The beginning of the end of development insider Karen Halluza’s career with the City of Fullerton

A little over four years ago, Barry Levinson attended a city council meeting and exposed the most corrupt development scheme in Fullerton’s entire history, THE DCCSP. The plan was to pass a blanket zoning change to 13 huge areas of the city encompassing over 100 acres of major arterial thoroughfare frontage and allow for the UNELECTED city manager instead of the elected city council and their appointed planning commissioners to have the final say on development. This would have resulted in the approval of tens of thousands of up to 10 story high density high rise housing units ruining Fullerton for ever and there would be nothing we could have done to stop it.

No need for a planner when there are no plans. Replace her with someone who can fix the roads!

The plan was crooked as hell and the morons on the planning commission approved it and served it up to the council to try to ram it through on a hot summer night in the library room with no live feed when no one was looking. The cold feet that the council had got a warm up from Barry Levinson. Yes Barry was looking, and he sure wasn’t taking this sitting down.

Well watch Barry 2 years later still fighting these dolts as Joe Felz had the gall, audacity and nerve to try to bring back this crooked development plan in pieces  instead of in one giant scam.

Watch Karen Halluza’s shifty eyes as she realizes it is truly now the beginning of the end of her career with the City of Fullerton as the community development director because without this revised plan being hatched, the developers will NEVER GET WHAT THEY WANT and her services are no longer needed.

Watch Barry tell the truth about this  dirty deal and watch the behavior of all the players on the planning commission with the exception of Bennett and Dunlap who didn’t vote for the DCCSP as they were not on the commission at the time. Pay close attention to the worst one of them all-Karen Halluza, the city’s handsomely paid community development director whose sole purpose was to turn Fullerton into a high density hell hole. A picture is worth a thousand words folks.

For Karen Halluza, we will only spare a few, good riddance.

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  1. #1 by W.H. Norman on May 19, 2017 - 9:43 am

    I read about her leaving the lucrative position with the city in The Observer. It is highly unusual for a director position to be vacated with no replacement.

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