Posts Tagged corruption in the fullerton police department

Cop friendly OCDA let’s a big fish off the hook as an even bigger one should have already been on the deck by now

Miguel “Sonny” Siliceo is no longer employed with the Fullerton Police Department.


Dan (one of the untouchables) Hughes is no longer employed with the Fullerton Police Department or is he?

Today, the DA did one Miguel Siliceo a huge favor by allowing this ex Fullerton cop who was charged with felony falsification of a police report by a police officer to plea his felony down to a mere misdemeanor battery charge. Of course Sonny accepted. So instead of a felony on his record, you know what this ex cop deserves for trying to frame an innocent person by falsifying a police report, he gets some petty battery charge where he will do no time to speak of. He may end up doing a weekend or so. He should have been put away for years for violating the trust he played so loosely with.

According to court documents, Siliceo was out  on patrol  July 9, 2015, when he hauled a suspect into custody and reported that the suspect  “charged at Siliceo’s partner during the arrest of another suspect”.  Just like when the FPD tried to frame Veth Mam a few years ago.

The OCDA’s Office brought charges against the man Siliceo hauled in consisting of one misdemeanor count of resisting arrest. This is how it always goes where the cops can write a fake report and its up to you to get a lawyer and fight the rap. Well this guy did and the prosecutors were forced to review body camera footage from Siliceo and other officers at the scene. They found that the footage did not match what was in Siliceo’s arrest report.  Prosecutors had no choice but to drop charges against the man and file felony criminal charges against officer Siliceo which the DA conveniently let him get out of.

Speaking of the OCDA and its crooked dealings with letting cops literally get away with murder, when are ex FPD Chief Dan Hughes and ex FPD Sargeant Jeffrey Corbett going to be facing charges of obstruction of justice from  their alleged involvement in the Joe Felz DUI/Hit and Run election night 2016 cover-up?  And since it has been over a year, when will felony obstruction of justice charges be filed against them? We are waiting.

Orange County Deputy District Attorney EBRAHIM BAYTIEH was apparently hand picked by TONY RACKAUCKAS to lead an investigation into whether laws were broken by the the Fullerton Police CHIEF DANNY HUGHES with regards to the handling of the then City Manager Joe Felz DUI accident with damages in the wee hours of November 9. 2016. by Barry Levinson

The Dan Hughes mafia is shrinking and will hopefully be completely disbanded. We will keep you posted.






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Just In: Anonymous Source, Old School Has Informed Us That Fullerton Police Department Sergeant Jeff Corbett Has Been Fired From The FPD. By Barry Levinson


Barry Levinson

Old School has reported that many believe this is just the first hammer to fall upon Jeff Corbett and that criminal charges will be filed against him by the Orange County District Attorney.

Please remember that Sergeant Corbett was the one who former Police Chief Danny Hughes called at 2AM on the morning of November 9, 2016 to “take care of the problem” created by DUI Car Accident by then Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz. 

The real question is not whether the OC DA files charges against Jeff Corbett but files charges against the puppet master, Jeff Corbett’s boss at that time, Danny Hughes?


We are anxiously and patiently awaiting for OC District Attorney Tony Rackauckas to take the proper action relating to all of the above. But I must say that the patience of the good people of Orange County is not limitless.

I Report, You Decide.

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A Brief Summary Of How The Power Brokers In Fullerton Intentionally Mistreat Both The Truth Tellers And All the Good People Of Fullerton California.  By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

I have been posting regularly about the many faults of our Fullerton City Government for years.   I have done this not for personal profit, not for power and certainly not for any glory as it sets me up and my family as a big target for all those power players that have something to loose from my truth telling.

After all this time I have yet to see or read one defender of our Fullerton City Government discredit even one of my articles, videos, or public comments that now totals in the hundreds.

The question then remains if they can’t provide any cogent argument against my various articles, videos or public comments, then how do they choose to respond to me.

This is what they do instead.   First they try to make me a political prisoner with totally baseless charges against me as corroborated by not only the city’s own video camera but the very words at city council of the alleged victim that she could not remember if I laid a finger on her at any time.


Please let me review the facts.   First the city own video proves I am totally innocent as it clearly demonstrates no such assault and battery took place.   Second, the alleged victim at city council meeting states she has no recollection that I ever laid a finger on her at any time.    I can understand now why our former Police Chief Dan Hughes took it upon himself to interview the so-called witnesses and take charge of the police report, which recommended that the Orange County District Attorney prosecute me.    In my humble opinion the evidence seems to show rather clearly that this was nothing more than a criminal conspiracy lead by Dan Hughes to make me a political prisoner.

Yet, Disney Corporation seemed fit last November after I assume was an exhaustive search and background check of all its final candidates to hire Dan Hughes to a very high level security post.

I wonder when or if Disney Corporation will realize that hiring Dan Hughes makes the Disney Corporation look extremely bad to many of the good folks of Fullerton.  Question for the Disney Corporation.  How many alleged scandals does Dan Hughes have to be involved in before Disney cuts its ties with him?


Next Bruce Whitaker fired me with no cause or reason given to me from a position I had held for 5 and one half years and in my second term as Park and Recreation Committee member.

Finally, throughout all of this time, they routinely call me just about every four letter fowl name their sick and evil minds can think of and make up defaming stories about me and of course call me crazy, a lunatic and unstable for good measure.


Well they have been doing this now for many years and it has not yet worked for them.   I would say that their disgusting, dishonest tactics against me has been an utter failure.  I say this with the knowledge that the only thing it has proved is their total lack of decency and honesty.

P.S.  But it is “heartwarming” to note that our former Mayor, Jennifer Fitzgerald did defend so-called comedian Andy Dick for his outrageous and disgusting comment at a Fullerton Cares benefit for autism.  He called all people with autism retards and then signaled the only reason he came to Fullerton was he needed a paycheck.  What a guy and what only a depraved council member such as Jennifer Fitzgerald could defend in my opinion.



I report, you decide!



Joe Imbriano interviews Barry Levinson-corruption at the Fullerton Police Department. We discuss the special treatment Joe Felz was given by Fullerton Police officers and the pending obstruction of justice charges being filed against Dan Hughes.

This 30 plus minute interview is a must see if anyone still believes The FPD has been reformed.

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Was this just another failed attempt to set up Barry Levinson?

Bruce Whitaker shamefully and cowardly removed Barry Levinson from his long term position on the Fullerton Parks and Recreation Commission without any formal written notice and without any reason given.  Bruce has shown his hand and I believe Dan Hughes once again has too. Was Bruce in on this possible set up of Levinson gone bad with the FPD? Who knows but one thing is for sure, the way Bruce Whitaker handled this issue certainly provided an opportunity for a game of FPD “gotcha” that almost played out when no one was looking on a Monday night while everyone was home watching the ball game.


Read the rest of this entry »

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