Posts Tagged jennifer fitzgerald ffff bushala


Bruce Whitaker buries corruption for a living on the Fullerton City Council

It has been approximately 8 to 9 months since the City’s Christening of the Pinewood Stairs connecting Hillcrest Park and Lion’s Field. The FFFF website has posted new pictures rendering the condition of those stairs. They are simply falling apart with the problems increasing at a very rapid rate.

Yet where is State Senate Candidate Bruce Whitaker on this issue? The answer is that Bruce Whitaker has been totally silent since the beginning. It is very troubling that someone whose only theme for running for State Senate is to fight Sacramento Corruption is once again totally silent on this City of Fullerton corruption and there is no doubt that is what Pinewood Stairs represents. 

Public Works director Don Hoppie needs to be fired over signing off on this outrageous fraud perpetrated on taxpayers.

$196,000 a year for Hugo Curiel and $148,000 a year for these Fullerton park and rec department managers Curiel and Loya who presided over this disaster (compensation source transparent

Sebourn mentioned his concern in response to citizen complaints and then failed to follow-up at all. Nice phony PR work Sebourn.

Worthless Bushala plant Greg Seaborn who doubles down every time with lipservice and ignores the corruption.

Fitzgerald’s response was to totally praise the stairs as a great triumph of city engineering and development.

Shawn Nelson plant Fitzgerald ignores the problem, doubles down and praises this construction defect lawsuit in the making as magnificent.

Who is one of her main supporters and mentors but none other than Shawn Nelson who is now running to replace Congressman Ed Royce. You remember Nelson, the guy who tried to put in a homeless shelter across the street from an elementary school that has many special needs children in attendance and tried to hand over a 100K commission to one of his supporters denying others the right to bid for that commission.   The same supervisor who was against setting up an independent commission to look into OC Supervisor corruption. Here is Nelson hiding SCAG from the public at a candidate forum, yes the one who lobbied his head off to make sure Jennifer Fitzgerald got elected twice and he wants to be your Congressman?


Is this the best the Republican Party can provide as candidates, Bruce Whitaker for State Senate and Shawn Nelson for U.S. Congress? How pathetic? And the State Republican party wonders why Republicans have become pretty much meaningless throughout the entire state. A state that gave us Governor and then President Ronald Reagan. Should those true conservatives that care about our constitution and limited government providing freedom for its citizens, start a new Conservative Party in California? If the State Republican Party does not shape up and shape up really fast, the answer is probably yes!

As for the stairs, well you know you can’t put wood in concrete like that. It swells every time it gets wet. It should have had metal anchors with straps and bolts. So if the City doesn’t sue the contractor for construction defects, no one gets fired, no one goes to jail for this total ripoff, and someone gets hurt when this thing ends up red tagged after the next big rainstorm, well you know it will be you picking up the tab once again.

I report, you decide.

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Is Fitzgerald’s usefulness to Curt Pringle gone despite her best efforts to turn Downtown Fullerton into Downtown LA?

With the DCCSP and the mini DCCSP they wanted to build massive high density housing in and around the Downtown area as well as expand the Downtown area. The DCCSP, if passed, would have allowed for up to ten story buildings all throughout the major thoroughfares in Fullerton.

Jennifer Fitzgerald was given a walk up right on to the city council by people including Tony Bushala who is a long time associate of Shawn Nelson. Right after she was elected, she was given the very lucrative Vice President position at Curt Pringle and Associates.

Curt Pringle and Associates is in the business of selling influence and getting large projects developed. On their website they highlight not what they know but who they know. Meet Curt Pringle, Jennifer’s Boss for now.

The claim to fame of Curt Pringle and Associates is their connections. Fitzgerald is Nelson’s darling and an ardent pro development vote every time. With Bushala’s boys Seaborn, Whitaker and Kiger, plus Fitzgerald, there would have been 4 votes guaranteed for the DCCSP.

Bushala’s boys Seaborn, Whitaker and Kiger, plus Nelson’s darling Fitzgerald stacked the planning commission so the DCCSP would pass and it did. They even doubled down and put a SCAG senior planner on the commission just for good measure.

Well thanks to Barry Levinson and others, it never got passed the council. Thanks to Barry Levinson the revised version never got off the ground either.

Well, the DCCSP is dead for now, the mini DCCSP is also dead for now, and College Town on is ice, The Polly’s shopping center project is off the table, and The Sunrise Village development has been head off at the pass Is the handwriting on the wall? Is Fitzgerald’s usefulness to Curt Pringle gone despite her best efforts to try to turn Downtown Fullerton into an Agenda 21 version of Downtown LA?

Thank you Barry Levinson for exposing the corrupt scheme and laying bare the achilles heel of dirty Fullerton Politics.  It is very healthy for Fullertonians to know who all the power players are and what their real hidden agendas may be. The animus against us is directly a result of our doing just that. We are exposing the strings to and from all the power players in our city including Tony Bushala.   

We are exposing the power players who are the reason our city is in such awful shape. For doing what is right by the citizens has never been at the top of our city council’s agenda. As is the case always, just follow the money. We did and found that Bushala over the years bankrolled Whitaker, Kiger and Sebourn’s campaigns to the tune of upwards of six figures between the three of them. Bushala, the founder of the SOCO walk high density apartment development, was notably silent on the massive development plan called the DCCSP and so were his hired hands Kiger, Whitaker and Sebourn. Well the DCCSP is dead for now.

Is Fitzpringle done? Perhaps. Was Bushala’s involvement in getting Newman elected an attempt to influence state legislation that would bypass local control over certain zoning changes? We believe so. Nothing else makes any sense to us.

Did Tony Bushala and Jack Dean give us Josh Newman?

Was Bushala’s involvement in getting Newman elected an attempt to influence state legislation that would bring high speed rail to downtown Fullerton? You know right to the train station whose lease Bushala controls along with his many parcels in the area that can be turned into giant SOCO walk monstrosity ten story high rise apartments as he opens pot clinics and bars to serve all the patrons he could be wharehousing if he can get his peeps into the places where they can pull the strings? We know the local strings have been exposed and almost cut at this point.

Right after the recall election, Shawn Nelson who is Bushala’s buddy became Jennifer Fitzgerald’s mentor.

Tony Bushala totally gave her a pass throughout the entire 2012 campaign, and remained silent during the 2016 campaign. The negative comments now about her by The FFFF crowd after she has been elected to another 4 year term are some of the most Machiavellian style subterfuge I have ever seen in my life. It is all overseen and orchestrated by one of Fullerton’s major pupeteers, Tony Bushala.

If Jennifer Fitzgerald is washed out and the residents have woken up to the secret plans to turn Fullerton into downtown LA, ending the local officials ability to ram massive development through, then it would make sense to try to influence it at the state level. Bills like SB35 would make certain local zoning a thing of the past and must be fought with just as much might as the local power players trying to ruin our city for their own interests. We will keep exposing them, fighting them and keep you posted folks.


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