Archive for June, 2016
It Is Now Crystal Clear: The Modus Operandi Of Council Member Bruce Whitaker.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics on June 27, 2016
I know to some this message will be very painful, to some infuriating, and to others music to their ears as fodder for political talking points and hit pieces. Believe me, it pains me to have had to have come to this. For four years I have painfully watched all of this and other disturbing developments unfold that at first I couldn’t believe, that I then didn’t want to believe and then finally that I could no longer ignore. I must admit that when I first entered the political scene years back, I had the utmost respect for Bruce Whitaker and had admired his demeanor and his positions. That respect is long gone.
Many may not fully understand my motivations for writing this article, many will accuse me of attacking one of our own. Bruce is nowhere near one of our own as you will soon see. Others may be rejoicing at the apparent division. Ladies and gentlemen, my modus operandi has always been to tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may because the truth will stand on its own.

The Nelson line up for the fall season
Instead of Bruce doing everything in his power to tip the balance on the council and expose his boss Nelson’s sacred cow Fitzgerald WHO HAPPENS TO BE THE DECIDING VOTE EVERY TIME, he goes along to get along, ignores vital issues, remains totally silent on others, and pontificates only when it makes no difference when it is far too late when his vote means nothing. This has allowed Fitzgerald to be the deciding vote that screws Fullerton over every time. Bruce’s silence and absence of resistance and opposition to the fact that we have a lobbyist as our mayor is mind boggling unless you understand how the game is played. He plays it safe with the bosses, pontificates when it is too little too late, means nothing, has no impact, and ensures that the agendas move along with a semblance of conservative opposition. He has and continues to allow her to remain on the council in spite of her built in conflict of interest, her horrible voting record, and then votes to give her the mayor title on the ballot. WATCH WHO ENDORSES BRUCE AND JENNIFER WHO HAVE OPPOSITE VOTING RECORDS. IT WILL SHOW YOU HOW PHONY AND RIGGED THIS WHOLE THING IS. Enough insanity folks.
You see going along to get along has resulted in Fullerton being so far gone that it will not be recognizable very, very soon. Our problems as a community are huge and the solutions require a major sea change in politics. Fullerton is awash in red ink, greed, corruption and cronyism. Fullerton is full of busted up roads, screwed up zoning, massive development, out of control traffic, a corrupt police department, out of control spending and of course politicians that keep all this going. We need to end the status quo, remove the status quo’s henchmen and women and expose those who ostensibly come in peace, seem to be on our side and betray us in clever ways that only those who are really paying attention would ever notice.
When there was a major fiscal issue brought to Councilman Bruce Whitaker by his appointee to the Park and Recreation Committee, Mr. Levinson, Bruce Whitaker was totally silent. He never uttered a word in his capacity as a city councilman about the 4 to 5 million dollars being squandered by the city of Fullerton on the Fullerton Golf Course contract over 20 years as shown by Mr. Levinson in great detail. Mr. Whitaker totally ignored Mr. Levinson on this critical issue.
Equally disturbing, on another occasion, Fullerton Park and Recreation commissioner Barry Levinson was totally unaware that the Summit House Restaurant 25-year extension was to be incorrectly brought before the city council because Joe Felz decided to bypass the Parks and Recreation Department first even though the Summit House sits on Fullerton publicly owned parkland. It still had 16 years left on its sweetheart lease and they wanted to sneak through another 25 year extension behind everyone’s back.

This land is your land this land is my land
Councilmember Whitaker had at least 72-hour advance knowledge that this was on the city council agenda as a CONSENT ITEM and yet according to Mr. Levinson, Mr. Whitaker never contacted him and apprised him of this situation. Why not? Why the silence? Why did Bruce Whitaker not immediately discuss this critical issue with his appointee on the Park and Recreation Commission, Barry Levinson?

Barry Levinson
As Mr. Levinson and I were in attendance at that meeting, Barry pointed out at that council meeting that it was totally improper for the city to fail to bring this agenda item to the Park and Recreation Committee first and even more unconscionable that it was then put on the city council agenda as a CONSENT ITEM. No one vetted this agenda item but the city nevertheless the city wanted to very quietly and surreptitiously pass it without any discussion. Even after Mr. Levinson stopped this in its tracks, Mr. Whitaker, who appointed Mr. Levinson remained totally silent on the issue. Apparently Council member Whitaker does not want to disturb the establishment order in Fullerton. This attempted hijacking of public property was directed back to the Park and Recreation Committee for first consideration. Mr. Levinson learned later from Hugo Curiel, Director of Parks and Recreation at a subsequent Parks and Recreation Committee meeting that the owner of the Summit House rescinded his request for the 25-year extension that would have taken the lease arrangement through 2060.

back room deal gone bad thanks to Barry
Barry, the one honest committee member was the lone voice who pulled the consent item on the city council agenda and pointed out the obvious before it was about to be approved 5 to 0 by a phony, corrupt city council without any discussion. Once again the city council and of course the city manager was attempting to do a huge financial favor for one of its special interest friends while at the same time screwing the Fullerton public. Did I mention that the Summit House was built with Fullerton Redevelopment money? Redevelopment was supposed to be used to fix “blighted areas”. Since when is parkland on one of the prettiest vistas in all of Northern Orange County next to million dollar neighborhoods considered blighted?
As Barry Levinson continued to do his job as a commissioner speaking out on various issues that directly and adversely affect the community at large, and doing so as an appointee of Bruce Whitaker , the climate at these public meetings got so bad that Mr. Levinson was shut down and not allowed to conclude his remarks after speaking only a few minutes during the communications period of the meeting. This is the part of the meeting on the agenda for Commissioners to speak on any item or topic that falls within the purview of the Park and Recreation Commission and Department.

going along to get along-Fitzgerald appointee Cox
In response to this egregious behavior, Mr. Levinson contacted formally in writing all council members including Mr. Whitaker and again Mr. Whitaker chose to remain totally silent. Bruce not only failed to defend Mr. Levinson’s doing his job, his right to speak in an open meeting, and carrying out his duties as Bruce’s appointee, he totally ignored him once again.
On June 23, 2016 Mr. Whitaker offered up some insight into his failure to ask for an investigation into what I believe to be a criminal attempt to get Mr. Levinson charged with a bogus misdemeanor crime in order to have him removed from his position as the Chair of The Park and Recreation Commission. “On an objective City Council, I could have obtained a majority vote to launch an outside investigation. No chance to do so in this case where perhaps a majority participated in the collusive effort to remove him.”
First it does not explain the fact that according to Commissioner Levinson that on two separate occasions that Councilman Whitaker told Barry that if anybody from the public requests of the council an investigation into this incident, that Bruce would so attempt to get it agendized. Three different Fullerton citizens including Mr. Levinson and myself did just that yet Bruce to this day remains silent on this issue.
Second, Bruce boasts of supporting Barry when most on the council were in Bruce’s words “collusively trying to remove him from the committee”. Ironically, it was Bruce Whitaker himself who, without any advanced warning to Mr. Levinson, did the exact same thing without giving a single solitary reason for his unusual move in terminating Mr. Levinson from the Park and Recreation Commission.
Lastly, Bruce has stated above and on many other occasions that his refusal to bring something important forward at council is due to the lack of votes Bruce has on the council. If that is the reason for his silence why does he always pontificate on specific agenda items which are before the council that really should be voted down when he knows it will be passed by his fellow council members?
I will answer my own question. It is because we can count on Bruce only when there is an issue guaranteed to pass in the council to then and only then speak out and feign courage as the lonely voice of reason. You rarely speak out in front of an issue to change the outcome for the better but rather speak only after the bad outcome is assured. Leadership demands speaking out often to rally support and affect change? You are more like a funeral director, talking about what could have been after the fight or the body has already been lost. How pathetic and more importantly deceitful that this has been Bruce’s modus operandi for 6 years!

Bruce voted to make this woman mayor as he never goes after Nelson’s sacred cow and Pringle lobbyist up on the dais Fitzgerald
Six years and what are his accomplishments…. voting to appoint Jennifer Fitzgerald as Mayor in an election year no less so her name will appear on the ballot as MAYOR making her defeat much more difficult…voting for a totally phony districting Map for Fullerton, Map 8A, which basically destroys downtown as a separate neighborhood and fireworks.
What are just a few of your incredible failures?
Never demanding or much less asking Jennifer Fitzgerald to disclose her client list from Curt Pringle and Associates, a very large lobbyist and public relations firm with ties to many Southern California government entities. This list is necessary for her to disclose for it is the only way to ensure that she does not have a conflict of interest while representing the people of Fullerton. I have formally asked for this in writing and verbally during public comment periods which Bruce has done no such thing.
Voting to appoint Jennifer Fitzgerald Mayor of Fullerton in her compromised position as V.P of Curt Pringle and Associates with no transparency on her part.
Voting to appoint Ma’Ayn Johnson to the Planning Commission when she has a built-in conflict of interest as a senior planner for the unelected Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). She recently stated that the population growth of Fullerton is inevitable and we need to plan for it. The facts are that significant growth is only inevitable if the Planning Commission and the City Council continue to vote for zoning changes that allow for high-rise development in a city with little open land except for West Coyote Hills. She and her allies on SCAG push for this high-rise Agenda 21 Growth consistently making her biased as a commissioner. Bruce has refused to agendize her removal from the planning commission and remains silent on this issue.
Never asking for an investigation into an apparent criminal conspiracy lead by the FPD and the City council against Mr. Levinson. His poor excuse for being silent was that he did not have the votes. Question: Why does he normally pontificate on the loosing end of so, so many agenda items? Why even show up for work with that attitude?
Refusing to agendize an investigation by Michael Genacco into the attempted framing of Barry Levinson even after several residents including myself had specifically publicly asked him to do so. This was a prime example of how a concerted effort by city officials could have led to falsely imprisoning of innocent men.
Totally ignoring Mr. Levinson’s very detailed and well supported analysis of how the City of Fullerton is in the process of wasting 4 to 5 million dollars over a 20-year period starting in December 2010 by their actions to voluntarily change their agreement with American Golf Corporation to run the Fullerton Golf Course. At the same time Bruce was pushing for an audit committee on the council he was continuing to ignore his own appointee Barry Levinson on the Park and Rec commission who is an internal auditor by profession! Bruce wants an audit committee and ignores this?
Voting to disenfranchise the people of downtown Fullerton with a vote for Map 8A.
When Bruce had the votes to make a difference after the recall election he chose to put his political capital into legalizing Safe and Sane Fireworks at the direction of Shawn Nelson. By doing so he squandered a golden opportunity to make real changes in Fullerton.
Failure to respond to my request to make a motion to agendize a change in selling city of Fullerton property from the current closed door, sole source negotiations to mandating every sale must be done on an open and competitive basis.
Failure to give any reasons for his dismissal of Mr. Levinson from the Park and Recreation Committee nor any warning whatsoever that he was dissatisfied with Mr. Levinson’s performance.
No wonder the City of Fullerton government continues to be such a total mess. No one on that council has the integrity and courage to consistently do the right thing. Without character or courage on the dais we the people of Fullerton are at the mercy of a very broken city government.
Mr. Whitaker has a ton of explaining to do to both Mr. Levinson and to the good people of Fullerton. It is so sad to realize that Mr. Whitaker has been the consummate politician when we the people of Fullerton desperately needed a statesmen and a leader which he so cleverly portends to be when in my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth.
Leaders lead, leaders rally the troops, leaders sound the alarm, leaders warn others of impending situations that are harmful to the community.
I guess the bar has been so low for so long in this town that Bruce actually believes he is what he claims to be. You know that a great voting record means nothing when Bruce is making sure that it will continue to mean nothing by giving corruption a pass, maintaining the establishment balance of power on the dais all the while aiding and abetting the re-election of Fitzgerald.
November will be very interesting to say the least folks especially if Fullerton really opens her eyes. Time will tell and don’t accept any wooden nickels in the meantime ladies and gentlemen. There are far too many in the political mix in this town that need to turned in to the counterfeit office.
Fullerton Planning Commission (Larry Bennett, Peter Gambino, Silber and Dunlap) Once Again Sides with the Special Interests and Ignores the Communities of Sunny Hills Estates and Old Sunny Hills. By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson
I was disappointed but not surprised that the Planning Committee voted for the 32-unit development by Melia Homes on a scant 3.3 acres. One committee member had the audacity to state that the traffic in and around the Laguna Road Elementary School was not the developer’s problem (but it most definitely should be the city of Fullerton’s problem along with the Fullerton School District).

Fitzgerald appointee and sock puppet Larry Bennett
By voting for the zoning change the developer is requesting, you are allowing him to make the traffic problems worse. Therefore, the serious traffic congestion at the beginning and end of each day at Laguna Road School is in fact in part the developer’s problem. The commissioners are making that property much more valuable to the landowner by voting for the zoning change from office/medical space to attached housing, yet giving him a pass on the added traffic congestion and added parking problems the developer will create for the surrounding neighborhood. It seems that as commissioners you are not thinking clearly and certainly ignoring the very legitimate concerns of the community.

Seaborne appointee Gambino that voted to ruin Fullerton with the yes vote on the DCCSP

It is most definitely the city’s responsibility and obligation to make a decision that does not harm any of the residents. This commissioner along with the other 3 voting for its approval, have abdicated that role. This project will exacerbate the traffic congestion and the potential for additional accidents in and around the Laguna Road School.

Big developer puppet Silber who hates cars and loves high density with a yes vote on the disastrous DCCSP
Yes it is also a FSD issue but the last time I looked it is in and within the City of Fullerton. The next traffic injury or death is on the four-committee members, who voted for this (Peter Gambino, Larry Bennett, Silber and Dunlap). It should be noted that this very important vote was made with 2 of the 7-committee members not in attendance, namely Kevin Pendergraft and Ma‘Ayn Johnson.

Agenda 21 SCAG operative Ma’yaan Johnson voted yes for the DCCSP was a no show on this mess
A committee concerned about doing the right thing would have at least postponed the vote until they could get all of the committee members to actually meet their obligation and duty to represent the good people of Fullerton. The way this city conducts business is both indefensible and deplorable.

Bruce’s repeated no show appointee Pendergraft who missed the vote on the DCCSP and missed the vote on this spot zone change-two huge decisions and he decides to stay home-fire this guy and appoint Barry

The “Boss” Joe Felz
P.S. There was not one bit of evidence asked for by the committee or given by Melia Homes that demonstrated that a smaller single-family development was not financially feasible on that 3.3-acre site. The public did speak to a new single-family development across from Laguna Road School of 7 houses on about 3 acres of land. That is obviously financially viable but we are to believe the sales BS of Melia Homes that they need a minimum of 32 homes on 3.3 acres to be financially viable, only a short few hundred feet away. For all the degrees and education represented on this Planning Commission, they sure seem to lack of whole bunch of common sense and objectivity.
Here is the description of the other project from the City of Fullerton.
The project is a residential development that proposes seven single family detached houses on a 2.97 acre lot, with a gross density of 2.57 dwelling units per acre. The lots will range in size from 17,620 square feet to 20,879 square feet. Vehicular access to the houses would be from Laguna Road via gated private drive that would be constructed
September 16, 2014
City of Fullerton – Initial Study Checklist
The City of Fullerton Government Continues It’s March To Make Its Deals with Specific Special Interests At Both The June 21 Council Meeting And The June 22 Planning Committee Meeting. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton Community events, Fullerton politics, Highway Robbery, Who's who in Fullerton politics on June 18, 2016

Barry Levinson
First before I talk about the 1st two agenda items on the June 21, 2016 council meeting, I must bring to your attention Item No. 2 under Closed Session. (Item No. 2 – Conference with Real Property Negotiator – Per Government Code Section 54956.8.) It lists two pieces of property. One property, Meridian Health Club is located at 1535 Deerpark Drive and the other property is located at 1747 West Commonwealth Ave near the Grace Ministries International Building. The parties besides the city are the Meridian Club and Grace Ministries International.

The city-owned land occupied by the Meridian Sports Club, seen here, has been identified as property the city would be willing to sell.
Why is the city once again in sole source negotiations on two pieces of property? In order to sell any parcel of property the best way to maximize its market value is to put it up for sale to the public at large. Similar to the comments by Joe Felz at a recent Library Board meeting, where he recommended we sell the Hunt Library to Grace Ministries with a sole source bid, here we have the same shenanigans by our city.

This building at Grace Ministries in Fullerton looks more like a bank than a church. That’s because that is precisely what it is. MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY GO IN AND NEVER COME BACK TO THE COMMUNITY JUST LIKE CITY HALL.
This is not in the best financial interest of the people of Fullerton. Would any council member or Mr. Felz enter into a sole source negotiation to sell their residence or would they put it on the open market to attract the best possible price. Yes, Mr. Felz or Ms. Fitzgerald can offer there home for a less than market price because it is their house. The properties in question are not owned by Mr. Felz or Ms. Fitzgerald but are owned by the people of Fullerton. It is the City Manager’s and the City Council’s fiduciary duty to maximize the sales price for any piece of city property. To do otherwise would be committing malfeasance in my opinion.

Jennifer Fitzgerald, Vice President of Curt Pringle & Associates running around masquerading as our mayor-
Both Mr. Imbriano and myself talked about this troubling situation. Mr. Imbriano asked that they agendize a change on how the city sells “excess” city property. Of course all five council members and our city manager ignored our pleas for fiscal and fiduciary sanity.
Then we go on to the main event, regular business and we have before us an “exclusive negotiating agreement with Pelican Community, Inc. for 12 months with 2 optional 45-day extensions to come up with a concept/basic designs for the Fox Block including a 200 space parking structure and an office building of unknown size and height. The particulars of the Fox Theatre including how much additional work is required and an estimated reopening date were not provided during the agenda item discussion. Leland Wilson, the President of the Fullerton Historic Theatre Foundation (FHTF) non-profit group spoke but provided no information on the status of the Fox Theatre Renovation. Ten years plus and counting and we hear about plans for a parking structure and a major new office building to be built next to the Fox Theatre only. Please go to the FHTF website at to see how little information there is about the status and future of the Fox Theatre in Fullerton.

Is the Fox running the henhouse over at the Fox keeping the rats nests ready for the wrecking ball as he excercises the public?
There is one more point I need to make concerning this exclusive agreement. Mr. Hamm the owner of Pelican Properties, Inc. stated that he thought an office building should be a major part of his concept for the Fox Block. Yet at the Planning Committee meeting recently the city staff and some commissioners such as Larry Bennett where stating that the reason they want to change the zoning of the property on Bastanchury, formerly the Fullerton Internal Medicine Clinic to townhomes is because there is no demand for office space in Fullerton. So on the one hand the city argues to change zoning from office/medical space because of lack of demand for an office/medical building but a mile south on Harbor and Chapman, we entered into an exclusive arrangement with one developer to build us more office space. Either there is or is not demand for office space in Fullerton.

Jennifer Fitzgeralds sock puppet, and Bankhead, Jones and Mckinley’s sycophant establishment hack Larry Bennett
Council Agenda Item No. 2 is no better. City of Fullerton puts on the ballet the right to open up to 9 marijuana dispensaries along with the legalization of the commercial manufacture and distribution in our city. Of course the city wants this to make money as it requests a whopping 15% tax with the ability to raise it to 20%. It is not enough that a previous council has destroyed our once family oriented downtown with numerous bars and nightclubs that every weekend attracts thousands of people throughout Southern California including some undesirable types.
One city study estimated it costs the taxpayers a net 1 million dollars a year for this financial and social fiasco. I spoke of these past follies by our city government and asked them not to place this measure on our November ballet. Mayor Fitzgerald got cold feet and quickly made a motion to continue this item until after the election. The staff’s presentation ignored the health and moral concerns of making pot legally readily available in Fullerton. I suspect that Ms. Haluza was directed by her boss to ignore the moral and health implications of this issue. If that was the case, what does that tell you about our City Manager, Joe Felz?
There is another very important point that I must make concerning this agenda item. Question: If legalizing the sale and manufacture of marijuana in Fullerton is such a good idea, then why all the restrictions on both the placement and number of establishments? Why is it necessary to place a 15% tax on marijuana sales with the city option to raise it to 20%?
It seems that once again it is all about generating additional tax revenue to make up the huge shortfall created by our city council and their very generous raises to police 6% a year and fire 9% over two years. It is kind of funny/ironic to think that the city wanted to bring marijuana to Fullerton to help pay for the very generous police raises. These things can only happen in Fullerton. Question: Why did Joe Felz and Mayor Fitzgerald bring this very controversial and unnecessary agenda item forward at this time, if it had zero support? (The final vote was 5 to 0 to continue the item until after the November elections. I believe Mayor Fitzgerald had the authority to keep this from being on the agenda. Obviously, this was a trial balloon by Felz and Fitzgerald, which they originally hoped would pass but got cold feet when they saw the amount of opposition.
Fullerton City Hall needs a housecleaning in November.
COMPLAINT against Troy High School PTSA (Fullerton, CA) and California Fourth District PTA for non-responsiveness to member communication and active role in funding wireless radiation exposure impacting the health and well being of students and teachers at Troy High School
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children? on June 11, 2016
“So many serious biological effects have been found that immediate responsive action is warranted. Further, these biological effects are occurring at levels of radiation far lower than earlier understood. Simply stated, a worldwide health crisis is emerging and is becoming a hallmark of the 21st Century. The international biomedical research community is trying to warn us; but we, in the USA, are not yet listening.”
Ron Powell, Ph.D.
COMPLAINT against Troy High School PTSA (Fullerton, CA) and California Fourth District PTA for non-responsiveness to member communication and active role in funding wireless radiation exposure impacting the health and well being of students and teachers at Troy High School as identified in Demand Letter dated December 18, 2016; censoring of critical health information to PTSA membership which was provided to Troy PTSA Board Members and Executive Committee; non-compliance with California State PTA By-Laws and “Fiduciary Agreements and Gifts to School”; denial of member’s ability to communicate on this matter with the Association to which he is a member; creating hardship for member to obtain Association and Executive Board meeting minutes.
June 11, 2016
Dear California State PTA President Fischer,
I am a parent and member of the Troy High School PTSA in Fullerton, CA. The following provides background and basis for my complaint against both the Troy PTSA and Fourth District PTA.
As recorded in the minutes of the Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD) dated May 5, 2015, the PTSA donated $ 19, 241.29 for the purchase of wireless Chromebooks for use at Troy High School.
On December 18th I sent a demand letter to the PTSA informing them of the science, laws, and evidence establishing pulse-modulated microwave radiation as a health hazard. The letter documents the actions taken by countries, provinces, and cities in the world to remove wireless radiation in schools and other settings. Furthermore, they were advised of lawsuits settled and in progress, claiming exposures caused cancer and Electro Sensitivity. In addition, the Demand Letter addressed non-conformance with the following: CA State Ed Codes, California State PTA, California State PTA on wireless radiation, California State Constitution, and Nuremburg Code [experimentation]. For your reference, the Demand Letter is attached, below.
Non-response to Demand Letter, Association Member Requested Not to Communicate with his PTA on this Matter of Immediate Importance
This is a matter of immediate importance to the health and well being of students and teachers. After having initially received no response, I requested a status and received a response from the Fourth District PTA that asked, in the future, I direct any correspondence on this matter to Fourth District PTA, not to the Troy PTSA. In that same email, Fourth District President, Ms. Beverly Berryman, stated that they were working in conjunction with the California State PTA and committed to the “end of January 2016” for a written response from them.
As the initial commitment date was missed, I have repeatedly contacted the PTSA and Fourth District to obtain a response to which they answer that a response in collaboration with the California State PTA is being worked on. It is now five month’s later, on a subject of immediate importance, and I have not received the promised response.
Troy PTSA Meeting Minutes of Record Reflect Donation of Funds Prior to Membership Vote
The FJUHSD meeting minutes of May 5, 2015, state the Troy PTSA gave $ 19, 241.29 for the purchase of wireless Chromebooks. PTSA meeting minutes do not reflect a membership vote prior to the donation of the funds nor do the immediately meeting minute proceedings following school district acceptance of the gift, as required per “Cal St. PTA – Fiduciary Agreements and Gifts to School” Policies ad Procedures.
Troy PTSA Meeting Minutes – Demand Letter never recorded in ‘Correspondence’ of meeting minutes
Troy PTSA meeting minutes reflect neither receipt of the Demand Letter in the Association correspondence nor mention of it at the Association meeting. The explanation provided by Fourth District President, Ms. Berryman, in email correspondence to me was: “the demand would have been discussed at an executive board meeting and not an association meeting which is why there is no mention of the subject in the association minutes.” Information of vital importance to all parents, students, and teachers, appears to have been intentionally withheld, censored.
IRS 501(c) (3) Status
It appears that the Troy PTSA has donated Association funds prior to taking a membership vote. This is in non-conformance with the CA State PTA’s by-laws and stated policies, to which they are bound. Such non-conformance presents a challenge to their 501(c) (3) tax exempt status.
My wife and I are the parents of four school-age children and both of us work full time. I am sure that you can understand that we have little spare time in our schedule. As a PTSA member, I provided them with information that should have been widely disseminated and action immediately taken to remove pulse-modulated microwave radiation from Troy’s school environment and hard wire the Chromebooks. Rather than receiving a professional and appropriate response, I have been repeatedly put off, no response has been provided, and my correspondence ignored by the Troy PTSA and Fourth District PTA. To obtain Executive Board meeting minutes, I would have had to get time off from work and drive to Santa Ana to ‘view’ them. This presents a hardship for both my wife and myself.
Given all that has transpired, it is apparent to me that both PTA entities are working to censor, obscure and ignore this vital information and exemplifies behavior completely contrary to the PTA by-laws, policies and stated mission:
***Article II – Purposes
Section 1. a. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
***Article III – Basic Policies
- The organization shall work to promote the health and welfare of children and youth and shall seek to promote collaboration between parents, schools, and the community at large;
As a Troy PTSA member and parent, I am requesting from the CA State PTA an immediate response acknowledging receipt of this letter, immediate response to my demand letter, and investigation of both Troy PTSA and Fourth District PTA to be followed by appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.
Mr. Joseph Imbriano
Fullerton, CA 928
California State PTA
Justine Fischer, President
Dianna MacDonald, President-elect
Mary Galuska, Vice President
Kathy Steinberg, Vice President
Carol Green, Vice President, Communications
Barbara Harris, Vice President, Convention
Deborah Kemper, Vice President, Community Concerns
Celia Jaffe, Vice President, Education
Scott Folsom, Vice President, Health
Colette Rudd, Vice President, Family Engagement
Brian Bonner, Vice President, Membership
Sue King, Secretary
Sherry Elkington, Treasurer
Kathy Stevenson, Parlimentarian
Shayne Silva, Director of Legislation
Beth Bacting, Chairman of District Presidents
Troy High School Administration
Fullerton Joint Union High School Administration and Board
Demand Letter to Ms. Kim Cusick, President, Troy PTSA
December 18, 2015
Dear Ms. Kim Cusick, ,
The following is a formal demand letter to the Troy High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), Fullerton, California.
The wireless classroom environment is comprised of industrial size routers, enough devices for each student, all emitting microwave radiation within the physical confines of a single classroom. Unless Wi-Fi mode is turned off, radiation exposure will be further increased by students with cell phones and other wireless devices. Students and teachers will be exposed to radiation for whole school days/weeks/years.
The Troy Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) has actively and deliberately worked to bring RF-radiation into our children’s school environment, as evidenced by the following:
Fullerton Joint Union High School District meeting minutes of May 5, 2015, Troy High School PTSA donated $ 19,241.29 for the purchase of wireless Chromebooks to be used by students.
The following facts on microwave radiation are submitted to Troy PTSA, followed by demands to remove this health hazard from the Troy High School environment and work to educate students, teachers and staff on how to avoid exposure, in keeping with California State PTA, Section 4.5.64 and California State Constitution Article 1, Section 28(c), and maintain the tacit trust parents, students, teachers, and staff hold in the Troy PTSA.
WHEREAS, in May 2015, over 200 international scientists and engineers made an Appeal to the United Nations, all its’ member States, and the World Health Organization on the matter of wireless radiation, stating that our exposures are resulting in an emerging public health crisis, leading to premature death, damage to our DNA, the emission standards are not protective of human health ; and
WHEREAS, U.S. Government publications, going back decades, acknowledge adverse, significant biological effects of wireless radiation exposure:
Naval Medical Research Institute | 2300 Studies on EMF Health Effects
Defense Intelligence Agency | Declassified 1976 report showing that military personnel exposed to non-thermal microwave radiation experienced “headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration.”
U.S. Air Force, Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review | Study confirms existence of non-thermal EMF effects, including alterations to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.
NASA, Electromagnetic Field Interactions With the Human Body: Observed Effects and Theories | 1981 paper showing numerous health affects from non-thermal electromagnetic fields; and
WHEREAS, thousands of scientific studies demonstrate that RF-radiation emissions are a significant health hazard:
Powerwatch | Thousands of studies showing links between EMF pollution and biological effects
Research and Scientific Laboratory, Ford Motor Company | The Effect of Micro Waves on the Central Nervous System
Just Prove It | Collection of over 6,000 studies showing biological impacts from EMF pollution
WHEREAS, emerging science demonstrates that wireless radiation exposures are carcinogenic. Included in this science is the work of Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, who concluded that RF-radiation “should be regarded as carcinogenic. Current guidelines for exposure should be urgently revised.” Science confirming Dr. Hardell’s conclusion continues to be published, with at least two additional and significant studies to date; and
WHEREAS, in 2012, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that a man’s brain tumor was caused by the wireless radiation from his cell phone; and
WHEREAS, lawsuit “Murray v. Motorola cell phone cancer lawsuit may cost wireless industry over $1.9 billion dollars”, as reported in the Wall Street Journal; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. government action lags decades behind the science and evidence in classifying a substance carcinogenic, as demonstrated with asbestos and tobacco, it took many decades before these were acknowledged as carcinogens and parents do not want to find out a decade from now that their children, whose health has been destroyed or life ended, were needlessly and knowingly exposed at Troy High School; and
WHEREAS, in 2011 RF-Radiation was IARC classified as a Group 2B carcinogen and is prohibited from use in schools per California State Education Code Sections 32060-32066 ; Dr. Anthony Miller, cancer epidemiologist, served on a number of research groups for the IARC, in 2013 stated that if RF were classified today, it would have to be classified as a Group 2A probable human carcinogen. However, now, peer-reviewed studies conclusively demonstrate RF to be a Group 1 carcinogen, that is, a “Known Carcinogen”; and
WHEREAS, reproductive harm has been documented in government reports and science: genotoxicity to DNA; damage to sperm, ovarian development and follicles, and reproductive systems leading to cancer, potential infertility and mutations.
“DNA damage caused by microwave radiation is irreparable. It is passed on from mother to daughter, generation after generation.”
WHEREAS, the California Medical Association (CMA) passed a Resolution on wireless in December 2014, finding “significant adverse health and biologic effects on living organisms with exposure to low levels of non-ionizing microwave currently approved and used in wireless communication”; “peer reviewed research has demonstrated adverse biological effects of wireless EMF including single and double stranded DNA breaks, creation of reactive oxygen species, immune dysfunction, cognitive processing effects, stress protein synthesis in the brain, altered brain development, sleep and memory disturbances, ADHD, abnormal behavior, sperm dysfunction and brain tumors”; “CMA understands that existing public safety limits (FCC) for microwave EMF devices are outdated and inadequate to protect public health;” and
WHEREAS, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) “is a condition that has been known since about 1932 and has been called various names in different countries around the world. The labels include Microwave Sickness, Radio Wave Syndrome, EMF Intolerance Syndrome and Rapid Aging Syndrome. The most famous person who is EHS is Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland , the former Prime Minister of Norway and former Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Millions of people throughout the world are likely affected yet most do not realize that microwave radiation and electrical pollution are the cause of their symptoms. EHS is analogous to an allergy and once the body becomes sensitized to sources of EMF pollution, the only known treatment is to significantly reduce exposure. This can have a dramatic impact on one’s life, with some electro-sensitive people giving up their career, their home, social networks and sometimes even their family because it is difficult to live in our modern environment that is now filled with electrical pollution and microwave radiation. EHS numbers are rapidly increasing with the exponential rise in EMF pollution in our homes and communities. There have been many suicides around the world related to severe cases of EHS. Thus, the condition can have devastating effects on individuals and families. Tens of millions of people will be affected unless society begins to listen to these canaries in the coal mine and implement solutions;” 13 and
WHEREAS, many regions of the world are way ahead of the United States in diagnosis and treatments of EHS, such as the Austrian Medical Association Guidelines For Diagnosing and Treating Patients With Electrohypersensitivity (2012) 14
WHEREAS, the biological damage from microwave radiation is cumulative to the point where the body can no longer tolerate these exposures; mandatory exposure of our children in classrooms all day for their school career will greatly accelerate EHS, severely limiting their future college and career options, all without their informed consent; and
WHEREAS, U.S. Air Force, Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review concluded that RF exposure at the frequency and power levels utilized by these devices caused perturbations in the higher functioning centers of the Central Nervous System; measured RF power levels and frequency of the wireless system deployed in the Troy High School office were shown to sharply increase the heart rates of animals in the study; and
WHEREAS, wireless radiation is being removed/banned around the world, starting in environments dedicated to the youngest; in 2015, France passed legislation banning Wi-Fi in daycare for age 3 and under, wireless access in elementary schools must be disabled when not in use for learning 15; the State of Israel has banned wireless in Kindergarten, restricting hours of use in schools 16; the Italian State of Tyrol is calling for limiting wireless in schools and will begin an education campaign that informs the public on possible health risks; schools in the U.S. have been removing wireless technology, replacing it with wired connections and has begun to limit use of wireless because it is a health hazard; 17 18 and
WHEREAS, the following experts and organizations, in letters to Los Angeles Unified School District, implored LAUSD to use wired connections in schools due to adverse health impacts: 19
Note: This list does not include all appeals to LAUSD.
Martha R. Herbert, PhD, MD, Pediatric Neurologist, Massachusetts General Hospital; Neuroscientist Faculty of Harvard Medical School
American Academy of Environmental Medicine, comprised of Medical Doctors, Osteopaths and PhD researchers focusing on the effects of environmental agents on human health.
Martin Blank, PhD, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics
Magda Havas, PhD, Environmental & Resouce Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada
Olle Johansson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Antoinette Stein, PhD, Director, West Coast Program Development, Environmental Health Trust
Joel Moscowitz, PhD, Director, Center for Family and Community Health, University of California, Berkeley
Cindy Sage, MA, Sage Associates, Co-Editor, BioInitiative Report
WHEREAS, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) emission guidelines are not protective of human health; the FCC is not a health agency; the FCC is corrupted as it is “completely dominated by the wireless industry that it supposedly regulates,” as documented in Captured Agency, a report published in June 2015 by Norm Alster and the Harvard University Center for Ethics;20 the science is corrupted by corporate money as per data compiled by Dr. Henry Lai, University of Washington; 21 Motorola has “war-gamed” the science since 1994; 22 wireless industry attempts to suppress DNA damage research, as explained by scientist Dr. Phillips;23 comparison of FCC guidelines with other countries and biological impacts;24 and
WHEREAS, children are becoming Electro Hypersensitive from the wireless radiation in school and lawsuits are being filed on their behalf; 25 and
WHEREAS, teachers are becoming Electro Hypersensitive from the wireless radiation in school at Los Angeles Unified School District and elsewhere and reasonable accommodations are being made so that they may teach in a classroom without radiation; 26and
Whereas, in 2001, the California State PTA passed a resolution on wireless that reads (in part) as follows: “RESOLVED that the California PTA supports encouraging schools to use cable lines for all communications services on campus and to avoid the endorsement, purchase or use of wireless local area network systems on campus; and be it further RESOLVED that the California PTA recommend that teachers and students should limit use of cellular phones or other mobile devices on school property to emergencies.”; the Resolution’s narrative reads as follows: “Until basic questions about the health
and safety of wireless devices and transmitting antennas are addressed by U.S. public health policymakers, we advise precaution. We all want to provide our children with a bright future. We do not want to later learn we acted without enough information and had neglected our children by treating them like guinea pigs in a giant biological experiment;” and
WHEREAS, Section 4.5.64 Safe School Environments of the California State PTA is as follows: “The California State PTA believes that every child is entitled to a safe and peaceful school environment that is orderly and empowering. It is a place in which students and staff are free to learn and teach without the threat of physical and psychological harm.”
“The California State PTA believes that the four essential components that comprise a safe and peaceful school environment are: . . . , the physical setting and conditions in which education takes place.” Subjecting Troy students and staff to this health hazard is in complete opposition to the California State PTA Section 4.5.64; and
WHEREAS, the California State Constitution, Article 1, Section 28(c) provides the Right to Safe Schools: “All students and staff of public primary, elementary, junior and senior high schools have the inalienable right to attend campuses which are safe, secure and peaceful”; Troy high school, with active financial support of Troy PTSA, is subjecting their students, teachers, and staff to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, currently IARC classified as a Class 2B carcinogen and which emerging science demonstrates is a Class 1, known carcinogen, can hardly be considered to be a “safe” school; and
WHEREAS, no insurance company will offer insurance for claims made for injury or death from wireless devices; and
WHEREAS, wired Internet connectivity does not carry the health hazards of wireless, is a faster, more reliable and secure connection and provides a suitable alternative; and
WHEREAS, the Parent Teachers’ Association statement: “The PTA is the largest volunteer advocacy association working exclusively on behalf of all children. For more than 100 years, we’ve promoted the education, health and safety of children, youth and families”; by extension, this necessitates that RF-radiation emitting technology, a health hazard, not be in our children’s, teachers’, and staff school environment; and
WHEREAS, Troy PTSA, in fundraising for wireless devices, is soliciting/accepting donations to purchase wireless technology from those families, communities, entities that are ignorant of the studies, lawsuits, legislative actions to remove wireless, and are unknowingly contributing to the installation of technology that is a health hazard to their own children, staff and teachers; and
WHEREAS, and in acknowledgement of the CMA Resolution, citing the following learning impairments from RF-radiation: “cognitive processing effects, stress protein synthesis in the brain, altered brain development, sleep and memory disturbances”; studies continue to be published substantiating these detrimental affects on learning; Troy students’ academic performance will likely be impaired and the very reason they have chosen to attend Troy High School, a known and superior learning institution, will be greatly challenged and compromised; and
WHEREAS, parents, teachers, and adult students are uninformed of these preceding facts on wireless radiation, their human rights are being violated by mandatory microwave radiation exposure at Troy High School; and
WHEREAS, parents who are knowledgeable on the health hazards of microwave radiation will be forced to withdraw their child from Troy High School, access to a healthy, safe school environment will be denied; and
WHEREAS, Troy High School students’ health, well being, and futures must never be yielded to other interests; and
WHEREAS, children and teachers have the right to a safe and healthy school environment, and Troy PTSA has a legal, ethical, moral obligation to support that right; and
WHEREAS, Troy PTSA by funding wireless devices is creating a school environment that makes mandatory the exposure to microwave radiation in order to attend Troy High School; and
WHEREAS, Troy PTSA by funding wireless devices is creating potential legal liability for Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD) as lawsuits in the U.S. and around the world are being filed for injury and death; and
WHEREAS, the 200+ scientists in their Appeal to the United Nations and the World Health Organization have declared our exposures to wireless radiation an emerging public health crises, this necessitates that our children, teachers, and staff not be exposed to RF-Radiation emissions at Troy High School.
The following demands are, hereby, made of Troy High School PTSA:
- Uphold California State PTA, Section 4.5.64 Safe School Environments; uphold the California State Constitution, Article1, Section 28(c); and
- As would be expected of an organization dedicated to the education of students at Troy High School, fully acknowledge, disclose, and respond in accordance to the following facts on microwave radiation exposure: 200 international scientists and engineers have described this as “an emerging public health crisis”; thousands of scientific studies have demonstrated this as a significant, potentially profound, health hazard; legislation passed worldwide on RF-radiation exposures to protect the public and starting with the youngest; lawsuits filed on behalf of victims/survivors; refusal of insurance companies to cover injury/death from exposures; students and teachers becoming sick in wireless classrooms, corruption within the FCC that precludes responsible public health policy denying basic human rights; and
- Hardwire all wireless Chromebooks that have been purchased with Troy PTSA funds; and
- Immediately withdraw all support, financial and non-financial, of wireless devices and routers; promptly call for the removal of wireless radiation from our children and teachers’ school environment. Support only wired technology, which does not carry the health harms of wireless radiation; and
- Work to fund an education and awareness campaign for students, parents and teachers, educating them on the health affects from wireless radiation, recognizing that those students that utilize these devices deserve to know the least hazardous way of handling wireless technology. Include in this curriculum the symptoms of microwave sickness, Electrosensitivity (ES), Electrohypersensitivity (EHS); and
- Work to support education for staff and teachers, advising them of the science contained in media, websites such as The BabySafe Project, an on-line resource headed by Dr. Hugh Taylor, Professor and Chairman, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University, in which he advises pregnant women to avoid RF-radiation exposures, as the science demonstrates ties to ADD, ADHD, and Autism from exposure to wireless radiation during pregnancy. Those employees that are pregnant or intend to become pregnant will be appreciative of this information.
Mr. Joseph Imbriano
Justine Fischer, President
Dianna MacDonald, President-elect
Mary Galuska, Vice President
Kathy Steinberg, Vice President
Carol Green, Vice President, Communications
Barbara Harris, Vice President, Convention
Deborah Kemper, Vice President, Community Concerns
Celia Jaffe, Vice President, Education
Scott Folsom, Vice President, Health
Colette Rudd, Vice President, Family Engagement
Brian Bonner, Vice President, Membership
Sue King, Secretary
Sherry Elkington, Treasurer
Kathy Stevenson, Parlimentarian
Shayne Silva, Director of Legislation
Beth Bacting, Chairman of District Presidents
Troy High School Administration
Fullerton Joint Union High School Administration and Board
Demand Letter to Ms. Kim Cusick, President, Troy PTSA
December 18, 2015
Dear Ms. Kim Cusick, ,
The following is a formal demand letter to the Troy High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), Fullerton, California.
The wireless classroom environment is comprised of industrial size routers, enough devices for each student, all emitting microwave radiation within the physical confines of a single classroom. Unless Wi-Fi mode is turned off, radiation exposure will be further increased by students with cell phones and other wireless devices. Students and teachers will be exposed to radiation for whole school days/weeks/years.
The Troy Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) has actively and deliberately worked to bring RF-radiation into our children’s school environment, as evidenced by the following:
Fullerton Joint Union High School District meeting minutes of May 5, 2015, Troy High School PTSA donated $ 19,241.29 for the purchase of wireless Chromebooks to be used by students.
The following facts on microwave radiation are submitted to Troy PTSA, followed by demands to remove this health hazard from the Troy High School environment and work to educate students, teachers and staff on how to avoid exposure, in keeping with California State PTA, Section 4.5.64 and California State Constitution Article 1, Section 28(c), and maintain the tacit trust parents, students, teachers, and staff hold in the Troy PTSA.
WHEREAS, in May 2015, over 200 international scientists and engineers made an Appeal to the United Nations, all its’ member States, and the World Health Organization on the matter of wireless radiation, stating that our exposures are resulting in an emerging public health crisis, leading to premature death, damage to our DNA, the emission standards are not protective of human health ; and
WHEREAS, U.S. Government publications, going back decades, acknowledge adverse, significant biological effects of wireless radiation exposure:
Naval Medical Research Institute | 2300 Studies on EMF Health Effects
Defense Intelligence Agency | Declassified 1976 report showing that military personnel exposed to non-thermal microwave radiation experienced “headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration.”
U.S. Air Force, Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review | Study confirms existence of non-thermal EMF effects, including alterations to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.
NASA, Electromagnetic Field Interactions With the Human Body: Observed Effects and Theories | 1981 paper showing numerous health affects from non-thermal electromagnetic fields; and
WHEREAS, thousands of scientific studies demonstrate that RF-radiation emissions are a significant health hazard:
Powerwatch | Thousands of studies showing links between EMF pollution and biological effects
Research and Scientific Laboratory, Ford Motor Company | The Effect of Micro Waves on the Central Nervous System
Just Prove It | Collection of over 6,000 studies showing biological impacts from EMF pollution
WHEREAS, emerging science demonstrates that wireless radiation exposures are carcinogenic. Included in this science is the work of Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, who concluded that RF-radiation “should be regarded as carcinogenic. Current guidelines for exposure should be urgently revised.” Science confirming Dr. Hardell’s conclusion continues to be published, with at least two additional and significant studies to date; and
WHEREAS, in 2012, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that a man’s brain tumor was caused by the wireless radiation from his cell phone; and
WHEREAS, lawsuit “Murray v. Motorola cell phone cancer lawsuit may cost wireless industry over $1.9 billion dollars”, as reported in the Wall Street Journal; and
WHEREAS, the U.S. government action lags decades behind the science and evidence in classifying a substance carcinogenic, as demonstrated with asbestos and tobacco, it took many decades before these were acknowledged as carcinogens and parents do not want to find out a decade from now that their children, whose health has been destroyed or life ended, were needlessly and knowingly exposed at Troy High School; and
WHEREAS, in 2011 RF-Radiation was IARC classified as a Group 2B carcinogen and is prohibited from use in schools per California State Education Code Sections 32060-32066 ; Dr. Anthony Miller, cancer epidemiologist, served on a number of research groups for the IARC, in 2013 stated that if RF were classified today, it would have to be classified as a Group 2A probable human carcinogen. However, now, peer-reviewed studies conclusively demonstrate RF to be a Group 1 carcinogen, that is, a “Known Carcinogen”; and
WHEREAS, reproductive harm has been documented in government reports and science: genotoxicity to DNA; damage to sperm, ovarian development and follicles, and reproductive systems leading to cancer, potential infertility and mutations.
“DNA damage caused by microwave radiation is irreparable. It is passed on from mother to daughter, generation after generation.”
WHEREAS, the California Medical Association (CMA) passed a Resolution on wireless in December 2014, finding “significant adverse health and biologic effects on living organisms with exposure to low levels of non-ionizing microwave currently approved and used in wireless communication”; “peer reviewed research has demonstrated adverse biological effects of wireless EMF including single and double stranded DNA breaks, creation of reactive oxygen species, immune dysfunction, cognitive processing effects, stress protein synthesis in the brain, altered brain development, sleep and memory disturbances, ADHD, abnormal behavior, sperm dysfunction and brain tumors”; “CMA understands that existing public safety limits (FCC) for microwave EMF devices are outdated and inadequate to protect public health;” and
WHEREAS, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) “is a condition that has been known since about 1932 and has been called various names in different countries around the world. The labels include Microwave Sickness, Radio Wave Syndrome, EMF Intolerance Syndrome and Rapid Aging Syndrome. The most famous person who is EHS is Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland , the former Prime Minister of Norway and former Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Millions of people throughout the world are likely affected yet most do not realize that microwave radiation and electrical pollution are the cause of their symptoms. EHS is analogous to an allergy and once the body becomes sensitized to sources of EMF pollution, the only known treatment is to significantly reduce exposure. This can have a dramatic impact on one’s life, with some electro-sensitive people giving up their career, their home, social networks and sometimes even their family because it is difficult to live in our modern environment that is now filled with electrical pollution and microwave radiation. EHS numbers are rapidly increasing with the exponential rise in EMF pollution in our homes and communities. There have been many suicides around the world related to severe cases of EHS. Thus, the condition can have devastating effects on individuals and families. Tens of millions of people will be affected unless society begins to listen to these canaries in the coal mine and implement solutions;” 13 and
WHEREAS, many regions of the world are way ahead of the United States in diagnosis and treatments of EHS, such as the Austrian Medical Association Guidelines For Diagnosing and Treating Patients With Electrohypersensitivity (2012) 14
WHEREAS, the biological damage from microwave radiation is cumulative to the point where the body can no longer tolerate these exposures; mandatory exposure of our children in classrooms all day for their school career will greatly accelerate EHS, severely limiting their future college and career options, all without their informed consent; and
WHEREAS, U.S. Air Force, Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review concluded that RF exposure at the frequency and power levels utilized by these devices caused perturbations in the higher functioning centers of the Central Nervous System; measured RF power levels and frequency of the wireless system deployed in the Troy High School office were shown to sharply increase the heart rates of animals in the study; and
WHEREAS, wireless radiation is being removed/banned around the world, starting in environments dedicated to the youngest; in 2015, France passed legislation banning Wi-Fi in daycare for age 3 and under, wireless access in elementary schools must be disabled when not in use for learning 15; the State of Israel has banned wireless in Kindergarten, restricting hours of use in schools 16; the Italian State of Tyrol is calling for limiting wireless in schools and will begin an education campaign that informs the public on possible health risks; schools in the U.S. have been removing wireless technology, replacing it with wired connections and has begun to limit use of wireless because it is a health hazard; 17 18 and
WHEREAS, the following experts and organizations, in letters to Los Angeles Unified School District, implored LAUSD to use wired connections in schools due to adverse health impacts: 19
Note: This list does not include all appeals to LAUSD.
Martha R. Herbert, PhD, MD, Pediatric Neurologist, Massachusetts General Hospital; Neuroscientist Faculty of Harvard Medical School
American Academy of Environmental Medicine, comprised of Medical Doctors, Osteopaths and PhD researchers focusing on the effects of environmental agents on human health.
Martin Blank, PhD, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics
Magda Havas, PhD, Environmental & Resouce Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada
Olle Johansson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Antoinette Stein, PhD, Director, West Coast Program Development, Environmental Health Trust
Joel Moscowitz, PhD, Director, Center for Family and Community Health, University of California, Berkeley
Cindy Sage, MA, Sage Associates, Co-Editor, BioInitiative Report
WHEREAS, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) emission guidelines are not protective of human health; the FCC is not a health agency; the FCC is corrupted as it is “completely dominated by the wireless industry that it supposedly regulates,” as documented in Captured Agency, a report published in June 2015 by Norm Alster and the Harvard University Center for Ethics;20 the science is corrupted by corporate money as per data compiled by Dr. Henry Lai, University of Washington; 21 Motorola has “war-gamed” the science since 1994; 22 wireless industry attempts to suppress DNA damage research, as explained by scientist Dr. Phillips;23 comparison of FCC guidelines with other countries and biological impacts;24 and
WHEREAS, children are becoming Electro Hypersensitive from the wireless radiation in school and lawsuits are being filed on their behalf; 25 and
WHEREAS, teachers are becoming Electro Hypersensitive from the wireless radiation in school at Los Angeles Unified School District and elsewhere and reasonable accommodations are being made so that they may teach in a classroom without radiation; 26and
Whereas, in 2001, the California State PTA passed a resolution on wireless that reads (in part) as follows: “RESOLVED that the California PTA supports encouraging schools to use cable lines for all communications services on campus and to avoid the endorsement, purchase or use of wireless local area network systems on campus; and be it further RESOLVED that the California PTA recommend that teachers and students should limit use of cellular phones or other mobile devices on school property to emergencies.”; the Resolution’s narrative reads as follows: “Until basic questions about the health
and safety of wireless devices and transmitting antennas are addressed by U.S. public health policymakers, we advise precaution. We all want to provide our children with a bright future. We do not want to later learn we acted without enough information and had neglected our children by treating them like guinea pigs in a giant biological experiment;” and
WHEREAS, Section 4.5.64 Safe School Environments of the California State PTA is as follows: “The California State PTA believes that every child is entitled to a safe and peaceful school environment that is orderly and empowering. It is a place in which students and staff are free to learn and teach without the threat of physical and psychological harm.”
“The California State PTA believes that the four essential components that comprise a safe and peaceful school environment are: . . . , the physical setting and conditions in which education takes place.” Subjecting Troy students and staff to this health hazard is in complete opposition to the California State PTA Section 4.5.64; and
WHEREAS, the California State Constitution, Article 1, Section 28(c) provides the Right to Safe Schools: “All students and staff of public primary, elementary, junior and senior high schools have the inalienable right to attend campuses which are safe, secure and peaceful”; Troy high school, with active financial support of Troy PTSA, is subjecting their students, teachers, and staff to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, currently IARC classified as a Class 2B carcinogen and which emerging science demonstrates is a Class 1, known carcinogen, can hardly be considered to be a “safe” school; and
WHEREAS, no insurance company will offer insurance for claims made for injury or death from wireless devices; and
WHEREAS, wired Internet connectivity does not carry the health hazards of wireless, is a faster, more reliable and secure connection and provides a suitable alternative; and
WHEREAS, the Parent Teachers’ Association statement: “The PTA is the largest volunteer advocacy association working exclusively on behalf of all children. For more than 100 years, we’ve promoted the education, health and safety of children, youth and families”; by extension, this necessitates that RF-radiation emitting technology, a health hazard, not be in our children’s, teachers’, and staff school environment; and
WHEREAS, Troy PTSA, in fundraising for wireless devices, is soliciting/accepting donations to purchase wireless technology from those families, communities, entities that are ignorant of the studies, lawsuits, legislative actions to remove wireless, and are unknowingly contributing to the installation of technology that is a health hazard to their own children, staff and teachers; and
WHEREAS, and in acknowledgement of the CMA Resolution, citing the following learning impairments from RF-radiation: “cognitive processing effects, stress protein synthesis in the brain, altered brain development, sleep and memory disturbances”; studies continue to be published substantiating these detrimental affects on learning; Troy students’ academic performance will likely be impaired and the very reason they have chosen to attend Troy High School, a known and superior learning institution, will be greatly challenged and compromised; and
WHEREAS, parents, teachers, and adult students are uninformed of these preceding facts on wireless radiation, their human rights are being violated by mandatory microwave radiation exposure at Troy High School; and
WHEREAS, parents who are knowledgeable on the health hazards of microwave radiation will be forced to withdraw their child from Troy High School, access to a healthy, safe school environment will be denied; and
WHEREAS, Troy High School students’ health, well being, and futures must never be yielded to other interests; and
WHEREAS, children and teachers have the right to a safe and healthy school environment, and Troy PTSA has a legal, ethical, moral obligation to support that right; and
WHEREAS, Troy PTSA by funding wireless devices is creating a school environment that makes mandatory the exposure to microwave radiation in order to attend Troy High School; and
WHEREAS, Troy PTSA by funding wireless devices is creating potential legal liability for Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD) as lawsuits in the U.S. and around the world are being filed for injury and death; and
WHEREAS, the 200+ scientists in their Appeal to the United Nations and the World Health Organization have declared our exposures to wireless radiation an emerging public health crises, this necessitates that our children, teachers, and staff not be exposed to RF-Radiation emissions at Troy High School.
The following demands are, hereby, made of Troy High School PTSA:
- Uphold California State PTA, Section 4.5.64 Safe School Environments; uphold the California State Constitution, Article1, Section 28(c); and
- As would be expected of an organization dedicated to the education of students at Troy High School, fully acknowledge, disclose, and respond in accordance to the following facts on microwave radiation exposure: 200 international scientists and engineers have described this as “an emerging public health crisis”; thousands of scientific studies have demonstrated this as a significant, potentially profound, health hazard; legislation passed worldwide on RF-radiation exposures to protect the public and starting with the youngest; lawsuits filed on behalf of victims/survivors; refusal of insurance companies to cover injury/death from exposures; students and teachers becoming sick in wireless classrooms, corruption within the FCC that precludes responsible public health policy denying basic human rights; and
- Hardwire all wireless Chromebooks that have been purchased with Troy PTSA funds; and
- Immediately withdraw all support, financial and non-financial, of wireless devices and routers; promptly call for the removal of wireless radiation from our children and teachers’ school environment. Support only wired technology, which does not carry the health harms of wireless radiation; and
- Work to fund an education and awareness campaign for students, parents and teachers, educating them on the health affects from wireless radiation, recognizing that those students that utilize these devices deserve to know the least hazardous way of handling wireless technology. Include in this curriculum the symptoms of microwave sickness, Electrosensitivity (ES), Electrohypersensitivity (EHS); and
- Work to support education for staff and teachers, advising them of the science contained in media, websites such as The BabySafe Project, an on-line resource headed by Dr. Hugh Taylor, Professor and Chairman, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Yale University, in which he advises pregnant women to avoid RF-radiation exposures, as the science demonstrates ties to ADD, ADHD, and Autism from exposure to wireless radiation during pregnancy. Those employees that are pregnant or intend to become pregnant will be appreciative of this information.
Mr. Joseph Imbriano
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