Archive for category FORCED VACCINATIONS
The war on fertility via the Forced Vaccination agenda: Enter the Zika Virus.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, Zika on March 26, 2016
Health ministers in Latin American countries are advising “women not to get pregnant for the next two years” due to an “outbreak of the Zika virus”.Zika virus, a mosquito-borne disease that was previously thought to be relatively harmless. In 1947 scientists researching yellow fever placed a rhesus macaque in a cage in the Zika Forest (zika meaning “overgrown” in the Luganda language), near the East African Virus Research Institute in Entebbe, Uganda. The monkey developed a fever, and researchers isolated from its serum a transmissible agent that was first described as Zika virus. Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™) patented in 1947 by the Rockefeller Foundation There you have the origin of this virus.
How Long Will Fullerton Cares Autism Foundation push for awareness and ignore the cause and the way to prevention
Ladies and gentlemen, you know it is no secret that I am one to rain on parades, especially when I am sick and tired of our current and former city leaders, legislators, school board members, religious organizations, civic groups, establishment sycophants, non profits, or any other so called pillar of our community that holds itself out as philanthropic when in fact, they are really the cause of the problem or posing as our saviors when in fact they are really just an end in themselves or worse.
Breaking news SB 277 alert: Now, on the heels of The OC Board of Education, The Fullerton Board of Trustees education unanimously votes to petition the State Legislature to align the PBE filing date with the SB 277 effective date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on January 12, 2016

Victory for parental rights in Fullerton
In the second landmark decision on SB 277 as a result of this groups actions and efforts,
Tony Yang’s playing the race card and the class card while upping the ante in the forced vaccination battle-Is he the nation’s most qualified enemy of medical freedom?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 30, 2015
California’s rich, white unvaccinated kindergartners-the CNN headline today
MAYBE BECAUSE IN THE PHILLIPS CASE, the plaintiff families tried unsuccessfully to get the court to consider whether vaccines cause the public more harm than good and they do and maybe that is just one of many things these folks know. Well let’s introduce someone who has undoubtedly influenced vaccine legislation FROM BEHIND THE SCENES and has now crossed the line into the dark light in a big way by being a lackey for CNN.
I want California’s rich white unvaccinated kindergartners’ parents to meet wanna be rich Asian, brainwashed and forced vaccination, government pharma operative- Tony Yang.
Breaking news SB 277 alert: OC Board of education unanimously votes to petition the State Legislature to align the PBE filing date with the SB 277 effective date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 19, 2015
In a landmark decision, in the interest of sane policy our friends at the Orange County Board of Education, in a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees,
Is Ted Cruz a forced vaccinator? His California right hand man Ron Nhering sure is.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 17, 2015
So here we go again with people wrapping themselves in the American Flag photo opping and running campaigns with ideologies wholly inconsistent with basic human rights and the party’s platform. You guessed it Nehring is a vocal SUPPORTER of Richard Pan’s and Jerry Brown #SB277. This is the tyrranical forced vaccination law that passed this summer in California.

Nehring looking like the Cheshire cat with Cruz
You can’t make this stuff up ladies and gentlemen. Most of Nehrings tweets are gone but we have enough here to run this guy into the RINO camp where his ivory can be bartered for a great big douche bag.
We know that Ben Carson is a forced vaccinator.

Ben Carson mandating children to become pediatric pin cushions
But now we have the ex head of the Calfornia Republican Party, Ron Nehring
running Ted Cruz’s California campaign supporting the evisceration of parental rights, ignoring science and whoring for big pharma and now trying to install someone in The White house. Can we Trust Ted Cruz? Hell no! Not with this guy running his campaign stateside. Ted needs to fire this tool now.
On SB 277, we have been betrayed by our Assembly woman Young Kim, we have been betrayed by all the churches in Fullerton and Yorba Linda, the pastors, the school boards, and now possibly the next president?
If you don’t see a problem with this then turn your guns in, take your forced vaccinations, pop your purple pills, pour yourself a glass of diet joke and vote for Hellary Clinton and please, please, please, please never come back to this website because there is no hope for you.
As for the rest of us in this fight for our children’s health and reproductive future, may God help us ladies and gentlemen, may God help us.
New York Court issued a decision today that overtured a mandate that had required all children age 6-months through 59 months to be forcibly vaccinated
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS on December 16, 2015
It is no secret that forced vaccinations are part of a much larger agenda to cull populations.
The Fullerton Informer has been well aware for decades of these sinister plans to reduce the population through subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous forced injections that contain sterilants, fertility regulating vaccines, cancer viruses and wireless activated nano technology.
Fullerton School District Board of Trustees agrees to agendize alignment of PBE filing deadline with SB 277 implementation date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 9, 2015
FSD parents continue to fight SB277
Thank you to all who attended last night’s meeting.
Thank you to Chris Thompson who clearly intended to respect the opinions of the audience and their right to voice them.

FSD board president Chris Thompson
At their next meeting, the Fullerton School Board, under a motion at the direction of outgoing board president Chris Thompson, will vote on an item that will involve district legal counsel preparing a request to send a request to the State of California to investigate the possibility of having date alignment of the 12-31-15 PBE filing deadline with the July 1, 2016 SB 277 implementation date. If approved by the board and subsequently by the State, it would mean that parents will have until July 1, 2016 to file their personal beliefs exemption rather than 12-31-15. This at the very least will give parents more time to educate themselves, investigate the issue and become compliant if they choose to exercise their rights before it is too late.
In spite of what Trustee Janny Catlin Meyer (wife of ex Fullerton city manager Chris Meyer) stated that she doesn’t want to see the Fullerton School District become the breeding ground for some sort of movement against this horrible law, the board will take what I believe to be the first step in advancing a common sense approach to dealing with this tyrannical edict. Janny, lay off the clorox will ya?
Here is some of the footage of the meeting in which legal counsel and parents can both agree we are in uncharted territory with a poorly written, toothless law that I believe should have never been passed in the first place.
SB 277 was signed into law back in the summer. The school district failed to notify parents only until they were forced to weeks before the filing date deadline of the impacts of SB 277 and to this date has still failed to advise parents that the school nurse can sign a PBE. How many PTA bake sales, fundraisers of fluff ads have come home with your child since August? Not a peep on the end of your parental rights as they relate to your children.s health under SB 277.
What is needed is more time for parents to understand their rights, exercise their rights and investigate fully what their options really are. The vaccination debate is far from over. Special thanks to Chris Thompson who ran the meeting fairly and who wasn’t afraid to state his favorable personal position on this very serious issue.
The next FSD board meeting will be scheduled for January 2016.
Just another example of what the Fullerton Observer doesn’t want you to know.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Sharon Kennedy on December 2, 2015
Sharon Kennedy and her off kilter establishment rag, The Fullerton Observer are so on the wrong side of so many issues in Fullerton that I could talk for days on it. So here is a group of parents, including myself at the end of the video, that took the time away from their families to come on down and address the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees on the forced vaccination law SB 277. You can clearly see Jan Youngman, the reporter for the Fullerton Observer,
This aint cute folks
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children, forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS on October 28, 2015
Red ribbon week at Acacia Elementary School in Fullerton is in full swing. Yes once again it is time for 5 year olds to learn about and draw pictures of marijuana and paraphernalia.
Ask Brad Dacus what he plans to do about SB 277
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way on October 26, 2015
So at his latest coffee clutch he says that there is nothing he can do about SB 277? What a bunch of crap. The law has no teeth and the government doesn’t own our bodies. If Brad Dacus and his organization was legitimate, then he and his comrades would at the very least, be seeking an extension of the PBE filing date to July 2016. If he was a real champion of religious liberty and parental rights, he would be spearheading a MASSIVE RESISTANCE AGAINST THIS EVIL, TOOTHLESS AND UNENFORCEABLE LAW but instead he pretends to not remember important facts and details on the crucial issues and focuses on fundraising (DONATE DONATE DONATE). Yes instead focusing on the right to have a bumper sticker and useless common core testing opt outs. You like people like this that tell you all you can do is polish the handcuffs that have been placed upon you and your children while they tug on your heartstrings and pick your pockets? Go ahead, ask this man BRAD DACUS for yourself, what he plans to do about SB 277. If this isn’t a direct attack on religious freedom, parental rights and civil liberties rolled into one assault then I don’t know what is.
So while all children get forcibly injected with cancer viruses, nanotechnology, sterilants and toxins, I have to deal with this crap that keeps popping up in the Facebook feeds under SPONSORED ADS.

The architects of failure of the SB 277 referendum and the self delusion that your children belong in public school
If there is one thing that I can say about all of this, it is thank you to all those who so tirelessly gave of themselves to try to defeat this tyrannical edict straight from the pit of hell. We were not successful simply because the churches REFUSED to get involved, plain and simple. This was a religious issue at its very core and we have been betrayed to our very core by the religious leaders at their very core, the clergy bar none, hands down. Yes there were one or two pastors that showed up in Sacramento and a handful of churches that got involved, but by and large, they not only sat this one out, the got in the way.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS on September 25, 2015
“For no reason other than freedom, without prejudice on the pros and cons of various vaccinations both individually and on a broader statistical basis, no citizen should be made to get an injection of anything at the point of a gun. I absolutely oppose this legislation.”
Press Release: SB277 Referendum Filed by Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS on July 1, 2015
Shame on Fullerton’s homegrown sellout Young Kim for the betrayal of millions of children voting Yes on SB 277
Young Kim claims that, after a lot of thoughtful consideration, she rises to support SB 277.
Ms. Kim, your consideration is not what matters. What matters are the rights of your constituents and your duty is to uphold the Constitution and to protect the welfare of everyone. SB 277 and vaccines do no such thing.
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