Breaking news SB 277 alert: OC Board of education unanimously votes to petition the State Legislature to align the PBE filing date with the SB 277 effective date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 19, 2015
In a landmark decision, in the interest of sane policy our friends at the Orange County Board of Education, in a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees,
Setting The Record Straight Concerning the Articles About Me in the Fullerton Observer’s Early November 2014 Edition by Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Pam Keller, Sharon Kennedy on December 18, 2015
The following article was printed on page 2 in the Mid-December 2015 Fullerton Observer, which is edited by Sharon Kennedy.
Setting The Record Straight Concerning the Articles About Me in the Fullerton Observer’s Early November 2014 Edition by Barry Levinson
Is Ted Cruz a forced vaccinator? His California right hand man Ron Nhering sure is.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 17, 2015
So here we go again with people wrapping themselves in the American Flag photo opping and running campaigns with ideologies wholly inconsistent with basic human rights and the party’s platform. You guessed it Nehring is a vocal SUPPORTER of Richard Pan’s and Jerry Brown #SB277. This is the tyrranical forced vaccination law that passed this summer in California.
You can’t make this stuff up ladies and gentlemen. Most of Nehrings tweets are gone but we have enough here to run this guy into the RINO camp where his ivory can be bartered for a great big douche bag.
We know that Ben Carson is a forced vaccinator.
But now we have the ex head of the Calfornia Republican Party, Ron Nehring
running Ted Cruz’s California campaign supporting the evisceration of parental rights, ignoring science and whoring for big pharma and now trying to install someone in The White house. Can we Trust Ted Cruz? Hell no! Not with this guy running his campaign stateside. Ted needs to fire this tool now.
On SB 277, we have been betrayed by our Assembly woman Young Kim, we have been betrayed by all the churches in Fullerton and Yorba Linda, the pastors, the school boards, and now possibly the next president?
If you don’t see a problem with this then turn your guns in, take your forced vaccinations, pop your purple pills, pour yourself a glass of diet joke and vote for Hellary Clinton and please, please, please, please never come back to this website because there is no hope for you.
As for the rest of us in this fight for our children’s health and reproductive future, may God help us ladies and gentlemen, may God help us.
New York Court issued a decision today that overtured a mandate that had required all children age 6-months through 59 months to be forcibly vaccinated
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS on December 16, 2015
It is no secret that forced vaccinations are part of a much larger agenda to cull populations.
The Fullerton Informer has been well aware for decades of these sinister plans to reduce the population through subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous forced injections that contain sterilants, fertility regulating vaccines, cancer viruses and wireless activated nano technology.
In Fullerton Our Public Servants Too Often Do Not Act Like Their Name Implies…To Provide Public Service.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 14, 2015
In Fullerton Our Public Servants Too Often Do Not Act Like Their Name Implies…To Provide Public Service. BY BARRY LEVINSON
I was looking forward to our next regularly scheduled Park and Recreation meeting to be held on Monday December 14, 2015.
At our last meeting I asked when would the Summit House lease extension issue come before us for a vote as so directed by Mayor Sebourn when he was informed by me that this Park and Recreation related item had bypassed our committee for still unknown and maybe even suspicious reasons.
NUFF OF THIS ALREADY this Neighbors United For Fullerton
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Pam Keller, Vince Buck, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 11, 2015
Here is an article that came in from our friend FULLERTON LOVER. Looks like its time for some more of Fullerton’s famous…
FSD board candid footage
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children? on December 10, 2015
Fullerton School District Board of Trustees agrees to agendize alignment of PBE filing deadline with SB 277 implementation date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 9, 2015
FSD parents continue to fight SB277
Thank you to all who attended last night’s meeting.
Thank you to Chris Thompson who clearly intended to respect the opinions of the audience and their right to voice them.
At their next meeting, the Fullerton School Board, under a motion at the direction of outgoing board president Chris Thompson, will vote on an item that will involve district legal counsel preparing a request to send a request to the State of California to investigate the possibility of having date alignment of the 12-31-15 PBE filing deadline with the July 1, 2016 SB 277 implementation date. If approved by the board and subsequently by the State, it would mean that parents will have until July 1, 2016 to file their personal beliefs exemption rather than 12-31-15. This at the very least will give parents more time to educate themselves, investigate the issue and become compliant if they choose to exercise their rights before it is too late.
In spite of what Trustee Janny Catlin Meyer (wife of ex Fullerton city manager Chris Meyer) stated that she doesn’t want to see the Fullerton School District become the breeding ground for some sort of movement against this horrible law, the board will take what I believe to be the first step in advancing a common sense approach to dealing with this tyrannical edict. Janny, lay off the clorox will ya?
Here is some of the footage of the meeting in which legal counsel and parents can both agree we are in uncharted territory with a poorly written, toothless law that I believe should have never been passed in the first place.
SB 277 was signed into law back in the summer. The school district failed to notify parents only until they were forced to weeks before the filing date deadline of the impacts of SB 277 and to this date has still failed to advise parents that the school nurse can sign a PBE. How many PTA bake sales, fundraisers of fluff ads have come home with your child since August? Not a peep on the end of your parental rights as they relate to your children.s health under SB 277.
What is needed is more time for parents to understand their rights, exercise their rights and investigate fully what their options really are. The vaccination debate is far from over. Special thanks to Chris Thompson who ran the meeting fairly and who wasn’t afraid to state his favorable personal position on this very serious issue.
The next FSD board meeting will be scheduled for January 2016.
Jennifer Fitzgerald’s Coronation of Compromise
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on December 3, 2015
Pringle Puppet Jennifer Fitzgerald voted in as Mayor of Fullerton by a unanimous vote of the City Council in spite of the fact that there is no municipal ordinance that requires a rotation.
Just another example of what the Fullerton Observer doesn’t want you to know.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Sharon Kennedy on December 2, 2015
Sharon Kennedy and her off kilter establishment rag, The Fullerton Observer are so on the wrong side of so many issues in Fullerton that I could talk for days on it. So here is a group of parents, including myself at the end of the video, that took the time away from their families to come on down and address the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees on the forced vaccination law SB 277. You can clearly see Jan Youngman, the reporter for the Fullerton Observer,
The red crabs are back from the 1983 El Nino: Geoengineering 2015, the drought, Poseidon, and phony conservative leaders that are hanging us out to dry.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton politics, Hidden in plain view, The twighlight's last gleaming, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 1, 2015
You like all those lines in the sky everyday, the dead grass, dying trees, dead yards water rationing and no rain? There is a reason for it. Open your eyes. Those are not clouds. Those are metallic nanoparticles being sprayed at high altitudes to modify the weather and not for the better.
The El Nino winter of 1982 -1983 brought much precipitation to Southern California and with it it also brought red crabs washing ashore by the thousands on our beaches. I remember as we froze bucketfuls for bait and ended up filling my two freezers full of yellow tail in the fall from fishing off of the end of the wedge with the best bait money could buy back in the day.
The 1982-83 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event brought huge numbers of pelagic red crabs (Pleuroncodes planipes) northward
The Church in bed with the State crossing the line: The Hunt Library and Grace Ministries
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Chris Meyer, Joe Felz, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, Ryan Cantor on December 1, 2015
Well tonight the Library Board voted to set the stage to begin the end of the blessing of the 1962 endowment that Norton Simon and the Hunt Food & Industries Foundation donated to Fullerton. It was to be a building and park located in Southwest Fullerton, to the City on the condition that it is “used solely for a public library and public library park.” The donation became known as the Hunt Branch and is located at 201 S. Basque Avenue. Of course it has been City property since then and that means it is public property-our property. Looks like it is church property now,
Fullerton’s for sale ladies and gentlemen and it looks like Joe Felz, with our own property, is trying to buy off one of the political powerhouses in town with a sweetheart real estate deal right after Valentines day with Grace Ministries. An ambiguously worded agenda item, little to no details, a possible sole source bid down the line if coucil approves to not fund it and to sell it off, no appraisal-Has a backdoor deal already been penned waiting to go down?
What The Kelly Thomas Ordeal Teaches Us About Our City Leaders, Especially Jan Flory, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Doug Chaffee, Joe Felz and Dan Hughes
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics on November 30, 2015
Out-Heroding Herod-Are these blood sisters and brothers in the baby parts business?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, forced sterilization of school children, Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, radiation experiments on school children, The twighlight's last gleaming on November 29, 2015
Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because
we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
“And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”
Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before intact extraction is the hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).
The love of money is the root of all evil
BAX BAXTER on the Kelly Thomas murder and settlement with Ron Thomas
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, KELLY THOMAS on November 24, 2015
By Bax Baxter
“Forgive me the length of this post, but I plan to make these my last comments on FB ever regarding Kelly Thomas. It’s over.
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