Recall Raul Valdivia- Fullerton Rangers Board of Directors President

Petitioning Mayor Jennifer Fitzgerald and 1 other

Recall Raul Valdivia- Fullerton Rangers Board of Directors President

Since at least 2012, the Fullerton Rangers Youth Soccer Club has been overseen by Club President, Raul Valdivia.  Under his watch, the Fullerton Rangers have been involved in an embezzlement scandal, had nearly $200,000 stolen from the organization, have not kept current with city requirements, and illegally operated a profitable business.  As more details emerge, it seems as though many parents are losing faith in the people that govern the organization.

By signing this petition, the members of the Fullerton Rangers Youth Soccer Club recognize the need to overhaul the Fullerton Rangers Board of Directors and ultimately desire to see to it that Raul Valdivia step down/resign immediately as acting Club President.  In addition to supporting a recall of Raul Validivia, signing this petition also should act as a vote of no-confidence for Raul Valdivia and others that serve on the Board.


In a public meeting held on January 27, 2016, members of the Board stated that they would rewriting the By-laws and making them current.  This is frightening as this new set of by-laws are being written by the very people that members of the organization are losing confidence in.  The Board has already shown it has an inherent interest in appointing certain people to board positions, as was evidenced during introductions at the public meeting.  At least two people were appointed to the Board, by the Board, within the past 90 days.


At this same meeting it was stated by some Board members that they were aware that using a for-profit LLC, named Rangers Academy, LLC, was illegal.  Yet despite knowing this, the LLC is still active and continues to do business. A search on California’s Secretary of State website shows that the LLC is active as of February 1, 2016 and that it is registered at a location in Orange, CA.

Entity Number:
entitiy number 201209410306
Date Filed: 03/14/2012
Status: ACTIVE
Entity Address:
Entity City, State, Zip:
Agent for Service of Process:

A separate search for the same LLC shows that Club President, Raul Valdivia, is quite possibly the President of aforementioned LLC.

Raul Valdivia | Rangers Academy LLC |
View Raul Valdivia’s business profile as President at Rangers Academy LLC and see work history, affiliations and more.

Rangers Academy LLC

369 S. Acacia Ave.
Fullerton , California 92831
United States

Raul Valdivia is aware that operating a for-profit LLC is illegal when used in conjunction with a non-profit organization like the Fullerton Rangers Youth Soccer Club.  However, by leaving the LLC open and in good-standing with the State of California, it seems as though he is putting his personal interest ahead of the club’s.  For this reason alone, he should be recalled and resign as Club President.


At a City Council meeting on October 3, 2012, Raul Valdivia came up against other local soccer clubs that were looking to use fields and facilities that were maintained by the City of Fullerton.  Raul Valdivia countered that the Blue Stars, A.C. Fullerton, and soccer league known as Orange County Community Youth Soccer League (OCCYSL) should not be able to use Fullerton fields, specifically Richman Park, citing that the organizations did not meet City of Fullerton minimum standards.  These standards included residential requirements that 80% members live in Fullerton and that the clubs were not non-profit organizations.

From that October 3, 2012 meeting, as cited on FullertonFactCheck.comFresh Faces Protest at City Council Meeting, by Jennifer Karmarkar;Fullerton Rangers board member Raul Valdivia countered that OCCYSL does not meet requirements to be a partner group with the city, including being recreational based, being non-profit and having 80 percent of its members reside in Fullerton.
“By their own admission, they have less than 40 percent residents,” he argued.

More recently, in a letter from the City of Fullerton addressed to the Fullerton Rangers dated December 23, 2015, it is noted that among other issues, the Fullerton Rangers are below the 80% resident threshold.  This is strikingly alarming as the recreation side is over 90%** resident rate.  So to fall below the 80% threshold, the competitive side has go to be closer to 50%** residency.  This may pose a problem for the city.  We will find out after a scheduled meeting on February 2, 2016 between city officials and representatives from the Fullerton Rangers.

**When pressed for this information, current members of the Board of Directors will not give exact percentages.

Also, similar to the Blue Stars, A.C. Fullerton and OCCYSL, the Fullerton Rangers now admit to running a profitable LLC, another violation of the city’s requirements.  The arguments that Raul Valdivia used to argue the other leagues desire to use Fullerton fields can now be used against him as well.



  1. #1 by Fullerton Lover on February 10, 2016 - 9:13 am

    Sadly, this same pay to play attitude now permeates at the high school level in Fullerton as well.

    If Mom and Dad are big enough “boo$ter$”, your children will have an incredibly good chance of making that team.

    That’s just down right un-American.

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