Archive for category Who’s who in Fullerton politics
Vince Buck and the Cal State Fullerton cabal that continues to ruin Fullerton California
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Pam Keller, Sharon Kennedy, Vince Buck, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 26, 2018
It’s not just their undying support for the public safety unions, they are also in the metaphorical hip pocket of the Teachers and Professors that use groups with civic minded sounding names like “Neighbors United For Fullerton” to advance their thinly veiled agenda to support local candidates that will be supportive of ever expaninding government involvement in our lives. Not to be outdone, the latest pet project of the left in town is the homeless problem in search of government funding to solve. Forget the Open borders radicals at Cal State Fullerton that want to charge you 8 bucks for parking so they, the very ones who exacerbate the homeless problem with the policies they advocate for want to give you a solution this weekend.
Vince Buck, the Observer, Cal Sate Fullerton, La Raza, La Mecha, La Recoquista or any other Marxist Soros windup toy will NEVER tell you the following fact.
Illegal aliens put downward pressure on wages, upward pressure on rents, take jobs, educations, benefits and housing away from Americans as well as contribute to the sex trafficking rings right here in Orange County. This is a major contributing factor to homelessness. Deal with reality if you wish to attend their event this weekend.
Vince Buck is a real gem of the left and his cronies undying support of Fullerton’s sanctuary city policy virtually ensure overfilled classrooms full of illegal aliens invading our neighborhoods, schools and our community that will eventually result in higher pay and earlier retirement packages for local school teachers. Its just what they want, and they do what they can to get it. Its all about the daily attendance revenue and the free luch students bring in more dough for the districts and colleges. Guess who pays for the free lunch? We do not Vince or his socialist lackeys.
Consider that Vince Buck and his little cofee clutch, “Neighbors United For Fullerton” or NUFF, labels themselves as a local political group who professes to be non-partisan. Webster’s dictionary defines non-partisan as:
free from party affiliation, bias, or designation.
I have done a little of my own research into just who and what NUFF is, and have come to far different conclusions about who and what NUFF REALLY is, as opposed to whom they say they are.
Firstly, there is the connection with the Fullerton Observer, who also professes to be non-partisan. That of course is long time political commentator that pontificates instead of really analyzes local politicians, “Vince” Buck.
Vince Buck is a NUFF member. Who else are NUFF members? You would think with a name like “Neighbors United For Fullerton” that this would be a group of neighbors who hoped that their collective voices would be better heard, yet in reality, I noticed that most, if not all, off the names that I’ve found ran through the state of California’s “Transparent California” website, have come back showing NUFF members as Teachers and Professors that advocate for candidates in local elections that will give them generous raises and retirement packages, for sub-par Teachers and Professors…
CSUF Professor Vince Buck’s “Rate My Professor” ratings…
CSUF Professor Vince Buck’s over $1,500 a week ($76K per year) retirement from CSUF:
OC Register news article referencing Vince Buck as a Fullerton Library Trustee and NUFF member from 1/8/2008…
I guess the real problem I have is that NUFF, who claims to be non-partisan, is consistently supportive of Fullerton City Council candidates which are also supported simultaneousy by the Democrats of North Orange County such as Doug Chaffee:
( key and full list of donors such as SQS,Pam Keller,Vice Buck, Fullerton Observer, and NUFF)
Karen Haluza
Also note how Pam Keller’s campaign contributions from the 2006 Fullerton City Council election, clearly showing a $2,500 contribution from supposedly non-partisan group, NUFF, or Neighbors United For Fullerton…which I believe in reality it is the covert arm of the educators in this community, subversively funneling money to Democratic candidates such as Keller,Flory, and SQS, Chaffee, etc…
Pam Keller’s payment back to NUFF…
Pam’s contribution to fellow Democrat, Doug Chaffee…
Pam’s 2006 contributors, including the Democratic Party of Orange…
I think that it’s also noteworthy to see how the Fullerton Observer’s editor, Sharon Kennedy, perjures herself under oath in this Superior Court declaration , by stating that the Fullerton Observer is non-partisan, and non-sectarian.
I’ll grant them the last one, but the first is a blatant lie as the Fullerton Observer’s definitely supportive with their coverage of Democratic candidates, such as Chaffee, Sharon Quirk Silva and Pam Keller, and obviously slanted in their coverage of Republicans such as Norby, Nelson, Whitaker, and even Chris Thompson.
30 year FJUSD Trustee, Bob Singer’s list of endorsements listing includes NUFF, Vince Buck, Fullerton Observer, Jan Flory, Jennifer Fitzgerald, SQS, and the Democratic party…
Ladies and gentlemen, Nuff already of the Keller, Buck, Kennedy, La Raza clan that is fine with the roads full of potholes and drivers with fake id’s. Time to reclaim Foolerton back to its rightful owners, US!
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Bruce, Doug Chafee, Fullerton politics, Greg Sebourn, Highway Robbery, Illegal Immigration, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva, Public safety is becoming an oxymoron, The Fullerton Police department, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on March 23, 2018
Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell, Connect ED, E-rate, and Agenda 21-an expose with an all star cast –
2015 had lowest U.S. fertility rate ever, down 600,000 births
Artemis is known as the goddess of Fertility when you Google it… This is nothing more than a mass sterilization,depopulation project. Follow this article to the end and you will agree. These things are fanless and have heat sinks that look like they can dissipate heat from a thousand watts of power. The question is what are they going to do with a thousand watts of power. Here is the law where these things are going to go in everywhere and you better wake the hell up- AB 2788 allows for placement of small cells in all public right of ways with no more local control. Here they are folks.
Shawn Nelson’s Congressional Campaign Pledge Is To Help Drain The Swamp. His Answer To My Question To Him In Front Of The California Republican Assembly (CRA) At Our Orange County Endorsing Committee Meeting Convinced Me That His Pledge Is Just A Political Slogan And Nothing More. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton politics, Shawn Nelson, Who's who in Fullerton politics on March 19, 2018
Shawn Nelson’s campaign pledge to drain the swamp collided with reality at the CRA Orange County endorsing meeting last Saturday.
I asked candidate Nelson about his close ties and support of one Fullerton Council member, Jennifer Fitzgerald in both her 2012 race and 2016 re-election race. I specifically pointed out that she has voted for just about every raise for all the public employees and has been an Agenda 21 devotee as well, which in my opinion makes her a Democrat/RINO Chamber of Commerce Republican.
(Her anti-conservative votes are too numerous to mention here). Her firm Curt Pringle and Associates where she is VP, was involved in giving us the neon elephant known as a Anaheim Regional Transportation Center for instance, which cost the taxpayers multi-millions of dollars while being grossly underused even as of today. In other words a gross misuse and abuse of our tax dollars but all special interests involved with getting it built did very well. Yet they have not even thanked the taxpayers for the financial gifts they continue to get courtesy of our flawed politicians.

Shawn Nelson’s darling Jennifer Fitzgerald. Nelson supported for two consecutive terms on the council in spite of her disastrous anti conservative Agenda 21 democratic voting record.
Nelson’s response to my question above was in my opinion as phony as a three dollar bill and simply failed to address it honestly. He would not withdraw his support from her going forward as I asked him to do before the CRA delegates. Instead, he said he disagreed with a few of her votes but of course did not elaborate leaving the audience wondering which union pay raises or stack um and pack um high rise developments such as the attempted but defeated notorious undemocratic DCCSP Plan did he not agree with if any. He then continued to infer that she was better than the Democrats and refused to agree with my assessment of her as a disgrace to conservatives in Fullerton.
Shawn Nelson in my opinion is a dangerous phony politician. Only months ago he was supposedly gearing up to run for a judgeship. Now he wants to be our Congressman. It seems to me, like so many phony politicians, that his only real objective is more power and money and just about any overpriced government elected position apparently will do just fine. For being a judge is very, very different than being a legislator. But politicians if anything are surely opportunists. He is cagey, smooth and I simply will never put my trust in a man who can’t give a simple direct answer to a very simple direct question. His answer was the epitome of a man proudly embracing the political swamp not fighting it.
I guess Nelson is ok with Fitzgerald secretly not keeping her promise of not taking salary for elected government service. Nelson is sinking fast in his own mire as this is being written. He is slick talker who plays fast and lose with the explanations just like he did with campaign funds collecting money for running for supervisor when he was termed out. What does this say about Shawn Nelson?
Jennifer Fitzgerald has been for all true Fullerton conservatives a complete disaster and the center of the political swamp in Fullerton. I reiterate that Nelson will have a hard time convincing the populace that he will help drain the swamp when he has been leading the charge to get phony, laden with potential conflict of interest politicians like Fitzgerald into and remaining in office. You know when you are talking about swampy waters, many alligators share the swamp proudly.
Another point that provides background about this candidate for Congress. Shawn Nelson even though he was supporting Jennifer Fitzgerald was the moderator of a Republican candidates forum (possible/and or real conflict of interest) held by the Republican Women’s Federated Group prior to the 2016 Fullerton City Council elections. There were a list of written questions provided by the audience. One of them was about SCAG, the Southern California Association of Governments, an Agenda 21 pushing non-elected body that gets approximately 500 million dollars of our tax dollars. Nelson threw out that question arrogantly stating that it was an “esoteric” topic and would take too long in his view to explain to the audience.
Maybe Nelson believed that the audience was too ill-informed or too stupid or both to discuss in a limited time format. However, I believe that he knew very well that the topic was an Achilles’ heal for Jennifer Fitzgerald and successfully threw out that extremely important and relevant topic into the trash bin. Just another example how Shawn Nelson protects the Swamp and is never going to fight it in my humble opinion.
It is a shame that as conservatives we have such lousy choices for our next Congressman. I had some hope that when Ed Royce (who did more to help get RINO Republicans elected in Fullerton than any other elected politician) decided to call it quits that we could get a better conservative candidate to replace him. Now that we know the field that hope has been dashed for another two years.
Fullerton city officials are working behind the scenes to develop the 65 acre Kimberly Clark site into a massive metropolis of high density housing.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, Who's who in Fullerton politics on February 10, 2018
While the State legislature continues to push for the strip mining of local control over massive development, developers have had their sights on the last frontier for Fullerton. This is THE LAST PARCEL OF ITS SIZE left in the community. Developers have been in secret talks with City officials for some time while Kimberly Clark kept a tight lid on their plans to sell off the parcel to developers.
While a zone change is required to convert this property into residential property right now, State law may change all that and very soon. The State is currently deep in the throws of Agenda 21 and with it, a push for transit oriented development. As long as a property is adjacent to rail, SB 827 will allow for massive high density development on the site which overrides any local opposition to the project.
The Kimberly Clark Fullerton mill has daily rail service. This rail line serves the facility and will serve the coming metropolis.
A source to the Fullerton Informer indicated that our former City Manager, Joe Felz was reported to have been in negotiations with a group of investors to build approximately 5,000 units on the property, up to 20 stories in height. This will be the largest development in Fullerton history and could add 40,000 or more people to the city. This is what the project could look like. Pan Pacific investors are actively working to make the nightmare a reality.
Fullerton is an Agenda 21 city and there are plans to double or triple our population within the next 20 years. The project now is simply in the planning stages and in discussions off the record as usual. This deal had been planned years ago, but only now do the hundreds of workers that make good money at the mill finally realize the day is coming where it is all coming to an end.
We are getting very close to losing all local control over development as SCAG, CARB, and the legistalture all usurp their authority as local officials look the other way waiting for the payday. The fact is that there is no stemming the tide of wealth that is literally breaking down the doors to flow into Southern California and turn this place into a high rise metropolis hell hole like in Korea or other parts of Asia that will leave this community unrecognizable in a very short period of time. Our leaders have sold us out time after time. I suspect, in this instance they would sell their sister off to get this deal through. There will be massive bribes involved in this one believe me. This community needs jobs, and a return to its bedroom community way of life not a metamorphasis into downtown Los Angeles which the streets seem to look like more and more.
I am optimistic that we can remain vigilant and vehemently oppose any rezoning of these 65 acres into residential use. Fullerton needs to actively seek and recruit businesses here like there is no tomorrow. When the mill closes late next year, let’s hope, barring the passage of SB 827 or other similar bills, a new generation of residents will be driving to the old KC site to work and be home in time for dinner with their families like they have for decades. A bygone era doesn’t have to be a bygone era, as what once was can be again as long as we stop giving up and fighting for our families, our rights and our quality of life. We must expose and throw out the corrupt officials that are destroying Fullerton.
How Did The City Of Fullerton Get This Bad? Hint: It Took A Concerted Effort To Put Fullertonians Last By Our Failed, Phony And Gutless Politicians! The Current Culprits : Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bruce Whitaker (I’ve accomplished nothing in almost eight years….time to get a big promotion.), Doug Chaffee (Rumor has it that he wants his wife to succeed him. I guess he thinks their royalty.), Jesus Silva and Greg Sebourn.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Who's who in Fullerton politics on February 9, 2018
Barry Levinson hits it out of the park warning Fullerton residents of the impending collapse of the City’s finances
Killer cops suing for their jobs back,
Ed Royce ruined Fullerton with his lame, phony hacks who stack the council for decades,
$100-$200 million or more in missing money, yes the audit is coming, roads in ruin, corrupt politicians, corrupt police, corrupt officials, fat pigs at the trough, Fullerton heading into bankruptcy and taxes galore are coming and worse. Yes Barry and I have been telling you so and you say it isn’t so? Think again. All the crooked players came out to play Tuesday night like usual and so did we, to tell it like it is and to call them all out and introduce them to all of you for who they really are and what they have collectively done to destroy this community. We will continue until they build enough oversize jail cells to house them all in and they fix our roads. We want justice and we want our money back.
Tony Bushala’s Josh Newman just may have a chance to deliver that payday after all
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Josh Newman, Tony Bushala, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 15, 2018
Remember these signs? The group Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform was responsible for these campaign signs during the June 2016 primary election against State Senate candidate Sukhee Kang.
The signs reading “No Kang – Irvine Carpetbagger” were paid for by the Fullerton committee called Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform whose principal officers are none other than Tony Bushala and Jack Dean.

Jack Dean

Tony Bushala

Josh Newman
Was this “No Kang Irvine Carpetbagger” campaign designed to pave the way for none other than Josh Newman to write his ticket for the November ballot? Well there WERE NO OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES IN THE RACE for the June Primary and I certainly didn’t see Dean and Bushala’s group supporting Ling Ling Chang the Republican challenger.
The intentions of the Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform were to knock Kang out of the primary election, so that Newman, would end up on the November ballot and win. You see the Agran plant, Khang couldn’t be bothered with Bushala because he has already been bought and paid for by a camp at odds with Bushala. So many strings controlling things so hard to keep track. So what could have been the motivations of Tony Bushala and Jack Dean to inject their group and exert its influence into a Senate primary election? Was it to ensure Josh Newman’s place in Sacramento? To have a “friend obligated to return a favor in high places? Everyone knew that the anti Trump sentiment among the Latinos was going to fair well for the Democrats in this part of Orange County. Any politically savy individual would know that massive Latino voting block coupled with the illegals that have been registered to vote all showed up in droves. That is how we ended up with Jesus Silva on the City Council and Sharon Quirk Silva in the Assembly both edging out Republicans.It just had to be a homegrown dem for Bushala to play ball with.
Does Bushala’s meddling in this Senate race have anything to do with development? Of course it did. Is Jack Dean just along for the ride unaware of the Bushala high rise development agenda? It is doubtful. Jack is a smart man. We do know that an end run around local control over high density housing approvals has been the subject of several unsuceesful bills out of Sacramento just this year. It would certainly bode well for Bushala to bypass his plants on the council which have been hogtied by the relentless pressure of local activists.
Then we have the Shawn Nelson school of political science at work-focus on a narrow item like a tax and make it all about that. That is what Tony’s tool Sebourn did during the recall.

Nelson-Bushala’s buddy
Isn’t it ironic how Bushala’s blog, The Friends for Fullerton’s Future is currently hosting articles that are promoting the recall of Josh Newman and they make it all about a gas tax? What did you expect a Democrat to do, vote down a tax increase? You think Newman will vote down Agenda 21, socialism that involves state mandated affordable housing construction? Heck no.
Well folks, Bushala was behind Newman all along and SB 827 just rolled off the printer in Sacramento a few days ago.
Bushala funded Bruce Whitaker for years and it just so happens that he is challenging Josh Newman who Bushala helped get elected in the recall election if it suceeds. Whitaker is full of crap if he acts like he wont support this bill because if Bruce had it his way, there would be no zoning at all. Whitaker is running a political con job while his most ardent supporter is Bushala is playing both sides of the aisle once more to ensure his influence finds its way to the Capital where SB 827 and other bills like it will find their way to the Senate floor for a full vote so they can make his family alot of money and ruin Fullerton for good with huge ten or twenty story apartment buildings all over the place.
This is a nightmare for Fullerton as this could add hundreds of thousands more people to Fullerton if a bill like this passes. Will this be a Bushala dream come true? Of course. For years he has from behind the scenes, attempted unsuceesfully to maneuver his political pawns to get huge develeopments through at the local level. His family owns a very large amount of properties around the train station. Tony Bushala is the father of transit oriented high density housing in Fullerton. SB 827 strips all local control away from cities and allows huge transit rich high density housing to be built within 1/2 to 1/4 mile of any transit center with virtually no height limits or parking requirements. This is nothing more than the State version of the DCCSP and the end of our quality of life in Fullerton as we know it.
Political operatives like Bushala can turn on someone on a dime when the wind starts blowing the wrong way. We sure have seen plenty of that in Fullerton.
No matter what the outcome of this recall and the subsequent elections, you have my word that we will continue to objectively work towards draining the swamp at City Hall, exposing and ridding Fullerton of its political operatives and continue fighting this Agenda 21 legislation designed to create the scientific kill grids in the compact cities as they get everyone into these high rise arrangements so they can be force vaccinated, microwaved, have their water dosed, drugged, doped up, medicated, fed the GMO’s, mind controlled with the TV screens everywhere and finally finished off to reduce the population. These creeps that want to turn Fullerton into downtown LA or New York City have another thing coming. On this my friends, you have my word.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Bruce, Hidden in plain view, Highway Robbery, Hilcrest Stairs, Hillcrest stairs, Jesus Silva, Tony Bushala, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 14, 2018
It has been approximately 8 to 9 months since the City’s Christening of the Pinewood Stairs connecting Hillcrest Park and Lion’s Field. The FFFF website has posted new pictures rendering the condition of those stairs. They are simply falling apart with the problems increasing at a very rapid rate.
Yet where is State Senate Candidate Bruce Whitaker on this issue? The answer is that Bruce Whitaker has been totally silent since the beginning. It is very troubling that someone whose only theme for running for State Senate is to fight Sacramento Corruption is once again totally silent on this City of Fullerton corruption and there is no doubt that is what Pinewood Stairs represents.

Public Works director Don Hoppie needs to be fired over signing off on this outrageous fraud perpetrated on taxpayers.

$196,000 a year for Hugo Curiel and $148,000 a year for these Fullerton park and rec department managers Curiel and Loya who presided over this disaster (compensation source transparent
Sebourn mentioned his concern in response to citizen complaints and then failed to follow-up at all. Nice phony PR work Sebourn.

Worthless Bushala plant Greg Seaborn who doubles down every time with lipservice and ignores the corruption.
Fitzgerald’s response was to totally praise the stairs as a great triumph of city engineering and development.

Shawn Nelson plant Fitzgerald ignores the problem, doubles down and praises this construction defect lawsuit in the making as magnificent.
Who is one of her main supporters and mentors but none other than Shawn Nelson who is now running to replace Congressman Ed Royce. You remember Nelson, the guy who tried to put in a homeless shelter across the street from an elementary school that has many special needs children in attendance and tried to hand over a 100K commission to one of his supporters denying others the right to bid for that commission. The same supervisor who was against setting up an independent commission to look into OC Supervisor corruption. Here is Nelson hiding SCAG from the public at a candidate forum, yes the one who lobbied his head off to make sure Jennifer Fitzgerald got elected twice and he wants to be your Congressman?
Is this the best the Republican Party can provide as candidates, Bruce Whitaker for State Senate and Shawn Nelson for U.S. Congress? How pathetic? And the State Republican party wonders why Republicans have become pretty much meaningless throughout the entire state. A state that gave us Governor and then President Ronald Reagan. Should those true conservatives that care about our constitution and limited government providing freedom for its citizens, start a new Conservative Party in California? If the State Republican Party does not shape up and shape up really fast, the answer is probably yes!
As for the stairs, well you know you can’t put wood in concrete like that. It swells every time it gets wet. It should have had metal anchors with straps and bolts. So if the City doesn’t sue the contractor for construction defects, no one gets fired, no one goes to jail for this total ripoff, and someone gets hurt when this thing ends up red tagged after the next big rainstorm, well you know it will be you picking up the tab once again.
I report, you decide.
Now that Joe Felz gets away with drunk driving will Dan Hughes and other Fullerton Police officers get away with obstruction of justice?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 19, 2017
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: The Fullerton Informer <>
Date: Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 7:01 PM
Subject: California Public Records Act Request Joe Felz incident on 11-9-16.
To: Mea Klein <>, “Lucinda M. Williams” <>
I ask for a determination on this request within 10 days of your receipt of it, and an even prompter reply if you can make that determination without having to review the record[s] in question.
Why did the officers on the scene contact Dan Hughes first before arresting a man who was caught red handed fleeing the scene of an accident emitting an odor of alcohol.
Why the initial officers on the scene were not qualified to conduct an FCT upon arrival.
Names and official title of every officer involved in the event.
Name of watch commander that took the phone or radio call from the first officers on the scene.
Which officers first arriving on scence allowed Joe Felz to contact Dan Hughes at that time of the morning?
What FPD employee gave the order to the officers to turn off their cameras?
Which officers complied with this order?
Confirm that none of the original officers on the scene gave Joe Felz
Transcript of the 911 call or call for service.
Transcript of the official call that Dan Hughes made to Jennifer Fitzgerald.
Names of the first officers to arrive on scene.
Name of the CSI investigator, photographs taken at the scene and copies of any reports filed.
What if any field sobriety test was conducted, where it was conducted, when it was conducted, who conducted it, who was present when it was given and the results of the test as well as the video of the test. Please provide official support for all the normal procedures that were violated.
What was the purpose of Dan Hughes ordering the on scene officers to not administer the breathalyzer until Sgt. Corbett arrived.
What official FPD policy allowed for the intentional delaying of gathering evidence as the BAC drops with elapsed time and ascertaining this information as timely as possible is the only way justice can be served.
How was Hughes order to hold up the investigation not obstruction of justice and we have his own memo that states just that.
Timeline of all the different events as they happened.
Clarification of the comment from Dan Hughes’ 11-9-16 memo-What is the basis of the CHP being involved in the investigation?
Who made the determination not to arrest Joe Felz?
Who made the determination to drive Joe Felz home?
Who drove Joe Felz home?
What happened to Joe Felz car?
Copy of the tow bill along with who paid it?
Photographs of the loose wires under the dash of his car.
Any and all video and audio, not limited to the AXON and DASH CAM video and audio recordings involving all of the officers on the scene and invloved in the chain of command that night, as well as Dan Hughes as well as phone records, text messages as well as all written instructions and reports pertaining to the response to call for service by the Fullerton Police department resulting from the Joe Felz incident on 11-9-16.
If you determine that any or all or the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, I ask you to note whether, as is normally the case under the Act, the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information.
If you determine that some but not all of the information is exempt from disclosure and that you intend to withhold it, I ask that you redact it for the time being and make the rest available as requested.
In any event, please provide a signed notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any or all of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.
If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at
Posted by Joe Imbriano in fullerton fire department, Fullerton politics, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 14, 2017
We know our roads are a disaster. Every person who lives, works or goes to college in this city should sue the Fullerton Government for all the damage they have done to all of our vehicles. How many alignments must be done over and over again do to the very poor conditions of our road? How many tires wear unevenly directly caused again by the condition of our roads?
Not only that, the city ignored the almost double digit raises Fullerton police and fire have received via increased employer/taxpayer pension contributions for the last decade.
In 2010, the employer/taxpayer pension contribution was approximately 33% of their base pay. Now 7 years later it is at or above 60% and going higher. That means that over the last 7 years taxpayer pension costs has increased approximately 9% a year on average. No private sector employee (excluding some CEO’s, COO’s or CFO’s) gets anywhere close to those type of raises. Add in 4 to 6% salary raises given last year to our fire and police and you have 15% overall salary package raises last year alone.
As Mel Brooks kept on stating while playing French Kiing Louis XIV….it is good to be the king….but it apparently it is even better to be a police or fireman in the City of Fullerton. I say this since Louis XIV grandson and his wife did face the chopping block at the end of the French Revolution yet pensions still are sacrosanct in California.
I report, you decide…. Barry Levinson
Is 100 million dollars missing from Fullerton City Hall? Joe Imbriano asks the hard questions.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Highway Robbery, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 7, 2017
Joe Imbriano questions why Fullerton has totally abandoned almost all street repair for decades. All other surrounding cities have the same issues with out of control pensions, payroll, and benefits costs and yet these surrounding cities have managed to repave all of their streets year after year and keep their streets in workable order.
Meanwhile, Fullerton, with its huge property tax and sales tax base has its streets, water mains, and sewer pipes, almost all 200 miles of them crumbling in ruin while these stool pigeons on the council look the other way and push for massive highrise development and dirty favors for their crony pals. No longer will this and other issues be ignored. We want answers and we aim to get them. Use your head folks, do the math and open your eyes. Something is seriously wrong in Fullerton that in my opinion, is going to make the Bell scandal look like a lemonade stand heist.
You decide for yourself.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Tony Bushala, Who's who in Fullerton politics on May 29, 2017
Here is an excellent example of the depths my enemies will go to try to ruin my reputation straight from the on-line comments of the recently dug up from the ashes Friends for Fullerton’s Future website approved by Travis Kiger

Travis Kiger-administrator FFFF
“The City Attorney explained it to you Barry..remember?
“Barry was let go from P and R due to him repeatedly harassing an employee who was just this side of suing him and the city for not protecting her from Barry. But Barry lies and says he has no clue why.”
The comments quoted above directly from the Friends for Fullerton’s Future website are a total and complete lie. The city attorney explained absolutely nothing to me and I did not harass any city employee or anybody else for that matter.
How very sad and very disgusting at the same time that it was none other than current Appointed Mayor and my former friend Bruce Whitaker who stated this falsehood for the first time in the July 2016 Fullerton Observer approximately 5 weeks after he informed me that he would remove me after stating that he considered doing this for months. For the record , he never gave me an explanation then or did he to this day every contact me with a direct explanation from him. What a guy!
Here is Whitaker’s shameful totally false defamation of me as follows: “The (Fullerton) Observer asked Council member Whitaker for his reason for removing his appointed commissioner. He sent the following response:” ““Faced with an imminent employee action which would have likely generate substantial cost to the City, to avoid that action, I opted to remove the commission member. That member’s term would otherwise have expired in December 2016. As you know there had been an effort by Council members in October 2014 to remove that same appointee from the P&R commission which failed on a 3-2 vote. An involuntary removal required four votes.””
What Whitaker so deceitfully left out was that he voted against removing me and said at the time that there was no evidence to support my removal but that it seemed to be nothing more than a political vendetta against my activism by then Police Chief Dan Hughes and members of the City Government. What a guy you are Bruce. Can you be any more deceptive than with that quoted statement sir from the Fullerton Observer? Here below are your exact words on the City Council dais. You paint a totally different picture on that night of November 4, 2014 as follows:
Now for the readers I can’t tell you how many times in the past after I spoke out on some problem facing Fullerton during a Fullerton Council meeting that Council member Whitaker would call me immediately after the meeting to thank me for my great input and to keep up the good work. I never ever received any criticism for any of my service to the community as a Fullerton resident activist at City Hall or for my service of almost 6 years (well into my second term) as Whitaker’s appointee to the P&R Committee. Funny that he has never mentioned any of this false storyline to me. I guess this would be another example of his failure to do his fiduciary responsibility for the good people of Fullerton. Because if there were any bit of truth to this, if I were his boss, I would have immediately discussed the accusation with him. The first time I hear this total fabrication is indirectly thru the Fullerton Observer article over five weeks after he removed me.
To the anonymous writer of this complete defamation, please give me your full name and address and I will take appropriate action against you. For you are a low life, a coward and a liar all wrapped together in one disgusting human being. (Please note that the only difference between the actions of Bruce Whitaker and the anonymous person commenting on the FFFF website is the fact that Bruce Whitaker gave us his name.) Please also give me the name of the employee that you allege I harassed!
To the administrator of the FFFF website (which was Travis Kiger and I suspect still is), I demand that you give me the IP address of the person who spewed out those defaming comments. I would ask you to do this on your site but you have already seen fit to block any more of my comments. So much for your so-called libertarian beliefs.
Fullertonians please take note that this is all that the phony and corrupt people supporting our corrupt city hall have as a defense. When they can’t handle the truth and when the heat gets too high, they turn to libel, slander and defamation. In other words, they have nothing to defend themselves, for you can’t defend yourself from the truth and the facts. So they make up totally false allegations in an attempt to assassinate someone’s character, namely mine in this case.

Is Bruce Whitaker telling another tall tale or worse?
I seriously doubt you will come out from the shadows because you know you are not being truthful and do not want to get sued. I have asked Bruce Whitaker to provide details to his false character assassination story. He has remained dutifully silent. What does that tell you about our Appointed Mayor?
There are some very morally bankrupt people participating and defending our city government. It it contemptuous that there are allegations given anonymously with the person allegedly harassed by me conveniently not identified, nor the nature of the alleged harassment. It is very simple that you can’t provide a name that does not exist. Your allegations are so, so dishonest, baseless with absolutely no specifics whatsoever. I deal with facts and if you can’t live with the facts I suggest that you change your behavior. I am putting those responsible for the FFFF website on notice that going forward I expect that you either do not post these defamations or respond to the defamations that they are to be ignored without the weight of any evidence.

FFFF’s Travis Kiger eating his …….
Why would these miscreants go to such lengths to defame me, when all I have done is to speak the truth and give the facts? For you see Fullertonians if that were not the case many of these big money special interests would have already filed lawsuits against me. They had nothing before and they have nothing now, but to lower themselves by defaming my character. All I can say when you read or hear these lies….Remember the Source (when they actually give the source, which is very infrequent).

Here’s Bruce Whitaker shovelin’ more …….
It is so very sad that Bruce Whitaker had a golden opportunity to make a difference if only he meant a small portion of the things he told his supporters and constituents. He failed us miserably over the past six and one-half years as a council member and now finds it necessary to defame me without any proof for any of his defaming remarks.
Barry Levinson
Sunset on Sunrise Village: 600-800 high density wood framed death trap housing units coming to Sunny Hills
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, Greg Sebourn, Joe Felz, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 18, 2017
Sources to the Fullerton Informer have confirmed that the Sunrise Village Shopping center in Sunny Hills has been slated for development. The location of the proposed development lies on corner of Euclid and Rosecrans and is on the southeast leg of the fault. This property is in direct proximity to not one, but two dangerous fault lines.
The Sunny hills branch of the Banc of California is set to close soon along with the rest of the businesses in the center. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse for Fullerton, the thought of destroying another shopping center is before us once again. The job killing machine backed by the hacks in the chamber of commerce are running roughshod all over Fullerton and it has taken aim at the corner of Euclid and Rosecrans.

Don’t let the corsage fool you.
I have never seen a chamber of commerce so hell bent on running businesses out of town by bulldozing commercial properties. Well they tried the same crap in Raymond hills running the Polly’s shopping center into the ground making secret deals with developers last year but we blew the lid off of that and stopped it all the while CITY OFFICIALS DENIED IT WAS EVEN HAPPENING.
Beloved Polly’s Pies could still close to make way for massive highrise Section 8 housing project
They are not turning water into wine Ladies and gentlemen, they are turning the vital commercial property into housing and lots of it. Look around. Jobs are leaving Fullerton. Our commercial real estate inventory is dwindling fast and what is replacing them unlike single family homes, will have a half life.
You see when commercial property is turned into this, the jobs leave forever.
Over time these projects will become projects literally. They will become housing projects as the rents will always end up needing to be subsidized and we all know what happens when the voucher programs are expanded. The crime rate increases commensurately with the subsidies. You don’t do this to a middle class bedroom community.

10-15-or 20 years from now?
So you may ask yourself why is it that Fullerton cannot attract businesses and yet other neighboring cities can? It is simply because the long-term leases are not available due to the backroom deals with City officials, the investors and the property owners. Why are we selling off and bulldozing commercial property left and right? Maybe you ought to ask these people who continue to support candidates who engage in backroom deals and policies that are destroying Fullerton.

Curt Pringle developer operative Jennifer Fitzgerald has plenty to be ashamed of folks

Developer shill Bruce Whitaker

Planning commissioner Bennett

Establishment political operative Robyn Nordell with her pal Nelson-the gift that keeps on giving Fullerton the wrong leadership

Developer’s friend Greg Seaborn

This is their legacy to you and your children
The reason these commercial properties are being run into the ground is because the deals have already been made with city officials. Yes folks the die has already been cast.
No one in their right mind would risk evicting their tenants unless they knew the payload was on its way. These kinds of business decisions in an honestly run city are risky at best. Think about this. If you knew you had to overcome all kinds of obstacles at the municipal level to rezone your commercial property into an apartment complex such as hearings, noticings, EIR’s, commission meetings, approvals, plan checks, zoning, and of course the City Council, then would you risk kicking out out your tenants? Would you cut off your income stream completely or purchase a property not knowing if your plans for zone changes would not be guaranteed?
Well if you knew it was a foregone conclusion that you were going to get what you want from City officials, of course, you directly pass the craps table and parlay the whole thing on the rigged roulette wheel. That my friends is what is going on in Fullerton. Our city government is corrupt as hell and so is our press. Look who they backed in our last election.

Sunset on the Sunrise Village
More unemployment, more traffic, more pollution, more ruined roads, more everything except what Fullerton residents need most, jobs and shopping centers.
The wrecking ball will be very busy at this corner.
Lots of room here to build them stack em and packem high density housing units right next to an earthquake fault.
How many units can they stick on top of this Ms. Halluza?

The fact of the matter is that there is an active earthquake fault very close to where they are going to build 5 STORY WOOD FRAME UNITS.
Get ready to do battle with the phony and corrupt leaders you recently elected, with their rubber stamp appointees to the various commissions as well as the city employees whose salaries you are floating to exercise all of us through their endless line of insincere dog and pony shows. The developers are coming to Sunny Hills and with a vengeance folks.
They are going to turn this corner into
Remember when a shopping center is gone, it is gone for good along with all of the convenience it offered and the jobs it provided. Get involved and let the city officials know that they have no right to rezone any more commercial property mixed use residential or residential until they find the hundred million dollars that is missing that should have gone into fixing our roads and do something about the traffic.
And don’t blame me, I tried to warn you.
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