Fullerton Council Member Jan Flory – Is She A Champion of Attempting to Keep Vital Facts and Figures from the Public’s Purview?

Fullerton Council Member Jan Flory – Is She A Champion of Attempting to Keep Vital Facts and Figures from the Public’s Purview?    Is She A True Hero to the City’s Special Interests?  I Report, You Decide!  By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

On September 15, 2015, I went to the Fullerton City Council podium during public comments to discuss the leaked Gennaco investigative report on the Kelly Thomas beating death.   It had been leaked (by someone else) almost 2 months earlier. https://thefullertoninformer.com/barry-levinson-on-the-confidential-gennaco-report-on-the-kelly-thomas-murder/

Yet Ms. Flory interrupted my comments to suggest that I was out of line to provide this information to the public and to the council as well.  The city attorney informed her that as a private citizen I had every right to discuss anything that was already out in the public including this report.


Jan Flory

Now let us go forward to the last Fullerton City Council meeting on October 20, 2015.  A Council member pointed out to Gretchen Beatty, the head of our Human Resources Department that her cost numbers for the general employee union four-year wage and benefit proposal was understated by approximately 900,000 dollars.  This understatement was based on not including all the pension costs the city would be financially responsible for over that four-year period.  Ms. Flory creatively but incorrectly called the 900,000 dollars a philosophical difference.

Person dumping money into a toilet bowl --- Image by © Rubberball/Corbis

Well ladies and gentlemen I do not believe Ms. Flory would identify the 900,000 dollar difference as philosophical if she were personally on the hook for that amount of money.


In fact, I had to remind her that she was supposed to be looking out for the taxpayers of Fullerton and that every dime we the taxpayers are responsible for should be of concern to her in her fiduciary role as a city council member.  (Please remember that approximately 85% to 90% of all city employees live outside the city boundaries.)


Two very separate sets of circumstances and the only connection is that Council Member Jan Flory in both instances seemed not to be concerned about the folks living in Fullerton.  Shame on you Ms. Flory for taking these two positions that in my opinion champion the special interests over the interests of the people of Fullerton.

P.S.  There is however a silver lining in all of this.  The silver lining is that Ms. Flory is up for reelection next November, at which time the Fullerton voters can remove her from council.

I report, you decide.

Barry Levinson


  1. #1 by Anonymous on November 5, 2015 - 12:57 pm

    Ron Bair is a low life. The city would not have paid out $550,000 if he was innocent of all the allegations. Just another one of the great hires by former Police Chief Pat McKinley. McKinley you may recall supported Ms. Fitzgerald, Ms. Flory and Mr. Chaffee for Fullerton city council.
    Council members, Fitzgerald and Flory are quick to use the term bully against anyone who dares to disagree with their votes on council. Yet they are totally silent about Ron Bair’s alleged sexual misconduct and his alleged abuse of power on Fullerton women in distress. But they will proudly host women’s conferences, yet will not speak out on these alleged abuses of women. HYPOCRITES. It is the women of Fullerton who should be most disturbed with the actions or lack thereof by Fitzgerald and Flory.

    Here is another of the great hires by Pat McKinley, former FPD police officer, Albert Rincon.

    The city paid a total of $350,000 to two women who say they were sexually assaulted by a Fullerton police officer, the city attorney announced Tuesday night.

    Captain Kevin Hamilton, the acting chief, terminated his employment effective October 14, 2011.

    The civil suit accused Rincon of sexually abusing the two female suspects after he arrested them in separate 2008 incidents.

    In the first incident, the suit alleged, Rincon arrested a woman Aug. 1, 2008, on a possession of a controlled substance charge at her place of employment. The charge was ultimately dismissed, i.e. a bogus charge in order to allow Rincon to do his dirty deeds.
    The lawsuit alleges that Rincon sexually assaulted the woman under the guise of patting her down and then repeatedly harassed the woman at her job.
    The second woman was arrested by Rincon on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Court records show that charge was eventually dismissed, i.e. another bogus charge in order to allow Rincon to do his dirty deeds. The lawsuit alleges that after the alleged victim was handcuffed in the back of the patrol car, Rincon sexually assaulted her.

    Rincon, was a Fullerton Police officer since 2006. He had also been accused according to court records of violating the Police Department’s policy of pat-downs, which are supposed to be performed by officers of the same sex whenever possible and of turning off his Digital Audio Recorder (DAR) when he came in contact with the women.

    The FPD had already conducted an internal investigation of the incidents, and only reprimanded him for violating the pat-down policy and the policy requiring officers to keep audio recorders turned on, a federal judge said in court documents.

    Per a story by Lou Ponsi, it was reported that “During a criminal investigation by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office into the officer’s conduct, it surfaced that several other women had approached the Police Department with similar complaints against the officer, D.A. spokeswoman Farrah Emami has said. That office declined to file criminal charges, however, citing the inability to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, Emami said.”

    I believe the D.A. had plenty of evidence from numerous women all giving credence and mutual support to their allegations against Rincon in addition to the evidence the FPD already had in their completed internal investigation into some of these charges. This demonstrates the corruption within both the FPD and the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.

    So we can now readily see that the mishandling of the Kelly Thomas criminal case was not the first time the Orange County District Attorney’s Office has failed to get justice for the citizens of Fullerton. In the case of Bair and Rincon they would not even file criminal charges against the former FPD officers. That is simply disgraceful and a miscarriage of justice. We may be living in Orange County but we too often get nothing but lemons from those government officials that are charged to serve and protect and seek justice through the legal system.

    • #2 by Reality Is on November 6, 2015 - 1:58 pm

      Yea two nut balls. Glad they are gone.

    • #3 by Anonymous on November 6, 2015 - 3:05 pm

      Two nut balls that the FPD brass tried very hard to protect.

    • #4 by Reality Is.... on November 6, 2015 - 5:58 pm

      POBAR. Very hard to fire a cop. Chief’s just follow the rules put in place by the state leaders.

    • #5 by Anonymous on November 6, 2015 - 9:32 pm

      You mean put in place after the police unions throughout California gave the Sacramento politicians millions of contribution dollars over the years. The system is broke and the police unions are the front and center reason for most if not all of the problems.

      Let us be very clear. In private industry giving money to effectuate a specific outcome is called a bribe. In government it is call either a campaign contribution or a federal or state grant.

    • #6 by Reality Is on November 7, 2015 - 11:09 am

      Yep. So why can’t you change it? POBAR has many elements that are very good and very important. No politician should ever be able to fire a cop for political purposes. Ever. POBAR is the only thing that protects that.

    • #7 by Fullerton Lover on November 6, 2015 - 4:37 pm

      …I just hope that it wasn’t too late for them in getting rid of Bair, also known as “Defective Bair”, by Fullerton school district personnel who worked along side of Detective Bair on a daily basis.

      This was back when Bair was working with schoolchildren here on a daily basis within the schools here in Fullerton.

      Still think that this is all fun and games as to why we’re trying to root out the bad apples before they spoil the whole bunch?

    • #8 by Reality Is.... on November 6, 2015 - 5:59 pm

      Cops are horny too. Just like you and I. LOL

    • #9 by Anonymous on November 6, 2015 - 9:10 pm


    • #10 by Reality Is on November 7, 2015 - 11:07 am


    • #11 by Disgusting on November 7, 2015 - 12:33 pm

      So you are defending Bair’s preying on a woman based on a cop (Bair) being “horny”?

    • #12 by Reality Is on November 7, 2015 - 5:07 pm

      Nice try. I said these types of things happen and will always happen. As long as the cop is fired of the allegations are proven, I’m all good. No profession will ever be able to screen out humans that choose to make bad decisions in life. Once proven, Fire EM and move on.

    • #13 by Anonymous on November 8, 2015 - 9:14 am

      The so-called justice system is broken and it is apparent to most of us on this blog.
      Your suppositions depend on a somewhat honest justice system, which does not exist. The only justice to be had is one that will rule on matters that do not step on the toes of the establishment, where there is nothing for them to lose.

      You ignore the culture of corruption to protect the power structure here.
      By your standards, even if justice was served, it is okay for the incidence of crime that we see going on to prevail. This is where there is disagreement: the crimes are significant and profound and they are committed by those we are entrusting and paying to “serve and protect us”. Those of us with families do not trust the FPD.

      Even recognizing that you will have a bad apple that needs to go. When a department recruits from tough areas of LAPD, that is what those cops know and they behave as those cops. It does not belong here in Fullerton. Cop behavior there is not acceptable here. Illegal cop behavior does not belong anywhere. How many bad apples are there? How many are still on the job? How many have not been caught yet because the system is protecting them? The whole thing is corrupted.

      Those of us with families do not trust the FPD.

    • #14 by Not acceptable on November 8, 2015 - 10:01 am

      And, by not condemning, instead explaining by “horny”, you are, in essence, defending Bair’s predatory actions.

      Additionally, you are reducing his behavior to simply animalistic. A cop we are paying is driven not by the the desire to protect people but to be solely driven by overriding animal horniness. P-R-E-D-I-T-O-R

    • #15 by Is there a Doctor in the house. on November 8, 2015 - 12:00 pm

      Reality Is ALWAYS rationalizes bad behavior with his twisted pretzel logic, hence the sociopathic tendencies.

      Read on…

      Many people use the term sociopath as a synonym for anti-social personality disorder. But, do we actually know who are medically called as sociopaths, a term loosely used to describe a pervert or person with mental illness? Sociopaths are selfish, egocentric individuals. They just think about getting their needs and desires to be fulfilled. Their mentally twisted minds manipulate others to get what they want. They often think they are doing a great job for the society and they do not find anything bad or wrong with their lack of regard for others.

      Psychologists and sociologists refer that those people have an unsociable character, due to parental failure or genetic make-up of some people as sociopaths. There are four subtypes of sociopaths basically:

      Common Sociopaths:
      These common sociopaths are characterized by their lack of conscience.

      Alienated Sociopaths:
      The alienated sociopaths are characterized by their inability to love and to be loved.

      Aggressive Sociopaths:
      The aggressive sociopaths are characterized by a streak of sadistic nature.

      Dyssocial Sociopaths:
      The dyssocial sociopaths have an ability to stick to gang rules. As long as the rules are wrong rules, they have no problem following them.

      Now that we have a fair idea as to who is a sociopath, let us have a look at the tendencies as well as characteristics associated with this personality disorder.

      Tendencies of Sociopaths
      One of the main tendencies of sociopaths is the sole aim to win. They will do anything to get what they want and cannot afford to lose. They are very clever and convincing with their tricks to manipulate others. The sociopathic tendencies shows that they are not entangled in a web of emotions and dilemmas that any normal person goes through, but they are busy scheming and plotting ways to gain trust and then stab the unsuspecting friends and lovers in the back. They are so sly in their ways that you will never know what struck you.

      These people have a superficial charm just like a salesman trying to sell you his products. You will be in a daze due to their glibness and never know you are doing something they want you to do. They are very manipulative and love to dominate as well as humiliate their victims. These victims are usually parents, siblings, partners as well as friends or acquaintances.

      Another interesting tendency is that they tend to get bored very easily. This is because normal people are so occupied with their relationships and people around them, that it does not give them time to get bored now and then. But, sociopaths are shallow and empty from inside and are just playing a game to win. Thus, they get bored when there is nothing stimulating their calculating minds like drama, worry or anything negative enough to keep them active.

      There are many serial killers who were found to be sociopaths. But, not all sociopaths are on a killing spree. They lead ordinary lives among us. They just don’t feel any emotions, empathy, remorse or care for those around them. They are just good actors who can emote the emotions around them without actually feeling them emotionally. They are shallow inside and tend to feign their emotions such as joy, love and even compassion. They are cold within and will remain unmoved in situations that is enough to shake up a normal person.

      These people have very poor behavioral controls. Rage and aggression always alternates with periods of love and care. This puts the victim in a vicious cycle of hopelessness and despair. The abused begins to think of the periods of rage as their fault and start having low self-esteem. Sociopaths tend to move around a lot. This is because they tend to fear people will find out their real nature within. They may also fear persecution and therefore will move to different cities or places.

      The tendencies of a sociopath creates a havoc in their family life, professional life and even among their friends. The havoc created does not affect them a bit, but those around the sociopath. They deceive, hurt and wreak the people close to them or in contact with them. They never feel sorry or guilty about their wrongdoings. They just want to take what they want, but never give back anything throughout their lives.

      Personality Trait Checklist
      Just go through the attributes and match the number of ‘yes’ you find about the behavior of the person you suspect to be a sociopath:

      √ Egocentricity
      √ Callousness
      √ Impulsive nature
      √ Lack of conscience
      √ Exaggerated sexuality
      √ Boasts excessively
      √ Takes high risks
      √ Finds it very difficult to resist temptation
      √ Antagonistic nature (They show a deprecating attitude toward the opposite sex)
      √ They show lack of interest in their partner or lover
      √ One may feel used by the person
      √ The victims may feel the person does not care for them much
      √ Sociopaths tend to take a lot and give back almost nothing in return (This includes physically, materialistically, financially as well as emotionally)
      √ Sociopaths love to make others feel sorry for them
      √ They love flattery and tend to bask in glory
      √ These people tend to make their victims become worried in a very sneaky way
      √ They never feel responsible about hurting someone and will instead blame others for their mistakes

      Do you find you have agreed to most of the points related to the things the person’s behavior with you and others? If yes, then you may be dealing with a suspected sociopath. If the person continuously hurts you, blames you for everything that goes wrong and still seeks your sympathy then the person can be termed as a sociopath.

      Disclaimer: The above chart is just an explanation of this condition. Do not in any way interpret it as a diagnostic tool. Please consult a doctor regarding the person’s behavior for an expert diagnosis, if you suspect the person is a sociopath according to the preceding list. Remember, not all people with a few similar tendencies can be termed sociopaths.

      It is commonly seen that such people have no affection or attachments to people around them. According to researchers, there are about three to four percent of people who are sociopaths. There are some people, who are totally sociopathic, some only slightly and others can be anything between total and slightly sociopath. They are not easy to spot and by the time you are hurt, deceived and made turned into an emotional wreak, you find the person was a sociopath. The best thing to do if faced by such a dilemma is to move on and gather the scattered pieces of your life and make no contact with the sociopath. It is difficult to cut off with someone you may love so deeply, but it will save you from more pain and troubles in future. Besides the sociopath won’t care a dime about your presence or absence as it does not affect him in any way.

      Sociopaths never seek help for curing their antisocial personality disorder. And there is no point is trying to get them seek psychotherapy. They will just learn to hide their manipulative trait better and con you more effectively. These were some of the sociopathic traits in adults and if you know someone matching these traits, try to cut off with them or be more alert when they are around. Whatever may be the situation, it is no point in getting you self manipulated and pushed to the verge of madness.

    • #16 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 5:26 pm

      Wow that read was worthless. LOL that copy paste was a waste of 2 minutes of my time I will never get back. I think you were saying that all cops are Sociopaths. Ok..

    • #17 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 5:25 pm

      and you are that much better by saying he molested children? You are part of the problem as well.

      Horny is a fact. You don’t like facts. Reality.

    • #18 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 5:24 pm

      OH man. You should find out how many cops came from other departments then. You might be surprised. Another huge place people lateral from is the LA Sheriff’s Department. People that have been in the jails for their whole careers and deal with nothing but scum in the jail. Cops lateral to other departments all the time. It’s a common element of policing at departments statewide, and nationwide. So saying that LAPD makes bad rough cops is really a stretch. Really shows how lost you are in your thought process. Some of your best Fullerton might just be the LAPD laterals.

    • #19 by Fullerton Lover on November 6, 2015 - 10:07 pm

      Wouldn’t be quite so funny if it was your own children.

      That’s why I admire the Father’s like Joe Imbriano who have the courage to stand up and fight for innocent children.

      Yours and mine.

    • #20 by Barry Levinson on November 7, 2015 - 12:30 pm

      Fullerton Lover I have repeatedly (at least 4 or five times) asked at city council meetings for the name of the FPD officer who replaced retired officer Bill Wallis since April or May who handled all issues relating to sex offenders.

      Total silence from Dan Hughes and the FPD.

      Totally unacceptable and demonstrates the arrogance of a department that refuses to provide basics information to a member of the public and one that helped them write their ordinance against child sex offenders.

      Well one of the things Dan Hughes promised when he took over as chief was to improve the FPD communication to the public. He also stated late last year at council that he could hate me but that he still could do his job objectively as it relates to dealing with me. Well here is another example where Dan Hughes has failed to do his job adequately and objectively. The above example shows what a lousy job he is doing in that respect as well.

    • #21 by Reality Is on November 7, 2015 - 5:05 pm

      Funny. I just asked him today at a community event who it was and he answered right away. He did it while telling me the other detective assignments.

      As I was saying, when you wear out your welcome you will be ignored. Just like yelling at a city council meeting about old things that are resolved and over. In one ear and out the other.

      Council and the Chief listen to the public. They care. They just don’t listen to people that spew nonsense about old things they can do nothing about. They are worried about current events and current issues facing the people they serve.

      Remember Tony B? You and other are the new Tony Bs.


    • #22 by Reality is = sociopath on November 8, 2015 - 2:37 pm

      Reality Is, you seem to fit this sociopathic type:

      “Dyssocial Sociopaths:
      The dyssocial sociopaths have an ability to stick to gang rules. As long as the rules are wrong rules, they have no problem following them.”

    • #23 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 5:29 pm

      Nice try. Great effort though at deception. Like I said, if you can’t find fact, just make it up. Say that the Bair guy molested children. Yell and scream about things that are old and discipline has already been rendered. Yell and scream about old council people or people that won’t listen to you. Keep it up. Your screaming is going in one ear and out the other, as you say and as you know. I’m explaining to you why, but like most mentally ill people, you refuse to listen and refuse to make changes to your methods of delivery. End result? You will keep yelling about old things, and proving how great Fullerton is doing, and they will continue to ignore you. Reality sucks sometimes doesn’t it?

    • #24 by Anonymous on November 8, 2015 - 7:55 pm

      Spoken like a true Dyssocial Sociopath, per the definition.

      You are a sad individual.

    • #25 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 9:37 pm

      LOL thanks. A proud one at least. 🙂

    • #26 by Fullerton Lover on November 8, 2015 - 8:22 pm

      You are the only one that said that Bair molested children.

      I said that Bair was allowed to work with school children.

      Easily verifiable online.


    • #27 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 9:38 pm

      No. Not true. If I knew how to search this site I would find what was said.

    • #28 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 9:41 pm

      and since you brought it up and said I as fact.

      So Bair was allowed to work directly with children on a daily basis after they had knowledge that he had raped someone? Is that exactly what you are saying?

    • #29 by Anonymous on November 8, 2015 - 3:43 pm

      Reality Is is such a complete fraud and a total degenerate. The perfect description of a bad cop.

      People he disagrees with on this site he claims “spew nonsense”, yet he can’t pull himself away.

      The Fullerton establishment is very worried that this time people will be thrown out of office and some may even find themselves behind bars.

    • #30 by Reality Is..... on November 8, 2015 - 7:51 pm

      LOL come on. You know I’m not a bad cop. I say spew nonsense when you spew nonsense about things that are years old and done and over. Come on. Come up with something new! Current! Show me and the community that there are current issues with the City of Fullerton and the current police chief. The best you can do is say that I’m a fraud because I state facts?

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