Posts Tagged ladera vista junior high
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, forced sterilization, forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms, radiation biology, radiation experiments on school children, Schools that kill on September 9, 2018
Racism is alive and well at Ladera Vista Junior High School
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21 on February 27, 2018
Robert Pletka’s FSD crossing the line: turning fundraising into homework to pay for drinking fountains.
I believe that Robert Pletka, along with many others, but above all others, belongs in jail for irradiating the 15,000 students in the FSD for four long years now.
No school district official in the entire country has willfully ignored the facts more than Robert Pletka on the imminent harm facing the students in the Fullerton School District from the reckless and dangerous wireless technology programs this man has advanced and deployed. Forget the device addiction issues he has caused thousands of students. No school district official in the entire country has been exposed to and ignored more competent evidence of harm when it comes to what endangers the students in the Fullerton School District than this man.
ROBERT PLETKA has spent almost $10,000,000 dollars of taxpayer money on dangerous wireless technology over the last four years WHILE THE SCHOOLS REMAIN IN HORRIBLE CONDITION and now ONE OF HIS TEACHERS has her students fundraising for DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND CALLING IT HOMEWORK!
This is clearly a misappropriation of district funds, employee time and a violation of board policies. This is really all about bribing the children, taking advantage of the children, and abusing the system. The children are ostensibly at school to learn, not to be politicizing or carrying water for the wasteful district officials or its employees. This so called homework assignment has nothing to do with learning or the school’s curriculum. It has everything to do with plugging holes in the budget caused by bloated out of control salaries.
Water is a basic right. The FSD is not about “putting the kids first” or providing “a safe learning environment“. If they were, they would have had the lead flux oozing, filthy, disgusting drinking fountains replaced years ago with new ones that filter out all the toxic chemicals being added to the water. Oh yes, they teach the students to recycle when there are upwards of 10,000 plastic water bottles being used and discarded every day by the students. They should have spent the money years ago to provide filling stations. They only cost about $800 each. Adding Reverse Osmosis to each one would add about $200. The students deserve good clean water to drink during the day and thier parents should not be asked to pay for it again when their taxes already go to the district for maintenance and operations.
You would think the PTA would have done something years ago? The school foundations? No, they were too busy raising money to irradiate the students with iPads (infertility pads).
The FSD spends almost $120,000,000 a year on operations with the majority of it on payroll. Greedy teachers remain silent on everything except for when it comes to their pay and benefits.
Students and parents should never be asked to fund or finance basic need infrastructure items like water delivery systems! Well that is exactly what is going on and it is not only a fundraiser, but the FSD is crossing the line by incorporating district fundraising activities into homework and making it part of the academic requirements of the school.
Let’s have a look at the payroll of The Fullerton School District. PAGES AND PAGES OF SIX FIGURE SALARIES FOR 180 DAYS A YEAR WORTH OF WORK AND SILENCE ON EVERYTHING.
Page after page of six figure salaries and the schools are in ruin with overcrowded classrooms that Robert Pletka is trying to pack even tighter by advertising in other areas to bring in free lunch students that generate more revenue for the district and we the parents have to have our children do this to get credit for their homework?
Drinking fountains and water delivery systems are supposed to be paid for with our tax money that amounts to $120 million dollars a year. Why are we being asked to pay for basic needs of our children to be met that actually are consistent with the environmentalism religion being taught to these impressionable children?
What a bunch of frauds. If Robert Pletka cared about the kids, and if he wasn’t so drunk on wireless technology, he would have made drastic improvements in the conditions present at these schools years ago, most notably the disgusting drinking fountains. He did no such thing.
As a matter of fact, Pletka, The PTA and district staff doubled down and went full steam ahead and put dangerous wirless iPads in the laps of every child in the FSD . Instead of providing clean water and a safe classroom environment, they chose to go along with the forced exposure of children to dangerous microwave radiation and forced the children to drink from untested water sources that deliver toxic lead right into their mouths.
When unsafe levels of lead are found in drinking water, the culprit has typically been lead pipes or lead-containing brass and bronze fittings, but in a new study researchers clearly show that lead present in the zinc coating of galvanized steel pipes can be a very significant long-term source of lead in water.
Why is the FSD, its teachers, staff, and board members all complicit in this?
Who is the principal of Ladera Vista? Why is this taking place with this person’s approval? Since when has the learning process been allowed to be hijacked by school officials to ripoff the parents?

Randa Schmalfeld, Principal
The galvanized pipes installed on water lines between 1880 and 1960 were dipped in molten, naturally occurring zinc. Naturally occurring zinc is impure, so these pipes were bathed in zinc that also contained lead and other impurities. The zinc coating elongated the life of the steel pipes, but added small amount of lead and other substances that could potentially harm children. Ironically, lead has the same carcinogenic classification and wireless microwave radiation according to the world health organization.
Water quality testing needs to be done at all Fullerton schools. Water filtration systems need to be installed on all drinking fountains and this needs to be done from the current budget and not from the hardworking parents who already pay their fair share of taxes to support this bloated jobs program that puts the students LAST and in harms way! Shame on the FSD and shame on you if you fail to see anything wrong here.
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