Posts Tagged <meta name="description" content="Joe Imbriano Site administrator B.S. Chemistry- University of California Irvine

The vaccine is a divide and conquer tool to usher in a Bolshevik type of engineered worldwide rebellion/revolution

The vaccine is a divide and conquer tool.

Engineered chaos, engineered food shortages, engineered supply line interruptions, increased fuel prices etc.

Order out of chaos.
Things are just getting started just like they were in 1917 in Russia.
They are running the same playbook with a fake virus alongside a communist revolution’in 2021 just like in 1918



Netherlands 🇳🇱 Protesters Take Over County Part 1

France 🇫🇷 The Long Journey part 1

Look at how many People Austria 🇦🇹

Wow Switzerland 🇨🇭 “You Tell Me”

Sudan 🇸🇩 Africa Protesters Take Over Roads 10 – 21 – 2021

CSIS AGENT: “You don’t understand Brian, we want you to start a revolution, we want something to happenn in Canada”
One day the Patriotic groups will be used to start something so that the big boys can clamp down and tell the general public “Look, there are crazy people living amongst you, and we are going to do something for your safety”. 
This is what they want to do and they have written about this, infact, from the top.
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