Can we hope this will be the headline on November 9th?
How long will we be putting up with these absolutely worthless empty suits on the council?
Let’s be real folks.
Jennifer Fitzgerald’s campaign sign should read
Jennifer Fitzgerald’s campaign sign should read
Jennifer Fitzgerald’s campaign sign should read
Jennifer Fitzgerald’s campaign sign should read
Bruce Whitaker’s campaign sign should read
Bruce Whitaker’s campaign sign should read
Bruce Whitaker’s campaign sign should read
Bruce Whitaker’s campaign sign should read
Larry Bennett’s campaign sign should read
Larry Bennett’s campaign sign should read
Larry Bennett’s campaign sign should read
Larry Bennett’s campaign sign should read
So here I am bringing up the biggest issues facing Fullerton, The DCCSP that is still alive and well along with SCAG, The SCAG operative on the planning commission, our roads, and The College Town plan. Watch about 5 minutes after I speak and watch all five of these tools including Fitzgerald and Whitaker ignore everything I said. They do it every time. That is par for the course ladies and gentlemen. The only way to save our city is to clean house and that means all of them need to go. After repeated requests for years to agendize and address the real issues, they just ignore it all, plaster their signs all over town, accept the developer and union money and run one trick ponies as side jobs to keep the coast clear for themselves. Look around folks. They have accomplished nothing in the last four years accept more of the same decline of our community.
#1 by I actually care about this city on September 25, 2016 - 7:20 pm
How come we can fly AROUND the Earth? How come photos from satellites show us a spherical Earth? How come we can see the sun set? I would link you to photos of the Earth taken by an actual sattelite, but I am afraid you still won’t get the point. What would even be the benifit of them lying about the Earth being spherical? Exactly. There is none.
#2 by Anonymous on September 26, 2016 - 8:45 am
You are posting on the wrong article and ask your high school teacher how you can drive the golf cart around a baseball stadium.
#3 by truth on September 26, 2016 - 10:17 am
How come we can fly around the earth, you say? If that is the case, then why can’t we get from California to New York in a blink of an eye, if the earth is truly rotating 1000 miles per hour?
Satellites? You believe in satellites? Really? So when you see “a” satellite in space, why can’t you see the rest of the 35,000 of them flying around space?
Tell you what, why don’t you use your common sense for once and do your homework before posting.
#4 by Anonymous on September 26, 2016 - 11:54 am
Talk about not doing your homework – you must have missed all of your middle school science.
“why can’t we get from California to New York in the blink of an eye, if the earth is truly rotating 1000 miles per hour?”
There’s a little concept called inertia. You should look it up. It’s kind of fundamental to understanding how things move around in the universe.