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#1 by Wise words on December 7, 2013 - 9:32 am
quote from J. Paul Herrmann
“Every form of life acts as a biological antenna. Trees, weakened by other environmental stresses, are dying in areas of Europe close to or in the channel of transmitters. People show higher rates of brain tumors, leukemia or miscarriages. The natural etheric forces are being raped by the ignorant use of this technology; we only consider short term comfort and gain, ignoring the impact of our actions on the living earth. Actions that will be very difficult to reverse! Thanks to Motorola (to begin with …), 66 low level satellites will in the near future bring us the ‘world phone’, enabling us to phone from anywhere to everywhere. Soon, they will drown everyone in HF microwaves and it will take years to establish that this has an impact on living organisms. Why not research beforehand? How can it be possible, that such a significant intervention into the natural environment can be made without thorough investigation?” writes J. Paul Herrmann.
At the end of his essay Herrmann concludes, “Anyone reading about this for the first time may feel somewhat daunted and react with disbelief, anger, depression, panic – I would like to share my view that we are actually facing a great chance and challenge, here. The attitude of using the environment for our short sighted personal pleasure and gain cannot be maintained any longer, as we realize how we don’t just destroy the earth but also ourselves. As we learn about the impact of HF on our own energy, we can’t help acknowledging the energy qualities of our body and of nature in general. The issue forces us to adjust our priorities for the sake of our health and to live more consciously a life of energy, inseparable from the energy around us. The more we accept the reality of this new form of pollution, the more we can do about it. We shall learn to look after and to constructively control our environment, which is really a part of ourselves.”
#2 by Joe Imbriano on December 7, 2013 - 10:49 am
Motorola deployed the Iridium satellite system some time ago. Why did they choose to deploy 66 of them? They also happen to be the worlds largest manufacturer of D.E.C.T. spread spectrum phones. Just another coincidence?
#3 by Anonymous on December 7, 2013 - 6:59 pm
This man was ahead of his time.