- height of the Great Pyramid without capstone; 139 metres
- height of the North Tower WTC 1; 417 m (139m x 3)
- height of the Chephren pyramid; 136 metres
- height of South Tower WTC 2; 415 metres (136m x 3)
Posted by Joe Imbriano in 9-11, In honor and memorium of, Public safety, Public safety is becoming an oxymoron, The twighlight's last gleaming, THE WAR ON GOD on April 29, 2022
THERE WERE NO PLANES ON 9-11 All bombs were window dressing for the resonant frequency weapon that was used. There were no airplanes. The towers were built to recieve and the the day they were designed was the day they were destined to come down. You cannot have tens of millions of tons of debris vanish into thin air unless molecular dissassocition took place which it clearly did. The problem is they will do this again to a few cities and blame russia or china to get the US into WW3, draft all the alpha males, ship them off to die, and bring in the foreign troops. That is the plan. The cyclonic torsion field energy of the hurricane that was off the coast that morning was tapped and directed right to the 2 terminals of the battery called the twin towers. Thats right there was a massive hurricane right off the coast parked during the event. tesla technology has nothing to do with the rolling wifi survelance cancer cars but rather weaponry that is about to be used again to dustify anything they want and blame anyone they want for it.
9/11 video claiming there were no planes, at all. The video shows live proof that no airliners were involved in the attack. What you saw on “LIVE” TV back then was, perhaps, not LIVE. It may have been CGI shown to you as if it was LIVE.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Eugenics, forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming on April 27, 2019
Governor Brown signed SB 277 eliminating parents’ religious rights to refuse vaccines for their children. There now exists the the absolute requirement that all California public and private school children be immunized but yet there is no such state law mandating vaccination for public or private school teachers, school food service workers, janitors or other school staff. From a public policy standpoint, this makes absolutely no sense unless this is part of an agenda aimed only at children. Ladies and gentlemen it is-
“Antonio (Sonny) de los Reyes served from 1978 to 1982 in a number of Philipino population control agencies. He was in Toronto recently to attend meetings of a Catholic charismatic prayer group.
Mr. De los Reyes, 52, served as executive director of the Commission on Population, the body coordinating the Philippine government’s population policy. He was forced out after criticizing the government for targeting the poor in its population control efforts.
Although reinstated in 1986, De los Reyes refused to go back to his old position and instead devoted his life to speaking out against anti-population schemes. Today, de los Reyes is national president of the Council of Philippine Laity. The council came to international attention when it uncovered evidence of a widespread sterilization program aimed at young Filipina women.
Advertised as a national vaccination effort, the program involved the lacing of anti-tetanus toxoids with a sterilizing chemical known as HCG. Thousands of Filipino women between the ages of 15 and 45 were inoculated by the tainted vaccines. Only through the efforts of Catholic church organizations was the tainted vaccine brought to public attention”
www.theinterim.com › Population
Paul Walker
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way on February 21, 2019
All bombs were window dressing for the resonant frequency weapon that was used. There were no airplanes. The towers were built to recieve and the the day they were designed was the day they were destined to come down. You cannot have tens of millions of tons of debris vanish into thin air unless molecular dissassocition took place which it clearly did. The problem is they will do this again to a few cities and blame russia or china to get the US into WW3, draft all the alpha males, ship them off to die, and bring in the foreign troops. That is the plan. The cyclonic torsion field energy of the hurricane that was off the coast that morning was tapped and directed right to the 2 terminals of the battery called the twin towers. Thats right there was a massive hurricane right off the coast parked during the event. tesla technology has nothing to do with the rolling wifi survelance cancer cars but rather weaponry that is about to be used again to dustify anything they want and blame anyone they want for it.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming on March 8, 2018
You talk about this on You Tube and your channel goes down for good. There are two distinct reasons folks. The government wants the American people to believe their propaganda films with crisis actors and the government wants us disarmed because they have such horrible things planned for us that they don’t want any resistance. Such things as a currency collapse, staged outbreaks of disease, forced relocations, confiscation of assets, bank accounts, property, retirement accounts, forced vaccinations, forced irradiation with the 5G systems and forced medical procedures are to name just a few of the sinister eugenics agendas on the table.
The government will kill children and run real shootings and frame a patsy, and they will run false flag Hollywood productions just like Sandy Hook.Watch this video that You Tube keeps taking down. I have tried to upload it several times and this is what happens. TOTAL CENSORSHIP. WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
It is amazing. The media including You Tube which is all run by the government, is beyond a joke, it is an outright criminal enterprise. The movie documents the extraordinary journey of Wolfgang Halbig, a former state trooper, teacher, insurance adjuster and most importantly, a professional school safety advisor on his quest for truth. This man sought basic public information from the officials of Newtown. What he found instead, was an illegal and impenetrable wall of secrecy. This makes you have to question what they are hiding and why the government wants us disarmed. That right there alone should send shivers up and down your spine if you really have one.
Here are the things that stood out for me from Dear Wolfgang, the Sandy Hook documentary, in case you didn’t get a chance to watch (self.conspiracy)
I want to be clear that none of this should be taken as a justification for harassing anyone. Not only is that unnecessary, but it’s counterproductive in that it creates a negative stereotype that further stifles discussion. Moreover, it is terribly wrong in the case that we are wrong– we should never presume to have certainty that we are right, and from there reason that the ends justify the means, because the downside is that we are missing something and we end up doing serious harm; and there are alternative ways with a much smaller potential for downside ( in this case, reasonable discourse with emphasis on facts and logic) of arriving at the intended goal. That has to be the path for something like this.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in In honor and memorium of on October 14, 2017
Posted by Joe Imbriano in In honor and memorium of, KELLY THOMAS on January 27, 2016
california public records act request 2 messages |
The Fullerton Informer <joeimbriano777@gmail.com> | Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 10:04 AM | |
To: “Lucinda M. Williams” <LucindaW@ci.fullerton.ca.us>, Mea Klein <MeaK@ci.fullerton.ca.us>
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, forced sterilization of school children, Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, radiation experiments on school children, The twighlight's last gleaming on November 29, 2015
Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because
we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
“And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”
Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before intact extraction is the hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).
The love of money is the root of all evil
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, KELLY THOMAS on November 24, 2015
By Bax Baxter
“Forgive me the length of this post, but I plan to make these my last comments on FB ever regarding Kelly Thomas. It’s over.
There is nothing more disturbing than charities propagating the demise of those they ostensibly exist to protect and serve. I believe that is exactly what is going on with the Autism merry go round happy party scam in Fullerton. According to their 990 form, Fullerton Cares Autism Foundation exists to “raise funds for scientific research for a CURE to Autism, to support those individuals with Autism and to carry on activities associated with this goal.”
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming on July 15, 2015
It took 9 long painstaking months to form this child in the womb, and it took years of sleepless nights with doctor visits and emergency room scares just to get him to become a little boy, and years of long workweeks to put food on the table and a roof over his head so he could become a man, all to be snuffed out by some bloodthirsty demonic cop. I don’t care what color this child’s skin was, what kind of upbringing he had, what his taste in music was, what tattoos he sported or what he ate or drank. HIS BLOOD WAS JUST AS RED AS ALL OF OUR OWN.
Why do we teach children in junior and high school a bunch of worthless bullshit 16th century poetry, revisionist history that turns out a slave mentality, balkanizing ethnic studies, bogus intelligence insulting science and worthless mind bending math that they will never use and purposely omit the most important lessons of all-their rights and remedies as Americans, their civic responsibilities, and how to deal with and engage the police.
Maybe your own denial will force you to comfortably sit back and blame the underprivileged youth, their parents, the gangs,drug dealers or the movie industry. You can blame whatever you want because your children will be next.
All it takes is one wrong move and every hope and dream you as parents have ever amassed will be wiped clean in an instant and it will all be covered up and cleaned up on your taxpayer dime. Truth be told the blood is on all of our hands ladies and gentlemen because we have allowed the cops have their bill of rights (POBAR) which happens to be trumping our very own.
Yes the pulpits in the phony worthless churches are silent, the secular humanist schools are complicit, local elected bodies go along for the ride with zippers over their forked tongue mouths and the government is slowly turning against its own with it now being right out in the open as they takes millions of our tax dollars to pay the clean up charges to get all of innocent blood shed all over the street running down the gutters up off the ground. When will it all end?
Ladies and gentlemen, like I have publicly stated before on record, there exist three remedies as an American and they are as follows in this order:
First there is the soap box, which is our right to grandstand in order to disseminate the need and urgency for reforms through the peaceful exercise of our First Amendment protected speech, the right to assemble and have access to and utilize a free press.
When that is not successful, we must resort to the ballot box. Whether it be through the initiative process, elections, recalls or legislative enactment, this is the second peaceful way to enact much needed change to further the interests in protecting and safeguarding liberty at large and the furtherance of a peaceful society.
As a last resort, when all other peaceful measures fail and have been exhausted, it will eventually come down to the cartridge box as it is incumbent upon all Americans to water the tree of liberty with their very own blood and that of other patriots. Yes, we have been bequeathed with a remedy unlike any anywhere else on earth- The second amendment.
As we are now in a state of militarized police, with military personnel being deployed on the streets with the psychological and media conditioning through operation Jade Helm 2015, you all need to realize that what they are gearing up for is what comprised our founding fathers’ worst fears.
May this child’s blood not have been shed in vain but rather on this July 15. 2015, may you take the time to educate your children on how to deal with the police, how to navigate and participate in our cherished civic processes, how to effect sound public policy, how to select and elect principled leaders, and how to undo wrongs that need to be righted through the legal democratic processes so that we may never have to stoop to the level of the demonic cold blooded thugs such as what you are about to see right below in this video.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, Eugenics, Forced irradiation of school children, Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, Highway Robbery, In honor and memorium of, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms, radiation experiments on school children, radical feminist social engineering, save the males, the lamestream media, The twighlight's last gleaming, The Way, Who's who in Fullerton politics on January 21, 2015
Is this what explains the behavior of the masses who ignore and allow the sterilization of school children with the forced wireless exposure at school? apple 666 the counter intuitive brain damaging common core curriculum, the 65 cancer virus and nano tech laden shots being pumped into our kids before age 5,the ripping apart of the unborn children out of their mothers womb and parting them out, the satanizing video game addictions purloining-their-fecundity, the endless flow of liquor destroying marriages and children, the out of control opiate pain pill addiction epidemic, the satanic mind control hellavison, music, Hellywood movie and media bread and circus mindless sports diversions, the fleecing and betrayal by the fat head pickpocket preachers and the cowards who compromise the clergy, the secular humanist educrat lackeys that teach our children flat out lies as they sip their wine, polish the 12 pack and push their agendas, or our violent, murderous, sexually assaulting, framing and corrupt police department, our two faced betraying sell out local elected leaders, or simply what we are allowing to even be done to ourselves by those who hold us all in derision at the highest echelons of power?
One thing is certain, the end result will be Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Government sponsored terrorism, In honor and memorium of, The twighlight's last gleaming on November 14, 2014
Dan Hughes -current FPD chief who let the killer cops watch the video so they could write their reports-I . It appears that he doesn’t review videos before he submits reports to the DA anymore.
60 reviews by citizens after THE FPD MADE CONTACT WITH THEM
Sort by: Most helpful
Posted by Joe Imbriano in In honor and memorium of on November 11, 2014
November 11, 2014 is another glorious day to pay tribute to all our Veterans whether they served in the battlefield or served in peacetime. We thank you for your tireless sacrifices that both you and your families accepted for our country. For the last few decades, we have had a totally voluntary military. Those who serve voluntarily commit willingly to serve our country and risk life and limb for us at home. There is no braver sacrifice that a citizen can provide for his/her country.
I also want to thank those in my family who served proudly.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my biggest hero, my dad, Murray Levinson. He served in the front lines in North Africa and Italy during WWII. His task was as part of a platoon that went ahead of most of the troops searching for and dismantling mines planted by the retreating enemy. He was seriously wounded but survived intact. His two best buddies were not as lucky. One day under heavy mortar shelling by the enemy, my dad’s platoon suffered some catastrophic losses. My dad suffered wounds that he recovered from and when healed went back into the battlefield. His best friend suffered a direct hit and was literally blown to bits. His other buddy suffered massive injuries loosing all four limbs. These were true heroes. Young men some still teenagers facing life and death situations every single day for 2, 3 or 4 years.
I would also like to thank my dad’s older brother who also proudly served during WWII and my cousin who served in the early 1960’s stationed in Germany.
Finally, to all those men and women who served proudly and their families, I want to thank them for their patriotism, bravery and sacrifice.
Those who fought in WWII were part of what is now known as the Greatest Generation. They fought and many died and even more were seriously wounded so that we can remain free of tyranny.
Today we as Americans have a solemn obligation to see to it that we do not let that freedom slip away by foreign or domestic enemies of freedom.
I report, you decide.
Barry Levinson
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