Council Member Jennifer Fitzgerald And Her Close Confidant And Appointee To The Parks And Recreation Committee, Gretchen Cox Acting Badly As Her Apparent Representative, Striking Out Against The Truth and The Truth tellers (That Would Include Me) With Baseless Defamations! By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Question?   Why are the facts for some like Council member Fitzgerald and her confidant and appointee Gretchen Cox so difficult apparently to deal with?


Question?   Why is the truth for some like Council member Fitzgerald and her confidant and appointee Gretchen Cox so difficult apparently to deal with?

Jennifer Fitzgerald became Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates shortly after her election to the city council.

Cox believes it is apparently okay to attack me for telling the truth about an elected official who just coincidentally appointed her twice to the Fullerton Park and Recreation Committee.

Fullerton city commissioner appointed by Jennifer Fitzgerald- Gretchen Cox

But she claims that she is doing this totally on her own, while at the very same time not identifying herself and her position, which the Mayor usually requires of other speakers.  Sure Ms. Cox you decided to come to this particular council meeting when you rarely attend any others just to independently stick up for your buddy and confidant, Jennifer Fitzgerald.  You remember the same one who appointed you not once but twice to be her representative on the Parks and Recreation Committee.

For the record, I am an equal opportunity public speaker in that I will refute any misinformation or out right lies by any council member whether male or female.  Gender has absolutely nothing to do with it but honesty and integrity has everything to do with my remarks.

Gretchen Cox specifically said the following at the October 17, 2017 Fullerton City Council’s public comments segment as follows:

Here are Gretchen Cox’s comments from the 10-17-17 council meeting

“I wanted to talk about some of the public comments made at the last meeting, listening to the 1stcouple of public comments that were made was really sad and kind of upsetting.” She was clearly referring to the comments made by Joe Imbriano and myself.   I will deal with my comments only.  She continues to state as follows:  “The constant unfair and spiteful attacks on Council woman Fitzgerald in particular, were pathetic and largely irrational and they reflect a pattern of in my opinion misogynistic behavior, which has been exhibited over the years on the parts of particular speakers.”   Wow a whole lot of attacks with not even the slightest attempt to provide any facts or evidence to back up Ms. Cox’s many defamations of me.   That is an example of Ms. Fitzgerald and Ms. Cox not dealing with the embarrassing truth that I revealed by doubling down on falsehoods against me.  You have to lack any sense of integrity to attempt to do this in my humble opinion. To paraphrase an old Wendy’s commercial.    Where is the beef?

Ms. Cox very strongly inferred that I have demonstrated misogynistic behavior by apparently pointing out the facts about Council member Fitzgerald city council salary and benefits status and according to Cox have demonstrated this behavior consistently in the past but again gave not one example of such so-called behavior.

Here are Barry Levinson’s and Joe Imbriano’s comments from the 10-3-17 city council meeting.

I believe that all elected officials should stand on the merits of their time in office.    To defame private citizens like myself with not even a shred of proof just exposes those that do such things such as Gretchen Cox as the disingenuous, insincere and phony individual that she chooses to be.   Too bad Ms. Fitzgerald chose not to defend herself, but it is of course difficult to do when the facts totally work against her!


This was just another political attempt at character assassination of the messenger by a Fitzgerald confidant.     Anyone who questions Ms. Fitzgerald apparently must be anti-female, unfair, spiteful, pathetic and irrational according to Ms. Cox.   I simply tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.  Too bad Ms. Fitzgerald can’t deal with the facts and apparently leaves it to her political appointees to do her dirty work.  Again notice that there was no attempt to correct any of my statements concerning the collection of a Fullerton City Council salary and benefits by Ms. Fitzgerald.  I am irrational, misogynistic, spiteful, pathetic and unfair according to Ms. Cox for of all things exposing the plain facts concerning Jennifer Fitzgerald. For corrupt politicians and their surrogates love to attack their opponents claiming they are guilty of the very things they know themselves to be guilty of.   Politics is a very dirty business and business is very good for one Jennifer Fitzgerald.


Ms. Cox and Ms. Fitzgerald, since the truth is apparently your enemy, I suggest maybe telling the good people of Fullerton the truth more often.  You would then not find yourself so often on the wrong side of the truth.

Council member Fitzgerald apparently believes she is entitled to lie, misinform and fool the people of Fullerton, both male and female with impunity. When she gets caught red handed, Ms. Fitzgerald engages her allies to use the lowest, dirtiest level of political chicanery by throwing out the Gender Card. Strong people male or female do not need the crutch of falsely accusing their adversaries of hating their gender when clearly my statements had to do only with the facts and how it appears Ms. Fitzgerald was trying to hide the facts of her now accepting all monies she could from her council service.  My problems with Council member Fitzgerald has nothing to do with her Gender and everything to do with her lack of honesty and integrity.  All people of good will should be disgusted with this attempt to use woman’s rights to hide from dishonest behavior.

With the disgusting revelations of Harvey Weinstein using his power and position to sexually harass and attack females for decades, it is so beneath contempt that Council member Fitzgerald and her spokesperson and appointee Gretchen Cox would in fact belittle those women and their suffering by using the Gender Card when it has absolutely no merit here.

I take crimes against women in any form very seriously and despise those who think to use it falsely for their own political corrupt agendas.

I truly believe there is special place in hell for those who have such a total disregard for decency, the truth and personal integrity and without any merit go about repeatedly trying to destroy their political opponents because they dare to tell the truth about their public actions.

On Fitzgerald’s Facebook page she tried valiantly to shut up any criticism about the millions being spent on Hillcrest Park by calling anyone with a valid criticism of Hillcrest Park spending “Haters”.

Both tactics are done for one reason and one reason only and that is to stifle any dissent or criticism against Council member Fitzgerald no matter how warranted it might be.   This is not the position of someone who is supposed to defend our Constitution and especially the right of free speech.   But Ms. Fitzgerald has a totally different agenda in my opinion and it has nothing to do with assisting the good people of Fullerton.

FACT:   Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald publicly and repeatedly told Fullertonians that she would not take any remuneration for your Fullerton city council service.


FACT:  Shortly after the 2016 election, Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald requested and were given her $750 a month council salary plus a $100 a month stipend in lieu of receiving health care benefits.


FACT:  I reported these facts at the October 3, 2017 Fullerton City Council meeting and for that was defamed by one member of the Park and Recreation Committee, Gretchen Cox, appointed by Jennifer Fitzgerald.


FACT:  Gretchen Cox defamed me repeatedly before the Fullerton City Council during public comments on October 17, 2017 without identifying herself and her position on the Parks and Recreation Committee.


CONCLUSION:  Based upon Gretchen Cox making these defamatory comments about me in public, she should be removed immediately from the Parks and Recreation Committee by the Fullerton City Council.


P.S.  “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”  Winston Churchill

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”  George Orwell 

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  1. #1 by Nostradamus on November 5, 2017 - 11:43 am

    Laura Loomer is playing racists for Jewish aims. Her tactics are similar to feminists, for Bolsheviks, Jew like. Neo-con Jewish roots go right down to Russian Bolshevism. Texas church shooting was another fake.

    • #2 by Anonymous on November 8, 2017 - 8:31 am

      Sure, Joe-posting-under-a-fake-name. Totally believable.

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