The First Amendment under attack in Fullerton

So the taxpayers appear to be getting the proverbial 5 million dollar shaft by some aspartame gum chewing rubber stamp hack that calls public comments “Tirades” and interferes with the people’s business by moving to receive and file the Brea Dam issue without any discussion whatsoever.


I second that

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Is the Fitzgerald appointee Gretchen Cox looking for direction via telepathic communication from her boss below?

Jennifer Fitzgerald became Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates only after her election to the council

Aluminum and aspartame in solution entering the blood stream of Pringle puppet Jennifer Fitzgerald  who became Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates only after her election to the council and acts as a tyrant suppressing the public right to free speech just like her appointee Gretchen Cox


For months, The Brea Dam Issue has been a heated topic of discussion thanks to David Curlee’s excellent work 

Barry Levinson has repeatedly brought this and other issues to the forefront for months now as an acting city commissioner. Recently, on the heels of a laughable city response to Mr. Curlee’s accusations, Mr. Levinson drilled down deeper and connected the dots to a missing 5 million dollar mess

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Barry Levinson has been serving on the Fullerton Parks and Recreation commission for over 5 years.

He does his homework, he gets his facts straight and he tells it like it is. He is the bar when it comes to what a commission member should be and he is the gold standard when it comes to the due diligence the position warrants. He represents the people all over Fullerton, not just in his own back yard. What does he get for doing his job? Well for starters, ignored by city staff when he drills down deep and puts together a 5 million dollar mess that no one wants to talk about.

Karen Lang Mcnab and Gretchen Cox pictured below, are enemies of the first amendment, much like the council members that appointed them-Fitzgerald and Chaffee as well as Jan Flory.


The Chaffee appointee who apparently just had more truth than she could handle for one night.


Denial denial receive and file-Fitzgerald appointee Gretchen Cox

During the end of the Fullerton Park and Recreation Commission meeting, it was Mr. Levinson’s turn to speak on any issue withing the purview of the commission. He was in the middle of speaking on the 5 million dollar shortfall on the American Golf contract genie that has been out of the bottle for several weeks now THAT NO ONE ON THE CITY COUNCIL OR COMMISSIONS WANTS TO TOUCH WITH A TEN FOOT POLE.

WATCH HIM HAVE HIS FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS AS AN ACTING COMMISSIONER BE VIOLATED BY THESE ENEMIES OF FREE SPEECH who are interfering the people’s business being conducted in Fullerton. Mr Levinson is looking out for the taxpayers and this is either way over the heads of these rubber stamp hacks or they are wanting to keep this covered up. The problem still has not been addressed and Mr. Levinson is not letting this issue get swept under the rug.

Watch as Fullerton’s paid legal counsel present at the meeting takes part in this.


Asst City Attorney Ivy Tsai remaining silent and looking on as Mr. Levinson’s rights were violated.

She is paid to attend these meetings and she chose to allow this to happen. Ivy Tsai’s behavior was the most troubling of all in attendance as a paid city attorney on staff with Jones and Meyer. Does she know better?


Mike Savage voted to deny Mr. Levinson’s first amendment rights and to block further discussion of the 5 million dollar shortfall discussion


Wayne Carvalho goes along with Mike Savage and voted to deny Mr. Levinson’s first amendment rights and to block further discussion of the 5 million dollar shortfall




  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on April 12, 2016 - 2:00 pm

    An incredibly sad day for the citizens of Fullerton and a new low for the conduct of the Parks and Recreation Committee.

    The failure of Deputy City Attorney, Ivy Tsai to not interject herself to correct the grave error made by Ms. Lang-McNabb and exacerbated by all the other committee members going along with her motion to end my right to speak (with one exception being Commissioner Silva who abstained from that vote) is something that I would never believe I would have witnessed at any publicly held government meeting in my lifetime. To not uphold the normal rules of allowing a commissioner the right to speak during the one part of the meeting that is specifically designed to allow each committee member to speak about anything regarding the Park and Recreation Department was either a grave error in judgment and common decency or part of a planned attempt to shut off any dissenting voices even from a committee member.

    The part of the meeting wherein this transpired is identified on the agenda as Commissioners Communications. I had 4 or 5 topics to discuss, which if I were allowed to complete my remarks would have lasted no more 10 to 12 minutes. I was interrupted in the middle of my first topic. The meeting at this point had lasted approximately 90 minutes from its starting time of 6:30 pm to approximately 8:00 pm. To infer that I was wasting the time of my fellow commissioners to stay another few minutes is ridiculous on its face and shows the contempt and arrogance of Ms. Lang-McNabb’s running of the meeting. If you do not have at least 2 hours to give to the community each month for the purpose of participating in the Park and Recreation Committee meeting, I humbly suggest a committee member should resign rather than vote to cut off the one committee member who was not worried about staying a little while longer conducting the people’s business.

    The Chair person, Karen Lang-McNabb’s (appointing by Council member Doug Chaffee) action to cut me off from speaking further was in direct violation of the rules of conduct for this committee meeting and was also a violation of my 1st Amendment right of free speech.

    It is bad enough that this committee normally is a rubber stamp for the Park and Recreation Department, but to conduct a meeting in such a way as to stifle free speech by a committee member is a new low even for this city.

    As for those who make light of this incident, I suggest you move to Cuba or North Korea and see how funny it is when you say something the state does not like for any reason you could be thrown into jail or worse.

    Our city government must learn that there are not two sets of rules, one for everybody else and one for themselves wherein they can do anything they please at any time.

    These are contemptible and arrogant acts by people that are supposed to be “Public Servants”.

    In almost any scandal, after the fact, the pundits say that it was the cover-up more than the original wrongdoing that eventually brings down those involved with the incident.

    Will this hold true for our City of Fullerton in this case as well?

    For if there was no wrongdoing, why is the City of Fullerton in general and the Park and Recreation Committee and Department in particular trying so hard to shut me up?

    I report, you decide.

    • #2 by Anonymous on April 12, 2016 - 4:06 pm

      Annoying cranks ignored, film at 11!

(will not be published)

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