The wireless industry operatives’ Best Practices Holocaust: Forced Microwave Irradiation of Children In School

troy2Are you part of this holocaust? Some of you know who you are and some of you have no idea, yet.


If you are advancing the promotion of “wireless technologies”, “Best Practices” or school policies that even call for “minimizing”, “low EMF” or “turning off” wireless devices/routers when not being used, you are effectively promoting the irradiation of children. You are harming children.


  • Essentially, you are responsible for setting in motion/causing disease and premature death in children.
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  • Essentially, you are responsible for setting in motion the sterilization of children.
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  • Essentially, you are usurping parental rights by promoting adoption of a known health hazard in their child’s school environment without their informed consent.
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  • Essentially, you are supporting the use of pulse modulated wireless microwave radiation, a known military weapon in a child’s school environment.


  • Essentially, you are supporting the introduction of a Class 2B(according to experts, microwaves should be a Class 1 Carcinogen) into a forced exposure environment.
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  • Essentially, you are actively involved in aiding and abetting school board members, administrators and staff who are breaking the law, reference CA State Education Code 32060 – 32066;  CA Education Code section 51101 (d) (7); possible violation of CA Ed Code 52060(g), 52062 on the adoption of an LCAP and 52063.


  • Essentially, you are advancing a practice that incurs liability for school districts, personnel and board members.

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  • Essentially, you are undermining the work of others that understand the only answer is to remove wireless radiation completely from the educational setting.
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  • Essentially, you are conveying the message that “some” amount of radiation exposure is permissible. We all know that is not the case.



Honest and truthful practices and policies reflect the reality of microwave radiation exposure and that necessitates that it be completely removed from the school environment. Anything less, supports yielding our children’s health and well being to outside interests.

Are you part of this Best Practices holocaust?



‘Best Practices’ is ‘Bad Policy’ and here’s why:


‘Best Practices’ is effectively encouraging, endorsing, and promoting that industrial strength microwave transmitters belong in schools.

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‘Best Practices’ effectively allows the industry to set the standards of what is ‘safe’ in schools.


To accept the continuing use and acceptance of access points and routers in schools continues the status quo as set by the industry.



By accepting the industry standards and not challenging the status quo, the industry will have no incentive to design safer devices for school use.



‘Best Practices’ effectively misguides the public and educational leaders into believing wireless technology belong in classrooms by accepting it’s utility and presence.

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“Best Practices’ suggests wireless devices can be used safely despite the fact that there are no safe levels.  Thousands of scientific studies support this.

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‘Best Practices’ understands that there is not a single wireless device sold in the US that has been safety tested on children, and yet, are accepting its widespread use in classrooms.



Despite the knowledge that RFR can cause immediate to long term chronic diseases, health effects and cancers, allowing the continued use of IARC labeled carcinogenic 2B devices to be used for learning purposes, the



By virtue of the title, ‘Best Practices’, school authorities are discouraged to advance their own learning regarding RFR health related issues.  This can lead to uneducated and surreptitious use of wireless devices in schools because the decision makers believe they are following accordingly to the ‘best practices’ model.

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‘Best Practices’ effectively embraces the idea that industry strength wireless access points and iPads and laptops do not pose a risk to children and are acceptable learning tools despite the knowledge that they give off dangerously high levels of emissions when used wirelessly.



‘Best Practices’ ignores the accumulative effects of RFR on children.

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By allowing and promoting the continued use of wireless in schools puts the chronically ill, immune compromised, behavioral disadvantaged children and pregnant women at even greater risk.

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‘Best Practices’ does not take into consideration unknown, unforeseen and special case scenarios.  One example, those with dental braces and amalgam fillings are put at serious risk for continual absorption of released nickel and mercury during any exposure to RFR’s. 

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‘Best Practices’ places the teachers at risk for liability for any injury claims.



The promotion of ‘Best Practices’ assumes every teacher in the US is well educated on the effects of RFR’s and has an understanding of all the science that supports this. 


And as such, are empowering teachers to make consequential decision as to when, how much and how long the children are irradiated.


Yet, we know teachers are not researchers, scientists nor doctors in the field of RFR.  We cannot depend on them to pass judgment on what are ‘Best Practices’.  Therefore, ‘Best Practices’ inappropriately places all the burden of responsibilities onto the teachers.


Allowing the teacher to make and pass judgment on how much radiation each child should be able to withstand is unethical.  It is not the responsibility of the teacher to determine what is a healthy dose of radiation for a classroom of children.


Children are being exposed to a lifetime of radiation from our growing electrosmog in and out of schools.  And since a third of their formative years are spent in a school setting, it is imperative all wireless microwave emitting devices be removed from a school environment. 


As a result, ‘Best Practices’ does not recognize that ‘no exposure’ is the best practice.


The ideology behind ‘Best Practices’ will establish a model that will hinder a school’s ability to limit other radiation sources such as those coming from personal devices such as cellphones, smartphones, tablets, wearables, etc., even possible antenna/cell tower structures on school property.


‘Best Practices’ continues to empower and support the industry with our tax dollars and finite school funds to purchase illegal carcinogenic 2B products.


Instead of encouraging the school’s limited funds to be used to purchase tools that are proven safe and effective for learning, ‘Best Practices’ promotes misappropriation of school funds and the continued use of illegal devices.


‘Best Practices’ undermines the work of those activists who wish to see the California State Education Code………upheld, to see all schools remove this IARC labeled carcinogen 2B from the children’s learning environment.


‘Best Practices’ effectively confuses the issues at stake by misdirecting focus, the burden of creating a healthy school environment should be placed on the industry, not on the schools or consumers.


“Best Practices’ seeks to modify the school system to embrace the current industry designed infrastructure, whereas, other activists are demanding that industry meets the children’s health and safety needs first.


“Best Practices’ is really a set of ‘Bad Practices’.  Anyone who promotes this ideology and accept this call to action is hurting the school system of a chance to get it done right the first time around.


‘Best Practices’ do not reflect the mindset and ideology of advocates for safe technology use in schools.  As a matter of fact, they falsely mislead the public and educational leaders into thinking this is the presumed choice of all advocates, which is far from reality.  These advocates who are against spreading this ideology are working to accomplish a radiation free school environment, knowing that to accept anything less is a dangerous compromise.


 The title ‘Best Practices’ is presumptuous and does not reflect the ideology of advocates for safe technology.  It is false advertisement, of which will mislead the public, industry and educational leaders into believing all advocates support this practice when in fact, they do not.














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