Fossil fuel consumption is much worse than wifi, and it is a necessary evil that we needed for the industrial revolution to occur

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang Joe, you make very good points and I concede. However, I don’t think you’ll be able to convince the others. Maybe it’s time to take action into our own hands? How about we band together to form a neo-Luddite group and run around the country smashing modems?

Like · Reply · 5 · 56 mins
Joe Imbriano

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Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee All you have to know Joe, is that you posted your opinion, and most of us are adamantly against you. And your outdated “wired” plan. It’s that simple. You wanted critical thinking. Here it: We don’t agree with you at all. Okay?

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano these are not my assertions pal-these are the assertions of experts-I am just a concerned parent. There isn’t one sentence in the demand letter that has to do with Mr. Imbriano’s concerns, only with experts

Jerry Shu
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

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Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee Also, apparently, the wireless issue is the biggest issue we will ever face as Troy students, overshadowing, oh, I don’t know, colleges, future occupations, future careers, any tests, projects, or presentations, etc. Ya……. We have more important things to deal with.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Nick without your health you have nothing.

Diane King

Diane King Joe Imbriano “In 2011, I was on top of the world. Healthy, happy and active with a successful career in Silicon Valley that provided ample time for my wife, who is a medical doctor, and I to travel and pursue our many interests. As a civil engineer andSee More

My name is Jeromy Johnson and I am a safe technology advocate. The purpose of this…
John Ho

John Ho Diane King The overwhelming scientific data on this phenomenon is that it is psychological in nature. In blind studies, those with symptoms can not differentiate true exposure from placebos.

Diane King

Diane King John Ho John, please look further as there exists a growing population of people that are becoming ill from this, so much so, that they cannot tolerate being around the wireless. On the other side are interests that do not want to acknowledge that EHS, ES, microwave sickness exists. Other countries such as Sweden recognize this as a functional impairment and various countries are beginning to recognize this as a disability. The Austrian Medical Association has published a report for diagnosing & treating EHS:…/

ElectroSensitivity UK – EHS in Sweden
John Ho

John Ho It’s irrelevant how many people are becoming ill from this. If they can not distinguish between a real electromagnetic (or whatever they’re claiming as a cause) field or a placebo then the disorder is psychological in nature. It’s common sense.

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Diane King

Diane King For those of you willing to, please take a look at the sources, science, Appeal to the U.N. and World Health Organization, and multitude of experts. Additionally, please consider that the science is now reflected in our growing rates of disease, cancer, Alzheimers, Autism, . . . The lawsuits are commencing and they are big lawsuits. The Harvard Ethics publication, Captured Agency, is just one of many publications that may answer your questions as to how we can have wireless all around us if it was not ok. For those that value their health, the health of others, and even the health of other living creatures, I believe you will find this journey, beyond the implied safety of wireless, of great value. As always, for those of you who do not believe this, you need do nothing. Be well.

Stanley Yoo

Stanley Yoo sigh they’re banding together

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Diane King
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung if you’re so concerned about EM radiation Mr. Imbriano why don’t you also plan to get rid of radios, microwaves, white light lamps, etc. Here just get rid of the Sun too that would surely solve your problem wouldnt it

Like · Reply · 3 · 59 mins
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Diane how about instead of ignoring everything anyone says and spamming your sources, you just post the entire document that you’re copy pasting from all at once so we don’t have to hear your garbage?

At least joe partially reads the comments and responds relevantly (albeit still twistedly)

Like · Reply · 1 · 58 mins · Edited
Diane King replied · 1 Reply
Kevin Nguyen

Kevin Nguyen…/the-science-of-wi-fi-and…/ i mean, I guess pickled vegetables are carcinogens too

Last week, several media outlets including
Richard Park

Richard Park so at this rate everyone’s going to get cancer


much logic

Like · Reply · 1 · 56 mins · Edited
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee And today, we have Joe and Diane vs the rest of Troy High School

Like · Reply · 1 · 56 mins
Diane King

Diane King I guess you could express it as Joe and Diane presenting information from researchers that you might want to consider.

Amy Ting

Amy Ting Presenting outdated* information.

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh Did you know jet fuel can’t melt steal beams Joe Imbriano?

Like · Reply · 7 · 55 mins
Stanley Yoo
Stanley Yoo no pls
we have enough senseless debates rn

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Kevin Nguyen

Kevin Nguyen Joe, I guess you should stop using pickled veggies, Styrofoam cups, and coffee in your lifestyle now

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano not just pickles pal…/List_of_IARC_Group_2B…

Substances, mixtures and exposure circumstances in this list have been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as Group 2B: The agent (mixture) is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The exposure circumstance entails exposures that are possibly carcinogenic to humans. This…
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano sure lets bring these into your class at Troy and see what the staff does

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Joe can you send us a picture of you so we can make you into a reusable meme template, or should we just attribute your identity with Nikolai Tesla?

Like · Reply · 5 · 54 mins
Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh Are you trying to tell me my computer has autism and infertility?

Like · Reply · 2 · 50 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh no that your kids will if you can even have any someday

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Chris Lee Sims

Chris Lee Sims We’ve got another moon-landing-hoax, atheism-loving, sheeple-hating conspiracy theroist here everyone, one that thinks that The Man is out to get us all. I’ve seen these same techniques of manipulation, argument, and slander from a family member of mine back in the day.

Like · Reply · 1 · 50 mins
Laura Hu

Laura Hu can the admin just remove joe and diane from this group? they’re clearly not alumni or current students and they’re just provocateurs

Like · Reply · 1 · 50 mins
Amy Ting replied · 14 Replies · 17 mins
Chris Lee Sims

Chris Lee Sims What’s next, vaccines cause autism? The ISS is fake? 9/11 was an inside job?

Like · Reply · 1 · 50 mins
Chris Lee Sims replied · 2 Replies · 34 mins
John Ho

John Ho Sorry Joe….your reasoning is what is commonly referred to as broscience.

Like · Reply · 1 · 49 mins
Richard Park

Richard Park this is saying vaccination causes autism

Like · Reply · 1 · 45 mins
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara People… Who cares what two people say about WiFi causing cancer? That Joe dude and the other person is probably using it right now, and if they are right, then we all die that’s it. It’s not like only Troy students die because of out awesome public WiFi alright? This is not a place to argue about if it causes cancer. That’s like arguing how to stop cancer. That’s not our job. Yet. Please, if you wanna stop WiFi, don’t start from one of the most technologically advanced highschool in SoCal

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden i think the entire argument was invalidated when you said high powered industrial routers. pls the only place the wifi is actually usable is in the quad haha

Like · Reply · 2 · 42 mins
Hide 30 Replies
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung and the only cancer we can get from the WiFi is the fact that its so slow

Like · Reply · 2 · 41 mins
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Also in some parts of 500, and 400 building but that’s still not much lol

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung wow way to improve your rational arguments with some conspiracy propaganda

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Lemme counter attack with my conspiracies

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden You say all this but what will this really change? You want them to get rid of wireless things at our school? You realize, even after that’s gone, the very little amount of it, we will all still bring our phones to school every single day right? So I don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish when you link articles that talk about how bad phones are. Even if for some odd reason, the school were to disable the “industrial routers” you understand that we would all still be connected to our various carriers? You know that WiFi and cell signals are both types of radio waves right? So why would WiFi hurt us if cell signals don’t? Clearly you disregard how much energy each holds considering you ignored my proof that visible light holds more energy than these deadly WiFi waves. So why are you not demanding the wireless carriers disable their service? Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Leo BreadedChicken Yeung no conspiracy-look at the article-the joke is on you kids not me

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano, if the name of the article starts with Apple 666, of course that’s a conspiracy. And yes, we Troy students read articles from now becoming untrustworthy Fullerton informer.

Jerry Shu


Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Be well my friend

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden I read your comments and I am very familar with ionization engergy and the like. I have a degree in Chemistry. Microwaves do many things Kyle. The source documents refer to the “non thermal” effects that the industry denies the existence of. I am in this to protect students not for any other reason

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara What specific chemistry Mr Joe Imbriano?

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Chemistry of DEEZ NUTS

Like · Reply · 2 · 14 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara uci class of 89

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu deez nuts 4 president

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden I believe he meant what type of Chemistry.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden It is a bachelor of science in “Chemistry”

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano I also have a bachelor of science in Biological Science from UCI but this is not about me, it is about the source documents from the scientists set forth in the demand letter.

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara I just checked the class of 1989, and there is no such degree as “chemistry”

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Actually there is lol

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Sorry u won on that ome

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Looked at a wrong page

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara But, Mr Joe Imbriano, this IS about you

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara no but you think I am full of it so I just wanted to let u know that I even have the ability to go back in time and make up newpaper articles-but i was your age once

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee These comments are better than the class of 2018 teacher boycott post. Quick, someone immortalize these with screen shots.

Like · Reply · 3 · 28 mins
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung immortalized like the rosetta stone my friend

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Soham Patel

Soham Patel I feel as if these people had genuine arguments they would stop linking people to their own articles. If you have confidence in your case, link us to articles from major news sources that people frequent to show us even the major corporations think this

Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins
Hide 16 Replies
Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Plot Twist: This is all a ploy to get more traffic to his conspiracy ridden site.

Like · Reply · 5 · 26 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano read the source documents in the ptsa demand letter-it is all there

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara “Topic”

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung never knew you had 30000 individual computers to login from

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Leo BreadedChicken Yeung 30,000 unique visitors

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara No leo he had 60000 but our fantastic cyber patriot team got rid of 30000

Like · Reply · 1 · 23 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano as soon as i post this comment thread u will al be famous

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden I don’t consider 30,000 people famous. Stanley YooLawrence Yi Richard Park JaSn Momaya wink emoticon

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden times 30 and in a month u will be

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano, is it okay if I ask you which political candidate you are planning to vote for in presidential election 2016?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Trump guarantees the election of Hilary

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara So you are voting for Mr Trump?

Michael Chen

Michael Chen who’s NOT voting for trump pls guys

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara of course not-he is a hack

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Michael Chen

Michael Chen My winter break got so much more enlightening thanks to this

Like · Reply · 8 · 25 mins
Jerry Shu replied · 1 Reply
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano we the REAL Troy students will advise you to leave, unless you want more popcorn and coke to be consumed.

Like · Reply · 8 · 15 mins · Edited
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung Joe you constantly claim of having scientific evidence from scientists but as of now you are forcing upon us merely a psuedo science, and unless i see a proper thesis of an scientific experiment conducted on this matter, I cannot accept your claims, which are indeed ignorant and invalid by default

Like · Reply · 2 · 6 mins
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara I will not trust anyone unless they got some Nobels on them lol

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Read the source documents in the demand letter. They contain what you need. These are not my claims

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Well first, I was being sarcastic

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara And second, what are you trying to do

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 mins
Joe Imbriano

Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu Joe Imbriano you never read what I wrote in response to you and Diane King so why would anyone grace your letter with our attention? I even went so far in it as to cite possible reasons why I might be wrong. Did you read that part at least? I literally gave you an argument to use against me. You haven’t cited that yet so I’m convinced that you didn’t read my post. If you don’t have the decency to even look at what I wrote, while I gave your viewpoint a chance but ultimately rejected it, you have no place asking for an open debate.

Like · Reply · 4 · 4 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano repost here and i will respond

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara My goodness

No Comments

Troy’s gifted speak on wireless part 1

This will be the 3rd communication to this…
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu i was talking about the comments lol

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu wait jk

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano They are there at the bottom

Jerry Shu


Jerry Shu


Like · Reply · 4 · 2 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu you can’t see replies though frown emoticon

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry tell all your fellow students to comment on the blog article and the comments downt get erased. No censoring takes place on the website.

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu nice try guy not giving the website more hits

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu it gets plenty on its own. You guys up for an honest and open debate on this issue, you know dealing with facts not shooting from the hip kind of stuff?

John Ho

John Ho I know for a fact wifi has seriously impacted my midichlorian count.

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano So where are the parents and the teachers on this issue? Why are they trotting all you students off to play games and ignoring all of this? Fair questions.

John Ho

John Ho I haven’t attended Troy for 20 years…but I know if the wifi from Troy keeps on disrupting my midichlorian count that in short order I will lose the ability to touch the Force, Joe.

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs · Edited
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano John Ho too many video games for you pal

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs
John Ho

John Ho Joe Imbriano It’s the wifi. Disrupting my midichlorians bro.

Joachim Jang

Joachim Jang Joe Imbriano, if you are confused about the abundance of alumni and current students of Troy (relative to parents and teachers) on a Facebook group self-described as “Open to all alumni or current students of Troy High School in Fullerton, California,” I’m afraid you have made a wrong turn along the way.

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Joachim Jang The demand was sent to the administration, the board and the PTSA-only responses are from students?

Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh maybe because your problems are too insignificant for them to deal with?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh these are the problems of the Troy student body and staff, not Mr Imbriano.

Joachim Jang

Joachim Jang I hope you can understand that discourse within a public forum is far easier to set in motion than an official statement from within the ranks of a bureaucratic organization.

With that said, I can hazard to say that the administration, board, and PTSee More

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano There are no staff, PTSA or administration participating in this roast fest, just you kids. Where are they?

Baunnee Martinez

Baunnee Martinez not on Facebook that’s for sure

Like · Reply · 7 · 1 hr
John Ho

John Ho My preliminary studies indicate wifi midichlorian disruption affects parents and teachers 3.4042 times as much as the average high school junior. Perhaps cognitive difficulties, a byproduct of midichlorian disruption, would explain their lack of engagSee More

Benjamin McCann

Benjamin McCann Joe, your cause is ridiculous, your source data shaky. Your proposal would completely disrupt the program because you believe that the students are being irradiated at school. What about at home? Or at starbucks? A bunch of cars come with wifi now, arSee More

Like · Reply · 2 · 58 mins
Amy Ting

Amy Ting Joe Imbriano Someone else has said this before, but this group is for Troy ALUMNI and CURRENT STUDENTS. You wouldn’t find the Troy parents and teachers you so desire to dispute with.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Amy Ting But Amy this issue is about the students

Jerry Shu


Amy Ting
Amy Ting Joe Imbriano Yes, but you keep complaining that the parents and teachers aren’t responding.
We’re not (necessarily) defending on behalf of teachers and parents, we’re the only voice available because you seem to fail to realize the audience you are presenting to. The parents and teachers you look for are not here.

Joe Imbriano

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Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh Guessing from your posts and your constant attacks at Troy, I’m going to guess that you and/or your child came to Troy and left as failures (perhaps it’s your family heritage/tradition). Now, you are sitting at home, no legitimate job, drunk, doing tons of drugs, and have nothing better to do than to argue with high school kids on the internet. Go get a life. If not, you are proof that either God or billions of years of evolution have failed.

Like · Reply · 7 · 1 hr · Edited
Sree Kariyadan
Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Laura Hu
Laura Hu Well, now that I finished finals and have a bit of free time…. I’m trying super hard not to be vulgar but honestly this pisses me off.
At this point I’m inclined to think that Joe is just a really huge troll, but unfortunately, years of Facebook posts seem to preclude my theory.
What kind of “open and free debate” are you looking for? As far as I could read from the last post, there was no debate or discussion on the issue; you didn’t even bother trying to understand what others were saying. You keep saying “look at the science, not at me”, but quite frankly all I see is pseudo science and anecdotes. You keep referring to the papers written by people from prestigious colleges, but honestly? In my experience, people at Ivies and other colleges of similar caliber (Cal, MIT, etc) can be pretty damn ignorant too.But the thing that bothers me the most is that you have the audacity to attack not only us as students, but also our teachers who work their asses off to provide us with an education like no other. I resent that you portray these teachers as “brainwashers”, that you seem to think that we are “brainwashed” when we don’t agree with you… when our teachers have done everything they can to provide us with literature of all kinds and allowed us to form our opinions. I’ve never been force fed political/religious propaganda by my teachers, but I sure as hell am seeing a lot of propaganda from you. If this isn’t the definition of critical thinking, then I’d like to tell you to tell me what is. What’s your definition of critical thinking, Joe? For us to acknowledge your conspiracy theories as facts, and for us to unquestioningly accept your futile appeal to authority? News flash: simply believing differently from the mainstream isn’t “critical thinking”. Did you even try to understand articles that disagreed with you or did you ignore them in the infantile “You don’t agree with me so I’m not listening” way?It seems as if you have a personal vendetta against Troy. Why? Because Oracle didn’t publish your poorly written piece in a student publication? Because we err on the side of politically liberal? Perhaps… because your child didn’t do as well as you hoped, academically, here? Regarding your “grade ripoff page”: We are hardly the only high school with grade deflation (which, by the way, doesn’t hurt our college admission chances nearly as much as you seem to think since the adcoms look at you in relation to the rest of your school), and AFAIK, no one had an addy problem while I was there. Was I sleep deprived? Probably. But given the chance, I’d do it all over again because I don’t think I’d have learned so much in 4 years anywhere else, and I definitely wouldn’t have had as caring teachers elsewhere. Sleep deprivation was my choice, not one forced on me by my teachers. If anything, our teachers and counselors constantly encouraged us to take less classes for the sake of personal health. Maybe our stress culture is a problem that should be acknowledged, but to blame it on our teachers and the grading system is short sighted and ridiculous. You don’t even try to understand our culture, our motivations, our teachers’ actions, yet you portray yourself as an authority on them and criticize them. What makes you think you are entitled to a discussion with us on how to shape our community that you haven’t even tried to understand beyond what fits your twisted narrative?

Like · Reply · 16 · 1 hr · Edited
Hide 18 Replies
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano You are defending the staff and they cannot even defend themselves? Did you read the source documents in the demand letter?

Laura Hu

Laura Hu so like is your end goal to provoke them into responding so you can get them fired or something

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Laura Hu

Laura Hu that’s nice.

Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Laura Hu

Laura Hu like emoticon

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Laura-perhaps you should contact this person at Columbia on the wireless issue-his work is cited in the source documents-he is light years ahead of you in terms of his education-

MARTIN BLANK earned PhDs in physical chemistry (1957) from Columbia University…
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano perhaps in stead of a starbucks trip, you could spring for his book on WiFi and emf dangers…/dp/1609805097

Keys, wallet, cell phone . . . ready to go! Cell…
Patrick Oh
Patrick Oh Joe Imbriano
My 2nd Point.
Lets say you’re a kid (students/alumni) at home and you parents (admin) are out. A burglar tries to vandalize your home. Would you not try to defend it? Secondly, your parents are our, they have no way of defending it. So can you stop with the BS about why we are defending Troy and why admin isn’t

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh I am not a burglar and as a matter of fact, the PTSA is breaking in and bringing in an intruder-forced microwave exposure. Your school has been doing just fine with textbooks and wired computers

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Laura you’re awesome

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang Joe, the guy you quote as your source earned his phD in 1957…he would be roughly 33 at that time which means he’s around 91 years old. Now I don’t want to be condoning ageism, but you should keep in mind that this guy has retired for a reason…

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu Laura go ahead and speak with Dr Martin Blank at Columbia about the dangers of wireless. That is the school you attend as an undergrad correct? He has a PHD. I dont

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang Joe, she can’t do that because he’s retired.. -.-

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Joe based on your history, you are a huge proponent of free individual thought and anti brainwazhing, so then why would you ask for our teachers and staff to speak on our behalf? Should we not speak out with our own mouths?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kevin Wang he is not dead

Laura Hu

Laura Hu tbh i’ve said all i wanted to, i’m not particularly concerned about the dangers of wifi since i’ve resigned myself to an early death by wifi as a cs major. i’m more concerned about the fact that someone wants to slander my school and teachers without basis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Laura Hu's photo.
Like · Reply · 4 · 55 mins · Edited
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu You can speak all you want but the staff and PTSA are making health decisions for the students with this issue.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu And we can make the decisions to accept these necessary risks for the improvement of society and technology. Fossil fuel consumption is much worse than wifi, and it is a necessary evil that we needed for the industrial revolution to occur

Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang Joe, you make very good points and I concede. However, I don’t think you’ll be able to convince the others. Maybe it’s time to take action into our own hands? How about we band together to form a neo-Luddite group and run around the country smashing modems?

Like · Reply · 5 · 53 mins
Joe Imbriano

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Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee All you have to know Joe, is that you posted your opinion, and most of us are adamantly against you. And your outdated “wired” plan. It’s that simple. You wanted critical thinking. Here it: We don’t agree with you at all. Okay?

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano these are not my assertions pal-these are the assertions of experts-I am just a concerned parent. There isn’t one sentence in the demand letter that has to do with Mr. Imbriano’s concerns, only with experts

Jerry Shu
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee Also, apparently, the wireless issue is the biggest issue we will ever face as Troy students, overshadowing, oh, I don’t know, colleges, future occupations, future careers, any tests, projects, or presentations, etc. Ya……. We have more important things to deal with.

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Nick without your health you have nothing.

Diane King

Diane King Joe Imbriano “In 2011, I was on top of the world. Healthy, happy and active with a successful career in Silicon Valley that provided ample time for my wife, who is a medical doctor, and I to travel and pursue our many interests. As a civil engineer andSee More

My name is Jeromy Johnson and I am a safe technology advocate. The purpose of this…
John Ho

John Ho Diane King The overwhelming scientific data on this phenomenon is that it is psychological in nature. In blind studies, those with symptoms can not differentiate true exposure from placebos.

Diane King

Diane King John Ho John, please look further as there exists a growing population of people that are becoming ill from this, so much so, that they cannot tolerate being around the wireless. On the other side are interests that do not want to acknowledge that EHSSee More

ElectroSensitivity UK – EHS in Sweden
John Ho

John Ho It’s irrelevant how many people are becoming ill from this. If they can not distinguish between a real electromagnetic (or whatever they’re claiming as a cause) field or a placebo then the disorder is psychological in nature. It’s common sense.

Joe Imbriano

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Diane King

Diane King For those of you willing to, please take a look at the sources, science, Appeal to the U.N. and World Health Organization, and multitude of experts. Additionally, please consider that the science is now reflected in our growing rates of disease, cancSee More

Stanley Yoo

Stanley Yoo sigh they’re banding together

Like · Reply · 2 · 58 mins
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung if you’re so concerned about EM radiation Mr. Imbriano why don’t you also plan to get rid of radios, microwaves, white light lamps, etc. Here just get rid of the Sun too that would surely solve your problem wouldnt it

Like · Reply · 3 · 55 mins
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Diane how about instead of ignoring everything anyone says and spamming your sources, you just post the entire document that you’re copy pasting from all at once so we don’t have to hear your garbage?

At least joe partially reads the comments and responds relevantly (albeit still twistedly)

Like · Reply · 1 · 54 mins · Edited
Diane King replied · 1 Reply
Kevin Nguyen

Kevin Nguyen…/the-science-of-wi-fi-and…/ i mean, I guess pickled vegetables are carcinogens too

Last week, several media outlets including
Richard Park

Richard Park so at this rate everyone’s going to get cancer


much logic

Like · Reply · 1 · 52 mins · Edited
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee And today, we have Joe and Diane vs the rest of Troy High School

Like · Reply · 1 · 52 mins
Diane King

Diane King I guess you could express it as Joe and Diane presenting information from researchers that you might want to consider.

Amy Ting

Amy Ting Presenting outdated* information.

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh Did you know jet fuel can’t melt steal beams Joe Imbriano?

Like · Reply · 7 · 51 mins
Stanley Yoo replied · 1 Reply
Kevin Nguyen

Kevin Nguyen Joe, I guess you should stop using pickled veggies, Styrofoam cups, and coffee in your lifestyle now

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano not just pickles pal…/List_of_IARC_Group_2B…

Substances, mixtures and exposure circumstances in this list have been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as Group 2B: The agent (mixture) is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The exposure circumstance entails exposures that are possibly carcinogenic to humans. This…
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano sure lets bring these into your class at Troy and see what the staff does

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Joe can you send us a picture of you so we can make you into a reusable meme template, or should we just attribute your identity with Nikolai Tesla?

Like · Reply · 5 · 50 mins
Patrick Oh

Patrick Oh Are you trying to tell me my computer has autism and infertility?

Like · Reply · 2 · 48 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh no that your kids will if you can even have any someday

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Chris Lee Sims

Chris Lee Sims We’ve got another moon-landing-hoax, atheism-loving, sheeple-hating conspiracy theroist here everyone, one that thinks that The Man is out to get us all. I’ve seen these same techniques of manipulation, argument, and slander from a family member of mine back in the day.

Like · Reply · 1 · 46 mins
Laura Hu

Laura Hu can the admin just remove joe and diane from this group? they’re clearly not alumni or current students and they’re just provocateurs

Like · Reply · 1 · 46 mins
Amy Ting replied · 14 Replies · 14 mins
Chris Lee Sims

Chris Lee Sims What’s next, vaccines cause autism? The ISS is fake? 9/11 was an inside job?

Like · Reply · 1 · 46 mins
Chris Lee Sims replied · 2 Replies · 31 mins
John Ho

John Ho Sorry Joe….your reasoning is what is commonly referred to as broscience.

Like · Reply · 1 · 45 mins
Richard Park

Richard Park this is saying vaccination causes autism

Like · Reply · 1 · 41 mins
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara People… Who cares what two people say about WiFi causing cancer? That Joe dude and the other person is probably using it right now, and if they are right, then we all die that’s it. It’s not like only Troy students die because of out awesome public WSee More

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden i think the entire argument was invalidated when you said high powered industrial routers. pls the only place the wifi is actually usable is in the quad haha

Like · Reply · 2 · 38 mins
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Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung and the only cancer we can get from the WiFi is the fact that its so slow

Like · Reply · 2 · 39 mins
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Also in some parts of 500, and 400 building but that’s still not much lol

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung wow way to improve your rational arguments with some conspiracy propaganda

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Lemme counter attack with my conspiracies

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden You say all this but what will this really change? You want them to get rid of wireless things at our school? You realize, even after that’s gone, the very little amount of it, we will all still bring our phones to school every single day right? So I dSee More

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Leo BreadedChicken Yeung no conspiracy-look at the article-the joke is on you kids not me

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano, if the name of the article starts with Apple 666, of course that’s a conspiracy. And yes, we Troy students read articles from now becoming untrustworthy Fullerton informer.

Jerry Shu


Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Be well my friend

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden I read your comments and I am very familar with ionization engergy and the like. I have a degree in Chemistry. Microwaves do many things Kyle. The source documents refer to the “non thermal” effects that the industry denies the existence of. I am in this to protect students not for any other reason

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara What specific chemistry Mr Joe Imbriano?

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Chemistry of DEEZ NUTS

Like · Reply · 2 · 12 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara uci class of 89

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu deez nuts 4 president

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden I believe he meant what type of Chemistry.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden It is a bachelor of science in “Chemistry”

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano I also have a bachelor of science in Biological Science from UCI but this is not about me, it is about the source documents from the scientists set forth in the demand letter.

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara I just checked the class of 1989, and there is no such degree as “chemistry”

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Actually there is lol

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Sorry u won on that ome

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Looked at a wrong page

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara But, Mr Joe Imbriano, this IS about you

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara no but you think I am full of it so I just wanted to let u know that I even have the ability to go back in time and make up newpaper articles-but i was your age once

Joe Imbriano

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Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee These comments are better than the class of 2018 teacher boycott post. Quick, someone immortalize these with screen shots.

Like · Reply · 3 · 24 mins
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung immortalized like the rosetta stone my friend

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Soham Patel

Soham Patel I feel as if these people had genuine arguments they would stop linking people to their own articles. If you have confidence in your case, link us to articles from major news sources that people frequent to show us even the major corporations think this

Like · Reply · 1 · 23 mins
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Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Plot Twist: This is all a ploy to get more traffic to his conspiracy ridden site.

Like · Reply · 5 · 24 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano read the source documents in the ptsa demand letter-it is all there

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara “Topic”

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung never knew you had 30000 individual computers to login from

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Leo BreadedChicken Yeung 30,000 unique visitors

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara No leo he had 60000 but our fantastic cyber patriot team got rid of 30000

Like · Reply · 1 · 21 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano as soon as i post this comment thread u will al be famous

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden I don’t consider 30,000 people famous. Stanley YooLawrence Yi Richard Park JaSn Momaya wink emoticon

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden times 30 and in a month u will be

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano, is it okay if I ask you which political candidate you are planning to vote for in presidential election 2016?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Trump guarantees the election of Hilary

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara So you are voting for Mr Trump?

Michael Chen

Michael Chen who’s NOT voting for trump pls guys

Like · Reply · 1 · 6 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara of course not-he is a hack

Joe Imbriano

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Michael Chen

Michael Chen My winter break got so much more enlightening thanks to this

Like · Reply · 8 · 21 mins
Jerry Shu replied · 1 Reply
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano we the REAL Troy students will advise you to leave, unless you want more popcorn and coke to be consumed.

Like · Reply · 6 · 11 mins · Edited
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung Joe you constantly claim of having scientific evidence from scientists but as of now you are forcing upon us merely a psuedo science, and unless i see a proper thesis of an scientific experiment conducted on this matter, I cannot accept your claims, which are indeed ignorant and invalid by default

Like · Reply · 2 · 2 mins
Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara I will not trust anyone unless they got some Nobels on them lol

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Read the source documents in the demand letter. They contain what you need. These are not my claims

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara Well first, I was being sarcastic

Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara And second, what are you trying to do

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 min
Joe Imbriano

Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu Joe Imbriano you never read what I wrote in response to you and Diane King so why would anyone grace your letter with our attention? I even went so far in it as to cite possible reasons why I might be wrong. Did you read that part at least? I literally gave you an argument to use against me. You haven’t cited that yet so I’m convinced that you didn’t read my post. If you don’t have the decency to even look at what I wrote, while I gave your viewpoint a chance but ultimately rejected it, you have no place asking for an open debate.

Like · Reply · 3 · 2 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano repost here and i will respond

Joe Imbriano

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Koichi Takara

Koichi Takara My goodness

Joe Imbriano

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No Comments


This will be the 3rd communication to this group and there has not been one response acknowledging the harms set forth in these emails, only denial and…
Diane King and 2 others like this.
Edmund Kim

Edmund Kim This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

Like · Reply · 34 · 9 hrs
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee Yea, its pretty dumb.

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
John Epson

John Epson This has got to be a joke. I guess they aren’t concerned about the phone in their kid’s pocket or the iPad mini and laptop in their kid’s bag. So stupid.

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Joe Imbriano replied · 1 Reply
Katherine Bigelow

Katherine Bigelow Namita Nabar omg the “wifi causes cancer” people are real

Like · Reply · 8 · 8 hrs
Jessica Allen

Jessica Allen It seems as if you posted your own letter to gain support but thankfully troy provides such a great education that the only response is disdain for the lack of intelligence behind your claims.

Like · Reply · 11 · 8 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu “Filed under Are they turning their backs on the children?”


Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu great folder !!!

Like · Reply · 9 · 8 hrs
Kyle Brooks

Kyle Brooks I went to troy and now work for Newportmesa Unified I am in charge of our wireless access points for 35 school sites these units do not harm you they do not emit enough RF to cause any damage to anyone.

Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
Ashley Edwards

Ashley Edwards Your kidding.

Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Greg Rodriguez

Greg Rodriguez Just put on your tin foil hat! Lmao

Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs · Edited
Dewayne Williams

Dewayne Williams This is the dumbest thing I have read. They have wi-fi at work, Starbucks, malls…Yeah u are a douche.

Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu If radio waves are a health threat, then having lights in our classrooms must be the end of life as we know it. Let’s not even get started on going outside into the sunlight.

Like · Reply · 9 · 6 hrs
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu Also what the heck, how come we didn’t get campus Wi-Fi when I was there. I’d like to send Troy PTSA a formal demand to go back in time to remedy this gross injustice.

Like · Reply · 13 · 6 hrs
Kim Glovak

Kim Glovak Troy is a TECHNICAL high school. Any parent has a right to transfer their child to another high school. There is also the option to home school. But having your child in a technical high school and simultaneously wanting technology limited is an oxymoron.

Like · Reply · 6 · 6 hrs
Rick Chi

Rick Chi You obviously lack the basic high school education to understand the science behind the articles you cited as evidence. You didn’t get a reply because nobody takes you, or your ignorance seriously. You might assert that we are somehow brainwashed by our education system, and that YOU somehow got all the relevant information right. But that’s really not the case. The science can’t really be argued against. Vaccines don’t fuck up children, for an example. And Disney’s logo “666” is not some devil’s heathen plan to fuck our world up. Can you stop posting on your shitty website and shut that ignorant shit down please?

Like · Reply · 14 · 6 hrs · Edited
Mark Ahlberg

Mark Ahlberg You obviously didn’t graduate thru the Troy Tech program! Hahah #BeatItGeek

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 mins · Edited
Soham Patel

Soham Patel Lol when will people realize that the Fullerton Informer is such a deranged news source. I feel as if Troy should stop paying attention to these articles

Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Diane King

Diane King Thanks for posting this. There is a lot of denying what the 200 scientists and engineers declare is an “emerging public health crisis.” The citations are irrefutable, government reports, Harvard U, UC Berkeley, Columbia U, etc. Lots of denial, here. The real evidence is that you cannot get insurance for this stuff and lawsuits are starting. oh well . . .

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Visible light holds more energy than the radio waves that WiFi uses… and that’s hitting us 24/7. 😐

Like · Reply · 8 · 3 hrs
Lebronney Ruan

Lebronney Ruan applying that ap chem it’s useful irl!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Regli im applying my knowledge!!!!

Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Except Dr. Oz has been proven to make up stories and facts.

Joe Imbriano

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Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Please look at the science. Dont look at me. I couldnt hold a candle to these experts.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu There’s a lot of things you can’t hold a candle to lol

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu primarily a head of lettuce

Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hrs
Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Science:

1 mole of visible light photons (the least energetic of all lights, red light) holds: 159607 J of energySee More

Like · Reply · 11 · 2 hrs
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Just saying, almost none of your links would be considered peer reviewed and reliable sources so would not be usable in any college level paper. A lot are the equivalent to citing Wikipedia as unbiased fact.

Joe Imbriano

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Jerry Shu
Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hrs
Joe Imbriano

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Diane King

Diane King HEALTH ISSUES | Message to Public Schools and Parents about Wireless Devices and Health M. Powell, is a retired US government scientist (Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1975). During his government career, he worked for the ExecutiSee More

Jordan Tu
Jordan Tu A credible person doesn’t mean valid work by that person. Linus Pauling won the nobel prize for chem but said vitamin supplements could cure cancer but his own death was due to cancer
wifi causing cancer is a laughable claim lol

Like · Reply · 1 · 28 mins
Joe Imbriano

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Jason Hieu Pham

Jason Hieu Pham The only cancer I ever got from wifi was from toxic communities online

Like · Reply · 12 · 1 hr
Kimmillie Tran

Kimmillie Tran since when could you get it from yourself

Joachim Jang

Joachim Jang recursion

Jason Hieu Pham

Jason Hieu Pham I got it from you first

Joe Imbriano

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Kim Laursen James

Kim Laursen James What the heck? I’m just an old alum, but I’m also a teacher. Am I to understand that the PTSA worked hard to raise the money to purchase and install 21st century technology for the benefit of THS students…only to be SUED by some unappreciative, easily suggestible, needs-a-hobby, seeking-15-seconds attorney? No good deed goes unpunished….

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu So I wrote a response, but Facebook thinks it’s too long so I’m going to post it in pieces. Piece 1 is below.

I don’t usually respond to threads like these, but since I’m on winter break and bored out of my mind, I decided to investigate your claim. I also did it out of scientific curiosity. Maybe you have a point and that radio signals do affect the body differently from how I’d expect it to.

Note that this is rather long, so tl;dr:
I argue, a bit lazily, that it’s unlikely that radio signals can actually cause tissue or genetic damage considering it’s so weak. The Gonzalez link doesn’t hold much water, and I don’t think that Joe Imbriano or Diane King are actually affiliated with Troy and I think they may even be fake accounts.

The first sanity check I looked at was how radio signals are absorbed by body tissues. The human body is relatively opaque to visible light so it may be that despite radio waves being a hundred thousand (100,000) times less energetic than visible light, they can penetrate deeper.[1] Unfortunately I couldn’t find an absorption spectrum for different tissues that goes up to the required wavelength (10,000,000 nm!). However I did find a Wikipedia article detailing how terahertz radiation is used in medical imaging.[2] I didn’t want to have to cite Wikipedia, but I figured that if you had a complaint about my process, then you would show me some competing scientific evidence. Anyways, you’ll find that terahertz radiation gets to a penetration of “several millimeters.” It also states that it’s reflected by tissue of low water content, so fat and bone would both reflect it. Wikipedia also states that is could be useful in the detection of epithelial cancer, or cancers of the type of tissue that line blood vessels and other ducts in the human body.

“But wait!” you might say. “That proves my point! If it can be used to help detect epithelial cancer then it can cause it too!” Well no. It allows detection because the photons are reflected by the epithelium. However, tissue damage occurs when the photon is absorbed and the absorbing material is ionized. So terahertz radiation actually doesn’t cause tissue damage. We can also see that terahertz radiation is much more energetic than radio waves, which are still the main topic of discussion. In fact, radio waves are usually described in gigahertz (10^9 Hz) compared to terahertz (10^12 Hz).

Now you may argue that my last argument isn’t a good one, and you’d be right. I argued that something more energetic doesn’t cause tissue damage so radio waves shouldn’t either. That argument implicitly assumes that if higher energy radiation can’t do damage, then lower energy radiation can’t either. That’s not necessarily a good assumption though you might argue. That’s also a fair point, so let’s get on to your actual link.

Like · Reply · 7 · 58 mins
Zheng Zhu
Zheng Zhu I took a look at the Jimmy Gonzalez link [3], and here’s a summary of it for those who don’t care to spend 8 minutes of their life doing so themselves.
1) Gonzalez has 3 scars from cancer surgeries, one on his wrist, one where his aortic bifurcation is (or as he claims, where his phone sat in his suit pocket), and one is behind his ear. The scars aren’t shown on camera so it’s not possible to verify but we’ll take his word on that.
2) Gonzalez compares radio waves to cigarettes from 30 years ago, saying that there are industry-funded studies showing that radio frequency radiation isn’t a problem.
3) Gonzalez claims that there’s a booklet that comes with your phone that states that you should keep your phone 10 mm away from your body (or as he says “1 inch”) at all times.
4) Gonzalez ends by citing some resources related to the topic, some of which have his name attached. He then goes on to compel people to vote for “keeping cellphones away from their bodies.”
Let’s take a look now shall we:
1) Gonzalez never actually explicitly states that his cancer was CAUSED by cellphones. He only every strongly implies it by CORRELATING the locations of his surgeries with the locations that he was likely to keep his cellphone. For one thing, one data point means little to nothing. Additionally, CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION! That’s the cardinal rule of statistics, and /s it’s rumored that in ancient times, statisticians who violated this sacred principle were fed to the dogs. Also, it doesn’t help his claim that his cellphone probably was nowhere near the aortic bifurcation. He claims that his cellphone was “in [his] suit pocket,” which is supposed to correlate to his surgery near his aortic bifurcation. If you actually look at a diagram of where the aortic bifurcation is,[4] (Wikipedia again. Apologies to all actual researchers in the world.) you’ll find that it’s below and between your kidneys. As far as I know, no suits have a pocket near or below your belly button, and the suit Gonzalez wore at the testimony didn’t seem to either.
2) That’s just a comparison to draw on people’s fear and emotions. It’s not even a testable hypothesis.
3) I actually accepted his challenge and looked through the information for the Nexus 5 phone.[5] Nowhere does it say that I must keep it 10 mm away from my body, though it cite SAR (specific absorption rate) values during use at 10 mm distance from the body. Interestingly the value for use by the ear doesn’t have a distance associated with it. Hearing him talk about the iPhone 5, I also took the liberty to look at Apple’s values. Apple actually explained their process a bit more.[6] Their value for use by the ear was obtained by simulating use with the phone pressed against the ear. Their value for the body was also obtained at a 10 mm distance. Apple also adds a cautionary word though, that to keep it at the tested levels, one should carry the phone 10 mm away from the body. This flies directly against Gonzalez’s claim that it should be kept 10 mm away from any part of your body at all times. To be completely accurate though, I should say that his claim was for the phone to be kept 1 inch away from all parts of your body, and to get that, he claims that 10 mm is approximately 1 inch. It’s not. 10 mm is approximately 0.4 inches.[7] Besides his atrocious unit conversion, there is some substance to his claim. However, the warning should be more akin to “try to keep your phone’s radio frequency transmitter less than 0.4 inches away from your body to keep it below a legal limit with questionable origin.”
4) Most of his arguments and claims don’t hold water so again, not much discussion.I haven’t looked at the other claim, and I don’t feel a particular compulsion to anymore considering how bad the first link is. Now to end with the obligatory ad hominem argument.Diane King, I find it odd that even though your profile claims that you attended Claremont Graduate College, that I couldn’t find any trace of you on the internet. No PhD thesis, no Master’s thesis, not even a mention of your name on anything related to Claremont Graduate College. I did find someone with your same name on another questionable website who also claims to have attended Claremont Graduate College, but that profile claims to have attended UCLA College of Letters and Sciences while your Facebook profile claims to have attended Cal State Long Beach. I also looked around your profile and you’re friends with Joe Imbriano. What’s more is that both of you seem to share an interest in the same links, all of which use fearmongering to argue a scientifically dubious point. I wonder if your profiles are actually fake, or even run by the same organization that runs the Fullerton Informer. All in all, I find it a little difficult to believe that either you or Joe Imbriano are in any way associated with Troy High School. If you are not, please refrain from posting nonsense here.Reference[1] See

for radio wave frequencies and

for visible light frequencies and calculate the energy with E = h*f where h is Planck’s constant 6.626 x 10^-34
[2] Terahertz Radiation Wikipedia link…

[3] Jimmy Gonzalez testimony link

[4] Wikipedia link for aortic bifurcation

[5] LG phone SAR values. For Nexus 5, click “Mobile Phone” model LG-D820 and LG-D821.

[6] Apple iPhone 5 SAR page,1/en/

[7] A unit conversion from mm to inches…

The Amplitude Modulated (AM) radio carrier frequencies are in the frequency range 535-1605 kHz. The frequencies 30-535 kHz are used for maritime communication and navigation and for aircraft navigation. Carrier frequencies of 540 to 1600 kHz are assigned at 10 kHz intervals.
Like · Reply · 10 · 57 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano I am a Troy parent and a PTSA member

Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu Sure you can say that. I’m not going to believe you, but that’s not the main point of my posts. Either you read them really quickly (a record 5 seconds for several pages of text!) or you didn’t. Try reading it to see how you should approach nonsensical claims in the future.

Like · Reply · 5 · 56 mins · Edited
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Zheng Zhu The links to the studies are not fear mongering. Look at the source documents in the demand letter. They are government agencies like NASA, The USAF, Harvard and Yale PHD’s and the like. Lets not make me the issue. Deal with the claims of theSee More

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Zheng you put so much work into this post only for Joe over here to ignore everything frown emoticon

It’s okay, I’m sure if he was capable of reading he’d try his best! ;;;

Like · Reply · 1 · 45 mins
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu To be honest, I skimmed your letter’s reference list. Not a single one of them comes from a reliable source. They all come from random websites that are necessarily biased towards getting radio frequency radiation out of schools, which is in itself a ridiculous intention. (Radios were invented ages ago and no one seems to complain nearly as much about those even though they’re essentially using the same technology as Wi-Fi). I don’t know where you’re getting NASA and the USAF but I don’t seen any linked research from either organization. I suggest using the source research papers to support your claims, not random politically driven websites.

Also, just a note for you in the future, just because a person has a PhD doesn’t mean they are a knowledgeable or even a reliable source. Heck, Nobel Laureates in the past were supporting eugenics. This is why appeal to ethos, along with appeal to logos, are not acceptable forms of proof in the scientific community.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Zheng Zhu don’t mention eugenics he probably believes in that just like the faked moon landing

Like · Reply · 2 · 43 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Zheng Zhu there is a bibiolgraphy at the end of every document including the USAF papers etc.

Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Bravo to the Troy PTSA for helping provide more Chromebooks in the classroom. As a Troy alumni and math teacher I have loved at my own school receiving a set in my classroom. It allows teachers to have more dynamic lessons that reflect the current technological age.

Like · Reply · 1 · 56 mins
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Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Yes the one riddled with autism and infertility

Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate You know, because improved medicine and diagnosis practices couldn’t be correlated to the rise in identifying autism and infertility or anything crazy and logical like that.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano as a school district employee-you have a vested interest in all of this

Soham Patel

Soham Patel The only reason we say it’s riddled with autism is because we have learned how to properly diagnose children from a young age. Autism has not been on the rise because of these EMR nor is it caused by it. I will however not disagree that there are developmental hinderances observed in classrooms such as decrease in motor proficiency due to increased use of touch screen technology. But again, that is because of the tech culture we are in. Our scientific community has learned how to better diagnose autism and work with the families as well. And to the OP (Joe Imbriano was it?) the Fullerton Informer has been disproved multiple times and is citing from questionable sources

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Soham Patel cite the questionable sources in the demand letter please Mr. Patel.

Soham Patel

Soham Patel From a scientific standpoint, the effect of wifi on the human brain is nonexistent and this is one of the first things discussed in a Chem class at Troy high school. Our H and AP Chem teacher Mrs. Regli even provides scientific evidence and encouragesus to discover this for our own. And again, if you look at others comments, you can see how many loose ends and lack of specificity and elaboration there is in many of the Fullerton Informer.

Soham Patel

Soham Patel Oh, my fault. I should have specified that on general articles there are questionable citations, let me pull some up

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Soham Patel Mr Patel-here is a PHD Harvard trained pediatric neurologist that contradicts your chem teacher

Dr. Martha Herbert, M.D.  Harvard Medical School  Massachusetts General Hospital
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Every single source that is not from a medical journal that has been peer reviewed and replicated would be a questionable source. Your PH.D. wrote a letter and stated that on children that already have learning disabilities they may then be made worse. Not that the wifi causes the disability. He also stated there is a lot of literature but said literature does not in itself mean anything other than qualitative observations rather than quantitative replicable studies.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Anna Bathgate looks like we are about to conduct one over Troy HS

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Anna Bathgate taking her statement out of context is not proper for a Troy alum

Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate This guy has to be a troll, he has a post on his main page talking about the moon landing conspiracy that the US never landed. This is hilarious. His whole Facebook page looks like it could be a special on TheOnion

Like · Reply · 4 · 51 mins · Edited
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Now, I don’t want to be directing attention to unrelated topics in an attempt to ad hominem, but I couldn’t help myself. It’s a bad habit, but one I find hard to break. kiki emoticon

Jerry Shu's photo.
Like · Reply · 5 · 45 mins
Soham Patel

Soham Patel Wait, the Fullerton Informer just shows all the PTSAs emails?!?! I feel as if this is a breach of privacy… Are they allowed to do this? Like I know people on that list… And their emails are just blasted on the website

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Yes I am. Emails are not private, they are public-your school puts them on their web page under the ptsa

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu but y wud u post them joe????

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu r u somehow implying that they agree with u?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano No only that they have been put on notice multiple times and ignored what has been presented as it relates to the health and safety of the student body and staff.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Maybe it’s because they don’t care about your inane babble, but I can’t be sure.

Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano It is called full disclosure. You have people ignoring warnings relating to student health and are working against scientific experts in their field. You have people making health decisions for the students and all of you have never been presented with the other side of this debate. The fact that microwave exposure is not safe and is not necessary and should never be a condition of receiving an education.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Hey, so did you read Zheng’s post? Because if you did, you were either too ignorant or too stupid to absorb any of it.

Feel free to take your pick.

Like · Reply · 1 · 24 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu I did. I was not the one who posted the videos-I posted the demand letter and the source documents are what you need to look at.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu the scientists work is not inane babble. Stop being infantile and read the documents.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu I would, but I have time better spent on just about everything else

Joe Imbriano

Jerry Shu


Jerry Shu's photo.
Like · Reply · 9 · 36 mins
Kyle Golden replied · 1 Reply
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate The beautiful thing about public education is the inter-district and intra-district transfers. Or even more so, home schooling. You don’t like what a school is doing even though they ROCK in the national and state STEM rankings? Then move your kid out and leave room for someone else that is working their ass off to get in.

Like · Reply · 3 · 26 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Anna, my taxes fund that school, my child attends and wireless is in all of them, including the one you work at. Transfers are not an option

Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate If you home school you can control your wireless and document any expenses for the home schooling as a tax write off. I on the other hand will sit here posting from my wireless device and think of how grateful I am that I was able to be a transfer stuSee More

Joe Imbriano

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Jerry Santoso

Jerry Santoso So much roast

Jerry Santoso's photo.
Like · Reply · 6 · 15 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Tell you what-lets get this demand letter printed in the Oracle-lets get the debate team on this and lets have the science department replicate the following experiment-…/

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu that just sounds like a waste of time

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Yes but we are not seeds. We are human beings.

Kyle Patel

Kyle Patel Lol the oracle would never print trash like this

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 min
Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Troy grads, can’t you just imagine Madrid posing as someone like this, trying to rile everyone up to prove a point to his students about not believing everything they hear, and then having it suddenly end with discovering that wifi turns everyone into Pink Gorillas.

Like · Reply · 4 · 10 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Read the source documents in the demand letter. No one is talking about pink gorillas except for you.

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden I don’t think you understood the reference… XD

Like · Reply · 3 · 7 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden Oh I do. I did a story on the Oracle a few months back. Did you read it?

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu (the reference was to mr madrid’s story about pink gorillas, which you would only get if you were a troy alum)

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu back to the issue Jerry-the school and PTSA is forcing microwave exposure on everyone, in spite of the dire warnings of experts. How do you rationalize defending this/

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden The issue isn’t whether they’re exposing us to microwave radiation. The issue is whether that radiation has any meaningful effects. Which it has been proven that it in fact does not.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden Read the source documents in the demand letter. They have known about the harmful effects for decades Kyle.

Joe Imbriano
This will be the 3rd communication to this group and there has not been one response acknowledging the harms set forth in these emails, only denial and…
Diane King and 2 others like this.
Edmund Kim

Edmund Kim This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

Like · Reply · 34 · 9 hrs
Nicholas Lee

Nicholas Lee Yea, its pretty dumb.

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
John Epson

John Epson This has got to be a joke. I guess they aren’t concerned about the phone in their kid’s pocket or the iPad mini and laptop in their kid’s bag. So stupid.

Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Joe Imbriano replied · 1 Reply
Katherine Bigelow

Katherine Bigelow Namita Nabar omg the “wifi causes cancer” people are real

Like · Reply · 8 · 8 hrs
Jessica Allen

Jessica Allen It seems as if you posted your own letter to gain support but thankfully troy provides such a great education that the only response is disdain for the lack of intelligence behind your claims.

Like · Reply · 11 · 8 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu “Filed under Are they turning their backs on the children?”


Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu great folder !!!

Like · Reply · 9 · 8 hrs
Kyle Brooks

Kyle Brooks I went to troy and now work for Newportmesa Unified I am in charge of our wireless access points for 35 school sites these units do not harm you they do not emit enough RF to cause any damage to anyone.

Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
Ashley Edwards

Ashley Edwards Your kidding.

Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs
Greg Rodriguez

Greg Rodriguez Just put on your tin foil hat! Lmao

Like · Reply · 1 · 7 hrs · Edited
Dewayne Williams

Dewayne Williams This is the dumbest thing I have read. They have wi-fi at work, Starbucks, malls…Yeah u are a douche.

Like · Reply · 2 · 7 hrs
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu If radio waves are a health threat, then having lights in our classrooms must be the end of life as we know it. Let’s not even get started on going outside into the sunlight.

Like · Reply · 9 · 6 hrs
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu Also what the heck, how come we didn’t get campus Wi-Fi when I was there. I’d like to send Troy PTSA a formal demand to go back in time to remedy this gross injustice.

Like · Reply · 13 · 6 hrs
Kim Glovak

Kim Glovak Troy is a TECHNICAL high school. Any parent has a right to transfer their child to another high school. There is also the option to home school. But having your child in a technical high school and simultaneously wanting technology limited is an oxymoron.

Like · Reply · 6 · 6 hrs
Rick Chi

Rick Chi You obviously lack the basic high school education to understand the science behind the articles you cited as evidence. You didn’t get a reply because nobody takes you, or your ignorance seriously. You might assert that we are somehow brainwashed by our education system, and that YOU somehow got all the relevant information right. But that’s really not the case. The science can’t really be argued against. Vaccines don’t fuck up children, for an example. And Disney’s logo “666” is not some devil’s heathen plan to fuck our world up. Can you stop posting on your shitty website and shut that ignorant shit down please?

Like · Reply · 14 · 6 hrs · Edited
Mark Ahlberg

Mark Ahlberg You obviously didn’t graduate thru the Troy Tech program! Hahah #BeatItGeek

Like · Reply · 2 · 15 mins · Edited
Soham Patel

Soham Patel Lol when will people realize that the Fullerton Informer is such a deranged news source. I feel as if Troy should stop paying attention to these articles

Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
Diane King

Diane King Thanks for posting this. There is a lot of denying what the 200 scientists and engineers declare is an “emerging public health crisis.” The citations are irrefutable, government reports, Harvard U, UC Berkeley, Columbia U, etc. Lots of denial, here. The real evidence is that you cannot get insurance for this stuff and lawsuits are starting. oh well . . .

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Visible light holds more energy than the radio waves that WiFi uses… and that’s hitting us 24/7. 😐

Like · Reply · 8 · 3 hrs
Lebronney Ruan

Lebronney Ruan applying that ap chem it’s useful irl!!

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Regli im applying my knowledge!!!!

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Except Dr. Oz has been proven to make up stories and facts.

Joe Imbriano

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Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Please look at the science. Dont look at me. I couldnt hold a candle to these experts.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu There’s a lot of things you can’t hold a candle to lol

Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu primarily a head of lettuce

Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hrs
Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Science:

1 mole of visible light photons (the least energetic of all lights, red light) holds: 159607 J of energySee More

Like · Reply · 11 · 2 hrs
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Just saying, almost none of your links would be considered peer reviewed and reliable sources so would not be usable in any college level paper. A lot are the equivalent to citing Wikipedia as unbiased fact.

Joe Imbriano

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Jerry Shu
Like · Reply · 9 · 2 hrs
Joe Imbriano

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Diane King

Diane King HEALTH ISSUES | Message to Public Schools and Parents about Wireless Devices and Health M. Powell, is a retired US government scientist (Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1975). During his government career, he worked for the ExecutiSee More

Jordan Tu
Jordan Tu A credible person doesn’t mean valid work by that person. Linus Pauling won the nobel prize for chem but said vitamin supplements could cure cancer but his own death was due to cancer
wifi causing cancer is a laughable claim lol

Like · Reply · 1 · 28 mins
Joe Imbriano

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Jason Hieu Pham

Jason Hieu Pham The only cancer I ever got from wifi was from toxic communities online

Like · Reply · 12 · 1 hr
Kimmillie Tran

Kimmillie Tran since when could you get it from yourself

Joachim Jang

Joachim Jang recursion

Jason Hieu Pham

Jason Hieu Pham I got it from you first

Joe Imbriano

Write a reply…
Kim Laursen James

Kim Laursen James What the heck? I’m just an old alum, but I’m also a teacher. Am I to understand that the PTSA worked hard to raise the money to purchase and install 21st century technology for the benefit of THS students…only to be SUED by some unappreciative, easily suggestible, needs-a-hobby, seeking-15-seconds attorney? No good deed goes unpunished….

Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu So I wrote a response, but Facebook thinks it’s too long so I’m going to post it in pieces. Piece 1 is below.

I don’t usually respond to threads like these, but since I’m on winter break and bored out of my mind, I decided to investigate your claim. I also did it out of scientific curiosity. Maybe you have a point and that radio signals do affect the body differently from how I’d expect it to.

Note that this is rather long, so tl;dr:
I argue, a bit lazily, that it’s unlikely that radio signals can actually cause tissue or genetic damage considering it’s so weak. The Gonzalez link doesn’t hold much water, and I don’t think that Joe Imbriano or Diane King are actually affiliated with Troy and I think they may even be fake accounts.

The first sanity check I looked at was how radio signals are absorbed by body tissues. The human body is relatively opaque to visible light so it may be that despite radio waves being a hundred thousand (100,000) times less energetic than visible light, they can penetrate deeper.[1] Unfortunately I couldn’t find an absorption spectrum for different tissues that goes up to the required wavelength (10,000,000 nm!). However I did find a Wikipedia article detailing how terahertz radiation is used in medical imaging.[2] I didn’t want to have to cite Wikipedia, but I figured that if you had a complaint about my process, then you would show me some competing scientific evidence. Anyways, you’ll find that terahertz radiation gets to a penetration of “several millimeters.” It also states that it’s reflected by tissue of low water content, so fat and bone would both reflect it. Wikipedia also states that is could be useful in the detection of epithelial cancer, or cancers of the type of tissue that line blood vessels and other ducts in the human body.

“But wait!” you might say. “That proves my point! If it can be used to help detect epithelial cancer then it can cause it too!” Well no. It allows detection because the photons are reflected by the epithelium. However, tissue damage occurs when the photon is absorbed and the absorbing material is ionized. So terahertz radiation actually doesn’t cause tissue damage. We can also see that terahertz radiation is much more energetic than radio waves, which are still the main topic of discussion. In fact, radio waves are usually described in gigahertz (10^9 Hz) compared to terahertz (10^12 Hz).

Now you may argue that my last argument isn’t a good one, and you’d be right. I argued that something more energetic doesn’t cause tissue damage so radio waves shouldn’t either. That argument implicitly assumes that if higher energy radiation can’t do damage, then lower energy radiation can’t either. That’s not necessarily a good assumption though you might argue. That’s also a fair point, so let’s get on to your actual link.

Like · Reply · 7 · 58 mins
Zheng Zhu
Zheng Zhu I took a look at the Jimmy Gonzalez link [3], and here’s a summary of it for those who don’t care to spend 8 minutes of their life doing so themselves.
1) Gonzalez has 3 scars from cancer surgeries, one on his wrist, one where his aortic bifurcation is (or as he claims, where his phone sat in his suit pocket), and one is behind his ear. The scars aren’t shown on camera so it’s not possible to verify but we’ll take his word on that.
2) Gonzalez compares radio waves to cigarettes from 30 years ago, saying that there are industry-funded studies showing that radio frequency radiation isn’t a problem.
3) Gonzalez claims that there’s a booklet that comes with your phone that states that you should keep your phone 10 mm away from your body (or as he says “1 inch”) at all times.
4) Gonzalez ends by citing some resources related to the topic, some of which have his name attached. He then goes on to compel people to vote for “keeping cellphones away from their bodies.”
Let’s take a look now shall we:
1) Gonzalez never actually explicitly states that his cancer was CAUSED by cellphones. He only every strongly implies it by CORRELATING the locations of his surgeries with the locations that he was likely to keep his cellphone. For one thing, one data point means little to nothing. Additionally, CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION! That’s the cardinal rule of statistics, and /s it’s rumored that in ancient times, statisticians who violated this sacred principle were fed to the dogs. Also, it doesn’t help his claim that his cellphone probably was nowhere near the aortic bifurcation. He claims that his cellphone was “in [his] suit pocket,” which is supposed to correlate to his surgery near his aortic bifurcation. If you actually look at a diagram of where the aortic bifurcation is,[4] (Wikipedia again. Apologies to all actual researchers in the world.) you’ll find that it’s below and between your kidneys. As far as I know, no suits have a pocket near or below your belly button, and the suit Gonzalez wore at the testimony didn’t seem to either.
2) That’s just a comparison to draw on people’s fear and emotions. It’s not even a testable hypothesis.
3) I actually accepted his challenge and looked through the information for the Nexus 5 phone.[5] Nowhere does it say that I must keep it 10 mm away from my body, though it cite SAR (specific absorption rate) values during use at 10 mm distance from the body. Interestingly the value for use by the ear doesn’t have a distance associated with it. Hearing him talk about the iPhone 5, I also took the liberty to look at Apple’s values. Apple actually explained their process a bit more.[6] Their value for use by the ear was obtained by simulating use with the phone pressed against the ear. Their value for the body was also obtained at a 10 mm distance. Apple also adds a cautionary word though, that to keep it at the tested levels, one should carry the phone 10 mm away from the body. This flies directly against Gonzalez’s claim that it should be kept 10 mm away from any part of your body at all times. To be completely accurate though, I should say that his claim was for the phone to be kept 1 inch away from all parts of your body, and to get that, he claims that 10 mm is approximately 1 inch. It’s not. 10 mm is approximately 0.4 inches.[7] Besides his atrocious unit conversion, there is some substance to his claim. However, the warning should be more akin to “try to keep your phone’s radio frequency transmitter less than 0.4 inches away from your body to keep it below a legal limit with questionable origin.”
4) Most of his arguments and claims don’t hold water so again, not much discussion.I haven’t looked at the other claim, and I don’t feel a particular compulsion to anymore considering how bad the first link is. Now to end with the obligatory ad hominem argument.Diane King, I find it odd that even though your profile claims that you attended Claremont Graduate College, that I couldn’t find any trace of you on the internet. No PhD thesis, no Master’s thesis, not even a mention of your name on anything related to Claremont Graduate College. I did find someone with your same name on another questionable website who also claims to have attended Claremont Graduate College, but that profile claims to have attended UCLA College of Letters and Sciences while your Facebook profile claims to have attended Cal State Long Beach. I also looked around your profile and you’re friends with Joe Imbriano. What’s more is that both of you seem to share an interest in the same links, all of which use fearmongering to argue a scientifically dubious point. I wonder if your profiles are actually fake, or even run by the same organization that runs the Fullerton Informer. All in all, I find it a little difficult to believe that either you or Joe Imbriano are in any way associated with Troy High School. If you are not, please refrain from posting nonsense here.


[1] See

for radio wave frequencies and

for visible light frequencies and calculate the energy with E = h*f where h is Planck’s constant 6.626 x 10^-34
[2] Terahertz Radiation Wikipedia link…

[3] Jimmy Gonzalez testimony link

[4] Wikipedia link for aortic bifurcation

[5] LG phone SAR values. For Nexus 5, click “Mobile Phone” model LG-D820 and LG-D821.

[6] Apple iPhone 5 SAR page,1/en/

[7] A unit conversion from mm to inches…

The Amplitude Modulated (AM) radio carrier frequencies are in the frequency range 535-1605 kHz. The frequencies 30-535 kHz are used for maritime communication and navigation and for aircraft navigation. Carrier frequencies of 540 to 1600 kHz are assigned at 10 kHz intervals.
Like · Reply · 10 · 57 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano I am a Troy parent and a PTSA member

Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu Sure you can say that. I’m not going to believe you, but that’s not the main point of my posts. Either you read them really quickly (a record 5 seconds for several pages of text!) or you didn’t. Try reading it to see how you should approach nonsensical claims in the future.

Like · Reply · 5 · 56 mins · Edited
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Zheng Zhu The links to the studies are not fear mongering. Look at the source documents in the demand letter. They are government agencies like NASA, The USAF, Harvard and Yale PHD’s and the like. Lets not make me the issue. Deal with the claims of theSee More

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Zheng you put so much work into this post only for Joe over here to ignore everything frown emoticon

It’s okay, I’m sure if he was capable of reading he’d try his best! ;;;

Like · Reply · 1 · 45 mins
Zheng Zhu

Zheng Zhu To be honest, I skimmed your letter’s reference list. Not a single one of them comes from a reliable source. They all come from random websites that are necessarily biased towards getting radio frequency radiation out of schools, which is in itself a ridiculous intention. (Radios were invented ages ago and no one seems to complain nearly as much about those even though they’re essentially using the same technology as Wi-Fi). I don’t know where you’re getting NASA and the USAF but I don’t seen any linked research from either organization. I suggest using the source research papers to support your claims, not random politically driven websites.

Also, just a note for you in the future, just because a person has a PhD doesn’t mean they are a knowledgeable or even a reliable source. Heck, Nobel Laureates in the past were supporting eugenics. This is why appeal to ethos, along with appeal to logos, are not acceptable forms of proof in the scientific community.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Zheng Zhu don’t mention eugenics he probably believes in that just like the faked moon landing

Like · Reply · 2 · 43 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Zheng Zhu there is a bibiolgraphy at the end of every document including the USAF papers etc.

Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Bravo to the Troy PTSA for helping provide more Chromebooks in the classroom. As a Troy alumni and math teacher I have loved at my own school receiving a set in my classroom. It allows teachers to have more dynamic lessons that reflect the current technological age.

Like · Reply · 1 · 56 mins
Hide 14 Replies
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Yes the one riddled with autism and infertility

Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate You know, because improved medicine and diagnosis practices couldn’t be correlated to the rise in identifying autism and infertility or anything crazy and logical like that.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano as a school district employee-you have a vested interest in all of this

Soham Patel

Soham Patel The only reason we say it’s riddled with autism is because we have learned how to properly diagnose children from a young age. Autism has not been on the rise because of these EMR nor is it caused by it. I will however not disagree that there are developmental hinderances observed in classrooms such as decrease in motor proficiency due to increased use of touch screen technology. But again, that is because of the tech culture we are in. Our scientific community has learned how to better diagnose autism and work with the families as well. And to the OP (Joe Imbriano was it?) the Fullerton Informer has been disproved multiple times and is citing from questionable sources

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Soham Patel cite the questionable sources in the demand letter please Mr. Patel.

Soham Patel

Soham Patel From a scientific standpoint, the effect of wifi on the human brain is nonexistent and this is one of the first things discussed in a Chem class at Troy high school. Our H and AP Chem teacher Mrs. Regli even provides scientific evidence and encouragesus to discover this for our own. And again, if you look at others comments, you can see how many loose ends and lack of specificity and elaboration there is in many of the Fullerton Informer.

Soham Patel

Soham Patel Oh, my fault. I should have specified that on general articles there are questionable citations, let me pull some up

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Soham Patel Mr Patel-here is a PHD Harvard trained pediatric neurologist that contradicts your chem teacher

Dr. Martha Herbert, M.D.  Harvard Medical School  Massachusetts General Hospital
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Every single source that is not from a medical journal that has been peer reviewed and replicated would be a questionable source. Your PH.D. wrote a letter and stated that on children that already have learning disabilities they may then be made worse. Not that the wifi causes the disability. He also stated there is a lot of literature but said literature does not in itself mean anything other than qualitative observations rather than quantitative replicable studies.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Anna Bathgate looks like we are about to conduct one over Troy HS

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Anna Bathgate taking her statement out of context is not proper for a Troy alum

Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate This guy has to be a troll, he has a post on his main page talking about the moon landing conspiracy that the US never landed. This is hilarious. His whole Facebook page looks like it could be a special on TheOnion

Like · Reply · 4 · 51 mins · Edited
Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Now, I don’t want to be directing attention to unrelated topics in an attempt to ad hominem, but I couldn’t help myself. It’s a bad habit, but one I find hard to break. kiki emoticon

Jerry Shu's photo.
Like · Reply · 5 · 45 mins
Soham Patel

Soham Patel Wait, the Fullerton Informer just shows all the PTSAs emails?!?! I feel as if this is a breach of privacy… Are they allowed to do this? Like I know people on that list… And their emails are just blasted on the website

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Yes I am. Emails are not private, they are public-your school puts them on their web page under the ptsa

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu but y wud u post them joe????

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu r u somehow implying that they agree with u?

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano No only that they have been put on notice multiple times and ignored what has been presented as it relates to the health and safety of the student body and staff.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Maybe it’s because they don’t care about your inane babble, but I can’t be sure.

Like · Reply · 1 · 27 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano It is called full disclosure. You have people ignoring warnings relating to student health and are working against scientific experts in their field. You have people making health decisions for the students and all of you have never been presented with the other side of this debate. The fact that microwave exposure is not safe and is not necessary and should never be a condition of receiving an education.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu Hey, so did you read Zheng’s post? Because if you did, you were either too ignorant or too stupid to absorb any of it.

Feel free to take your pick.

Like · Reply · 1 · 24 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu I did. I was not the one who posted the videos-I posted the demand letter and the source documents are what you need to look at.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu the scientists work is not inane babble. Stop being infantile and read the documents.

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu I would, but I have time better spent on just about everything else

Joe Imbriano

Jerry Shu


Jerry Shu's photo.
Like · Reply · 9 · 36 mins
Kyle Golden replied · 1 Reply
Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate The beautiful thing about public education is the inter-district and intra-district transfers. Or even more so, home schooling. You don’t like what a school is doing even though they ROCK in the national and state STEM rankings? Then move your kid out and leave room for someone else that is working their ass off to get in.

Like · Reply · 3 · 26 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Anna, my taxes fund that school, my child attends and wireless is in all of them, including the one you work at. Transfers are not an option

Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate If you home school you can control your wireless and document any expenses for the home schooling as a tax write off. I on the other hand will sit here posting from my wireless device and think of how grateful I am that I was able to be a transfer stuSee More

Joe Imbriano

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Jerry Santoso

Jerry Santoso So much roast

Jerry Santoso's photo.
Like · Reply · 6 · 15 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Tell you what-lets get this demand letter printed in the Oracle-lets get the debate team on this and lets have the science department replicate the following experiment-…/

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu that just sounds like a waste of time

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden Yes but we are not seeds. We are human beings.

Kyle Patel

Kyle Patel Lol the oracle would never print trash like this

Like · Reply · 2 · 1 min
Joe Imbriano

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Anna Bathgate

Anna Bathgate Troy grads, can’t you just imagine Madrid posing as someone like this, trying to rile everyone up to prove a point to his students about not believing everything they hear, and then having it suddenly end with discovering that wifi turns everyone into Pink Gorillas.

Like · Reply · 4 · 10 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Read the source documents in the demand letter. No one is talking about pink gorillas except for you.

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden I don’t think you understood the reference… XD

Like · Reply · 3 · 7 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden Oh I do. I did a story on the Oracle a few months back. Did you read it?

Jerry Shu

Jerry Shu (the reference was to mr madrid’s story about pink gorillas, which you would only get if you were a troy alum)

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 mins
Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu back to the issue Jerry-the school and PTSA is forcing microwave exposure on everyone, in spite of the dire warnings of experts. How do you rationalize defending this/

Kyle Golden

Kyle Golden The issue isn’t whether they’re exposing us to microwave radiation. The issue is whether that radiation has any meaningful effects. Which it has been proven that it in fact does not.

Joe Imbriano

Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden Read the source documents in the demand letter. They have known about the harmful effects for decades Kyle.


Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. is the legal copyright holder of the material on this blog and it may not be used, reprinted, or published without express written permission. The information contained in this website is for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY. This website contains my personal opinion and experience based on my own research from scientific writings, internet research and interviews with doctors and scientists all over the world. Do not take this website, links or documents contained herein as a personal, medical or legal advice of any kind. For legal advice, please consult with your attorney. Consult your medical doctor or primary care physician for advice regarding your health and your children’s health and nothing contained on this website is intended to provide or be a substitute for medical, legal or other professional advice. The reading or use of this information is at your own risk. Readers will not be put on spam lists. We will not sell your contact information to another company. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of our advertisers or blog commenters. We reserve the right to change the focus of this blog, to shut it down, to sell it, or to change the terms of use at our discretion. We are not responsible for the actions of our advertisers or sponsors. If a reader purchases a product or service based upon a link from our blog, the reader must take action with that company to resolve the issue, not us. Our policy on using letters or emails that have been written directly to us is as follows: We will be sharing those letters and emails with the blogging audience unless they are requested to be kept confidential. We will claim ownership of those letters or emails to later be used in an up-and-coming book,blog article,post or column, unless otherwise specified by the writer to keep ownership. THE TRUTH WILL STAND ON ITS OWN AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE-SEEK IT AT ALL COSTS!