Archive for December, 2015
Tony Yang’s playing the race card and the class card while upping the ante in the forced vaccination battle-Is he the nation’s most qualified enemy of medical freedom?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 30, 2015
California’s rich, white unvaccinated kindergartners-the CNN headline today
MAYBE BECAUSE IN THE PHILLIPS CASE, the plaintiff families tried unsuccessfully to get the court to consider whether vaccines cause the public more harm than good and they do and maybe that is just one of many things these folks know. Well let’s introduce someone who has undoubtedly influenced vaccine legislation FROM BEHIND THE SCENES and has now crossed the line into the dark light in a big way by being a lackey for CNN.
I want California’s rich white unvaccinated kindergartners’ parents to meet wanna be rich Asian, brainwashed and forced vaccination, government pharma operative- Tony Yang.
California’s geo-engineered drought
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Eugenics, Government sponsored terrorism, Hidden in plain view, The twighlight's last gleaming on December 27, 2015
Right now the state has only about one year of water supply left in its reservoirs, and our strategic backup supply, groundwater, is rapidly disappearing, according to SOME TOTALLY FULL OF CRAP NASA scientist. ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS? LOOK AT THIS INFORMATION BELOW
ALL OF THE WATER IS STILL UNDER THE GROUND FOLKS!!!!!!! Read the rest of this entry »
Troy’s gifted students speak on wireless part 2
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on December 21, 2015
What happened to the post on the PTSA and the wireless issue at Troy?
Troy’s gifted speak on wireless part 1
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on December 21, 2015

Joe Imbriano They are there at the bottom
Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu thanks bro
Joe Imbriano Jerry tell all your fellow students to comment on the blog article and the comments downt get erased. No censoring takes place on the website.
Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu it gets plenty on its own. You guys up for an honest and open debate on this issue, you know dealing with facts not shooting from the hip kind of stuff?
Joe Imbriano So where are the parents and the teachers on this issue? Why are they trotting all you students off to play games and ignoring all of this? Fair questions.
John Ho Joe Imbriano It’s the wifi. Disrupting my midichlorians bro.
Joachim Jang Joe Imbriano, if you are confused about the abundance of alumni and current students of Troy (relative to parents and teachers) on a Facebook group self-described as “Open to all alumni or current students of Troy High School in Fullerton, California,” I’m afraid you have made a wrong turn along the way.
Joe Imbriano Joachim Jang The demand was sent to the administration, the board and the PTSA-only responses are from students?
Patrick Oh maybe because your problems are too insignificant for them to deal with?
Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh these are the problems of the Troy student body and staff, not Mr Imbriano.
Joachim Jang I hope you can understand that discourse within a public forum is far easier to set in motion than an official statement from within the ranks of a bureaucratic organization.
With that said, I can hazard to say that the administration, board, and PT…See More
Joe Imbriano There are no staff, PTSA or administration participating in this roast fest, just you kids. Where are they?
Baunnee Martinez not on Facebook that’s for sure
Benjamin McCann Joe, your cause is ridiculous, your source data shaky. Your proposal would completely disrupt the program because you believe that the students are being irradiated at school. What about at home? Or at starbucks? A bunch of cars come with wifi now, ar…See More
Amy Ting Joe Imbriano Someone else has said this before, but this group is for Troy ALUMNI and CURRENT STUDENTS. You wouldn’t find the Troy parents and teachers you so desire to dispute with.
Joe Imbriano Amy Ting But Amy this issue is about the students
We’re not (necessarily) defending on behalf of teachers and parents, we’re the only voice available because you seem to fail to realize the audience you are presenting to. The parents and teachers you look for are not here.

Patrick Oh Guessing from your posts and your constant attacks at Troy, I’m going to guess that you and/or your child came to Troy and left as failures (perhaps it’s your family heritage/tradition). Now, you are sitting at home, no legitimate job, drunk, doing tons of drugs, and have nothing better to do than to argue with high school kids on the internet. Go get a life. If not, you are proof that either God or billions of years of evolution have failed.
Sree Kariyadan Savage

At this point I’m inclined to think that Joe is just a really huge troll, but unfortunately, years of Facebook posts seem to preclude my theory.What kind of “open and free debate” are you looking for? As far as I could read from the last post, there was no debate or discussion on the issue; you didn’t even bother trying to understand what others were saying. You keep saying “look at the science, not at me”, but quite frankly all I see is pseudo science and anecdotes. You keep referring to the papers written by people from prestigious colleges, but honestly? In my experience, people at Ivies and other colleges of similar caliber (Cal, MIT, etc) can be pretty damn ignorant too.But the thing that bothers me the most is that you have the audacity to attack not only us as students, but also our teachers who work their asses off to provide us with an education like no other. I resent that you portray these teachers as “brainwashers”, that you seem to think that we are “brainwashed” when we don’t agree with you… when our teachers have done everything they can to provide us with literature of all kinds and allowed us to form our opinions. I’ve never been force fed political/religious propaganda by my teachers, but I sure as hell am seeing a lot of propaganda from you. If this isn’t the definition of critical thinking, then I’d like to tell you to tell me what is. What’s your definition of critical thinking, Joe? For us to acknowledge your conspiracy theories as facts, and for us to unquestioningly accept your futile appeal to authority? News flash: simply believing differently from the mainstream isn’t “critical thinking”. Did you even try to understand articles that disagreed with you or did you ignore them in the infantile “You don’t agree with me so I’m not listening” way?It seems as if you have a personal vendetta against Troy. Why? Because Oracle didn’t publish your poorly written piece in a student publication? Because we err on the side of politically liberal? Perhaps… because your child didn’t do as well as you hoped, academically, here? Regarding your “grade ripoff page”: We are hardly the only high school with grade deflation (which, by the way, doesn’t hurt our college admission chances nearly as much as you seem to think since the adcoms look at you in relation to the rest of your school), and AFAIK, no one had an addy problem while I was there. Was I sleep deprived? Probably. But given the chance, I’d do it all over again because I don’t think I’d have learned so much in 4 years anywhere else, and I definitely wouldn’t have had as caring teachers elsewhere. Sleep deprivation was my choice, not one forced on me by my teachers. If anything, our teachers and counselors constantly encouraged us to take less classes for the sake of personal health. Maybe our stress culture is a problem that should be acknowledged, but to blame it on our teachers and the grading system is short sighted and ridiculous. You don’t even try to understand our culture, our motivations, our teachers’ actions, yet you portray yourself as an authority on them and criticize them. What makes you think you are entitled to a discussion with us on how to shape our community that you haven’t even tried to understand beyond what fits your twisted narrative?
Joe Imbriano You are defending the staff and they cannot even defend themselves? Did you read the source documents in the demand letter?
Joe Imbriano Laura-perhaps you should contact this person at Columbia on the wireless issue-his work is cited in the source documents-he is light years ahead of you in terms of his education-

Joe Imbriano perhaps in stead of a starbucks trip, you could spring for his book on WiFi and emf dangers…/dp/1609805097

My 2nd Point.
Lets say you’re a kid (students/alumni) at home and you parents (admin) are out. A burglar tries to vandalize your home. Would you not try to defend it? Secondly, your parents are our, they have no way of defending it. So can you stop with the BS about why we are defending Troy and why admin isn’t
Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh I am not a burglar and as a matter of fact, the PTSA is breaking in and bringing in an intruder-forced microwave exposure. Your school has been doing just fine with textbooks and wired computers
Kevin Wang Joe, the guy you quote as your source earned his phD in 1957…he would be roughly 33 at that time which means he’s around 91 years old. Now I don’t want to be condoning ageism, but you should keep in mind that this guy has retired for a reason…
Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu Laura go ahead and speak with Dr Martin Blank at Columbia about the dangers of wireless. That is the school you attend as an undergrad correct? He has a PHD. I dont
Kevin Wang Joe, she can’t do that because he’s retired.. -.-
Joe Imbriano Kevin Wang he is not dead
Laura Hu tbh i’ve said all i wanted to, i’m not particularly concerned about the dangers of wifi since i’ve resigned myself to an early death by wifi as a cs major. i’m more concerned about the fact that someone wants to slander my school and teachers without basis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu You can speak all you want but the staff and PTSA are making health decisions for the students with this issue.
Kevin Wang Joe, you make very good points and I concede. However, I don’t think you’ll be able to convince the others. Maybe it’s time to take action into our own hands? How about we band together to form a neo-Luddite group and run around the country smashing modems?

Nicholas Lee All you have to know Joe, is that you posted your opinion, and most of us are adamantly against you. And your outdated “wired” plan. It’s that simple. You wanted critical thinking. Here it: We don’t agree with you at all. Okay?
Joe Imbriano these are not my assertions pal-these are the assertions of experts-I am just a concerned parent. There isn’t one sentence in the demand letter that has to do with Mr. Imbriano’s concerns, only with experts

Nicholas Lee Also, apparently, the wireless issue is the biggest issue we will ever face as Troy students, overshadowing, oh, I don’t know, colleges, future occupations, future careers, any tests, projects, or presentations, etc. Ya……. We have more important things to deal with.
Joe Imbriano Nick without your health you have nothing.
Diane King Joe Imbriano “In 2011, I was on top of the world. Healthy, happy and active with a successful career in Silicon Valley that provided ample time for my wife, who is a medical doctor, and I to travel and pursue our many interests. As a civil engineer and…See More

John Ho Diane King The overwhelming scientific data on this phenomenon is that it is psychological in nature. In blind studies, those with symptoms can not differentiate true exposure from placebos.
Diane King John Ho John, please look further as there exists a growing population of people that are becoming ill from this, so much so, that they cannot tolerate being around the wireless. On the other side are interests that do not want to acknowledge that EHS…See More

Stanley Yoo sigh they’re banding together
Diane King Resonance, Beings of Frequency

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung if you’re so concerned about EM radiation Mr. Imbriano why don’t you also plan to get rid of radios, microwaves, white light lamps, etc. Here just get rid of the Sun too that would surely solve your problem wouldnt it
Jerry Shu Diane how about instead of ignoring everything anyone says and spamming your sources, you just post the entire document that you’re copy pasting from all at once so we don’t have to hear your garbage?
At least joe partially reads the comments and responds relevantly (albeit still twistedly)

Kevin Nguyen…/the-science-of-wi-fi-and…/ i mean, I guess pickled vegetables are carcinogens too

Nicholas Lee And today, we have Joe and Diane vs the rest of Troy High School
Diane King I guess you could express it as Joe and Diane presenting information from researchers that you might want to consider.

Patrick Oh Did you know jet fuel can’t melt steal beams Joe Imbriano?

Kevin Nguyen Joe, I guess you should stop using pickled veggies, Styrofoam cups, and coffee in your lifestyle now
Joe Imbriano not just pickles pal…/List_of_IARC_Group_2B…
Joe Imbriano sure lets bring these into your class at Troy and see what the staff does

Patrick Oh Are you trying to tell me my computer has autism and infertility?
Joe Imbriano Patrick Oh no that your kids will if you can even have any someday

Chris Lee Sims We’ve got another moon-landing-hoax, atheism-loving, sheeple-hating conspiracy theroist here everyone, one that thinks that The Man is out to get us all. I’ve seen these same techniques of manipulation, argument, and slander from a family member of mine back in the day.

Chris Lee Sims What’s next, vaccines cause autism? The ISS is fake? 9/11 was an inside job?

Richard Park this is saying vaccination causes autism
Koichi Takara People… Who cares what two people say about WiFi causing cancer? That Joe dude and the other person is probably using it right now, and if they are right, then we all die that’s it. It’s not like only Troy students die because of out awesome public W…See More
Kyle Golden i think the entire argument was invalidated when you said high powered industrial routers. pls the only place the wifi is actually usable is in the quad haha
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung and the only cancer we can get from the WiFi is the fact that its so slow
Koichi Takara Also in some parts of 500, and 400 building but that’s still not much lol
Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara…/

Leo BreadedChicken Yeung wow way to improve your rational arguments with some conspiracy propaganda
Koichi Takara Lemme counter attack with my conspiracies
Koichi Takara Lol
Kyle Golden You say all this but what will this really change? You want them to get rid of wireless things at our school? You realize, even after that’s gone, the very little amount of it, we will all still bring our phones to school every single day right? So I d…See More
Joe Imbriano Leo BreadedChicken Yeung no conspiracy-look at the article-the joke is on you kids not me
Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano, if the name of the article starts with Apple 666, of course that’s a conspiracy. And yes, we Troy students read articles from now becoming untrustworthy Fullerton informer.
Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden I read your comments and I am very familar with ionization engergy and the like. I have a degree in Chemistry. Microwaves do many things Kyle. The source documents refer to the “non thermal” effects that the industry denies the existence of. I am in this to protect students not for any other reason
Koichi Takara What specific chemistry Mr Joe Imbriano?
Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara uci class of 89
Joe Imbriano Jerry Shu deez nuts 4 president
Kyle Golden I believe he meant what type of Chemistry.
Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden It is a bachelor of science in “Chemistry”
Joe Imbriano I also have a bachelor of science in Biological Science from UCI but this is not about me, it is about the source documents from the scientists set forth in the demand letter.
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung still lame
Koichi Takara I just checked the class of 1989, and there is no such degree as “chemistry”
Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara sure u did
Koichi Takara Actually there is lol
Koichi Takara Sorry u won on that ome
Koichi Takara One
Koichi Takara Looked at a wrong page
Joe Imbriano…/me-3938_1_graduates-uc…

Koichi Takara But, Mr Joe Imbriano, this IS about you
Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara no but you think I am full of it so I just wanted to let u know that I even have the ability to go back in time and make up newpaper articles-but i was your age once

Nicholas Lee These comments are better than the class of 2018 teacher boycott post. Quick, someone immortalize these with screen shots.
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung immortalized like the rosetta stone my friend

Soham Patel I feel as if these people had genuine arguments they would stop linking people to their own articles. If you have confidence in your case, link us to articles from major news sources that people frequent to show us even the major corporations think this
Kyle Golden Plot Twist: This is all a ploy to get more traffic to his conspiracy ridden site.
Joe Imbriano read the source documents in the ptsa demand letter-it is all there
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung Kyle Golden good one
Koichi Takara “Topic”
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung never knew you had 30000 individual computers to login from
Joe Imbriano Leo BreadedChicken Yeung 30,000 unique visitors
Koichi Takara No leo he had 60000 but our fantastic cyber patriot team got rid of 30000
Joe Imbriano as soon as i post this comment thread u will al be famous
Koichi Takara YES
Kyle Golden I don’t consider 30,000 people famous. Stanley YooLawrence Yi Richard Park JaSn Momaya wink emoticon
Joe Imbriano Kyle Golden times 30 and in a month u will be
Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano, is it okay if I ask you which political candidate you are planning to vote for in presidential election 2016?
Joe Imbriano Trump guarantees the election of Hilary
Koichi Takara So you are voting for Mr Trump?
Michael Chen who’s NOT voting for trump pls guys
Joe Imbriano Koichi Takara of course not-he is a hack

Michael Chen My winter break got so much more enlightening thanks to this

Koichi Takara Mr Joe Imbriano we the REAL Troy students will advise you to leave, unless you want more popcorn and coke to be consumed.
Leo BreadedChicken Yeung Joe you constantly claim of having scientific evidence from scientists but as of now you are forcing upon us merely a psuedo science, and unless i see a proper thesis of an scientific experiment conducted on this matter, I cannot accept your claims, which are indeed ignorant and invalid by default
Koichi Takara I will not trust anyone unless they got some Nobels on them lol
Joe Imbriano Read the source documents in the demand letter. They contain what you need. These are not my claims
Koichi Takara Well first, I was being sarcastic
Koichi Takara And second, what are you trying to do

Zheng Zhu Joe Imbriano you never read what I wrote in response to you and Diane King so why would anyone grace your letter with our attention? I even went so far in it as to cite possible reasons why I might be wrong. Did you read that part at least? I literally gave you an argument to use against me. You haven’t cited that yet so I’m convinced that you didn’t read my post. If you don’t have the decency to even look at what I wrote, while I gave your viewpoint a chance but ultimately rejected it, you have no place asking for an open debate.
Joe Imbriano repost here and i will respond

Koichi Takara My goodness

Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on December 19, 2015

Joe Imbriano

Breaking news SB 277 alert: OC Board of education unanimously votes to petition the State Legislature to align the PBE filing date with the SB 277 effective date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 19, 2015
In a landmark decision, in the interest of sane policy our friends at the Orange County Board of Education, in a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees,
Setting The Record Straight Concerning the Articles About Me in the Fullerton Observer’s Early November 2014 Edition by Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Pam Keller, Sharon Kennedy on December 18, 2015
The following article was printed on page 2 in the Mid-December 2015 Fullerton Observer, which is edited by Sharon Kennedy.
Setting The Record Straight Concerning the Articles About Me in the Fullerton Observer’s Early November 2014 Edition by Barry Levinson
Is Ted Cruz a forced vaccinator? His California right hand man Ron Nhering sure is.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 17, 2015
So here we go again with people wrapping themselves in the American Flag photo opping and running campaigns with ideologies wholly inconsistent with basic human rights and the party’s platform. You guessed it Nehring is a vocal SUPPORTER of Richard Pan’s and Jerry Brown #SB277. This is the tyrranical forced vaccination law that passed this summer in California.

Nehring looking like the Cheshire cat with Cruz
You can’t make this stuff up ladies and gentlemen. Most of Nehrings tweets are gone but we have enough here to run this guy into the RINO camp where his ivory can be bartered for a great big douche bag.
We know that Ben Carson is a forced vaccinator.

Ben Carson mandating children to become pediatric pin cushions
But now we have the ex head of the Calfornia Republican Party, Ron Nehring
running Ted Cruz’s California campaign supporting the evisceration of parental rights, ignoring science and whoring for big pharma and now trying to install someone in The White house. Can we Trust Ted Cruz? Hell no! Not with this guy running his campaign stateside. Ted needs to fire this tool now.
On SB 277, we have been betrayed by our Assembly woman Young Kim, we have been betrayed by all the churches in Fullerton and Yorba Linda, the pastors, the school boards, and now possibly the next president?
If you don’t see a problem with this then turn your guns in, take your forced vaccinations, pop your purple pills, pour yourself a glass of diet joke and vote for Hellary Clinton and please, please, please, please never come back to this website because there is no hope for you.
As for the rest of us in this fight for our children’s health and reproductive future, may God help us ladies and gentlemen, may God help us.
New York Court issued a decision today that overtured a mandate that had required all children age 6-months through 59 months to be forcibly vaccinated
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS on December 16, 2015
It is no secret that forced vaccinations are part of a much larger agenda to cull populations.
The Fullerton Informer has been well aware for decades of these sinister plans to reduce the population through subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous forced injections that contain sterilants, fertility regulating vaccines, cancer viruses and wireless activated nano technology.
In Fullerton Our Public Servants Too Often Do Not Act Like Their Name Implies…To Provide Public Service.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 14, 2015
In Fullerton Our Public Servants Too Often Do Not Act Like Their Name Implies…To Provide Public Service. BY BARRY LEVINSON
I was looking forward to our next regularly scheduled Park and Recreation meeting to be held on Monday December 14, 2015.
At our last meeting I asked when would the Summit House lease extension issue come before us for a vote as so directed by Mayor Sebourn when he was informed by me that this Park and Recreation related item had bypassed our committee for still unknown and maybe even suspicious reasons.
NUFF OF THIS ALREADY this Neighbors United For Fullerton
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, Pam Keller, Vince Buck, Who's who in Fullerton politics on December 11, 2015
Here is an article that came in from our friend FULLERTON LOVER. Looks like its time for some more of Fullerton’s famous…
FSD board candid footage
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children? on December 10, 2015
Fullerton School District Board of Trustees agrees to agendize alignment of PBE filing deadline with SB 277 implementation date.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277 on December 9, 2015
FSD parents continue to fight SB277
Thank you to all who attended last night’s meeting.
Thank you to Chris Thompson who clearly intended to respect the opinions of the audience and their right to voice them.

FSD board president Chris Thompson
At their next meeting, the Fullerton School Board, under a motion at the direction of outgoing board president Chris Thompson, will vote on an item that will involve district legal counsel preparing a request to send a request to the State of California to investigate the possibility of having date alignment of the 12-31-15 PBE filing deadline with the July 1, 2016 SB 277 implementation date. If approved by the board and subsequently by the State, it would mean that parents will have until July 1, 2016 to file their personal beliefs exemption rather than 12-31-15. This at the very least will give parents more time to educate themselves, investigate the issue and become compliant if they choose to exercise their rights before it is too late.
In spite of what Trustee Janny Catlin Meyer (wife of ex Fullerton city manager Chris Meyer) stated that she doesn’t want to see the Fullerton School District become the breeding ground for some sort of movement against this horrible law, the board will take what I believe to be the first step in advancing a common sense approach to dealing with this tyrannical edict. Janny, lay off the clorox will ya?
Here is some of the footage of the meeting in which legal counsel and parents can both agree we are in uncharted territory with a poorly written, toothless law that I believe should have never been passed in the first place.
SB 277 was signed into law back in the summer. The school district failed to notify parents only until they were forced to weeks before the filing date deadline of the impacts of SB 277 and to this date has still failed to advise parents that the school nurse can sign a PBE. How many PTA bake sales, fundraisers of fluff ads have come home with your child since August? Not a peep on the end of your parental rights as they relate to your children.s health under SB 277.
What is needed is more time for parents to understand their rights, exercise their rights and investigate fully what their options really are. The vaccination debate is far from over. Special thanks to Chris Thompson who ran the meeting fairly and who wasn’t afraid to state his favorable personal position on this very serious issue.
The next FSD board meeting will be scheduled for January 2016.
Jennifer Fitzgerald’s Coronation of Compromise
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on December 3, 2015
Pringle Puppet Jennifer Fitzgerald voted in as Mayor of Fullerton by a unanimous vote of the City Council in spite of the fact that there is no municipal ordinance that requires a rotation.
Just another example of what the Fullerton Observer doesn’t want you to know.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Sharon Kennedy on December 2, 2015
Sharon Kennedy and her off kilter establishment rag, The Fullerton Observer are so on the wrong side of so many issues in Fullerton that I could talk for days on it. So here is a group of parents, including myself at the end of the video, that took the time away from their families to come on down and address the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees on the forced vaccination law SB 277. You can clearly see Jan Youngman, the reporter for the Fullerton Observer,
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