
The displeasure of the phony conservative establishment towards Joe Imbriano

Ladies and gentlemen, for years Sharon Kennedy has mischaracterized my statements and continues to refuse to print any of my public comments at the hundreds of city council and school board meetings over the years.

If you just read her paper, you would think I never show up to anything. In fact there are hundreds of videos on my YOU TUBE CHANNEL where you can objectively judge the Joe Imbriano the Fullerton Observer doesn’t want you to know.



Why is there a blackout of information in The Observer when it comes to the positions and statements of Joe Imbriano? The limousine liberals in this town have all turned their backs on the children. The points I raise are embarrasing to the phonies on the left.

What about the Orange County Ragister? Well the Register is just as corrupt. You watch how they will endorse developer operatives Fitzgerald and Whitaker and one of their vote splitters. The Register is on life support folks and thankfully so. It is equally corrupt and complicit in our demise.

Back to the Foolerton Observer. In the recent Observer issue, she refers to my website as one dedicated to the dangers of cell towers and water fluoridation, when in fact, the site has primarily been dedicated to exposing this public health crisis in our schools being forced on our children by lackeys on the school boards and the administration. The children are being harmed by chronic forced classroom microwave exposure from the ridiculous technology programs. I HAVE BEEN ALL ABOUT PROTECTING CHILDREN and exposing corruption in our city government. Sharon tries to paint me out to be someone I am not. This is what I am about ladies and gentlemen.

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My right hand man, Mr. Barry Levinson.

Aside from exposing the cronyism and corruption, the main focus of the site has been exposing the dangers of wireless radiation in the schools, what the school districts are intentionally doing to the children, ignoring the scientific warnings with respect to the forced classroom exposures to district microwave communications systems and other issues like forced vaccinations and common core-THE ISSUES THAT SHARON KENNEDY HERSELF AS WELL AS THE REGISTER’S EDITORIAL BOARD AND THEIR STAFF WRITERS REFUSE TO COVER!


The issue of this election is development and road repair ladies and gentlemen, and I am the only candidate that has a plan.

The Ragister will never endorse or publicize my true solutions and of course, there is no mention of my proposed smart growth initiative in spite of the fact that it was sent in the form of written communication to both of the papers. In addition, it was sent to Jesse Le Tour who interviewed me with a request to publish my plan. It really truly is the only solution to our problem and that I am the only candidate that has put it forth publicly and backed it up. Of course, Sharon purposely omitted any mention of that crucial point. The Ragister will follow suit. Well, censorship seems to be an equal opportunity employer in Fullerton covering both the left and right-leaning establishment in this town.


Nelson tried to put a homeless shelter next to a Title I elementary school and put a $100,000 commission into his pal Cameron Iron’s pocket in the process and refused to allow questions on SCAG at a candidate forum his wife tried to keep me out of.


Here is a video on how the right-leaning phonies in groups like the one run by Nelson’s wife attempted to censor me as well.


I call for a moratorium on all new major development in Fullerton. This moratorium will remain in place until the roads in Fullerton are repaired and improved, and also until water rationing is lifted.

Currently, most of Fullerton’s roads are in a terrible state of disrepair, and they cannot handle the existing high traffic loads. Fullerton’s roads are clearly worse than the roads in other surrounding cities, and traffic jams during rush hour times seriously clog many streets, especially in the downtown and College areas. In addition, Fullerton doesn’t have enough water supply to serve its current population; residents are forced to not water their yards on most days of the week. When Fullerton’s water supply problem is solved, at that time new major development projects can be considered, but until then, any new major development project that adds dozens or hundreds of more people to Fullerton’s current population will only extend and make worse our water rationing system.

I am proposing that the Fullerton Voters retain the right to give final approval to any new major development project that results in the building of 10 units or more per acre or the construction of a building 3 stories high or higher. This moratorium would still allow a person to renovate his or her house or build a granny unit in their backyard, but the “new major development” projects my moratorium would not allow would be similar to the type of projects Yorba Linda has its residents give final approval to. The DCCSP and College Town, for example, would definitely not be allowed. This should be informative to many of you who probably are unaware that Yorba Linda already has a smart growth ordinance in place–one that was approved in an initiative–Measure B.

Precedent in Fullerton goes back the 1973 9-month building moratorium for the East Coyote Hills. This moratorium was approved by a 3-2 vote of the City Council. One of my colleagues was the one instrumental in getting the Mayor (Bob Ward) to introduce it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the time is now to get behind Joe Imbriano who will lead the charge to get out in front of the issues just like I have successfully been doing as a private citizen activist for years In Fullerton and other California communities. Together, we can protect Fullerton for generations to come.



  1. #1 by Fullerton Lover on October 2, 2016 - 3:26 pm

    I watched the Q&A at the library that the city council candidates did the other night, and thought it was pretty pathetic that Bruce Whitaker was whining about how he was always outnumbered by the other members of the city council, and that’s why he was NEVER able to achieve or anything of importance or significance.

    Note to Bruce:

    After you publicly stab a member of your own family in the back in public and then hung him out in public to dry, any Fullerton resident in their right mind would be a fool to place their hard earned trust in a person like yourself.

    Bruce reminds me of the old Popeye character, “J. “Wimpy” Wellington that always seemed talk a good game, however his talking never seemed to earn him enough to afford a hamburger…

    • #2 by Anonymous on October 11, 2016 - 11:55 am

      Fullerton Lover that was a great analogy of Bruce Whitaker. Now that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is now publicly known about Council member Whitaker, there is only one question that remains to be answered.

      Question No. 1: Are enough Fullerton voters listening to the truth? After all one definition of insanity is voting for the same elected representatives over and over again and expecting a different result.

      The proof that Bruce Whitaker is a phony and a fraud, who has been misleading the Fullerton public for many years is now undeniable.

      Anyone who is a regular reader of this site, who does not now have great misgivings about Whitaker is either in denial or part of the phony Fullerton government group.

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