Jerry Brown is a Jesuit eugenicist who moves the agendas along for his bosses. He says this is the new norm.
He is behind the burning us off of the land, getting us out of our cars and onto public transportation so they can body scan us, getting us out of our single family homes right into the compact cities which are nothing more than scientific kill grids where the populations are being forced vaccinated,
forcibly irradiated,
Sprayed from above,
as California is under attack. It should be raining right now but instead it is 83 degrees everyday and ths sky is full of this.
They will take away your most basic rights, reproduction
Agenda 21 is upon us. Will you resist it? They want none. They want you disarmed and a subject of their radiation biology programs.
Banned from Nextdoor Neighbor-Joe Imbriano on the Las Vegas shooting and the school prisons
They want wireless everywhere to sterilize your children
and kill you off
They will use the lighting to sterilize you as well
They will feed you poisonous foods and deadly devices to cook them in.
They will destroy your childrens innocence
They will protect the most vile among us
They will take away your most basic instinct which is to know your creator and steal your soul
They will destroy our land and take control of the very life giving water that was once so freely given to all.
They will not win unless you let them.
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