Was this just another failed attempt to set up Barry Levinson?

Bruce Whitaker shamefully and cowardly removed Barry Levinson from his long term position on the Fullerton Parks and Recreation Commission without any formal written notice and without any reason given.  Bruce has shown his hand and I believe Dan Hughes once again has too. Was Bruce in on this possible set up of Levinson gone bad with the FPD? Who knows but one thing is for sure, the way Bruce Whitaker handled this issue certainly provided an opportunity for a game of FPD “gotcha” that almost played out when no one was looking on a Monday night while everyone was home watching the ball game.


This speech by Barry Levinson is probably what got Bruce’s bosses up in arms. We all know that Nelson, Fitzgerald, and Bennett are as tight as a pipe wrench on a busted city water main. We know that Nelson and Bruce have been two peas in a pod for years with Bruce squandering all of the political capital of the recall on firework stands under Nelson’s direction. We all know Bruce has never publicly gone after Fitzgerald’s voting record or her blatant conflict of interest as a lobbyist for Pringle as she holds her next fundraiser at Pringle and associates office but Barry has. Bruce even voted for her to be mayor making it even more difficult to throw her out in November.  Nice going Bruce. We all know Barry Levinson stands up for the residents of Fullerton and has selflessly given of himself for years with NO CONNECTIONS to the establishment and has foiled more of their plans to rip off the taxpayers and ruin Fullerton with the developers than anyone in Fullerton. He has been more effective than anyone up on the dais and they know it.

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Well Barry showed up for the Monday June 13, 2016 Park and Recreation commission meeting for the first time in over 5 years as a citizen instead of a commissioner and sat in the audience. Seated in the audience in the back of the totally empty room in the south aisle were seated not one, not two but three Fullerton Police officers. Yes there were a supervisor and two patrol officers. Why were they there after hours on overtime on  a Monday evening in an empty room?


Was Mike Chocek waiting for Barry to make a move so these three can make theirs?

So why were the microphones turned off for the better part of the meeting? The clerk was there typing away and running the computer. Why? What was scheduled to go down?


Was Mike Chocek waiting to present information that was never asked for, waiting to answer questions that were never asked or waiting for just another opportunity to set up Barry Levinson?

I believe the plan was to go down like this. Barry was given no formal written notice that he was removed from the commission. The three officers, including a supervisor, were to wait for Barry to take his seat up on the dais, wait for him to be asked to step down, and then upon the slightest inclination of his questioning or refusal, was to be arrested by these three officers. There is no other reason for not one not two but three officers to be there.


does this face look familiar? Here he is in the video below.

In this video, Veth Mam, a citizen was arrested and framed by the Fullerton police while recording the event. The DA brought the charges even when presented with video evidence refuting the lies of the Fullerton Police officers at the scene. Yes they lied on their police report alleging Veth Mam jumped the cop and started chocking him when in fact the officer grabbed and abused a totally innocent man filming a detainment. After jail time, attorney’s fees and a trial, Veth Mam was acquitted of all charges. He later sued and got nothing.

Barry and I had discussions prior to this meeting and knew that something was brewing considering how underhanded city officials have acted in the past. Our plan was to continue being citizen activists like we have all along. The meeting went on and the officers were never introduced, called upon for questions or even mentioned.

cops 5

So at the end of the meeting, hours later on a Monday night, I took it upon myself to question this blatant waste of taxpayer resources and ask them personally why they were there, all three of them. As it turns out, Hugo Curiel invited them and I believe it was probably on the orders of Dan Hughes and on behalf of Joe Felz who Hugo repeatedly refers to as “the Boss”. Hugo was obviously the most unsettled I have ever seen him. He couldn’t sit still for most of the meeting, noticeably extremely uncomfortable and nervous. I believe his demeanor indicated that this was not going to be a normal evening. It was also a dead giveaway as Alice Loya kept smirking and smiling as acted as if she was the only one in the buffet line at the Bellagio.


Hugo Curiel and Alice Loya. Ms.Loya was apparently able to see through Travertine walls and  an elevator shaft the night of the attempted framing of Levinson back in 2014.

So why all the cops with a supervisor just to sit in an empty room for hours in silence? Lying in wait to seize the moment for their boss Danny Boy, intimidation or for information? Well these three models of public service had jack shit for information folks. Listen up. Hugo invited them.


So when I asked them why they were there, they told me it had to do with the homeless issue at Pacific Drive Park. Funny not one staffer or commissioner had a question for the three of them who were probably all on overtime. How many officers does it take to answer staff questions? So as a member of the public, I proceeded to ask these officers questions about the issues at the park as they were supposedly there to answer questions about the park. They of course had no information about the park or anything related to crime or problems associated with the park that Felz wants to fence off and take away from the public possibly to sell it off to Grace Ministries along with the Hunt Library.


Commissioner Silva looks on as truth is being told 

Yes sell off public property like the Hunt Library behind our backs to fund the out of control pensions and salaries for people like this.

So tell me how many officers does it take to answer questions of present information to a commission on issues regarding homelessness at a park that sat for hours in an empty room after hours that were never mentioned, introduced or called upon?



How many police officers are required to set up, frame and arrest Barry Levinson? Why do we need Mike Chocek,  a  supervisor and two patrol officers to sit for hours in a meeting in an empty room on a Monday night and never open their fly traps or answer any questions even when called upon by me after the meeting?


How many officers does it take to set up, frame and arrest Barry Levinson?



How many officers does it take to set up , frame and arrest Barry Levinson?


Why would the FPD’s Dan Hughes want Barry Levinson in jail? Dan Hughes hates Barry Levinson because Barry Levinson is a threat. He exposes corruption that Dan Hughes is involved in.  How about “the Boss” Joe Felz?

How about “the Boss” Joe Felz?

Now you tell me after watching this video how the city council including Bruce Whitaker could have done anything but demand a full investigation into what went down with what appears to be the attempted framing of Barry Levinson. After Bruce delivered this speech, he was never the same man up on the dais, never mentioning this issue again and remaining silent on many serious issues that followed even though he promised Barry and I that he would. Obviously he got a talking to and it worked.


Don’t let the flag fool you. Stanford is an empty suit too.


Dan Hughes told Bruce Whitaker that he “HATES THE GUY” referring to Barry Levinson

Dan Hughes calls Barry Levinson “CRAZY AND UNSTABLE” at a city council meeting

Dan Hughes claims he can be objective while he hates Barry Levinson and personally runs the investigation, personally interviews the witnesses and writes the report himself and personally submits the complaint to the DA for prosecution but he can be objective right?

Barry was a former chairperson and two time appointee to the Fullerton Parks and Recreation commission. He was put there to do his job by Bruce Whitaker over 5 years ago. Here is just another example of Bruce Whitaker’s appointee Barry Levinson doing his job and for months, the person that put him there, Bruce Whitaker, has totally ignored what Barry has brought forward! So what does Barry get for doing his job? He gets fired by the one who holds himself out as a statesman on the council, Bruce Whitaker. Whatever happened to the audit committee Bruce was crying for? Barry repeatedly hands up the goods on a silver platter and gets set up like a bowling pin. City hall needs an enema like nobody’s business folks.


Ladies and gentlemen, like many of you, Barry and I will never rest until this town is cleaned up and you have our word on that.


Watch who you vote for in November and watch your backs with the FPD-anyone could be next. That is why you will see my name on the Ballot and I won’t take a dime or an endorsement from any of the establishment thugs that are still trying to ruin this town for their own selfish gain and political ambition. Fullerton is worth fighting for because it is our town folks. Lets make sure they never forget that. It is our town, yours and mine. Stay vigilant Fullerton.

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  1. #1 by Fullerton Lover on June 26, 2016 - 9:42 am

    Barry Levinson’s a pussy cat.

    The one’s that you REALLY need to watch are people like Joe Felz, “Danny” Hughes, Larry Bennett, Doug Chaffee, Jan Flory,and Jennifer Fitzgerald.

    These people are all ripping off your future’s, and your children’s futures, all while smiling and grinning in your face when they see you on Sunday morning at church, while they rob you all completely blind the rest of the week.

    • #2 by Anonymous on June 26, 2016 - 11:59 am

      Ripping off our future’s what?

    • #3 by Fullerton Lover on June 26, 2016 - 5:32 pm

      It’s probably more beneficial if you were to review these city budgets for yourself.


      Fullerton residents seem to be blinded by their faith in these hypocrites, and truly believe that these people are leading them to the promised land instead of the road to ruin.

      Only time will tell huh?

    • #4 by Fullerton Lover on June 26, 2016 - 9:23 pm

      Take a gander at the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the Police and Fire Department unions have poured into these candidates such as Flory, Bennett, and Chaffee that have been city councilman here in Fullerton over the last five years to achieve the bloated salaries and early retirement packages for the public safety unions that have support these same candidates.



      …then I invite you the Fullerton resident to peer into the thought process of what those unions expect to get for their political donations…


      …than ask yourself if you haven’t been played for fools by the public safety unions that absorb the lion’s share of the city budget, while the parks and libraries that the children of Fullerton rely on, have to actually beg the Fullerton police in this month’s issue of the Fullerton Observer, to do a better job of policing Richman Park… even though the park is located less than a block from the Fullerton Police department headquarters!

    • #5 by Reality Is.. on June 27, 2016 - 9:43 am

      That’s your opinion. I look at it as Fullerton employees and leaders are making less in pay and benefits than most OC and LA County cities. So fair is fair. What all of Fullerton makes is by far fair and consistent. So I have no issue with it. No matter who comes into leadership won’t take that pay and benefits away.

    • #6 by Fullerton Lover on June 27, 2016 - 5:23 pm

      At least my “opinion” is grounded on a factual basis, as opposed to the groundless suppositions that you consistently retort with.

      Article from the latest issue of the Fullerton Observer….

      Richman Park

      Why has the city allowed Richman Park
      to get so bad? The park is closed at sundown
      yet there are homeless people sleeping
      there on tables and benches all night,
      every night. They make a lot of noise and
      drink and smoke all night. There are
      always shopping carts all over the park full
      of junk these people collect.
      The gangsters are there a lot also. They
      tag the walls of the restrooms and garages
      of surrounding homes.
      A lot of people living around the park
      have to go to work each morning and
      have to listen to the noise all night from
      the people fighting and partying in the
      There is a motor home that parks there
      all day and night with 4 little girls and
      their mom living in it. That can’t be good
      for them.
      I’m afraid to go there, even in daylight.
      I would never take my kids there. We
      never see any police enforcing the laws.
      Are they afraid or just don’t want to be
      bothered with the mess?
      Something must be done. Thanks for
      A Concerned Citizen Fullerton

      ED: The Observer forwarded a copy of
      your letter to the police department and
      spoke to a city Director of Parks &
      Recreation. See their response below.
      Call the police non-emergency number
      at (714-738-6716) and Fullerton Parks &
      Recreation Department (714-738-6575)
      to report issues (they answer the phone as
      “community center”).
      Thanks for alerting the paper about
      this. Please keep us posted on any
      improvements – or if improvements are
      not made we would also like to know.

    • #7 by Reality Is.. on June 27, 2016 - 8:48 pm

      LOL your response to my statement about the pay and benefits in Fullerton being fair is one call to a park that has a transient problem? You know transients problems are rampant statewide right now and no one has any answers to it at all?

      I’m still laughing at your response to pay and benefits.

      If the cops go kick all those people out at dusk each day, where do you think they will go? Into the neighborhoods and businesses. The better of two evils?

    • #8 by Fullerton Lover on June 28, 2016 - 9:19 am

      Pay and benefits are earned through meritorious conduct and not by conspiring with spineless politicians like Flory, Fitzgerald, Bennett, and Chaffee.

      If the Fullerton police department can’t even keep a park safe for children that’s less than a couple blocks away from their own headquarters, that’s actually laughable…just pathetic that the laughs come at the expense of children who have been robbed their only place to play together outside of school.

    • #9 by Reality Is.. on June 28, 2016 - 3:07 pm

      Show stats that the children aren’t safe? Go ahead. I’m sure it will be one random post from someone right? Not that I would bring my children to many big parks in California anymore due to the transient problem but it doesn’t mean the kids aren’t safe.

    • #10 by Reality Is.. on June 27, 2016 - 9:44 am

      I think you might be Tony Bushala in drag now.

    • #11 by Fullerton Lover on June 27, 2016 - 12:33 pm

      Your reality must be pretty twisted if your imagination sees Tony Bushala dressed as a girl writing posts on my behalf.

    • #12 by Anonymous on June 27, 2016 - 1:53 pm

      Nah, he just has a sense of humor.

    • #13 by Reality Is.. on June 27, 2016 - 2:54 pm

      Lol maybe you are lovers?

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