Who is Behind This Massive Grab of Money and Power Known as the Downtown Core and Corridor Specific Plan (DCCSP), City Manager Joe Felz?

I report you decide-by Barry Levinson




Who is Behind This Massive Grab of Money and Power Known as the

Downtown Core and Corridor Specific Plan (DCCSP)? City Manager

Joe Felz?

Fullerton City manager Joe Felz

Fullerton City manager Joe Felz

Let me be as direct as I can be. Any council member who votes for

the DCCSP in its current form is basically thumbing their noses at

democracy and the people of Fullerton.

I say this because this would be a major power grab by City Manager

Joe Felz and a loss of control and transparency for the people of


Those in favor are going to argue that those not in favor are against

development, against progress, etc.

The main thing I am against is having my rights as a citizen of

Fullerton being taken away. My right to be able to go before council

and voice my opinion on a new high tower development in my city

before my elected representatives vote yes or no.

This will be taken away from me if the DCCSP proposal is approved

in its current form. All projects in this huge area of Fullerton will not

require additional EIR’s (Environmental Impact Reports) and will not

normally require any votes by council. All it will need is our unelected

City Manager, Joe Felz. It would be very convenient for him and

awful for the rest of us with the exception of some developers.

Who elected City Manager Joe Felz? Why is he making policy and

then taking over this huge plan that gives the go ahead for massive

high-rise development along most of the major corridors of our city?

Why would any council member vote to give away the necessary

checks and balances and replace it in the hands of one unelected

man, our city manager? This so-called “specific plan” gives almost

unlimited powers to develop wide portions of our city to Joe Felz. My

understanding is that this plan could result in 8,000 new buildings,

almost all of them multi-story in both commercial and also in and

around predominantly residential neighborhoods.

Checks and balances in government is always a good thing. This

aims to take those checks and balances away from future councils

and from the public at-large.

Any Fullerton politician in favor of this monstrosity in my opinion does

not care that they are usurping the rights of all citizens. Governor

Brown ended redevelopment and City Manager Joe Felz and his

minions are bringing it back exponentially with no oversight by future

councils or the public.

If this is passed, there will be no further review for this massive

amount of new development, which could easily increase the current

population of Fullerton from 140,000 to well over 200,000 and

beyond. But don’t you worry Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton citizen, because

Uncle Joe will take care of everything.

Ladies and gentlemen this is exactly what I am afraid of.

So please come to our next Fullerton Council meeting on Tuesday

August 5 at 6:30PM

Barry Levinson

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