Archive for category Tony Bushala
Tony Bushala’s Josh Newman just may have a chance to deliver that payday after all
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Josh Newman, Tony Bushala, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 15, 2018
Remember these signs? The group Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform was responsible for these campaign signs during the June 2016 primary election against State Senate candidate Sukhee Kang.
The signs reading “No Kang – Irvine Carpetbagger” were paid for by the Fullerton committee called Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform whose principal officers are none other than Tony Bushala and Jack Dean.

Jack Dean

Tony Bushala

Josh Newman
Was this “No Kang Irvine Carpetbagger” campaign designed to pave the way for none other than Josh Newman to write his ticket for the November ballot? Well there WERE NO OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES IN THE RACE for the June Primary and I certainly didn’t see Dean and Bushala’s group supporting Ling Ling Chang the Republican challenger.
The intentions of the Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform were to knock Kang out of the primary election, so that Newman, would end up on the November ballot and win. You see the Agran plant, Khang couldn’t be bothered with Bushala because he has already been bought and paid for by a camp at odds with Bushala. So many strings controlling things so hard to keep track. So what could have been the motivations of Tony Bushala and Jack Dean to inject their group and exert its influence into a Senate primary election? Was it to ensure Josh Newman’s place in Sacramento? To have a “friend obligated to return a favor in high places? Everyone knew that the anti Trump sentiment among the Latinos was going to fair well for the Democrats in this part of Orange County. Any politically savy individual would know that massive Latino voting block coupled with the illegals that have been registered to vote all showed up in droves. That is how we ended up with Jesus Silva on the City Council and Sharon Quirk Silva in the Assembly both edging out Republicans.It just had to be a homegrown dem for Bushala to play ball with.
Does Bushala’s meddling in this Senate race have anything to do with development? Of course it did. Is Jack Dean just along for the ride unaware of the Bushala high rise development agenda? It is doubtful. Jack is a smart man. We do know that an end run around local control over high density housing approvals has been the subject of several unsuceesful bills out of Sacramento just this year. It would certainly bode well for Bushala to bypass his plants on the council which have been hogtied by the relentless pressure of local activists.
Then we have the Shawn Nelson school of political science at work-focus on a narrow item like a tax and make it all about that. That is what Tony’s tool Sebourn did during the recall.

Nelson-Bushala’s buddy
Isn’t it ironic how Bushala’s blog, The Friends for Fullerton’s Future is currently hosting articles that are promoting the recall of Josh Newman and they make it all about a gas tax? What did you expect a Democrat to do, vote down a tax increase? You think Newman will vote down Agenda 21, socialism that involves state mandated affordable housing construction? Heck no.
Well folks, Bushala was behind Newman all along and SB 827 just rolled off the printer in Sacramento a few days ago.
Bushala funded Bruce Whitaker for years and it just so happens that he is challenging Josh Newman who Bushala helped get elected in the recall election if it suceeds. Whitaker is full of crap if he acts like he wont support this bill because if Bruce had it his way, there would be no zoning at all. Whitaker is running a political con job while his most ardent supporter is Bushala is playing both sides of the aisle once more to ensure his influence finds its way to the Capital where SB 827 and other bills like it will find their way to the Senate floor for a full vote so they can make his family alot of money and ruin Fullerton for good with huge ten or twenty story apartment buildings all over the place.
This is a nightmare for Fullerton as this could add hundreds of thousands more people to Fullerton if a bill like this passes. Will this be a Bushala dream come true? Of course. For years he has from behind the scenes, attempted unsuceesfully to maneuver his political pawns to get huge develeopments through at the local level. His family owns a very large amount of properties around the train station. Tony Bushala is the father of transit oriented high density housing in Fullerton. SB 827 strips all local control away from cities and allows huge transit rich high density housing to be built within 1/2 to 1/4 mile of any transit center with virtually no height limits or parking requirements. This is nothing more than the State version of the DCCSP and the end of our quality of life in Fullerton as we know it.
Political operatives like Bushala can turn on someone on a dime when the wind starts blowing the wrong way. We sure have seen plenty of that in Fullerton.
No matter what the outcome of this recall and the subsequent elections, you have my word that we will continue to objectively work towards draining the swamp at City Hall, exposing and ridding Fullerton of its political operatives and continue fighting this Agenda 21 legislation designed to create the scientific kill grids in the compact cities as they get everyone into these high rise arrangements so they can be force vaccinated, microwaved, have their water dosed, drugged, doped up, medicated, fed the GMO’s, mind controlled with the TV screens everywhere and finally finished off to reduce the population. These creeps that want to turn Fullerton into downtown LA or New York City have another thing coming. On this my friends, you have my word.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Bruce, Hidden in plain view, Highway Robbery, Hilcrest Stairs, Hillcrest stairs, Jesus Silva, Tony Bushala, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 14, 2018
It has been approximately 8 to 9 months since the City’s Christening of the Pinewood Stairs connecting Hillcrest Park and Lion’s Field. The FFFF website has posted new pictures rendering the condition of those stairs. They are simply falling apart with the problems increasing at a very rapid rate.
Yet where is State Senate Candidate Bruce Whitaker on this issue? The answer is that Bruce Whitaker has been totally silent since the beginning. It is very troubling that someone whose only theme for running for State Senate is to fight Sacramento Corruption is once again totally silent on this City of Fullerton corruption and there is no doubt that is what Pinewood Stairs represents.

Public Works director Don Hoppie needs to be fired over signing off on this outrageous fraud perpetrated on taxpayers.

$196,000 a year for Hugo Curiel and $148,000 a year for these Fullerton park and rec department managers Curiel and Loya who presided over this disaster (compensation source transparent
Sebourn mentioned his concern in response to citizen complaints and then failed to follow-up at all. Nice phony PR work Sebourn.

Worthless Bushala plant Greg Seaborn who doubles down every time with lipservice and ignores the corruption.
Fitzgerald’s response was to totally praise the stairs as a great triumph of city engineering and development.

Shawn Nelson plant Fitzgerald ignores the problem, doubles down and praises this construction defect lawsuit in the making as magnificent.
Who is one of her main supporters and mentors but none other than Shawn Nelson who is now running to replace Congressman Ed Royce. You remember Nelson, the guy who tried to put in a homeless shelter across the street from an elementary school that has many special needs children in attendance and tried to hand over a 100K commission to one of his supporters denying others the right to bid for that commission. The same supervisor who was against setting up an independent commission to look into OC Supervisor corruption. Here is Nelson hiding SCAG from the public at a candidate forum, yes the one who lobbied his head off to make sure Jennifer Fitzgerald got elected twice and he wants to be your Congressman?
Is this the best the Republican Party can provide as candidates, Bruce Whitaker for State Senate and Shawn Nelson for U.S. Congress? How pathetic? And the State Republican party wonders why Republicans have become pretty much meaningless throughout the entire state. A state that gave us Governor and then President Ronald Reagan. Should those true conservatives that care about our constitution and limited government providing freedom for its citizens, start a new Conservative Party in California? If the State Republican Party does not shape up and shape up really fast, the answer is probably yes!
As for the stairs, well you know you can’t put wood in concrete like that. It swells every time it gets wet. It should have had metal anchors with straps and bolts. So if the City doesn’t sue the contractor for construction defects, no one gets fired, no one goes to jail for this total ripoff, and someone gets hurt when this thing ends up red tagged after the next big rainstorm, well you know it will be you picking up the tab once again.
I report, you decide.
How Low Can My Opposition Go? By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Friends for Fullertons Future, Tony Bushala on July 10, 2017

Barry Levinson
Here is one anonymous comment under an article I wrote on the Fullerton Informer entitled “FFFF Once Again Fails The Good People Of Fullerton By Not Allowing Me To Post All My Comments On Their Website. Why Are They So Afraid of My Words? By Barry Levinson
comment entry
“#30 by Anonymous on July 9, 2017 – 9:25 pm comment contents Wow, you love expropriating smart people’s quotations – just like you take credit for other people’s work. Here’s a tip from some one who has read a book – rather than just swiping quotes found on the Internet: George Orwell was a hard core socialist. Good to know who your friends are, right Vladimir?”
Obviously Anonymous does not know the definition of expropriation for his statement makes absolutely no sense. Here is the definition of expropriation and its proper use in a sentence.
From the Merriam Webster Dictionary
Definition of Expropriation
The act of expropriating or the state of being expropriated; specifically: the action of the state in taking or modifying the property rights of an individual in the exercise of its sovereignty
Example of Expropriation in a Sentence
The development of the colony involved expropriation of large tracts of fertile farmland from the natives.
My posting quotes with the author’s names clearly stated are hardly the act of a state taking away someone’s private property. I am not taking credit for these quotes since I provided the author’s names in every single case. Also to claim that Lenin and Orwell are my friends because I quoted them once is patently absurd. All these baseless attacks shows how desperate my enemies are and how stupid they must think the Fullerton public is to believe any of it.
These attacks on me are the acts of desperate, despicable people, which includes a few bottom dwellers from the FFFF crowd. Obviously they have no shame, no integrity and no scruples. Their tactics are to literally throw as much mud at me as possible hoping that some of it might stick. The only people that it sticks to are those throwing it.
Another Anonymous comment now infers that Joe Imbriano and I are cowards for not confronting Tony Bushala in person, and also infers they want some kind of physical altercation. Only bullies use physical force to intimidate their opponents. Here are those two posts below.
- #80 by Anonymous on July 8, 2017 – 5:18 pm
- #81 by Anonymous on July 8, 2017 – 5:43 pm
- Yes and make sure Chris Thompson shows up so he can take a swing at Barry. Maybe this time he won’t miss.
- To Embriano:I notice you and your partner only talk tough when you are able to hide behind your computer screens or there are Fullerton cops in the room to protect your sorry asses. Ironic, much?Ha!
- Go ahead. Make your accusations directly to Bushala. Let’s see what you got. Oh, and be sure to take your big mouth sidekick with you.
- Here is Bushala’s address – 110 E. Walnut Avenue, Fullerton. I bet you don’t have the guts to pay him a visit and tell the man to his face the lies and nonsense you casually spew out here without a shred of evidence.
The quote from Anonymous above stating; “Let’s see what you got” sounds like a physical threat to me.
I will stick to the facts, the truth and my intelligence to provide the readers of the Fullerton Informer with the much needed information neccessary to make up their own minds.
I report, you decide!
Did Tony Bushala and Jack Dean give us Josh Newman?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Tony Bushala on June 16, 2017
The group Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform was responsible for these campaign signs during the June 2016 primary election against State Senate candidate Sukhee Kang.
The signs reading “No Kang – Irvine Carpetbagger” were paid for by the Fullerton committee called Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform whose principal officers are none other than Tony Bushala and Jack Dean.

Jack Dean

Tony Bushala

Josh Newman
Was this “No Kang Irvine Carpetbagger” campaign designed to pave the way for none other than Josh Newman to write his ticket for the November ballot? Well there WERE NO OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES IN THE RACE for the June Primary and I certainly didn’t see Dean and Bushala’s group supporting Ling Ling Chang the Republican challenger.
Were the intentions of the Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform to knock Kang out of the primary election, so that Newman would end up on the November ballot and perhaps win? Well thanks to the help of Jack Dean and Tony Bushala, Newman defeated Kang in the June primary. Locally, it worked like a charm. Newman, would not only end up on the November ballot, he actually won the election. So what could have been the motivations of Tony Bushala and Jack Dean to inject their group and exert its influence into a Senate primary election? Was it to ensure Josh Newman’s place in Sacramento? Everyone knew that the anti Trump sentiment among the Latinos was going to fair well for the Democrats in this part of Orange County. Any politically savy individual would know that massive Latino voting block coupled with the illegals that have been registered to vote all showed up in droves. That is how we ended up with Jesus Silva on the City Council and Sharon Quirk Silva in the Assembly both edging out Republicans.
Does Bushala’s meddling in this Senate race have anything to do with development? Is Jack Dean just along for the ride unaware of the Bushala high rise development agenda? We do know that an end run around local control over high density housing approvals has been the subject of several bills out of Sacramento just this year. It would certainly bode well for Bushala to bypass his plants on the council which have been hogtied by the relentless pressure of local activists.
Then we have the Shawn Nelson school of political science at work-focus on a narrow item like a tax and make it all about that. That is what Tony’s tool Sebourn did during the recall.

Nelson-Bushala’s buddy
Isn’t it ironic how Bushala’s blog, The Friends for Fullerton’s Future is currently hosting articles that are promoting the recall of Josh Newman and they make it all about a gas tax? What did you expect e Democrat to do, vote down a tax increase?
This kind of reminds me of the Bush Family funding and The Ford Motor Company selling equipment to both the Allied Troops and the Nazis at the same time. Then again, this is how political operatives play the game. They work both sides to their advantage.
Well folks, I cannot prove that Bushala was behind Newman all along but then again, the circumstantial evidence sure leads me to that conclusion and of course, political operatives can turn on someone on a dime when the wind starts blowing the wrong way. We sure have seen plenty of that in Fullerton.
No matter what the outcome of this recall and the subsequent elections, you have my word that we will continue to objectively work towards draining the swamp at City Hall, exposing and ridding Fullerton of its political operatives and continue fighting these creeps that want to turn Fullerton into downtown LA. On this my friends, you have my word.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Tony Bushala, Who's who in Fullerton politics on May 29, 2017
Here is an excellent example of the depths my enemies will go to try to ruin my reputation straight from the on-line comments of the recently dug up from the ashes Friends for Fullerton’s Future website approved by Travis Kiger

Travis Kiger-administrator FFFF
“The City Attorney explained it to you Barry..remember?
“Barry was let go from P and R due to him repeatedly harassing an employee who was just this side of suing him and the city for not protecting her from Barry. But Barry lies and says he has no clue why.”
The comments quoted above directly from the Friends for Fullerton’s Future website are a total and complete lie. The city attorney explained absolutely nothing to me and I did not harass any city employee or anybody else for that matter.
How very sad and very disgusting at the same time that it was none other than current Appointed Mayor and my former friend Bruce Whitaker who stated this falsehood for the first time in the July 2016 Fullerton Observer approximately 5 weeks after he informed me that he would remove me after stating that he considered doing this for months. For the record , he never gave me an explanation then or did he to this day every contact me with a direct explanation from him. What a guy!
Here is Whitaker’s shameful totally false defamation of me as follows: “The (Fullerton) Observer asked Council member Whitaker for his reason for removing his appointed commissioner. He sent the following response:” ““Faced with an imminent employee action which would have likely generate substantial cost to the City, to avoid that action, I opted to remove the commission member. That member’s term would otherwise have expired in December 2016. As you know there had been an effort by Council members in October 2014 to remove that same appointee from the P&R commission which failed on a 3-2 vote. An involuntary removal required four votes.””
What Whitaker so deceitfully left out was that he voted against removing me and said at the time that there was no evidence to support my removal but that it seemed to be nothing more than a political vendetta against my activism by then Police Chief Dan Hughes and members of the City Government. What a guy you are Bruce. Can you be any more deceptive than with that quoted statement sir from the Fullerton Observer? Here below are your exact words on the City Council dais. You paint a totally different picture on that night of November 4, 2014 as follows:
Now for the readers I can’t tell you how many times in the past after I spoke out on some problem facing Fullerton during a Fullerton Council meeting that Council member Whitaker would call me immediately after the meeting to thank me for my great input and to keep up the good work. I never ever received any criticism for any of my service to the community as a Fullerton resident activist at City Hall or for my service of almost 6 years (well into my second term) as Whitaker’s appointee to the P&R Committee. Funny that he has never mentioned any of this false storyline to me. I guess this would be another example of his failure to do his fiduciary responsibility for the good people of Fullerton. Because if there were any bit of truth to this, if I were his boss, I would have immediately discussed the accusation with him. The first time I hear this total fabrication is indirectly thru the Fullerton Observer article over five weeks after he removed me.
To the anonymous writer of this complete defamation, please give me your full name and address and I will take appropriate action against you. For you are a low life, a coward and a liar all wrapped together in one disgusting human being. (Please note that the only difference between the actions of Bruce Whitaker and the anonymous person commenting on the FFFF website is the fact that Bruce Whitaker gave us his name.) Please also give me the name of the employee that you allege I harassed!
To the administrator of the FFFF website (which was Travis Kiger and I suspect still is), I demand that you give me the IP address of the person who spewed out those defaming comments. I would ask you to do this on your site but you have already seen fit to block any more of my comments. So much for your so-called libertarian beliefs.
Fullertonians please take note that this is all that the phony and corrupt people supporting our corrupt city hall have as a defense. When they can’t handle the truth and when the heat gets too high, they turn to libel, slander and defamation. In other words, they have nothing to defend themselves, for you can’t defend yourself from the truth and the facts. So they make up totally false allegations in an attempt to assassinate someone’s character, namely mine in this case.

Is Bruce Whitaker telling another tall tale or worse?
I seriously doubt you will come out from the shadows because you know you are not being truthful and do not want to get sued. I have asked Bruce Whitaker to provide details to his false character assassination story. He has remained dutifully silent. What does that tell you about our Appointed Mayor?
There are some very morally bankrupt people participating and defending our city government. It it contemptuous that there are allegations given anonymously with the person allegedly harassed by me conveniently not identified, nor the nature of the alleged harassment. It is very simple that you can’t provide a name that does not exist. Your allegations are so, so dishonest, baseless with absolutely no specifics whatsoever. I deal with facts and if you can’t live with the facts I suggest that you change your behavior. I am putting those responsible for the FFFF website on notice that going forward I expect that you either do not post these defamations or respond to the defamations that they are to be ignored without the weight of any evidence.

FFFF’s Travis Kiger eating his …….
Why would these miscreants go to such lengths to defame me, when all I have done is to speak the truth and give the facts? For you see Fullertonians if that were not the case many of these big money special interests would have already filed lawsuits against me. They had nothing before and they have nothing now, but to lower themselves by defaming my character. All I can say when you read or hear these lies….Remember the Source (when they actually give the source, which is very infrequent).

Here’s Bruce Whitaker shovelin’ more …….
It is so very sad that Bruce Whitaker had a golden opportunity to make a difference if only he meant a small portion of the things he told his supporters and constituents. He failed us miserably over the past six and one-half years as a council member and now finds it necessary to defame me without any proof for any of his defaming remarks.
Barry Levinson
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