The Coming United States Famine: California’s engineered Bolshevik food supply destruction.

No water, no farms. No farms, no exports which translates to no food for alot of people.

25-40% of the United State’s food supply is in jeopardy by this alone.

Using fewer than 1% of U.S. farmland, the Central Valley supplies 8% of U.S. agricultural output (by value) and produces 1/4 of the Nation’s food, including 40% of the Nation’s fruits, nuts, and other table foods. This monster is in charge of California.

A seething Gavin Newsom pictured here as he pushes gun control.

Communists, Marxists, and Bolsheviks have 2 things in common:

  1. They want your guns.
  2. They want you starving.

The following document was the beginning stage of the Bolshevik takeover of California’s agricultural system via the pseudoscience of hydrology. Click on the image for the full document or click this link –SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY drainage authority

You must prepare now for a famine that is by design, going to overtake the Nation in early 2024. I wrote about this coming to a head way back in December of 2015.

California’s geo-engineered drought

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