This aint cute folks


Red ribbon week at Acacia Elementary School in Fullerton is in full swing. Yes once again it is time for 5 year olds to learn about and draw pictures of marijuana and paraphernalia.

It is time for just about any other virgin minds to be exposed to corruption and taught how to report, turn or or snitch on their own parents. Build it and they will come, plant the seeds and they will grow, expose them young enough and you will have them. The bizarre irony of all of this is that behind this facade of brainwashed youthful art sits the enforcement arm of the largest drug company stronghold in the Nation. It is called the school office.

You see this is where the edicts from on high are codified and the proverbial rubber meets the road for compliance. This is where the coercion begins to inject all students with upwards of 65 pharmaceutical company injections before they even end up in the sandbox. With the passage of SB 277, the forced vaccination law, this is more akin to a medical experimentation facility’s control room. Add in the forced classroom wireless microwave radiation exposure and you have a full fledged nightmare medical experiment on your children’s hands. You have no choice ladies and gentlemen and this red ribbon week crap is the biggest afront to your family’s autonomy in human history right in your face. They corrupt and inject in one fell swoop.


This is where the school nurse and secretary get together and hide the vaccine waivers and force the parents to drug their children with toxic vaccines and mind altering allopathic petrochemical poisons just so the children can be tracked, traced, analyzed, dumbed down, brainwashed and yes, even sterilized.

Folks you cant make this stuff up. This is a sick joke. Look with the forced vaccination component being added to the mix,, you might as well just hand them all the way over just so the rest of you can go get your nails done.

These children are being lied to about everything folks and they are in harms way. These classrooms are no place for your children.


  1. #1 by phillfire on November 10, 2015 - 8:55 pm

    ..ok , forced vaccines should not be allowed…the schools r assulting the children…all vaccines cause HARM…they just killed DR Andrew moulden fr CANADA in 013….an yes,we know who killed paulWALKER…hhaa it was W H O ..WHO[worldhealth] no kidding the nwo//illuminati gang …just goggl allvaccinescauseharm .. but marijuana is a HERB FR GOD, cures cancer etc…so let 5yr olds draw this ,, plant…what is paraphernalia ?? allthese new words..

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