Fullerton Council Member Jan Flory – Is She A Champion of Attempting to Keep Vital Facts and Figures from the Public’s Purview?

Fullerton Council Member Jan Flory – Is She A Champion of Attempting to Keep Vital Facts and Figures from the Public’s Purview?    Is She A True Hero to the City’s Special Interests?  I Report, You Decide!  By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

On September 15, 2015, I went to the Fullerton City Council podium during public comments to discuss the leaked Gennaco investigative report on the Kelly Thomas beating death.   It had been leaked (by someone else) almost 2 months earlier. https://thefullertoninformer.com/barry-levinson-on-the-confidential-gennaco-report-on-the-kelly-thomas-murder/

Yet Ms. Flory interrupted my comments to suggest that I was out of line to provide this information to the public and to the council as well.  The city attorney informed her that as a private citizen I had every right to discuss anything that was already out in the public including this report.


Jan Flory

Now let us go forward to the last Fullerton City Council meeting on October 20, 2015.  A Council member pointed out to Gretchen Beatty, the head of our Human Resources Department that her cost numbers for the general employee union four-year wage and benefit proposal was understated by approximately 900,000 dollars.  This understatement was based on not including all the pension costs the city would be financially responsible for over that four-year period.  Ms. Flory creatively but incorrectly called the 900,000 dollars a philosophical difference.

Person dumping money into a toilet bowl --- Image by © Rubberball/Corbis

Well ladies and gentlemen I do not believe Ms. Flory would identify the 900,000 dollar difference as philosophical if she were personally on the hook for that amount of money.


In fact, I had to remind her that she was supposed to be looking out for the taxpayers of Fullerton and that every dime we the taxpayers are responsible for should be of concern to her in her fiduciary role as a city council member.  (Please remember that approximately 85% to 90% of all city employees live outside the city boundaries.)


Two very separate sets of circumstances and the only connection is that Council Member Jan Flory in both instances seemed not to be concerned about the folks living in Fullerton.  Shame on you Ms. Flory for taking these two positions that in my opinion champion the special interests over the interests of the people of Fullerton.

P.S.  There is however a silver lining in all of this.  The silver lining is that Ms. Flory is up for reelection next November, at which time the Fullerton voters can remove her from council.

I report, you decide.

Barry Levinson


  1. #1 by Fullerton Resident on October 29, 2015 - 3:45 pm

    Thank you Mr. Imbriano for allowing the corruption of the city of Fullerton to be exposed so completely. We the citizens of Fullerton are taking notice to the facts presented on this website and the deplorable way your detractors respond. It is most enlightening to many of us. I believe this website is making a real difference and for that I thank you.

    • #2 by Reality Is.... on October 30, 2015 - 1:17 am

      LOL winner!! See you got at least one resident on board!

    • #3 by Anonymous on October 30, 2015 - 6:33 am

      Joe is a very bright, altruistic, and courageous individual.

    • #4 by Reality Is..... on October 30, 2015 - 10:52 am

      He actually does sound like it. He doesn’t sound all whacky like Tony B and that group from the recall era.

    • #5 by Fullerton Lover on October 30, 2015 - 2:20 pm

      When does our society consider it “whacky” to call out on the carpet the callous cold blooded killers of a 137 pound mentally ill person ?

      Especially when they were all “peace officers” and their stated motto is to “protect and serve”?

    • #6 by Reality Is..... on October 30, 2015 - 5:32 pm

      It’s whacky when the process has run the course and the jury has found the Officers not guilty and discipline has been rendered. End of story. Let’s say Ronny wins the civil case. It still won’t matter. No more officers will be disciplined. Everyone working will stay working. Cissy and Ramos will still be fired or paid off and retired. End of story. So it’s whacky to keep preaching about something that won’t ever change. It’s over. Capishe?

    • #7 by Anonymous on October 30, 2015 - 5:44 pm

      We have no choice but to change the course we are on and that is why we are here.

      You are here for ?????

    • #8 by Reality Is..... on October 30, 2015 - 5:54 pm

      To always be aware what people are striving for and what change they are seeking. Keeps everything in perspective in life.

    • #9 by Fullerton Lover on October 30, 2015 - 9:05 pm

      ….Where there’s smoke there’s fire !

      Fullerton Police Officers Wall of Shame

      Albert Rincon – Serial molester of in-custody women; $350,000 settlement.

      Miguel Siliceo – misidentification and incarceration of wrong man who spent five months in jail.

      Cary Tong – accusation of battery and civil rights abuse; broken finger and missing cash.

      Kenton Hampton – accusation of assault, battery, civil rights abuse, perjury. Wrong man almost convicted.

      Frank Nguyen – accusation of perjury (see above).

      Ramos, Wolfe, Hampton, Blatney , Cicinelli – murder, manslaughter, civil rights abuse, etc., etc. A dead man haunts the FPD.

      FPD Command – allowed the killers to view the video of the killing and rewrite their reports until everybody got his story straight.

      Todd Major – abuse of controlled substance, conviction of fraud. Ripping off Explorers? Really, Todd?

      Kelly Mejia – conviction of grand theft at a TSA checkpoint. Crooked and stupid is no way to go throughout life, hon.’

      Vincent Mater – charged with destruction of evidence in jail custody death. Hey, we banged that corpses head against the bars!

      Andrew Goodrich – dissemination of erroneous information never retracted. Too busy to get it right?

      Mike Sellers – protracted medical leave punctuated by a disability claim and massive pensioned retirement. Business as usual. La dolce vita!

      April Baughman – charged with two-year’s worth of theft from the FPD property room. Okay, who’s the accomplice?

      ….and hey let’s not forget the latest embarrassment to Fullerton’s PD,

      Detective Ronald Bair!

      read on….

      A lawsuit filed in federal court on Thursday alleges that a former Fullerton Police Department detective spoke favorably on a woman’s behalf during custody hearings in return for numerous forced sexual acts. The 51-page complaint lays out an ugly path that all began with the violation of a restraining order.

      According to the lawsuit, Fullerton detective Ronald Bair investigated a restraining order breach on December 2012. The victim (whom we’ll call Jane Doe, per basic journalistic ethics) had recently moved to a safe house for battered women with her young daughter to get away from an abusive ex-husband. The detective interviewed Doe at department headquarters and offered to testify on her behalf in upcoming custody hearings. After one, Bair and Doe went to El Torito, where the lawsuit alleges Bair asked for “sexy pictures” after making inappropriate comments about her body.

      “The plaintiff felt that she had no option but to comply with the officer’s requests as she was by then totally dependent on him, both for the criminal investigation and the custody case involving her daughter,” the complaint reads.

      The sexual abuse began soon afterwards, with Bair allegedly pointing his gun at her at times and even throwing a Kelly Thomas twist to the story: Bair allegedly told Doe he was “good friends” with the officers who beat Thomas to death. Through it, Bair testified favorably at custody hearings eventually getting a five-year restraining order against the a family member of the woman’s ex-husband. After that, the complaint alleges, Bair pointed to his penis, telling Doe that she owed him big time.

      Doe told therapists at her shelter about the abuse in September 2013, and says she filed a complaint against Bair with his bosses. The lawsuit alleges that not only did investigators tip off Bair, but that he turned on Doe. At the next custody hearing, the lawsuit alleges, “he testified that the plaintiff was mentally ill, was a danger to her daughter, that she was affiliated with the mafia and that she had not been the victim of domestic abuse.” A judge then denied visitation rights to her daughter.

      Doe gave taped statements to Fullerton police complaining about Bair. “The officers…tried to infer that the plaintiff had a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with the police detective,” the lawsuit claims.

      Attorneys representing Doe say otherwise. Angel Carrazco, Jr., Humberto Guizar, and Kent Henderson, a lawyer who represented the late Rodney King, are handling the suit against Bair, the City of Fullerton, its police department and unnamed officers that handled Doe’s complaints for violation of her civil rights, negligence, assault and battery.

      According to the legal firm, Bair is no longer with Fullerton PD for reasons unknown. Fullerton police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Stuart didn’t respond to the Weekly’s request to confirm Bair’s employment status. For more on Bair, here’s a blast from the past from the late, great Friends for Fullerton’s Future blog.

    • #10 by Anonymous on October 31, 2015 - 7:04 am

      Thank you for this.

    • #11 by Fullerton Resident on October 31, 2015 - 11:10 am

      Fullerton Lover the past and continuing problems with the relatively small FPD are way to numerous to ignore by any objective observer. The fact that our city council, our city manager and our city attorney are ignoring the ongoing problems within the FPD is only one reason to vote them all out of office and change the city’s appointed leadership.
      Some members of the FPD past and present along with their sycophant supporters troll this site and provide their banal responses.
      I suspect that most of them know how corrupt and dishonest the FPD has been over the years.
      If they truly do not know this, then we are really in trouble because it means they are devoid of any moral compass.
      I suspect however that most of these sycophants understand the lack of integrity and honesty for many FPD members past and present, but simply do not care. These individuals basically accept the culture of corruption of many within the FPD and know that they can get away with many wrongdoings because of the Police Officers Bill of Rights.
      And for this we give them a lifetime paycheck at a minimum of 90% of their last year’s salary and free healthcare after 30 years on the job as early as 50 years of age.
      This is at the same time that many in the private sector are forced to work way beyond the typical retirement age of 65 just to make ends meet.

    • #12 by Fullerton Lover on November 3, 2015 - 10:34 am

      Something that is more egregious to me personally, is that former Fullerton Chief of Police Pat McKinley’s old pal, “non-profit” OC Human Relations Executive Director, Rusty Kennedy, who is currently being paid a retirement courtesy of the taxpayers of $10,000 a month for life!

      This is the same clown who conveniently looked the other way when an obviously mentally disabled man named Kelly Thomas was brutally pummeled by the police, and had the gall to stand in front of the city councilman during a meeting after words, placing the blame on the residents for the demise of Kelly Thomas.

      Wouldn’t you expect that Rusty Kennedy’s OC Human Relations agency would be the agency MOST responsible for defending the mentally ill against prejudice and police brutality?

      Not when your Russell Kennedy.


    • #13 by Anonymous on November 3, 2015 - 9:42 am

      That is Sharon Kennedy’s ilk is it not?

    • #15 by Reality Is..... on November 3, 2015 - 3:38 pm

      and he shouldn’t get his pension why? List the old Fullerton Chief’s pensions if you really wanna get mad LOL. Rusty is a legend in the OC. So he waited for the facts to come out on the case, as any professional and politician should, and you want to bury him now? Come on. Everyone should have waited for the trial before going crazy. Innocent until proven guilty right? 🙂

    • #16 by Fullerton Lover on November 4, 2015 - 6:46 am

      by Reality Is on August 31, 2012

      “The cops hated him because he was mentally ill – a protected class, you numbskull.”

      …sounds like you’ve had a change of heart since you authored this post on Friends For Fullerton’s Future several years ago about the very same subject?

      Early onset dementia maybe?

      Did Kelly Thomas’s death (known by Ramos as mentally disabled) ever get investigated, or even reported as a hate crime by the OC Human Relations Commission AFTER the tape came out?



      Because Russell, aka “Rusty”, knows which side of the bread his non-profit is buttered on, and doesn’t want to rock the boat or do ANYTHING to jeopardize his sole source of funding from the politicians who put him there originally,

      And now all of the residents who placed their trust in this fraud are expected to pay him $10,000 a month for life, as well as the pay he still draws while he’s still there?

      For what?

      To lull people into a false sense of complacency, and then turn around and blame them for it happening in the first place?

      If you don’t see a snake oil salesman, I can’t help you brother : )

      Good luck on that dementia!

    • #17 by Anonymous on November 3, 2015 - 4:48 pm

      All these establishment goons are related in one way shape or form aren’t they.

    • #18 by Reality Is..... on November 3, 2015 - 6:30 pm

      Usually not much relationship between politicians and cops. Just from the union perspective, and the Chief is a politician once he gets to that spot.

    • #19 by Anonymous on November 1, 2015 - 7:45 pm

      old news-Hughes is clean

    • #20 by Anonymous on November 4, 2015 - 9:09 am

      Only in the sense that he baths regularly. Beyond that he is as dirty as a snake slithering through a pig pen.

    • #21 by Fullerton Lover on November 4, 2015 - 9:50 am

      Did you also forget about this incident involving Fullerton police officers and the quarterback of the Fullerton College football team last year (2014)?

      Wasn’t Daniel “Denial” Hughes the Chief of Police for Fullerton at that time?


    • #22 by Reality Is..... on November 4, 2015 - 11:15 am

      Hey Fullerton Lover. You almost fooled me!! I thought wow they finally found something fairly recent. Nope, this was from 2011. Yawn. Keep grasping. Find something about Fullerton PD recent please. thanks.

    • #23 by Fullerton Lover on November 4, 2015 - 7:18 pm

      Sorry amigo, wrong link…

      (It’s hard to keep up with these boys eh : )


    • #24 by Reality Is..... on November 3, 2015 - 3:37 pm

      So in all the years of existence, this was all you could uncover of any substance? Come on. You should see some other departments and all the things at fullerton you have no clue about. Cops are humans. Cops get fired, suspended, and punished all the time just like any other profession. Cops beat people, they get in trouble for being drunk, they beat up their ol’ ladies, and any other crime you can think of. Cops are human. When will people realize that? This list is weak. When I saw it I thought you had something good uncovered. This list is very small compared to most PD’s.

    • #25 by Anonymous on November 3, 2015 - 8:58 pm

      You will rationalize any behavior, won’t you?

    • #26 by Reality Is..... on November 4, 2015 - 11:01 am

      Never rationalize bad behavior. I’m realistic, hence, my name. Reality. Reality is you will always have bad behavior. Humans. Always. No matter what. So the list above is normal. Doesn’t mean it’s right, means it’s real.

    • #27 by Anonymous on November 5, 2015 - 7:55 am

      Okay, so what? You diminish the harms based on your perception of recency of crime. You continually dismiss based on what? Non-substantiated comparison to other PDs, and argument that COPs are human. Sorry, too much for most with a conscience to stomach. That is where you are hitting the wall with many on this blog. You point to more illegal behavior at other cities in an attempt to diminish what is going on in FPD. The fact is, they could never clean house by bringing up Dan Hughes to lead the department. The culture of the organization needed to change and with Dan Hughes, there was never a chance.

      So, why are you attempting to deflect?

      You post so frequently, feverishly. Who is your dog in the fight?

    • #28 by Fullerton Lover on November 6, 2015 - 7:31 am

      Well spoken my anonymous amigo!

      Enclosed is a letter written by a former Fullerton police officer making the very same point as yourself.


    • #29 by Reality Is on November 6, 2015 - 1:55 pm

      You make my point. Point is that you can bring up old stuff all you want. People won’t listen. It’s all old. All resolved. Nothing pending. What do you want someone to do? No one can do anything. That’s why I say you are yelling and no one is listening. Dannyboy isn’t going anywhere. People already tried that. People yelled and screamed and council made him permanent Chief. Point is keep yelling. No one is listening. Find something current and active and maybe someone will listen. Reality.

    • #31 by Reality Is..... on November 4, 2015 - 11:09 am

      From all the posts here, It’s clear Fullerton PD is doing a great job these days. The best we can do is pull up things from 2011 LOL. Just shows that Hughes was and is the man for the job and is doing a great job. Anytime all you can do is pull up old things that are long over and done, like the Gennaco report, you are just proving why council ignores you now.



    • #32 by The Twilight Zone on November 4, 2015 - 1:00 pm

      Ronald Bair’s alleged sexual misconduct using his job to coerce sexual favors was 2013 under Danny boy and paid for by the taxpayers ($350,000) earlier this year.

      The failure to deal with Rubio and Craig for providing false testimony in a murder trial was in December 2013 under Dan Hughes. The failure to take action now that the Gennaco investigative report is public knowledge is today!

      If you are a police officer it is another stain on law enforcement because you lie so, so easily.

      People come to this site to learn about Fullerton are not falling for all your ridiculous and very obvious lies.

    • #33 by Fullerton Lover on November 5, 2015 - 7:59 am

      It was actually just over half a million dollars that we residents of Fullerton had to pay for one of our employees AGAIN abusing the power that we bestowed upon him.

      Note that Chief Hughes feels inclined to castigate the VICTIM on being being immoral at the end of the article.

      Now if THAT isn’t the pot calling the kettle black!


    • #34 by Anonymous on November 6, 2015 - 3:04 pm

      You should not be so hard on yourself, Reality Is, by calling yourself a No One because you are in fact listening very intensely.

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