Why Are So Many Regular Unnamed Supporters/Defenders of the FFFF Website Running Scared? By Barry Levinson

They claim Tony Bushala has nothing to do with the FFFF website yet Google and their own site clearly prove otherwise.


Here is my one comment I made on the FFFF website in response to the post entitled Gretchen Cox and Fullerton First dated June 26, 2017 by pseudonym, Mr. Peabody.                .


Barry LevinsonJune 26, 2017 at 1:47 PM 

Joshua Ferguson, Anonymous raises a very simple question and up to now you have completely dodged it. Why? You brought forth a problem with the quality of the construction and safety of the Hillcrest Stairs. Yet since then the Fullerton City Council including Mayor Whitaker and Council member Sebourn (two council members that Tony Bushala and/or one of his PAC’s have supported politically and financially) have not taken one tiny step forward to hold either the outside contractors or the city inspectors accountable. Why? Your silence since that May 16th city council meeting makes absolutely no sense and I am sure it puzzles many Fullertonians. You bring it forward once and then you drop the subject completely at subsequent council meetings. Could it be that your support for Sebourn and Whitaker has convinced you to remain silent going forward? Is protecting their total lack of follow through more important than holding those inside and outside city hall responsible for all the apparent construction and design defects. Again what is your explanation for your total lack of follow through on this problem at any city council meetings after your remarks at the May 16 meeting? 
Second question that your readers deserve an answer to is why the FFFF a Fullerton local political blog waits until right after the 2016 election (with three seats to be chosen for the council) to come back online? That also makes no sense to me unless the purpose of this blog is not to help reform Fullerton but rather to help Tony Bushala with his development agenda for his many downtown Fullerton properties.”


Now here is a sampling of the comments of FFFF pseudonym contributors attacking me for the above comment as follows:


Seek Help June 26, 2017 at 1:51 PM “if I were Bushala I would sue your useless and ungrateful ass for serial defamation.  Unfortunately you don’t have anything except a big fat mouth which is of use to no one except, apparently your fellow paranoid nut case Joe Embryo.


nipsy June 26, 2017 at 3:22 PM  “Please, neither of the Kook Brothers are fit to stand trial.”


“Joe Sipowicz (pseudonym) June 26, 2017 at 1:56 PM “Hey dumbass, Bushala is no linger (his spelling not mine) affiliated with this blog.”

The most outlandish claim is that Joe and I are plants for Jennifer Fitzgerald and her friends.  This tells me that the FFFF crowd is getting very worried that the motives of the leaders of that blog are no longer hidden in my opinion.  The blogger who is spouting this nonsense calls himself/herself Conspiracy Lunatic.  Here are just a few videos those blows that claim to smithereens.

………and the list goes on. We don’t work for Curt Pringle but she does.

The FFFF comments go on and on and on with no facts but pure unadulterated character assassination.    I am more than willing to have a debate on the facts but the likes of Seek Help, nipsy and Joe Sipowicz prefer name-calling and nothing more.   I ask serious questions about city business without the use of any pejorative words and I am called a kook, dumbass, a paranoid nut case and a useless ass.  Wow and many of these comments are coming from regular bloggers on the FFFF website.


What is most disturbing about the FFFF website and an iron clad reason that no smart and objective person in Fullerton should ever trust this website is that the majority of articles are written by nameless people.  How credible is that Fullertonians?  There is logic to allow people to respond to posts without giving out their real names but there is absolutely no good reason to allow people to post articles making unfounded and unsubstantiated claims and insults under the cover of anonymity.  In other words they are cowards and bullies pure and simple and the people running the FFFF are the same.  It is my educated opinion based on 8 years of very closely watching Fullerton politics, that it is all about placing Tony’s pals into elective offices with the grand prize to maximize the value of each and every one of Bushala’s properties here in Fullerton.



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  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on June 28, 2017 - 8:01 am

    Paula we helped stop the DCCSP, mini DCCSP (6 large parcels brought before the Planning Commission by the City to change retail space to mixed used high-rise apartments including Polly’s (yes it was recommended by the city no matter how many times Jennifer Fitzgerald denies it), College Town, putting pressure on the OCDA to finally charge Joe Felz and hopefully stopping the appointment of John Siko to Police Chief.

    Paula we have had a major impact on Fullerton. The job is not easy and we can’t change everything for the better. But think of Fullerton in 10 years if 3 years ago the DCCSP and College Town had been approved by the City Council. Think of the added traffic, noise and congestion. Think how much more arrogant the City Council would have been if we did not help stop all the above items.

    Without our efforts most people would still trust their favorite council member(s). Without our efforts a lot more people in Fullerton would still be in the dark. Nobody ever said that exposing corruption, crony capitalism and malfeasance was easy or quick but you can take this to the bank Paula. We are making a positive difference in Fullerton and that is why the crooked establishment hates Joe and me so very much. The more vile the hate speech, the more intense all the character assassinations against me are, the more I know that I am having an impact.

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