Archive for category Who’s who in Fullerton politics
Yes They Can And Are Taking That Freedom Away! By Barry Levinson
Yes They Can And Are Taking That Freedom Away! By
Barry Levinson
All fourth graders at my son’s elementary school presented a musical performance for family and friends about the history of California. It ended with the patriotic Lee Greenwood song, God Bless the U.S.A.
I cannot help it but I am sentimental and very proud and honored to be a citizen of this great, great country. Yet while I listened to the inspiring words, I had a bittersweet feeling come over me. Read carefully some of the key lyrics from this song as follows:
“If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife
I’d thank my lucky stars to be livin’ here today
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the USA”
Well today ladies and gentlemen almost everywhere you turn you see our freedoms being taken away from us. From the NSA collecting all of our phone records and storing them at our expense and potential peril. From local police departments using Stingray devices to not only track phone messages of suspected criminals but also all other people within a mile radius of the so-called target.
Go to a city council meeting and speak before the council members during public comments. The normal response no matter how serious your issue is usually complete silence to your concerns. However, if a political ally speaks glowingly about the council members, you can expect much banter back and forth. Yet we the public allow those council members who are our representatives to get away with their apparent disdain for our opinions and us.
Now we have a proposed bill California SB 277 that wants to make all vaccines mandatory taking away the personal beliefs and religious exemptions.
Many of you know the City of Fullerton’s attempt to take my freedom away. Why did they attempt to do this? I believe it was because I had the audacity to speak out against a policy supported by a majority of our city leaders. This is not the time for meekness nor apathy or complacency. We are at a crossroads today. Without a ground swell of opposition to this concerted effort by the political elites to take more and more freedom away and place it in the hands of those who many times have hidden agendas that are not in our best interests.
I implore each and every one of you who reads this message to get involved in you local government. Learn what is going on and speak out when it is at cross-purposes of our freedom and our United States Constitution.
I report, you decide!
Barry Levinson
FPD murderers walk as the FPD throws the book at those who dared to stand for Kelly-By Steve Baxter
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, the lamestream media, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on February 26, 2015
My friend Anaheim James, is one of the most peaceful protesters I know, he was in fact wearing a “no violence” sign on his back when a little over a year ago a police car, filed with soft, slow, angry officers, tried to run him down at a protest we held after the verdict in the Kelly Thomas case came in. Thankfully AJ is swift of foot, he leaped over the hood of the cop car, and as these photos show, dispersed the scene like the fucking wind. Despite all evidence showing James out dispersing overpaid, and overfed fullerton officers, he was arrested 3 months later and charged with … Get this… “FAILURE TO DISPERSE A RIOT”. AJ along with Patti Beers, Juan Zuleta and Adam Adler, all friends of mine, and all equally unjustly charged, will go on trial at north court on March 11th and they are all facing six months in jail if found guilty. According to the 170 page police report, 47 uniformed officers, and multiple plain clothes officers were there to keep the peace on the day of the protest. I was there as well, and there was No fucking Riot. If there had been a riot, you know like every ordinary 2am on a Friday night, it would be the incompetence of this department which should be on trial as they outnumbered us 3-1 by the end of the day.
When the district attorney’s office goes to such great lengths, and is finally tenacious about a prosecution, in order to prosecute protesters, who like AJ, were doing nothing more than filming the police, and they do so at a protest which only came about because this same DA’s office was so incompetent and unmotivated that they could not get guilty verdicts in a murder that a nation watched unfold on national TV, there is something seriously sinister with the OC judicial system. I contend in fact that every single charge against every single protester, represents one more blow, one more boot, one more taser shot, and on moe gloved fist to the legacy of Kelly Thomas.
AJ, Patti Beers, Juan Zuleta and Adam Adler, deserve and need your support, their legal costs are mounting and the press is mostly absent on this story. Please get involved!! One victim in this case is more than enough. More info on how to donate will be posted shortly.
Why new Mayor Greg Sebourn is such a huge disappointment to many who voted to re-elect him to the Fullerton City Council.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 31, 2015
Why new Mayor Greg Sebourn is such a huge disappointment to many who voted to re-elect him to the Fullerton City Council?
I REPORT, YOU DECIDE-By Barry Levinson
A week ago I posted an article on The Fullerton Informer website entitled “Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes — yet another look (Originally posted June 9, 2014; Edited with a few additional comments on January 14, 2015 including new P.S.), by BARRY LEVINSON Read the rest of this entry »
More allegations of FPD police brutality. This time on MLK day involving an AFRICAN AMERICAN epileptic man who was repeatedly tazed in front of his 9 and 11 year old children
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 30, 2015
This interview has been greatly condensed here and a more detailed interview will be released at a later date.
The Measure J architects of recusal, and musical chairs for the sexually assaulted.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Highway Robbery, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 27, 2015
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, Highway Robbery, In honor and memorium of, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms, radiation experiments on school children, radical feminist social engineering, save the males, the lamestream media, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 21, 2015
Is this what explains the behavior of the masses who ignore and allow the sterilization of school children with the forced wireless exposure at school? apple 666 the counter intuitive brain damaging common core curriculum, the 65 cancer virus and nano tech laden shots being pumped into our kids before age 5,the ripping apart of the unborn children out of their mothers womb and parting them out, the satanizing video game addictions purloining-their-fecundity, the endless flow of liquor destroying marriages and children, the out of control opiate pain pill addiction epidemic, the satanic mind control hellavison, music, Hellywood movie and media bread and circus mindless sports diversions, the fleecing and betrayal by the fat head pickpocket preachers and the cowards who compromise the clergy, the secular humanist educrat lackeys that teach our children flat out lies as they sip their wine, polish the 12 pack and push their agendas, or our violent, murderous, sexually assaulting, framing and corrupt police department, our two faced betraying sell out local elected leaders, or simply what we are allowing to even be done to ourselves by those who hold us all in derision at the highest echelons of power?
One thing is certain, the end result will be Read the rest of this entry »
Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes — yet another look (Originally posted June 9, 2014; Edited with a few additional comments on January 14, 2015 including new P.S.) by BARRY LEVINSON
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 16, 2015
Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes — another look (Originally posted June 9, 2014; Edited with a few additional comments on January 14, 2015 including new P.S.) BY BARRY LEVINSON
I REPORT, YOU DECIDE.-by Barry Levinson
I attended the Fullerton Republican Women’s Federated meeting on May 28, 2014. The guest speaker was our Police Chief Dan Hughes. He gave an interesting if somewhat disjointed Read the rest of this entry »
New Year wishes for Fullerton-by Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 29, 2014

Barry Levinson
Here are a few New Year’s wishes for our City of Fullerton
That the Fullerton Downtown Core and Corridor Special Project is voting down by our City Council. After all if all 5 members voted against one town home project recently in Fullerton for not fitting into either the neighborhood nor with the Fullerton General Plan then it should be a slam dunk that the DCCSP should be voted down on the very same grounds.
- That since the OC Register has stated the our own Police Chief Dan Hughes is one of the most influential people in Orange County due to the transparency he supposedly has brought to the FPD, that he actually starts answering simple questions like the one I posed to him and the city council 4 times at city council meetings more than 6 months ago. Simply who has replaced retired Bill Wallis who headed up monitoring sex offenders in the City of Fullerton.
- A Fullerton Police Officer was accused by approximately 10 arrestees that they were going to get the faces smashed in by the police after a January 18, 2014 Kelly Thomas demonstration. We were told way back in June from Mr. Transparency, Dan Hughes that the DAR was given over to the DA’s office as evidence and yet absolutely no action has been taken against that officer nor has the DAR been released to the public. In 2015 this DAR must be released by the FPD.
- Police Chief Hughes should make it his number one priority to get the state legislature to repeal the Police Officers Bill of Rights. This very poorly designed law keeps Fullerton and all Californians in the dark as to complaints filed against officers or any disciplinary actions taken against them. This is the one thing more than any other that would truly make the FPD more transparent.
- And as it relates to the story I reported below, that when the FPD finally purchases body cameras for its officers that it must be on 100% of the time when officers are on duty. Shutting them off should be grounds for firing any Fullerton officer. Without these mandatory rules, the cameras will not do what they are suppose to do, namely provide video evidence of actions taken by both the police and the suspects.
- Finally I wish that all those people especially in high level positions that apparently think it is okay to hate or defame people that they try to get a little bit more love in their hearts and more integrity in their souls.
Happy New Year Everyone!
I report, you decide.
Barry Levinson
The Measure J bond scam
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Highway Robbery, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 9, 2014
Who the heck do these jackasses think they are kicking the voters in the nuts FOR THE SECOND TIME coming back for a billion dollar 46 year third mortgage after the last go around with the X rated Measure X spending a couple hundred million dollars on sports fields, break dancing and basket weaving classes while TO THIS VERY DAY we have a measly 75 seats for a nursing program with a wait list ten miles long that ostensibly serves almost 2 million residents?
Sharon Kennedy and her purple pill pals
So what happens when you take perfectly good, healthy, practical, well researched, and critical information pertaining to school children’s health safety and run it through her yellowing rag’s disfunctional digestive track of reporters? For years her Observer has been twisting and turning peoples’ comments and accounts of events so they fit into the local establishment agendas. Now it is time to shine the light into the darkness and get some magnesium into the distended bowel of the Observer.
You know the saying garbage in, garbage out right? Well it just so happens that the opposite is true when it comes to the intentional spin, omission, libel and flat out lies Sharon Kennedy keeps churning out week after week in our hometown. Rumor has it that the circulation is way down and the readership is in the crapper. With the fluff and the yarns she spins, Read the rest of this entry »
Presidential Pletka and his turning Americans into microwaved “citizens of the world”
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms, radiation experiments on school children, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on November 18, 2014
Is this Fullerton’s chief irradiator?
Word on the street is that our very own Robert Pletka is being sent to The White House folks. Yes he is one of the 100 school superintendents who was selected to be invited to meet the commander in chief irradiator, Mr. Barrak Obama.
So lets get down the reason for this so called honor. I believe that it is right here folks with the wireless WiFi antenna on his zipper: Read the rest of this entry »
Public Health is Not a Sport Doc. Don’t Play Games With Our Children’s Health.
When learning of the issue of WiFi and wireless device health impacts, one of the first thoughts that often cross our minds is: “This can’t be possible that WiFi and these devices are harmful. Surely some governmental or health agency would have prevented this from happening.”
For many of us it just doesn’t make sense, because we assume that they couldn’t be that bad, otherwise “they” would have stopped it. One of the hardest things to realize is that many individuals, groups, and entities are actively blocking the public from learning about very serious health impacts affecting their communities from wireless technology.
Why would people do this? Don’t they realize that they are hurting their own children? Parents are busy, and they can’t spend hours upon hours doing scientific research. They therefore tend to base their decision on information that they consider trustworthy. Perhaps they will go on the web and read an article or two, or they will visit the World Health Organization’s website and read up. Not surprisingly, the most common approach is to ask someone who has a medical background, namely a nurse or doctor. In seems that in every school in which parents bring forth the issue of WiFi and wireless device health risks, certain figures manage to appear who will do everything in their power to block the process, and will fight tooth and nail to insist that wireless technology stays, even if it means presenting distorted and or false information to their communities. Usually this is a tech-savvy school board member, a technological integration specialist, or someone whose motivation is borne of his infatuation with gadgets. Sometimes it’s a school board member who doesn’t want the children to be left behind.
In Fullerton California, it’s a medical doctor named Dr. Roman Schulze. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on November 9, 2014
I REPORT YOU DECIDE-by Barry Levinson
California Policy Center working with Civic Partner, a firm that collects and analyzes municipal finance data, has ranked over 490 California cities and counties with respect to their bankruptcy risk.
That report contains the complete list. To compile the ranking, they collected and analyzed audited financial statements published by most cities and counties in California. Local governments typically produce audited financial statements if they issue municipal bonds or if they receive more than $500,000 in federal grants annually.
Cities and counties with default probability scores much higher than 0.1% have substantially elevated risk. Where does the City of Fullerton rank among the 492 cities and counties listed in this comprehensive study?
Winner winner chicken dinner.
It ranks first (i.e. highest probability of Default/Bankruptcy) among all cities in Orange County with a risk factor of .27%.
So the next time a city official tells you that Fullerton is in good financial shape, please remember this study.…/
Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on November 7, 2014
by Barry Levinson
Not surprisingly when I spoke at Fullerton city council Tuesday night (October 7, 2014) about the federal lawsuit recently filed against a former FPD detective for actions starting in late 2012 through well into 2013, Police Chief Dan Hughes kept looking away from me or had his head down.
Maybe he was embarrassed or upset that once again the alleged depravity of another one of his long-time officers and his department as well was exposed to the citizens of this city at a city council meeting.
Here you have former detective Ronald Bair, a defendant in a federal civil case of alleged crimes including sexual crimes committed under color of authority. In addition, the lawsuit alleges that his FPD bosses inappropriately handled the compliant filed against that Fullerton police detective by the female plaintiff with the Fullerton Police Department. What is worse is that it all allegedly happened under the newly “reformed” Fullerton Police Department. However, Mayor Doug Chaffee, Councilwoman Fitzgerald and Flory I guess, do not have a problem with this alleged commission of multiple acts of depravity, bullying, perjury, abuse and sexual abuse under FPD authority against this woman. This woman was in a shelter for abused women.

Blue shirted Doug Chaffee donning FPD bootlicking garb during a police union worship service circa 2012
No not a question or statement or even a whimper from Doug, Jennifer, or Jan at the last council meeting on that topic. I wonder if all the participants in the last Women’s Conference they attended would appreciate their total silence on this matter.
Also. they have been eerily silent on the well publicized allegations by several arrested Kelly Thomas protesters (10 I believe) who said that an FPD officer taunted them with the potentially deadly physical threat that they would have their F#@CKING FACES SMASHED IN. This goes way back to January 18, 2014. Ladies and gentlemen, also not a whimper on this subject from Police Chief Hughes, Councilmembers Fitzgerald and Flory either, since it was agendized by Councilmember Whitaker 4 or 5 months ago. Where is their collective concern about those 10 people both men and women?

This is what the FPD did to Kelly Thomas. Is this what the officers planned to do to to the protesters in custody in the FPD paddy wagon?
But what Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory felt morally compelled to talk about on the city council dais was my alleged behavior prior to the completion of a so-called police investigation. I know I have done nothing wrong except upset Joe Felz, Dan Hughes, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jan Flory and Doug Chaffee with my continued attention to the shortcomings of this city government. As the old saying goes, “you do not mess with mother nature”. It goes doubly that you do not mess with this city government. I was told by the two detectives that an assault compliant was filed with the police allegedly taking place in the lobby of city hall during the August 19, 2014 Fullerton council meeting. I can say categorically that I did not touch, threaten, gesture or impede the progress of this person. The complaint is false and baseless. I do not know for sure the exact language of the complaint because the City Attorney, the City Manager and the Police Chief all refused to provide me with a copy of this complaint filed against me by a contractor of the city. The person is not a constituent as Ms. Flory stated at the last council meeting.
I would like to point out that Ms. Fitzgerald has always been a staunch supporter of former Police Chief Pat McKinley and current Police Chief Dan Hughes.
That is also true for Ms. Flory, Mr. Felz, Mr. Hughes and Mr. Chaffee.

A bust of Jan Flory named “a strong, older woman”


Chaffee -your three minutes are up
I do not recall any of them ever making any negative comments about the conduct of those 6 officers involved in the Kelly Thomas beating death. They all protect the police department and its leadership.
Ms. Fitzgerald and her allies are trying very hard in my opinion to silence me by character assassination.
My family and I have been subjected to harassment and intimidation by the city carried out by its police department for the past several months. This I believe is a grave misuse of police resources. (Remember 6 officers going to Pasadena to arrest one local person, A. J. Redkey for a non-violent misdemeanor.)
I also believe that Ms. Fitzgerald has a conflict of interest by being a Fullerton council member and at the same time being Vice President for a very influential Southern California government consultant firm. I call for her to either step down from the council or quit her Vice President position with that consultant firm. She can’t serve two opposing masters in my opinion.
She frequently states that she”loves” Fullerton but apparently hates people like me, whose only crime is that I tell the truth. Again, where is her outrage over the civil lawsuit I discussed earlier filed against former Fullerton Detective Ronald Bair and the female plaintiff’s very, very serious allegations of corruption in the Fullerton Police Department itself?
In my opinion, the city is run like a very closed and secretive club for the betterment of the members of that club and their friends only.
This is very, very sad. I have spent almost 5 years working very hard to make this city a better place for the citizens of Fullerton. The more I have learned and the more I have paid close attention to the actions of our city government the more sickened and disgusted I have become however. I pledge to continue to stand up for truth and my fellow Fullertonians. I urge continued support for Councilmember Whitaker and I urge the reelection of Mayor Pro-Tem Sebourn as the first steps to taking back our city.
I would suggest that Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory both have a whole lot of explaining to do to the Fullerton public for their totally inappropriate and strictly politically driven behavior. Ms. Fitzgerald and her allies have gone way too far even for them this time.
Do Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory who also attacked me at council, believe that action should be taken against me or for that matter anyone before there is any proof that anything inappropriate even happened? Even before the so-called police investigation of this baseless complaint against me is completed.
Does Mayor Chaffee who supported Council Member Fitzgerald in requesting that the City Council agendize a discussion to consider removing me from the Parks and Recreation Committee (where I now serve as Chairman appointed by Council member Bruce Whitaker) believe that he too should be judge, jury and executioner without any charges being brought against me? I guess the answer is yes. After all it was the mean and vindictive Council member Doug Chaffee who went out of his way to slander me back at the December 18, 2012 council meeting when the council was ratifying several direct appointments including my own. Mayor Chaffee at that meeting said the following: “I’m sorry I would not support Mr. Levinson. I have reports that he has been very disruptive and is not a good choice? Ladies and gentlemen that was pure character assassination in the form of slandering my good name with no attempt to back up his scurrilous comments about me.
If there were any truth to Mr. Chaffee’s statement would my fellow Park and Recreation Committee members unanimously vote to make me Chair of that committee a month or two later?
Ms. Flory as an attorney knows that their actions are reckless, outrageous and very possibly a violation of my civil rights. Both these council members joined in on the ongoing harassment, intimidation and violation of my civil rights. The fact is that Ms. Flory, as an attorney should no better. Is any of this fair and objective ladies and gentlemen? The answer is obviously no.
This so-called investigation is now almost 2 months old and still not completed although City Manager Joe Felz told Councilmember Whitaker that the investigation would be completed by the end of September 2013. This phony complaint investigation should have been completed in a day (August 20) by reviewing the city’s videotape or in a week (August 27) by the long route by interviewing witnesses. It took the police, exactly four weeks before they attempted to make any contact with me in person or by phone. The day they (2 detectives) first came to my house unannounced was September 16, the day of the council meeting. They waited until the next council meeting 3 weeks later on October 7 to contact a witness I provided to the city. If this is not intentional intimidation and harassment, I do not know what would constitute that claim in my opinion. Our Orange County District Attorney and the Federal Bureau of Investigation should investigate the city’s tactics as well.
I believe this intimidation and harassment has two purposes. The first purpose is to try to keep me away from these important council meetings right before the November elections. The second purpose is pure character assassination because they are very concerned that I might choose to run for council in 2016 or beyond.
I remember in 2012, Ms. Flory spoke before the council and told Councilmember Kiger that his mother obviously did not breast-feed him. What a crass and totally inappropriate comment to make to anyone about one’s mother? Later that year she defeated Travis Kiger by 29 votes. Therefore, I am not surprised that both Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Flory are once again lowering themselves to this level.
I can honestly say that I have consistently stood up for all Fullertonians since 2010. I hope now you will take the time to stand up for me and the rights of all citizens to be treated in a fair and even handed way by our city. I would again suggest that Councilmember Fitzgerald has a choice she needs to make very soon. Either Ms. Fitzgerald stops being a highly paid, political consultant as Vice President of Pringle and Associates with all that it entails or she resigns her position on the council. Like I stated above, she can’t serve two very different masters to the best of her ability with two very different agendas.
I urge all of you who live in Southern California to attend the next Fullerton City Council meeting. It takes place on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 starting at 6:30 PM. Ladies and gentlemen make no mistake that this is a political witch-hunt against me because I was a political opponent of both Ms. Flory and Ms. Fitzgerald in the November 2012 council election and I have the courage to partake of my 1st Amendment rights under the United States Constitution.
Approximately 7,500 Fullerton citizens believed in me enough to cast their precious vote for me in that election. I ask that as many of you as possible come to the next Fullerton city council meeting on Tuesday October 21 at 6:30pm to express you outrage over this obvious misuse and abuse of power by our leaders. I would also urge that you call City Manager Joe Felz 714-738-6310 or email him at; City Police Chief Dan Hughes at 714-738-6825 or 714-738-6840; Councilmembers Jennifer Fitzgerald and Jan Flory at 714-738-6311 or email them at to express your outrage and demand that this injustice perpetrated against my family and me be stopped immediately.
God bless and I pray for a time real soon that Fullerton can once again be proud of its city government. Please remember the following:
That all evil needs to triumph are for good men (and women) to do nothing. Edmond Burke.
The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it. George Orwell.
Thank you all for your attention.
Barry Levinson
Parks and Recreation Chair and
Former Candidate for Fullerton City Council
Folks trying to get Zina Gleason’s positions on issues has been, let’s just say, a tad difficult, especially when it comes to what I believe to be the crown jewel of this election- CARRYING OVER THE FORCED CLASSROOM WIRELESS MICROWAVE RADIATION EXPOSURE MODEL FROM THE FSD INTO THE HIGH SCHOOLS. She won’t answer any emails and deletes Facebook posts containing questions about the wireless issue.
So why is it that she appears to love the fence so much?
Why does she love many fences like the bond loving fence?
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