A Veterans Day Tribute-by Barry Levinson



November 11, 2014 is another glorious day to pay tribute to all our Veterans whether they served in the battlefield or served in peacetime. We thank you for your tireless sacrifices that both you and your families accepted for our country. For the last few decades, we have had a totally voluntary military. Those who serve voluntarily commit willingly to serve our country and risk life and limb for us at home.  There is no braver sacrifice that a citizen can provide for his/her country.


I also want to thank those in my family who served proudly.


First and foremost, I would like to thank my biggest hero, my dad, Murray Levinson. He served in the front lines in North Africa and Italy during WWII. His task was as part of a platoon that went ahead of most of the troops searching for and dismantling mines planted by the retreating enemy. He was seriously wounded but survived intact. His two best buddies were not as lucky. One day under heavy mortar shelling by the enemy, my dad’s platoon suffered some catastrophic losses. My dad suffered wounds that he recovered from and when healed went back into the battlefield. His best friend suffered a direct hit and was literally blown to bits. His other buddy suffered massive injuries loosing all four limbs. These were true heroes. Young men some still teenagers facing life and death situations every single day for 2, 3 or 4 years.

I would also like to thank my dad’s older brother who also proudly served during WWII and my cousin who served in the early 1960’s stationed in Germany.

Finally, to all those men and women who served proudly and their families, I want to thank them for their patriotism, bravery and sacrifice.

Those who fought in WWII were part of what is now known as the Greatest Generation. They fought and many died and even more were seriously wounded so that we can remain free of tyranny.

Today we as Americans have a solemn obligation to see to it that we do not let that freedom slip away by foreign or domestic enemies of freedom.



I report, you decide.

Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by Semper Fi on November 11, 2014 - 10:05 pm

    Mr. Levinson, thank you for remembering the heroes, including the fallen ones. Your father would be proud of the countryman that he raised and freely gave so that you can serve your community.

    Service comes in many shapes and sizes. It is people much like yourself that protect freedom from enemies domestic, not foreign. Myself and my brothers guard the shores from afar while citizen soldiers much like yourself guard us from within. Stay the course friend.

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