Posts Tagged Jesus Silva


A radidly growing company wants to BUY a piece of land that the taxpayers of Fullerton own. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD BE SOLD FOR THE HIGHEST PRICE AND BE CONSISTENT WITH WHAT IS ITS BEST USE TO BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY. Jobs and a tax base should be the priority. Sounds like a no brainer right? Wrong because Fullerton is run by crooks who work deals with their crony pals.

This company wants to come to town and expand their business and hire and employ people. Sounds like a great idea. Well the Fullerton city council wants to rezone this parcel from residential to housing for the homeless and give it away for FREE to a non profit that has no money. 10 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF LAND FOR FREE!!!
The non profit Pathways of Hope wants to RIP OFF THE TAXPAYERS AND RESIDENTS BY TAKING THIS TEN MILLION DOLLAR PARCEL FOR FREE FROM THE CITY AND use this 10 million dollar parcel to build their new corporate headquarters and  to build a wharehouse to put up homeless people.This large parcel of land that belongs to the taxpayers is set to be given away to a non profit that has no money to build homeless housing for drug addicts and ex cons in a residential area.  The title of the article is self descrptive. THIS IS A HEIST. This is a land grab by a greedy non profit to set up a permananet base in Fullerton ON OUR DIME to get their fangs into the jugulars of the tax payers and suck the grant money out of the coffers.
If we don’t stop this, they will build it, and apply for grants from the feds state and county to EXPAND with our tax money and these things will start popping up everywhere including single family homes.
Under state law Pathways can start running recovery homes too and the city or you and I will not be able to stop them and that will be a breeze because they will be awash in cash from all the grants to fill the streets with these people.  This is insanity. You need to email our city council ——
A non profit THAT HAS NO MONEY OF THEIR OWN , pathways of hope, wants to steal our land that belongs to the taxpayers by conning the crooks on the Fullerton city council to give them the land AT 1600 W COMMONWEALTH for free that is worth TEN MILLION dollars so the non profit can USE TAX MONEY TO BUILD THEIR CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS AND set up a revolving door flop house full of mentally ill people, junkies, and ex cons, right in a residential neighborhood? Why would a non profit be so inclined to rip off the taxpayers and ruin our neighborhood by building their corporate headquarters and homeless housing ripping us off again by using tax money to build it right after they rip us off and get the multi million dollar parcel of land for nothing?
Well it is because when they build it they will come and get millions in grants to run this mill and expand it to other locations in Fullerton. Meet the man who stands to make the most money at the helm of this taxpayer heist.


Watch where you walk

“Today at Costco. In the parking lot behind the old Toys R Us. I didn’t notice when I exited the car, but it was literally at the back of my car while I was loading up”. Marci Padgett on nextdoor neighbor 8-24-18 



Yes drug addicts, criminals, mentally ill, rapists, criminals, burglars, and peeping toms and whatever has evacuated the Orange County Version of slab city at the riverbed.  And of course ah the MONEY, YES THE GRANT MONEY, THE RIVER OF CASH that is our tax money THAT WILL FLOW INTO THE NON PROFIT ONCE THEY PULL OF THE SCAM OF THE CENTURY IN FULLERTON.

MILLIONS IN GRANT MONEY which is our tax money WILL COME POURING IN TO THE NON PROFIT to expand homelessness all over Fullerton!



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Fullerton Council Member Bruce Whitaker And Fullerton Council Member Greg Sebourn Both Incredibly Caused Their Own Political Obituaries On April 3, 2018 At The Fullerton City Council. By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Here are the pertinent quotes of Fullerton City Council member Bruce Whitaker during the discussion on Agenda Item No. 3 entitled “Consideration Of Support For The Department Of Justice Lawsuit Against The State Of California Regarding Sanctuary City Laws”.

“Since immigration is predominately and really entirely a federal jurisdiction, it leads me to lean in that direction, to lean in the direction of at least to preserving the federal government’s right to enforce immigration law.” 

Whitaker continues:  “But as far as being pressed into having to make a call on this, my lean is too support the federal attempts to make California as a border state comply with at least the minimum requirements of immigration law.” 

Whitaker goes on to state:  “There is more than a little bit of partisanship at play here and there is more than a little bit of political one-upmanship and the tactics of labeling and to shout down people from the other side of the situation.  I will not be cowered by those tactics.” 

Bruce Whitaker wrapping himself in the American flag

With three council members just prior to the vote indicating support in varying degrees for the Agenda Item (Whitaker, Sebourn and Fitzgerald), the vote to approve the Agenda Item incredibly never happened.  Instead Council member Jesus Silva made an alternative motion seconded by Mayor Doug Chaffee to Receive and File, which means to file the agenda item away without taking any action on it.

open borders Silva

The Final Vote to Receive and File was as follows:

Doug Chaffee, Jesus Silva and Greg Sebourn:  YES



Jennifer Fitzgerald:  NO


Bruce Whitaker:  ABSTAINING


Political fraud Whitaker shoveling more of the ….


The vote to Receive and File had indeed Bruce Whitaker cowering with an Abstention Vote.

Here are the pertinent statements from Fullerton Council member Greg Sebourn during the discussion on Agenda Item No. 3.


He started by providing the very recent results of a UC Berkley poll that indicated that 74% of all respondents agreed that local authorities should not be able to ignore any request to detain any person who is in this country illegally.    The poll found that 82% of Republicans, 73% of Democrats and 71% of Independents opposed California’s Sanctuary State Laws.

He then went on to state that he was in favor of the City of Fullerton writing a letter in support of the repeal of SB54, AB 450 and AB103.  These are all laws that foster Sanctuary State policies.

But two minutes after he expressed this support he caved like a demolished building by casting the deciding vote for an alternative motion to Receive and File the Agenda item.  This effectively approved doing absolutely nothing to support his just disclosed opposition to SB54, AB450 and AB103.   With a backbone like that, I do not know how Sebourn can walk on his own.

Greg Sebourn is a political fraud

Both Bruce Whitaker and Greg Sebourn were total sellouts and proved beyond any shadow of a doubt not to be men of their word.  They proved that whatever comes out of their mouths should never be taken seriously.  They in fact proved themselves to be worthless, spineless, and totally self-serving politicians who betrayed their own positions in the blink of an eye.



Please remember this historic betrayal by Republican Bruce Whitaker, a self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservative and Republican Greg Sebourn.

Whitaker “Give me your tired and your ………”


How could anyone ever trust them with their votes again?   I for one will never support them again.

Bruce Whitaker is the untimate betrayer of the taxpayers

When a politicians’ word literally means absolutely nothing, trust has been forever broken between the people they serve and themselves.

Bruce Whitaker is a political fraud

Does anyone in his or her right mind, still believe that Bruce Whitaker is the right person to serve us in Sacramento from the 29thSenate District?

Bushala puppet and plant, phony empty suit career politician Bruce Whitaker is now officially a coward

Does anyone in his or her right mind still believe that Greg Sebourn is the right person to continue to be on the Fullerton City Council?

Bushala puppet and plant, phony empty suit  politician Greg Sebourn is now officially a coward

For this and many more reasons, Bruce Whitaker’s political career and Greg Sebourn’s political career both deserve to be ended as soon as possible.   That means that you do not vote for Bruce Whitaker for California State Senate for the 29th Senate District and you do not vote to reelect Greg Sebourn to the Fullerton City Council.

Bruce Whitaker is all about protecting illegal aliens

In conclusion, they have both proved that whatever comes out of their mouths can never be counted on by the Fullerton public.   They deserve are scorn and our pity but not our precious votes.

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Shawn Nelson’s 2 term on the council darling, Jennifer Fitzgerald

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This is a must read: Pure evil- Who did this to Kelly Thomas and what they did to Kelly Thomas must never be forgotten until justice is served.


Dana Pape, the step mom of Kelly Thomas and Tina, the sister of Kelly Thomas both spoke at Public Comments last night at the Fullerton City Council.

They spoke from their hearts and they spoke the truth. The pain of loosing a loved one does not diminish much over time especially when justice was not served at all.

Comment To Those That Are Heartless! Yes you should care about what happened to Kelly Thomas and not rationalize that because he was homeless and mentally ill that he was somehow less of a person. He died a horrific death, murdered by members of the FPD. They were not found guilty but what do you call that senseless brutal beating with three, then four, then five and finally six officers present at various times during the horrific assault carried out by some of FPD’s so-called finest? What do you call that beating death of an innocent man as proclaimed by none other than former Police Chief Danny Hughes. Hughes stated that he was an innocent man officially at a City Council meeting. Yet his training officer Steven Rubio testified under oath that no Fullerton policies or procedures were broken that fateful night.

Meet Training officer Rubio “In the video, all things considered, I don’t see anything out of policy,” Rubio said.


Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated according to Rubio


Training officer Rubio on the right pictured with Pat McKinley on the left who proudly proclaimed on TV that “I hired em all” referring to the killers cops that murdered Kelly Thomas including hiring a one eyed cop Jay Cicinelli who failed to meet even the most minimum standards-


Pat Mckinley pictured on the right- a police chief who didn’t even follow his own departments rules or procedures when it came to hiring a one eyed cop-

The highest ranking officer on the scene, Sgt. Kevin Craig testified under oath that no Fullerton policies or procedures were broken that fateful night.

Sgt Kevin Craig was named supervisor of the year by his union after helping the killers go free.

Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated according to Craig

Question to Danny Hughes now retired and VP of Security for the self proclaimed Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland. How could two of your officers testify under oath that no FPD policies or procedures were broken that night let alone criminal statutes, when you proclaimed he was an innocent man?


Kelly Thomas after no procedures were violated

Is that what your Fullerton Policies and Procedures manual calls for former Police Chief Danny Hughes? Does your FPD Policies and Procedure Manual state that it is within procedure for FPD officers to start a savage gang attack on an innocent man resulting in his death? Not one of the officers present had the decency to say to all the other officers enough already, while Kelly was repeatedly and incredibly courteously pleading for his life, referring to all of them as sir.

When I watched the entire video, there were so many thoughts floating through my mind.

First I thought as bad as I had heard the beating was there was nothing to prepare me for the savagery and the total lack of any reason to hit Kelly Thomas not even once let alone hundreds of times.

Second, it hit me that a homeless mentally ill man was the only person who acted sanely that evening. In my humble opinion it was the cops who acted like mentally deranged savages.

Thirdly, I thought how horrible, how unimaginable to die needlessly in that fashion. The actions of those police officers present was so brutal, so inhuman and so barbaric.

And now two of them Cincinelli and Wolfe are suing the City of Fullerton for their jobs back with back pay.




Finally, in my opinion due to the statements of one Danny Hughes


Dan Hughes pictured on the right with one of “his untouchables” FPD PIO Radus on the left. “One piece of evidence introduced in the Irish arbitration that shed some light on the Fullerton Culture of Corruption was a copy of a poster that was hanging in the locker of Fullerton Police PIO Sgt. Jon Radus. It is a photo-shop likeness of a movie poster from the movie the “Untouchables”. It depicts the face of Dan Hughes overlooking a gun toting gang of thirty’s era cops with the faces of Sgt. Corbett, Sgt. Radus, Sgt. Garah and Sgt. Petropulos superimposed on the bodies. All of these police supervisors played a dubious role in the termination of Corporal Paul Irish.”

and the testimony under oath of the FPD trainer and Sgt Craig, they will probably end up with multimillion dollar settlements from the Fullerton taxpayer. How do you uphold their firing when two of the FPD’s so-called finest testified under oath that no FPD Policies or Procedures were broken that night.

This should be a case study presented in every police academy on what every officer should never do concerning the brutal death of Kelly Thomas. It should also be training as how to not as law enforcement employees try to justify those dastardly police actions after the fact in court by an official training officer.

And to all the City Council weasels siting on the dais last night, not one of you had the decency to state that what was done to Kelly Thomas was a low point in the entire history of the FPD and that you feel for the loss suffered by Dana and Tina and will do everything possible to make sure it can never ever happen again in the City of Fullerton. Instead some legal mumbo jumbo by the Mayor and total silence from the other four council members.

Heartless and cold blooded Jennifer Fitzgerald once again ignored the pleas for justice by the decedents family

Downtown bar owner sycophant Greg Seborn pictured on the right ignored the impassioned pleas for justice by the bereaved family members even after the city attorney cleared them to speak on the incident.

Jesus Silva was given the green light to give his condolences to the family members present and couldn’t give the simple we are sorry for what happened to Kelly Thomas.

Mayor Doug Chaffee failed to show any humanity towards the community or the family of Kelly Thomas last night when all he could muster was some legal jargon

Downtown bar owner sycophant State Senate candidate Bruce Whitaker chooses to do the wrong thing once again by remaining silent ignoring the hearyt wrenching testimony of Kelly Thomas’s family.





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How Did The City Of Fullerton Get This Bad? Hint: It Took A Concerted Effort To Put Fullertonians Last By Our Failed, Phony And Gutless Politicians! The Current Culprits : Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bruce Whitaker (I’ve accomplished nothing in almost eight years….time to get a big promotion.), Doug Chaffee (Rumor has it that he wants his wife to succeed him. I guess he thinks their royalty.), Jesus Silva and Greg Sebourn.

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Could it be that our new Fullerton Police Chief, David Hendricks is cleaning house? If so, I only have one thing to say….HALLELUJAH! If only we could clean the dais of every single Council Member (Bruce Whitaker, Greg Sebourn, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva and Doug could move the public comments to end of the meeting Chafee*), The Prospects for our city may be looking up BY BARRY LEVINSON

Barry Levinson


Why would both Fullerton Police Captains, John Siko and Scott Rudisil, good buddies with former Police Chief Danny Hughes retire at the same time?  As Captains directly under the Police Chief they basically run the police department.    All that experience leaving at the same time with one of the replacing Captains coming from the Anaheim Police Department with no FPD experience whatsoever.  Is this just a coincidence?   I do not think so Fullertonians because any Police Chief would want one captain with experience during this transitional time.   But what if, like I said in the title, this was a clearing of the house?   What if this was a clearing of the Danny Hughes connections at the top of the management food chain?   Then under those circumstances it would make perfect sense.

This allowed a complete makeover of the FPD Command, namely first a New Police Chief and now two new Police Captains, Thomas Oliveras and Robert Dunn. John Siko and Scott Rudisil were closely tied to former Police Chief Danny Hughes.

Capt. Scott Rudisil, left, Police Chief Dan Hughes and Capt. John Siko all out the door

Siko refused not once but twice to take a police report from us when we attempted to report obstruction of justice involving the former police chief.
They are now both gone and based on what I know about both of them, I say good riddance. Mike Chockek, another one of Hughes’ handmaidens also left the department abruptly and is now working with Hughes at Disneyland.

Was Mike Chocek waiting to present information that was never asked for, waiting to answer questions that were never asked or waiting for just another opportunity to set up Barry Levinson? Read the story below and you be the judge.

Was this just another failed attempt to set up Barry Levinson?

But Fullertonians it gets much more interesting.  We now have heard from an anonymous source that another favorite son of Danny Hughes, Sgt. Jeff Corbett has been placed on Paid Administrative Leave.   You remember Sgt. Corbett, the field Sgt. Danny boy called in the wee hours of November 9, 2016 to complete or should I maybe say not complete the job that four officers on the scene of the Joe Felz DUI accident apparently could not do according to former Police Chief Danny Hughes.  Now if true, Corbett will be getting additional paid vacation for an extended period of time while under an apparent cloud at of course taxpayer’s expense.

We tried to confirm the status of Sgt. Jeff Corbett but our current Public Information Officer, another Danny Hughes favorite, Sgt Jon Radis would not confirm the current status of Sgt. Corbett.   A Public Information Officer making close to $200,000 a year in salary and benefits would not give us the public any information.  His reasoning was that it was a personnel matter and that according to Radus that is not given out.

Rudisil and Radus.

Bulletin to PIO Radus.   We did not ask for any details that would be found in his personnel record as to why he may have been placed on Paid Administrative Leave but were simply asking his current employment status, i.e. is he still on active duty or not.   Don’t we as citizens of Fullerton have the right to know who is patrolling our streets?  I think the answer is yes but Sgt. Radus refused to answer that very simple and straight forward question. Shame on you Sgt. Radus.

FPD pubilc information withholder Radus and his pal, ex Chief Dan Hughes

Read this anoymous unconfired information post to the Informer last year about Radus, Corbett, Siko, Hughes and othersThis came from the same source that leaked the Felz drunken hit an run the morning after the election in 2016 that let the cat out of the bag.

“In the Hughes letter regarding Felz hit and run, DUI. Hughes writes that he calls Sgt. Corbett directly. There is something called the chain of command. After hours at a police department the Watch Commander is the acting “Chief of Police”. Why would the Chief of police violate the chain of command and call a field Sgt. directly? Does Hughes have no confidence in the decision-making ability of his Watch Commander Andrew Goodrich? This never happens and in itself is very suspect but we all know why it occurred. Is it possible that Sgt. Corbett called his buddy Hughes, “ The chief of the Untouchables” to directly to start the cover-up ball rolling?

Several days after this incident Division Commander Siko calls the four initial responding officers to his office, the officers are chastised for comments they made regarding the obvious state of extreme intoxication displayed by Felz and recorded on their Axon body cameras. The Captain was dismayed that the officers did not have the common sense to know when to turn off their cameras when dealing with a highly political situation. (An officer turning off a body camera in the middle of a call is a very serious policy violation and when politics are involved, just plain stupid). The Captain Siko told the officers that they had just ruined the life of a good man.

One other overlooked fact that may have factored into the nights decision making of the Felz incident by the Mayor, Chief of Police and Watch Commander was on-going police management salary negotiations. At the time of the incident Lt. Andrew Goodrich was representing the Fullerton police management bargaining group and was in the process of working out a new agreement with Felz and the HR manager. One wonders if the thought of leverage in a late night “get out of Jail free pass” played a role?

Hughes has a history of attempting to trump-up charges on his foes and people he hates. This goes all the back to his patrol days. Hughes has a broad interpretation and selective misunderstanding of the elements of a crime when it suits his needs which when needed he uses as a weapon against others, as in the case of Mr. Barry Levinson. In most if these past cases the charges were baseless and were shot down once they were review by the DA’s office as in the case of Mr. Levinson and Corporal Irish.

In the case of Corporal Paul Irish the department had suspended Irish for changing his mind about conducting briefing training on “seat belt policy” and instead spoke about “Ethics”. The changing of training topics by a presenter happens all the time in a police briefing and is not a violation of policy.

Most of the persons present at the Irish briefing were interviewed by PSB and married to their story…a couple supervisors present who knew of Irish’s past history for reporting Hughes and Hughes’ “Untouchables” for ethics violations had embellished their accounts of the Irish Briefing training. Why would those officers embellish and lie about what Irish said in briefing, to gain or maintain favor with Hughes to preserve the status quo?

Irish was never asked by PSB about a recording but when asked later by the lawyer representing the city if he had recorded his training, Irish told the lawyer that he in fact had a copy of the recording. Fearing that the recording would be used to impeach the conflicting statements of some “Untouchable” witnesses Hughes and the city’s lawyer fought to have it thrown out. Hughes argued that by Corporal Irish, recording himself in a police briefing room in a city building attending by 25 people (most of which are uniformed cops with cameras strapped to their chest) is “confidential communication” as defined by California penal code section 632 PC.

Hughes amended the administrative charges against Irish and now charged him with the crime of 632 PC. A criminal investigation was now conducted against Corporal Irish. Months later the DA reviewed the charges and determined that Irish committed no crime. Later during arbitration, Irish’s lawyer, Mr. Michael Williamson was able to prove that in fact not only no law was violated by Irish recording himself no departmental policy was violated either.

One piece of evidence introduced in the Irish arbitration that shed some light on the Fullerton Culture of Corruption was a copy of a poster that was hanging in the locker of Fullerton Police PIO Sgt. Jon Radus. It is a photo-shop likeness of a movie poster from the movie the “Untouchables”. It depicts the face of Dan Hughes overlooking a gun toting gang of thirty’s era cops with the faces of Sgt. Corbett, Sgt. Radus, Sgt. Garah and Sgt. Petropulos superimposed on the bodies. All of these police supervisors played a dubious role in the termination of Corporal Paul Irish.

The arbitrator allowed the photograph of the poster to be introduced to support the theory that this “Untouchables clique” may have played a role in the treatment of Corporal Irish.

After one listens to the briefing training given by Corporal Paul Irish on September 6th 2014 those present and the listener does not hear a bitter employee using the platform of briefing training as his personal soap box to deliver a self-serving diatribe. One hears a honest, proud seasoned cop fed-up with the corruption at his department and sick of working with crooked cops and the supervisors who support and defend them.

Corporal Paul Irish wants his job back. He wants to serve the community of Fullerton again. He thinks he can because Hughes and Felz are now gone. I fear that when the City Council hears the recording and knows the whole story behind the termination of Corporal Irish, fearful of more city embarrassment, they will offer him a settlement he can’t refuse just to go away.”

end of anonymous post————–

Two hundred thousand dollars a year to keep us in the dark.   No wonder why Fullerton is going broke and doing nothing to make our financial situation any better.   On the contrary they just approved an extension to the current police contract that according to David Curlee will end up costing the Fullerton taxpayers an additional 12.3 million dollars over the next four years for increased pension costs.
Thank you Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva and Mayor Doug Chaffee for saddling the overburdened and very underserved residents of Fullerton with these unaffordable additional costs.   You three are truly despicable and it is obvious to me bought and paid for by the Police Union (via campaign contributions by their PAC) harming Fullerton taxpayers and all its citizens of every age.

FPOA sellout Doug Chaffee

FPOA sellout Jennifer Fitzgerald

FPOA water boy lackey Jesus Silva

In Fullerton good news about our government only comes infrequently but the retirement, maybe encouraged by our new police chief of Siko and Rudisil is a very good thing.

We await to learn the fate of Sgt. Jeff Corbett as well.  His departure would also be a very good sign that indeed the new police chief is clearing out the dead wood leftovers from the Danny Hughes regime.  Will Tony Rackauckas, our OC DA finally step up and file obstruction of justice charges against Sgt. Corbett and Danny Hughes for allowing Joe Felz to be given a ride home after smashing his car into a tree and reeking like booze fleeing the scene of an accident?  I can only pray that finally our DA will do the right thing.

Felz and Fitzgerald’s husband

The same week we learn this good news, we also suffer the indignity of having to pay an additional 12.3 million dollars to theFullerton Police Department for their outraguous pension expenses.

Like I said good news does not come often to Fullerton but at least in this case there is some good news along with the bad.  After all with Nelson favorite Jennifer Fitzgerald, Doug Chafee, and Jesus Silva there will always be bad news coming out of the City of Fullerton.  Add in conservative imposters’ and all around phonies Whitaker and Sebourn and that is why the City of Fullerton is a financial and infrastructure disaster.   Keep those high rises coming in boys and girls.  Every one of you vote for these monstrosities adding thousands of cars and no ability to handle the additional traffic.  Along with taking care of the Public Employee Unions it is the only thing you know how to do apparently.
I report but please do not get too sick and then you decide.

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Is 100 million dollars missing from Fullerton City Hall? Joe Imbriano asks the hard questions.

Joe Imbriano questions why Fullerton has totally abandoned almost all street repair for decades. All other surrounding cities have the same issues with out of control pensions, payroll, and benefits costs and yet these surrounding cities have managed to repave all of their streets year after year and keep their streets in workable order. 

Meanwhile, Fullerton, with its huge property tax and sales tax base has its streets, water mains, and sewer pipes, almost all 200 miles of them crumbling in ruin while these stool pigeons on the council look the other way and push for massive highrise development and dirty favors for their crony pals. No longer will this and other issues be ignored. We want answers and we aim to get them. Use your head folks, do the math and open your eyes. Something is seriously wrong in Fullerton that in my opinion, is going to make the Bell scandal look like a lemonade stand heist.

You decide for yourself.

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There are two kinds of pedophiles.   The first kind are those who recognize the evil desire they have toward children and try to fight the urges to re-committ these heinous crimes.   These pedophiles try to stay away from places, which prove to be the greatest temptation; i.e. schools, parks, playgrounds, etc.   The second kind of pedophile feels absolutely no remorse and is on the hunt for innocent children 24/7.   Which kind of pedophile do you think sues governments to repeal laws that restrict them from living near a school, park or day-care center?  Which city with a proven false legal justification decided anyway to repeal our law without any legal fight….our Fullerton City Council, all of them…MAYOR BRUCE WHITAKER, COUNCI MEMBERS JENNIFER FITZGERALD, GREG SUBORN, DOUG CHAFFEE AND HUSBAND TO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER SHARON QUIRK-SILVA, HESUS SILVA!   THEY KNEW BECAUSE MYSELF AND OTHERS TOLD THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THER HAS BEEN NO CALIFORNIA COURT DECISION AT ANY LEVEL that has dealt with the residence restriction of ONLY CHILD SEX OFFENDERS in our State of California, arguably the most far-left state in the nation.   I hope and pray that one day soon, the good people of Fullerton will hold each and everyone of those arrogant, deceitful and contemptible council members accountable for their despicable votes to leave our children in Fullerton more vulnerable to pedophiles.


Read the rest of this entry »

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Barry Levinson

Responding to my comments at the June 20, 2017 Council meeting, Council member Fitzgerald stated the following:

“Well, I want to point out to the public while we are entering into a five-year contract with Mr. Domer, he will be an at-will employee and anyone who read the staff report would have seen that.”

What Ms. Fitzgerald conveniently and I believe intentionally left out to mislead the public is that a typical at-will employee, which means an employee who can be terminated at any time without cause is not usually entitled to a severance package.  But in the case of Mr. Domer, his contract guarantees him immediately that the city would owe him a severance of not 1 week or 1 month or even 3 months additional salary but a full 6 months in additional salary if he were to be removed from his post at anytime during the life of this five-year contract. In addition the contract stipulates that on day one he will receive 2 weeks of unearned vacation time and 1 week of unearned sick time.   This is also unheard of for an at-will employee.

Once again, Ms. Fitzgerald is more interested in misleading the public than serving them.

In response to my criticism on the total lack of action concerning the Hillcrest Park Stairs, Council member Sebourn gave a tardy and very incomplete update that he had requested documents relating to the stairs on June 20, 2017.  If you were truly serious about taking action, you would have received all the information you wanted in a matter of a few days not six weeks.

How many more months are we to wait to learn that the city has no intention to sue the contractor and certainly no intention to hold any city employee accountable for signing-off on a 1.7 million dollar project with very obvious and numerous construction defects.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the city has no intention to sue the contractor and certainly no intention to hold any city employee accountable for signing off on a 1.7 million dollar project with very obvious and numerous construction and/or design defects.  We learned that some of the problems not specifically identified and downplayed according to Parks and Recreation Director Hugo Curiel are being addressed now.  Director Curiel actually stated that is was common practice months after the job was completed and paid for by the taxpayers to have a contractor fix issues.

Fullertonians any well run city first has a final city inspection prior to making any final payments to the3 contractor.  The fact that so many defects existed after its completion tells me that whoever signed off on this project should be held to account or maybe the city never did a final inspection prior to paying the entire cost of the project.  We simply do not know because our city council has chosen to keep the taxpayers in the dark.

So what is the status of the stairs today?   Thanks to the incomplete and vague answers by the council and staff we really do not know.   More corrections are to be done but we do not know, which corrections are to be addressed.   What about the design error to put large wooden posts into the concrete caissons making replacing any of them an extremely expensive and unnecessary undertaking?   My guess is that this important and expensive issue has not been addressed and will not be addressed by our phony and incompetent council.  But what you can be sure of is that when one or more of those wooden posts needs replacing and they will, we the taxpayers will be on the hook for 100% of the unnecessary cost.

We the public is expected to accept once again our city squandering our taxpayer monies on very expensive substandard workmanship.   The city council spent $1.7 million dollars on this substandard stairway.  I guess as Mayor, we can add this as just another one out of so many of Mayor Bruce Whitaker’s failures.

The last council meeting, council added insult to injury by voting for a new police chief with 40% of the council not present.  How incredibly arrogant that all the city council members do not believe it is proper for them to listen to their constituents before deciding on a new police chief.  On top of that, Mayor Whitaker actually stated that he believed that the pertinent questions asked by the public did not need to be discussed by council prior to the vote.  How low can they go?  With this council it is not measurable.


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Barry Levinson

There is absolutely no doubt that the biggest financial calamity facing California taxpayers created by our elected officials is the public pension unfunded liabilities followed by the public employee retiree health care unfunded liabilities.

Yet I have been making the point for some time now that as citizens we can’t ignore all the other falsehoods, misinformation and out and out lies given to us by our California elected and appointed officials at all levels of the government and expect to make real headway with pensions.

Why do I say this? It is rather simple really. How do you expect to get an honest handle on pension costs, when we allow our elected and appointed officials to mislead us on just about every important issue facing us today. You want objectivity, transparency, and honesty concerning pensions while letting our officials literally skate on almost everything else. Either we hold all of them accountable and that means they start being honest with us on everything or we throw all of them out and get elected officials who finally have our interests at the forefront of if not everything, at least most official actions they take as our duly elected representatives.

The fact that citizens who only address the big money issue of pensions and actually give cover to those who mislead and lie to us on so much else makes those citizens part of the entire problem and not part of the solution. You can not be honest with pensions and dishonest with everything else and expect a better outcome for both the taxpayers and the citizens of this once great state of California. There is nothing good to come out of supporting your crooked politician because he/she throws us a bone once in a blue moon. Unfortunately, the bone usually is hollow as well. It is usually political grandstanding and not real. So highlighting nothing other than skyrocketing pension costs will not get us where we need to be….which is for once getting a more honest, transparent government led by elected officials with equal parts integrity and courage.

So when will you pension writers start to call out the phonies who say they are for pension reform while lying to us on so many other very important issues and at the same time accomplishing little or nothing in the pension arena either.


A good start in the City of Fullerton would be to ask for the resignations of all Fullerton City Council members,





and Silva

for their repealing a very good law based on false information and assumptions.

It was Fullerton Ordinance 3149, the Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act. Now formerly convicted child rapists, molesters, etc. can live right next door to any school, park, pre-school and day-care center in Fullerton thanks to each and every council member going along with a deceitful false premise provided by none other than Fullerton City Attorney, James Touchstone. That false premise was that the Fullerton ordinance covered all sex offenders when in fact it explicitly stated that it dealt specifically with only child sex offenders. The fact is that in no California court has the residency restriction of just child sex offenders every been adjudicated or challenged. The question then remains why would all five council members take action to benefit pedophiles while at the same time making it less safe for our children?

City attorney Dick Jones

It is a question that we the citizens of Fullerton deserve a complete and honest answer to! But I can guarantee that will never happen and that is precisely why they all need to be thrown out of office.


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Unconscionable behavior by our Fullerton City Council, Fullerton City Attorney and the Fullerton Police Chief.




Back In February I witnessed unconscionable behavior by our Fullerton City Council, Fullerton City Attorney and the Fullerton Police Chief. The behavior was to provide False And Very Misleading Information about The Fullerton Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Law To Justify Its Repeal! This False Narrative Lead By City Attorney James Touchstone Demonstrated A Lack Of Character By Him And All Who Played Along With This Charade.

Fullerton City attorney James Touchstone

I Am Here To Proclaim Very Loudly That Character Does Count And Not One Individual On The Dais That Evening Demonstrated Any Character!  Months ago they knew the facts but ignored them and went ahead anyway. They were warned. See this video below.

Whether you happen to agree with their votes or not, it is never good for the public to have elected and appointed officials who mislead, misinform and sometimes out and out lie to us. Diane Hickey, Joe Imbriano and myself clearly documented on the record here in this chamber that the erroneous information City Attorney James Touchstone spelled out as part of an official presentation to council recommending the repeal of Ordinance 3149 was indeed false.  He stated erroneously that the ordinance impacts all sex offenders when the ordinance clearly defines a sex offender as only a child sex offender for purposes of this law.

Here we are months later and still the Fullerton City Council continues to protect the pedophiles and refuses to acknowledge that the official presentation by our city attorney months back on this issue was based on falsehood. What does that tell you about the integrity, honesty and decency of our city council, police chief and our city attorney?

Council person Doug Chaffee”s actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children

Council person Jesus Silva’s  actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children


Council person Bruce Whitaker’s  actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children

Police Chief Heinig on the right’s  actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children

Council person Greg Sebourn’s  actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children. What a guy who thinks it ok to cancel an agenda item when the presenter is at the podium.

Vice President of Curt Pringle and associates Jennifer Fitzgerald.’s  actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children. She has had to recuse herself because one of her clients got a big payday from the Fullerton City Council.


Fullerton City Attorney Dick Jones’s  actions certainly indicate a desire to help protect pedophiles over the safety of our children. Check him out dozing while making big bucks. Could anybody look more disinterested that he?

After we proved that Mr. Touchstone provided false information to the council in support of his recommendation to repeal Ordinance 3149, every city council member ignored that fact and voted to repeal the ordinance, anyway. They in fact by not acknowledging James Touchstone’s egregious error, chose to be part of the deception. Touchstone’s failure to acknowledge his error after we corrected him strongly suggests that it was not an error at all but an intentional ploy/conspiracy to mislead the public on this very important issue. What has City Attorney Dick Jones done in regard to this misinformation given by his partner in his law firm?  As far as I know absolutely nothing! This whole scenario is shameless behavior by our City of Fullerton Government and can’t be tolerated going forward.

I can’t for certain claim that each and every one of those individuals will be held to account by the Fullerton public.  But what I can say is that God will in fact judge them for their ethical and moral failings as our elected and appointed Fullerton officials.

The only thing I can add to my prepared remarks that i presented at the public comment section of the Fullerton City Council meeting on May 15, 2017 is the following:

We the good people of Fullerton must stand up to demand form our city council and city government, integrity, honesty and representation that only considers the overall well-being of the citizens of Fullerton.

This must include coming regularly to city council meetings and making your voices heard by those who are supposed to represent us the people.


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receive and file issue

Bruce Whitaker <> Thu, May 18, 2017 at 11:14 AM
To: “” <>

Your remarks are a joke and are fraudulent. Repeatedly attacking me, a representative who votes appropriately is stridently opportunistic on your part. Whether that report was reviewed at one meeting or another meeting was not time critical.

I had not been advised that he was in attendance, and quickly reversed the action.

If this is the best you can do…so lame!

Sent from my Android device

—— Original message——

From: The Fullerton Informer

Date: Thu, May 18, 2017 10:09 AM

To: Bruce Whitaker;

Subject:receive and file issue

Well it is obvious Mayor Whitaker that you should have known that the Milliman actuarial consultant was in attendance at the May 15, 2017 Fullerton City Council meeting because it was highlighted as the first sentence under Agenda Item No. 5 as follows: “John Botsford of Milliman, the City’s consulting actuary, will present the City’s updated actuarial analysis of Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liabilities.”  Your claim that you had no idea that the consultant was present for the council meeting is ludicrous and ridiculous on its face.



You are telling us that you didn’t even read the agenda as Mayor when in fact it is your responsibility along with the City Manager to put out the Agenda itself.   What are we the good people of Fullerton to make of your statement that you did not even read the Fullerton City Council Agenda prior to your leading the city council meeting?  You are either totally incompetent or not being truthful with us.  There are no other legitimate explanations for your behavior and statements. Shouldn’t you, Mr. so-called Fiscal Conservative, be aware of the costs to the taxpayer to bring that high priced consultant back again after you would have probably spent a few thousand taxpayer dollars to bring him down here for the May 15th meeting already? 

Greg Sebourn made the motion to send the consultant packing


When Doug Chaffee is the only voice of reason on the council, you know we are in trouble

Why would you vote to postpone an agenda item that had already cost the city possibly thousands of dollars for this May 15th meeting, which required only the council’s action to Receive and File the item?  In other words really no substantial action at all!  Why would Greg Sebourn make a motion to postpone a Receive and File item to the next meeting and all of you very quickly concur with him?

Jesus Silva pondering the facts

In all cases when a motion to postpone an agenda item is being considered it should be necessary at the absolute minimum for that council member making that motion to explain why it is necessary to postpone the agenda item, especially at the very last moment as was the case here.  The way this was handled was totally derelict by all of you.  It demonstrated that you did not care about the great inconvenience you were willing to put the consultant and those Fullerton residents that were at the meeting or at home staying up to that late hour to hear this agenda item. We say shame on all of you for trying to avoid an agendized issue that obviously was embarrassing for all of you.  Once again your action shows your complete disregard for the public.

Mayor Whitaker, you even added insult to injury by trying to skip public comments on this issue. How many times have you been mayor, Mr. Whitaker?  We believe this is at least your third time.   You keep on digging a bigger and bigger hole for yourself and it would take a Houdini like effort to now dig yourself out of this in our opinion.

You claim you quickly reversed the decision? No the city employee had to correct you and point out that it would be a great burden for this person to come down from the Bay Area and present at a later date.  Not to mention your silence on the increased cost to the taxpayer by the councils original vote to postpone the item. He was there I assume based on your requested date and time. You have embarrassed yourself with this action and people who are paying attention will have plenty to discuss between now and the next election about your failings and we intend to lead those discussions.

The people of Fullerton more and more know the games you play. It is becoming a more and more common event for you and your fellow council members to mislead and or not to provide proper information on the important subjects we are dealing with. 

We are also confused why David Curlee, Josh Ferguson and Tony Bushala, all present at the meeting had nothing to say on this item? They are people that highlight financial issues and they were all completely silent on a 35 million dollar unfunded liability.  David Curlee and yourself have made it a point to discuss the propriety of $300/$400 a night city employee hotel bills in the recent past, yet now not a peep from either of you on a 35 million dollar unfunded Fullerton liability that will be have to come from us the taxpayers.

Finally, Greg Sebourn states that he will put on the agenda a discussion on having the city attempt to get a refund from the staircase contractor for obvious shoddy and substandard workmanship. Yet Sebourn never actually made a motion to get this on the agenda for the next meeting or for any meeting for that matter.  Was this just political grandstanding by Sebourn?  Why as Mayor and self proclaimed fiscal conservative, Mayor Whitaker did you not make that motion yourself?

How does it feel to remain silent on false claims about our Ordinance 3149, the Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act and then based on those false statements repeal a very good law.  When will you or any member on the Fullerton City Council dais acknowledge what we have proved that City Attorney James Touchstone provided false information to justify his recommendation to repeal the Fullerton Ordinance?  You stated that your votes are all appropriate.  You call basing your vote on a previously proven misstatement of fact appropriate voting? You know with regard to that, you don’t have a leg to stand on.  Mayor Whitaker, the guilt and the shame of your facial expressions when Diane and we were discussing this issue was so very telling.  You voted along with all of your colleagues to repeal a Fullerton law based on a faulty presentation that helped to keep our children safe from pedophiles.  You have repeatedly ignored the proof and evidence we showed all of you that the justification for your actions was based on falsehoods about the status and the language of Ordinance NO; 3149.   Once again we say shame on all of you.   It is hard to imagine a more damning set of circumstances that you now own concerning your action to intentionally lesson the safety of our children based on information you all knew was false. Shame on all of you.

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Barry Levinson calls out the self-serving, disingenuous, deceitful and deplorabe Fullerton City Council

Fullertonians are simply tired and disgusted with the self-serving, disingenuous political games that are played out at our council meetings.  Just since the beginning of this year alone, this council has disgraced itself and shown that all too often your votes do not support the very people that you are charged to represent.   Here is a partial list of your recent deceitful and deplorable actions.


  1. We witnessed the false claims of our Mayor Bruce Whitaker who brought back settled business in the form of changing our election schedule.   This will result in allowing Greg Sebourn to run for re-election in 2018 in the third district after serving his full four-year term.  Mayor Bruce Whitaker placed this back on the agenda resulting in disenfranchising the second district from 2018 to 2020, while at the very same time giving the third district not one but two representatives, Greg Sebourn or a challenger and Jesus Silva.   This action of Mayor Bruce Whitaker results in undermining the whole purpose for the district elections.


  1. The Council continues to ignore the will of the people by approving Agenda 21 high-density buildings. The city council votes to change zoning requirements and ignore our General Plan to allow developers free rein in our city.


Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald’s actions are the most troubling, as she was heavily involved in creating our latest General Plan.  Questions for Council member Fitzgerald:  Why do think it is proper to ignore our General Plan and the vast majority of the public?  Does it have to do with your VP position with Curt Pringle and Associates?


  1. Finally the City Attorney’s arguments to repeal Ordinance 3149, our former child sex offender residency restriction law, misrepresented important facts and mislead the public about the legal status of that ordinance.  The council’s unanimous decision to turn its backs on our children because a convicted child sex offender not even living in Southern California filed seventeen lawsuits throughout the state is shameful.  Our city council did not want to spend the relatively few dollars defending a very good law. The residency restrictions only applied to child sex offenders not all sex offenders, which has not been adjudicated by any California court.   There was simply no justifiably good reason to repeal it at this time.

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Barry Levinson calls out the self-serving, disingenuous, deceitful and deplorabe Fullerton City Council

Fullertonians are simply tired and disgusted with the self-serving, disingenuous political games that are played out at our council meetings.  Just since the beginning of this year alone, this council has disgraced itself and shown that all too often your votes do not support the very people that you are charged to represent.   Here is a partial list of your recent deceitful and deplorable actions.

  1. We witnessed the false claims of our Mayor Bruce Whitaker who brought back settled business in the form of changing our election schedule.   This will result in allowing Greg Sebourn to run for re-election in 2018 in the third district after serving his full four-year term.  Mayor Bruce Whitaker placed this back on the agenda resulting in disenfranchising the second district from 2018 to 2020, while at the very same time giving the third district not one but two representatives, Greg Sebourn or a challenger and Jesus Silva.   This action of Mayor Bruce Whitaker results in undermining the whole purpose for the district elections.
  1. The Council continues to ignore the will of the people by approving Agenda 21 high-density buildings. The city council votes to change zoning requirements and ignore our General Plan to allow developers free rein in our city.

Council member Jennifer Fitzgerald’s actions are the most troubling, as she was heavily involved in creating our latest General Plan.  Questions for Council member Fitzgerald:  Why do think it is proper to ignore our General Plan and the vast majority of the public?  Does it have to do with your VP position with Curt Pringle and Associates?

  1. Finally the City Attorney’s arguments to repeal Ordinance 3149, our former child sex offender residency restriction law, misrepresented important facts and mislead the public about the legal status of that ordinance.  The council’s unanimous decision to turn its backs on our children because a convicted child sex offender not even living in Southern California filed seventeen lawsuits throughout the state is shameful.  Our city council did not want to spend the relatively few dollars defending a very good law. The residency restrictions only applied to child sex offenders not all sex offenders, which has not been adjudicated by any California court.   There was simply no justifiably good reason to repeal it at this time.

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Barry Levinson, the driving force of Fullerton’s sex offender ordinance discusses the despicable behavior of The Fullerton City Council in repealing Fullertons sex offender ordinance.

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