Fullerton Council Member Jan Flory – Is She A Champion of Attempting to Keep Vital Facts and Figures from the Public’s Purview?

Fullerton Council Member Jan Flory – Is She A Champion of Attempting to Keep Vital Facts and Figures from the Public’s Purview?    Is She A True Hero to the City’s Special Interests?  I Report, You Decide!  By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

On September 15, 2015, I went to the Fullerton City Council podium during public comments to discuss the leaked Gennaco investigative report on the Kelly Thomas beating death.   It had been leaked (by someone else) almost 2 months earlier. https://thefullertoninformer.com/barry-levinson-on-the-confidential-gennaco-report-on-the-kelly-thomas-murder/

Yet Ms. Flory interrupted my comments to suggest that I was out of line to provide this information to the public and to the council as well.  The city attorney informed her that as a private citizen I had every right to discuss anything that was already out in the public including this report.


Jan Flory

Now let us go forward to the last Fullerton City Council meeting on October 20, 2015.  A Council member pointed out to Gretchen Beatty, the head of our Human Resources Department that her cost numbers for the general employee union four-year wage and benefit proposal was understated by approximately 900,000 dollars.  This understatement was based on not including all the pension costs the city would be financially responsible for over that four-year period.  Ms. Flory creatively but incorrectly called the 900,000 dollars a philosophical difference.

Person dumping money into a toilet bowl --- Image by © Rubberball/Corbis

Well ladies and gentlemen I do not believe Ms. Flory would identify the 900,000 dollar difference as philosophical if she were personally on the hook for that amount of money.


In fact, I had to remind her that she was supposed to be looking out for the taxpayers of Fullerton and that every dime we the taxpayers are responsible for should be of concern to her in her fiduciary role as a city council member.  (Please remember that approximately 85% to 90% of all city employees live outside the city boundaries.)


Two very separate sets of circumstances and the only connection is that Council Member Jan Flory in both instances seemed not to be concerned about the folks living in Fullerton.  Shame on you Ms. Flory for taking these two positions that in my opinion champion the special interests over the interests of the people of Fullerton.

P.S.  There is however a silver lining in all of this.  The silver lining is that Ms. Flory is up for reelection next November, at which time the Fullerton voters can remove her from council.

I report, you decide.

Barry Levinson


  1. #1 by Ben on October 28, 2015 - 8:45 pm

    Reality is, you speak the truth. All this attacking Jan Flory is politics 101. Candidates running for city council hammer away at the sitting council member whose seat is up for reelection. And check this out. Jan Flory is the one they are most afraid of so they attack her the most. If Levinson and Imbriano were honest, they’ll admit they are terrified of Jan and Jennifer. In any public debate, Jan and Jennifer would chew them up and spit them out. So Joe just hides behind his little keyboard and launches attacks and insults and posts funny pictures. Free speech? Yes. But free speech and responsible speech are not the same. Well get ready Joe, pretty soon you’ll have to face the music and wont have your little keyboard to hide behind. Ask Travis.

    • #2 by Reality Is..... on October 29, 2015 - 8:45 am

      Yep. It’s the same exact patterns as when they did the recall and tried to buy their own people into office. Problem is that this time they don’t have Tony B’s $500,000 to do it. I’m still amazed that they bought Bruce and Travis into office, and Travis bombed it all so quickly. I knew the second Travis started talking so negatively about checkpoints, and DUI driving, that his term in office was over. His political career was done. Some of the others said what the klan wanted to hear, and then became more rational politicians in the end which is why they are still in office. Rational thinking always prevails or radical thinking and radical thoughts.

    • #3 by Joe Imbriano on October 29, 2015 - 9:21 am

      RI, the tax payer ripoff six figure checkpoint grant that Mr glass bong Schoen dragged his feet for 3 weeks after the meeting providing me with was nothing more than an overtime party and by the way all the recall got Fullerton for $500,000 was fireworks, Chaffee, Fitzpringle and Flory. Well one out of four aint bad.

      Much work is needed to be done. I cannot speak for Travis except that he lost probably as a result of a fraudulent process. You know just like how the college bond passed recently? The corruption is all around us. That is why so many of these cretans are alcoholics because they cannot live with themselves.

      RI, get real. You want to reduce drunk driving? Put the paddy wagons at the exits to SOCO, the structure and the other parking lots and leave the rest of us alone. Everything you defend is a joke. I know there are tons of hot chicks that the cops love to gawk at, hit on and grope at these watering holes but really? The corrupt thugs that set up the restaurant overlay district all know where the exits to the main roads are. They only looked at the plans 1000 times. It is like shooting ducks in a barrel. We could use the 100 grand to synchronize the traffic signals or train the FPD on how not to kill people when they dont want to play doctor with some deranged cop or maybe put some water and fish in laguna lake or set up little league scholarships for the kids who almost had Shawn Nelsons and Cameron Irons homeless shelter put in their backyard. RI help me out on this one.

    • #4 by Reality Is.... on October 30, 2015 - 1:12 am

      Yea right Joe. It would be nice to setup DUI checkpoints at those spots. Imagine the backlash from that? Sitting there just picking off drunks? Come on. Even you would jump on that bashing wagon.

      The grants are given to almost all PD’s across the state. It’s money from the gas tax and distributed based on traffic collisions, DUI crashes, etc. OTS dictates how the money will be spent. So yes, it’s an overtime party but that’s how OTS wants it. Saturation patrols out there hooking and booking, and a few from checkpoints. So yes, anyone could use the $100,000 but you can’t have it and won’t get it unless you use it for those specific things. You do the detail, and submit for reimbursement from OTS.

      You are on the right track, just don’t know enough about how that OTS money works.

    • #5 by Joe Imbriano on October 29, 2015 - 8:45 am

      Ben, everyone has a little keyboard including you and your cronies. I am glad you are here. It shows that the machine is worried and it should be. I am looking forward to open public debate on the issues. I welcome all criticism. It makes for a healthy discussion.

      The only ones who are afraid of anything in a dark room are the rats when the lights come on. Well they are turning on. There are other eyes on the mausoleum and they have been watching it for a long time so get ready to rock and roll because it is going to get wild and crazy.

      Flouride is actually the most fun because she is a divorce attorney that sits on the water board, Vector control board, has the multiple connections to the DA and is the overt union puppet. Fitzpringle is the more difficult one to uproot because she is a Trojan Horse who has her sticky tentacles everywhere.

      As far as time goes, I get 3 minutes every other Tuesday, while Jan Fluoride and Jencurt Fitzpringle are at their own pleasure spewing fluff, nonsense, and propaganda to bamboozle the voters. I deal with real issues. They wont touch real issues with a 10 foot pole. Prove me wrong. I welcome you or anyone else to do so. Use your real name or maybe I will just start blocking you. After all this is my little keyboard.

      I suggest you come to the microphone at the council meeting and get out of your chair where you sit all the time and slouch while staring at Hughes. Come tell everyone just how full of crap Joe Imbriano is publicly. I look forward to meeting you and filming you. It will make a great story for the voters to examine the true incestuous nature of the city’s corruption.

    • #6 by Anonymous on October 29, 2015 - 9:00 am

      Joe do you find it odd that when several officers clearly beat an innocent person to death on video, they actually get away with it and yet when Mr. Levinson is accused of a crime that the video evidence clearly refutes, Dan Hughes still personally requested the DA to file charges?

    • #7 by The Twilight Zone on October 29, 2015 - 3:11 pm

      When you put it that way Anonymous, it shines a light on the real criminal in Fullerton and it is not Mr. Levinson.
      Yet when the C word, i.e. corruption comes up relating to the City of Fullerton, our council members poo – poo that notion. The truth is that the real C word for the City of Fullerton is not corruption but criminality.
      The last time I checked committing perjury while giving testimony in a murder trial (even by one or even two police officers) is still a Felony and murdering an innocent person even by police officers is also a Felony. The fact the our City of Fullerton ignores the obvious, including the Gennaco investigative conclusions only shines the light more brightly on their complicity. Bad to the bone. Rotten to the core. These are all phrases that fit our City of Fullerton government so, so well.

    • #8 by Reality Is.... on October 30, 2015 - 1:17 am

      You are grasping here. A petty misdemeanor and you think Hughes personally requested charges? Over a simple battery? I doubt it. Who cares about a misdemeanor these days. People don’t even do jail time for felonies anymore.

    • #9 by The Twilight Zone on October 30, 2015 - 12:41 pm

      Reality Is, you may doubt it but it is a fact.
      Your comment above and I quote: “Who cares about a misdemeanor these days.” is so not true. The corrupt city council was extremely eager to put on a circus full of accusations but lacking any proof. I also know you would care very much if it was you who was falsely accused of a crime that never happened. I know for you it may be hard to believe but to some their reputation means a great deal.
      A person with integrity does not continuously make false statements or repeat accusations that have no basis in fact. This describes our city of Fullerton leadership. By those standards or lack thereof, you fit in very well with the City of Fullerton leadership. The evidence is piling up very high for the lack of integrity of those who choose to support our bankrupt Fullerton leadership. Thank you Reality Is for being the poster boy for what ails Fullerton.

    • #10 by Reality Is..... on October 30, 2015 - 5:30 pm

      The point is that the police department and the DA have nothing to do with a misdemeanor case. It’s up to the Victim. It’s a misdemeanor not committed in their presence. It’s entirely and 100% up to the victim. If the victim desires prosecution and does a citizen’s arrest, it’s documented and goes to the DA. A chief can present the case all he wants, but if the Victim doesn’t give the right story with all the consistent facts, desire prosecution, and sign the citizen’s arrest form, the DA won’t prosecute at all. If it’s he said she said, the DA many times will reject it. All up to the DA at that point.

    • #11 by Fullerton Resident on November 16, 2015 - 9:32 am

      And in the case of Ms. Grisenti, it was Police Chief Hughes and the FPD who reached out to her to get the conspiracy ball rolling against Mr. Levinson.

      RI thanks for helping to prove our point that the FPD and the City of Fullerton is dirty, even to the point of leading a criminal conspiracy against a Fullerton activist whose comments have never been proven to be anything other than the truth about Fullerton’s leadership.

    • #12 by Reality Is..... on November 16, 2015 - 11:03 pm

      I think I watched that same show on CSI one night. Keep up the good work. It’s clearly failing miserably.



    • #13 by Fullerton Resident on October 30, 2015 - 10:51 am

      Anonymous,your comment demonstrates that Police Chief Dan Hughes objectivity should be called into question in his official dealing with Mr. Levinson. Please recall that he admitted his animosity toward Mr. Levinson in council chambers. “I could hate the guy.” The abuse of power by a police chief should never be tolerated by any community. What is our esteemed city council and city manager doing to correct this alleged abuse? They are doing absolutely nothing.

    • #14 by Reality Is..... on November 16, 2015 - 11:09 pm

      Do you really think that anyone in a political office, or any human for that matter, doesn’t hate someone that is a pain in their ass all the time? I mean really? Or you want Hughes or Feliz or any of the council members to actually like you? LOL. Come on. Be realistic. Even you guys hate people and admit it openly. day after day. They can hate too. it’s the human instinct.

    • #15 by Joe Imbriano on November 15, 2015 - 7:05 pm

      I couldn’t have said it better myself. It tells the public everything they need to know about our police chief Dan Hughes.

    • #16 by Reality Is.... on October 30, 2015 - 1:15 am

      Joe you seem pretty educated and realistic. You don’t think Fullerton is any different than any other city do you? City Councils aren’t known to be the smartest people in the world. Do you really think they actually care that much?

    • #17 by Joe Imbriano on November 15, 2015 - 7:14 pm

      Fullerton is like many so many other cities but I live here hence my aim to clean up this agenda 21 city.

    • #18 by Reality Is..... on November 16, 2015 - 11:07 pm

      Good luck. I’ve been around these parts for 49 years and the closest anyone got to change was Tony B’s attempted buyout of the city to run it how he wants. He made it on Kelly’s back for awhile, but then his pawns failed him miserably. You and your cohorts seem to be preaching the same messages as when Tony and Travis were trying, but without the money and Kelly’s back, I don’t think your extreme radical changes are even remotely possible. They sure are fun to follow though.

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