Posts Tagged jon radus

This is a must read: Pure evil- Who did this to Kelly Thomas and what they did to Kelly Thomas must never be forgotten until justice is served.


Dana Pape, the step mom of Kelly Thomas and Tina, the sister of Kelly Thomas both spoke at Public Comments last night at the Fullerton City Council.

They spoke from their hearts and they spoke the truth. The pain of loosing a loved one does not diminish much over time especially when justice was not served at all.

Comment To Those That Are Heartless! Yes you should care about what happened to Kelly Thomas and not rationalize that because he was homeless and mentally ill that he was somehow less of a person. He died a horrific death, murdered by members of the FPD. They were not found guilty but what do you call that senseless brutal beating with three, then four, then five and finally six officers present at various times during the horrific assault carried out by some of FPD’s so-called finest? What do you call that beating death of an innocent man as proclaimed by none other than former Police Chief Danny Hughes. Hughes stated that he was an innocent man officially at a City Council meeting. Yet his training officer Steven Rubio testified under oath that no Fullerton policies or procedures were broken that fateful night.

Meet Training officer Rubio “In the video, all things considered, I don’t see anything out of policy,” Rubio said.


Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated according to Rubio


Training officer Rubio on the right pictured with Pat McKinley on the left who proudly proclaimed on TV that “I hired em all” referring to the killers cops that murdered Kelly Thomas including hiring a one eyed cop Jay Cicinelli who failed to meet even the most minimum standards-


Pat Mckinley pictured on the right- a police chief who didn’t even follow his own departments rules or procedures when it came to hiring a one eyed cop-

The highest ranking officer on the scene, Sgt. Kevin Craig testified under oath that no Fullerton policies or procedures were broken that fateful night.

Sgt Kevin Craig was named supervisor of the year by his union after helping the killers go free.

Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated according to Craig

Question to Danny Hughes now retired and VP of Security for the self proclaimed Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland. How could two of your officers testify under oath that no FPD policies or procedures were broken that night let alone criminal statutes, when you proclaimed he was an innocent man?


Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated

Is that what your Fullerton Policies and Procedures manual calls for former Police Chief Danny Hughes? Does your FPD Policies and Procedure Manual state that it is within procedure for FPD officers to start a savage gang attack on an innocent man resulting in his death? Not one of the officers present had the decency to say to all the other officers enough already, while Kelly was repeatedly and incredibly courteously pleading for his life, referring to all of them as sir.

When I watched the entire video, there were so many thoughts floating through my mind.

First I thought as bad as I had heard the beating was there was nothing to prepare me for the savagery and the total lack of any reason to hit Kelly Thomas not even once let alone hundreds of times.

Second, it hit me that a homeless mentally ill man was the only person who acted sanely that evening. In my humble opinion it was the cops who acted like mentally deranged savages.

Thirdly, I thought how horrible, how unimaginable to die needlessly in that fashion. The actions of those police officers present was so brutal, so inhuman and so barbaric.

And now two of them Cincinelli and Wolfe are suing the City of Fullerton for their jobs back with back pay.




Finally, in my opinion due to the statements of one Danny Hughes


Dan Hughes pictured on the right with one of “his untouchables” FPD PIO Radus on the left. “One piece of evidence introduced in the Irish arbitration that shed some light on the Fullerton Culture of Corruption was a copy of a poster that was hanging in the locker of Fullerton Police PIO Sgt. Jon Radus. It is a photo-shop likeness of a movie poster from the movie the “Untouchables”. It depicts the face of Dan Hughes overlooking a gun toting gang of thirty’s era cops with the faces of Sgt. Corbett, Sgt. Radus, Sgt. Garah and Sgt. Petropulos superimposed on the bodies. All of these police supervisors played a dubious role in the termination of Corporal Paul Irish.”

and the testimony under oath of the FPD trainer and Sgt Craig, they will probably end up with multimillion dollar settlements from the Fullerton taxpayer. How do you uphold their firing when two of the FPD’s so-called finest testified under oath that no FPD Policies or Procedures were broken that night.

This should be a case study presented in every police academy on what every officer should never do concerning the brutal death of Kelly Thomas. It should also be training as how to not as law enforcement employees try to justify those dastardly police actions after the fact in court by an official training officer.

And to all the City Council weasels siting on the dais last night, not one of you had the decency to state that what was done to Kelly Thomas was a low point in the entire history of the FPD and that you feel for the loss suffered by Dana and Tina and will do everything possible to make sure it can never ever happen again in the City of Fullerton. Instead some legal mumbo jumbo by the Mayor and total silence from the other four council members.

Heartless and cold blooded Jennifer Fitzgerald once again ignored the pleas for justice by the decedents family

Downtown bar owner sycophant Greg Seborn pictured on the right ignored the impassioned pleas for justice by the bereaved family members even after the city attorney cleared them to speak on the incident.

Jesus Silva was given the green light to give his condolences to the family members present and couldn’t give the simple we are sorry for what happened to Kelly Thomas.

Mayor Doug Chaffee failed to show any humanity towards the community or the family of Kelly Thomas last night when all he could muster was some legal jargon

Downtown bar owner sycophant State Senate candidate Bruce Whitaker chooses to do the wrong thing once again by remaining silent ignoring the hearyt wrenching testimony of Kelly Thomas’s family.





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Could it be that our new Fullerton Police Chief, David Hendricks is cleaning house? If so, I only have one thing to say….HALLELUJAH! If only we could clean the dais of every single Council Member (Bruce Whitaker, Greg Sebourn, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva and Doug could move the public comments to end of the meeting Chafee*), The Prospects for our city may be looking up BY BARRY LEVINSON

Barry Levinson


Why would both Fullerton Police Captains, John Siko and Scott Rudisil, good buddies with former Police Chief Danny Hughes retire at the same time?  As Captains directly under the Police Chief they basically run the police department.    All that experience leaving at the same time with one of the replacing Captains coming from the Anaheim Police Department with no FPD experience whatsoever.  Is this just a coincidence?   I do not think so Fullertonians because any Police Chief would want one captain with experience during this transitional time.   But what if, like I said in the title, this was a clearing of the house?   What if this was a clearing of the Danny Hughes connections at the top of the management food chain?   Then under those circumstances it would make perfect sense.

This allowed a complete makeover of the FPD Command, namely first a New Police Chief and now two new Police Captains, Thomas Oliveras and Robert Dunn. John Siko and Scott Rudisil were closely tied to former Police Chief Danny Hughes.

Capt. Scott Rudisil, left, Police Chief Dan Hughes and Capt. John Siko all out the door

Siko refused not once but twice to take a police report from us when we attempted to report obstruction of justice involving the former police chief.
They are now both gone and based on what I know about both of them, I say good riddance. Mike Chockek, another one of Hughes’ handmaidens also left the department abruptly and is now working with Hughes at Disneyland.

Was Mike Chocek waiting to present information that was never asked for, waiting to answer questions that were never asked or waiting for just another opportunity to set up Barry Levinson? Read the story below and you be the judge.

Was this just another failed attempt to set up Barry Levinson?

But Fullertonians it gets much more interesting.  We now have heard from an anonymous source that another favorite son of Danny Hughes, Sgt. Jeff Corbett has been placed on Paid Administrative Leave.   You remember Sgt. Corbett, the field Sgt. Danny boy called in the wee hours of November 9, 2016 to complete or should I maybe say not complete the job that four officers on the scene of the Joe Felz DUI accident apparently could not do according to former Police Chief Danny Hughes.  Now if true, Corbett will be getting additional paid vacation for an extended period of time while under an apparent cloud at of course taxpayer’s expense.

We tried to confirm the status of Sgt. Jeff Corbett but our current Public Information Officer, another Danny Hughes favorite, Sgt Jon Radis would not confirm the current status of Sgt. Corbett.   A Public Information Officer making close to $200,000 a year in salary and benefits would not give us the public any information.  His reasoning was that it was a personnel matter and that according to Radus that is not given out.

Rudisil and Radus.

Bulletin to PIO Radus.   We did not ask for any details that would be found in his personnel record as to why he may have been placed on Paid Administrative Leave but were simply asking his current employment status, i.e. is he still on active duty or not.   Don’t we as citizens of Fullerton have the right to know who is patrolling our streets?  I think the answer is yes but Sgt. Radus refused to answer that very simple and straight forward question. Shame on you Sgt. Radus.

FPD pubilc information withholder Radus and his pal, ex Chief Dan Hughes

Read this anoymous unconfired information post to the Informer last year about Radus, Corbett, Siko, Hughes and othersThis came from the same source that leaked the Felz drunken hit an run the morning after the election in 2016 that let the cat out of the bag.

“In the Hughes letter regarding Felz hit and run, DUI. Hughes writes that he calls Sgt. Corbett directly. There is something called the chain of command. After hours at a police department the Watch Commander is the acting “Chief of Police”. Why would the Chief of police violate the chain of command and call a field Sgt. directly? Does Hughes have no confidence in the decision-making ability of his Watch Commander Andrew Goodrich? This never happens and in itself is very suspect but we all know why it occurred. Is it possible that Sgt. Corbett called his buddy Hughes, “ The chief of the Untouchables” to directly to start the cover-up ball rolling?

Several days after this incident Division Commander Siko calls the four initial responding officers to his office, the officers are chastised for comments they made regarding the obvious state of extreme intoxication displayed by Felz and recorded on their Axon body cameras. The Captain was dismayed that the officers did not have the common sense to know when to turn off their cameras when dealing with a highly political situation. (An officer turning off a body camera in the middle of a call is a very serious policy violation and when politics are involved, just plain stupid). The Captain Siko told the officers that they had just ruined the life of a good man.

One other overlooked fact that may have factored into the nights decision making of the Felz incident by the Mayor, Chief of Police and Watch Commander was on-going police management salary negotiations. At the time of the incident Lt. Andrew Goodrich was representing the Fullerton police management bargaining group and was in the process of working out a new agreement with Felz and the HR manager. One wonders if the thought of leverage in a late night “get out of Jail free pass” played a role?

Hughes has a history of attempting to trump-up charges on his foes and people he hates. This goes all the back to his patrol days. Hughes has a broad interpretation and selective misunderstanding of the elements of a crime when it suits his needs which when needed he uses as a weapon against others, as in the case of Mr. Barry Levinson. In most if these past cases the charges were baseless and were shot down once they were review by the DA’s office as in the case of Mr. Levinson and Corporal Irish.

In the case of Corporal Paul Irish the department had suspended Irish for changing his mind about conducting briefing training on “seat belt policy” and instead spoke about “Ethics”. The changing of training topics by a presenter happens all the time in a police briefing and is not a violation of policy.

Most of the persons present at the Irish briefing were interviewed by PSB and married to their story…a couple supervisors present who knew of Irish’s past history for reporting Hughes and Hughes’ “Untouchables” for ethics violations had embellished their accounts of the Irish Briefing training. Why would those officers embellish and lie about what Irish said in briefing, to gain or maintain favor with Hughes to preserve the status quo?

Irish was never asked by PSB about a recording but when asked later by the lawyer representing the city if he had recorded his training, Irish told the lawyer that he in fact had a copy of the recording. Fearing that the recording would be used to impeach the conflicting statements of some “Untouchable” witnesses Hughes and the city’s lawyer fought to have it thrown out. Hughes argued that by Corporal Irish, recording himself in a police briefing room in a city building attending by 25 people (most of which are uniformed cops with cameras strapped to their chest) is “confidential communication” as defined by California penal code section 632 PC.

Hughes amended the administrative charges against Irish and now charged him with the crime of 632 PC. A criminal investigation was now conducted against Corporal Irish. Months later the DA reviewed the charges and determined that Irish committed no crime. Later during arbitration, Irish’s lawyer, Mr. Michael Williamson was able to prove that in fact not only no law was violated by Irish recording himself no departmental policy was violated either.

One piece of evidence introduced in the Irish arbitration that shed some light on the Fullerton Culture of Corruption was a copy of a poster that was hanging in the locker of Fullerton Police PIO Sgt. Jon Radus. It is a photo-shop likeness of a movie poster from the movie the “Untouchables”. It depicts the face of Dan Hughes overlooking a gun toting gang of thirty’s era cops with the faces of Sgt. Corbett, Sgt. Radus, Sgt. Garah and Sgt. Petropulos superimposed on the bodies. All of these police supervisors played a dubious role in the termination of Corporal Paul Irish.

The arbitrator allowed the photograph of the poster to be introduced to support the theory that this “Untouchables clique” may have played a role in the treatment of Corporal Irish.

After one listens to the briefing training given by Corporal Paul Irish on September 6th 2014 those present and the listener does not hear a bitter employee using the platform of briefing training as his personal soap box to deliver a self-serving diatribe. One hears a honest, proud seasoned cop fed-up with the corruption at his department and sick of working with crooked cops and the supervisors who support and defend them.

Corporal Paul Irish wants his job back. He wants to serve the community of Fullerton again. He thinks he can because Hughes and Felz are now gone. I fear that when the City Council hears the recording and knows the whole story behind the termination of Corporal Irish, fearful of more city embarrassment, they will offer him a settlement he can’t refuse just to go away.”

end of anonymous post————–

Two hundred thousand dollars a year to keep us in the dark.   No wonder why Fullerton is going broke and doing nothing to make our financial situation any better.   On the contrary they just approved an extension to the current police contract that according to David Curlee will end up costing the Fullerton taxpayers an additional 12.3 million dollars over the next four years for increased pension costs.
Thank you Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva and Mayor Doug Chaffee for saddling the overburdened and very underserved residents of Fullerton with these unaffordable additional costs.   You three are truly despicable and it is obvious to me bought and paid for by the Police Union (via campaign contributions by their PAC) harming Fullerton taxpayers and all its citizens of every age.

FPOA sellout Doug Chaffee

FPOA sellout Jennifer Fitzgerald

FPOA water boy lackey Jesus Silva

In Fullerton good news about our government only comes infrequently but the retirement, maybe encouraged by our new police chief of Siko and Rudisil is a very good thing.

We await to learn the fate of Sgt. Jeff Corbett as well.  His departure would also be a very good sign that indeed the new police chief is clearing out the dead wood leftovers from the Danny Hughes regime.  Will Tony Rackauckas, our OC DA finally step up and file obstruction of justice charges against Sgt. Corbett and Danny Hughes for allowing Joe Felz to be given a ride home after smashing his car into a tree and reeking like booze fleeing the scene of an accident?  I can only pray that finally our DA will do the right thing.

Felz and Fitzgerald’s husband

The same week we learn this good news, we also suffer the indignity of having to pay an additional 12.3 million dollars to theFullerton Police Department for their outraguous pension expenses.

Like I said good news does not come often to Fullerton but at least in this case there is some good news along with the bad.  After all with Nelson favorite Jennifer Fitzgerald, Doug Chafee, and Jesus Silva there will always be bad news coming out of the City of Fullerton.  Add in conservative imposters’ and all around phonies Whitaker and Sebourn and that is why the City of Fullerton is a financial and infrastructure disaster.   Keep those high rises coming in boys and girls.  Every one of you vote for these monstrosities adding thousands of cars and no ability to handle the additional traffic.  Along with taking care of the Public Employee Unions it is the only thing you know how to do apparently.
I report but please do not get too sick and then you decide.

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Why do the police and media intentionally leave out vital information about identifying suspects involved in Fullerton robberies and assualts?

Does the Register’s opinion editor Brian Calle have an opinion on endangering the community with The Political Correctness of the Ragister?


We have violent armed robbers running loose in Sunny Hills and FPD is putting the public at risk by failing to properly disclose an accurate description of the suspects.  I initially called the FPD to get a description of the suspects. I was told by desk officer that there were 2 black males and 1 black female suspects involved in the armed home invasion roberry. I then went to seek the FPD press release to see what the official pronouncement was  concerning the event. The press release states there 2 males and 1 black female. This differs from what I was told by the officer at the department. Another source that went to the station today also confirmed that all three suspects were black.

FPD’s Public Information Officer Jon Radus on the left with former Chief Dan Hughes

Why is the press release different? The public has a right to know for their own safety. This is not only problematic for the public but also for the police. A full description of the suspects should always be released and never withheld especially when they are armed and dangerous, still on the loose and prey on the most vulnerable people of all-senior citizens.

Calls to Sgt Radus have not been returned while an email from him revealed the following:

Now as far as the media reporting of this event it gets even worse. The Register reported the following on 8-25 in the morning:

“On Thursday, August 24th, 2017 at approximately 11:10 PM, Fullerton Police Officers responded to a residence in the 100 block of West Las Palmas regarding a possible home invasion robbery that had just occurred.

Upon arrival, Officers determined that the residence is actually a live-in Elderly Care Facility. Inside the Care facility at the time were two female Care Givers and four elderly patients, who were sleeping, in their nineties.

Further investigation revealed that just a few minutes prior to Officers’ arrival, the Care Givers heard a knock at the front door of the Care Facility/Residence and saw that there was black female at the door. Believing that it could have been a late night delivery, one of the Care Givers opened the door.

Immediately upon opening door, two male suspects, both of whom were approximately 6’1” tall and thin, emerged. One of the males was armed with a black handgun. The other male was armed with a shot gun. The two males and the black female entered the Care Facility/Residence and ordered the two care givers to the ground at gun point.

The suspects then began looking for items of value in the residence and then stole one of the Care Givers cars” 

Now later in the day, towards the evening, The Register whitewashed the subject descriptions even further by removing any racial description of the criminals-

“….two men in white masks appeared behind the woman – one with a shotgun and the other with a handgun, said Sgt. Jon Radus of the Fullerton Police Department.”

Ok so who are we to be on the lookout for? First of all I did confirm in speaking with the desk officer on duty that all three suspects were black, two black men and one black woman. In addition, credible sources to the Fullerton Informer went to the board and care home the following day and spoke with the caregiver that was present during the armed home invasion robbery. The person described the three suspects as two black men and one black woman.

So why is the Fullerton Police department hiding vital information regarding the descriptions of the suspects? How are we as neighbors and residents supposed to be vigilant when all we are told to keep a look out for is 2 men and a woman?

This is PC correctness to the extreme where it is not only foolish and silly but potentially dangerous to the public. They release the color of the car but not the suspects?  It was confirmed that the suspects were two young black males and one black female. They would rather go along with the pressure of PC correctness than protect and defend the honest public. Its bad enough that we have to pay millions and millions for the police department’s criminal behavior that we end up picking up the tab for but when the police cannot even report correctly to the public, it is just another insult. Isn’t it about time the innocent people in our community  are considered first and foremost and not the criminals or the crooked cops.

It’s just shameful and could be extremely harmful to the people in that neighborhood to withhold key information that could be used to keep others safe. I don’t know about you but when I have strange people coming to the door, I don’t open my doors to strangers but most people do.

Why is the Fullerton Police department refusing to properly disclose the most important thing about the crime, an adequate and accurate description of the perpetrators? The police department and the media have a responsibility to give the public a complete description of the suspects. By intentionally leaving that out, they are potentially putting the residents at risk of greater harm.

As far as the Register goes, this not not only makes the story useless, but it also makes the story dangerous. Why does the media and the Fullerton police department intentionally leave out vital information about identifying suspects involved in a Fullerton home invasion armed robbery? How about the stabbing yesterday? When you leave that information out, you basically make the story useless to the public and once again dangerous. When people are not warned to be on the lookout for the specifics such as racial description, sex, build, height and clothing, they can be of no use in aiding law enforcement’s apprehension of the the criminals.

Yesterday there was a stabbing on Commonwealth and Cornell. A man was attacked and stabbed from behind multiple times by 2 strangers. The statement from the Fullerton police department that was done in a video interview conducted by Jon Radus advised the public that “the suspects were reported to be two male Hispanics in their early 20’s. ” 

Here is what the Register reported yesterday:

“About 10:35 a.m., a man in his 30s said he was crossing at the corner of North Cornell Avenue and East Commonwealth Avenue when two men came up from behind and stabbed him twice in the torso, police Lt. Robert Bastreri said. The two men, who appeared to be in their 20s, then ran off, Bastreri said, adding the victim was not robbed or acquainted with the assailants. An investigation into the stabbing is under way. It doesn’t appear the attack is gang-related, Sgt. Jon Radus said. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact Fullerton police Sgt. Matt Rowe 714-738-6776”

Once again, the politically correct Register puts the community at risk and protects the criminals by withholding vital information from the public. What is their motivation? We their motivations certainly do not have the interests or safety of this community in mind.

When someone robs, kills, stabs, rapes, murders, assaults, or whatever, and a crime has been confirmed to have taken place, an investigation begins. That must involve releasing as much information about the bastards that pulled it off as soon as possible so the other 139,876 residents of this community can help the 120 police officers that are supposed to be looking for these scum bags help lock them up and get them off the streets.

Here are some final comments from The FPD’s Jon Radus in his email to me regarding the stabbing yesterday:

“This is an active, on-going investigation. The information we release takes into account that our investigators are actively working the case and while I understand you may want to have more information, in many cases the release of that information to the public may hamper our ability to not only conduct our investigation, but also come to a successful resolution with an arrest. When the time comes that we are seeking the public’s help in locating an individual, then of course we will release all necessary information that the public would need in order to help us locate that particular suspect. If there is ever a time that, based on our investigation, we believe the public is at risk and needs to know a suspect description, then of course we would release the suspect description at that time as well.”

Well there you have it folks. That is complete BS. You never hide the description of a wanted man or woman EVER! Common sense out the window for 251 thousand dollars a year. When a tiger gets out of the zoo and is roaming the streets of a residential neighborhood, we can’t let anyone know its description until it eats a child, I mean until we believe the public is at risk. Every damn violent crime puts the public at risk!

What good are descriptions that give no identifying information? What good are news sources that purposely withhold suspect descriptions? What good is a police department that holds back, or omits complete suspect descriptions?

Maybe you will be asking these and other hard questions when one of these thugs that have no regard for the law kick your door in, and murder or rape your wife, mother or daughter. You see these thugs are not politically correct and the more they realize the media and the police are, the more brazen these monsters will become.

Let’s hope the FPD can get with the program and work with the community instead of conducting its operations cloaked in secrecy.  Let’s hope the gerbels at the Register can get some psychiatric treatment soon before the entire building on Grand Avenue in Santa Ana becomes a homeless shelter. Until then, stay safe Fullerton and stay vigilant because for the most part you are all still by the looks of things, on your own.



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