
Larry continues to dig a deeper and deeper hole for himself with his arrogant and contemptuous comments toward the good citizens of Fullerton. He in particular called out the online site called NextDoor, which is a site dedicated to connecting people in the same or adjoining neighborhoods.


He also made a point in support of this development that also showed his lack of objectivity. According to Commissioner Bennett, the fact that the owner of the property wants to sell to Red Oak is evidence that it is a good project. Think about that statement. Mr. Bennett apparently has been spinning the facts for so long that he does not even realize when he makes comments that on its face defies any common sense.


Of course the owner of the land wants his sale to be consummated. But to use that fact as justification that it is a good deal for the community is beyond the pale. bennett


This man, LARRY BENNETT wants to be your next city council member.



Tell LARRY BENNETT on November 8th, that before we would consider giving him our vote, he first has to demonstrate that he actually represents us and not all the special interests.





P.S. I noticed yesterday that two large banners for Larry Bennett for Fullerton City Council were on the fencing in front of the closed Fullerton Internal Medicine building, the site where Melia Homes wants to build all those townhomes.


Since that issue can and probably will come up for a vote again to the Planning Commission, it seems those banners could create at least the appearance of a conflict of interest.




Question: Do we need another council member who seems to favor the special interests over the good people of Fullerton?




By Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by Fullerton Lover on October 18, 2016 - 10:55 am

    And you need to wake up to the reality that politicians like Jennifer Fitzgerald, who are wholly endorsed by the Fullerton Police and Fire departments, is nothing but a scheister intent on fleecing the unsuspecting masses………….deal with it!

    • #2 by Danny Boy on October 19, 2016 - 10:51 am

      Police and Fire always support politicians. Always. Make of it what you want. The only people they don’t support are people like Joe or Travis or Tony. People like that would never recognize anything good any of the police and fire do on a daily basis, so no point in even mentioning or endorsing people like that. The good thing is that most people who police and fire endorse, win. So that’s why politicians like to get those endorsements and get that free small money. Does it make them a fraud for it? Nope. Police and fire unions give money from the bottom to the top in the poltical spectrum. If you were to claim that police and fire receivers are all frauds, you would have very few not on that list.

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