Posts Tagged Dan hughes disneyland

Former Fullerton Police Chief Danny Hughes And Current Vice President Of Security At Disneyland, Former FPD Trainer And Current FPD Corporal Steven Rubio, FPD Sergeant Kevin Craig And Disneyland Executives…Are You All Kidding Me? by BARRY LEVINSON

Barry Levinson

Just look at the picture above of Kelly Thomas in the hospital right after he was beaten so badly by a gang of Fullerton police officers that his face is unrecognizable.

Yet FPD Trainer, Corporal Steven Rubio and Sergeant Kevin Craig testified that all the actions of the FPD that night violated no FPD policies or procedures. Are you kidding me?



Yet Danny Hughes claimed to have reformed the FPD. Are you kidding me?


Yet Disney Corporation still employs Danny Hughes as VP of Security even though I called their Security Department after he was hired to document the actions of Danny Hughes as the Fullerton Police Chief. Specifically, I reported to them how he tried to frame me in my humble opinion as Police Chief with the supposed victim failing to state that I did what I was accused of and with the City’s own videotape clearly exonerating me of any wrongdoing from day one as well. But that did not stop Danny Hughes from recommending that the DA file charges against me. Are you kidding me?

I also told Disney how his actions in the Joe Felz DUI case very well might result in obstruction of justice charges being filed against him by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.

I asked them to investigate those actions and then reconsider his very high level position with Disney. Of course Disney would not give me anything in writing. I then checked back with the same security department employee about a month later to be told that apparently the investigation/case had been closed. Are you kidding me? I personally will not return to any Disney property until Dan Hughes is no longer a Disney employee. It is not a boycott but it is that I just would not feel safe doing so.

This is one more incredible act in my opinion, of total vengeance and vindictiveness towards me by Danny Hughes. Police Chief Danny Hughes took the unprecedented step of handing out dozens of copies of the completed police report (dozens of pages long) on my case to anyone in attendance at the Fullerton council meeting after the DA just concluded that he would not file any charges against me for lack of evidence. He actually picked up a very large pile from his waist to his chin stacked full of those reports and proactively asked if anyone would like a copy as he was handing them out like Halloween candy. As far as I know this was the first and last time anything like that was ever done by the FPD and by the FPD Police Chief no less. Are you kidding me?

The claim by Bruce Whitaker at a Fullerton City Council meeting that Danny Hughes told him that he hates Levinson makes a whole lot of sense in conjunction with the actions Danny Hughes took towards me.

Compare the action of a Police Chief handing out an FPD Police Report requesting I be charged with a crime that had already been dismissed due to lack evidence to proceed by the OC DA with the difficulty of getting any information about FPD officers. It is just one more example in my opinion of disgraceful behavior by Danny Hughes in the performance of his duties as police chief.

What a guy!



Could it be that our new Fullerton Police Chief, David Hendricks is cleaning house? If so, I only have one thing to say….HALLELUJAH! If only we could clean the dais of every single Council Member (Bruce Whitaker, Greg Sebourn, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva and Doug could move the public comments to end of the meeting Chafee*), The Prospects for our city may be looking up BY BARRY LEVINSON

Barry Levinson


Why would both Fullerton Police Captains, John Siko and Scott Rudisil, good buddies with former Police Chief Danny Hughes retire at the same time?  As Captains directly under the Police Chief they basically run the police department.    All that experience leaving at the same time with one of the replacing Captains coming from the Anaheim Police Department with no FPD experience whatsoever.  Is this just a coincidence?   I do not think so Fullertonians because any Police Chief would want one captain with experience during this transitional time.   But what if, like I said in the title, this was a clearing of the house?   What if this was a clearing of the Danny Hughes connections at the top of the management food chain?   Then under those circumstances it would make perfect sense.

This allowed a complete makeover of the FPD Command, namely first a New Police Chief and now two new Police Captains, Thomas Oliveras and Robert Dunn. John Siko and Scott Rudisil were closely tied to former Police Chief Danny Hughes.

Capt. Scott Rudisil, left, Police Chief Dan Hughes and Capt. John Siko all out the door

Siko refused not once but twice to take a police report from us when we attempted to report obstruction of justice involving the former police chief.
They are now both gone and based on what I know about both of them, I say good riddance. Mike Chockek, another one of Hughes’ handmaidens also left the department abruptly and is now working with Hughes at Disneyland.

Was Mike Chocek waiting to present information that was never asked for, waiting to answer questions that were never asked or waiting for just another opportunity to set up Barry Levinson? Read the story below and you be the judge.

Was this just another failed attempt to set up Barry Levinson?

But Fullertonians it gets much more interesting.  We now have heard from an anonymous source that another favorite son of Danny Hughes, Sgt. Jeff Corbett has been placed on Paid Administrative Leave.   You remember Sgt. Corbett, the field Sgt. Danny boy called in the wee hours of November 9, 2016 to complete or should I maybe say not complete the job that four officers on the scene of the Joe Felz DUI accident apparently could not do according to former Police Chief Danny Hughes.  Now if true, Corbett will be getting additional paid vacation for an extended period of time while under an apparent cloud at of course taxpayer’s expense.

We tried to confirm the status of Sgt. Jeff Corbett but our current Public Information Officer, another Danny Hughes favorite, Sgt Jon Radis would not confirm the current status of Sgt. Corbett.   A Public Information Officer making close to $200,000 a year in salary and benefits would not give us the public any information.  His reasoning was that it was a personnel matter and that according to Radus that is not given out.

Rudisil and Radus.

Bulletin to PIO Radus.   We did not ask for any details that would be found in his personnel record as to why he may have been placed on Paid Administrative Leave but were simply asking his current employment status, i.e. is he still on active duty or not.   Don’t we as citizens of Fullerton have the right to know who is patrolling our streets?  I think the answer is yes but Sgt. Radus refused to answer that very simple and straight forward question. Shame on you Sgt. Radus.

FPD pubilc information withholder Radus and his pal, ex Chief Dan Hughes

Read this anoymous unconfired information post to the Informer last year about Radus, Corbett, Siko, Hughes and othersThis came from the same source that leaked the Felz drunken hit an run the morning after the election in 2016 that let the cat out of the bag.

“In the Hughes letter regarding Felz hit and run, DUI. Hughes writes that he calls Sgt. Corbett directly. There is something called the chain of command. After hours at a police department the Watch Commander is the acting “Chief of Police”. Why would the Chief of police violate the chain of command and call a field Sgt. directly? Does Hughes have no confidence in the decision-making ability of his Watch Commander Andrew Goodrich? This never happens and in itself is very suspect but we all know why it occurred. Is it possible that Sgt. Corbett called his buddy Hughes, “ The chief of the Untouchables” to directly to start the cover-up ball rolling?

Several days after this incident Division Commander Siko calls the four initial responding officers to his office, the officers are chastised for comments they made regarding the obvious state of extreme intoxication displayed by Felz and recorded on their Axon body cameras. The Captain was dismayed that the officers did not have the common sense to know when to turn off their cameras when dealing with a highly political situation. (An officer turning off a body camera in the middle of a call is a very serious policy violation and when politics are involved, just plain stupid). The Captain Siko told the officers that they had just ruined the life of a good man.

One other overlooked fact that may have factored into the nights decision making of the Felz incident by the Mayor, Chief of Police and Watch Commander was on-going police management salary negotiations. At the time of the incident Lt. Andrew Goodrich was representing the Fullerton police management bargaining group and was in the process of working out a new agreement with Felz and the HR manager. One wonders if the thought of leverage in a late night “get out of Jail free pass” played a role?

Hughes has a history of attempting to trump-up charges on his foes and people he hates. This goes all the back to his patrol days. Hughes has a broad interpretation and selective misunderstanding of the elements of a crime when it suits his needs which when needed he uses as a weapon against others, as in the case of Mr. Barry Levinson. In most if these past cases the charges were baseless and were shot down once they were review by the DA’s office as in the case of Mr. Levinson and Corporal Irish.

In the case of Corporal Paul Irish the department had suspended Irish for changing his mind about conducting briefing training on “seat belt policy” and instead spoke about “Ethics”. The changing of training topics by a presenter happens all the time in a police briefing and is not a violation of policy.

Most of the persons present at the Irish briefing were interviewed by PSB and married to their story…a couple supervisors present who knew of Irish’s past history for reporting Hughes and Hughes’ “Untouchables” for ethics violations had embellished their accounts of the Irish Briefing training. Why would those officers embellish and lie about what Irish said in briefing, to gain or maintain favor with Hughes to preserve the status quo?

Irish was never asked by PSB about a recording but when asked later by the lawyer representing the city if he had recorded his training, Irish told the lawyer that he in fact had a copy of the recording. Fearing that the recording would be used to impeach the conflicting statements of some “Untouchable” witnesses Hughes and the city’s lawyer fought to have it thrown out. Hughes argued that by Corporal Irish, recording himself in a police briefing room in a city building attending by 25 people (most of which are uniformed cops with cameras strapped to their chest) is “confidential communication” as defined by California penal code section 632 PC.

Hughes amended the administrative charges against Irish and now charged him with the crime of 632 PC. A criminal investigation was now conducted against Corporal Irish. Months later the DA reviewed the charges and determined that Irish committed no crime. Later during arbitration, Irish’s lawyer, Mr. Michael Williamson was able to prove that in fact not only no law was violated by Irish recording himself no departmental policy was violated either.

One piece of evidence introduced in the Irish arbitration that shed some light on the Fullerton Culture of Corruption was a copy of a poster that was hanging in the locker of Fullerton Police PIO Sgt. Jon Radus. It is a photo-shop likeness of a movie poster from the movie the “Untouchables”. It depicts the face of Dan Hughes overlooking a gun toting gang of thirty’s era cops with the faces of Sgt. Corbett, Sgt. Radus, Sgt. Garah and Sgt. Petropulos superimposed on the bodies. All of these police supervisors played a dubious role in the termination of Corporal Paul Irish.

The arbitrator allowed the photograph of the poster to be introduced to support the theory that this “Untouchables clique” may have played a role in the treatment of Corporal Irish.

After one listens to the briefing training given by Corporal Paul Irish on September 6th 2014 those present and the listener does not hear a bitter employee using the platform of briefing training as his personal soap box to deliver a self-serving diatribe. One hears a honest, proud seasoned cop fed-up with the corruption at his department and sick of working with crooked cops and the supervisors who support and defend them.

Corporal Paul Irish wants his job back. He wants to serve the community of Fullerton again. He thinks he can because Hughes and Felz are now gone. I fear that when the City Council hears the recording and knows the whole story behind the termination of Corporal Irish, fearful of more city embarrassment, they will offer him a settlement he can’t refuse just to go away.”

end of anonymous post————–

Two hundred thousand dollars a year to keep us in the dark.   No wonder why Fullerton is going broke and doing nothing to make our financial situation any better.   On the contrary they just approved an extension to the current police contract that according to David Curlee will end up costing the Fullerton taxpayers an additional 12.3 million dollars over the next four years for increased pension costs.
Thank you Jennifer Fitzgerald, Jesus Silva and Mayor Doug Chaffee for saddling the overburdened and very underserved residents of Fullerton with these unaffordable additional costs.   You three are truly despicable and it is obvious to me bought and paid for by the Police Union (via campaign contributions by their PAC) harming Fullerton taxpayers and all its citizens of every age.

FPOA sellout Doug Chaffee

FPOA sellout Jennifer Fitzgerald

FPOA water boy lackey Jesus Silva

In Fullerton good news about our government only comes infrequently but the retirement, maybe encouraged by our new police chief of Siko and Rudisil is a very good thing.

We await to learn the fate of Sgt. Jeff Corbett as well.  His departure would also be a very good sign that indeed the new police chief is clearing out the dead wood leftovers from the Danny Hughes regime.  Will Tony Rackauckas, our OC DA finally step up and file obstruction of justice charges against Sgt. Corbett and Danny Hughes for allowing Joe Felz to be given a ride home after smashing his car into a tree and reeking like booze fleeing the scene of an accident?  I can only pray that finally our DA will do the right thing.

Felz and Fitzgerald’s husband

The same week we learn this good news, we also suffer the indignity of having to pay an additional 12.3 million dollars to theFullerton Police Department for their outraguous pension expenses.

Like I said good news does not come often to Fullerton but at least in this case there is some good news along with the bad.  After all with Nelson favorite Jennifer Fitzgerald, Doug Chafee, and Jesus Silva there will always be bad news coming out of the City of Fullerton.  Add in conservative imposters’ and all around phonies Whitaker and Sebourn and that is why the City of Fullerton is a financial and infrastructure disaster.   Keep those high rises coming in boys and girls.  Every one of you vote for these monstrosities adding thousands of cars and no ability to handle the additional traffic.  Along with taking care of the Public Employee Unions it is the only thing you know how to do apparently.
I report but please do not get too sick and then you decide.

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