Posts Tagged prevent autism

Autism and the designer elimination of the Alpha Male

ASD is about 4 times more common among boys than among girls. Boys had a higher chance of having autism or developmental disability than girls, working out to 1 in 27 chance of autism in boys. In the last 17 years, Autism rates have increased from 1 in 150 to 1 in 36.

There is an Agenda to Eliminate All Strong Males…..Documented and Proven.

It involves rewiring the Human Brain to Train it for Obedience and Violence. Enter stage left The Psychological Reality of Military Training.

Enter stage right the unjust wars and video games that have been in place now with the war on terror and the ubiquitous internet access with endless gaming opportunities.

The final death knell to the Alpha Male comes from the wireless and vaccine agendas that has caused the Autism epidemic. I have explained the causes of Autism in great detail right here. Fight for the children before you have to fight your children folks. We will be surrounded with millions of men someday that will be impossible to deal with as a society. It is preventable. Get informed and get involved. Please read this article below in its entirety and share it with everyone you know. Our future as a nation and society depends on it.


Ferritin and iron levels in children with autistic disorder

Carbonyl Iron Powder (CIP) Radar and microwave absorbing materials





autism-emf (1)



I had originally posted this on 3-27-13 but decided to pull it. However, I feel now is the time for this side of the story to be told.  I have added some revisions to bring it up to date with respect to recent developments in our quest to end what I believe to be the largest forced irradiation of children  by a trillion dollar industry that the world has ever seen, AND HOW AND WHY IT NEEDS TO COME TO AN END.

What originally began as a quest to get the WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY DEPLOYMENT AND WIRELESS SYSTEMS out of my children’s Fullerton School District classrooms has led to a miraculous hope Read the rest of this entry »



The needless Autism epidemic

CNN wants you to know that the Autism prevalence increased to 1 in 59 US children and THE FULLERTON INFORMER WILL TELL YOU how your child can completely avoid it if you are pregnant. The choice is yours ladies and gentlemen. This video contains incredible truth you will hear nowhere else.

Here is a more detailed analysis of the causes of autism-read the following article.


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