FJUHSD and FSD School Boards Ignore Warnings Re Classroom Microwave Radiation
All wireless devices/routers emit microwave radiation. Classroom exposure levels are at levels trillions of times higher than we were exposed to as children.
Wired technology is more secure, fast, and does not emit radiation.
Why isn’t wired technology being used in Fullerton schools?
Wi-Fi and iPads in schools is “a tragedy in the making.”
Dr. George Carlo, Ph.D, M.S., J.D, is a public health scientist, epidemiologist, lawyer, and the founder of the Science and Public Policy Institute. Dr. Carlo headed the $28.5 million research program funded by the cell phone industry from 1993 to 1999.
“ . . . our wireless classrooms . . . are totally safe for our kids.”
Robert Pletka, Ed. D., FSD Superintendent
Wireless RF-Radiation “should be regarded as carcinogenic (cancer causing). Current guidelines for exposure should be urgently revised.”
Dr. Lennart Hardell, Professor of Oncology, MD, PhD, was the head of The Hardell-group which conducted case control studies on brain tumours including assessment of use of mobile phones and cordless phones. Based on the Hill criteria, glioma and acoustic neuroma should be considered to be caused by RF‐ EMF emissions from wireless phones and regarded as carcinogenic to humans, classifying it as group 1 according to the IARC classification.
“My vision: Every single child will have one 24/7” (about iPad use)
Hilda Sugarman, Fullerton School District Trustee
“We need to address the emerging public health crisis related to cell phones, wireless devices, wireless utility meters and wireless infrastructure in our schools and neighborhoods.”
200+ Scientists Appeal to the U.N. and World Health Organization
The 200+ scientists have collectively published over 2,000 peer-reviewed papers on non-ionizing radiation.
“ . . . our wireless classrooms . . . are totally safe for our kids.”
Robert Pletka, Ed. D., FSD Superintendent
“Frey’s microwave exposure experiments findings varied from causing rats to become docile, altered specific behaviors of rats, altered heart rates, and caused frogs’ hearts to stop beating with microwave radiation at levels 10,000 times less than a cell phone.”
Alan Frey, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Cell Biology, New York University School of Medicine. For decades Frey, funded by the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Army, was the most active researcher on the bioeffects of microwave radiation in the country.
‘Promoting the use of technology in classrooms is the most important element of the student WiFi.’
Sonje Berg, Assistant Principal, Troy High School –
-“A look at the new student Wi-Fi on campus (!!) Priscilla Cheney Love! This is a beautiful issue!”
“Dr. Salford . . . found that the wireless radiation damaged the blood brain barrier at much lower levels than cell phones emissions. A single 2-hour exposure . . . was shown to damage or destroy up to 2% of an animal’s brain cells, resulting in memory impairment, genetic damage, and other biological effects.”
Dr. Leif Salford, MD, PhD neurosurgeon at Lund University Hospital, and professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery.
“ . . . our wireless classrooms . . . are totally safe for our kids.”
Robert Pletka, Ed. D., FSD Superintendent
“The FCC’s exposure guidelines did not consider information that addresses non-thermal prolonged exposures, i.e. chronic/prolonged, low-level (non-thermal) exposures. The FCC exposure guidelines are considered protective of effects rising from a thermal mechanism but not all possible mechanisms. Therefore, the generalization by many that the guidelines protect human beings from harm by any and all mechanisms is not justified.”
Norbert Hankin, Senior Scientist, Radiation Protection Division, United States EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
“We and our kids are safe.”
Dr. Roman Schulze, Fullerton D.O. response when confronted with the fact that the FCC exposure guidelines are 100,000,000 X higher than the Austrian Medical Association recommends.
“Currently there are no national or international “standards” for safety levels of radiofrequency devices. Therefore, for anyone to claim that they meet FCC “standards” gives a false impression of safety certainty . . . “ FCC guidelines only deal with thermal effects, i.e. heat damage. It says nothing about safety from the risk of many chronic diseases that the public is most concerned about such as cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, semen quality, auto immune diseases, etc. The FCC guidelines are irrelevant and cannot be used for any claims of safetyunless we are addressing heat damage. The bottom line is that the safety level for RF exposure related to non-thermal effects is unknown at present (2011) and whoever claims that their device is safe regarding non-thermal effects is either ignorant or misleading.”
D-Kun Lai, MD, PhD, MPH, Senior Research Scientist, Kaiser Permanente, Division of Research
“We and our kids are safe.”
Dr. Roman Schulze, Fullerton D.O. response when confronted with the fact that the FCC exposure guidelines are 100,000,000 X higher than the Austrian Medical Association recommends.
FJUHSD trustees REFUSED to meet with the following worldwide experts in microwave radiation health/legal matters:
Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Sweden, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, whose peer reviewed science demonstrates RF-radiation is carcinogenic
Ms. Dabna Tachover, Israel, an attorney with the lawsuit to ban WiFi in Israeli schools
Magda Havas, Ph.D., Canada, an associate professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University with extensive background in EMF and health, particularly the school environment
Meeting flatly refused by FJUHSD trustees: President Barbara Kilponen, Robert Singer, Robert Hathaway, Marilyn Buchi, Andy Montoya
“ . . . it will not be possible to set up a meeting” with the FJUHSD trustees.
Ken Stichter, Ed.D., FJUHSD Superintendent, April 28, 2015, email correspondence to parent
California Medical Association (CMA)
“. . . thus current standards are inadequate to protect public health . . . “
“RESOLVED; that the CMA understands that existing public safety limits for microwave EMF devices are outdated and inadequate to protect public health . . . “
House of Delegates Resolution Wireless Standards Reevaluation 2014 Resolution 107- 14PASSEDDate Adopted Dec 7, 2014
FJUHSD vote to install wireless in all high schools: President Barbara Kilponen, Robert Singer, Robert Hathaway, Marilyn Buchi, Andy Montoya
“It was the consensus of the Board” to install wireless.
Jennifer Williams, Ed. D, FJUHSD Assistant Superintendent, in email correspondence to parent, dated 9-23-15
“…Right now veterans that served their countries are asking about their grandchildren being mutated and requiring immediate surgeries. We can’t put our children in a microwave but we send them to school where they are put in a man made microwave called a classroom bathed in 2.4 GHz EMFs. These EMFs [are] expanding and collapsing inside bodies, buildings and infrastructure 4.8 billion times per second.Can DNA, tissue, cells or molecules withstand violent oscillations 4.8 billion times per second? …”
Curtis Bennett,
Chief Science Officer,
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal), Building Engineering Technologist, Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits, Thermal Radiation Consultant for 35 Years,
FJUHSD strategy to ignore health hazards of microwave radiation, termed as ‘critics’, and move ahead with bringing in wireless to all of the high schools:
“From a strategy point of view, if the (FJUHSD) Board gives the authorization, it is not the intent of the superintendent to make any big announcement or engage in any fanfare regarding the decision to move forward with WiFi plans. This would only fan the fire of critics. Rather, we have a district technology plan and we will move forward in a quiet matter of fact way.”
Provided by Jennifer Williams, Ed. D, FJUHSD Assistant Superintendent, in CA PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST to parent.
Wi-Fi and iPads in schools is “f***ing crazy.”
Dr. George Carlo, Ph.D, M.S., J.D, is a public health scientist, epidemiologist, lawyer, and the founder of the Science and Public Policy Institute. Dr. Carlo headed the $28.5 million research program funded by the cell phone industry from 1993 to 1999.
“Parent Vivien Moreno stated her support of rapidly introducing and utilizing wireless technology capability throughout the sites.” FJUHSD school board meeting minutes dated 9/21/2015
Vivien Moreno, Fullerton Observer reporter assigned to FJUHSD and parent. Ms. Moreno has been present during most, if not all, of the public comments presenting the cancer science and serious health hazards to our children and teachers from wireless.
Why are Fullerton school boards bringing in microwave radiation when countries are enacting laws against it and schools are taking actions to remove it????
France 2015 – Law passed to ban Wi-Fi in nursery schools, preschools for age 3 and under; turning off wireless devices when not being used in elementary schools
Israel 2015 – Banned Wi-Fi in Kindergarten
US – Ashland, Massachusetts Public Schools have implemented Wi-Fi Device “Best Practices” which include turning the Wi-Fi off when not in use and keeping devices on a table || Private schools in U.S. are either removing or deciding not to install wireless for health reasons
Actions on wireless around the world:
Family sues Fay School in Southboro, claims Wi-Fi made son ill
Parents, grandparents & community: We are Fullerton parents, please contact us so that we may work together to immediately end wireless radiation exposures to students and teachers in Fullerton schools.
Thank you.
#1 by Anonymous on October 1, 2015 - 1:11 pm
Forget the school district employees. They only care about their jobs. I want to know who the parents are that are demanding this? Where are the parents who should be outraged at what is being done to their children? This is the most bizarre dichotomy I have ever seen in my life.
#2 by Parents? on October 1, 2015 - 7:51 pm
The parents are actually not fit to parent.
#3 by Schulze, garden, etc on October 29, 2015 - 10:07 am
Who? Guessing that it is Dr. Roman Schulz, his wife Garden, FJUHSD parent and Fullerton Observer for high school Dist Vivien Moreno, PTSA at Troy High, Foundation at Troy HS, Anne Sinek (?) she is the one that interviews for Harvard U and keeps all the parents in line by holding those Harvard U recommendations over parents heads. The parents, themselves, are stupid enough to play that game. Troy teacher Jesse Knowles and his wife who hosted a meeting featuring Schulz telling everyone that wireless radiation is safe? Troy teacher and Oracle advisor Cheney that silenced any reporting of health hazards of wireless radiation when her students wanted to write about it. After all, Cheney is the bully and she does not want the other side of the story out about this.
The parents? Well, they are too busy with other things or in denial about this.
#4 by Moreno, Sinek, Knowles etc on October 29, 2015 - 7:54 pm
What could make these parents sell out their own kids? How can they ignore all of this and work to put wireless radiation in the kid’s classrooms?
#5 by Anonymous on October 30, 2015 - 12:17 pm
Why doesn’t Joe just knock on their door? He lives right next door to the Knowles.
#6 by Betsy B on October 30, 2015 - 3:41 pm
The Knowles’ as well as all these other so-called parents are ignoring everything. SO WHAT’S YOUR POINT??????
#7 by anonymous on October 31, 2015 - 10:29 am
yeah & he should hand them this:
200+ Scientist Appeal to U.N. and World Health Organization
Emf exposures are “an emerging health crisis”
but they would ignore it because they have ignored everything else
#8 by Troy pyscho parents on October 30, 2015 - 8:47 pm
Clearly, they are putting something else above the health and safety of everyone’s children, even their own. They remind me of psychopaths.
#9 by Troy mom on October 30, 2015 - 9:55 am
Joe, did you know the Troy PTSA gave $25000 for wireless chrome books to the district this year? Do you know about this? Are you a member of the PTSA? The next meeting is Monday and I suggest you join and bring yourself up to speed on what is happening.
#10 by Reality Is..... on October 30, 2015 - 10:54 am
Its’ always that way though. Activism involves ignoring many pertinent facts. If they paid attention to all the facts, their cases would be dead. Look at the new BLM movement (KKK) and the immigration movements.
#11 by Fullerton High mom on October 30, 2015 - 10:35 pm
Yes, the PTSA is giving money to irradiate their own kids. Do you think any of them are capable of reading? How about Vivien Moreno, Ann Sinek? Do you think they can read English????
Defense Intelligence Agency…ical-Effects-of-EMF1.pdf
Hey, they are making this decision for all of the kids. Once the damage has been done, that’s it. If any of you know these PTSA members, please forward this to all the Troy and Fullerton PTSA parents that are insuring the early demise of the kids.
#12 by Troy dad on October 31, 2015 - 9:13 am
PTSA is operating like the mafia. Is the boss Sinek, with aspirations for running for FJUHSD school board? Isn’t it nice these people that are interested not in the kids’ education but irradiating them ?
The PTSA mafia here in Fullerton needs to reconsider this one. I hear schools, countries are taking it out and the lawsuits are starting.
#13 by Troy HS Mom on October 31, 2015 - 3:51 pm
Maybe you shouldn’t be so harsh on the PTSA folks, maybe they don’t know. Then, again, I guess you can’t say that for Ms. Moreno if she is present during your comments at the school board, I don’t know how she could not know.
I just came across this, which all parents should know. It is Atony Brett Bocook