Sources to the Fullerton Informer have confirmed that the Sunrise Village Shopping center in Sunny Hills has been slated for development. The location of the proposed development lies on corner of Euclid and Rosecrans and is on the southeast leg of the fault. This property is in direct proximity to not one, but two dangerous fault lines.
The Sunny hills branch of the Banc of California is set to close soon along with the rest of the businesses in the center. Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse for Fullerton, the thought of destroying another shopping center is before us once again. The job killing machine backed by the hacks in the chamber of commerce are running roughshod all over Fullerton and it has taken aim at the corner of Euclid and Rosecrans.

Don’t let the corsage fool you.
I have never seen a chamber of commerce so hell bent on running businesses out of town by bulldozing commercial properties. Well they tried the same crap in Raymond hills running the Polly’s shopping center into the ground making secret deals with developers last year but we blew the lid off of that and stopped it all the while CITY OFFICIALS DENIED IT WAS EVEN HAPPENING.
Beloved Polly’s Pies could still close to make way for massive highrise Section 8 housing project
They are not turning water into wine Ladies and gentlemen, they are turning the vital commercial property into housing and lots of it. Look around. Jobs are leaving Fullerton. Our commercial real estate inventory is dwindling fast and what is replacing them unlike single family homes, will have a half life.
You see when commercial property is turned into this, the jobs leave forever.
Over time these projects will become projects literally. They will become housing projects as the rents will always end up needing to be subsidized and we all know what happens when the voucher programs are expanded. The crime rate increases commensurately with the subsidies. You don’t do this to a middle class bedroom community.

10-15-or 20 years from now?
So you may ask yourself why is it that Fullerton cannot attract businesses and yet other neighboring cities can? It is simply because the long-term leases are not available due to the backroom deals with City officials, the investors and the property owners. Why are we selling off and bulldozing commercial property left and right? Maybe you ought to ask these people who continue to support candidates who engage in backroom deals and policies that are destroying Fullerton.

Curt Pringle developer operative Jennifer Fitzgerald has plenty to be ashamed of folks

Developer shill Bruce Whitaker

Planning commissioner Bennett

Establishment political operative Robyn Nordell with her pal Nelson-the gift that keeps on giving Fullerton the wrong leadership

Developer’s friend Greg Seaborn

This is their legacy to you and your children
The reason these commercial properties are being run into the ground is because the deals have already been made with city officials. Yes folks the die has already been cast.
No one in their right mind would risk evicting their tenants unless they knew the payload was on its way. These kinds of business decisions in an honestly run city are risky at best. Think about this. If you knew you had to overcome all kinds of obstacles at the municipal level to rezone your commercial property into an apartment complex such as hearings, noticings, EIR’s, commission meetings, approvals, plan checks, zoning, and of course the City Council, then would you risk kicking out out your tenants? Would you cut off your income stream completely or purchase a property not knowing if your plans for zone changes would not be guaranteed?
Well if you knew it was a foregone conclusion that you were going to get what you want from City officials, of course, you directly pass the craps table and parlay the whole thing on the rigged roulette wheel. That my friends is what is going on in Fullerton. Our city government is corrupt as hell and so is our press. Look who they backed in our last election.

Sunset on the Sunrise Village
More unemployment, more traffic, more pollution, more ruined roads, more everything except what Fullerton residents need most, jobs and shopping centers.
The wrecking ball will be very busy at this corner.
Lots of room here to build them stack em and packem high density housing units right next to an earthquake fault.
How many units can they stick on top of this Ms. Halluza?

The fact of the matter is that there is an active earthquake fault very close to where they are going to build 5 STORY WOOD FRAME UNITS.
Get ready to do battle with the phony and corrupt leaders you recently elected, with their rubber stamp appointees to the various commissions as well as the city employees whose salaries you are floating to exercise all of us through their endless line of insincere dog and pony shows. The developers are coming to Sunny Hills and with a vengeance folks.
They are going to turn this corner into
Remember when a shopping center is gone, it is gone for good along with all of the convenience it offered and the jobs it provided. Get involved and let the city officials know that they have no right to rezone any more commercial property mixed use residential or residential until they find the hundred million dollars that is missing that should have gone into fixing our roads and do something about the traffic.
And don’t blame me, I tried to warn you.
#1 by He looks like the devil on April 20, 2017 - 11:09 am
Who is that guy next to Fitzgerald giving the hand gesture?